Texas Genealogy

USA (1,380,571) > Texas (60,638)

Texas map

By Record Type

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Overview of Texas records

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Birth Records (1,692)
Cemetery Records (25,444)
Census Records (6,245)
Church Records (1,524)
City Directories (1,989)
Court Records (514)
Death Records (2,243)
Histories and Genealogies (2,394)
Immigration Records (304)
Land Records (1,419)
Map Records (3,058)
Marriage Records (2,175)
Military Records (1,523)
Minority Records (161)
Miscellaneous Records (544)
Newspapers and Obituaries (5,035)
Probate Records (615)
School Records (5,372)
Tax Records (623)

By County

Anderson County (457)
Andrews County (93)
Angelina County (394)
Aransas County (131)
Archer County (147)
Armstrong County (86)
Atascosa County (248)
Austin County (451)
Bailey County (88)
Bandera County (158)
Bastrop County (448)
Baylor County (94)
Bee County (197)
Bell County (565)
Bexar County (1,319)
Blanco County (204)
Borden County (67)
Bosque County (338)
Bowie County (535)
Brazoria County (329)
Brazos County (370)
Brewster County (109)
Briscoe County (88)
Brooks County (96)
Brown County (315)
Burleson County (253)
Burnet County (336)
Caldwell County (326)
Calhoun County (151)
Callahan County (183)
Cameron County (372)
Camp County (183)
Carson County (104)
Cass County (515)
Castro County (84)
Chambers County (194)
Cherokee County (454)
Childress County (94)
Clay County (177)
Cochran County (73)
Coke County (130)
Coleman County (183)
Collin County (724)
Collingsworth County (94)
Colorado County (328)
Comal County (359)
Comanche County (246)
Concho County (101)
Cooke County (365)
Coryell County (399)
Cottle County (76)
Crane County (68)
Crockett County (85)
Crosby County (110)
Culberson County (56)
Dallam County (84)
Dallas County (1,528)
Dawson County (117)
DeWitt County (312)
Deaf Smith County (89)
Delta County (161)
Denton County (490)
Dickens County (96)
Dimmit County (102)
Donley County (114)
Duval County (135)
Eastland County (354)
Ector County (126)
Edwards County (82)
El Paso County (537)
Ellis County (446)
Erath County (364)
Falls County (337)
Fannin County (568)
Fayette County (441)
Fisher County (129)
Floyd County (82)
Foard County (80)
Fort Bend County (332)
Franklin County (176)
Freestone County (392)
Frio County (155)
Gaines County (94)
Galveston County (636)
Garza County (70)
Gillespie County (264)
Glasscock County (60)
Goliad County (178)
Gonzales County (374)
Gray County (165)
Grayson County (864)
Gregg County (376)
Grimes County (304)
Guadalupe County (328)
Hale County (124)
Hall County (108)
Hamilton County (224)
Hansford County (81)
Hardeman County (111)
Hardin County (172)
Harris County (1,639)
Harrison County (514)
Hartley County (69)
Haskell County (180)
Hays County (294)
Hemphill County (95)
Henderson County (406)
Hidalgo County (400)
Hill County (401)
Hockley County (124)
Hood County (201)
Hopkins County (434)
Houston County (461)
Howard County (156)
Hudspeth County (75)
Hunt County (424)
Hutchinson County (120)
Irion County (73)
Jack County (284)
Jackson County (153)
Jasper County (224)
Jeff Davis County (85)
Jefferson County (565)
Jim Hogg County (58)
Jim Wells County (151)
Johnson County (366)
Jones County (146)
Karnes County (178)
Kaufman County (303)
Kendall County (188)
Kenedy County (49)
Kent County (66)
Kerr County (250)
Kimble County (111)
King County (62)
Kinney County (93)
Kleberg County (90)
Knox County (118)
La Salle County (87)
Lamar County (451)
Lamb County (108)
Lampasas County (204)
Lavaca County (259)
Lee County (203)
Leon County (397)
Liberty County (259)
Limestone County (425)
Lipscomb County (99)
Live Oak County (111)
Llano County (246)
Loving County (46)
Lubbock County (309)
Lynn County (83)
Madison County (183)
Marion County (228)
Martin County (74)
Mason County (160)
Matagorda County (255)
Maverick County (113)
McCulloch County (155)
McLennan County (674)
McMullen County (76)
Medina County (232)
Menard County (94)
Midland County (159)
Milam County (480)
Mills County (163)
Mitchell County (136)
Montague County (314)
Montgomery County (391)
Moore County (92)
Morris County (225)
Motley County (75)
Nacogdoches County (516)
Navarro County (384)
Newton County (194)
Nolan County (136)
Nueces County (372)
Ochiltree County (68)
Oldham County (83)
Orange County (282)
Palo Pinto County (252)
Panola County (321)
Parker County (383)
Parmer County (86)
Pecos County (108)
Polk County (257)
Potter County (301)
Presidio County (102)
Rains County (157)
Randall County (117)
Reagan County (65)
Real County (66)
Red River County (415)
Reeves County (127)
Refugio County (160)
Roberts County (63)
Robertson County (290)
Rockwall County (155)
Runnels County (191)
Rusk County (470)
Sabine County (218)
San Augustine County (302)
San Jacinto County (162)
San Patricio County (162)
San Saba County (182)
Schleicher County (79)
Scurry County (166)
Shackelford County (142)
Shelby County (340)
Sherman County (71)
Smith County (695)
Somervell County (131)
Starr County (149)
Stephens County (140)
Sterling County (67)
Stonewall County (102)
Sutton County (66)
Swisher County (115)
Tarrant County (1,032)
Taylor County (403)
Terrell County (57)
Terry County (95)
Throckmorton County (101)
Titus County (292)
Tom Green County (265)
Travis County (947)
Trinity County (188)
Tyler County (262)
Upshur County (268)
Upton County (87)
Uvalde County (166)
Val Verde County (111)
Van Zandt County (316)
Victoria County (224)
Walker County (268)
Waller County (282)
Ward County (92)
Washington County (376)
Webb County (210)
Wharton County (236)
Wheeler County (115)
Wichita County (323)
Wilbarger County (151)
Willacy County (94)
Williamson County (531)
Wilson County (228)
Winkler County (85)
Wise County (305)
Wood County (322)
Yoakum County (77)
Young County (223)
Zapata County (101)
Zavala County (95)

By City

Abbott (in Hill County) (8)
Abernathy (in Hale County) (6)
Abilene (in Taylor County) (226)
Ackerly (in Dawson County) (6)
Adamsville (in Lampasas County) (12)
Addison (in Dallas County) (5)
Alamo (in Hidalgo County) (13)
Alamo Heights (in Bexar County) (8)
Alba (in Wood County) (17)
Albany (in Shackelford County) (43)
Albion (in Red River County) (6)
Aldine (in Harris County) (9)
Aledo (in Parker County) (19)
Alexander (in Erath County) (6)
Alice (in Jim Wells County) (41)
Alief (in Harris County) (6)
Allen (in Collin County) (15)
Allen Point (in Fannin County) (5)
Alpine (in Brewster County) (20)
Altair (in Colorado County) (5)
Alto (in Cherokee County) (30)
Alum Creek (in Bastrop County) (7)
Alvarado (in Johnson County) (44)
Alvin (in Brazoria County) (18)
Alvord (in Wise County) (39)
Amarillo (in Potter County) (228)
Ames (in Liberty County) (5)
Amherst (in Lamb County) (7)
Ammannsville (in Fayette County) (10)
Anahuac (in Chambers County) (24)
Anderson (in Grimes County) (31)
Andice (in Williamson County) (5)
Andrews (in Andrews County) (23)
Angleton (in Brazoria County) (18)
Anna (in Collin County) (17)
Annona (in Red River County) (11)
Anson (in Jones County) (25)
Antelope (in Jack County) (8)
Anton (in Hockley County) (9)
Apple Springs (in Trinity County) (9)
Aquilla (in Hill County) (12)
Aransas Pass (in Aransas County) (18)
Archer (in Archer County) (18)
Argyle (in Denton County) (14)
Arlington (in Tarrant County) (110)
Arp (in Smith County) (19)
Asherton (in Dimmit County) (5)
Aspermont (in Stonewall County) (25)
Atascosa (in Bexar County) (9)
Athens (in Henderson County) (109)
Atlanta (in Cass County) (34)
Aubrey (in Denton County) (11)
Augusta (in Houston County) (11)
Aurora (in Wise County) (5)
Austin (in Travis County) (603)
Austonio (in Houston County) (8)
Austwell (in Refugio County) (8)
Avery (in Red River County) (13)
Avinger (in Cass County) (17)
Avoca (in Jones County) (7)
Axtell (in McLennan County) (9)
Azle (in Tarrant County) (23)
Bagwell (in Red River County) (19)
Baird (in Callahan County) (28)
Ballinger (in Runnels County) (40)
Balmorhea (in Reeves County) (9)
Bandera (in Bandera County) (19)
Bangs (in Brown County) (16)
Banquete (in Nueces County) (7)
Barclay (in Falls County) (6)
Bardwell (in Ellis County) (9)
Barksdale (in Edwards County) (5)
Barrett (in Harris County) (5)
Barstow (in Ward County) (7)
Bartlett (in Bell County) (44)
Bastrop (in Bastrop County) (58)
Batesville (in Zavala County) (7)
Bay City (in Matagorda County) (34)
Baytown (in Harris County) (58)
Bazette (in Navarro County) (5)
Beasley (in Fort Bend County) (7)
Beaumont (in Jefferson County) (222)
Beckville (in Panola County) (17)
Bedford (in Tarrant County) (8)
Bedias (in Grimes County) (17)
Bee Cave (in Travis County) (11)
Beech Grove (in Jasper County) (7)
Beeville (in Bee County) (61)
Bellaire (in Harris County) (15)
Bellevue (in Clay County) (8)
Bellmead (in McLennan County) (7)
Bells (in Grayson County) (46)
Bellville (in Austin County) (99)
Belmont (in Gonzales County) (11)
Belton (in Bell County) (72)
Ben Bolt (in Jim Wells County) (7)
Ben Wheeler (in Van Zandt County) (9)
Benavides (in Duval County) (9)
Benbrook (in Tarrant County) (7)
Benchley (in Robertson County) (5)
Benjamin (in Knox County) (9)
Berea (in Houston County) (6)
Berean (in Matagorda County) (5)
Bergheim (in Kendall County) (8)
Bernardo (in Colorado County) (5)
Bertram (in Burnet County) (27)
Bexar (in Bexar County) (6)
Biardstown (in Lamar County) (11)
Big Lake (in Reagan County) (14)
Big Sandy (in Upshur County) (24)
Big Spring (in Howard County) (60)
Big Wells (in Dimmit County) (6)
Bigfoot (in Frio County) (6)
Bishop (in Nueces County) (10)
Blackwell (in Coke County) (6)
Blanco (in Blanco County) (30)
Blanket (in Brown County) (11)
Bleakwood (in Newton County) (8)
Blessing (in Matagorda County) (8)
Bloomburg (in Cass County) (7)
Blooming Grove (in Navarro County) (15)
Bloomington (in Victoria County) (7)
Blossom (in Lamar County) (17)
Blue (in Lee County) (7)
Blue Ridge (in Falls County) (7)
Blue Ridge in Collin County (in Collin County) (10)
Bluff Dale (in Erath County) (9)
Blum (in Hill County) (13)
Boerne (in Kendall County) (38)
Bogata (in Red River County) (16)
Bon Wier (in Newton County) (5)
Bonham (in Fannin County) (85)
Booker (in Lipscomb County) (10)
Borger (in Hutchinson County) (18)
Bosqueville (in McLennan County) (5)
Bovina (in Parmer County) (8)
Bowie (in Montague County) (33)
Boyd (in Wise County) (15)
Bracken (in Comal County) (6)
Brackettville (in Kinney County) (24)
Bradford (in Anderson County) (7)
Bradshaw (in Taylor County) (5)
Brady (in McCulloch County) (39)
Branchville (in Milam County) (9)
Brazoria (in Brazoria County) (21)
Brazos Point (in Bosque County) (5)
Breckenridge (in Stephens County) (26)
Bremond (in Robertson County) (15)
Brenham (in Washington County) (96)
Bridge City (in Orange County) (9)
Bridgeport (in Wise County) (26)
Briggs (in Burnet County) (11)
Broaddus (in San Augustine County) (25)
Bronson (in Sabine County) (7)
Bronte (in Coke County) (8)
Brookshire (in Waller County) (22)
Brownfield (in Terry County) (16)
Brownsboro (in Henderson County) (19)
Brownsville (in Cameron County) (119)
Brownwood (in Brown County) (97)
Bruceville (in McLennan County) (6)
Brushy Creek (in Anderson County) (9)
Bryan (in Brazos County) (157)
Bryarly (in Red River County) (6)
Bryson (in Jack County) (18)
Buckholts (in Milam County) (10)
Buckhorn (in Austin County) (9)
Buda (in Hays County) (17)
Buffalo (in Leon County) (35)
Buffalo Springs (in Clay County) (5)
Bulcher (in Cooke County) (5)
Bullard (in Smith County) (20)
Bulverde (in Comal County) (25)
Buna (in Jasper County) (15)
Burkburnett (in Wichita County) (22)
Burkett (in Coleman County) (6)
Burkeville (in Newton County) (18)
Burleigh (in Austin County) (5)
Burleson (in Johnson County) (23)
Burnet (in Burnet County) (51)
Burr (in Wharton County) (7)
Burton (in Washington County) (28)
Butler (in Freestone County) (13)
Byers (in Clay County) (7)
Caddo Mills (in Hunt County) (17)
Caldwell (in Burleson County) (77)
Calf Creek (in McCulloch County) (5)
Callisburg (in Cooke County) (14)
Calvert (in Robertson County) (33)
Cameron (in Milam County) (63)
Camp Verde (in Kerr County) (9)
Campbell (in Hunt County) (13)
Campbellton (in Atascosa County) (6)
Canadian (in Hemphill County) (30)
Caney (in Hopkins County) (5)
Cannon (in Grayson County) (7)
Canton (in Van Zandt County) (34)
Canutillo (in El Paso County) (5)
Canyon (in Randall County) (44)
Canyon Lake (in Comal County) (12)
Carbon (in Eastland County) (30)
Carey (in Childress County) (5)
Carlton (in Hamilton County) (5)
Carmine (in Fayette County) (7)
Carrizo Springs (in Dimmit County) (18)
Carrollton (in Dallas County) (45)
Carthage (in Panola County) (55)
Cash (in Hunt County) (5)
Cason (in Morris County) (6)
Castell (in Llano County) (11)
Castroville (in Medina County) (32)
Cat Spring (in Austin County) (11)
Cayuga (in Anderson County) (8)
Cedar Bayou (in Harris County) (7)
Cedar Creek (in Bastrop County) (20)
Cedar Hill (in Dallas County) (19)
Cedar Lake (in Matagorda County) (7)
Cedar Park (in Williamson County) (11)
Celeste (in Hunt County) (10)
Celina (in Collin County) (31)
Center (in Shelby County) (55)
Center Point (in Kerr County) (16)
Centerville (in Leon County) (53)
Chambersville (in Collin County) (6)
Chandler (in Henderson County) (19)
Channelview (in Harris County) (6)
Channing (in Hartley County) (8)
Chappell Hill (in Washington County) (16)
Charlotte (in Atascosa County) (10)
Chatfield (in Navarro County) (7)
Cheapside (in Gonzales County) (6)
Cherry Spring (in Gillespie County) (7)
Chester (in Tyler County) (19)
Chico (in Wise County) (17)
Chicota (in Lamar County) (9)
Childress (in Childress County) (24)
Chillicothe (in Hardeman County) (18)
Chilton (in Falls County) (15)
China Spring (in McLennan County) (9)
Chireno (in Nacogdoches County) (12)
Chriesman (in Burleson County) (5)
Christine (in Atascosa County) (6)
Christoval (in Tom Green County) (9)
Cibolo (in Guadalupe County) (11)
Cisco (in Eastland County) (53)
Cistern (in Fayette County) (7)
Clarendon (in Donley County) (39)
Clarksville (in Red River County) (65)
Claude (in Armstrong County) (17)
Clayton (in Panola County) (5)
Cleburne (in Johnson County) (84)
Cleveland (in Liberty County) (50)
Clifton (in Bosque County) (43)
Clint (in El Paso County) (6)
Clute (in Brazoria County) (13)
Clyde (in Callahan County) (24)
Coahoma (in Howard County) (8)
Coldspring (in San Jacinto County) (23)
Coleman (in Coleman County) (36)
College Station (in Brazos County) (38)
Colleyville (in Tarrant County) (10)
Collinsville (in Grayson County) (21)
Colmesneil (in Tyler County) (31)
Colorado City (in Mitchell County) (40)
Columbia (in Brazoria County) (6)
Columbus (in Colorado County) (62)
Comanche (in Comanche County) (32)
Comfort (in Kendall County) (22)
Commerce (in Hunt County) (49)
Como (in Hopkins County) (22)
Concan (in Uvalde County) (6)
Concepcion (in Duval County) (9)
Concord in Rusk County (in Rusk County) (5)
Concrete (in DeWitt County) (7)
Conroe (in Montgomery County) (52)
Converse (in Bexar County) (9)
Cookville (in Titus County) (10)
Coolidge (in Limestone County) (16)
Cooper (in Delta County) (22)
Coppell (in Dallas County) (15)
Copperas Cove (in Coryell County) (23)
Corpus Christi (in Nueces County) (201)
Corrigan (in Polk County) (23)
Corsicana (in Navarro County) (87)
Coryell (in Coryell County) (10)
Cotton Gin (in Freestone County) (8)
Cottondale (in Wise County) (5)
Cotulla (in La Salle County) (15)
Coupland (in Williamson County) (6)
Cove (in Chambers County) (9)
Covington (in Hill County) (9)
Crabapple (in Gillespie County) (5)
Crandall (in Kaufman County) (7)
Crane (in Crane County) (11)
Cranfills Gap (in Bosque County) (16)
Crawford (in McLennan County) (14)
Creedmoor (in Travis County) (5)
Crockett (in Houston County) (81)
Crosby (in Harris County) (19)
Crosbyton (in Crosby County) (13)
Cross Plains (in Callahan County) (20)
Cross Roads (in Henderson County) (9)
Crowell (in Foard County) (20)
Crowley (in Tarrant County) (11)
Crystal City (in Zavala County) (11)
Cuero (in DeWitt County) (63)
Cumby (in Hopkins County) (24)
Cushing (in Nacogdoches County) (20)
Cypress (in Harris County) (35)
Cypress Mill (in Blanco County) (6)
D'Hanis (in Medina County) (13)
Daingerfield (in Morris County) (30)
Dale (in Caldwell County) (11)
Dalhart (in Dallam County) (20)
Dallas (in Dallas County) (762)
Damon (in Brazoria County) (6)
Danbury (in Brazoria County) (5)
Darrouzett (in Lipscomb County) (7)
Davilla (in Milam County) (8)
Dawson (in Navarro County) (17)
Dayton (in Liberty County) (23)
De Berry (in Panola County) (21)
De Leon (in Comanche County) (26)
DeKalb (in Bowie County) (31)
DeSoto (in Dallas County) (10)
Deadwood (in Panola County) (7)
Deanville (in Burleson County) (7)
Decatur (in Wise County) (45)
Deer Park (in Harris County) (9)
Del Rio (in Val Verde County) (41)
Del Valle (in Travis County) (5)
Dell City (in Hudspeth County) (7)
Delmita (in Starr County) (5)
Denison (in Grayson County) (147)
Denton (in Denton County) (102)
Denver City (in Yoakum County) (11)
Deport (in Lamar County) (16)
Desdemona (in Eastland County) (7)
Desert (in Collin County) (5)
Detroit (in Red River County) (29)
Devers (in Liberty County) (8)
Devine (in Medina County) (18)
Dew (in Freestone County) (8)
Deweyville (in Newton County) (5)
Diana (in Upshur County) (12)
Diboll (in Angelina County) (20)
Dickens (in Dickens County) (10)
Dickinson (in Galveston County) (13)
Dike (in Hopkins County) (8)
Dilley (in Frio County) (17)
Dime Box (in Lee County) (10)
Dimmitt (in Castro County) (11)
Dodd City (in Fannin County) (19)
Dodge (in Walker County) (5)
Donie (in Freestone County) (13)
Donna (in Hidalgo County) (19)
Doss (in Gillespie County) (5)
Double Bayou (in Chambers County) (7)
Doucette (in Tyler County) (5)
Douglass (in Nacogdoches County) (10)
Douglassville (in Cass County) (16)
Downing (in Comanche County) (5)
Driftwood (in Hays County) (7)
Dripping Springs (in Hays County) (16)
Dubina (in Fayette County) (7)
Dublin (in Erath County) (45)
Dumas (in Moore County) (16)
Duncanville (in Dallas County) (15)
Eagle Lake (in Colorado County) (26)
Eagle Pass (in Maverick County) (44)
Early (in Brown County) (11)
Earth (in Lamb County) (11)
East Bernard (in Wharton County) (14)
East Tawakoni (in Rains County) (5)
Eastland (in Eastland County) (30)
Ector (in Fannin County) (13)
Eden (in Concho County) (8)
Edgar (in DeWitt County) (6)
Edgewood (in Van Zandt County) (16)
Edinburg (in Hidalgo County) (42)
Edna (in Jackson County) (25)
Egypt (in Wharton County) (5)
El Campo (in Wharton County) (25)
El Maton (in Matagorda County) (7)
El Paso (in El Paso County) (379)
Elbert (in Throckmorton County) (5)
Eldorado (in Schleicher County) (11)
Electra (in Wichita County) (31)
Elgin (in Bastrop County) (40)
Eliasville (in Young County) (10)
Elk (in McLennan County) (5)
Elkhart (in Anderson County) (29)
Ellinger (in Fayette County) (7)
Elmendorf (in Bexar County) (17)
Elwood (in Fannin County) (5)
Elysian Fields (in Harrison County) (13)
Emory (in Rains County) (30)
Encino (in Brooks County) (14)
Ennis (in Ellis County) (36)
Eola (in Concho County) (5)
Euless (in Tarrant County) (12)
Eureka (in Navarro County) (7)
Eustace (in Henderson County) (12)
Everman (in Tarrant County) (7)
Fabens (in El Paso County) (10)
Fair Play (in Panola County) (5)
Fairfield (in Freestone County) (65)
Falfurrias (in Brooks County) (17)
Fannin (in Goliad County) (11)
Farmers Branch (in Dallas County) (16)
Farmersville (in Collin County) (44)
Farwell (in Parmer County) (11)
Fayetteville (in Fayette County) (20)
Ferris (in Ellis County) (17)
Fields Store (in Waller County) (5)
Flatonia (in Fayette County) (23)
Flint (in Smith County) (7)
Flo (in Leon County) (11)
Florence (in Williamson County) (23)
Floresville (in Wilson County) (35)
Flower Mound (in Denton County) (15)
Floydada (in Floyd County) (13)
Flynn (in Leon County) (15)
Follett (in Lipscomb County) (9)
Forestburg (in Montague County) (10)
Forney (in Kaufman County) (17)
Fort Bliss (in El Paso County) (5)
Fort Davis (in Jeff Davis County) (21)
Fort Hood (in Coryell County) (17)
Fort Stockton (in Pecos County) (21)
Fort Worth (in Tarrant County) (527)
Franklin (in Robertson County) (26)
Frankston (in Anderson County) (21)
Fred (in Tyler County) (9)
Fredericksburg (in Gillespie County) (57)
Freeport (in Brazoria County) (16)
Freer (in Duval County) (15)
Frelsburg (in Colorado County) (17)
Friendship (in Smith County) (5)
Friendswood (in Galveston County) (22)
Friona (in Parmer County) (9)
Frisco (in Collin County) (22)
Frost (in Navarro County) (17)
Fulshear (in Fort Bend County) (15)
Fulton (in Aransas County) (5)
Gail (in Borden County) (7)
Gainesville (in Cooke County) (84)
Galena Park (in Harris County) (5)
Gallatin (in Cherokee County) (7)
Galveston (in Galveston County) (362)
Ganado (in Jackson County) (12)
Garden City (in Glasscock County) (7)
Garden Ridge (in Comal County) (7)
Garfield (in Travis County) (11)
Garland (in Dallas County) (50)
Garner (in Parker County) (6)
Garrison (in Nacogdoches County) (14)
Garwood (in Colorado County) (6)
Gary (in Panola County) (9)
Gatesville (in Coryell County) (89)
Gause (in Milam County) (8)
Gay Hill (in Washington County) (6)
Geneva (in Sabine County) (7)
George West (in Live Oak County) (18)
Georges Creek (in Somervell County) (5)
Georgetown (in Williamson County) (77)
Geronimo (in Guadalupe County) (6)
Gholson (in McLennan County) (6)
Gibtown (in Jack County) (6)
Giddings (in Lee County) (31)
Gillett (in Karnes County) (8)
Gilmer (in Upshur County) (73)
Gladewater (in Gregg County) (39)
Glen Flora (in Wharton County) (8)
Glen Rose (in Somervell County) (32)
Glenfawn (in Rusk County) (7)
Godley (in Johnson County) (14)
Golden (in Wood County) (5)
Goldthwaite (in Mills County) (27)
Goliad (in Goliad County) (41)
Gonzales (in Gonzales County) (69)
Goodnight (in Armstrong County) (6)
Goose Creek (in Harris County) (8)
Gordon (in Palo Pinto County) (18)
Gordonville (in Grayson County) (19)
Gorman (in Eastland County) (15)
Goshen (in Parker County) (5)
Graford (in Palo Pinto County) (10)
Graham (in Young County) (46)
Granbury (in Hood County) (51)
Grand Prairie (in Dallas County) (51)
Grand Saline (in Van Zandt County) (24)
Grandfalls (in Ward County) (7)
Grandview (in Johnson County) (24)
Granger (in Williamson County) (25)
Grapeland (in Houston County) (73)
Grapevine (in Tarrant County) (20)
Graytown (in Wilson County) (13)
Greenview (in Hopkins County) (7)
Greenville (in Hunt County) (74)
Greggton (in Gregg County) (5)
Gregory (in San Patricio County) (6)
Groesbeck (in Limestone County) (62)
Groom (in Carson County) (10)
Groves (in Jefferson County) (7)
Groveton (in Trinity County) (28)
Gruver (in Hansford County) (6)
Guadalupe (in Victoria County) (5)
Gunter (in Grayson County) (15)
Gustine (in Comanche County) (13)
Guthrie (in King County) (6)
Hainesville (in Wood County) (6)
Hale Center (in Hale County) (8)
Hallettsville (in Lavaca County) (66)
Hallsville (in Harrison County) (31)
Haltom City (in Tarrant County) (14)
Hamilton (in Hamilton County) (16)
Hamlin (in Jones County) (12)
Hamshire (in Jefferson County) (5)
Hankamer (in Chambers County) (6)
Happy (in Swisher County) (10)
Harleton (in Harrison County) (16)
Harlingen (in Cameron County) (43)
Harper (in Gillespie County) (18)
Harrold (in Wilbarger County) (7)
Harwood (in Gonzales County) (10)
Haskell (in Haskell County) (23)
Hawkins (in Wood County) (29)
Hawley (in Jones County) (6)
Hearne (in Robertson County) (32)
Heath (in Rockwall County) (8)
Hebbronville (in Jim Hogg County) (12)
Hedley (in Donley County) (11)
Hegar (in Waller County) (5)
Helena (in Karnes County) (7)
Helotes (in Bexar County) (19)
Hemphill (in Sabine County) (18)
Hempstead (in Waller County) (53)
Henderson (in Rusk County) (101)
Henrietta (in Clay County) (31)
Hereford (in Deaf Smith County) (29)
Hermleigh (in Scurry County) (13)
Hico (in Hamilton County) (33)
Higgins (in Lipscomb County) (8)
High Hill (in Fayette County) (8)
High Island (in Galveston County) (6)
Highlands (in Harris County) (10)
Hilda (in Mason County) (5)
Hillister (in Tyler County) (7)
Hills Prairie (in Bastrop County) (6)
Hillsboro (in Hill County) (55)
Hitchcock (in Galveston County) (18)
Hobbs (in Fisher County) (5)
Hochheim (in DeWitt County) (9)
Hockley (in Harris County) (12)
Holland (in Bell County) (26)
Holliday (in Archer County) (12)
Hondo (in Medina County) (33)
Honey Creek (in Comal County) (6)
Honey Grove (in Fannin County) (42)
Hooks (in Bowie County) (16)
Hornsby Bend (in Travis County) (7)
Hortense (in Polk County) (5)
Hostyn (in Fayette County) (6)
Houston (in Harris County) (1,011)
Howe (in Grayson County) (15)
Hubbard (in Hill County) (32)
Huckabay (in Erath County) (12)
Huffman (in Harris County) (6)
Hughes Springs (in Cass County) (44)
Humble (in Harris County) (36)
Hungerford (in Wharton County) (6)
Hunt (in Kerr County) (8)
Huntington (in Angelina County) (38)
Huntsville (in Walker County) (94)
Hurst (in Tarrant County) (18)
Hutchins (in Dallas County) (7)
Hutto (in Williamson County) (23)
Huxley (in Shelby County) (6)
Idalou (in Lubbock County) (10)
Illinois Bend (in Montague County) (5)
Imperial (in Pecos County) (6)
Independence (in Washington County) (11)
Indianola (in Calhoun County) (13)
Industry (in Austin County) (15)
Inez (in Victoria County) (12)
Ingleside (in San Patricio County) (13)
Ingram (in Kerr County) (14)
Iola (in Grimes County) (17)
Iowa Park (in Wichita County) (19)
Ira (in Scurry County) (10)
Iraan (in Pecos County) (10)
Iredell (in Bosque County) (24)
Irene (in Hill County) (10)
Irving (in Dallas County) (91)
Italy (in Ellis County) (20)
Itasca (in Hill County) (26)
Ivanhoe (in Fannin County) (9)
Jacksboro (in Jack County) (90)
Jacksonville (in Cherokee County) (93)
Jamestown in Smith County (in Smith County) (5)
Jarrell (in Williamson County) (6)
Jasper (in Jasper County) (34)
Jayton (in Kent County) (8)
Jefferson (in Marion County) (90)
Jewett (in Leon County) (23)
Joaquin (in Shelby County) (14)
Johnson City (in Blanco County) (30)
Johnsville (in Erath County) (7)
Joinerville (in Rusk County) (8)
Jonah (in Williamson County) (9)
Jones Prairie (in Milam County) (5)
Jonesboro (in Coryell County) (10)
Jonesville (in Harrison County) (6)
Joshua (in Johnson County) (14)
Jourdanton (in Atascosa County) (15)
Judson (in Gregg County) (5)
Junction (in Kimble County) (26)
Justin (in Denton County) (9)
Karnack (in Harrison County) (15)
Karnes City (in Karnes County) (21)
Katy (in Harris County) (10)
Kaufman (in Kaufman County) (18)
Keene (in Johnson County) (11)
Keith (in Grimes County) (5)
Keller (in Tarrant County) (10)
Kelsey (in Upshur County) (6)
Kemp (in Kaufman County) (10)
Kempner (in Lampasas County) (10)
Kendalia (in Kendall County) (16)
Kenedy (in Karnes County) (29)
Kennard (in Houston County) (19)
Kennedale (in Tarrant County) (10)
Kenney (in Austin County) (8)
Kentuckytown (in Grayson County) (13)
Kerens (in Navarro County) (16)
Kermit (in Winkler County) (21)
Kerrville (in Kerr County) (97)
Kilgore (in Gregg County) (53)
Killeen (in Bell County) (46)
Kingsbury (in Guadalupe County) (20)
Kingsland (in Llano County) (6)
Kingsville (in Kleberg County) (42)
Kirbyville (in Jasper County) (14)
Kirvin (in Freestone County) (18)
Klondike (in Delta County) (7)
Knox City (in Knox County) (12)
Kopperl (in Bosque County) (10)
Kosse (in Limestone County) (23)
Kountze (in Hardin County) (21)
Kress (in Swisher County) (5)
Krum (in Denton County) (11)
Kurten (in Brazos County) (10)
Kyle (in Hays County) (21)
La Coste (in Medina County) (6)
La Feria (in Cameron County) (14)
La Grange (in Fayette County) (55)
La Grulla (in Starr County) (8)
La Marque (in Galveston County) (11)
La Porte (in Harris County) (21)
La Pryor (in Zavala County) (7)
La Vernia (in Wilson County) (30)
Ladonia (in Fannin County) (43)
Lafayette (in Upshur County) (9)
Lago Vista (in Travis County) (6)
Lake Brownwood (in Brown County) (5)
Lake Dallas (in Denton County) (10)
Lake Jackson (in Brazoria County) (7)
Lake Kiowa (in Cooke County) (6)
Lake Victor (in Burnet County) (12)
Lakeport (in Gregg County) (5)
Lakeview (in Jefferson County) (5)
Lamasco (in Fannin County) (5)
Lamesa (in Dawson County) (19)
Lampasas (in Lampasas County) (52)
Lancaster (in Dallas County) (19)
Laneville (in Rusk County) (10)
Laredo (in Webb County) (106)
Lasara (in Willacy County) (5)
Latexo (in Houston County) (12)
Lavon (in Collin County) (8)
Lawn (in Taylor County) (5)
Lawsonville (in Rusk County) (6)
League City (in Galveston County) (18)
Leakey (in Real County) (9)
Leander (in Williamson County) (12)
Leesville (in Gonzales County) (12)
Lefors (in Gray County) (9)
Leming (in Atascosa County) (5)
Leona (in Leon County) (20)
Leonard (in Fannin County) (30)
Levelland (in Hockley County) (28)
Lewisville (in Denton County) (40)
Lexington (in Lee County) (19)
Liberty (in Liberty County) (16)
Liberty Hill (in Williamson County) (31)
Lincoln (in Lee County) (6)
Lindale (in Smith County) (35)
Linden (in Cass County) (32)
Lindsay (in Cooke County) (5)
Lingleville (in Erath County) (7)
Lipan (in Hood County) (10)
Lipscomb (in Lipscomb County) (7)
Little Cypress (in Orange County) (5)
Little Elm (in Denton County) (9)
Littlefield (in Lamb County) (16)
Livingston (in Polk County) (55)
Llano (in Llano County) (39)
Lockett (in Wilbarger County) (6)
Lockhart (in Caldwell County) (49)
Lockney (in Floyd County) (10)
Lodi (in Marion County) (5)
Lohn (in McCulloch County) (6)
Lometa (in Lampasas County) (19)
London (in Kimble County) (8)
Lone Grove (in Llano County) (11)
Lone Oak (in Hunt County) (14)
Lone Star (in Morris County) (5)
Long Branch (in Panola County) (8)
Longview (in Gregg County) (120)
Loop (in Gaines County) (5)
Loraine (in Mitchell County) (12)
Lorena (in McLennan County) (7)
Lorenzo (in Crosby County) (10)
Losoya (in Bexar County) (9)
Lott (in Falls County) (30)
Louise (in Wharton County) (7)
Lovelady (in Houston County) (31)
Lowry Crossing (in Collin County) (7)
Lubbock (in Lubbock County) (178)
Luckenbach (in Gillespie County) (5)
Lueders (in Jones County) (5)
Luella (in Grayson County) (14)
Lufkin (in Angelina County) (105)
Luling (in Caldwell County) (52)
Lumberton (in Hardin County) (9)
Lyford (in Willacy County) (5)
Lytle (in Atascosa County) (13)
Lytton Springs (in Caldwell County) (7)
Mabank (in Kaufman County) (13)
Macdona (in Bexar County) (6)
Macune (in San Augustine County) (5)
Madisonville (in Madison County) (54)
Magnolia (in Montgomery County) (30)
Magnolia Springs (in Jasper County) (5)
Malakoff (in Henderson County) (19)
Malone (in Hill County) (8)
Manchaca (in Travis County) (5)
Manchester (in Red River County) (6)
Manor (in Travis County) (24)
Mansfield (in Tarrant County) (43)
Marathon (in Brewster County) (7)
Marble Falls (in Burnet County) (47)
Marfa (in Presidio County) (22)
Marietta (in Cass County) (8)
Marion (in Guadalupe County) (10)
Marlin (in Falls County) (48)
Marquez (in Leon County) (20)
Marshall (in Harrison County) (198)
Mart (in Limestone County) (15)
Martindale (in Caldwell County) (16)
Martinsville (in Nacogdoches County) (5)
Mason (in Mason County) (28)
Matador (in Motley County) (14)
Matagorda (in Matagorda County) (20)
Mathis (in San Patricio County) (13)
Maud (in Bowie County) (13)
Mauriceville (in Orange County) (6)
Maxwell (in Caldwell County) (9)
May (in Brown County) (13)
Maydelle (in Cherokee County) (13)
Maypearl (in Ellis County) (14)
Maysfield (in Milam County) (6)
McAdoo (in Dickens County) (7)
McAllen (in Hidalgo County) (43)
McCamey (in Upton County) (18)
McCaulley (in Fisher County) (6)
McDade (in Bastrop County) (16)
McGregor (in McLennan County) (29)
McKinney (in Collin County) (132)
McLean (in Gray County) (25)
McLeod (in Cass County) (8)
McMahan (in Caldwell County) (8)
Meadow (in Terry County) (9)
Medicine Mound (in Hardeman County) (5)
Medina (in Bandera County) (25)
Megargel (in Archer County) (11)
Melissa (in Collin County) (12)
Melvin (in McCulloch County) (7)
Memphis (in Hall County) (20)
Menard (in Menard County) (21)
Mercedes (in Hidalgo County) (29)
Meridian (in Bosque County) (31)
Merit (in Hunt County) (5)
Merkel (in Taylor County) (22)
Mertzon (in Irion County) (8)
Mesquite (in Dallas County) (54)
Mexia (in Limestone County) (79)
Meyersville (in DeWitt County) (12)
Miami (in Roberts County) (10)
Middleton (in Leon County) (6)
Midland (in Midland County) (87)
Midlothian (in Ellis County) (36)
Midway (in Madison County) (13)
Milam (in Sabine County) (23)
Milano (in Milam County) (16)
Miles (in Runnels County) (15)
Milford (in Ellis County) (21)
Miller Grove (in Hopkins County) (12)
Millheim (in Austin County) (7)
Millican (in Brazos County) (14)
Millsap (in Parker County) (16)
Minden (in Rusk County) (6)
Mineola (in Wood County) (51)
Mineral Wells (in Palo Pinto County) (60)
Minerva (in Milam County) (7)
Mingus (in Palo Pinto County) (7)
Mirando City (in Webb County) (7)
Mission (in Hidalgo County) (37)
Missouri City (in Fort Bend County) (6)
Mobeetie (in Wheeler County) (11)
Monahans (in Ward County) (14)
Monaville (in Waller County) (10)
Mont Belvieu (in Chambers County) (14)
Montague (in Montague County) (10)
Montalba (in Anderson County) (7)
Montgomery (in Montgomery County) (23)
Monthalia (in Gonzales County) (9)
Moody (in McLennan County) (21)
Moore (in Frio County) (5)
Mooreville (in Falls County) (6)
Moran (in Shackelford County) (12)
Morgan (in Bosque County) (17)
Morgan Mill (in Erath County) (13)
Morton (in Cochran County) (11)
Morton Valley (in Eastland County) (7)
Moscow (in Polk County) (15)
Mosheim (in Bosque County) (7)
Moulton (in Lavaca County) (13)
Mount Calm (in Hill County) (12)
Mount Enterprise (in Rusk County) (41)
Mount Pleasant (in Titus County) (93)
Mount Vernon (in Franklin County) (35)
Muenster (in Cooke County) (21)
Muleshoe (in Bailey County) (25)
Mullin (in Mills County) (12)
Munday (in Knox County) (13)
Murchison (in Henderson County) (11)
Murphy (in Collin County) (12)
Nacogdoches (in Nacogdoches County) (136)
Naples (in Morris County) (37)
Navasota (in Grimes County) (49)
Nazareth (in Castro County) (8)
Neches (in Anderson County) (7)
Nederland (in Jefferson County) (28)
Needville (in Fort Bend County) (27)
Nelsonville (in Austin County) (17)
Nesbitt (in Harrison County) (6)
Nevada (in Collin County) (16)
New Berlin (in Guadalupe County) (7)
New Boston (in Bowie County) (59)
New Braunfels (in Comal County) (90)
New Caney (in Montgomery County) (16)
New London (in Rusk County) (12)
New Salem in Rusk County (in Rusk County) (7)
New Summerfield (in Cherokee County) (10)
New Ulm (in Austin County) (22)
New Waverly (in Walker County) (23)
Newcastle (in Young County) (18)
Newton (in Newton County) (9)
Nimrod (in Eastland County) (8)
Nixon (in Gonzales County) (22)
Nocona (in Montague County) (39)
Nolanville (in Bell County) (5)
Noonday (in Smith County) (11)
Nordheim (in DeWitt County) (7)
Normangee (in Leon County) (34)
Normanna (in Bee County) (6)
North Richland Hills (in Tarrant County) (8)
North Zulch (in Madison County) (10)
Norton (in Runnels County) (7)
Novice (in Coleman County) (10)
O'Donnell (in Dawson County) (15)
Oak Grove (in Bowie County) (5)
Oak Hill (in Travis County) (10)
Oakalla (in Burnet County) (7)
Oakhurst (in San Jacinto County) (9)
Oakwood (in Leon County) (28)
Odell (in Wilbarger County) (7)
Odem (in San Patricio County) (15)
Odessa (in Ector County) (59)
Oenaville (in Bell County) (5)
Oglesby (in Coryell County) (8)
Old Boston (in Bowie County) (5)
Old River Winfree (in Chambers County) (7)
Old Union (in Limestone County) (7)
Oletha (in Limestone County) (5)
Olney (in Young County) (14)
Olton (in Lamb County) (6)
Omaha (in Morris County) (22)
Onalaska (in Polk County) (5)
Orange (in Orange County) (83)
Orange Grove (in Jim Wells County) (16)
Orangefield (in Orange County) (11)
Orchard (in Fort Bend County) (6)
Ore City (in Upshur County) (11)
Osage (in Coryell County) (6)
Otto (in Falls County) (5)
Ovalo (in Taylor County) (8)
Overton (in Smith County) (28)
Ovilla (in Ellis County) (6)
Ozona (in Crockett County) (17)
Paducah (in Cottle County) (16)
Paige (in Bastrop County) (23)
Paint Rock (in Concho County) (7)
Palacios (in Matagorda County) (13)
Palestine (in Anderson County) (153)
Palmer (in Ellis County) (24)
Palo Pinto (in Palo Pinto County) (11)
Pampa (in Gray County) (53)
Panhandle (in Carson County) (20)
Panna Maria (in Karnes County) (5)
Paradise (in Wise County) (8)
Paris (in Lamar County) (132)
Pasadena (in Harris County) (39)
Patroon (in Shelby County) (5)
Pattison (in Waller County) (30)
Pattonville (in Lamar County) (11)
Pawnee (in Bee County) (6)
Pearland (in Brazoria County) (21)
Pearsall (in Frio County) (36)
Peaster (in Parker County) (9)
Pecan Gap (in Delta County) (9)
Pecos (in Reeves County) (43)
Penelope (in Hill County) (15)
Pennington (in Trinity County) (8)
Pep (in Hockley County) (6)
Perrin (in Jack County) (11)
Perryton (in Ochiltree County) (11)
Petersburg (in Hale County) (9)
Petrolia (in Clay County) (6)
Pettus (in Bee County) (6)
Petty (in Lamar County) (9)
Pflugerville (in Travis County) (20)
Pharr (in Hidalgo County) (22)
Phillips (in Hutchinson County) (5)
Pickton (in Hopkins County) (7)
Pilot Grove (in Grayson County) (17)
Pilot Point (in Denton County) (40)
Pine Mills (in Wood County) (8)
Pinehill (in Rusk County) (8)
Pinehurst (in Montgomery County) (8)
Pineland (in Sabine County) (25)
Pioneer (in Eastland County) (6)
Pipe Creek (in Bandera County) (5)
Pittsburg (in Camp County) (47)
Plains (in Yoakum County) (13)
Plainview (in Hale County) (33)
Plano (in Collin County) (96)
Plantersville (in Grimes County) (10)
Pleasant Grove (in Falls County) (6)
Pleasanton (in Atascosa County) (32)
Plemons (in Hutchinson County) (5)
Plum (in Fayette County) (6)
Plum Creek (in Freestone County) (8)
Point (in Rains County) (17)
Point Blank (in San Jacinto County) (8)
Pollok (in Angelina County) (12)
Ponder (in Denton County) (9)
Poolville (in Parker County) (13)
Port Acres (in Jefferson County) (5)
Port Aransas (in Nueces County) (14)
Port Arthur (in Jefferson County) (130)
Port Isabel (in Cameron County) (10)
Port Lavaca (in Calhoun County) (28)
Port Neches (in Jefferson County) (28)
Porter (in Montgomery County) (6)
Portland (in San Patricio County) (6)
Post (in Garza County) (11)
Poteet (in Atascosa County) (43)
Poth (in Wilson County) (13)
Potosi (in Taylor County) (6)
Pottsboro (in Grayson County) (26)
Powderly (in Lamar County) (10)
Poynor (in Henderson County) (5)
Praha (in Fayette County) (10)
Prairie Hill (in Limestone County) (6)
Prairie Lea (in Caldwell County) (10)
Prairie View (in Waller County) (11)
Premont (in Jim Wells County) (9)
Presidio (in Presidio County) (7)
Price (in Rusk County) (6)
Priddy (in Mills County) (6)
Princeton (in Collin County) (12)
Proctor (in Comanche County) (7)
Prosper (in Collin County) (11)
Purmela (in Coryell County) (9)
Putnam (in Callahan County) (12)
Pyote (in Ward County) (7)
Quanah (in Hardeman County) (19)
Queen City (in Cass County) (21)
Quihi (in Medina County) (8)
Quinlan (in Hunt County) (27)
Quitaque (in Briscoe County) (12)
Quitman (in Wood County) (30)
Rachal (in Brooks County) (10)
Ralls (in Crosby County) (10)
Ranchito (in Cameron County) (11)
Randolph (in Fannin County) (8)
Ranger (in Eastland County) (36)
Rankin (in Upton County) (11)
Ratcliff (in Houston County) (5)
Ravenna (in Fannin County) (12)
Raymondville (in Willacy County) (18)
Reagan (in Falls County) (13)
Red Oak (in Ellis County) (14)
Red Rock (in Bastrop County) (16)
Redland (in Van Zandt County) (5)
Redwater (in Bowie County) (11)
Reese (in Cherokee County) (6)
Refugio (in Refugio County) (33)
Reno (in Parker County) (10)
Rice (in Navarro County) (10)
Richards (in Grimes County) (9)
Richardson (in Dallas County) (43)
Richland (in Navarro County) (5)
Richland Springs (in San Saba County) (10)
Richmond (in Fort Bend County) (66)
Ridgeway (in Hopkins County) (5)
Riesel (in McLennan County) (11)
Ringgold (in Montague County) (8)
Rio Grande City (in Starr County) (18)
Rio Hondo (in Cameron County) (7)
Rio Vista (in Johnson County) (14)
Rios (in Duval County) (6)
Rising Star (in Eastland County) (19)
Riverside (in Walker County) (5)
Riviera (in Kleberg County) (5)
Roanoke (in Denton County) (9)
Roaring Springs (in Motley County) (8)
Robbins (in Leon County) (5)
Robert Lee (in Coke County) (19)
Robinson (in McLennan County) (13)
Robstown (in Nueces County) (19)
Roby (in Fisher County) (10)
Rochester (in Haskell County) (10)
Rock Island (in Colorado County) (5)
Rockdale (in Milam County) (61)
Rockett (in Ellis County) (5)
Rockne (in Bastrop County) (10)
Rockport (in Aransas County) (23)
Rocksprings (in Edwards County) (13)
Rockwall (in Rockwall County) (36)
Rogers (in Bell County) (22)
Roma (in Starr County) (11)
Ropesville (in Hockley County) (9)
Roscoe (in Nolan County) (11)
Rosebud (in Falls County) (21)
Rosenberg (in Fort Bend County) (31)
Ross Prairie (in Fayette County) (5)
Rossville (in Atascosa County) (5)
Rotan (in Fisher County) (15)
Round Mountain (in Blanco County) (18)
Round Rock (in Williamson County) (46)
Round Top (in Fayette County) (13)
Rowena (in Runnels County) (9)
Rowlett (in Dallas County) (12)
Roxton (in Lamar County) (14)
Royse City (in Rockwall County) (17)
Rule (in Haskell County) (14)
Runge (in Karnes County) (16)
Rusk (in Cherokee County) (56)
Sabanno (in Eastland County) (5)
Sabinal (in Uvalde County) (15)
Sabine Pass (in Jefferson County) (7)
Sachse (in Dallas County) (13)
Sacul (in Nacogdoches County) (5)
Sadler (in Grayson County) (17)
Sagerton (in Haskell County) (7)
Saginaw (in Tarrant County) (18)
Saint Hedwig (in Bexar County) (7)
Saint Jo (in Montague County) (29)
Salado (in Bell County) (37)
Saltillo (in Hopkins County) (5)
San Angelo (in Tom Green County) (153)
San Antonio (in Bexar County) (894)
San Augustine (in San Augustine County) (74)
San Benito (in Cameron County) (18)
San Diego (in Jim Wells County) (10)
San Elizario (in El Paso County) (12)
San Felipe (in Austin County) (16)
San Gabriel (in Milam County) (5)
San Isidro (in Starr County) (8)
San Juan (in Hidalgo County) (8)
San Marcos (in Hays County) (93)
San Pedro (in Cameron County) (5)
San Saba (in San Saba County) (46)
Sanderson (in Terrell County) (12)
Sandia (in Jim Wells County) (7)
Sandusky (in Grayson County) (5)
Sanger (in Denton County) (22)
Santa Anna (in Coleman County) (12)
Santa Monica (in Willacy County) (5)
Santa Rosa (in Cameron County) (7)
Santo (in Palo Pinto County) (8)
Savoy (in Fannin County) (17)
Schertz (in Guadalupe County) (18)
Schulenburg (in Fayette County) (36)
Scottsville (in Harrison County) (9)
Scranton (in Eastland County) (6)
Seabrook (in Harris County) (10)
Seadrift (in Calhoun County) (7)
Seagoville (in Dallas County) (12)
Seagraves (in Gaines County) (12)
Sealy (in Austin County) (28)
Seguin (in Guadalupe County) (88)
Selma (in Bexar County) (9)
Seminole (in Gaines County) (13)
Serbin (in Lee County) (7)
Seymour (in Baylor County) (28)
Shamrock (in Wheeler County) (15)
Sharp (in Milam County) (6)
Shelbyville (in Shelby County) (19)
Shepherd (in San Jacinto County) (15)
Sherman (in Grayson County) (151)
Sherwood Shores (in Grayson County) (5)
Shiner (in Lavaca County) (31)
Shiro (in Grimes County) (11)
Sidney (in Comanche County) (6)
Sierra Blanca (in Hudspeth County) (12)
Silsbee (in Hardin County) (24)
Silverton (in Briscoe County) (8)
Simms (in Bowie County) (14)
Sinton (in San Patricio County) (12)
Sisterdale (in Kendall County) (11)
Slaton (in Lubbock County) (14)
Slocum (in Anderson County) (17)
Smiley (in Gonzales County) (12)
Smith Point (in Chambers County) (6)
Smithville (in Bastrop County) (41)
Smithwick (in Burnet County) (9)
Smyer (in Hockley County) (7)
Smyrna (in Cass County) (6)
Snook (in Burleson County) (10)
Snyder (in Scurry County) (40)
Socorro (in El Paso County) (8)
Somerset (in Bexar County) (30)
Somerville (in Burleson County) (18)
Sonora (in Sutton County) (14)
Sour Lake (in Hardin County) (15)
Southlake (in Tarrant County) (18)
Southland (in Garza County) (6)
Southmayd (in Grayson County) (6)
Spanish Fort (in Montague County) (6)
Spearman (in Hansford County) (15)
Spicewood (in Burnet County) (16)
Splendora (in Montgomery County) (6)
Spring (in Harris County) (37)
Spring Branch (in Comal County) (19)
Spring Hill (in Gregg County) (6)
Springtown (in Parker County) (16)
Spur (in Dickens County) (17)
Spurger (in Tyler County) (8)
Stafford (in Fort Bend County) (12)
Stamford (in Haskell County) (22)
Stanton (in Martin County) (13)
Staples (in Guadalupe County) (8)
Starrville (in Smith County) (9)
Stephenville (in Erath County) (76)
Sterling City (in Sterling County) (12)
Stewards Mill (in Freestone County) (10)
Stinnett (in Hutchinson County) (10)
Stockdale (in Wilson County) (18)
Stoneburg (in Montague County) (6)
Stoneham (in Grimes County) (5)
Stonewall (in Gillespie County) (12)
Stratford (in Sherman County) (9)
Strawn (in Palo Pinto County) (11)
Streetman (in Freestone County) (15)
Sudan (in Lamb County) (6)
Sugar Land (in Fort Bend County) (25)
Sulphur Bluff (in Hopkins County) (11)
Sulphur Springs (in Hopkins County) (101)
Sundown (in Hockley County) (5)
Sunnyside (in Waller County) (9)
Sunnyvale (in Dallas County) (11)
Sunray (in Moore County) (11)
Sunset (in Montague County) (21)
Sutherland Springs (in Wilson County) (7)
Swan (in Smith County) (6)
Sweeny (in Brazoria County) (6)
Sweetwater (in Nolan County) (38)
Taft (in San Patricio County) (11)
Tahoka (in Lynn County) (15)
Talco (in Titus County) (20)
Talpa (in Coleman County) (5)
Tarpley (in Bandera County) (5)
Tascosa (in Oldham County) (6)
Tatum (in Rusk County) (21)
Taylor (in Williamson County) (44)
Teague (in Freestone County) (46)
Tehuacana (in Limestone County) (8)
Telephone (in Fannin County) (11)
Temple (in Bell County) (85)
Tenaha (in Shelby County) (23)
Tennessee Colony (in Anderson County) (9)
Terlingua (in Brewster County) (11)
Terrell (in Kaufman County) (54)
Texarkana (in Bowie County) (85)
Texas City (in Galveston County) (20)
Texhoma (in Sherman County) (5)
Texline (in Dallam County) (5)
The Woodlands (in Montgomery County) (7)
Thomaston (in DeWitt County) (8)
Thompsons (in Fort Bend County) (5)
Thorndale (in Milam County) (18)
Thornton (in Limestone County) (31)
Thorp Spring (in Hood County) (5)
Thrall (in Williamson County) (6)
Three Rivers (in Live Oak County) (12)
Throckmorton (in Throckmorton County) (7)
Thurber (in Erath County) (9)
Tilden (in McMullen County) (5)
Timpson (in Shelby County) (36)
Tioga (in Grayson County) (10)
Titus (in Titus County) (21)
Tivoli (in Refugio County) (9)
Tolar (in Hood County) (21)
Tom Bean (in Grayson County) (11)
Tomball (in Harris County) (41)
Tow (in Llano County) (5)
Toyah (in Reeves County) (12)
Trent (in Taylor County) (6)
Trenton (in Fannin County) (11)
Trinidad (in Henderson County) (7)
Trinity (in Trinity County) (23)
Troup (in Smith County) (38)
Troy (in Bell County) (15)
Tulia (in Swisher County) (28)
Turkey (in Hall County) (9)
Turnersville (in Coryell County) (5)
Tuscola (in Taylor County) (16)
Twin Sisters (in Blanco County) (12)
Tyler (in Smith County) (228)
Uhland (in Caldwell County) (6)
Umbarger (in Randall County) (7)
Union Grove (in Upshur County) (5)
Universal City (in Bexar County) (8)
University Park (in Dallas County) (10)
Upton (in Bastrop County) (6)
Utley (in Bastrop County) (8)
Utopia (in Uvalde County) (8)
Uvalde (in Uvalde County) (28)
Valentine (in Jeff Davis County) (9)
Valley Mills (in Bosque County) (34)
Valley Spring (in Llano County) (13)
Valley View (in Cooke County) (14)
Van (in Van Zandt County) (5)
Van Alstyne (in Grayson County) (30)
Van Horn (in Culberson County) (10)
Van Vleck (in Matagorda County) (12)
Vashti (in Clay County) (5)
Vega (in Oldham County) (9)
Venus (in Johnson County) (9)
Vernon (in Wilbarger County) (45)
Victoria (in Victoria County) (78)
Vidor (in Orange County) (33)
Voca (in McCulloch County) (5)
Von Ormy (in Bexar County) (10)
Waco (in McLennan County) (290)
Waelder (in Gonzales County) (18)
Wake Village (in Bowie County) (8)
Walburg (in Williamson County) (5)
Waller (in Waller County) (19)
Wallis (in Austin County) (24)
Wallisville (in Chambers County) (11)
Walnut Springs (in Bosque County) (18)
Ward Creek (in Bowie County) (5)
Warren (in Tyler County) (24)
Washington (in Washington County) (21)
Waskom (in Harrison County) (15)
Watson (in Burnet County) (5)
Watterson (in Bastrop County) (9)
Waxahachie (in Ellis County) (42)
Weatherford (in Parker County) (94)
Webberville (in Travis County) (9)
Webster (in Harris County) (7)
Weimar (in Colorado County) (46)
Weinert (in Haskell County) (5)
Weir (in Williamson County) (11)
Welcome (in Austin County) (10)
Wellborn (in Brazos County) (5)
Wellington (in Collingsworth County) (18)
Wellman (in Terry County) (6)
Wells (in Cherokee County) (11)
Weslaco (in Hidalgo County) (18)
West (in McLennan County) (31)
West Columbia (in Brazoria County) (26)
West Point (in Fayette County) (13)
Westbrook (in Mitchell County) (9)
Westhoff (in DeWitt County) (8)
Westminster (in Collin County) (9)
Weston (in Collin County) (13)
Wharton (in Wharton County) (41)
Wheeler (in Wheeler County) (18)
Wheelock (in Robertson County) (8)
White Deer (in Carson County) (17)
White Oak (in Gregg County) (9)
White Settlement (in Tarrant County) (12)
Whiteface (in Cochran County) (7)
Whitehall (in Grimes County) (6)
Whitehouse (in Smith County) (16)
Whitesboro (in Grayson County) (40)
Whitewright (in Grayson County) (39)
Whitharral (in Hockley County) (7)
Whitney (in Hill County) (38)
Wichita Falls (in Wichita County) (154)
Willis (in Montgomery County) (24)
Willow Park (in Parker County) (7)
Wills Point (in Van Zandt County) (32)
Wilmer (in Dallas County) (5)
Wilson (in Lynn County) (6)
Wimberley (in Hays County) (21)
Winchester (in Fayette County) (5)
Windom (in Fannin County) (19)
Windthorst (in Archer County) (7)
Winfield (in Titus County) (6)
Wink (in Winkler County) (10)
Winkler (in Freestone County) (6)
Winnie (in Chambers County) (8)
Winnsboro (in Wood County) (50)
Winona (in Smith County) (21)
Winters (in Runnels County) (22)
Wixon Valley (in Brazos County) (8)
Woden (in Nacogdoches County) (8)
Wolfe City (in Hunt County) (25)
Wolfforth (in Lubbock County) (8)
Woodbine (in Cooke County) (6)
Woodbury (in Hill County) (5)
Woodlawn (in Harrison County) (7)
Woodsboro (in Refugio County) (16)
Woodson (in Throckmorton County) (7)
Woodville (in Tyler County) (49)
Woodway (in McLennan County) (5)
Wortham (in Freestone County) (23)
Wrightsboro (in Gonzales County) (6)
Wylie (in Collin County) (27)
Yancey (in Medina County) (10)
Yantis (in Wood County) (10)
Yellowpine (in Sabine County) (7)
Yoakum (in DeWitt County) (46)
Yorktown (in DeWitt County) (29)
Youngsport (in Bell County) (6)
Ysleta (in El Paso County) (9)
Zabcikville (in Bell County) (8)
Zavalla (in Angelina County) (42)
Zephyr (in Brown County) (18)
Zuehl (in Guadalupe County) (6)

Overview of Texas Genealogy Records

  • History: Texas was first settled in 1682 but had few settlers until 1821 when it became part of Mexico. From 1836 to 1845, it was the Republic of Texas, and in 1845 it became a U.S. state. It was a Confederate state during the Civil War from 1861-1865.
  • Birth records: A few cities and towns in Texas began recording births as early as 1873. Statewide registration of births began in 1903. Copies of recent birth certificates can be obtained from the Texas Department of State Health Services.
  • Marriages: Marriage records were kept by the government in Texas starting in 1836. Copies of marriage records from 1837 to 1966 can be obtained from the clerk of the county where the marriage license was issued. Copies of marriage certificates from 1968 and later can be obtained from the Texas Department of State Health Services.
  • Deaths: A few cities and towns in Texas began recording deaths as early as 1873. Statewide registration of deaths began in 1903. Copies of recent death certificates can be obtained from the Texas Department of State Health Services.
  • Divorces: Divorce records before 1968 were kept by district clerks in the individual counties. After 1968, divorce records can be obtained from the Texas Department of State Health Services.
  • Census: The first federal census available for Texas is 1820. There are federal censuses publicly available for 1820 (listed with Arkansas), 1830 (listed with Arkansas), 1850 (partial), 1860 (partial), 1870 (partial), 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, and 1950. There was a colonial census taken in 1835.
  • Naturalization records: Naturalization records were kept by the district court clerk.
  • County records: Court, land, probate, and tax records were kept at the county level.
  • Other records: Many cities and towns had newspapers, records kept by churches, cemeteries, histories, school, city directories, and other records that can be located on the city pages on this site. Records specific to minority groups can be found in the Minority Records section.
  • All records: Online indexes and images of many of the above records can be found by using the links on this site.
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