Wyoming Genealogy

USA (1,380,571) > Wyoming (4,083)

Wyoming map

By Record Type

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Overview of Wyoming records

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Birth Records (65)
Cemetery Records (700)
Census Records (669)
Church Records (102)
City Directories (256)
Court Records (4)
Death Records (146)
Histories and Genealogies (126)
Immigration Records (33)
Land Records (55)
Map Records (263)
Marriage Records (127)
Military Records (230)
Minority Records (16)
Miscellaneous Records (45)
Newspapers and Obituaries (1,141)
Probate Records (3)
School Records (250)
Tax Records (1)

By County

Albany County (295)
Big Horn County (182)
Campbell County (102)
Carbon County (195)
Converse County (120)
Crook County (168)
Fremont County (282)
Goshen County (110)
Hot Springs County (70)
Johnson County (107)
Laramie County (385)
Lincoln County (201)
Natrona County (277)
Niobrara County (100)
Park County (174)
Platte County (97)
Sheridan County (163)
Sublette County (76)
Sweetwater County (198)
Teton County (66)
Uinta County (197)
Washakie County (85)
Weston County (142)

By City

Afton (in Lincoln County) (30)
Albin (in Laramie County) (8)
Alcova (in Natrona County) (5)
Almy (in Uinta County) (7)
Arapahoe (in Fremont County) (6)
Auburn (in Lincoln County) (8)
Baggs (in Carbon County) (9)
Basin (in Big Horn County) (20)
Bedford (in Lincoln County) (6)
Big Horn (in Sheridan County) (8)
Big Piney (in Sublette County) (18)
Buffalo (in Johnson County) (50)
Burlington (in Big Horn County) (12)
Burns (in Laramie County) (14)
Byron (in Big Horn County) (7)
Carbon (in Carbon County) (5)
Carpenter (in Laramie County) (7)
Casper (in Natrona County) (166)
Cheyenne (in Laramie County) (280)
Chugwater (in Platte County) (8)
Clearmont (in Sheridan County) (8)
Cody (in Park County) (66)
Cokeville (in Lincoln County) (18)
Colony (in Crook County) (14)
Cowley (in Big Horn County) (13)
Dayton (in Sheridan County) (7)
Deaver (in Big Horn County) (8)
Diamondville (in Lincoln County) (12)
Dillon (in Carbon County) (6)
Douglas (in Converse County) (42)
Dubois (in Fremont County) (10)
Edgerton (in Natrona County) (5)
Encampment (in Carbon County) (16)
Ethete (in Fremont County) (8)
Etna (in Lincoln County) (7)
Evanston (in Uinta County) (53)
Evansville (in Natrona County) (6)
Fairview (in Lincoln County) (7)
Fort Bridger (in Uinta County) (21)
Fort Laramie (in Goshen County) (12)
Garland (in Park County) (6)
Gillette (in Campbell County) (27)
Glendo (in Platte County) (5)
Glenrock (in Converse County) (20)
Green River (in Sweetwater County) (44)
Greybull (in Big Horn County) (23)
Guernsey (in Platte County) (12)
Hanna (in Carbon County) (6)
Hartville (in Platte County) (7)
Hillsdale (in Laramie County) (5)
Hudson (in Fremont County) (9)
Hulett (in Crook County) (18)
Jackson (in Teton County) (24)
Jireh (in Niobrara County) (5)
Kaycee (in Johnson County) (13)
Kemmerer (in Lincoln County) (29)
La Grange (in Goshen County) (5)
Lander (in Fremont County) (69)
Laramie (in Albany County) (187)
Lingle (in Goshen County) (11)
Lovell (in Big Horn County) (24)
Lusk (in Niobrara County) (41)
Lyman (in Uinta County) (20)
Manderson (in Big Horn County) (6)
Manville (in Niobrara County) (13)
Medicine Bow (in Carbon County) (7)
Meeteetse (in Park County) (16)
Midwest (in Natrona County) (6)
Millburne (in Uinta County) (5)
Moorcroft (in Crook County) (16)
Newcastle (in Weston County) (70)
Otto (in Big Horn County) (5)
Piedmont (in Uinta County) (6)
Pine Bluffs (in Laramie County) (10)
Pinedale (in Sublette County) (15)
Powell (in Park County) (30)
Ranchester (in Sheridan County) (7)
Rawlins (in Carbon County) (56)
Riverton (in Fremont County) (65)
Rock River (in Albany County) (8)
Rock Springs (in Sweetwater County) (55)
Rozet (in Campbell County) (5)
Saratoga (in Carbon County) (16)
Sheridan (in Sheridan County) (83)
Shoshoni (in Fremont County) (20)
Smoot (in Lincoln County) (5)
South Pass City (in Fremont County) (5)
Sundance (in Crook County) (43)
Superior (in Sweetwater County) (8)
Ten Sleep (in Washakie County) (8)
Thayne (in Lincoln County) (9)
Thermopolis (in Hot Springs County) (36)
Torrington (in Goshen County) (20)
Upton (in Weston County) (10)
Van Tassell (in Niobrara County) (7)
Wheatland (in Platte County) (29)
Worland (in Washakie County) (38)
Wright (in Campbell County) (11)
Yoder (in Goshen County) (5)

Overview of Wyoming Genealogy Records

  • History: Wyoming was first settled in 1834. It became part of Utah Territory in 1850, became part of Dakota Territory in 1861, and it became Wyoming Territory in 1868. Wyoming became a state in 1890.
  • Birth records: Statewide registration of births in Wyoming began in 1909 with complete records by 1922. A few counties kept records for a few years before state registration. Birth records from 1909 to 1920 can be obtained from the Wyoming State Archives. Birth records from 1909 to the present can be obtained from the Wyoming Department of Health.
  • Marriage records: Most counties in Wyoming began recording marriage soon after the county was organized. Copies of marriage records can be obtained from the office of the county clerk where the marriage occurred.
  • Death records: Statewide registration of deaths in Wyoming began in 1909 with complete records by 1922. A few counties kept records for a few years before state registration.  Death records from 1909 to 1970 can be obtained from the Wyoming State Archives. Death records from 1971 to the present can be obtained from the Wyoming Department of Health.
  • Divorce records: Divorce records can be obtained from the clerk district court for the individual counties.
  • Census records: The first federal census available for Wyoming is 1850. There are federal censuses publicly available for 1850 (listed with Utah), 1860 (listed with Utah and Nebraska), 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, and 1950.
  • County records: Court, land, probate, naturalization, and tax records were kept by the individual counties.
  • Other records: Many cities and towns kept newspapers, churches kept records, and there are records of cemeteries, histories, schools, city directories, and other records that can be located by using the city pages on this site. Records specific to minority groups can be found in the Minority Records section.
  • All records: Use the links on this site to locate the online indexes and images of many of the records listed above.
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