1940 U.S. Federal Census of Aleutian Islands, Unorganized Borough, Alaska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alaska > Unorganized Borough > 1940 Census of Aleutian Islands

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AgofiaAlvin born about 1935
AgofiaW born about 1917
AlpiakJacob born about 1925
AndersonCharles Aborn about 1884
AndersonChristen M Hborn about 1887
AndersonEd born about 1909
AndersonLeon born about 1899
AndersonLeon Fborn about 1935
AndersonLilian Aborn about 1936
AndersonSusie born about 1913
AndersonVirginia Lborn about 1936
AndersonWi born about 1903
AndrsonInnokenty born about 1898
AnguluckMartha born about 1885
ArdamanoffBa born about 1923
ArdamanoffJohn born about 1861
ArdamanoffPeter born about 1921
ArdamanoffSergius born about 1929
AureJohn born about 1940
AureMartha born about 1915
AureMartin born about 1939
AurePeter born about 1902
AurePeter Jr born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerJohn Hborn about 1896
BaranafMrs Z born about 1893
BaranafRev M born about 1884
BensonCa born about 1900
BensonDan born about 1901
BensonMargaret Vborn about 1912
BensonSusie Annaborn about 1930
BensonWilliam Rborn about 1901
BereskinAmelia born about 1900
BereskinChester Bborn about 1921
BereskinDonald Aborn about 1924
BereskinGeorge born about 1894
BereskinJohn born about 1926
BereskinJohn Hborn about 1890
BereskinLora born about 1923
BereskinMary Eborn about 1932
BereskinMathew born about 1927
BereskinMatrona born about 1905
BereskinNick born about 1939
BereskinWilfred born about 1929
BereskinWilladora Aborn about 1936
BergAl born about
BerikoffOleta born about 1875
BerikoffSergie born about 1911
BerikoffWilliam born about 1910
BerryBasil born about 1900
BerthelsenJoyce Cborn about 1939
BerthelsenMarie Cborn about 1916
BerthelsenWalter born about 1915
BezezekoffAnotn born about 1918
BezezekoffEkaterina born about 1919
BezezekoffEkaterina born about 1934
BezezekoffFedora born about 1899
BezezekoffFeuronia born about 1863
BezezekoffFlorenty born about 1914
BezezekoffFlorenty born about 1927
BezezekoffFrankie born about 1929
BezezekoffGregory born about 1937
BezezekoffJohn born about 1905
BezezekoffJoseph born about 1906
BezezekoffMichael born about 1937
BezezekoffParascovia born about 1899
BezezekoffPaublita born about 1938
BezezekoffPavla born about 1931
BezezekoffStephan born about 1894
BjerkeHenry born about 1895
BoneninSerge born about 1920
BoreninAkenfa born about 1931
BoreninCarl born about 1901
BoreninElia born about 1894
BoreninEva born about 1889
BoreninEva born about 1916
BoreninEva born about 1927
BoreninEvenin born about 1932
BoreninGe Mborn about 1900
BoreninInnokenty born about 1903
BoreninJohn born about 1922
BoreninJohnny born about 1926
BoreninMary born about 1937
BoreninMary born about 1939
BoreninMatrana born about 1938
BoreninMike born about 1892
BoreninNatalia born about 1905
BoreninNick born about 1924
BoreninPariscovia born about 1909
BoreninSergie born about 1923
BourdwkofskyAlexandra born about 1892
BourdwkofskyEvlampia born about 1930
BourdwkofskyGe born about 1921
BourdwkofskyJulia born about 1928
BourdwkofskyLudmilla born about 1926
BourdwkofskyPeter born about 1881
BourdwkofskyVictor born about 1922
BourgWhitney C Jrborn about 1920
BrownRoselyn Mborn about 1897
BrownWi Pborn about 1930
BrownWilliam Cborn about 1893
BurnsMartin Cborn about 1910
BurnsViolet V Nborn about 1919
ButerinKapetalina born about 1914
ButerinMarina born about 1891
ButerinMaxine Kborn about 1914
ButerinMichael born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellHelen born about 1876
CampbellNettie Fborn about 1904
CarrFrank Wborn about 1870
CaseyAnn Cborn about 1939
CaseyAnne Carolborn about 1939
CaseySteve born about 1904
CaseySteve Aborn about 1904
CaseyTatiana Fborn about 1918
CaseyTatiana Siftsoffborn about 1918
CaseyVassa born about 1934
CasinoFran born about 1901
CasinoLorrenia Mborn about 1897
CasperFrancis Mborn about 1922
CasperJohn born about 1910
ChaginAgnes born about 1903
ChaginJoe born about 1885
ChaginJulia born about 1930
ChaginMary born about 1927
ChaginNellie born about 1924
ChercasenAfenogin born about 1927
ChercasenAlexy born about 1906
ChercasenAngelina born about 1935
ChercasenDorofey born about 1914
ChercasenDosofey born about 1938
ChercasenEakin born about 1921
ChercasenEfrosenia born about 1911
ChercasenElarion born about 1936
ChercasenEmilian born about 1926
ChercasenEvdokia born about 1892
ChercasenLucy born about 1928
ChercasenMaria born about 1906
ChercasenMefody born about 1924
ChercasenPeter born about 1871
ChercasenUnnamed Infantborn about 1940
ChercasenZoia born about 1927
CherchsenLucy born about 1928
ChristiansenLudwig born about 1889
ChristoffersonMichael born about 1926
ChuteChristina born about 1914
ChuteGeo Rogerborn about 1898
ClaboeHarry born about 1913
ClarkHarry Aborn about 1891
ClarkRoy Aborn about 1898
CorthellDavid Wborn about 1934
CorthellDwight Mborn about 1928
CorthellMary Aborn about 1931
CorthellMary Mborn about 1902
CorthellMaurice Eborn about 1904
CrevdenTitiana born about 1934
CurryNeil Hborn about 1883

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D Surnames

DeneroffGe Aborn about 1926
DeneroffJohn Aborn about 1871
DeneroffNekefer born about 1863
DenisoffJohn born about 1880
DirksAnnie born about 1932
DirksFl born about 1930
DirksGe born about 1937
DirksLarry born about 1925
DirksMargy born about 1939
DirksMattie born about 1916
DirksSophie born about 1930
DirksWilliam Jr born about 1913
DirksWm born about 1883
DougalDavid born about 1893
DuffAlan Aborn about 1914
DuffRoxana Rborn about 1915
DuisenAlfred born about 1905
DuisenDarrel Aborn about 1932
DuisenJeanetta Lborn about 1905
DushkinAlex born about 1929
DushkinAugusta born about 1910
DushkinGregory born about 1888
DushkinJohn born about 1927
DushkinValentin born about 1934
DushkinWillie born about 1937
DyakanoffAndrew born about 1927
DyakanoffAnnie born about 1896
DyakanoffArnold born about 1931
DyakanoffCeciel born about 1923
DyakanoffJohn born about 1926
DyakanoffMike born about 1930
DyakanoffWalter born about 1921
DyakanoffWilliam born about 1894
DyaknoffAmelie born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EEva born about 1929
EliottElvin Bborn about 1901
EliottHoward Sborn about 1932
EliottInez Aborn about 1903
EmanoffAnna born about 1911
EmanoffFrancis born about 1919
EmanoffGregory born about 1930
EmanoffKarp born about 1929
EmanoffMamont born about 1907
EmanoffMary born about 1935
EmanoffMaxin born about 1913
EmanoffNatalia born about 1937
EmanoffPe born about 1933
EmanoffTheodore born about 1932
EnglandGus born about 1882
ErmeloffAlenogin born about 1891
ErmeloffAnnie born about 1938
ErmeloffArdalion Gborn about 1909
ErmeloffLeonty born about 1938
ErmeloffMae born about 1920
ErmeloffMarie born about 1904
ErmeloffMarie born about 1907
ErmeloffMurlin born about 1931
ErmeloffMurline Gborn about 1931
ErmeloffSergie born about 1940
ErmeloffVera born about 1904
ErmeloffWillie born about 1915
EversonSara Aborn about 1913
EversonSara Gborn about 1912
EversonThurston Aborn about 1910
EversonThurston Aborn about 1910

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F Surnames

FedorWilliam born about 1883
FeineCarl born about 1911
FergusonHe born about 1939
FergusonJohn Rborn about 1909
FergusonJohn Jr born about 1935
FergusonKatie born about 1937
FergusonSophie born about 1916
FinchDurell born about 1862
FletcherIna born about 1911
FletcherJeanette born about 1932
FletcherJohn Wborn about 1905
FletcherWallace Eborn about 1930
FornessOle born about 1890
FoxEmma born about 1890
FoxGeorge born about 1920
FoxMarvin born about 1933
FratisAlexandra born about 1913
FratisAmna born about 1937
FratisAnna born about 1920
FratisDavid born about 1911
FratisGavriel born about 1939
FratisJohn born about 1887
FratisMartha born about 1923
FratisMatfey born about 1931
FratisOlga born about 1925
FratisPaul born about 1934
FratisPerenty born about 1936
FratisSusan born about 1932

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G Surnames

GalaktainoffAndrew born about 1909
GalaktainoffEva born about 1931
GalaktainoffIrene born about 1933
GalaktainoffMolley born about 1920
GalaktainoffNick born about 1925
GalaktainoffOleta born about 1935
GalaktainoffPaul born about 1937
GalaktainoffPeter born about 1924
GalaktainoffPeter born about 1930
GalaktainoffPhillip born about 1898
GalaktainoffSophie Mborn about 1923
GalaktianofIrene born about 1934
GalaktianofPeter born about 1930
GalaktianoffNick born about 1926
GalaktionoffAggey born about 1908
GalaktionoffAnfesa born about 1917
GalaktionoffNadesda born about 1940
GalaktionoffNectary born about 1940
GalaktionoffVera born about 1938
GalaninAlexander born about 1886
GalaninAlexander Jr born about 1936
GalaninFerman born about 1921
GalaninLaurenee born about 1915
GalaninMartin born about 1920
GalaninMary born about 1892
GalavinRaphiel born about 1915
GardenerTyasa born about 1921
GardnerAnnette born about 1938
GardnerClara born about 1916
GardnerGlen born about 1937
GardnerIrene Annieborn about 1911
GardnerJean born about 1940
GardnerJimmie born about 1923
GardnerJohn Pborn about 1878
GardnerJohn Pborn about 1915
GardnerJohnny born about 1932
GardnerMatrona born about 1918
GardnerMolly born about 1891
GardnerNick born about 1884
GardnerNick born about 1893
GardnerNick born about 1918
GardnerStive born about 1910
GardnerWilliam Georgeborn about 1937
GarthofnerAlbert born about 1873
GilbertEarl born about 1914
GilbertEarl Jr born about 1938
GilbertJohn Rborn about 1940
GilbertVera born about 1911
GolavinGaveriel born about 1910
GolavinMoses born about 1915
GolleyAnnie born about 1902
GolleyAnnie born about 1932
GolleyBilly born about 1935
GolleyConstantine born about 1889
GolleyDimitri born about 1928
GolleyElizabeth born about 1926
GolleyFedor born about 1928
GolleyJennie born about 1900
GolleyJohnny born about 1936
GolleyJulian born about 1911
GolleyMartha born about 1918
GolleyMolly born about 1928
GolleyNadesta born about 1930
GolleyNellie born about 1911
GolleySergius born about 1895
GolleySergius born about 1938
GolleyWillie born about 1909
GolodofLeonti born about 1931
GolodoffAgusta born about 1926
GolodoffAlice born about 1931
GolodoffAnastacia born about 1878
GolodoffBenny born about 1934
GolodoffGe born about 1939
GolodoffGermen born about 1890
GolodoffJohn born about 1892
GolodoffJohn born about 1929
GolodoffJulie born about 1921
GolodoffKatie born about 1881
GolodoffLaurente born about 1903
GolodoffMary born about 1939
GolodoffMatfey born about 1904
GolodoffMetrofan born about 1861
GolodoffNick born about 1937
GolodoffOlane born about 1915
GolodoffWillie born about 1912
GolodorfAnnie born about 1919
GolodorfInti born about 1914
GoodwinWi born about 1891
GordiefJohn born about 1889
GordiefVictor born about 1924
GordieffMyara born about 1917
GromoffAlexandra born about 1927
GromoffElisaveta born about 1908
GromoffElory Sborn about 1902
GromoffEvgania born about 1936
GromoffJuliana born about 1870
GromoffNicolai Cborn about 1938
GromoffSmile Vborn about 1925

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H Surnames

HadikoffNichols born about 1905
HadikoffSimeon born about 1930
HansonAlice Aborn about 1926
HansonChonia born about 1897
HansonJohn born about 1897
HansonJohn Jr born about 1921
HansonNick Cborn about 1929
HansonWi born about 1932
HansonXenofant born about 1920
HapoffAngelina born about 1918
HapoffAuthur born about 1921
HapoffJohn born about 1909
HapoffMary born about 1932
HapoffMatrona born about 1936
HapoffNekita born about 1889
HapoffParascodia born about 1910
HapoffStephan born about 1929
HarrisArthur Jborn about 1899
HarryW Chambersborn about 1879
HelgeWilliam born about 1897
HjelmeAgnes Aborn about 1905
HjelmeGeorge Oborn about 1900
HobletJohn born about 1924
HobletTom born about 1888
HobletTom Jr born about 1917
HodiakoffOxenia born about 1925
HodikofAnnie born about 1912
HodikofFedose born about 1900
HodikofJohn born about 1922
HodikofMartha born about 1936
HodikoffAnaisie born about 1904
HodikoffAngelina born about 1922
HodikoffGe born about 1930
HodikoffMa born about 1938
HodikoffMike born about 1896
HodikoffSteve born about 1929
HollandAndrew born about 1889
HopeAlice born about 1900
HopeCharles Hborn about 1873
HopeCharles Hborn about 1934
HopeGertrude Dborn about 1930
HopeHarriet Rborn about 1937
HopeHerbert Hborn about 1922
HopeHoward Eborn about 1917
HopeLillian Lborn about 1924
HopeMyrtle Lborn about 1925
HopeWilliam Pborn about 1928
HoroskeffPerscovie born about 1921
HoughLena Oborn about 1903
HoversonCarl born about 1903
HoversonGeneva born about 1903
HovlindJeno Aborn about 1904
HurdRoy Dborn about 1915
HynumBertrand Pborn about 1909

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I Surnames

IcksonEric born about 1886

J Surnames

JacksonGe born about 1920
JacobsenHarry born about 1871
JohnsonFred born about 1893
JohnsonJohnson born about 1905
JohnsonKnut born about 1878
JohnsonTatiana born about 1872
JohnstoneFred Hborn about 1869
JonasBasil Wborn about 1905
JonasClayton Wborn about 1932
JonasMargery Aborn about 1909
JonasMilton Eborn about 1940
JonasNancy Jborn about 1934
JorgensenJessica Sborn about 1895

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K Surnames

KanoroffPeter born about 1902
KanoroffRaymond born about 1933
KashevarofAndronik Pborn about 1929
KashevarofHelena born about 1885
KashevarofJulia born about 1915
KashevarofLawrence born about 1911
KashevarofLuelmiller born about 1916
KashevarofNina born about 1910
KashevarofPeter born about 1939
KashevarofValentine born about 1913
KashevarofVictor born about 1914
KashevarofWalter born about 1888
KashevaroffAlexander born about 1862
KashevaroffAndrew Pborn about 1908
KashevaroffKatherine born about 1907
KashevaroffNorman D Cborn about 1938
KashevaroffWalter Aborn about 1936
KellyJ Burkeborn about 1907
KentonMargorie Mborn about 1917
KentonRobert Wborn about 1914
KingDorothy Jborn about 1923
KingEleanor Rborn about 1930
KingJ Deanborn about 1895
KingMilladeana born about 1926
KingMillie Lborn about 1894
KisikinAndrey born about 1936
KisikinAnna born about 1908
KisikinAnna born about 1926
KisikinErena born about 1940
KisikinGerenty born about 1930
KisikinHeretina born about 1928
KisikinJohn born about 1890
KisikinJohn born about 1929
KisikinNatalia born about 1887
KisikinVictor born about 1909
KisikinVictor Jr born about 1932
KjellesvikKristoffer born about 1901
KocherginGavriel Sborn about 1912
KocherginHelen born about 1906
KocherginHeretina born about 1927
KocherginJena born about 1934
KocherginMoran born about 1929
KocherginPeter born about 1903
KocherginPeter Jr born about 1932
KocherginVictor born about 1924
KocherginVirginia born about 1931
KocherginZena born about 1913
KochutenGe Lborn about 1893
KochutenKatie born about 1908
KochutenPeter Gborn about 1932
KochutinAlexandra born about 1864
KochutinAndre born about 1927
KochutinAnton born about 1928
KochutinClaudia born about 1882
KochutinClement born about 1931
KochutinDora born about 1935
KochutinEvdokia born about 1933
KochutinHaretina born about 1909
KochutinInnakemty born about 1904
KochutinJacob born about 1918
KochutinJacob Vborn about 1938
KochutinJohn born about 1871
KochutinKleopatra born about 1926
KochutinLudmilla born about 1929
KochutinMaria born about 1887
KochutinMaria Gborn about 1930
KochutinMekay born about 1922
KochutinNekifer born about 1914
KochutinNestor born about 1939
KochutinPatiana born about 1932
KochutinSa born about 1928
KochutinSally Maryborn about 1934
KochutinSimeon born about 1913
KochutinTheodore born about 1890
KochutinVaravara born about 1921
KomsakWalter Wborn about 1907
KoskiPaul born about 1909
KozeroffAgapia born about 1939
KozeroffChonia born about 1923
KozeroffGregory born about 1919
KozeroffValentina born about 1919
KozloffAlexandra born about 1925
KozloffChristopher born about 1920
KozloffIliodor born about 1920
KozloffJohn born about 1919
KozloffJoseph born about 1931
KozloffJustenia born about 1931
KozloffMarina born about 1896
KozloffMary born about 1924
KozloffOlga born about
KozloffVi born about 1923
KristensenMajrona born about 1933
KristensenNikkolay born about 1878
KristensenStanley born about 1921
KristensenSteven born about 1919
KrukoffAfrikan born about 1921
KrukoffAgafon born about 1919
KrukoffAlexander born about 1908
KrukoffAnastasia born about 1922
KrukoffAnna born about 1924
KrukoffBlagia born about 1889
KrukoffChaterina born about 1918
KrukoffCondrat born about 1891
KrukoffDaniel born about 1913
KrukoffDaniel born about 1915
KrukoffDy born about 1934
KrukoffEdna Floyborn about 1935
KrukoffEdwin born about 1936
KrukoffElena born about 1919
KrukoffFedey born about 1927
KrukoffHenry born about 1929
KrukoffJennie born about 1906
KrukoffJohn born about 1924
KrukoffJohn Nborn about 1885
KrukoffJoseph Nborn about 1877
KrukoffKonstantine born about 1918
KrukoffLawrence born about 1934
KrukoffMarfa born about 1938
KrukoffMaria born about 1921
KrukoffMartha born about 1912
KrukoffMartin born about 1924
KrukoffMatfey born about 1910
KrukoffMetrofan born about 1884
KrukoffOliana born about 1923
KrukoffPaul born about 1915
KrukoffPhilbert Lborn about 1931
KrukoffRalph born about 1913
KrukoffSergie born about 1918
KrukoffTelagia born about 1939
KrukoffVassa born about 1896
KrukoffVladimir born about 1916
KrukoffZakhar Nborn about 1879
KudrinAlice Estherborn about 1940
KudrinCornelius Eborn about 1899
KudrinDora born about 1916
KudrinMike Eborn about 1905
KudrinPolly born about 1933
KudrinVara born about 1937
KudrnFemia born about 1887
KudrnGe born about 1925
KudrnMike Gborn about 1915
KudrnOlga born about 1918
KudrnPeter born about 1912
KudrnSerge born about 1920
KudrnTatiana born about 1922
KulchitskyTheodosius born about 1886
KushinAnton born about 1918
KushinAudrey born about 1928
KushinJohn Hborn about 1916
KushinMary born about 1921
KushinSerafina born about 1940
KushinSusan born about 1940

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L Surnames

LakeAlex born about 1881
LambidesJordon born about 1888
LangLeon Aborn about 1901
LazanasAnna born about 1919
LazanasFrancisco Rborn about 1901
LeeS Usherborn about 1906
LekanofAgnes born about 1896
LekanofAnatoly born about 1891
LekanofAnatoly Aborn about 1929
LekanofAnna born about 1937
LekanofBa born about 1929
LekanofErena born about 1901
LekanofErena born about 1929
LekanofErmogen born about 1924
LekanofFlore born about 1927
LekanofGe born about 1898
LekanofLawrence born about 1916
LekanofMarianna born about 1930
LekanofMichael born about 1933
LekanofNina born about 1925
LekanofPavla born about 1925
LekanofPelagia born about 1871
LekanofPeter born about 1926
LekanofSerge born about 1893
LekanofSerge Jr born about 1934
LekanofSophia born about 1902
LekanofStefan born about 1870
LekanofStefan Aborn about 1922
LekanofTatiana born about 1916
LekanofValentina born about 1931
LekanoffArcenia born about 1916
LekanoffAscof born about 1934
LekanoffConstantine born about 1938
LekanoffHelen born about 1914
LekanoffLazar born about 1933
LekanoffLucy born about 1918
LekanoffNicholi born about 1925
LekanoffNick born about 1902
LekanoffOkalina born about 1905
LekanoffSimeion born about 1874
LekanoffSimeon born about 1939
LekanoffStepanidah born about 1927
LekanoffStephen born about 1923
LekanoffTimmy born about 1919
LekanoffVasa born about 1935
LeonardiLouis Dborn about 1909
LestenkofAnna born about 1899
LestenkofConstantine born about 1893
LestenkofConstantine Jr born about 1939
LestenkofElekonida born about 1916
LestenkofInnokenty born about 1910
LestenkofInnokenty born about 1937
LestenkofJacob born about 1933
LestenkofKa Gborn about 1910
LestenkofLeva Constantineborn about 1939
LestenkofMichael born about 1874
LestenkofMichael Dborn about 1915
LestenkofNickolas born about 1939
LestenkofStefanida born about 1921
LestenkofSusie Annborn about 1936
LestenkofTheodore born about 1913
LippeFreda Eborn about 1895
LippeJane Lborn about 1921
LippeJohn Wborn about 1894
LokaninIrene born about 1930
LokaninMolly born about 1921
LokaninMoses born about 1940
LokaninPeter Kborn about 1916
LokanoffMary born about 1918
LokanoffMikie born about 1911
LovoroffSarah born about 1931
LoyCarl Lborn about 1918

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M Surnames

MakarinAgrafina born about 1897
MakarinAndrew born about 1888
MakarinElia born about 1884
MakarinMa born about 1933
MakarinUstenia born about 1892
MalavanskyAlexander born about 1897
MalavanskyChristopher born about 1905
MalavanskyDaniel born about 1926
MalavanskyDavid born about 1932
MalavanskyElikonida born about 1928
MalavanskyJulia born about 1913
MalavanskyVictor born about 1929
MalvanskyMatrona born about 1929
MandervillePurl Lborn about 1897
MandreganAlexandra born about 1903
MandreganAndrey born about 1926
MandreganChristopher born about 1930
MandreganFrances born about 1903
MandreganHarry born about 1933
MandreganInnokenty born about 1894
MandreganLogan born about 1921
MandreganNekifer born about 1897
MandreganSally born about 1936
MandreganTracy born about 1922
MankovichEugene born about 1894
MankovichKatherine Gborn about 1901
MansoffMartha born about 1934
MansonJames Wborn about 1896
MansonNellie Kborn about 1897
MartinAnthony B Lborn about 1937
MartinGrace born about 1903
MartinJack born about 1883
MartinsGe Hborn about 1873
MartinsPolly born about 1886
MartinsonJohn born about 1889
MatsonJames born about 1940
MatsonLorraine born about 1939
MaurerPaul Cborn about 1897
McGlashanAgnes born about 1913
McGlashanAlec born about 1904
McGlashanAlec born about 1928
McGlashanAlec Jr born about 1937
McGlashanAnesia born about 1919
McGlashanAnna born about 1936
McGlashanEdward born about 1927
McGlashanFred born about 1920
McGlashanHelen born about 1935
McGlashanHugh born about 1886
McGlashanJennie born about 1934
McGlashanLilian born about 1929
McGlashanMatrona born about 1891
McGlashanNick born about 1898
McGlashanNick born about 1929
McGlashanPaul born about 1905
McGlashanPeakla born about 1925
McGlashanPolly born about 1893
McGlashanTom born about 1939
McGlashanWilliam born about 1893
McKeanKilikilie born about
McMillinDorothy born about 1899
McMillinL Cborn about 1896
MelovidorAgnia born about 1937
MelovidorAgrippina born about 1925
MelovidorAlexander born about 1927
MelovidorAlexandra born about 1896
MelovidorAlfey born about 1904
MelovidorAnfesa born about 1936
MelovidorBenedick born about 1937
MelovidorEdgar born about 1938
MelovidorIlarion born about 1921
MelovidorJohn born about 1934
MelovidorJosef born about 1908
MelovidorJosef Jr born about 1932
MelovidorMaria born about 1931
MelovidorMarva born about 1933
MelovidorNazary born about 1929
MelovidorNekita born about 1938
MelovidorNicolai born about 1930
MelovidorPlatonida born about 1911
MelovidorSimeon born about 1933
MelovidorVladnair born about 1939
MelovidorYenia born about 1920
MensoffAnesia born about 1929
MensoffAnnie born about 1926
MensoffIgnatz born about 1891
MensoffJohn born about 1911
MensoffLarry born about 1917
MensoffMartha born about 1878
MensoffMartha born about 1885
MensoffMary born about 1930
MensoffMetrophane born about 1923
MensoffNick born about 1922
MerchennenAnnie born about 1884
MerchnnenMike born about 1871
MerculiefAbraham Sborn about 1916
MerculiefAgafangel born about 1935
MerculiefAgafia born about 1879
MerculiefAgrippina born about 1898
MerculiefAkanfa born about 1931
MerculiefAlexandra born about 1907
MerculiefAlexandra born about 1908
MerculiefAlexandra born about 1915
MerculiefAlexay born about 1925
MerculiefAndrew born about 1929
MerculiefAndrine born about 1921
MerculiefAnfesa born about 1934
MerculiefAngelina born about 1912
MerculiefAngelina born about 1933
MerculiefAnna born about 1909
MerculiefAnna born about 1921
MerculiefAnthony Bborn about 1939
MerculiefBejamin born about 1907
MerculiefBenjamin Jr born about 1932
MerculiefDa born about 1913
MerculiefDosefey born about 1906
MerculiefElizabeth born about 1932
MerculiefErena born about 1917
MerculiefEvdokia born about 1932
MerculiefGe born about 1875
MerculiefHelen born about 1904
MerculiefIliodor born about 1922
MerculiefInnokenty born about 1925
MerculiefIsiah born about 1919
MerculiefJames born about 1938
MerculiefJo born about 1873
MerculiefJohn born about 1879
MerculiefJohn born about 1892
MerculiefJohn born about 1927
MerculiefJohn Jr born about 1930
MerculiefJuleta born about 1931
MerculiefJulia born about 1924
MerculiefKa born about 1894
MerculiefLena born about 1933
MerculiefLeon born about 1935
MerculiefLeonid born about 1940
MerculiefLeonty born about 1906
MerculiefMarianna born about 1933
MerculiefMary born about 1924
MerculiefMary born about 1928
MerculiefMausa born about 1915
MerculiefNeon born about 1934
MerculiefNicolai born about 1881
MerculiefNicolai Gborn about 1907
MerculiefNicolai Nborn about 1910
MerculiefNicolai N Jrborn about 1937
MerculiefNicolais born about 1922
MerculiefNikauder born about 1935
MerculiefNina born about 1936
MerculiefPaul born about 1891
MerculiefPaul Jr born about 1929
MerculiefPeter born about 1930
MerculiefRaisa born about 1934
MerculiefRufina born about 1934
MerculiefSarafima born about 1924
MerculiefSarah born about 1931
MerculiefStefan born about 1891
MerculiefTerenty born about 1927
MerculiefTheodosia born about 1927
MerculiefWi born about 1919
MichelHarris born about 1882
MiglioreAnthony Dborn about 1938
MiglioreDr A Dborn about 1903
MiglioreMary Sborn about 1911
MillerHenry Kborn about 1911
MillerLawrence Lborn about 1937
MillerLouise Mborn about 1914
MohleSven born about 1889
MollerAlice born about 1913
MollerAnna born about 1936
MollerCharles born about 1890
MollerMary born about 1931
MollerPaul born about 1934
MollerVera Vborn about 1938
MortonHazel Bborn about 1931
MortonMildred Jborn about 1934
MortonPaul born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NakaJack born about 1877
NederazofAlexandra born about 1892
NederazofIsidor born about 1892
NelsonHerbert Lborn about
NevzaroffAnnie born about 1923
NevzaroffJohn born about 1922
NevzaroffLarry born about 1878
NevzaroffLydia born about 1927
NevzaroffMax born about 1926
NevzaroffMike born about 1915
NevzaroffPewscovia born about 1881
Nevzoroff born about 1930
NevzoroffAfanaesia born about 1874
NevzoroffAnnie born about 1918
NevzoroffDanny born about 1902
NevzoroffEva born about 1923
NevzoroffGeorge born about 1932
NevzoroffLawrence born about 1937
NevzoroffMary born about 1911
NevzoroffPeter born about 1907
NevzoroffPhillip born about 1907
NevzoroffVera born about 1934
NewellKenneth Gborn about 1882
NewellMartha born about 1880
NewmanAlvin Jborn about 1923
NewmanAnna Pborn about 1893
NewmanArthur Rborn about 1890
NewmanDolly born about 1918
NewmanErnest born about 1915
NewmanRo born about 1939
NewmanRobert Wborn about 1920
NickKatherine born about 1935
NickS born about 1933
NickelsonNick born about 1893
NorthupDorothy Aborn about 1913
NorthupLoren Jborn about 1910
NorthupLorena Aborn about 1936
NorthupPatrica Cborn about 1939
NozekofGregory born about 1926
NozekofMary born about 1922
NozekofPaul born about 1897
NozekofVarsa born about 1927
NozekoffJohn Gborn about 1906
NozekoffSimeon born about 1878
NyeRalph Wborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OlsenAlbert born about 1882
OlsenAlbert Cborn about 1887
OlsenAnna Jborn about 1888
OlsenDora born about 1910
OlsenJ P Hborn about 1882
OlsenJohn born about 1927
OlsenKatherine born about 1892
OlsenKatie born about 1897
OustigoffAndronicke born about 1916
OustigoffClement born about 1933
OustigoffConstantine born about 1936
OustigoffDmitri born about 1906
OustigoffElisaveta born about 1940
OustigoffGrofema born about 1932
OustigoffJuliana born about 1910
OustigoffJuliana born about 1939
OustigoffMary born about 1897
OustigoffNatalia born about 1937
OustigoffNeil born about 1891
OustigoffNeil Aborn about 1938
OustigoffNina born about 1919
OustigoffPeter born about 1927
OustigoffPhillips born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PankoffAgrippina born about 1889
PankoffVlass born about 1889
ParesiIvard Aborn about 1924
PattersonElvira Mborn about 1906
PattersonPatricia Eborn about 1937
PattersonRobert Bborn about 1899
PeetepoffMary born about 1921
PetersHenry born about 1915
PetersMartha born about 1922
PetersenNick born about 1899
PetersenNina born about 1924
PetersonAnne Dborn about 1921
PetersonEdwin Gborn about 1939
PetersonGe Eborn about 1903
PetersonGertrude Gborn about 1933
PetersonHenry Wborn about 1902
PetersonIda Nborn about 1911
PetersonNorma Annborn about 1930
PetikoffJack born about 1896
PetikoffMatjea born about 1909
PetikoffSimeon born about 1914
PetikoffValentine born about 1914
PetikoffWillie born about 1939
PetoffAgrippina born about 1876
PetoffDmitri born about 1899
PetoffDoria born about 1882
PetoffElisaveta born about 1928
PetoffGavriel born about 1937
PetoffJuliana born about 1925
PetoffPaul born about 1906
PetoffPeter born about 1934
PetoffSimeon born about 1931
PetoffSofia born about 1903
PetoffUkenty Mborn about 1912
PetoffZachar born about 1880
PettikoffMarie born about 1924
PettikoffMark born about 1891
PettikoffNick born about 1880
PettikoffPaul born about 1908
PettikoffSophie born about 1898
PettikoffTom born about 1907
PhilemonofElizar born about 1936
PhilemonofEoff born about 1903
PhilemonofGenenty born about 1923
PhilemonofIgnaty born about 1901
PhilemonofIgnaty Jr born about 1935
PhilemonofIlarion born about 1934
PhilemonofIsaac born about 1913
PhilemonofLeonty born about 1895
PhilemonofPolyxenia born about 1911
PhilemonofSerafima born about 1921
PletnifoffEuff born about 1894
PletnifoffLavera born about 1928
PletnifoffParfinia born about 1924
PletnikoffFannie Feuniaborn about 1929
PletnikoffSimeon born about 1918
ProkofiofAgnes born about 1908
ProkofiofAnna born about 1938
ProkofiofAx born about 1903
ProkofiofGe born about 1934
ProkofiofOlga born about 1932
ProkofiofSarah born about 1935
ProkofiofSofia born about 1937
ProkofiofZenovia born about 1939
ProkokiofAlexay born about 1918
ProkokiofFekla born about 1922
ProkokiofHelena born about 1913
ProkokiofMartha born about 1911
ProkokiofMicheal born about 1916
ProkokiofPeter Sr born about 1865
ProkokiofSophia born about 1915
ProkokiofStefanida born about 1878
ProkopeuffDanny born about 1922
ProkopeuffFanny born about 1935
ProkopeuffGeorge born about 1897
ProkopeuffGeorge born about 1939
ProkopeuffIrene born about 1921
ProkopeuffJohn born about 1915
ProkopeuffLukena born about 1904
ProkopeuffMary born about 1898
ProkopeuffMoses born about 1931
ProkopeuffNick born about 1874
ProkopeuffPeter born about 1934
ProkopeuffRalph born about 1874
ProkopeuffStepan born about 1924
ProkopiofAfanasia born about 1910
ProkopiofAlexandra born about 1920
ProkopiofAnna born about 1939
ProkopiofEngenia born about 1939
ProkopiofLa born about 1904
ProkopiofLa Jr born about 1938
ProkopiofMary born about 1936
ProkopiofNadezda born about 1917
ProkopiofNatalia born about 1916
ProkopiofNatalia born about 1940
ProkopiofPeter Jr born about 1919
ProkopiofVera born about 1934
ProkopioffDemetri born about 1897
ProkopoffAnaisie born about 1884
ProkopoffAngafangol born about 1909
ProkopoffFaklia born about 1935
ProkopoffHelen born about 1931
ProkopoffMary born about 1899
ProkopoffVelerien born about 1939
PropoperffLeon born about 1927
PruedsonGed born about 1891
PruessEvelyn Eborn about 1910
PruessJacqueline Eborn about 1931
PruessVerlen Eborn about 1910
PrusoffAgnes born about 1940
PrusoffAleck born about 1912
PrusoffEl born about 1919
PrusoffMartha born about 1903
PrusoffMike born about 1881
PrusoffVladimir born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RambowMarge Lborn about 1902
ReinkenJohn Hborn about 1883
RiceWalter Wborn about 1908
RileyVirginia Hborn about 1907
RobertoHugh Rborn about 1895
RobinsonCatherine Sborn about 1915
RobinsonEsther Eborn about 1917
RobinsonHenry Dborn about 1909
RobinsonRebecca Aborn about 1938
RobinsonVerne Lborn about 1905
RodAlice born about 1902
RodAlice Aborn about 1936
RodAnfin born about 1892
RodFrederick born about 1924
RodMargaret born about 1926
RodNick Dborn about 1928
RodNorman born about 1923
RoseClara born about 1875
RossCharlotte Aborn about 1940
RossCurtis Hborn about 1919
RossKatherine born about 1922
RothTaygola Aborn about 1902
RukovishnikoffAndre born about 1937
RukovishnikoffFeofania born about 1940
RukovishnikoffGe born about 1913
RukovishnikoffGe Jr born about 1938
RukovishnikoffSfrosenia born about 1919
RussellHelen Jborn about 1917
RussellWi born about 1903
RussellWi Jborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamakeuskyPeter born about 1893
SchelipoffLuke born about 1909
ScheripanoffAnna born about 1913
ScheripanoffHelen born about 1940
ScheripanoffOlga born about 1931
ScheripanoffShee* born about 1937
ScheripanoffWillie born about 1904
SchetzelJohn Bborn about 1906
SchetzelLoran Hborn about 1909
SedickAlexander born about 1929
SedickJohn born about 1898
SedickLavrenty born about 1916
SedickMarina born about 1900
SedickSalome born about 1933
ShabolinDaniel born about 1904
ShabolinFekla born about 1937
ShabolinGatiana born about 1936
ShabolinMaisey born about 1918
ShabolinTeodosia born about 1914
ShabolinVlass born about 1939
ShaishnikoffNick born about 1914
ShaisnikoffAlex born about 1929
ShaisnikoffConnie born about 1912
ShaisnikoffLarry born about 1932
ShaisnikoffPaul born about 1935
ShaisnikoffSergie born about 1903
ShaneAnna born about 1924
ShaneWi born about 1919
ShapsnikoffAnjesia born about 1903
ShapsnikoffGregory Sborn about 1935
ShapsnikoffInnokenty born about 1903
ShapsnikoffSergie born about 1906
SharsnikoffWillie born about 1912
SheisnikoffMaria born about 1939
SheisnikoffNadesda born about 1911
SheisnikoffSerge born about 1907
SheisnikoffSimeon born about 1936
SherebernikoffJennie born about 1892
SherebernikoffNellie born about 1931
SherebernikoffSophie born about 1927
SherebernikoffTheodore born about 1906
SiftsoffAllan born about 1936
SiftsoffAllen Aborn about 1936
SiftsoffVassa born about 1934
SingeroffAffia born about 1934
SingeroffAlice born about 1930
SingeroffAmry born about 1902
SingeroffAnd born about 1891
SingeroffAnfiecia born about 1937
SingeroffAnnie born about 1937
SingeroffCedar born about 1892
SingeroffClara born about 1926
SingeroffMike born about 1929
SingeroffOlean born about 1935
SingeroffPoda born about 1922
SingeroffVera born about 1928
SiparyDan Gborn about 1898
SiparyFehla Kborn about 1898
SmithAlice born about 1914
SmithCl born about 1939
SmithHe born about 1938
SmithJohn Iborn about 1910
SmithJohn I Jrborn about 1934
SmithKenneth born about 1935
SmithShirley Roseborn about 1937
SommersethEsther born about 1907
SommersethHichman born about 1902
SovoroffAgnes born about 1908
SovoroffChristina born about 1924
SovoroffFlorence born about 1940
SovoroffHoratina born about 1887
SovoroffIrene born about 1929
SovoroffLeonty born about 1913
SovoroffLura born about 1937
SovoroffNellie born about 1917
SovoroffSergie born about 1902
StarrVirgil Aborn about 1917
StarrWanda Jborn about 1915
SteffensenAlice born about 1915
SteffensenChristina born about 1936
SteffensenOdd Aborn about 1905
StepetinAlexey born about 1920
StepetinAlfred born about 1928
StepetinAndrey born about 1914
StepetinAnna born about 1872
StepetinAntenena born about 1926
StepetinAnton born about 1939
StepetinAugusta born about 1913
StepetinAuxenty born about 1909
StepetinBoris born about 1938
StepetinDorofey born about 1871
StepetinEpaty born about 1910
StepetinFannie born about 1922
StepetinFeodora born about 1940
StepetinFevronia born about 1937
StepetinJohn born about 1929
StepetinJustenia born about 1922
StepetinKatie born about 1912
StepetinKleopatra born about 1912
StepetinLavrenty born about 1931
StepetinLogan born about 1894
StepetinLubov born about 1880
StepetinLubov born about 1936
StepetinMabel Mborn about 1932
StepetinMarva born about 1899
StepetinMaxine born about 1934
StepetinMichael born about 1922
StepetinNick born about 1934
StepetinNicolai born about 1918
StepetinOlga born about 1935
StepetinParfiry born about 1933
StepetinPeter Gborn about 1923
StepetinRuth Eborn about 1932
StepetinVasillii born about 1894
StepetinVasillii Jr born about 1928
StepetinVassa Bborn about 1939
StepetinVera born about 1925
StepetinVera born about 1936
StepetinWi born about 1902
StepitinArthur born about 1903
StepitinHelen born about 1939
StepitinMattie born about 1920
StepitinPeter born about 1937
StrindbergEsther born about 1917
StrindbergGunnar Hborn about 1902
StrindbergMa Eborn about 1938
StrindbergRuth Mborn about 1939
SundquistFred Lborn about 1883
SundquistNellie born about 1890
SutliveRussel Wborn about 1898
SvardalAndrew born about 1904
SwansonHenry born about 1896
SwansonMae Aborn about 1913
SwartzGeorge born about 1917
SwensonAnna born about 1917
SwensonAxel born about 1895
SwetzofAriadna born about 1925
SwetzofEl born about 1938
SwetzofEudokia born about 1926
SwetzofFeona born about 1939
SwetzofFerapont born about 1922
SwetzofHelena born about 1920
SwetzofJulia born about 1903
SwetzofMendora born about 1931
SwetzofOlga born about 1933
SwetzofPaul born about 1893
SwetzofPaul Jr born about 1929
SwetzofPhilip born about 1937
SwetzofPlatonida born about 1930
SwetzofSimeon born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalanoffFedusia born about 1929
TalanoffHelen born about 1912
TalanoffMattie born about 1939
TalanoffSimeon born about 1878
TalanoffWillie born about 1935
TaylorJohn born about 1902
TcheripanoffChris born about 1931
TcheripanoffJohn born about 1923
ThelakoffMike born about 1938
ThomasRhoda born about 1900
ThomasWilliam Eborn about 1902
TonneBetty Lborn about 1935
TonneOlaf born about 1891
TonnePauline Eborn about 1916
TorgramsenCharles born about 1938
TorgramsenEdna Mborn about 1909
TorgramsenEmma born about 1928
TorgramsenPaul born about 1904
TorgramsenPaul born about 1931
TorgramsenPauline born about 1930
TorgramsenSidney born about 1927
TorgramsenSigward born about 1936
TorgramsenThomas born about 1933
TorgramsonGeorge born about 1906
TraegerCharles Aborn about
TudrinSophia born about 1909
TutiakoffAgnes Aborn about 1939
TutiakoffAlice Aborn about 1913
TutiakoffKathryn Mborn about 1928
TutiakoffMartha Mborn about 1921
TutiakoffPaul born about 1912
TutiakoffPhilemon Mborn about 1928
TutiakoffSebastian born about 1893
TutiakoffSergy born about 1911
TutiakoffTimothy born about 1924
TutiakoffTracey Nborn about 1924
TutiakoffVincent Pborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UgaldeaEustasio born about 1897

V Surnames

VanloockCarolina born about 1938
VanloockCharles Lborn about 1939
VanloockFrancis Hborn about 1930
VanloockFrank born about 1891
VanloockMartha Hborn about 1935
VanloockMary Hborn about 1933
VanloockVeronica born about 1903
VannerAlexandria born about 1899
VannerErna Mariaborn about 1929
VannerOscar Tborn about 1880
VatchmeneffClara born about 1932
VatchmeneffJennie born about 1915
VatchmeneffLawrence born about 1937
VatchmeneffLouise born about 1933
VatchmeneffPeter Aborn about 1896
VatchmeneffPeter Jr born about 1939
VinbergDonald Jborn about 1931
VinbergEsther Eborn about 1925
VinsonCarrie Lborn about 1895
VinsonElliott Mborn about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaltersDr Raymond born about 1906
WaltersFreda born about 1907
WatrousArthur born about 1931
WatrousEverett born about 1906
WatrousMyrtle born about 1904
WatsonAdolph born about 1912
WatsonMarie born about 1937
WatsonMary born about 1919
WeberFred Cborn about 1888
WeberGeorge Wborn about 1871
WestJohn born about 1886
WhiteLesile Eborn about 1933
WickAb born about 1882
WillisCarol Jborn about 1924
WillisElva Mborn about 1899
WillisJean Rborn about 1929
WillisPaul Eborn about 1898
WingfieldAudrey Bborn about 1906
WingfieldJesse Cborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatchmeneffApresenia born about 1911
YatchmeneffDora Eborn about 1916
YatchmeneffFeador born about 1935
YatchmeneffFl Nborn about 1938
YatchmeneffGeorge born about 1894
YatchmeneffJohn born about 1905
YatchmeneffLaura born about 1938
YatchmeneffMariamna born about 1936
YatchmeneffMarie born about 1884
YatchmeneffNellie born about 1916
YatchmeneffPauline born about 1924
YatchmeneffPeter born about 1906
YatchmeneffRosaline born about 1932
YatchmeneffRycoca born about 1881
YatchmeneffWilliam born about 1923
YatchmenoffEl born about 1929
YatchmenoffFrederick born about 1938
YatchmenoffHelen born about 1906
YatchmenoffJohn born about 1885
YatchmenoffMichaeel born about 1936
YatchmenoffWalter born about 1933
YermeloffAgafea born about 1921
YermeloffAkenefe born about 1913
YermeloffAlex born about 1886
YermeloffReus born about 1909
YermeloffSophia born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZacharofGe born about 1933
ZacharofSophia born about 1922
ZacharofStefanida born about 1930
ZacharofZoya born about 1893
ZaharofAlex Gborn about 1916
ZaharofMary born about 1889
ZaharofOlga Jborn about 1923
ZaharofPaul Wborn about 1931
ZaharofWilie born about 1884
ZernowskeG Clareborn about 1917
ZiwchneyDavid born about 1934
ZrochneyClara born about 1939
ZrochneyInnekente* born about 1937
ZrochneyPaul born about 1935
ZrochneySpurdon born about 1930
ZrochneyVasia born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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