1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cape Nome, Unorganized Borough, Alaska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alaska > Unorganized Borough > 1940 Census of Cape Nome

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AblooyalockCaroline born about 1926
AblooyalockEsther born about 1908
AblooyalockMark born about 1916
AblooyalockMinnie born about 1938
AblooyalockOrpha born about 1933
AblooyalockVincent born about 1935
AblowalakPaul born about 1913
AbrahamsonAndrew born about 1871
AchezhlterAlice born about 1919
AchezhlterGeorgianna born about 1932
AchezhlterRay born about 1916
AchezhlterRay Leeborn about 1939
AchezhlterTenie born about 1927
AcitonaAnna born about 1937
AcitonaArnold born about 1933
AcitonaBenjamine born about 1930
AcitonaBertha born about 1913
AcitonaGilmer born about 1929
AcitonaJohn Aborn about 1939
AcitonaMelvin born about 1903
AcitonaWilber born about 1934
AcraidlnzokAndrew born about 1915
AcraidlnzokBetty born about 1897
AcraidlnzokIsaac born about 1895
AcraidlnzokJack born about 1912
AcraidlnzokLarson born about 1938
AdamsAaron born about 1932
AdamsCarl born about 1931
AdamsHilda born about 1919
AdamsHoward born about 1930
AdamsJimmy born about 1939
AdamsMargaret born about 1934
AdamsMary born about 1904
AdamsMilton born about 1893
AessenClara born about 1927
AessenGertrude Aborn about 1937
AessenMargaret Aborn about 1922
AessenPatrick Aborn about 1933
AessenStanisl?? born about 1917
AgochchukJoe born about 1910
AgochchukMike born about 1939
AgochchukPat born about 1867
AgooyalakBertie born about 1910
AgooyalakDan born about 1870
AgooyalakDat born about 1931
AgooyalakFred born about 1936
AgooyalakRex born about 1927
AhgloingsAnnie born about 1911
AhgloingsCharlie born about 1917
AhgloingsHenry born about 1877
AhgloingsPercy born about 1922
AhgloingsSteven born about 1927
AhgloingsTillie born about 1881
AhgloingsVirginia born about 1931
AhgloingsWilliam born about 1925
AhkiegaCatherine born about 1917
AhkiegaIvan born about 1935
AhkiegaJacob born about 1916
AhkiegaOrville born about 1937
AhkingaBetty born about 1925
AhkingaCharlie born about 1888
AhkingaDahyulana born about 1897
AhkingaHenry born about 1920
AhkingaOscar born about 1927
AhkingaSophie born about 1933
AhkingaStanley born about 1928
AhkoalookEva born about 1923
AhkoalookJohn born about 1897
AhkoalookLilly born about 1905
AhkoalookMary born about 1939
AhkoalookSakkanga born about 1935
AhkoalookStanley born about 1934
AhokamelookCarl born about 1919
AhokamelookEsther born about 1937
AhokamelookRuth born about 1921
AhokamelookTitus born about 1939
AhsarukCarrie born about 1895
AhsarukPhillip born about 1868
AhsarukWilliam born about 1927
AhsookErnest born about 1917
AhsukpanDavid born about 1912
AhsukpanGregory born about 1885
AhsukpanGregory Jr born about 1927
AhsukpanMary born about 1887
AhsukpanWinona Dborn about 1921
AhviyahCecelia Lborn about 1934
AhviyahMarie Fborn about 1939
AhviyahStanley Cborn about 1933
AhwinonaFred born about 1931
AhwinonaHelen born about 1921
AhwinonaJacob born about 1924
AhwinonaJashua born about 1896
AhwinonaKarl born about 1935
AhwinonaNora born about 1905
AhwinonaSamuel born about 1927
AilukIsaac Aborn about 1923
AilukJoseph born about 1875
AilukPeter Aborn about 1920
AilukRita Kborn about 1928
AkeyaAgatha born about 1939
AkeyaAlexander born about 1929
AkeyaAnnie born about 1925
AkeyaBarbara born about 1927
AkeyaCalvin born about 1932
AkeyaHorace born about 1899
AkeyaLila born about 1937
AkeyaOlga born about 1902
AkilunaEwuidge Cborn about 1871
AkilunaFrank born about 1888
AkilunaJoseph Kborn about 1921
AkopekaysekFrances born about 1923
AkopekaysekRita born about 1930
AkopekaysekTom born about 1880
AkopekaysekYowkanah born about 1898
AlaranaCecilia Iborn about 1928
AlaranaChas born about 1883
AlaranaClara Aborn about 1884
AlaranaMargaret Uborn about 1926
AlarichEva Rborn about 1938
AlarichGlenn born about 1904
AlarichLenora born about 1907
AlbertAnna born about 1918
AlbertElizabeth born about 1915
AlbertJoseph born about 1925
AlbertRobert born about 1928
AleaineGrace born about 1899
AleaineHannah born about 1923
AleaineLily born about 1928
AleaineRose born about 1932
AleaineSamuel Sborn about 1875
AlexanderJames Hborn about 1912
AlfredJ Oplandborn about 1900
AllilakEarl born about 1934
AllilakElmer born about 1919
AllilakNeoma born about 1901
AllynCliff Nborn about 1894
AllynConstance Mborn about 1926
AllynFred Eborn about 1890
AllynLena Mborn about 1900
AllynMaruel born about 1931
AllynMary Aborn about 1892
AllynRay Fborn about 1914
AlowaAllen born about 1939
AlowaBeatrice born about 1921
AlowaBessie born about 1897
AlowaDanial born about 1925
AlowaEllie born about 1918
AlowaHallie born about 1935
AlowaIsaac born about 1917
AlowaJanet born about 1938
AlowaJoseph born about 1927
AlowaNelson born about 1913
AlowaRose born about 1937
AlowaThomas born about 1922
AlvanaAgatha Aborn about 1936
AlvanaJohn born about 1907
AlvanaLouise Kborn about 1931
AlvanaMagdelene Tborn about 1914
AmaktoolikDora Mborn about 1939
AmaktoolikHelen born about 1916
AmaktoolikJames born about 1909
AmaktoolikLaurie born about 1916
AmaktoolikNora Mborn about 1936
AmaroakStanislang born about 1919
AmarokAlice born about 1915
AmarokAlice born about 1915
AmarokBenedict born about 1926
AmarokCatherine born about 1938
AmarokCatherine born about 1938
AmarokFrancis born about 1908
AmarokJoseph born about 1895
AmarokLarry born about 1936
AmarokLarry born about 1936
AmarokMarion born about 1928
AmarokPaul born about 1915
AmarokPaul born about 1915
AmarokTheodore born about 1924
AmerakJoseph born about 1920
AmiakJoe born about 1884
AmiakRoy born about 1923
AmosEvangeline born about 1926
AmouhaKarthnuk born about 1880
AmuktoolikAlice born about 1925
AmuktoolikDavid born about 1928
AmuktoolikHelen born about 1926
AmuktoolikJimmie born about 1935
AmuktoolikMing born about 1890
AmuktoolikTommy born about 1923
AmuktoolikWallace born about 1906
AnaloakCabinbay born about 1864
AnaloakJohn born about 1921
AnaloakMary born about 1925
AnaloakPatricia born about 1928
AnaloakWalton born about 1917
AndersonAnna born about 1875
AndersonBernhart Hborn about 1871
AndersonCarl Vborn about 1907
AndersonCharles born about 1862
AndersonCharles Eborn about 1886
AndersonEdward born about 1880
AndersonEdward born about 1894
AndersonElizabeth born about 1910
AndersonJacob Iborn about 1894
AndersonKarne born about 1939
AndersonLoretta born about 1894
AndersonNels Kborn about 1908
AndersonPeter Aborn about 1876
AndersonRonald born about 1936
AndersonWilliam Rborn about 1865
AndesonAlfred Jborn about 1885
AndreeGrover Jborn about 1886
AndreeKatherine born about 1899
AngaunaAnthony Tborn about 1923
AngaunaJohn Sborn about 1921
AngaunaPeter born about 1896
AngaunaRobert Iborn about 1926
AngioAgaata born about 1866
AngioDora born about 1919
AngioFred born about 1915
AngioPekanelingok born about 1874
AngioSarah born about 1911
AngioSusie born about 1893
AngusucAnn Nborn about 1920
AngusucJohn Sborn about 1926
AngusucSimon Kborn about 1928
AnnageyokAnna born about 1922
AnnageyokApeaka born about 1891
AnnageyokJonathan born about 1926
AnnageyokLogan born about 1897
AnningoyanClara born about 1927
AnningoyanJames born about 1878
AnningoyanJohn born about 1917
AnningoyanNorman born about 1912
AnningoyanRogers born about 1930
AnningoyanSteve born about 1909
AnningoyanSusie born about 1884
AnningoyanWinfred born about 1924
AnokagucJohn born about 1916
AnokagucJohn Pborn about 1934
AnokagucMary Tborn about 1914
AnokagucRaphael Aborn about 1936
AntaghameJack born about 1902
AntaghameJane born about 1909
AntonyeLee born about 1876
ApakAnnie Eborn about 1933
ApakEthel Pborn about 1931
ApakJohn born about 1872
ApakMam??l born about 1874
ApakMarjorie Mborn about 1937
ApakMartha born about 1911
ApakMary Mborn about 1939
ApakRobert born about 1903
ApakRobert Jr born about 1935
ApetikaHalden born about 1930
ApetikaHomor born about 1900
ApetikaHugo born about 1939
ApetikaInez born about 1932
ApetikaRalph born about 1927
ApetikaThelma born about 1904
ApiakBessy born about 1893
ApiakEthel born about 1935
ApiakInez born about 1914
ApiakMary born about 1929
ApodrakJoseph born about 1917
ApodrukAlfred born about 1926
ApodrukHarry born about 1923
ApodrukJohn born about 1916
ApodrukKatherine born about 1926
ApodrukMurphy born about 1937
ApongalookJohn born about 1913
ApongalookLeonard born about 1939
ApongalookLilly born about 1915
ApongalookSusan born about 1935
ApossingakAnders born about 1933
ApossingakDella born about 1930
ApossingakHerbert born about 1927
ApossingakIflanuk born about 1860
ApossingakPauline born about 1891
ApossingakThomas born about 1891
ArarutukBridget born about 1897
ArarutukCharles born about 1929
ArarutukJack born about 1925
ArarutukMargaret born about 1932
ArarutukPaul born about 1892
ArebabgaukHelen born about 1855
AresacLouise Sborn about 1871
ArnasungacGertrude Gborn about 1882
ArnasungacMatthew born about 1879
ArnoldGertrude Eborn about 1914
ArnoldWilber Tborn about 1916
ArnudlngokRobert born about 1923
AshenfelterAlex born about 1907
AshenfilterAnnie born about 1913
AshenfilterCarl Tborn about 1937
AshenfilterGeorge Oborn about 1936
AshenfilterIrivn Kborn about 1939
AshenfilterJanet Janeborn about 1934
AsilaMary Nborn about 1916
AsilaThomas born about 1914
AtaakaHarry born about 1881
AtaakaOake born about 1864
AtanaryTony born about 1875
AtanganaAnne Aborn about 1918
AtanganaBridget Aborn about 1940
AtanganaRomuld born about 1914
Athalingok born about 1877
AthalingokEdna born about 1926
AthalingokKoonga born about 1881
AthalingokOtoka born about 1880
AtlukFrank Yborn about 1925
AtlukJames born about 1896
AtlukJames Aborn about 1919
AtlukMary Tborn about 1927
AtlukMary Uborn about 1899
AtmthHenry born about 1931
AtwoodClinton Kborn about 1934
AtwoodClinton Sborn about 1892
AtwoodRuby Iborn about 1901
AukonAmy born about 1915
AukonAukon born about 1879
AukonBertha born about 1920
AukonBessie born about
AukonDon Vborn about 1939
AukonEllen born about 1935
AukonGarrett born about 1922
AukonMary born about 1881
AukongakAble born about 1935
AukongakAigfred born about 1937
AukongakMartin born about 1933
AukongakMary born about 1904
AukongakMorgan born about 1939
AukongakNina born about 1931
AukongakSigfred born about 1899
AusleyClarence born about 1881
AustinEva born about 1934
AustinIda born about 1925
AustinIrene born about 1936
AustinJoseph born about 1887
AustinMadeline born about 1936
AustinNora Normaborn about 1931
AustinNorma born about 1930
AustinSteven born about 1928
AustinWilliam born about 1931
AyacAlaisius Sborn about 1929
AyekAnnie Nborn about 1934
AyekCecilia Pborn about 1926
AyekFrank born about 1897
AyekJohn Tborn about 1937
AyekMary Cborn about 1931
AyekMary Kborn about 1901
AyekPatrick Aborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerBurnette Gborn about 1903
BakerBurnette Gborn about 1903
BakerNed born about 1918
BaldwinAda Fborn about 1921
BaldwinEffie Fborn about 1885
BaldwinRobert Fborn about 1917
BaldwinWilliam Fborn about 1880
BaleKarl born about 1904
BaleMay born about 1900
BallMamie born about 1870
BallRallyn Jborn about 1900
BankeCharlotte born about 1918
BankeJohn Hborn about 1908
BaranoffJohn born about 1901
BarberMargaret born about 1915
BarberWilliam Fborn about 1913
BarnetteJames Bborn about 1913
BarrBessie born about 1914
BarrHarold born about 1932
BarrKenneth Cborn about 1939
BarrMarion Eborn about 1935
BarrOle Jr born about 1907
BaurdonDavid born about 1910
BaurdonGenevieve born about 1918
BaurdonWilson born about 1911
BayerGeorge Aborn about 1912
BayneHarold Eborn about 1884
BeckerEdward Aborn about 1909
BedsonCharles born about 1877
BelersonRobert born about 1933
BellBert born about 1902
BellBlanche Iborn about 1930
BellDavid Jborn about 1938
BellFlorence Cborn about 1931
BellGeorge born about 1937
BellHarold Dborn about 1932
BellJohn Wborn about 1934
BellLydia Mborn about 1908
BellSadie born about 1940
BellowsErwin Dborn about 1896
BellynBetty Louborn about 1935
BelobraidichJohn Vborn about 1903
BeltzCaroline Lborn about 1938
BeltzGeorge Eborn about 1937
BeltzHelen Bborn about 1919
BeltzWanda Fborn about 1939
BeltzWilliam Eborn about 1913
BenceLucy born about 1875
BergCharles Rborn about 1890
BergJennie born about 1890
BergamasthiEdith Cborn about 1939
BergamasthiPauline born about 1929
BerghHarold born about 1918
BerghPeter E Gborn about 1881
BergmaschiIda born about 1902
BergmaschiJames born about 1931
BergmaschiJohn Vborn about 1939
BergmaschiNapoleon Jr born about 1936
BergmaschiNapolion born about 1891
BergmaschiPauline born about 1929
BergstromFred born about 1898
BergstromGladys Bborn about 1894
BevleCary born about 1891
BezowskyRoy Hborn about 1917
BillJoseph born about 1913
BillSolomon born about 1875
BillsHarold Lborn about 1906
BillsRuby Mborn about 1906
BinekAlexander born about 1920
BinekJohn born about 1892
BjornstedBertha Hborn about 1929
BjornstedElla Bborn about 1912
BjornstedGus Jborn about 1881
BjornstedKatherine born about 1934
BjornstedMargaret born about 1932
BlackelyWilliam Jborn about 1902
BlairMilton Eborn about 1896
BlassiLincoln born about 1895
BlatchfordAlfred born about 1925
BlatchfordBernice born about 1933
BlatchfordCharlie born about 1898
BlatchfordCharolett born about 1940
BlatchfordJennie born about 1904
BlatchfordKinnegan born about 1926
BlatchfordKinngan born about 1928
BlatchfordMolly born about 1923
BlatchfordPeter born about 1931
BlatchfordViolet born about 1937
BlenstromAnker born about 1907
BlomquistPete born about 1908
BockmanFrederick Mborn about 1923
BockmanHelen Mborn about 1893
BockmanJudith Tborn about 1926
BockmanRoger Wborn about 1924
BockstromMartin born about 1898
BodisGeorge born about 1894
BoganDennis Nborn about 1937
BoganJohn Dborn about 1934
BoganPatrick born about 1938
BoganVictor Wborn about 1932
BohmeJohn born about 1883
BohnkeBob born about 1939
BohnkeElse born about 1919
BohnkeGena born about 1907
BohnkeJohn born about 1858
BohnkeJosephine born about 1910
BohnkePerry born about 1904
BoireGeorge Aborn about 1901
BoireGlen born about 1936
BoireIda born about 1912
BoireKenneth born about 1938
BolchRalph Wborn about 1871
BonderigArvid born about 1893
BonneyGeorge Aborn about 1907
BooneAgnes born about 1923
BooneAlice born about 1931
BooneDaniel born about 1900
BooneFlorence born about 1926
BooneGeorge born about 1916
BooneHarry born about 1921
BooneHubert born about 1936
BooneIda born about 1902
BooneMartha born about 1928
BooneNathan born about 1940
BooshuBen born about 1909
BooshuBob born about 1938
BooshuBryant born about 1932
BooshuDavid born about 1936
BooshuDorothy born about 1939
BooshuEarnest born about 1903
BooshuEric born about 1936
BooshuEthel born about 1906
BooshuGilbert born about 1936
BooshuLena born about 1909
BooshuLucy born about 1916
BooshuPearl born about 1940
BooshuRoland born about 1927
BooshuSenior born about 1876
BooshuSolomon born about 1915
BooshuWayne born about 1938
BooshuWilber born about 1933
BooshuWilson born about 1939
BordAxel born about 1875
BoslownBetty born about 1934
BoslownBruce born about 1936
BoslownEdgar born about 1883
BoslownElton born about 1923
BoslownLouis born about 1881
BoslownMary born about 1893
BoucherEmily Pborn about 1907
BoucherMary Jborn about 1940
BoucherWilfred Aborn about 1906
BoucherWilfred A Jrborn about 1935
BoulangerErnest Jborn about 1915
BounasherFred Rborn about 1876
BourdonBessie born about 1905
BourdonEmily born about 1929
BourdonEmory born about 1929
BourdonFred born about 1921
BourdonFred Rborn about 1895
BourdonGene born about 1932
BourdonGeorge born about 1928
BourdonIna born about 1923
BourdonJennie born about 1933
BourdonLucy born about 1925
BourdonLydia born about 1931
BourgaultWilliam Lborn about 1903
BoydGuy Cborn about 1893
BoydNina Eborn about 1901
BradwichMichael born about 1858
BratenAlbert Jborn about 1881
BraundMelvin born about 1918
BreenPatrick Mborn about 1873
BrellGeorge born about 1876
BriggsGlenn Gborn about 1907
BriggsMary Lborn about 1912
BrightGeorge born about 1917
BrightRuth born about 1940
BrightSarah born about 1917
BrightTom born about 1877
BrissonErval Jborn about 1917
BronsonCraig Gborn about 1935
BronsonDean Lborn about 1932
BronsonLester Dborn about 1907
BronsonRose Gborn about 1907
BrookerArthur born about 1878
BrosteRaymond Cborn about 1894
BrosteRhea Cborn about 1905
BrousseanRolland born about 1907
BrowmanCarl Aborn about 1935
BrowmanMargaret Aborn about 1908
BrowmanRuaben Lborn about 1929
BrowmanTurman Oborn about 1893
BrownEdward born about 1879
BrownElla Jborn about 1907
BrownFranklin born about 1928
BrownFrederick born about 1940
BrownHazel born about 1877
BrownJohn born about 1891
BrownJohn Jborn about 1902
BrownJohn Kborn about 1888
BrownJoseph born about 1937
BrownMamie born about 1935
BrownMary born about 1910
BrownNed born about 1906
BrownOscar born about 1904
BrownRalph born about 1932
BrownRuth Jborn about 1937
BrownSusie born about 1928
BrownTeddy born about 1930
BrownThomas born about 1915
BrownWilliam born about 1900
BrunnellAlbert born about 1900
BrunnellXenia born about 1878
BrynnerFelix born about 1861
BuckPaul born about 1917
BuckmasterBarbara born about 1909
BuckmasterErnest Lborn about 1907
BuffasAngelo born about 1893
BullGeorge born about 1876
BullockJack Lborn about 1912
BullockJohn Lborn about 1912
BurghErnest born about 1923
BurghHenriett Afborn about 1931
BurghMargaret Mborn about 1929
BurkeEdwin Rborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CachranOrvill Dborn about 1872
CalkinsBetty Pborn about 1922
CalkinsCharles Lborn about 1927
CalkinsMarguerite Cborn about 1895
CalkinsVirginia Mborn about 1924
CambelJohn Mborn about 1893
CameronEdna Mborn about 1908
CameronEmma Aborn about 1911
CameronHoward Mborn about 1901
CameronWilliam Hborn about 1899
CampbellmasconElmer born about 1928
CampbellmasconIver born about 1931
CampbellmasconLouisa born about 1936
CampbellmasconNita born about 1897
CampbellmasconPhillip born about 1898
CampbellmasconVictor born about 1925
CampbellmasconWilmer born about 1933
CannelyO C Cinneyborn about 1905
CannelyRuth Mborn about 1909
CannelyWilliam Haroldborn about 1932
CareyAlfred born about 1874
CarikerHenry Cborn about 1905
CarikerNola born about 1913
CarlsonAbel Gborn about 1939
CarlsonFritz Gborn about 1902
CarlsonGus born about 1886
CarlsonJohn Eborn about 1911
CarrolJames born about 1901
CarrutiAntonio born about 1890
CastelAarnout born about 1887
CastelAarnout Jr born about 1931
CastelCharles born about 1933
CastelMae born about 1930
CastelMargery born about 1929
CastelMarie Cborn about 1939
CastelPeter Gborn about 1937
CastelSusie born about 1927
CaveyCharles born about 1868
CaveyWalter born about 1912
CaveyWilhelmina born about 1879
ChagnonAlbert Aborn about 1873
ChambersFredrick Gborn about 1918
ChanikalkiaKatherine born about 1891
ChanikalkiaNathan born about 1937
ChanikalkiaThomas born about 1887
ChapmanElla born about 1890
ChapmanMary Hborn about 1923
ChapmanRalph Eborn about 1936
ChapmanSara Kborn about 1931
CharlesAlbert born about 1916
CharlesJames W Sborn about 1876
CharleyAgnes born about 1926
CharleyHarold born about 1929
CharleyJennie born about 1933
CharleyMadeline born about 1908
CharleyPeter born about 1901
ChawkSunshine born about 1871
CheahtarchBenjamin born about 1931
CheahtarchElizabeth born about 1925
CheahtarchFrancis born about 1901
CheahtarchFrank born about 1893
CheahtarchJames born about 1920
CheahtarchMagdelene born about 1936
CheahtarchPhillip born about 1938
CheahtarchRebecca born about 1933
CheahtarchSarah born about 1922
CheluroakAbby born about 1884
CheluroakAmy born about 1940
CheluroakClyde born about 1937
CheluroakEben born about 1879
CheluroakEllen born about 1931
CheluroakFrancis born about 1925
CheluroakIsaac born about 1922
CheluroakSarah born about 1917
CheluroakWayne born about 1912
ChiversWalter Eborn about 1878
ChoceThomas Hborn about 1860
ChristensenKaren Cborn about 1920
ChuhoakJashua born about 1873
ChuhoakLola born about 1879
ChukitillikAlma born about 1897
ChukitillikEdward born about 1929
ChukitillikFrank born about 1921
ChukitillikHenry born about 1926
ChukitillikJacob born about 1877
ChukitillikLincoln born about 1937
ChukitillikRuben born about 1939
ChukoakEdna born about 1934
ChukoakJimmie born about 1914
ChukoakLawrence born about 1937
ChukoakLena born about 1878
ChukoakRay born about 1936
ClarbyCharles Jborn about 1911
ClarbyHazel born about 1910
ClarkGertrude Wborn about 1901
ClarkNancy born about 1932
ClarkWalter Jborn about 1904
CockburnClyde born about 1895
CodeCharles Hborn about 1877
CodePearl Eborn about 1886
CokerHack Mborn about 1909
ColemanDelevin Rborn about 1919
ColgaleDavid born about 1887
ComerEugene born about 1909
ComerEugene born about 1909
ComyonHarry born about 1913
ComyonSusie born about 1923
CondellGeorge Mborn about 1893
ConnollyPat born about 1905
ConradAndrew born about 1888
CookCaroline born about 1935
CookElsa born about 1925
CookFrancis born about 1918
CookFrancis born about 1919
CookFred born about 1883
CookFred Mrs born about 1881
CookJulia born about 1928
CookWilliam Hborn about 1918
CoomaraswamyNarade born about 1913
CoonnayaMary born about 1840
CornwellEva Eborn about 1905
CornwellJohn Hborn about 1904
CornwellRichard Aborn about 1926
CovelPeter born about 1918
CovotaFredrick Fborn about 1914
CovotaTheresa born about 1915
CrabtreeJoseph Mborn about 1883
CramerBelinda born about 1908
CramerHarry Mborn about 1897
CramerWilliam E Hborn about 1876
CrasbyBernard born about 1904
CrayJohn Bborn about 1917
CrowleyCharles born about 1883
CrowleyEdward born about 1922
CrowleyMeta born about 1905
CrowleySimon born about 1926
CrowleyThomas born about 1924
CrowleyVincent born about
CulverDorothy born about 1906
CulverLyman Hborn about 1902
CulverMargaret born about 1938
CunninghamDale Pborn about 1921
CunninghamEdward Jborn about 1881
CurranBetty born about 1934
CurranBilly born about 1938
CurranClara born about 1913
CurranMaggie born about 1927
CurranPauline born about 1881
CurranPeter Jr born about 1906
CurranPeter Sr born about 1867
CurranRuth born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahlClifford Mborn about 1906
DalilahAlec born about 1929
DalilahFlora born about 1927
DalilahPeter born about 1893
DalilakEdward born about 1916
DalilakJohn born about 1917
DalilakMartin Gborn about 1939
DalilakNillette born about 1921
DalrothGust Hborn about 1891
DanesDoris Lborn about 1916
DanesElmer Lborn about 1914
DanickOcar born about 1903
DaughertyFrank born about 1903
DaughertyIla born about 1908
DaughertyNeal born about 1935
DaulinAugust born about 1912
DaulinFrances born about 1912
DavidLorraine born about 1918
DavidShelby born about 1910
DavidStanley born about 1939
DavidWalter born about 1935
DavidsonBernard Jborn about 1905
DaviesVern Wborn about 1918
DavisEmma Gborn about 1891
DavisLawrence Aborn about 1910
DavisVerda Iborn about 1917
DayleRobert Cborn about 1876
DelongMarshall Mborn about 1881
DenyJachel Eborn about 1868
DevinkHilma born about 1897
DexterJames Sborn about 1866
DexterJoe born about 1879
DexterMolly born about 1902
DexterPhilip born about 1925
DiaboldDorothy born about 1913
DibleyLouis Aborn about 1914
DicksonEli born about 1897
DicksonSteven born about 1937
DigiglookIvory Peteborn about 1872
DinkenWilliam born about 1893
DittyLois Nborn about 1919
DixonCharles born about 1929
DixonHelen born about 1933
DixonRobert born about 1938
DobboRoswell Vborn about 1909
DomingasManuel Aborn about 1868
DonahoePeter born about 1880
DonovanJohn born about 1861
DowdEleanor Fborn about 1930
DowdHelen Bborn about 1910
DowdJohn Aborn about 1931
DowdJohn Wborn about 1900
DowdLogan Jborn about 1935
DowdMarilyn Aborn about 1932
DowdWalter Jborn about 1925
DoyleAllon Gborn about 1909
DoyleBetty born about 1919
DoyleGene Sborn about 1872
DrakeEarl born about 1908
DrakeGerald born about 1933
DrakeGladys Mborn about 1938
DrakeTillie born about 1907
DriverJohn Hborn about 1919
DunayakFlorence born about 1914
DunayakJohn born about 1915
DunayakMargaret born about 1939
DunnJames Rborn about 1914
DurantCharles Aborn about 1906
DurantGloria born about 1926
DwarriganTom born about 1910

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E Surnames

EakanMinnie born about 1919
EchakCalvin born about 1898
EchakDanial born about 1921
EchakDinah born about 1886
EchakDorcas born about 1925
EchakMary Annborn about 1931
EchakMatilda born about 1928
EchakMoses born about 1919
EdmanAxel Fborn about 1906
EdmanGrace Eborn about 1915
EgbertHarry Gborn about 1882
EgelakDora born about 1884
EgelakJoseph born about 1933
EgelakPeter born about 1882
EkbergCarl Oborn about 1896
EkbergMary Bborn about 1897
ElasangaEtta born about 1895
ElingnakCecil born about 1934
ElingnukRobert born about 1915
ElingreakCecil born about 1934
EllisonElmer Mborn about 1912
EllisonRose Lborn about 1909
ElorungaAnnie born about 1919
ElorungaElmer born about 1893
ElorungaEsther born about 1926
ElorungaEtta born about 1895
ElorungaFrank born about 1923
ElorungaLloyd born about 1937
EmleyBertha Bborn about 1885
EmmonsSamuel Fborn about 1909
EnarukDavid born about 1909
EnarukRosa born about 1915
EnatteHelen born about 1918
EngbretsonClare Eborn about 1898
EnglandThelma Aborn about 1921
EngstromElsie born about 1907
EngstromHerbert born about 1893
EngstromJoan Rborn about 1934
EngstromJune Eborn about 1929
EngstromRonald Eborn about 1939
EognukFurmil born about 1934
EognukGussie born about 1911
EognukHannah born about 1930
EognukLena born about 1936
EognukVerna born about 1939
EognukWalter born about 1895
EricksonGlen Rborn about 1916
EricksonGust born about 1879
EricksonLouis born about 1875
EschCharles Hborn about 1909
EscholtLeo Gborn about 1931
EsenitukCora born about 1930
EsenitukEsther born about 1933
EsenitukEvelyn born about 1923
EsenitukHaratio born about 1915
EsenitukHerbert born about 1935
EsenitukJennie born about 1918
EsenitukJohn Alfredborn about 1913
EsenitukNellie born about 1921
EsenitukNorman born about 1928
EsenitukOscar born about 1893
EsenitukReta born about 1939
EsenitukTuck born about 1925
EsenitukWassuk born about 1897
EspencerHerbert born about 1871
EtagerkLillie born about 1908
EtagerkMicha born about 1936
EtagerkMoody born about 1896
EverrakBetty Aborn about 1869
EverrakJohn born about 1871
EvizannakFrank born about 1901
EyukAgnes born about 1934
EyukAnnie born about 1917
EyukClara born about 1931
EyukDavid born about 1916
EyukEdna born about 1929
EyukJim born about 1876
EyukMarcella born about 1940
EyukTopkarok born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FagerstromCharles born about 1940
FagerstromDoris born about 1929
FagerstromFloyd born about 1924
FagerstromJackie born about 1935
FagerstromJerry born about 1933
FagerstromJohn born about 1903
FagerstromJoyce born about 1929
FagerstromMinnie born about 1903
FagerstromMyrtle born about 1925
FagerstromRose Marieborn about 1938
FagestromAnn born about 1938
FagestromCharles Eborn about 1907
FagestromCharles Jr born about 1939
FagestromGeraldine born about 1937
FagestromHelen Mborn about 1916
FagestromJuanita Jborn about 1934
FagestromRuth born about 1936
FarrPeter born about 1915
FelderJoseph Bborn about 1879
FelderJoseph Hborn about 1932
FelderMary Eborn about 1888
FemeyerAnna born about 1870
FergusonMonte Hborn about 1895
FigmeacChas born about 1919
FisherEmil Bborn about 1896
FisherEverett Cborn about 1916
FisherMabel Tborn about 1896
FisherVernon Nborn about 1919
FixEdna born about 1880
FlehartyJess Dborn about 1875
FolgerGeorge born about 1888
FolgerWilla born about 1891
ForresterShirley Swallowborn about 1899
ForsgrenCarl Aborn about 1908
ForshangHelen Aborn about 1917
FosterMary born about 1920
FosterRex Eborn about 1916
FosterRichard born about 1893
FrameClarence born about 1930
FrameLeanora born about 1924
FrazierEverett born about 1938
FrazierFloyd Eborn about 1909
FrazierLaura Mborn about 1915
FrazierPatricia born about 1932
FrommCarl Fborn about 1876
FrommLuther Wborn about 1886
FrommPearl Eborn about 1918
FrommTheodore Jborn about 1913
FrommTheodore J Jrborn about 1936
FrostHelen born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GabrielsonHarry born about 1896
GabrielsonNina born about 1888
GalaganenEdward born about 1915
GalaganenEthel born about 1917
GalaganenGabriel born about 1939
GalaganenPatrick born about 1935
GalaganenRay born about 1937
GalagernenAbner born about 1930
GalagernenArthur born about 1928
GalagernenTheodore born about 1889
GalagernenTim born about 1920
GalvinLawrence born about 1906
GarneyBeynna born about 1880
GarneyDavid born about 1926
GarneyJohn born about 1922
GattschalkMatrona born about 1922
GawnAlfred Wborn about 1890
GawnDorothy Eborn about 1939
GawnMyrtle Mborn about 1901
GebhardtAlfred born about 1915
GebhardtWarner Mborn about 1917
GebhardtWilliam Cborn about 1914
GeffeEugene born about 1925
GelfeHelen born about 1929
GeorgeElsie born about 1917
GilfeLeo Bborn about 1931
GilletteBenjamine Fborn about 1875
GilletteIrene Aborn about 1890
GlassCharles Oborn about 1904
GlassClyde Dborn about 1903
GlassJiona Fborn about 1936
GlassViola Lborn about 1905
GlavinovichElma Mborn about 1904
GlavinovichHelen Mborn about 1939
GlavinovichWalter Aborn about 1910
GlavmovichCarl Sborn about 1907
GlavmovichCarolyn born about 1938
GlavmovichMarguerite Eborn about 1907
GlavmovichPaul Sborn about 1940
GobleArthur Lborn about 1907
GobleMary Dborn about 1905
GodfreySanford Lborn about 1884
GoetzenbergerCharles born about 1870
GracieAlex born about 1880
GrantHarvey Mborn about 1881
GrayClinton born about 1917
GrayDavid Fborn about 1935
GrayDavid Lborn about 1868
GrayIrene Nborn about 1933
GrayIrene Wborn about 1909
GrayKluznak born about 1885
GrayMarion born about 1928
GrayMax Cborn about 1931
GrayNiefe Cborn about 1902
GreenDonald Gborn about 1910
GreenbergHerbert Mborn about 1862
GregoryRita born about 1913
GregorySherman born about 1918
GriffithsJelda Rborn about 1917
GrnatLouell born about 1888
GrossEdward Eborn about 1883
GrytlenAntone Cborn about 1906
GryttonSegvald born about 1900
GundersonGeorge Aborn about 1894
GundersonIrene born about 1932
GundersonJules Jborn about 1882
GundersonLars born about 1940
GundersonRosemary born about 1934
GundersonVera born about 1911
GustavHed Aborn about 1876
GustinJ?? Fborn about 1896
GwanGretchen Eborn about 1907
GwanThomas Oborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HablutzelEdith Vborn about 1907
HackettJohn born about 1900
HagenHaryr C Aborn about 1873
HagenLorene Mborn about 1916
HagenRosa Bborn about 1873
HakeekHatter born about 1933
HakeekLilly born about 1909
HalmssonJoseph born about 1917
HanakaAgnes born about 1938
HanakaJacob Rborn about 1937
HanakaJoseph born about 1910
HanakaLucy born about 1913
HannanHenry born about 1860
HansenAlfred Lborn about 1880
HansenAlyce born about 1913
HansenCarl born about 1880
HansenGustav Wborn about 1872
HansenHilda Mborn about 1900
HansenRalph Paul Jrborn about 1938
HansenRev Ralph Pborn about 1912
HansonCarl born about 1891
HanyokJim born about 1908
HapananAnkon born about 1863
HardingKoko born about 1868
HariparieGordon born about 1911
HariparieGordon Jr born about 1936
HariparieHelen born about 1912
HariparieJim born about 1878
HariparieRoger born about 1933
HariparieVirginia born about 1935
HariparieYownmega born about 1890
HarneyCarolyn Lborn about 1939
HarneyElizabeth born about 1909
HarneyGerald Eborn about 1908
HarneyRichard Sborn about 1939
HarneySharon Mborn about 1937
HarnishGeorgia Cborn about 1909
HarnishJoseph born about 1907
HarnishRuth Lborn about 1940
HarperEdith born about 1909
HarperEugene born about 1920
HarperHarold Fborn about 1900
HarperJames born about
HarperJames Fborn about 1921
HarperJoan born about 1933
HarperLewy Jamesborn about 1906
HarperRita Pborn about 1894
HarrisArthur born about 1912
HarrisEileen born about 1915
HarrotakAgnes born about 1918
HarrotakWilliam born about 1907
HartfordArthur Mborn about 1887
HartfordDorothy Mborn about 1929
HartfordEdna Mborn about 1897
HartfordHelen Jborn about 1928
HaugheyJames born about 1858
HaughlandSheridan Mborn about 1914
HauserEmil born about 1887
HavelinPeter Aborn about 1905
HavercampBeatrice born about 1937
HavercampFred born about 1895
HavercampHelma born about 1916
HavercampLolita born about 1936
HayEric Kborn about 1927
HayMarie Lborn about 1900
HayOle born about 1886
HayOlga Mborn about 1934
HaycockLouie Tborn about 1905
HaycockMonna Lborn about 1911
HaycockNorman Lborn about 1937
HealEdward born about 1887
HeberleeLloyd Bborn about 1905
HebertEmma born about 1926
HebertJoseph born about 1878
HebertJoseph Jr born about 1929
HedineErna born about 1908
HedineJeanette Eborn about 1936
HedineLeonard Jborn about 1909
HedreenKeith Eborn about 1909
HedrickLeander Eborn about 1916
HedsonBerda born about 1892
HedsonEllis born about 1904
HeldeArthur born about 1917
HelleriahGeorge Wborn about 1896
HenriksonGust born about 1886
HenryDavid born about 1905
HenryDorothy born about 1929
HenryJune born about 1919
HenryMelton born about 1925
HenryNora born about 1936
HenryPhillip born about 1937
HenryRose born about 1939
HepworthHarry born about 1864
HerlyLouis Gborn about 1892
HerringJohn Gborn about 1901
HerringRaymond Mborn about 1912
HerringWilliam Oborn about 1899
HewittAnna Sborn about 1875
HewittJames Eborn about 1871
HewyahackLady born about 1874
HicklinThomas Bborn about 1909
HigginbotharaEdward born about 1914
HilcheyJean Lborn about 1912
HinckleyWalter Rborn about 1893
HoffAlfred born about 1930
HoffEva born about 1911
HogbergJohn Oborn about 1897
HokhkglsokTimneerwin born about 1866
HokhkglsokTom born about 1875
HollandJames Wborn about 1907
HoltzingerWilliam born about 1889
HolzarlandHenry born about 1874
HoopBudd Wborn about 1918
HoopEdith born about 1922
HoopEmily born about 1876
HoopHerman Hborn about 1876
HopelandAlice Aborn about 1900
HopewellElla born about 1935
HopewellGeorge Fborn about 1893
HopewellMargaret born about 1919
HopkinsEllen Mborn about 1914
HopkinsJoseph E Jrborn about 1914
HorenEdward Sborn about 1882
HorenJohn born about 1880
HornJohn born about 1879
Hoven born about 1886
Hoven born about 1896
HovenEdwin Oborn about 1889
HuffIda Eborn about 1932
HuffLena born about 1909
HughesPeter Bborn about 1880
HumlingJohn Jborn about 1910
HurleyJohn Bborn about 1899
HutneyJohn born about 1868
HymanGus born about 1876
HymanKatherine born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IfkulukEvelyn born about 1930
IfkulukFrances born about 1905
IfkulukIrene born about 1936
IfkulukIrving born about 1904
IfkulukJerome born about 1940
IfkulukRebecca born about 1938
IfkulukWayne born about 1931
IgapakalkiaAdele born about 1897
IgapakalkiaAlma born about 1931
IgapakalkiaHazel born about 1938
IgapakalkiaZacheus born about 1894
IgenglieBetty born about 1925
IgenglieJuanna born about 1894
IgenglieMinard born about 1873
IghettinnaDorothy born about 1874
IkinalowaAghanghakhpuk born about 1875
IkinalowaRachel born about 1912
IknokinukKateok Cliffordborn about 1928
IllanaAloisuis Wborn about 1931
IllanaFrank born about 1905
IllanaLouise Aborn about 1939
IllanaMary Agoseyborn about 1933
IllanaUrsula Hborn about 1909
IllowakalkiaMartha born about 1885
IllowakalkiaNick born about 1930
IllowakalkiaOscar born about 1913
ImarinnaMary born about 1880
ImarinnaMurphy born about 1876
ImganaCecilia Aborn about 1926
ImganaJoseph born about 1896
ImganaMarie Rborn about 1899
ImganaMichael Tborn about 1936
ImganaPaul Aborn about 1920
ImganaPeter Kborn about 1928
ImganaStephen Aborn about 1933
ImmigenLeslie born about 1928
ImmigenLewis born about 1916
ImmigenMyrtle born about 1922
ImmigenSmith born about 1894
ImmorgianAgnoklowok born about 1873
ImmorgianGeorge born about 1907
IngnakayokAlvin born about 1911
IngnakayokBeatrice born about 1905
IngnakayokClarence born about 1939
IngnakayokDavid born about 1887
IngnakayokDorothy born about 1914
IngnakayokJerry born about 1929
IngnakayokJoseph born about 1935
IngnakayokMattie born about 1925
IngoatihayokHanison born about 1882
IngoatihayokMarion born about 1899
IonaClara born about 1909
IonaDorthy born about 1929
IonaGay born about 1925
IonaJosephine born about 1938
IoneAlice born about 1932
IoneJennie born about 1925
IoneRichard born about 1926
IrrgangMarget born about 1917
IrrgangOtto Rborn about 1915
IrrigooBernard born about 1940
IrrigooClarence born about 1915
IrrigooMildred born about 1919
IrrigooOra born about 1917
IrrigooRosco born about 1938
IrrigooSamuel born about 1892
IvanoffEmma born about 1927
IvanoffEva born about 1929
IvanoffFina born about 1933
IvanoffHenrietta born about 1935
IvanoffHenry born about 1936
IvanoffJohnny born about 1926
IvanoffMay born about 1902
IvanoffMyrtle born about 1921
IvanoffPaul born about 1894
IvanoffPaul Jr born about 1937
IvanoffRalph born about 1924
IwarriganHarriett born about 1909
IwarriganIrene born about 1935
IwarriganLeoh born about 1937
IwarriganNellie born about 1882
IwarriganRoy born about 1915
IwarriganWilliam born about 1908
IyaAgnes born about 1938
IyaCora born about 1906
IyaEdgar born about 1939
IyaElizabeth born about 1932
IyaHarvey born about 1934
IyaJoan born about 1936
IyaNathanial born about 1905
IyahukAlbert born about 1918
IyahukAnna born about 1918
IyahukIsaac born about 1883
IyahukJoseph born about 1923
IyahukRebecca born about 1887
Iyakitan born about 1870
IyakitanAdeline born about 1921
IyakitanCarl born about 1913
IyakitanDanial born about 1917
IyakitanHelen born about 1927
IyakitanLane born about 1930
IyakitanLewis born about 1925
IyakitanLida born about 1916
IyakitanMartha born about 1937
IyakitanMary born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JackEva born about 1924
JackReuben born about 1940
JacksonAlbert born about 1935
JacksonEric born about 1932
JacksonGrant born about 1884
JacksonHelen born about 1887
JacksonHilda born about 1908
JacksonHilda born about 1936
JacksonHoward born about 1916
JacksonIrene Vborn about 1903
JacksonKirk Bborn about 1905
JacksonPaul born about 1925
JacksonRobert born about 1907
JacksonTimothy born about 1922
JacobsCurtis Lborn about 1894
JacobsonBernard Jborn about 1905
JacobsonEdward born about 1914
JacobsonFrances born about 1915
JacobsonHarold born about 1912
JacobsonMadaline born about 1921
JacobsonSevert born about 1913
JacobsonTillie born about 1918
JaeDavid born about 1902
JaeHelen born about 1934
JaeIrene born about 1910
JaeLouis born about 1938
JaeOld No Other Nameborn about 1860
JakesAda born about 1932
JakesAgnes born about 1924
JakesIgnatins born about 1928
JakesJohanna born about 1923
JakesMartha born about 1933
JamesEsther born about 1913
JamesGladys born about 1939
JamesHerbert born about 1911
JamesHerbert Jr born about 1937
JamesVerna born about 1936
JanksAnne Tborn about 1907
JanksHerbert Jborn about 1902
JanukeRobert born about 1875
JeffordBetty Vborn about 1917
JeffordJack Fborn about 1911
JeffordJacqulin Sborn about 1940
JeffordMargaret Tborn about 1911
JeffordMary Janeborn about 1890
JeffordShirley Mborn about 1937
JelleyCarl Eborn about 1892
JemewoukArlene born about 1940
JemewoukDonald born about 1936
JemewoukEbba born about 1903
JemewoukElla born about 1931
JemewoukHans born about 1921
JensenAnna Aborn about 1875
JensenCharles Fborn about 1867
JensenFlorence Mborn about 1917
JensenIsak Jborn about 1911
JensenJohn Eborn about 1885
JensenJulius born about 1872
JoeClara born about 1927
JoeLarry born about 1910
JoeTeddy born about 1915
JohansenEinar Kborn about 1891
JohansenGertrude born about 1901
JohansenGertrude Eborn about 1919
JohansenJo Annborn about 1928
JohansenLawrence Fborn about 1917
JohansenRuth Oborn about 1917
JohansenTheodore born about 1914
JohnsonAlbert born about 1909
JohnsonAlbert Dborn about 1911
JohnsonAllen born about 1934
JohnsonAndrew Jborn about 1889
JohnsonArthur Eborn about 1907
JohnsonAxel born about 1884
JohnsonChris born about 1893
JohnsonClara born about 1917
JohnsonEinar born about 1922
JohnsonEmil born about 1899
JohnsonEva born about 1930
JohnsonFrancis born about 1911
JohnsonFrank Lborn about 1905
JohnsonFred born about 1879
JohnsonFred born about 1880
JohnsonGabe born about 1883
JohnsonGus Hborn about 1876
JohnsonGus Hborn about 1876
JohnsonHelen Aborn about 1911
JohnsonHerman born about 1894
JohnsonJohn born about 1936
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1932
JohnsonJohn Sborn about 1875
JohnsonJohnne born about 1914
JohnsonKeithel Vborn about 1914
JohnsonLaura Maryborn about 1937
JohnsonLena born about 1928
JohnsonLoretta born about 1937
JohnsonManfred Jborn about 1889
JohnsonMarcella Kareborn about 1939
JohnsonMarcilla born about 1919
JohnsonMary born about 1866
JohnsonThomas born about 1928
JohnsonWallace born about 1933
JohnsonWilliam Eborn about 1906
JokesHarry Mborn about 1872
JolinCharles Wborn about 1879
JolliffeEdith Mborn about 1897
JolliffeMalville Gborn about 1893
JonesAnn born about 1928
JonesBertha born about 1939
JonesCaroline born about 1916
JonesCharles Dborn about 1875
JonesDaniel Aborn about 1925
JonesDick born about 1908
JonesEverett Dborn about 1916
JonesGeorge Aborn about 1881
JonesJohn born about 1914
JonesKatie born about 1926
JonesLester Wborn about 1912
JonesLoretta Mborn about 1898
JonesMay born about 1936
JonesPanny born about 1884
JonesRaymond born about 1901
JorgensenAlbert Pborn about 1934
JorgensenEmil born about 1881
JorgensenNora born about 1906
JourdonAlice Dborn about 1879
JyafunaAhkonga born about 1939
JyafunaAlice born about 1933
JyafunaCharlie born about 1928
JyafunaJames born about 1921
JyafunaJohn born about 1924
JyafunaMartha born about 1902
JyafunaTom born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaasenAnna born about 1887
KaasenGunner born about 1883
KaijaJosephine born about 1875
KaivanaFrank born about 1902
KakalukBarbara Aborn about 1913
KakalukJohn Bborn about 1913
KakalukLeonard Aborn about 1935
KakalukMarie Aborn about 1939
KakarukAgnes born about 1931
KakarukGeorge born about 1929
KakarukMaggie born about 1929
KakarukPeter born about 1928
KakarukTheresa born about 1926
KalerakAlice born about 1903
KalerakAndrew born about 1902
KalerakAndrew Jr born about 1935
KalerakBetty born about 1935
KalerakDarlie born about 1940
KalerakEsther born about 1929
KalerakJosephine born about 1909
KalerakKathrene born about 1939
KalerakMartha born about 1934
KalerakWalter born about 1938
KalukhonAllon born about 1932
KalukhonAnna born about 1926
KalukhonGroce born about 1922
KalukhonJones born about 1940
KalukhonLawrence born about 1897
KalukhonLeroy born about 1934
KalukhonLuke born about 1937
KalukhonMagdelene born about 1938
KalukhonRose born about 1905
KalukhonWilla born about 1927
KamedalEvelyn Gborn about 1909
KanariJohn born about 1897
KanariTakla born about 1898
KaneavakDavid born about 1918
KangeGeorge born about 1890
KangeleBessie born about 1912
KangeleIlene born about 1931
KangeleMary born about 1934
KaningokAbraham born about 1912
KaningokEllis born about 1936
KaningokFranklin born about 1932
KaningokIda born about 1910
KaningokLois born about 1938
KaningokWillard born about 1920
KaningokYaghoo born about 1890
KanyakFrank born about 1888
KanyakLincoln born about 1912
KanyakMark born about 1916
KanyakMary born about 1880
KapelowitzEdna Cborn about 1909
KapelowitzJohn Bborn about 1933
KapelowitzMax born about 1909
KapelowitzRobert Fborn about 1937
KasekieNan born about 1936
KasekieSarah born about 1919
KasekieTeddy born about 1906
KasignocBernard born about 1913
KasignocCatherine Aborn about 1919
KasignocTommy Nborn about 1939
KaskiArthur Tborn about 1913
KaterinsoJames born about 1881
KatexakAnthony Aborn about 1935
KatexakBernard Tborn about 1923
KatexakFrancis Lborn about 1930
KatexakMartin Iborn about 1927
KatexakMartina Cborn about 1904
KatexakRomoula Kborn about 1928
KatexakSiman born about 1903
KathnerJohn Fborn about 1917
KattakCarl born about 1891
KattakRosa Kborn about
KatuckCarl born about 1892
KatungagucAgatha Aborn about 1936
KatungagucAlaisuses Aborn about 1926
KatungagucGregory Aborn about 1924
KatungagucJohn born about 1898
KatungagucMary Eborn about 1933
KatungagucMary Rou Aborn about 1939
KatungagucPauline Kborn about 1937
KatungagucTeresa Aborn about 1902
KavahBobbie born about 1911
KavahCaroline born about 1934
KavahDorothy born about 1933
KavahElsie born about 1913
KavahMadeline born about 1939
KavahVirginia born about 1937
KawasukAlice born about 1929
KawasukJill born about 1909
KawasukJohn born about 1908
KawkekukSamuel born about 1917
KayakilmClara born about 1933
KayakilmDavis born about 1879
KayakilmRichard born about 1929
KayakilmSelma born about 1891
KazingnukLobez born about 1924
KeapongaAddison born about 1892
KeapongaRuth born about 1903
KeelickArthur born about 1929
KeelickEdward born about 1924
KeelickFrankie born about 1922
KeelickGladys born about 1935
KeelickHarris born about 1926
KeelickHelen born about 1933
KeenanIrene born about 1899
KeenanJames Jborn about 1885
KeeneElma born about
KegictacJohn Pborn about 1923
KegictacRobert Aborn about 1926
KekarukaAlice born about 1905
KekarukaAmy born about 1902
KekarukaAnna born about 1914
KekarukaDavid born about 1895
KekarukaEdward born about 1939
KekarukaEstella born about 1930
KekarukaFrancis born about 1934
KekarukaFredrick born about 1934
KekarukaIrene born about 1932
KekarukaJohn born about 1858
KekarukaJohn Aborn about 1890
KekarukaJohn Jr born about 1905
KekarukaLucy born about 1934
KekarukaMary born about 1924
KekarukaMary born about 1935
KekarukaMary born about 1936
KekarukaNorbert born about 1939
KekarukaPaul born about 1923
KekarukaRita born about 1935
KekarukaRuth born about 1904
KekarukaWilfred born about 1936
KellEugene Lborn about 1898
KellHazel Mborn about 1905
KellyBernard Pborn about 1931
KellyDaniel Mborn about 1902
KellyEdward Cborn about 1905
KellyJames Eborn about 1936
KellyMary Gborn about 1905
KellyNareen Aborn about 1933
KellyScott Lborn about 1901
KelseyAmelia Bborn about 1905
KelseyWilliam Hborn about 1907
KenickEthel born about 1916
KenickJacob born about 1887
KenickTimothy born about 1928
KennedyCharlotte Jborn about 1910
KennedyEdward Mborn about 1937
KennedyWesley Mborn about 1907
KenneyJohn Bborn about 1866
KeoliherJames born about 1910
KeolikerMorris born about 1913
KerrFlorence Eborn about 1905
KerwinPat born about 1885
KeyoklookDaisy born about 1906
KeyoklookHerbert born about 1900
KeyoklookLydia born about 1934
KeyoklookMichael born about 1939
KeyoklookNielson born about 1940
KiawegakBernice born about 1911
KiawegakDavid born about 1937
KiawegakDells born about 1932
KiawegakHenderickson born about 1909
KiawegakMatilda born about 1939
KiawegakPhilip born about 1935
KiawkanBob born about 1926
KiawkanEdward born about 1904
KiawkanHilma born about 1935
KiawkanNan born about 1914
KibrizoffAlexander born about 1933
KibrizoffMarie born about 1904
KibrizoffWilliam born about 1901
KillargaacHelen Aborn about 1928
KillarzoacAnn Kborn about 1892
KillarzoacFrances Kborn about 1934
KillarzoacJohn Sborn about 1926
KimballHelen Vborn about 1911
KimballHugh Cborn about 1909
KimballJanice Aborn about 1932
KimballVirginia Hborn about 1929
KimidockBessil born about 1912
KimidockHulter born about 1933
KimidockJames born about 1934
KimidockJohn born about 1888
KimidockJohn Jr born about 1937
KimidockPatrick born about 1939
KiminsenCharlie born about 1903
KimirsenCharles born about 1850
KinelisGust born about 1875
KinerEleanore born about 1933
KingBertha Cborn about 1882
KingDelbert Hborn about 1873
KingDorothy born about 1930
KingFlorence born about 1928
KingerkukDella born about 1929
KingerkukFloyd born about 1934
KingerkukGertrude born about 1939
KingerkukHogarth born about 1931
KingerkukJanet born about 1936
KingerkukKermit born about 1928
KingerkukMay born about 1905
KingerkukRonald born about 1925
KingerkukTheodore born about 1900
KingerkukVera born about 1923
KingoalkiaGeorge born about 1934
KingoalkiaIda born about 1930
KingoalkiaLuke born about 1902
KingoalkiaMay born about 1907
KinneyEmmy born about 1890
KinneyRoss Jborn about 1878
KirkeboConrad born about 1908
KirleLeif Dborn about 1891
KiteDaisy born about 1928
KiteErving born about 1888
KiteGeorge born about 1927
KiteMary born about 1909
KitzmillerAnnette born about 1904
KitzmillerRalph born about 1891
KnollWilliam born about 1881
KnudsenBernie Sborn about 1906
KnudsenLucille Eborn about 1915
KnudsneHarry born about 1904
KnudsneIda Mborn about 1910
KoacleacAgnes Aborn about 1877
KoacleacNo Eng Nameborn about 1867
KoangkokHarrison born about 1924
KogassahaonEmerson born about 1931
KogassahaonKuslek born about 1883
KogassahaonMartin born about 1888
KogeakEdward born about 1932
KogeakIsabel born about 1903
KohlerDaniel Eborn about 1918
KoivulaMatt born about 1887
KomohokAlma born about 1940
KomohokCharles born about 1868
KomohokDollie born about 1871
KomohokEthel born about 1919
KomohokPeter born about 1913
KomohokRoy born about 1938
KomohokSam born about 1912
KomohokSammy born about 1939
KomokChtistine born about 1938
KomokJoe born about 1908
KomokRachael born about 1920
KomokonBilly born about 1907
KomokonGrace born about 1935
KomokonMary born about 1914
KomokonSteven born about 1937
KomouaseokAda born about 1895
KomouaseokBillie born about 1882
KomouaseokEdward born about 1911
KomouaseokHarry born about 1921
KomouaseokLuther born about 1908
KomouaseokNora born about 1921
KomouaseokOscar born about 1910
KomouaseokSarah born about 1928
KomouaseokSilas born about 1925
KonahukHarold born about 1914
KonahukKeringoktikok born about 1887
KonggpakElnora born about 1926
KonggpakHerbert born about 1934
KonggpakMary born about 1910
KonggpakPerry born about 1904
KonggpakPerry Jr born about 1932
KonggpakVernon born about 1927
KoongkakDonald born about 1920
KoonookaHarold born about 1913
KoonookaIna born about 1920
KoonookaMerlin born about 1939
KoonookaTommy born about 1880
KootsawyakHelen born about 1930
KootsawyakHerman born about 1883
KootsawyakJulia born about 1884
KootsawyakSam born about 1933
KoozaataAlice born about 1907
KoozaataAnna born about 1911
KoozaataBessie born about 1926
KoozaataGrace born about 1924
KoozaataHarry born about 1928
KoozaataHelen born about 1924
KoozaataJohn born about 1921
KoozaataKerroku born about 1873
KoozaataLee born about 1935
KoozaataLela born about 1938
KoozaataLucille born about 1902
KoozaataNed born about 1932
KoozaataWarren born about 1893
KoozaataYoovookseuk born about 1862
KopokAlexander born about 1913
KopokBilly born about 1918
KopokDaniel born about 1912
KopokJohn born about 1890
KopokRalph born about 1930
KopokSolomon born about 1925
KopokTom born about 1927
KoskiArthur Tborn about 1913
KostDolly born about 1927
KostGeorge born about 1939
KostGertrude born about 1899
KostHenry Sborn about 1928
KostJohn born about 1898
KostJohn Jr born about 1930
KostLouis born about 1933
KostMary Aborn about 1937
KostSofia born about 1929
KowalskiIgnas born about 1879
KowcheeAnna Mborn about 1939
KowcheeLoraine born about 1939
KowcheeRuth born about 1917
KowchieFrederick born about 1936
KowchieJennie born about 1914
KowchieJoseph born about 1908
KowchieLois born about 1938
KowchieMaggie born about 1880
KowchiePeter born about 1935
KoyrctokAlice born about 1914
KoyrctokAlvin born about 1935
KoyrctokFrank born about 1897
KoyrctokPatrick born about 1937
KoyukHenry Kborn about 1933
KoyukJachim born about 1909
KoyukLucy Tborn about 1935
KoyukTheresa Eborn about 1916
KrausCharles Jborn about 1897
KravachukRalph born about 1906
KrohlowLeonard Aborn about 1913
KubonFred Aborn about 1910
KugawzakElizabeth born about 1859
KugzrukAvarina born about 1881
KugzrukDick born about 1906
KugzrukElsie born about 1909
KugzrukEsther born about 1931
KugzrukGertrude born about 1929
KugzrukHarvey born about 1928
KugzrukJohnnie born about 1911
KugzrukMarian born about 1939
KugzrukMay born about 1909
KugzrukMorris born about 1933
KugzrukPhilip born about 1922
KugzrukRalph born about 1924
KugzrukRuth born about 1913
KugzrukSenior born about 1867
KugzrukVernon born about 1937
KugzrukWillie born about 1908
KugzrukWillis born about 1939
KukiEva Tborn about 1918
KukiMatt born about 1908
KulowigiAlbert born about 1897
KulowigiDean born about 1936
KulowigiElfie born about 1932
KulowigiElinor born about 1927
KulowigiElton born about 1930
KulowigiHarrison born about 1922
KulowigiJohn born about 1922
KulowigiMiriom born about 1905
KulowigiRosamund born about 1934
KungelakFanny born about 1936
KungelakJennie born about 1917
KungelakTimothy born about 1911
KungesukGrace born about 1920
KungesukJohn born about 1914
KungieGeorge born about 1890
KunnukAgnes Aborn about 1914
KunnukLea Aborn about 1932
KunnukLeo born about 1906
KunnukMarie Aborn about 1939
KunnukPaul Bborn about 1939
KunnukVincent Aborn about 1934
KunupeakMary born about 1867
KzengreakMichael born about 1897
KzengreakTiny born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LafortuneFather Bborn about 1872
LaiblinAgnes born about 1934
LaiblinAnnabell born about 1912
LaiblinGeorge Fborn about 1904
LamanAfred born about 1889
LarfieldClarence born about 1933
LarfieldFlorence born about 1925
LarfieldHarry born about 1912
LarnaLuke born about 1886
LarsenAglena born about 1928
LarsenDaniel born about 1937
LarsenDouglas born about 1939
LarsenEmil born about 1862
LarsenFred born about 1914
LarsenFred Jborn about 1914
LarsenFreda born about 1915
LarsenHans Cborn about 1884
LarsenIda born about 1940
LarsenIssac born about 1933
LarsenJames Kborn about 1921
LarsenJerry born about 1939
LarsenJohn Eborn about 1903
LarsenLottie born about 1914
LarsenMildred born about 1903
LarsenNancy born about 1937
LarsenNellie born about 1931
LarsenPeter Eborn about 1901
LarsenPeter Jr born about 1935
LarsenSiefred born about
LarsonHilding born about 1903
LarssonOtto born about 1893
LautukWilliam born about 1925
LawrenceHarley Hborn about 1909
LawsWilliam Wborn about 1880
LawsonJohn Fborn about 1896
LayOscar born about 1896
Laydon??? born about 1861
LealaBertha Mborn about 1887
LedgerwoodRobert Wborn about 1858
LeeAgnes born about 1932
LeeAlice born about 1915
LeeAllan Wborn about 1911
LeeAllen W Jrborn about 1940
LeeCarrie born about 1883
LeeCharles born about 1878
LeeCharles born about 1878
LeeCharles Mborn about 1910
LeeConrad born about 1928
LeeDanial born about 1905
LeeDonald born about 1938
LeeEdgar born about 1938
LeeFlora born about 1915
LeeFloyd born about 1936
LeeLila Mborn about 1895
LeeMargaret born about 1911
LeeMarguerite Tborn about 1921
LeeMarion born about 1925
LeeMildred Sborn about 1911
LeePeter born about 1912
LeeRichard Eborn about 1913
LeeRichard Oborn about 1881
LeeRobert born about 1929
LeeVirginia born about 1931
LeggJohn born about 1933
LeggJohn Hborn about 1905
LehmannIda born about 1875
LehmannJessie Eborn about 1897
LehmannNancy Rborn about 1934
LehmannThoralp Jr born about 1898
LehmannThorulf born about 1868
LehmannTrina born about 1871
LehmannWilliam Fborn about 1889
LemasonCaroline born about 1912
LemasonGeorge Eborn about 1914
LevanNettie born about 1915
LevienCharles Pborn about 1887
LewisCharles Fborn about 1922
LewisHarry Aborn about 1922
LewisLillie Mborn about 1901
LewisNorvin Wborn about 1887
LewisNorvin W Jrborn about 1920
LewisRobert Kborn about 1931
LichtenbergJohn born about 1867
LincolnAbraham born about 1902
LincolnClayton born about 1927
LincolnEdward Fborn about 1932
LincolnErnest Lborn about 1928
LincolnFlora Maryborn about 1937
LincolnJacob born about 1904
LincolnLucy Fborn about 1909
LincolnMargaret Cborn about 1926
LincolnMary born about 1906
LincolnPutame Eborn about 1931
LincolnReuben born about 1934
LincolnRobert Tborn about 1938
LincolnRose Maryborn about 1936
LincolnWilliam Sborn about 1934
LindellCarl Jborn about 1870
LivingstonDavid born about 1909
LivingstonMaxine born about 1913
LobleyAlfred Hborn about 1909
LobleyClarice Cborn about 1913
LomanCarl Toysborn about 1881
LomanLaura born about 1896
LongfellowHarris Dborn about
LongleyFrancis Cborn about 1912
LongleyGarry Fborn about 1933
LongleyHenry Cborn about 1873
LongleyHenry C Jrborn about 1938
LongleyJoan Cborn about 1935
LornaLuke born about 1883
LownerEarl Lborn about 1909
LukeChristine born about 1935
LukeEffie born about 1938
LukeFlora born about 1907
LukeHenry born about 1900
LukeJohn born about 1924
LukeLena born about 1878
LukeLillian born about 1921
LukeMay born about 1926
LukeRay born about 1932
LukeSteven born about 1924
LukeThomas born about 1878
LuktusigakAbraham born about 1870
LuktusigakGeorge born about 1923
LuktusigakPaul born about 1930
LuktusizakAnne born about 1904
LuktusizakCharley born about 1899
LuktusizakTimothy born about 1935
LuleeGeorge born about 1918
LulegekThomas born about 1890
LurinEmil born about 1887
LyleDonald Jborn about 1906
LyleDonna Cborn about 1938
LyleEllen Mborn about 1907
LyleEmma Iborn about 1871
LyleMary Lborn about 1935
LyngHoward Wborn about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldArchie born about 1858
MacinnesAlex born about 1903
MacleodAngus Mborn about 1890
MaddenGlen Aborn about 1910
MaddenLewis Hborn about 1908
MadsenGeorge Pborn about 1913
MadsenMargaret born about 1913
MaggMadeline born about 1940
MaggMary born about 1919
MaggSamuel born about 1907
MaggSamuel Jr born about 1936
MaggWilliam born about 1929
MahanEmery Hborn about 1881
MahanGrace Lborn about 1891
MakiyakCecelia born about 1938
MakiyakDavis born about 1934
MakiyakGeorge born about 1895
MakiyakJackson born about 1937
MakiyakLeanore born about 1902
MakiyakLillian born about 1932
MakiyakMargaret born about 1925
MakiyakMary Annborn about 1930
MaklaFritz born about 1890
MaklahokChristopher born about 1915
MaklahokRuth born about 1921
MaklahokSally born about 1940
MalcolmWilliam Tborn about 1918
MalegoohtukChouncy born about 1900
MalegoohtukFlorence born about 1907
MalegoohtukWoodrow born about 1933
MalonyDavid Jborn about 1911
MalonyEdward Aborn about 1905
MalonyEvelyn Vborn about 1938
MalonyLucy born about 1935
MalonyMargaret born about 1933
MalonyMarjorie Sborn about 1918
MalonySarah born about 1915
MalonyWilliam Jborn about 1913
MandevillePaul Aborn about 1918
MaphisPaul Sborn about 1920
MarasovichJohn born about 1889
MarchionRussell Cborn about 1906
MarcomRuth born about 1891
MarcomThomas born about 1889
MargrafEugene Oborn about 1924
MargrafGeorgia Eborn about 1885
MargrafOscar Aborn about 1874
MargrafRichard Lborn about 1923
MarrowFay Cborn about 1900
MarshallGeorge Mborn about 1883
MartinAlbert born about 1914
MartinAlice born about 1923
MartinAnthony Rborn about 1940
MartinDean Wborn about 1935
MartinEmery Lborn about 1918
MartinFloyd born about 1934
MartinFrances born about 1929
MartinFrank born about 1881
MartinFrank Jr born about 1933
MartinGeorge Gborn about 1924
MartinGranet Wborn about 1896
MartinJames Lborn about 1937
MartinJennie Wborn about 1896
MartinJoan born about 1936
MartinJosephine Rborn about 1918
MartinLillian born about 1926
MartinLucy born about 1895
MartinPhillip born about 1921
MartinRosemary born about 1939
MartinStanley Eborn about 1916
MartinThomas Nborn about 1920
MartinovichMarco born about 1883
MassinHenry born about 1909
MathewsAnna born about 1921
MathewsHelen born about 1918
MathewsHilda born about 1928
MathewsIsaac born about 1925
MathewsVirginia born about 1931
MathlawElsie born about 1930
MathlawLeonard born about 1897
MathlawMargaret born about 1904
MathlawMary born about 1936
MathlawRex born about 1924
MatthewsEunice born about 1876
MatthewsJae born about 1918
MayacAndrew Kborn about 1937
MayacChas born about 1911
MayacEarl Aborn about 1939
MayacGeorge Oborn about 1939
MayacMary Aborn about 1915
MayacPeter born about 1914
MayacThadeus Aborn about 1938
MayacTheresa Oborn about 1919
MaynardMary born about 1887
MaynardMildred born about 1913
MaynardPhyllis born about 1918
MaynardRussell born about 1912
MazeanaKovyegok born about 1876
MazeanaLouis born about 1872
MazenConstance born about 1923
MazenGertrude Kborn about 1897
MazenGlenn Dborn about 1934
MazenSylvester Dborn about 1895
MazenSylvester D Jrborn about 1929
McAloneThomas Aborn about 1872
McCaffertyAndrew born about 1914
McCaffertyElsie born about 1940
McCaffertyGeorge born about 1936
McCaffertyLaura born about 1917
McCaffertyLucy born about 1938
McCaffertyMissha born about 1936
McCaffetyAaron born about 1929
McCaffetyAnna born about 1897
McCaffetyEleanor born about 1926
McCaffetyWilfred born about 1936
McCarthyBert W Bborn about 1887
McConaghyBernard Jborn about 1899
McConaghyClarice born about 1901
McDermottGeraldine Mborn about 1926
McDonaldAllan Jborn about 1862
McDonaldWilliam Eborn about 1889
McDougallJoseph Gborn about 1895
McDuffyRalph born about 1896
McDuffyTommie born about 1906
McElmeelJoseph Fborn about 1885
McGinnisMarion born about 1912
McGinnisRaymond Mborn about 1915
McIverMurdo born about 1896
McKenzieArnold Eborn about 1904
McKenzieGloria Annborn about 1933
McKenzieKatheryn Mborn about 1906
McLainArthur Tborn about 1877
McLainArthur Wborn about 1931
McLainCaroline Mborn about 1929
McLainCarrie Mborn about 1896
McLainElizabeth Aborn about 1927
McLainMargary Cborn about 1926
McLeanJames Nborn about 1913
McLeanRichard Cborn about 1875
McLeanTeresa Cborn about 1899
McLeodMaltham born about 1883
McLukeJohn born about 1919
McMurrayGrant Aborn about 1906
McPhersonDonald born about 1917
McVeyEdith Rborn about 1904
McWilliamsJohn Aborn about 1864
MebesAndrew Aborn about 1873
MellinJohn born about 1871
MellinJohn born about 1913
MenadelookCharles born about 1926
MenadelookDavis born about 1921
MenadelookEtta born about 1938
MenadelookLaura born about 1928
MenadelookRoger born about 1912
MenadelookTheresa born about 1921
MenadelookThomas born about 1931
MerkerPatricia Mborn about 1911
MerkerThomas Bborn about 1911
MerrillElmer born about 1931
MerrillMary born about 1921
MerrillRichard Bborn about 1887
MerrillRichard Bborn about 1919
MerrillWallace born about 1929
MerrillWalter born about 1917
MesekeAnna Christeneborn about 1881
MetuklookBertha born about 1888
MetuklookWinfred born about 1934
MezzennaHelen Mborn about 1924
MezzennaLawrence born about 1916
MichGuy Eborn about 1880
MichLattie Rborn about 1895
MichMarianne Fborn about 1924
MichalJoseph born about 1913
MickelsonCarl Oborn about 1905
MickelsonVerna Bborn about 1919
MidekeJena Dborn about 1912
MidekeLouis born about 1909
MikeJustina born about 1933
MillerAda Mborn about 1897
MillerAlbert born about 1874
MillerAlice Mborn about 1934
MillerCharles born about 1861
MillerDonna Jborn about 1936
MillerHenry Gborn about 1908
MillerLawrence born about 1901
MillerMargaret Oborn about 1911
MillerPatrick Jborn about 1913
MillerRaymond born about 1909
MillerRaymond Jborn about 1935
MillerWalfred born about 1914
MilliganAgnes born about 1907
MilliganChester born about 1885
MilligrockAaron born about 1932
MilligrockAlfred born about 1935
MilligrockDoyenna born about 1895
MilligrockDwight born about 1912
MilligrockElizabeth born about 1928
MilligrockEmma born about 1931
MilligrockLencoln born about 1932
MilligrockMartha born about 1912
MilligrockMores born about 1924
MilligrockSpike born about 1889
MilligrockSusie born about 1938
MilligrockSwanhill born about 1940
MilotHenry Hborn about 1914
MinianWarren Hborn about 1877
MinowAnn Mborn about 1935
MinowHans born about 1908
MinowJoyce Mborn about 1940
MinowMadeline born about 1914
MitchellAndy Aborn about 1912
MitlenRobert born about 1906
MoanAnne born about 1920
MoanDorcas born about 1938
MoanTom born about 1915
ModeAlbert Eborn about 1901
ModiniEvelyn Cborn about 1907
ModiniGeorge Tborn about 1934
ModiniGeorge Wborn about 1888
ModiniJanet Mborn about 1935
ModiniJerry Aborn about 1937
MoggsAlexander born about
MoggsEthel born about 1918
MoggsFlorence born about 1938
MominHumbert born about 1888
MoningnakGabriel born about 1938
MoningnakJohnny born about 1905
MoningnakNellie born about 1915
MoningnakRichard born about 1935
MontokoliFranklin born about 1921
MontokoliMonte born about 1878
MontokoliPatsy born about 1935
MontokoliSadie born about 1908
MoonCharles Tborn about 1902
MorrisRuth born about 1919
MorrisonJames H Sborn about 1866
MorrisonVictoria Mborn about 1881
MortonEdwin Wborn about 1902
MosesAbbott born about 1924
MosesAlfred born about 1921
MosesEmma born about 1928
MosesFrank born about 1895
MosesMargaret born about 1930
MosesMaude born about 1898
MosquitoAnnie born about 1927
MosquitoFlorence born about 1930
MosquitoFrank born about 1917
MosquitoFred born about 1897
MosquitoHoward born about 1938
MosquitoIrene born about 1934
MosquitoJoe born about 1922
MosquitoMary Annborn about 1907
MosquitoRoy born about 1931
MotherelizabethCharuet born about 1909
MothermLaurentine born about 1904
MothermaryAngess 4th born about 1885
MoullasJames born about 1886
MowariHarold born about 1899
MowariHazel born about 1902
MowariJessie born about 1927
MowariPansy born about 1926
MowariRoger born about 1934
MowariVerna born about 1939
MoylanyRalph Eborn about 1897
MozeeBenjamine Bborn about 1888
MozeeBonnie Eborn about 1918
MozeeElliott born about 1930
MozeeJeanne Cborn about 1919
MozeeNorene Eborn about 1900
MozeeYvonne Nborn about 1939
MuktayukClara Aborn about 1903
MuktayukEdward Sborn about 1926
MuktayukGabriel Bborn about 1939
MuktayukMargaret Eborn about 1928
MuktayukMartha Sborn about 1934
MuktayukStanialusa born about 1896
MullerGretchen born about 1919
MuncyGlenn Lborn about 1894
MuncyNelle Eborn about 1907
MunzeWilliam born about 1910
MurrayWilliam Jborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NagurukLeo born about 1890
NajwakAndrew born about 1876
NajwakNoah born about 1917
NajwakStella born about 1919
NakakBessie born about 1924
NakakIrene born about 1921
NakakookAlex born about 1939
NakakookLucy born about 1935
NakakookMaggie born about 1918
NakakookMichael born about 1911
NakarukIver born about 1926
NalquistCharles born about 1878
NalquistMamie born about 1924
NarratukAndrew born about 1901
NarratukErnest born about 1933
NarratukEsther born about 1936
NarratukMabel born about 1933
NarratukRuth born about 1907
NarratukSteven born about 1928
NaryacktukAlbert born about 1925
NaryacktukAmos born about 1871
NaryacktukElla born about 1873
NaryacktukStella born about 1927
NaryacktukWalter born about 1921
NatangaCecilia Aborn about 1923
NatangaPaul born about 1914
NayaknekElsie born about 1919
NayaknekJae born about 1910
NayaknekLynes born about 1887
NaycekakBertha born about 1935
NaycekakEdna born about 1906
NaycekakJesse born about 1922
NaycekakJoseph born about 1928
NaycekakMoses born about 1900
NaykakBen born about 1880
NaykakHarry born about 1922
NaykakMary born about 1875
NayknihJosephine born about 1930
NayknihLincoln born about 1934
NayknihMargaret born about 1905
NayknihRichard born about 1902
NayukukAbbrer born about 1932
NayukukBen born about 1896
NayukukBuddy born about 1938
NayukukDaisy born about 1922
NayukukElsa born about 1924
NayukukFrank born about 1926
NayukukGilbert born about 1930
NayukukJames born about 1934
NayukukPeter born about 1936
NayukukRalph born about 1917
NayukukSarha born about 1904
NeeblingHarry born about 1915
NelsonBen born about 1863
NelsonDorothy born about 1919
NelsonElly Mborn about 1931
NelsonEric Tborn about 1905
NelsonEthel born about 1889
NelsonGrant Hborn about 1917
NelsonHarry born about 1911
NelsonHarry Jborn about 1892
NelsonJane born about 1925
NelsonJane Lborn about 1921
NelsonJane Lborn about 1921
NelsonJohn born about 1888
NelsonJulia born about 1906
NelsonLinnea born about 1899
NelsonNels Wborn about 1903
NelsonOlive Cborn about 1894
NelsonRoy born about 1938
NelsonStewart Lborn about 1914
NelsonVera Dborn about 1927
NelsonWilliam born about 1865
NelsonWilliam Nborn about 1934
NelsonWilliam Tborn about 1882
NepowhotukBetty born about 1896
NepowhotukDora born about 1916
NepowhotukJoseph born about 1926
NepowhotukLester born about 1895
NepowhotukMark born about 1920
NerizacBernadth Yborn about 1934
NerizacDominic Hborn about 1921
NerizacLucy Nborn about 1925
NerizocMargaret born about 1871
NershakClyde born about 1934
NershakRichard born about 1906
NershakRichard Jr born about 1939
NershakRuthie born about 1936
NershakSophia born about 1912
NershakVernon Mullus*born about 1929
NevinoLyle Aborn about 1894
NevinoMable born about 1894
NevittMary born about 1894
NewhallClarence Hborn about 1906
NewmanMartha Dborn about 1921
NewpokuhokEva born about 1910
NewpokuhokGail born about 1927
NewpokuhokLeonard born about 1932
NewpokuhokSam born about 1901
NewpokuhokSilas born about 1937
NicholsLewis Lborn about 1912
NickoPete born about 1875
Nicola??? born about 1875
NiebahChris born about 1876
NielsenBruce Lborn about 1912
NobleBert Cborn about 1916
NokarukEmma born about 1928
NoongnorkCora born about 1898
NoongnorkMinnie born about 1927
NoongwookChester born about 1934
NoongwookDwight born about 1939
NoongwookEdwin born about 1936
NoongwookFlora born about 1914
NoongwookFrances born about 1914
NoongwookHenry born about 1936
NoongwookIlene born about 1931
NoongwookJanette born about 1907
NoongwookJoseph born about 1926
NoongwookKenneth born about 1933
NoongwookMaynard born about 1938
NoongwookNathan born about 1911
NoongwookNorma born about 1932
NoongwookOllin born about 1888
NorbertJohn born about 1907
NorbertJohn Jr born about 1935
NorbertJoseph born about 1937
NorbertMarian born about 1918
NorbertRose born about 1933
NormanDavid born about 1918
NorrisJack born about 1912
NovakAudrey born about 1933
NovakRuth Fborn about 1906
NovakVictor Bborn about 1911
NowlesEugene Cborn about 1914
NughanCharlie born about 1874
NughanEsther born about 1916
NughanLucy born about 1880
NughanPaul born about 1914
NughanRebecca born about 1928
NuipakHattie Mborn about 1934
NuipakHazel born about 1909
NuipakKenneth born about 1927
NuipakMabel born about 1931
NuipakPauline born about 1929
NuipakSamuel born about 1903
NunraeluChristine born about 1892
NunraeluMay born about 1922
NunraeluNorman born about 1892
NurisacPeter born about 1867
NussllokRachel born about 1869
NuyakacJames Uborn about 1924
NuyakacJosephine Aborn about 1895
NuyakacRobert born about 1886
NylenAndrew born about 1866
NylenMabel born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OaitillinDonial born about 1868
OalganDaisy born about 1920
OalganDaniel born about 1939
OalganOle born about 1914
ObergAlbin Nborn about 1905
ObergFlorence Mborn about 1917
OblingHans born about 1880
OconnorBlanche born about 1927
OconnorEdward Bborn about 1865
OconnorEdward B Jrborn about 1931
OconnorGeorge born about 1921
OconnorGrace born about 1924
OconnorIrene Kborn about 1888
OconnorMarianne born about 1918
OconnorMatilda born about 1915
OctackJohn Rborn about 1930
OctackLydia born about 1909
OctackLydia Cborn about 1938
OctackPaul born about 1933
OctuckCatherine born about 1940
OctuckJosie born about 1920
OctuckLaura born about 1938
OctuckPeter born about 1910
OfarrellFrank Wborn about 1924
OfarrellHugh born about 1876
OfarrellJennie Mborn about 1894
OfarrellMary Aborn about 1933
OfarrellMilton Jborn about 1918
OfarrellPatricia Jborn about 1931
OfarrellRuby Mborn about 1928
OkalaseakCarl born about 1918
OkalaseakClara born about 1934
OkalaseakFredrick born about 1926
OkalaseakHazel born about 1928
OkalaseakIsaac born about 1924
OkalaseakOst born about 1932
OkalaseakRuby born about 1892
OkalaseakThelma born about 1922
OkalaseakVincent born about 1916
OkeenelooDaisy born about 1907
OkeenelooGene born about 1937
OkeenelooOtto born about 1927
OkeenelooPeter born about 1882
OkhtokiyeckEdna born about 1893
OkhtokiyeckFrank born about 1918
OkhtokiyeckRichard born about 1880
OkithonEleanor born about 1934
OkithonHansel born about 1933
OkitkonEdison born about 1925
OkitkonFranklin born about 1929
OkitkonGarfield born about 1924
OkitkonTheodore born about 1926
OklaunkSimon born about 1913
OkomaHildred born about 1906
OkomealingakFred born about 1907
OkomealingakIna born about 1930
OkomealingakMark born about 1940
OkomealingakMartha born about 1920
OkomealingakMay born about 1932
OkpealukCeselia born about 1939
OkpealukLawrence born about 1933
OkpealukLucy born about 1930
OkpealukMamie born about 1907
OkpealukMary born about 1937
OkpealukRobert Sborn about 1911
OkpealukWilliam born about 1929
OkyieBessie born about 1935
OkyieMary born about 1928
OkyieThomas born about 1938
OlearyAgustus Jborn about 1909
OlearyCharles born about 1915
OlearyEdna Oborn about 1914
OlearyEleanor born about 1886
OlearyJohn Jborn about 1876
OlearyMargaret Cborn about 1912
OlearyMargaret Cborn about 1937
OlearyRita born about 1921
OlsenIda born about 1885
OlsenJohn born about 1913
OlsenJohn born about 1937
OlsenKatherine born about 1917
OlsenPete born about 1876
OlsonAnna born about 1888
OlsonAnthony Tborn about 1928
OlsonBjarne born about 1898
OlsonCharles Vborn about 1880
OlsonEdward born about 1880
OlsonElizabeth Mborn about 1909
OlsonElvira born about 1890
OlsonHelen Hborn about 1913
OlsonHelmer Jborn about 1931
OlsonJohn Hborn about 1874
OlsonJohn Hborn about 1898
OlsonLouis born about 1879
OlsonMadeline Dborn about 1926
OlsonMartin born about 1928
OlsonMelvin Bborn about 1940
OlsonOle born about 1881
OlsonPearl Mborn about 1913
OlsonPeter born about 1886
OlsonSigrid Lborn about 1939
OlsonSylvia Bborn about 1938
OlsonVernon Rborn about 1934
OmalClifford born about 1925
OmalEvabwimah born about 1873
OmalTootmateluk born about 1862
OmaraDorothy Eborn about 1922
OmaraPatrick Lborn about 1939
OmaraWilliam Aborn about 1915
OmelakElizabeth born about 1925
OmelakGus born about 1887
OmelakJoseph born about 1923
OmelakLouisa born about 1933
OmelakRosie born about 1904
OneiakBob born about 1898
OneiakCecilia born about 1929
OneiakJames born about 1934
OneiakPatrick born about 1936
OneiakPaul born about 1924
OneiakRuth born about 1926
OneiakSophie born about 1931
OneiakSusie born about 1900
OnnagakakRubena born about 1864
OoviElvin born about 1923
OoviLloyd born about 1897
OoviMaria born about 1939
OoviVera born about 1935
OoviVictoria born about 1902
OozevoseukAlex born about 1938
OozevoseukAndrew born about 1882
OozevoseukConrad born about 1926
OozevoseukEvelyn born about 1940
OozevoseukGlenn born about 1919
OozevoseukNina born about 1909
OozevoseukSenglunga born about 1882
OozevoseukStanley born about 1905
OplandMartha Hborn about 1901
OpperalukFrank born about 1925
OpperalukHoyenna born about 1891
OpperalukJames born about 1934
OpperalukMichael born about 1930
OpperalukOtto born about 1888
OpperalukRoy born about 1914
OpperalukRuth born about 1922
OquillokAlbert born about 1929
OquillokDavid born about 1921
OquillokEtta born about 1939
OquillokFreda born about 1934
OquillokFredrick born about 1937
OquillokIsaac born about 1923
OquillokMaggie born about 1917
OquillokMary born about 1870
OquillokRollin born about 1930
OquillokWalter born about 1926
OquillokWilliam born about 1897
OreenHoward born about 1901
OseukEmily born about 1912
OseukHilder born about 1933
OseukWalter born about 1900
OstDavid Kborn about 1927
OstJoseph Fborn about 1915
OstLincoln Cborn about 1921
OstLudwig Eborn about 1886
OstNathan Eborn about 1914
OstRuth Cborn about 1919
OstRuth Eborn about 1886
OstVirginia Lborn about 1921
OtiyohokIsabel born about 1903
OtiyohokJimmie born about 1878
OtoyokAngus born about 1911
OtoyokAnna born about 1921
OtoyokCharley born about 1909
OtoyokJohn Jamesborn about 1916
OtoyokKenneth born about 1939
OtoyokMary born about 1920
OtoyokSenior born about 1865
OttanorShotry born about 1870
OttanorSnat born about 1880
OttillianEda born about 1918
OttillianIone born about 1939
OttillianOscar born about 1904
OttosonAgnes born about 1909
OttosonAndy born about 1875
OttosonGalla born about 1886
OumankEdward born about 1933
OumankFlora born about 1902
OumankFrancis born about 1931
OumankJames born about 1939
OumankJoseph born about 1918
OumankKatherine born about 1929
OumankMargaret born about 1927
OumankRobert born about 1900
OverboughJacob Aborn about 1876
OverboughLois Kborn about 1932
OverboughReca born about 1896
OwegeakCharles born about 1939
OwegeakEugene born about 1911
OwegeakJulia born about 1937
OwegeakMildred born about 1915
OzennaAnna born about 1896
OzennaFay born about 1920
OzennaFredrick born about 1916
OzennaGilbert born about 1934
OzennaJack born about 1885
OzennaJackson born about 1914
OzennaLouis born about 1924
OzennaMary born about 1931
OzennaRaleigh born about 1927
OzennaRuth born about 1922
OzennaWilliam born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaneokAaron born about 1934
PaneokKenneth Rborn about 1940
PaneokLena born about 1913
PaneokLeslie born about 1908
PaneokMildred Mborn about 1936
PaneokNorman Tborn about 1938
PanihpiakNaomi born about 1869
PanosJames born about 1884
PanyeatakMary born about 1879
PanyennaFrancis born about 1921
PanyennaRosa born about 1908
PanyennaTheresa born about 1927
PanyennaVincent born about 1892
PappanJames Nborn about 1895
PatClara born about 1934
PatJohn Lborn about 1912
PatJohn Lborn about 1938
PatMary Lborn about 1919
PatMona Lborn about 1935
PatRonald Hborn about 1936
PatRosmary Lborn about 1939
PatRuth Mborn about 1934
PatersonCharlotte born about 1898
PatersonFrances Pborn about 1939
PatersonHugh Fborn about 1901
PatikDonald born about 1925
PatikPuknak born about 1900
PatikWilliam born about 1886
PatikWilliam Jr born about 1913
PatrmiganDaniel born about 1912
PatrmiganHarry born about 1921
PatrmiganMrs Daniel born about 1918
PattersonJulius born about 1867
PatunacAgatha Asborn about 1931
PatunacFrank born about 1900
PatunacMary Oborn about 1901
PatunacRaphael P Aborn about 1927
PaulEllen born about 1930
PaulErnest Aborn about 1901
PaulEva born about 1913
PaulFredrick born about 1904
PaulHazel born about 1920
PaulHerman born about 1859
PaulJoe born about 1939
PaulJohana born about 1922
PaulLincoln born about 1939
PaulMary born about 1926
PaulSusan born about 1892
PaulWallace born about 1924
PayennaFrancis Rborn about 1921
PayennaRosa Kborn about 1904
PayennaTheresa Akilunaborn about 1927
PayennaThos Aborn about 1919
PayennaVincent born about 1896
PebeticdtonTom born about 1888
PelowookAnthony born about 1938
PelowookElsie born about 1911
PelowookGilbert born about 1936
PelowookWilliam born about 1910
PenekpiakMarie born about 1852
PeninAmos born about 1881
PeninAndy born about 1935
PeninBernice born about 1913
PeninHarriet born about 1933
PeninJean born about 1922
PennycookAnne born about 1881
PennycookCharles born about 1881
PenutacCecilia Aborn about 1936
PenutacChas born about 1912
PenutacEdward Nborn about 1926
PenutacJoan Sborn about 1939
PenutacJosephine Iborn about 1903
PetersenMary born about 1935
PetersonAndrew born about 1891
PetersonAnn born about 1939
PetersonBatsy born about 1924
PetersonBetsy born about 1924
PetersonCarl Jborn about 1868
PetersonFrances born about 1911
PetersonGus Aborn about 1879
PetersonHans born about 1887
PetersonPeter born about 1875
PetersonRobert born about 1884
PetersonSteve born about 1919
PetersonSteve born about 1919
PetrieJoseph Dborn about 1916
PettersonCarl born about 1884
PfeifferFrank Eborn about 1887
PherrinDoris Jborn about 1912
PherrinRobert Eborn about 1906
PhillipsHarry Rborn about 1878
PikonganaAgatha Tborn about 1937
PikonganaAlaysius born about 1910
PikonganaClatelda born about 1912
PikonganaFrancis Aborn about 1939
PiscoysBertha born about 1915
PiscoysMadeline born about 1936
PiscoysOlaf born about 1912
PiscoysOlaf Jr born about 1938
PiscoysRichard born about 1934
PoletAlvin A Gborn about 1911
PoletAnthony born about 1882
PoletLouise Mborn about 1915
PoletMary Fborn about 1883
PolsonAlbin born about 1887
PolsonJennie born about 1885
PolsonVesla E Mborn about 1921
PooktowaCarrie born about 1930
PooktowaChester born about 1924
PooktowaFay born about 1915
PooktowaHarry born about 1919
PooktowaMartin born about 1938
PooktowaMaud born about 1935
PooktowaWesley born about 1874
PookyachtukMartin born about 1930
PookyachtukSarah born about 1913
PorterDale Lborn about 1921
PowellDarell born about 1916
PowellJohn Mborn about 1891
PowerMary born about 1868
PtarmiganClara born about 1935
PtarmiganEsther born about 1912
PullacChas born about 1915
PullacJohanna Aborn about 1922
PullacJohn Eborn about 1939
PungiwigiClarence born about 1918
PungiwigiHelen born about 1919
PungiwigiHelen born about 1932
PungiwigiJoseph born about 1940
PungiwigiMary born about 1938
PungiwigiNora born about 1899
PungiwiyiDonald born about 1919
PungiwiyiIvan born about 1935
PungiwiyiLaura born about 1914
PungiwiyiVelma born about 1939
PungukAnna born about 1913
PungukEdwin born about 1890
PungukGladys born about 1938
PungukRaymond born about 1931
PunnalaurukEllen born about 1925
PunnalaurukFred born about 1930
PunnalaurukJacob born about 1923
PunnalaurukJennie born about 1918
PunnalaurukSusie born about 1894
PunnalaurukVirginia Kborn about 1939
PusrukAnthony born about 1901
PusrukElizabeth Aborn about 1939
PusrukFrank Kborn about 1928
PusrukFrederick Kborn about 1936
PusrukIgnatius Aborn about 1921
PusrukMary Aborn about 1931
PusrukMary Sborn about 1906
PusrukSimon Sborn about 1924
PusrukThas Aborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuckookChrlie born about 1909
QuealyMahlon Aborn about 1930
QuealyPatricia born about 1928
QuigleyW Eborn about 1884

R Surnames

RamseyCecil born about 1900
RamseyHenry Aborn about 1893
RamseyLouise Eborn about 1924
RamseyThomas Uborn about 1922
RankElizabeth born about 1871
RankIra Mborn about 1868
RankKenneth Mborn about 1910
RankRosalind Eborn about 1913
RappMax Cborn about 1874
ReatLoraine Eborn about 1895
ReatMary Mborn about 1868
ReatRalf Wborn about 1894
ReatRuth born about 1889
ReedAlice born about 1933
ReedClara born about 1911
ReedTheodore born about 1906
ReedTheodore Jr born about 1935
ReederBorgny Mborn about 1921
ReederPeter Lborn about 1914
ReederPeter L Jrborn about 1939
RenlundArthur born about 1887
RenlundArthur Jborn about 1907
RichardsMartin born about 1925
RiemerJohn Gborn about 1905
RiemerLois Mborn about 1934
RiemerRita Aborn about 1932
RiemerSarah Rborn about 1910
RobertoAmmaleta Rborn about 1940
RobertoGrace Mborn about 1914
RobertoHomer Dborn about 1938
RobertoHomer Z Oborn about 1914
RobertoJohn Rborn about 1937
RobertsAndrew Gborn about 1912
RobertsCarol Aborn about 1937
RobertsCurtis Rborn about 1901
RobertsDon Oborn about 1931
RobertsEdorma Tborn about 1906
RobertsEdward Lborn about 1899
RobertsFred Dborn about 1907
RobertsGeorge Eborn about 1939
RobertsJaqueline Aborn about 1938
RobertsJulian Vborn about 1936
RobertsMary Vborn about 1940
RobertsMay born about 1904
RobertsMyrtle Aborn about 1909
RobertsRodger Dborn about 1938
RobertsVirginia Dborn about 1919
RobinsonHilkey born about 1886
RockEva Mborn about 1897
RockKermit Wborn about 1924
RoddFosma Kborn about 1909
RoddJoseph Sborn about 1902
RoellGrace Mborn about 1893
RoellMary Mborn about 1926
RoellPhylis Iborn about 1929
RoellRichard Wborn about 1892
RohaleyFrank Hborn about 1906
RohaleyFrank Oborn about 1933
RohaleyNeva Aborn about 1910
RohnFred Jborn about 1875
RohnLydia born about 1890
RolandoAntone Bborn about 1913
RolandsBarney born about 1872
RolandsLorraine born about 1920
RolandsNorman Jborn about 1917
RookookAlice born about 1929
RookookBarton born about 1880
RookookBryant born about 1934
RookookHarold born about 1907
RookookLane born about 1936
RookookLouisa born about 1930
RookookPayanna born about 1881
RookookRuby born about 1911
RookookTheresa born about 1938
RooseveltCharles born about 1872
RossmussenPaul Lborn about 1880
RoweEmma Uborn about 1866
RuddIda born about 1929
RuddMarion born about 1934
RudeElizabeth Mborn about 1928
RudeGeraldine Bborn about 1921
RudeKenneth Dborn about 1901
RudeMildred Jborn about 1903
RuizSilviro born about 1883
RumseyElvera born about 1929
RumseyMabel born about 1936
RussellDavid Mborn about 1917
RussellWilson Jborn about 1916
RyanAmbrose Aborn about 1899
RyanJames Wborn about 1935
RyanJanet Mborn about 1940
RydeenAlice Oborn about 1886
RydeenElmer born about 1879
RydeenElmer Dborn about 1919
RynningInga born about 1895
RynningJohn Aborn about 1930
RynningLars Eborn about 1895
RynningRobert E Sborn about 1925
RystromBarbara born about 1881
RystromWilliam Aborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaccheusDavid born about 1880
SaccheusFred born about 1931
SaccheusJoe born about 1920
SaccheusJosephine born about 1926
SaccheusLilly born about 1916
SaccheusNellie born about 1891
SaccheusPeter born about 1923
SaccheusRaymond born about 1926
SaclamanaBenedict Aborn about 1934
SaclamanaElizabeth Kborn about 1895
SaclamanaMichael Kborn about 1936
SaclamanaStanislaus born about 1912
SaheideRobert born about 1888
SahlinAlfred Sborn about 1934
SahlinHelen Kborn about 1940
SahlinJohn Jborn about 1932
SahlinMary born about 1909
SahlinSimon born about 1895
SaitoHarry born about 1900
SakerMary born about 1929
SalinbOscar born about 1886
SamboAnna born about 1913
SamboArtidoro born about 1890
SamboElizabeth born about 1938
SamboFrank born about 1935
SamboHarry born about 1929
SamboJoseph born about 1932
SamboMontebelo born about 1940
SandbergBergit Lborn about 1909
SandbergLawrence born about 1907
SandbergLinda Aborn about 1935
SandbergNorma Lborn about 1937
SandsWallace born about 1913
SangoSam born about 1912
SanmaranaClara Tborn about 1925
SanmaranaHelen Eborn about 1928
SanmaranaMarie Tborn about 1886
SanmaranaThas born about 1881
SaresPaul Hborn about 1886
SatherAndrew born about 1910
SatherEllen Pborn about 1909
SatherGjertine born about 1877
SatherJohn Aborn about 1938
SatherPeter Eborn about 1873
SatterleePeter born about 1898
SatukAmy born about 1929
SatukJack born about 1914
SatukLilly born about 1924
SatukNellie born about 1890
SavzanaMargerita Mborn about 1911
SavzanaMartha Pborn about 1937
SavzanaPaul born about 1906
SavzanaRaphael Uborn about 1931
SavzanaRosa Eborn about 1933
SchanckAlbert Jborn about 1898
SchanckAlberta Dborn about 1929
SchanckLeonard Bborn about 1930
SchanckMary born about 1908
SchedlingLudwig born about 1881
ScobleRichard born about 1891
ScottCharllotte Jborn about 1930
ScottMargaret Mborn about 1919
ScottRobert Fborn about 1923
ScottTolbert Pborn about 1881
ScottVallis Mborn about 1892
ScottWilson Tborn about 1917
SeccoClara born about 1927
SeccoDavid born about 1933
SeccoGeorge born about 1929
SeccoGrace born about 1900
SeccoJack born about 1894
SeccoJames born about 1925
SeccoThomas born about 1860
SeeganaLouis born about 1917
SeeganaMargaret Tborn about 1915
SeeganaPeter Aborn about 1939
SeevoohokAdolf born about 1905
SeevoohokHazel born about 1912
SeevoohokSylvesta born about 1937
SeevoohokVincent born about 1939
SeppiluCarice born about 1934
SeppiluCecil born about 1939
SeppiluDovia born about 1936
SeppiluEdith born about 1913
SeppiluEsther born about 1911
SeppiluFrank born about 1908
SeppiluJacob born about 1914
SeppiluJotham born about 1936
SeppiluJulian born about 1933
SeppiluMelvin born about 1932
SeppiluMyra born about 1916
SeppiluPiyah born about 1882
SeppiluWayne born about 1938
SeymoreDiana Eborn about 1936
ShallitAben born about 1911
ShallitGrace born about 1910
ShawMartha Sborn about 1883
ShawThomas Jborn about 1876
SheanBiel Aborn about 1867
ShedleyBridie Mborn about 1897
SheldonFrancis Dborn about 1870
SheldonFrancis D Jrborn about 1934
SheldonHelen born about 1914
SheppardRhoebe Eborn about 1892
ShermanClyde Gborn about 1901
ShermanNellie Mborn about 1902
SiedenvergEdward Mborn about 1911
SiedenvergEvelyn born about 1929
SiedenvergIleene Jborn about 1936
SiedenvergJack born about 1900
SiedenvergJerry Eborn about 1934
SiedenvergMilton born about 1919
SiedenvergNeta born about 1921
SiedenvergRobert Lborn about 1940
SiedenvergSadinn born about 1897
SiedenvergVashti born about 1915
SiefertBinks born about 1904
SigvannaWalter born about 1907
SilookEstelle born about 1922
SilookGenivive born about 1938
SilookHenry born about 1930
SilookMargaret born about 1895
SilookNolan born about 1911
SilookOttillia born about 1928
SilookPaul born about 1893
SilookRoger born about 1924
SilookVivian born about 1926
SilvermanRose born about 1899
SimeFred born about 1861
SimeonChris born about 1886
SimmsAdmiral born about 1925
SimmsAlice Gborn about 1923
SimmsCharles Gborn about 1920
SimmsMarvin born about 1931
SimmsMary born about 1897
SimmsRonald born about 1937
SimonAaron born about 1922
SimonArvid born about 1922
SimonEsther born about 1893
SimonEvelyn born about 1917
SimonHelen born about 1929
SimonJosephine born about 1920
SimonLucy born about 1926
SimonMichael born about 1924
SimonWalter born about 1915
SimonsenJohn Sborn about 1878
SingykeBobby born about 1936
SingykeDaniel born about 1925
SingykeDonna born about 1933
SingykeFloyd born about 1920
SingykePete born about 1939
SingykeRuby born about 1899
SingykeWillis born about 1887
SirloacClara born about 1914
SirloacJimmie born about 1902
SirloacMichael Kborn about 1935
SirloacTheresa Aborn about 1933
SisterlucyDaly born about 1906
SisterteclaBattiston born about 1885
SistervSeveryeno born about 1890
SkorikJoseph born about 1899
SlackEva born about 1897
SlackGeorgia Rborn about 1929
SlackMitchell Cborn about 1936
SlackWalter Lborn about 1900
SlackWalter L Jrborn about 1920
SlecterHarry Wborn about 1889
SlkwookoAgnes born about 1931
SlkwookoAlyene born about 1935
SlkwookoAmy born about 1891
SlkwookoArchie born about 1939
SlkwookoBeba born about 1919
SlkwookoCharles born about 1890
SlkwookoHelen born about 1929
SlkwookoHoward born about 1920
SlkwookoJoseph born about 1927
SlkwookoMary born about 1925
SlkwookoRoger born about 1933
SlkwookoSarah born about 1923
SlkwookoVernon born about 1918
SlyHoward Vborn about 1916
SlyKenneth born about 1921
SlyLois Eborn about 1914
SmithBarbara Eborn about 1910
SmithCharles Eborn about 1916
SmithCharles Eborn about 1917
SmithClara Mborn about 1931
SmithClaran Bborn about 1878
SmithEdgar Dborn about 1881
SmithEdna born about 1898
SmithGlenn Bborn about 1906
SmithGrace born about 1938
SmithHazel Mborn about 1912
SmithJames Cborn about 1930
SmithJames Wborn about 1907
SmithJane Cborn about 1926
SmithLaura born about 1914
SmithLawrence born about 1919
SmithLeonard Wborn about 1894
SmithLuke born about 1887
SmithMinta Aborn about 1908
SmithPeter born about 1914
SmithRalph Aborn about 1902
SmithRudy Sborn about 1932
SmithRuth Eborn about 1923
SmithSamuel born about 1936
SmithWilliam L Jrborn about 1927
SnyderAnna Mborn about 1908
SnyderCharles Hborn about 1939
SnyderCorinne Mborn about 1929
SnyderElla Mborn about 1916
SnyderLoretta Aborn about 1931
SnyderRoberta Hborn about 1930
SnyderRoy Wborn about 1906
SnyderRoy W Jrborn about 1938
SolomonJohn born about 1877
SolonJohn born about 1897
SoolockDavid born about 1933
SoolockFrancis born about 1940
SoolockMarie born about 1905
SoolockMichael born about 1937
SoolockPaul born about 1924
SoolockRobert born about 1930
SoolockSamuel born about 1935
SoolockTom born about 1869
SoolockTommy born about 1906
SoonogorookBillie born about 1935
SoonogorookEdna born about 1882
SoonogorookMoses born about 1887
SoysterHammond born about 1920
SpagnolaBarber Aborn about 1920
SpagnolaGlenna born about 1913
SpagnolaNick born about 1906
SpenlockTheophitus born about 1874
SpringerIda born about 1907
SpringerKurt born about 1915
StangroomAnna Bborn about 1898
StangroomStuart Lborn about 1893
StanguoonaTillie born about 1882
StanleyAnna born about 1898
StanleyBessie born about 1930
StanleyEdna born about 1934
StanleyHenry Oborn about 1880
StanleyKatherine born about 1926
StanleyMary born about 1924
StanleyMary Vborn about 1925
StarlingHarvey Wborn about 1906
StarlingMargaret Oborn about 1910
StarrJohn born about 1864
StegurookLuther born about 1897
StephensonWilbert Cborn about 1907
StewartDale born about 1911
StewartEleanor Wborn about 1920
StewartJohn Gborn about 1913
StewartJohn G Jrborn about 1939
StewartMary Wborn about 1914
SthayPatrick Cborn about 1912
SthayRobert Aborn about 1937
SthayRoberta Gborn about 1913
StineMartha born about 1916
StokesHarold Lborn about 1864
StokesJames Jborn about 1857
StormfeltzAlbert Dborn about 1885
StormfeltzRuby Gborn about 1889
StrakJohn born about 1894
StrandElizabeth Mborn about 1929
StrandMargaret Eborn about 1918
StrandNels born about 1887
StrandRobert Nborn about 1930
StrandSophie Cborn about 1889
StringbellowClara Fborn about 1921
StringbellowLowell Aborn about 1916
SucsacGeorge born about 1890
SucsacJohanna Yborn about 1933
SucsacLucy Mborn about 1927
SucsacLuke born about 1925
SucsacMary Tborn about 1940
SucsacTheresa Uborn about 1897
SullivanDoris Fborn about 1905
SullivanFrank Wborn about 1936
SullivanJames Lborn about 1934
SullivanJerry born about 1870
SullivanLeroy Mborn about 1903
SulukIgnatius Aborn about 1918
SulukMary E Sucsacborn about 1886
SulukPeter Mborn about 1921
SummersMargaret Cborn about 1905
SummersRay Aborn about 1895
SummersRoy A Jrborn about 1934
SutukAlona born about 1933
SutukAlvin born about 1931
SutukBlanch born about 1935
SutukFlora born about 1911
SutukLee born about 1907
SwanAmy born about 1901
SwanbergAlfred Gborn about 1936
SwanbergCharlotte born about 1874
SwanbergDiane Mborn about 1938
SwanbergLois Bborn about 1934
SwanbergNels H Jrborn about 1910
SwanbergNels Sr born about 1871
SwanbergXenia born about 1910
SwansonAlfred born about 1923
SwansonJohn Aborn about 1873
SwansonTotsy Aborn about 1901
SwedmanJohn born about 1885
SweeneyBernice born about 1938
SweeneyGretchen born about 1935
SweeneyMarcella born about 1930
SweeneyMark born about 1919
SweeneyNyak born about 1897
SweeneyOiaghak born about 1891
SweenyTom born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TackpockMary born about 1870
TaggartMary Bborn about 1882
TaggartSamuel Wborn about 1877
TaheAlphonsine born about 1936
TaheDora born about 1916
TaheEdna born about 1933
TaheJohn born about 1906
TaheJohn Jr born about 1937
TaheWilliam Aborn about 1939
TalbotAnita Mborn about 1902
TannerClio Cborn about 1896
TantakThomas born about 1924
TatayunnaMary Pborn about 1913
TatayunnaPhillip born about 1905
TateCecelia Cborn about 1917
TateGlen born about 1939
TateMarie born about 1937
TateMelvin born about 1938
TateWilliam Dborn about 1886
TatoowiDan born about 1924
TatoowiDavid born about 1935
TatoowiEnid born about 1939
TatoowiJohnnie born about 1930
TatoowiMorris born about 1892
TatoowiRita born about 1897
TatoowiSimon born about 1922
TatoowiTommie born about 1932
TatpanHerbert born about 1872
TavisWilliam Eborn about 1918
TaylorSarah Pborn about 1885
TeetukAlma born about 1932
TeetukEdna born about 1927
TeetukJane born about 1934
TeetukMaud born about 1908
TeetukRobert born about 1925
TetusDora born about 1901
TetusJack born about 1897
TetusJacob Tborn about 1939
TetusLena born about 1937
ThomasJohn Lborn about 1919
ThomasonCatherine born about 1926
ThompsonLouis Hborn about 1910
ThompsonRob Bborn about 1899
ThompsonRose Eborn about 1909
ThorntonCharles Wborn about 1870
TiftAnita Iborn about 1920
TiftGordon Tborn about 1919
Timkarew born about 1870
TimkarewAsapenuk born about 1880
TimkarewEdward born about 1932
TitusMay born about 1904
ToggartDavid Oborn about 1915
TomicJohn born about 1872
ToolieEllen born about 1937
ToolieEugene born about 1939
ToolieJimmie born about 1904
ToolieKatherine born about 1928
ToolieMable born about 1910
ToolieMorris born about 1932
ToolieRaymond born about 1934
ToolieTungitos born about 1881
ToolieYaria born about 1881
ToolkaylokAlfred born about 1939
ToolkaylokDorothy born about 1922
ToolkaylokHenry born about 1921
ToolkaylokRalph born about 1939
TootkaylokBessie born about 1895
TootkaylokBessie Jr born about 1936
TootkaylokCharles born about 1922
TootkaylokMarie born about 1929
TootkaylokRussell born about 1926
TootkaylokTom born about 1891
TootkaylokTommy born about 1935
TopkokAlfred born about 1920
TopkokAnna born about 1916
TopkokBessie born about 1895
TopkokCarl born about 1921
TopkokChester born about 1929
TopkokClifford born about 1938
TopkokDiana born about 1939
TopkokDorothy born about 1918
TopkokEdward born about 1924
TopkokElizabeth born about 1930
TopkokFred born about 1901
TopkokGeorge born about 1933
TopkokGussie born about 1902
TopkokJohn born about 1920
TopkokLars born about 1926
TopkokMaggie born about 1925
TopkokReuben born about 1934
TopkokSadie born about 1936
TopkokVirginia born about 1923
TopkokWayne born about 1931
TowkyakMary born about 1927
TowkyakTom born about 1916
TriggArthur Nborn about 1904
TriggClarence born about 1934
TriggLaura Aborn about 1936
TriggPearl born about 1937
TriggsArthur born about 1879
TriggsOwlak born about 1875
TuckerArthur born about 1870
TuckerEdna born about 1917
TuckerGeorge born about 1920
TuckerMinnie born about 1881
TuckerSam born about 1913
TucktookKingkia born about 1872
TucktookRoy born about 1911
TumblooAlfred born about 1898
TumblooJean born about 1934
TumblooRomala born about 1903
TungiganEsther born about 1914
TungiganFlora born about 1911
TungiganHilda born about 1932
TungiganJerry born about 1938
TungiganMable born about 1923
TungiganNluktuk born about 1865
TungiganRobert born about 1898
TungiganSimon born about 1865
TungiganTracy born about 1935
TuyokElisa born about 1932
TuyokElizabeth born about 1929
TuyokHarry born about 1928
TuyokJoseph born about 1924
TuyokLena born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UdeleHarry Eborn about 1911
UghitkunaPaul Tborn about 1922
UghitkunaPeter Aborn about 1925
UglowookDon born about 1924
UglowookDorothy born about 1935
UglowookFuffy born about 1937
UglowookHarry born about 1886
UglowookLillian born about 1901
UglowookNancy born about 1928
UlegakThomas born about 1893
UllnuksonEiner Aborn about 1911
UlricksenChristine Eborn about 1906
UlricksenMildred Lborn about 1919
UlricksenRalph Uborn about 1915
UlricksenTheodore Mborn about 1910
UlricksenWinona born about 1927
UngottAnasook born about 1883
UngottClement born about 1938
UngottDick born about 1876
UngottDonald born about 1936
UngottEddie born about 1906
UngottJosephine born about 1908
UngudukIrivng born about 1921
UngwalokSingowan born about 1879
UngwalokWallace born about 1914
UnyelliktunAlice born about 1939
UnyelliktunHarry born about 1930
UnyelliktunLilly born about 1899
UnyelliktunNona born about 1927
UnyelliktunSam born about 1925
UnyelliktunWillie born about 1910
UrginhakHenry born about 1914
UrginhakSophie born about 1920
UtkegiakMabel Mborn about 1919
UtkegiakThomas born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanwechelWilliam Jborn about 1899
VasburghAinsley born about 1914
VieraAugust born about 1882
VieraJohn Wborn about 1929
VieraNellie Mborn about 1889
VlaarBertha born about 1933
VlaarJohn born about 1884
VlaarLouise Aborn about 1919
VossLambert born about 1869

W Surnames

WaghiyiIgokluk born about 1886
WaghiyiJohn born about 1924
WaghiyiMarjory born about 1930
WaghiyiMary born about 1932
WaghiyiPeter born about 1883
WaghiyiVernon born about 1935
WagnerDarrold Aborn about 1900
WagnerEmma Oborn about 1906
WagnerRoderic Dborn about 1922
WahlMarcia Mborn about 1904
WaldhamCathinka Fborn about 1889
WaldhamEllen Eborn about 1930
WaldhamFrancis Wborn about 1927
WaldhamWilliam Gborn about 1930
WaldhelmGeorge born about 1886
WalesBlake Bborn about 1886
WalkerAlice born about 1881
WalkerAlice Mborn about 1922
WalkerCarita born about 1919
WalkerEdda H Rborn about 1936
WalkerEdward born about 1905
WalkerEleanor Dborn about 1936
WalkerFrances Jr born about 1939
WalkerFrancis born about 1914
WalkerFred born about 1885
WalkerFrederick born about 1932
WalkerIsabella Tborn about 1937
WalkerLaura Aborn about 1917
WalkerLillian Lborn about 1935
WalkerLily born about 1916
WalkerMary born about 1911
WalkerMary Annborn about 1933
WalkerRosa born about 1906
WalkerRose Mborn about 1938
WallaceEsther Sborn about 1897
WallaceJoseph born about 1897
WalshAnna Lborn about 1922
WalshJames Mborn about 1918
WalshJoseph Eborn about 1914
WalshKathleen Fborn about 1925
WalshKevin Dborn about 1924
WalshLouise Hborn about 1887
WalshMichael born about 1886
WalshNoreen Bborn about 1928
WalshPatricia Gborn about 1930
WalshPierce Mborn about 1920
WaltersBetty born about 1926
WaltersErnest born about 1929
WaltersGeorge born about 1930
WaltersMarie born about 1926
Walunga born about 1891
WalungaCatherine born about 1937
WalungaDinale born about 1931
WalungaDorothy born about 1898
WalungaElizabeth born about 1924
WalungaFrank born about 1919
WalungaGladys born about 1919
WalungaKenneth born about 1939
WalungaMarvin born about 1934
WalungaRathunga born about 1891
WalungaUrsula born about 1940
WalungaWillis born about 1927
WamkonAdelinda born about 1924
WamkonClara born about 1928
WamkonMarlot born about 1927
WamkonNoweyellingok born about 1881
WamkonPatrick born about 1881
WangittilianAlma born about 1935
WangittilianBernice born about 1912
WangittilianDennis born about 1933
WangittilianElmer born about 1933
WangittilianFelix born about 1939
WangittilianGloria born about 1937
WangittilianJerry born about 1932
WangittilianKathleen born about 1932
WangittilianLucille born about 1915
WangittilianNick born about 1905
WangittilianRobert born about 1938
WangittilianWalter born about 1915
WarnerAxel born about 1873
WashenwingLouis born about 1883
WashingtonClara born about 1925
WashingtonGeorge born about 1890
WashingtonGertrude born about 1936
WashingtonJohn Fborn about 1898
WashingtonLucy born about 1927
WashingtonMary born about 1940
WashingtonTerresa born about 1900
WatkinsAdaline born about 1913
WatkinsLeonard born about 1939
WatkinsRobert Dborn about 1910
WatkinsRobert D Jrborn about 1939
WatkinsWilliam Tborn about 1913
WatkinsWilliam Tborn about 1914
WatsonHervey Gborn about 1911
WeaverEdith born about
WeaverOliver born about
WebsterEdward born about 1871
WebsterJames Sborn about 1878
WeffeagakMaydalene born about 1887
WeinSigurd born about 1905
WemarkHappy born about 1917
WendellLorenz born about 1868
WeokalukCharles born about 1923
WeokolukAmos born about 1933
WeokolukAnna born about 1904
WeokolukCharles born about 1922
WeokolukEdgar born about 1925
WeokolukGeorge born about 1897
WeokolukJulia born about 1931
WeokolukNellie born about 1880
WeokolukShorty born about 1875
WeokolukVirginia born about 1928
WesleyCharles born about 1886
WestonBess born about 1900
WestonFred born about 1913
WestonHarold born about 1911
WestonHilda born about 1871
WhaleyBuena born about 1877
WheelerArchie born about 1913
WheelerBarnet Bborn about 1930
WheelerBessie born about 1921
WheelerCatherine Mborn about 1910
WheelerCharles Wborn about 1931
WheelerDaniel Rborn about 1923
WheelerElla Bborn about 1932
WheelerEphriam Oborn about 1925
WheelerFloyd Hborn about 1920
WheelerFred born about 1935
WheelerHenry Fborn about 1939
WheelerIssac born about 1938
WheelerJohn Jborn about 1900
WheelerJohn J Jrborn about 1928
WheelerMary born about 1937
WheelerMyron born about 1936
WhitakerDorothy born about 1910
WhitakerNorman born about 1906
WhiteAnna Kborn about 1865
WhiteJohn Aborn about 1865
WhiteRobert Fborn about 1914
WhitmanAnne born about 1939
WhitmanAnnie born about 1935
WhitmanBen born about 1914
WhitmanBertha born about 1910
WhitmanDaniel born about 1938
WhitmanEunice born about 1894
WhitmanGeorge born about 1929
WhitmanHerbert born about 1906
WhitmanJames born about 1873
WhitmanJohn born about 1910
WhitmanJohnny born about 1939
WhitmanMarion born about 1933
WhitmanNora born about 1910
WhitmanRude born about 1939
WhitmanSamuel born about 1927
WhitmanViola born about 1921
WickartCarl Fborn about 1898
WicklundArthur born about 1900
WilhamPeter Pborn about 1886
WillettPhillip born about 1899
WillogaMartin born about 1918
WilloyaAnna born about 1921
WilloysClarence born about 1933
WilloysDavid born about 1931
WilloysEmma born about 1899
WilloysLaro born about 1926
WilloysLenora born about 1923
WilloysMargaret Jborn about 1938
WilloysMike born about 1901
WilloysMilton born about 1936
WilloysRalf born about 1921
WilloysThomas born about 1924
WilloysWilliam born about 1940
WilsonPaul born about 1916
WirumAndrew born about 1883
WirumPeter born about 1882
WitchelsAndrew Jborn about 1888
WoodLee born about 1930
WoodsDazey Lborn about 1913
WoodsHarriet Jborn about 1935
WoodsNorma Fborn about 1938
WoodsWilbur Pborn about 1911
WormOtto born about 1903
WuorinenCarl Aborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeagerCharles born about 1875
YeagerEvelyn born about 1886
YeagerPeter Aborn about 1871
YenneyAlice Lborn about 1929
YenneyConrad Fborn about 1880
YenneyEdith born about 1889
YenneyFred Wborn about 1904
YenneyFred W Jborn about 1936
YenneyKatherine Tborn about 1926
YenneyMargaret Aborn about 1937
YenneyMargaret Cborn about 1906
YenneyMary Jborn about 1932
YenneyVelma Lborn about 1935
YoghukAdam born about 1887
YoungBennitt Nborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZackJoseph Fborn about 1905
ZemalisJohn Cborn about 1911

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