1940 U.S. Federal Census of Circle, Unorganized Borough, Alaska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alaska > Unorganized Borough > 1940 Census of Circle

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamikMartin born about 1879
AdamsEllen born about 1927
AdolphsenCarl born about 1896
AeschlimanLevi born about 1885
AlbertAlbert born about 1939
AlbertAlice born about 1933
AlbertLena born about 1918
AlbertRobert born about 1902
AldrichFloris born about 1919
AldrichH Jborn about 1907
AlexanderDoris born about 1924
AlexanderFrank born about 1880
AlexanderKatherine born about 1907
AlexanderOliver born about 1937
AlexanderSam born about 1893
AlexanderSilas born about 1928
AlexanderTimothy born about 1926
AlexandrJohn born about 1917
AlexsonLizzie born about 1880
AlfredEdith born about 1928
AndersonAlfred born about 1907
AndersonArthur born about 1902
AndersonJohn born about 1875
AngusMcdonald born about 1880
AppelleHenry born about 1867
AppelleNellie born about 1875

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B Surnames

BaravikAndrew Pborn about 1885
BartlettH Hborn about 1866
BartzMava born about 1914
BaylessElecta born about 1914
BaylessGrover Jborn about 1911
BehrensErnest born about 1907
BennetFrank born about 1870
BensenArthur born about 1907
BerailPhillip born about 1879
BergEd born about 1883
BerglundElsie born about 1921
BerglundEvlyn born about 1918
BerglundMarion born about 1915
BergmanAdeline born about 1926
BergmanAlma born about 1924
BergmanEmil born about 1888
BergmanEmil born about 1930
BergmanGrafton born about 1931
BergmanMargaa born about 1917
BergmanNina born about 1910
BergssonAndrew Hborn about 1909
BerryRobert born about 1909
BertssonGordon born about 1916
BillyClara born about 1932
BillyMable born about 1928
BirchcreekAgness born about 1886
BirchcreekAgness born about 1920
BirchcreekCaroline born about 1939
BirchcreekDavid born about 1916
BirchcreekEffie born about 1925
BirchcreekFlorence born about 1921
BirchcreekGeorge born about 1863
BirchcreekHerbert Pborn about 1907
BirchcreekJean Vborn about 1939
BirchcreekJeanie born about 1868
BirchcreekJimmie born about 1885
BirchcreekLouise born about 1880
BirchcreekMaurice Lborn about 1917
BirchcreekNeil Jamesborn about 1923
BirchcreekNora born about 1937
BirchcreekPaul born about 1937
BirchcreekPaul Jamesborn about 1906
BirchcreekPeter born about 1867
BirchcreekSampson born about 1921
BirchcreekSarah born about 1935
BirchcreekTitus Peterborn about 1919
BirchcreekVictor Jamesborn about 1911
BirchcreekWalter born about 1926
BlondeauCora born about 1887
BlondeauGeorge Bborn about 1890
BlondeauGeorge Cborn about 1869
BohmerFrederick Jborn about 1885
BohmerTheresa Sborn about 1886
BoquistHelge born about 1906
BorgmanJohn born about 1911
BowerB Johnborn about 1868
BoyleClara born about 1937
BoyleGladys born about 1904
BoyleJohn born about 1940
BoyleJoseph born about 1931
BoyleLouise born about 1934
BrewElijah born about 1895
BrownEd born about 1882
BrownEvans born about 1928

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C Surnames

CacyFrances born about 1893
CacyHoward Sborn about 1898
CacyRobert born about 1928
CacyRobert Jborn about 1891
CadzonAlice born about 1933
CadzonMyra born about 1930
CadzowMaggie born about 1928
CallCorinne born about 1877
CallSally Annborn about 1927
CallShirley born about 1931
CameronMikinnon born about 1910
CarlsonBert born about 1898
CarlsonEric born about 1911
CarneyElizabeth born about 1935
CarneyEunice born about 1910
CarneyFlorence born about 1933
CarneyHelen born about 1931
CarneyWilliam born about 1881
CarneyWilliam born about 1936
CarrallAlbert born about 1935
CarrallAlice born about 1921
CarrallAnnie born about 1922
CarrallClifton born about 1918
CarrallDelores born about 1939
CarrallFanny born about 1902
CarrallFanny born about 1934
CarrallHarry born about 1937
CarrallJames born about 1893
CarrallJoe born about 1920
CarrallRichard born about 1931
CarrallThomas born about 1926
CarrolAlice born about 1921
CarrolClifton born about 1919
CarstensH Cborn about 1894
CarteRoy born about 1909
CarterBillie born about 1927
CarterGrace born about 1921
CarterHarry born about 1932
CarterHenry Eborn about 1888
CarterMarion born about 1924
CarterNeta born about 1929
CarterPatrick born about 1939
CarterRuby born about 1934
CarterStepheneta born about 1902
CarterVera born about 1925
CarterWilliam born about 1936
CaryJohn born about 1872
ChartsonFelix born about 1870
CheenoffHarry born about 1898
ChisolmGust born about 1868
ChristianHelen born about 1924
ClatwortayAndrew born about 1864
ColemanMinnie born about 1882
ColinDavid born about 1901
CollinsAbraham born about 1916
CookAgnes born about 1893
CookFloyd Hborn about 1892
CornettHenry born about 1880
CrossmanWalter Aborn about 1875
CrowCharles born about 1854
CrowEsau born about 1904
CrowLucy born about 1913
CrowMartha born about 1937
CrowMary born about 1860
CrowRobert born about 1938
CrowSarah born about 1936
CunninghamFred born about 1866
CurtisGertrude born about 1878
CurtisNeilson born about 1913
CurtisWaldo Cborn about 1875

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D Surnames

DallHugo born about 1905
DarbesOlive born about 1907
DelzeneFay born about 1873
DemaisFred born about 1885
DempsterAlex born about 1914
DoaneBessie born about 1903
DoaneReginald born about 1907
DonnellyJoseph Tborn about 1910
DoyleGerald born about 1877
DoyleThomas born about 1879
DruckAgnes born about 1880
DruckHarry born about 1919
DruckJoe born about 1911
DruckJohn born about 1882
DruckPeter born about 1925

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E Surnames

EdmusonMarion Gborn about 1883
ElliottMinton Jborn about 1916
EnglehornOrville born about 1913
EngleshieFlorida born about 1937
EngleshieMarion born about 1928
EngleshieRuth born about 1930
EnglishaeRobert born about 1934
EnglishoeEvelyn born about 1939
EnglishoeJack Wborn about 1932
EnglishoeMargie Wborn about 1912
EnglishoeNathaniel born about 1910
EnglishoeRobert born about 1934
EnochEmmor born about 1880
EnsleyJoseph Cborn about 1872
EnsleyMarie born about 1870
EricksonRiley born about 1861
EstesW Wborn about 1870

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F Surnames

FassioLester born about 1917
FelixAxena born about 1919
FelixAxinia born about 1920
FelixJim born about 1912
FelixJim born about 1913
FelixRalph born about 1939
FieldBertha born about 1938
FieldDelia born about 1920
FieldDelia born about 1921
FieldEu born about 1937
FieldHarry born about 1913
FieldHarry born about 1913
FieldHenry born about 1935
FieldIssac born about 1917
FieldIssac Jr born about 1939
FieldJemimah born about 1919
FieldVictoria born about 1929
FieldWilliam born about 1933
FieldWilliam born about 1938
FlettDaniel born about 1925
FlettJacob born about 1888
FlettSoloman born about 1918
FloeOlaf born about 1905
FolmerFred born about 1905
ForscellChauncey born about 1894
FrankDavid born about 1896
FrankMyra born about 1919
FredWiley born about 1900
FriedEllen born about 1882

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G Surnames

GabrielGrafton born about 1929
GabrielMay born about 1903
GabrielMoses born about 1931
GabrielPaul born about 1908
GaffordNellie born about 1865
GaffordWm Fborn about 1868
GaustadO Pborn about 1874
GavelAddie born about 1893
GeogheanGordon born about 1904
GeorgeDaniel born about 1915
GeorgeDick born about 1882
GeorgeGrace born about 1938
GeorgeLena born about 1895
GeorgeStephen born about 1931
GibsonAmanda born about 1892
GibsonCharles Sborn about 1916
GibsonStanley Jborn about 1888
GillamHarold Cborn about 1931
GinnisFrank born about 1909
GinnisLevi born about 1937
GinnisLily born about 1917
GordonHunter born about 1917
GranrudeJulian born about 1908
GrantMarion born about
GrantSimon born about 1885
GreedHarry born about 1867
GundrumCharles born about 1939
GundrumJoseph born about 1931
GundrumMaurice born about 1906
GundrumSilas born about 1908
GundrumSilas born about 1939
GundrumStella born about 1924
GunnJoseph born about 1911

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H Surnames

HagenPat born about 1913
HallHarold born about 1907
HamiltonJane born about 1899
HamiltonRay born about 1905
HarnessJohn born about 1909
HarrisMuriel born about 1930
HendricksAlvin Cborn about 1930
HendricksAlvin Gborn about 1903
HendricksMildred born about 1908
HenryAlice born about 1929
HenryAntonette born about 1913
HenryBessie born about 1934
HenryCharlie born about 1883
HenryEdith born about 1904
HenryElsie born about 1939
HenryJoe born about 1865
HenryLee born about 1913
HenryMaggie born about 1875
HenryMartin born about 1900
HenryNeil born about 1926
HenryNena born about 1921
HenryNina born about 1930
HenryPaul born about 1890
HenrySteven born about 1923
HerbertSarah born about 1927
HolmAnna born about 1884
HolmKarl Jborn about 1884
HopeKitty born about 1921
HoraceAgnes born about 1939
HoraceDaniel born about 1915
HoraceMaises born about 1875
HoraceMargaret born about 1915
HoraceRobert born about 1936
HoraceRoy born about 1935
HouseDorothy born about 1914
HousePeter born about 1902
HowardSara Janeborn about 1891
HughesAlbert born about 1873
HunterArthur born about 1939
HunterJonathan born about 1901
HunterRachel born about 1917

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I Surnames

IngdahlEd born about 1888
IrittLemecks born about 1937
IrwinKenneth born about 1914
IsaacEric born about 1873
IsaacRachel born about 1879

J Surnames

JacobsonNels born about 1910
JamesAnnie born about 1915
JamesArthur born about 1911
JamesDorothy born about 1934
JamesDorothy born about 1935
JamesEdward born about 1870
JamesEdward born about 1930
JamesErsias born about 1909
JamesGideon born about 1939
JamesJessie born about 1938
JamesMarian born about 1937
JamesMartha born about 1909
JamesNena born about 1932
JamesScully born about 1933
JewellGeraldine born about 1937
JewellIda born about 1916
JewellJudith born about 1940
JewellWalter Zborn about 1904
JewellWilbur born about 1903
JohnAbraham born about 1920
JohnAbraham born about 1925
JohnAbraham born about 1927
JohnAlexander born about 1873
JohnAnna born about 1928
JohnDavid born about 1889
JohnDavid born about 1928
JohnEmma born about 1888
JohnEmma born about 1889
JohnEnoch born about 1897
JohnErnest born about 1919
JohnGabriel born about 1882
JohnHenry born about 1926
JohnJimmie born about 1888
JohnJimmy born about 1891
JohnJohn born about 1925
JohnKenneth born about 1938
JohnLena born about 1921
JohnLindy born about 1934
JohnMaggie born about 1881
JohnMargaret born about 1883
JohnMartha born about 1925
JohnNeil born about 1922
JohnPaul born about 1924
JohnPeter born about 1889
JohnSam born about 1927
JohnSarah born about 1882
JohnWilliam born about 1894
JohnWilliam born about 1934
JohnsonAlexander born about 1874
JohnsonAlvin born about 1935
JohnsonAndro born about 1872
JohnsonCharlie born about 1900
JohnsonChristopher born about 1939
JohnsonDorothy Eileenborn about 1939
JohnsonEdward born about 1937
JohnsonElliott born about 1905
JohnsonFred born about 1926
JohnsonGordon born about 1913
JohnsonIvis born about
JohnsonJames born about 1912
JohnsonLucy born about 1910
JohnsonMadeline born about 1931
JohnsonMary born about 1910
JohnsonMary born about 1931
JohnsonPhyllis Jeanborn about 1937
JohnsonSelma born about 1912
JonasAnnie born about 1939
JonasHelen born about 1924
JonasIda born about 1905
JonasIda born about 1939
JonasJohn born about 1903
JonasLaura born about 1875
JonasMinnie born about 1926
JonasStanley born about 1928
JonesTheodore Fborn about 1914
JosephAlice born about 1932
JosephEdith Roseborn about 1938
JosephEmma born about 1860
JosephHarry born about 1923
JosephHoward Bendborn about 1940
JosephJean born about 1932
JosephJoe born about 1925
JosephJoe born about 1938
JosephJohn born about 1938
JosephKatherine born about 1926
JosephLena born about 1936
JosephMargaret born about 1931
JosephMartha born about 1934
JosephMartha born about 1935
JosephMartha born about 1939
JosephMary born about 1904
JosephMary born about 1936
JosephMary born about 1936
JosephNathaniel born about 1934
JosephNena born about 1903
JosephNina born about 1906
JosephPeter born about 1892
JosephPeter born about 1900
JosephPeter born about 1938
JosephRosalie born about 1905
JosephSarah born about 1937
JosephStanley born about 1907
JosephStephen born about 1930
JosephStephen born about 1932
JosephSteven born about 1934
JosephWilliam born about 1934

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K Surnames

KalzerAlbert born about 1878
KaufmanBeatrice born about 1931
KaufmanHarry born about 1930
KaufmanJessie born about 1908
KaufmanTheodore born about 1934
KegyJohn born about 1874
KennedyThomas born about 1909
KernsEdward Pborn about 1881
KimballJohn born about 1900
KirschAlfred born about 1912
KirschWilmer born about 1914
KjorlienI Otisborn about 1906
KnudsonNicholas Wborn about

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L Surnames

LacrossCatherine Jborn about 1907
LacrossJack Pborn about 1910
LakeJohn born about 1873
LanglowJens born about 1882
LarsenArthur born about 1901
LarsenEinar born about 1871
LarsonDavid born about 1909
LeachEmma born about 1892
LeachFrank Mborn about 1879
LeathersHarley born about 1894
LemmWm born about 1911
LenhartLucille born about 1903
LenhartPaul born about 1907
LeoBessie born about 1885
LeoMoore born about 1876
LinxaielerAaron born about 1938
LinxaielerCharles born about 1936
LinxaielerGlen born about 1890
LinxaielerGlen born about 1939
LinxaielerHazel born about 1903
LinxaielerMally born about 1935
LittlefieldHarry born about 1905
LivesleyJanet born about 1911
LivesleyRowland born about 1904
LoaesMary born about 1915
LoalaEsias born about 1937
LoalaJulia born about 1872
LoolaAnnie born about 1928
LovikLudwig born about 1856
LukeBell born about 1883
LukeEthel born about 1929
LukeJacob born about 1879
LukeLee born about 1936
LukeLilly born about 1915
LukeStanley born about 1913
LyonsEmma born about 1869
LyonsWm Fborn about 1860

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M Surnames

MartinElsie born about 1926
MartinHenry born about 1889
MartinJames born about 1921
MartinJulius born about 1877
MartinLucy born about 1900
MartinMoses born about 1895
McCloyJack born about 1870
McDonaldAnnie born about 1919
McGinnRaymond born about 1916
McGregorGeorge born about 1888
McKinnonJoseph Jborn about 1880
McKinnonLois born about 1894
McKinnonViola born about 1887
McMullenBeverly born about 1936
McMullenClara born about 1909
McMullenMarion born about 1926
McMullenPatricia born about 1940
McMullenPeter born about 1879
MillerMartin Eborn about 1880
MillerVraziella born about 1888
MoeSam born about 1887
MorinRoy born about 1905
MorrisonBetty born about 1931
MorrisonRobert born about 1891
MorrisonRose born about 1893
MorrisonWilliam born about 1933
MosesCarl born about 1914
MosesSarah born about 1864
MosesWilliam born about 1875
MullinGeorge born about 1914

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N Surnames

NaathanielDavid born about 1935
NaathanielJohn born about 1937
NaathanielMary born about 1915
NaathanielStephen born about 1910
NathaneilAmos born about 1917
NathaneilJames born about 1937
NathaneilJohn born about 1913
NathaneilJulia born about 1917
NeilsenJohn born about 1907
NeilsenSerena born about 1909
NeimanPaul born about 1898
NelsonPeter born about 1867
NessAlbert born about 1898
NewmanBertha born about 1924
NicholsonNeal Johnborn about 1877

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O Surnames

OlafOlson born about 1880
OlearyDonald born about 1935
OlearyElsie born about 1912
OlearyGeorge born about 1932
OlearyMary born about 1937
OlearyMaurice born about 1908
OlsonIvar born about 1904
OsheaAlbert born about 1913
OsttlundL Wayneborn about 1919

P Surnames

PaulArnold born about 1937
PaulBetty born about 1939
PaulFred born about 1902
PaulSophie born about 1908
PeterAbbie born about 1910
PeterAbraham born about 1924
PeterBelle born about 1878
PeterCharley born about 1905
PeterCharlotte born about 1931
PeterDorothy born about 1930
PeterDorothy born about 1931
PeterDorothy born about 1931
PeterEdison born about 1931
PeterEthel born about 1935
PeterFranklin born about 1940
PeterHannah born about 1908
PeterHenry born about 1937
PeterJim born about 1936
PeterJoe born about 1908
PeterJohn born about 1939
PeterLevi born about 1934
PeterMadeline born about 1927
PeterMargaret born about 1930
PeterMary born about 1926
PeterMary born about 1928
PeterMay born about 1928
PeterMoses born about 1898
PeterNina born about 1930
PeterPhilip born about 1902
PeterRuth born about 1936
PeterSarah born about 1932
PeterThelma born about 1932
PeterWalter born about 1928
PetersCharles Lborn about 1874
PetersLois born about 1922
PetersMyra born about 1884
PetersSamuel born about 1865
PetersonIvor born about 1910
PetersonLawrence born about 1939
PetersonNina born about 1906
PetersonNina Claraborn about 1937
PetersonValdemer born about 1909
PowersFred born about 1904
PowersFred born about 1939
PowersRose born about 1914

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Q Surnames

QuigleyRobert born about 1918

R Surnames

RalphVan Gundy born about 1877
RandallAlan born about 1932
RandallEleanor born about 1938
RandallEmily born about 1900
RandallRaymond born about 1901
RasmussenEdward born about 1906
RasmussenJosephine born about 1920
RasmussenOxenia born about 1935
ReedAlice Cborn about 1883
ReedPark born about 1871
ReynoldsArthur Dborn about 1870
RicksDean born about 1908
RobertsAnnie born about 1926
RobertsBertha born about 1940
RobertsCornelius born about 1881
RobertsFrances born about 1930
RobertsIrene born about 1935
RobertsJennie born about 1898
RobertsJohn born about 1867
RobertsJoseph born about 1922
RobertsJulia born about 1924
RobertsLucy born about 1913
RobertsMaggie born about 1938
RobertsMalcolm born about 1901
RobertsMaud Mborn about 1886
RobertsNeil born about 1933
RogersCharles born about 1878
RoiosaaEino born about 1914
RoknessSam Oborn about 1870
RorlingOscar born about 1908
RoseAntonio born about 1871
RossJohn born about 1898
RoweAlvin born about 1886
RoySmith born about 1909

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S Surnames

SalmonAlice born about 1888
SalmonDavid born about 1912
SalmonSarah born about 1913
SalmonWilliam born about 1868
SalmonWilliam born about 1933
SalversenAnna born about
SalversenEgil born about
SalvesenAnna born about 1913
SalvesenEgil born about 1908
SamJohn born about 1903
SamLiza born about 1915
SamSamuel born about 1940
SaucerMaggie born about 1875
SaucerWm born about 1870
SaxlundMike born about 1899
SchraederFred born about 1868
SheltonHelen Louiseborn about 1901
SheltonRev Claudine Pborn about 1903
ShoddeLois born about 1915
ShoddeWm Fborn about 1911
ShortAgnes born about 1889
ShortLynn born about 1861
ShowelRobert born about 1910
SimpleDavid born about 1923
SimpleElizabeth born about 1930
SimpleJoe born about 1924
SimpleJoe born about 1930
SimplePeter born about 1899
SimpleWilliam born about 1936
SmithC Sborn about 1875
SmithJohn Aborn about 1939
SmithJoseph Pborn about 1939
SmithLouie Aborn about 1908
SmithShirley born about 1908
SnyderHenry born about 1877
SoboleffSable Simon Mborn about 1896
SolomanGrafton born about 1935
SolomanHannah born about 1910
SolomanHannah born about 1939
SolomanJonaathan born about 1933
SolomanMardon born about 1928
SolomanPaul born about 1885
SolomanPaul born about 1929
SolomanRalph born about 1937
SolomanSambo born about 1919
SolomonBell born about 1855
SolomonFannie born about 1868
SolomonGinnis born about 1870
SpasoffDacho born about 1893
SpiegleCalvin born about 1913
StevenBeatrice born about 1926
StevenDavid born about 1936
StevenGrafton born about 1932
StevenJohn born about 1905
StevenJohn born about 1930
StevenMaggie born about 1906
StevenOlive born about 1939
StevenWilliam born about 1934
StevensBeatrice born about 1927
StevensClarence born about 1939
StevensMary Jborn about 1919
StevensOrlena born about 1896
StevensWayne born about 1902
StoeckleCarl Eborn about 1910
StoutEarl born about 1890
StromBarbara born about 1938
StromBella born about 1929
StromBlanche born about 1911
StromCharley born about 1886
StromDoris born about 1931
StromJean born about 1933

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T Surnames

TamuraMamie born about 1878
TaylorJessie Eborn about 1899
TaylorWilliam Gborn about 1919
ThomasAbraham born about 1925
ThomasAlbert born about 1937
ThomasBen born about 1887
ThomasCharles born about 1934
ThomasEllen born about 1870
ThomasEmil born about 1928
ThomasEmil born about 1931
ThomasFred born about 1920
ThomasGeorge born about 1928
ThomasJacob Lborn about 1881
ThomasJohn born about 1924
ThomasJulia born about 1888
ThomasLily born about 1928
ThomasMargaret born about 1902
ThomasMargaret born about 1925
ThomasMaria born about 1883
ThomasMaria born about 1894
ThomasMartha born about 1931
ThomasMary born about 1915
ThomasMinnie born about 1934
ThomasNed born about 1879
ThomasNed born about 1880
ThomasPaul born about 1918
ThomasWilliam born about 1917
ThomasWilliam born about 1921
ThomasWilliam born about 1925
ThompsonEsan born about 1911
ThompsonLillian born about 1938
ThompsonMary born about 1914
ThorsonDedrik born about 1881
TifftLillian born about 1906
TimmVincent born about 1915
TitusJohn born about 1935
TitusJohn Charlotteborn about 1932
TitusJulia born about 1912
TownsleyE Bborn about 1901

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U Surnames

UlmerJoseph born about 1878
UrbanAdolph born about 1880

V Surnames

VandykeDavid born about 1920
VanhattenHannah born about 1920
VanhattenHannah born about 1940
VanhattenJack born about 1897
VanhattenJohn born about 1935
VanhattenNeil born about 1936
VanhattenRichard born about 1938
VictorLang born about 1886

W Surnames

WagerHarry born about 1908
WagerRobert born about 1911
WalkerEffie born about 1872
WallisDavid born about 1875
WallisEthel born about 1937
WallisMartha born about 1884
WallisPeter born about 1917
WallisTimothy born about 1919
WeberGeorge born about 1903
WeberMary Queenborn about 1901
WeenekEllen born about 1929
WelchJack born about 1876
WelchKate born about 1871
WelllsCurtis born about 1880
WelllsDoris born about 1920
WelllsElizabeth born about 1895
WelllsElizabeth born about 1938
WelllsGrafton born about 1926
WelllsHarold born about 1925
WelllsJames born about 1932
WerlineJack born about 1857
WestLilly born about 1883
WestenivkLaas Eborn about 1871
WhiteAlfred born about 1907
WhiteH Jeanborn about 1887
WilliamAlice born about 1928
WilliamEnoch born about 1894
WilliamFannie born about 1925
WilliamGrafton born about 1936
WilliamJ Hendersonborn about 1876
WilliamJohn born about 1895
WilliamJohn born about 1900
WilliamKenneth born about 1927
WilliamLilly born about 1932
WilliamMary born about 1915
WilliamOliver born about 1939
WilliamPaul born about 1937
WilliamPeter born about 1905
WilliamRichard born about 1937
WilliamSophie born about 1904
WilliamStanley born about 1932
WilliamWalter born about 1923
WilliamsCharlotte born about 1932
WilliamsJimmy born about 1928
WilliamsKenneth born about 1930
WilliamsTimothy born about 1929
WilsonGeorge Sborn about 1898
WilsonRegina born about 1897
WilsonT Jborn about 1883
WisteyClarence born about 1912
WoddsGeo Aborn about 1859
WoodsMary born about 1923
WredeDorothy born about 1911
WredeEverett Hborn about 1908
WredeGwendoline Sborn about 1907
WredeH Rayborn about 1909
WrightGeorge born about 1896
WylieFred born about 1888

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