1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eagle, Anchorage Borough, Alaska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alaska > Anchorage Borough > 1940 Census of Eagle

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamDaniel born about 1922
AlexAngus born about 1880
AlichEli born about 1892
AmesAlbert born about 1906
AndrewDavid born about 1919
ArpAlvin Nborn about 1911
ArpAlvin Nborn about 1917

B Surnames

BaileyAlbert Wborn about 1925
BaileyLucille Mborn about 1931
BaileyMattie Mborn about 1894
BaileyWarren Wborn about 1927
BaileyWilliam Tborn about 1926
BauersAlbert Richardborn about 1890
BauersVerena Helenborn about 1901
BeauchampBayne born about 1903
BeauchampRoy born about 1921
BeckGeorge born about 1910
BeckGeorge born about 1910
BeckMax born about 1939
BeckMax Gborn about 1939
BeckNellie born about 1918
BeckNellie Bborn about 1918
BeggsRobert born about 1859
BenjaminSarah born about 1884
BenjaminWalter born about 1872
BennettKenneth born about 1918
BiedermanAdolph Mborn about 1870
BiedermanBella Rborn about 1885
BiedermanCharles born about 1919
BiedermanCharlie Rborn about 1920
BiedermanDoris born about 1931
BiedermanElsie born about 1922
BiedermanFlorence Bellaborn about 1939
BiedermanG Horaceborn about 1911
BiedermanHorace Davidborn about 1937
BiedermanJessie born about 1924
BiedermanLouise born about 1916
BiedermanMabel born about 1927
BillieAnnie born about 1878
BrathoudJames Edmondborn about 1894
BrathoudMary Cborn about 1890
BundrumAllen born about 1939
BundrumCharles born about 1938
BundrumMaurice born about 1910
BundrumSilas born about 1909
BundrumStella born about 1921
ButellJames born about 1878
ButellPaul born about 1895

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C Surnames

CarleyWm born about 1865
CastleJack born about 1919
CastleJack Jborn about 1919
CharlieAdolphus born about 1868
CharlieDolphus born about 1879

D Surnames

DavidHarry born about 1914
DohanueJoseph Pborn about 1901
DonahueJoseph born about 1898
DouerTheodore born about 1865
DouglasConstantine born about 1895
DouglasHelen Wborn about 1896
DoverTheodore born about 1865
DrewsMax born about 1878

E Surnames

EllingenCasper born about 1873
EltonYukon born about 1907
EnstromOscar born about 1884
EricksonJohn Wborn about 1900

F Surnames

FerrenburgTheo born about 1902
FrenchThomas Wborn about 1872
FritschWilliam Jborn about 1876
FritschWyman Cborn about 1910
FullertonAnnie Eborn about 1879
FullertonArthur Jborn about 1879

G Surnames

GhiggsJoseph born about 1865
GidasGeorge born about 1866
GunerbeyWm born about 1914

H Surnames

HagenAmund Lborn about 1891
HansenCharles Fborn about 1925
HansenEdward Aborn about 1929
HansenEthel born about 1927
HansenGeorge Wborn about 1927
HansenJack Hborn about 1930
HermansenMathias born about 1891

J Surnames

JamesPaul born about 1876
JonesRichard born about 1905
JonesRichard born about 1909
JoseAlbert born about 1919
JoseAmos born about 1921
JoseEdith born about 1923
JoseElizabeth born about 1889
JosePaul born about 1884
JoseWilliam born about 1916
JosephSalina born about 1873
JunebyAlice born about 1930
JunebyCharlie Peterborn about 1940
JunebyJames born about 1927
JunebyLevi born about 1924
JunebyLouise born about 1919
JunebyMary Annborn about 1936
JunebyWillie born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KagerFred Fborn about 1872
KelderhouseCharles Lborn about 1875
KnightCarol Lborn about 1936
KnightCathryne Sborn about 1913
KnightJesa Burtborn about 1911
KnightWilliam Allenborn about 1939
KragerFred Fborn about 1872

L Surnames

LloydPhillip Nborn about 1920
LloydPhillip Wborn about 1887
LordDorothy born about 1927
LymanArthur Wmborn about 1939
LymanElisha born about 1902
LymanLaura born about 1918
LymanOld born about 1860
LymanOliver Rayborn about 1937

M Surnames

MalcolmEdward born about 1898
MalcolmEliza born about 1884
MalcolmJacob born about 1925
MalcolmJohn born about 1923
MalcolmJoseph born about 1890
MalcolmLillian born about 1932
MalcolmMatthew born about 1927
MalcolmNancy born about 1930
MalcolmPeter born about 1921
MalcolmSarah born about 1905
MalcolmTimothy born about 1938
MartinCharles Aborn about 1881
MatherErvin born about 1865
MatherJessica born about 1880
McHenryArthur Mborn about 1876
MillerFrank Cborn about 1868
MorrisConee Sborn about 1904
MorrisConnie born about 1902
MurrayRobert born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonChris Bborn about 1890
NelsonGustave Jr born about 1883
NordOle born about 1876

O Surnames

OlsonJohn Eborn about 1882
OmoFestist Eborn about 1874
OmoHelen Wborn about 1868
OrdRandall born about 1910
OrdRandall Mborn about 1908
OttCharles born about 1873
OttWilliam born about 1878
OttWilliam Aborn about 1879

P Surnames

ParkerHarry born about 1890
PaulLouise born about 1922
PaulMary Elizabethborn about 1939
PaulSusie born about 1910
PhillipsThomas Eborn about 1869
PhillipsThos Eborn about 1869
PowersEdith born about 1872
PowersJohn Bborn about 1870
PurdyAnne Hobbsborn about 1903

R Surnames

RaymondJoseph Mborn about 1906
RebsteinFrank Wborn about 1902
RersonJohn born about 1859
RiceArtimas Mborn about 1895
RobertsonErvin Aborn about 1857

S Surnames

ShieldsHarlan born about 1906
SilasAndrew born about 1883
SilasCaroline Sarahborn about 1929
SilasCharlie born about 1922
SilasPeter born about 1927
SmithCharles Aborn about 1869
StaceyGrace born about 1872
StaceyJimmie Wborn about 1935
StarJohn born about 1860
SteelRobert Eborn about 1881
StevenAndrew Pborn about 1925
StevenArthur born about 1906
StevenCharlie born about 1890
StevenClara Phebeborn about 1932
StevenDorothy born about 1934
StevenHannah born about 1906
StevenMargaret born about 1931
StevenMartha born about 1934
StevenSilas born about 1927
StevenSophie born about 1906
StevenTitus born about 1938
StevenWalter born about 1930
StevensMiran born about 1909

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T Surnames

ThomasWilliam born about 1908
ThompsonClifford born about
ThompsonClyde Aborn about 1880
ThompsonRuth born about 1921

W Surnames

WatsonFrank Pborn about 1860
WilliamsGeorge Hborn about 1886

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