1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fort Gibbon, Unorganized Borough, Alaska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alaska > Unorganized Borough > 1940 Census of Fort Gibbon

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamonLoretta born about 1923
AdamonWalker born about 1924
AlbertGordon born about 1926
AlbertMichael born about 1908
AlbertSam born about 1920
AllenFlora born about 1928
AllenJohn born about 1911
AllenPeter born about 1926
AmenWilliam born about 1922
AmouakAgnes born about 1934
AmouakBernice born about 1939
AmouakFranklin born about 1939
AmouakLucy born about 1930
AmouakOlga born about 1901
AmouakOliver born about 1895
AmouakPauline born about 1922
AmouakRalph born about 1935
AnanakEddie born about 1917
AndersonHans born about 1863
AndrewsNorman born about 1926
AnicichJoseph born about 1864
AntoskiAgnes born about 1920
AntoskiArthur born about 1909
AntoskiArthur Jborn about 1911
AntoskiHarper born about 1920
AntoskiLawrence born about 1911
AntoskiLouisa born about 1926
ArnetHilliard born about 1912

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B Surnames

BaileyGeorge born about 1864
BeetesCecilia born about 1923
BeetesChief born about 1888
BeetesIda born about 1883
BeetesJoseph born about 1917
BesonenHenry born about 1876
BiggeorgeMichael born about 1929
BirchesOlin born about 1890
BobbPauline born about 1877
BobbRobert born about 1918
BoettcherAnna Gborn about 1908
BoettcherBerna Jborn about 1934
BoettcherBernard Oborn about 1906
BoettcherRichard Sborn about 1939
BoettcherWilliam Gborn about 1938
BoscoHorace Fborn about 1939
BoscoLena born about 1916
BoscoMarie Aborn about 1934
BoscoSolomon born about 1905
BoscoSolomon Jr born about 1937
BoscoSport born about 1874
BowersWilliam born about 1878
BraicoAnthony born about 1882
BrittainBernice Eborn about 1909
BurrowsElizabeth born about 1879
ButlerGlenn born about 1937
ButlerMary born about 1924
ButlerTheresa Sborn about 1883
ButlerTom Gborn about 1881
ByfeltAnna born about 1928
ByfeltDora born about 1922
ByfeltFred born about 1904
ByfeltGeorge born about 1939
ByfeltHenry born about 1934
ByfeltQue born about 1932

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C Surnames

ClarenceFrancis born about 1914
ClarenceMadelenie born about 1921
ClarenceTom born about 1938
CleathLena born about 1899
CleathOladys born about 1926
CleathPaul born about 1890
CleathWilliam born about 1934
CorningDave born about 1898
CorningHelen born about 1928
CorningJosephine born about 1904
CorningMabel born about 1936
CoulombeMarie born about 1895
CoulombePete born about 1878

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D Surnames

DavisRose Mborn about 1879
DickArland born about 1939
DickEsiais born about 1907
DickMary born about 1917
DickMatilda born about 1937
DiederickTheodore born about 1865
DiederickTheodore Wborn about 1917
DimiskoPaldine born about 1922
DimoskaIgnatius born about 1909
DrakeJohn born about 1874

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E Surnames

EdwinAndrew born about 1922
EdwinDolly born about 1935
EdwinDonald born about 1937
EdwinElizabeth Mborn about 1939
EdwinGeorge born about 1896
EdwinJason born about 1916
EdwinJessie Mborn about 1925
EdwinLee born about 1910
EdwinLee Bborn about 1934
EdwinLillian born about 1919
EdwinMarion Eborn about 1913
EliaDavid born about 1912
EliaMadeline born about 1932
EliaMaggie born about 1880
ElliottJohn Aborn about 1877
ElliottMaggie born about
EmersonOscar Eborn about 1877
ErhartAdrianne Bborn about 1939
ErhartCarl Jborn about 1924
ErhartCharlie Jborn about 1880
ErhartLester Cborn about 1935
ErhartNetie born about 1897
EshartViolet Bborn about 1927

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F Surnames

FarrellEdward Rborn about 1884
FilesAnna Vborn about 1901
FilesWilfred Cborn about 1909
FisherWalter Gborn about 1888
FittJohn born about 1864
FolgerElsie born about 1931
FolgerFrank Jborn about 1930
FolgerIrene born about 1921
FolgerIrene born about 1922
FolgerIsobel born about 1929
FolgerRoy Jborn about 1926

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G Surnames

GrantAlfred born about 1925
GrantBarney born about 1919
GrantBessie Cborn about 1929
GrantChristopher born about 1906
GrantChristopher Jborn about 1939
GrantEva born about
GrantHelen born about 1915
GrantJulia born about 1934
GrantMay Eborn about 1933
GrantMyrtle Rborn about 1936
GrantRichard Aborn about 1931
GreenwayEllaner Mborn about 1926
GreenwayHarold born about 1936
GreenwayJohn Dborn about 1931
GreenwayKatherine born about 1909
GreenwayRuth Kborn about 1930
GriskoTony born about

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H Surnames

HackettJohn born about 1872
HaglundJoseph born about 1872
HandSophia born about 1905
HandWalter Lborn about 1886
HansonSig Fborn about 1889
HardbeckOllen born about 1911
HardbeckWalter Evan Blindborn about 1919
HeeterSally born about 1876
HeeterSamuel Eborn about 1865
HenryPeter born about 1916
HunterHappy born about 1904
HunterLucy born about 1871

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I Surnames

IrvingJohn Gborn about 1876

J Surnames

JacobSimon born about 1911
JacobZita born about 1935
JamesGeorge Jonnyborn about 1926
JamesJ Leslieborn about 1884
JamesJeanette Estherborn about 1905
JohnAlice born about 1904
JohnAnnie born about 1924
JohnArthur born about 1921
JohnChief born about 1880
JohnGladys born about 1910
JohnJoe born about 1900
JohnLaura born about 1926
JohnLeonard born about 1918
JohnLige Hborn about 1930
JohnMargery born about 1926
JohnMary born about 1879
JohnSimion Mborn about 1940
JohnSusie born about 1928
JohnWalter Wborn about 1934
JohnsonAda born about 1909
JohnsonAxel Eborn about 1937
JohnsonCecilia born about 1916
JohnsonDonald born about 1934
JohnsonEdgar born about 1908
JohnsonJames born about 1911
JohnsonJessie born about 1939
JohnsonMary Eborn about 1933
JohnsonMathew born about 1901
JohnsonRuth Eborn about 1932
JohnsonThomas Charlesborn about 1936
JordanArland Cborn about 1871
JordanCarrie born about 1930
JordanCharley born about 1906
JordanEva born about 1877
JosephArnold Aborn about 1933
JosephBen born about 1912
JosephBenjamin born about 1911
JosephGilbert born about 1934
JosephGodfrey born about 1919
JosephHannah Bborn about 1937
JosephHannah Bborn about 1938
JosephHelen Sborn about 1930
JosephJenny born about 1870
JosephJessie born about 1901
JosephJoson born about 1914
JosephJulius born about 1918
JosephKilly Mborn about 1939
JosephKitty Mborn about 1939
JosephLige born about 1906
JosephNelson born about 1913
JosephPercy Bborn about 1937
JosephSam born about 1884
JosephVirginia born about 1920
JosephVirginia born about 1921
JosephWilliam Tborn about 1924

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K Surnames

KeeAnna Mborn about 1910
KeeChow born about 1872
KeePauline Eborn about 1917
KennedyCharlie born about 1891
KennedyCharlie Jr born about 1934
KennedyMar Pborn about 1920
KennedyPhillip Bborn about 1916
KennedyRebecca born about 1914
KennedyRowe born about 1919
KeyserFreda Jborn about 1911
KlossyBarbara Lborn about 1901
KokrineAndrew Jr born about 1872
KokrineAndrew Jr born about 1912
KokrineBergman Jborn about 1909
KokrineEffie born about 1920
KokrineEleano born about 1937
KokrineShirley born about 1937
KorningDave born about 1884
KoskrineGregory born about 1889
KoskrineMargaret born about 1901
KozevnikoffAmbrose born about 1912
KozevnikoffMarie Eborn about 1912
KozevnikoffVirginia Mborn about 1939
KozevnikoffWilfred Cborn about 1938
KyllorLudwig Jborn about 1869

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L Surnames

LaboskiWally born about 1875
LarsonHaynes born about 1919
LarsonJames born about 1879
LarsonJennie born about 1922
LarsonJohn born about 1882
LarsonJohn born about 1884
LarsonLouise born about 1921
LarsonLouise Bborn about 1921
LarsonLucy born about 1896
LarsonLucy born about 1906
LarsonNayuk born about 1916
LindseyGeorge Wborn about 1869
LukeRobert Dborn about 1928
LukeTheodore born about 1906
LukeTheodore Rborn about 1938
LuttmanHenry Jborn about 1869

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M Surnames

McArtyClara born about 1931
McArtyMadelenie born about 1940
McArtyMaggie born about 1938
McArtyMarie born about 1911
McArtyRegina born about 1935
McArtyRose Marieborn about 1936
McArtyWilliam born about 1905
McHughJim born about 1867
MeadRobert Hborn about 1906
MillerGeorge L Cborn about 1869
MinookAdam Eborn about 1898
MinookBosco born about 1928
MinookHenry Hborn about 1921
MinookJames born about 1926
MinookLucy Mborn about 1935
MinookMartha born about 1902
MinookRose born about 1931
MoklerMinnie born about 1908
MosesLige Bborn about 1939
MosesMilton born about 1915
MosesVirginia born about 1920
MurphyAllen born about 1870
MurphyPatricia born about 1921

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N Surnames

NakagawaHarry Sborn about 1896
NicholiaAgnes Eborn about 1926
NicholiaCarl born about 1934
NicholiaCarmiela born about 1938
NicholiaDora born about 1894
NicholiaHarry born about 1932
NicholiaHelen born about 1891
NicholiaHelen Jborn about 1932
NicholiaHenry born about 1922
NicholiaJoseph born about 1886
NicholiaMargaret born about 1933
NicholiaMarian born about 1912
NicholiaMaxin Tborn about 1936
NicholiaMilton Lborn about 1922
NicholiaMonica born about 1922
NicholiaPeter Pborn about 1929
NicholiaRita born about 1930
NicholiaWalter born about 1919
NobbsAlfred born about 1866
NobleCarl Fborn about 1930
NobleHenry born about 1931
NobleHilda Jborn about 1925
NobleJames Gborn about 1882
NobleLaura Aborn about 1928
NobleLouise born about 1908
NobleMartin Oborn about 1865

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O Surnames

OconnorJohn Pborn about 1874
OldmanAbraham born about 1917
OldmanArthur born about 1924
OldmanJohnnie born about 1886
OldmanJulia born about 1886
OldmanMartha born about 1922
OldmanShirley born about 1939
OleirAmelia born about 1935
OleirElvie born about 1926
OleirFred born about 1899
OleirFreddie born about 1924
OleirGordon born about 1931
OnicickBertle born about 1901

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P Surnames

PaulJeffry born about 1922
PaulLilly born about 1871
PaulOld born about 1865
PeterAdanon born about 1885
PeterAndrew born about 1875
PickettJohn Pborn about 1934
PickettMargaret born about 1939
PickettMarie born about 1939
PickettPeter born about 1936
PickoJoe born about 1870
PickoSarah born about 1870
PidgerWilliam Fborn about 1904
PilotSimon (Blind) born about 1909
PitkaAlice born about 1934
PitkaArthur born about 1908
PitkaBertha born about 1915
PitkaDorothy Hborn about 1913
PitkaJames born about 1931
PitkaKenneth born about 1934
PorsonChrley (Blind) born about 1860

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R Surnames

RickwoodEvelyn born about 1889
RickwoodJames Aborn about 1884
RobertsDavid Wborn about 1927
RobertsElsie born about 1911
RobertsEsau Hborn about 1902
RobertsEugene Hborn about 1936
RobertsEva born about 1885
RobertsFrancis born about 1903
RobertsHarriet born about 1918
RobertsHorace Mborn about 1911
RobertsJohn Lborn about 1938
RobertsLaurence born about 1917
RobertsLawrence born about 1918
RobertsLina born about 1925
RobertsNorman Sborn about 1930
RobertsRoy Hborn about 1933
RobertsWilliam born about 1872
RonanderOtto Wborn about 1875

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S Surnames

SabourinPeter born about 1862
SchaibleArthur Jborn about 1909
ScottWilliam Jborn about 1871
ShadeOrie Jborn about 1878
SilverMaggie born about 1888
SimpsonDaniel born about 1919
SleighmakerSophie born about 1905
SmithCarman Hborn about 1912
SmithIrene Eborn about 1913
StarrAlfred born about 1902
StarrAllen Lborn about 1935
StarrBessie born about
StarrDonald born about 1917
StarrEdna born about 1925
StarrEsther Fborn about 1927
StarrFred born about 1893
StarrJacob Aborn about 1929
StarrJames born about 1919
StarrJohn born about 1891
StarrJohn Aborn about 1927
StarrJoseph Wborn about 1936
StarrJudith Fborn about 1931
StarrLena born about 1898
StarrLiza Bborn about 1932
StarrLizzie born about 1910
StarrMargaret born about 1938
StarrPaul born about 1940
StarrRichard Mborn about 1931
SterneGertrude Aborn about 1876
StroupeWilliam born about 1921
StuckHudson born about 1920
StuckMaggie born about 1924
SunnyboyRobert Hborn about 1913
SwansenClara Eborn about 1922
SwansenElizabeth Rborn about 1939
SwansenJohn Rborn about 1921
SwansenRobert born about 1923
SwensonJohn Aborn about 1890

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T Surnames

TerwilligerFred Eborn about 1902
TerwilligerMellie Eborn about 1910
ThompsonWarren Hborn about 1888
TitusAgnes born about 1919
TitusBergman born about 1931
TitusBetty born about 1939
TitusFrank born about 1917
TitusGilbert born about 1928
TitusHenry born about 1915
TitusHenry born about 1939
TitusNikoli born about 1890
TitusPauline born about 1900
TrylandTom born about 1878
TwomeyJohn Gborn about 1911

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V Surnames

VachonAndrew Gborn about 1881
VanhornFlorence Mborn about 1907
VogtEdward Cborn about 1871

W Surnames

WalshJ Richardborn about 1897
WalterJohn born about 1894
WeborisMartin born about 1885
WetheraldRobert Lborn about 1916
WilliamHardy born about 1932
WilliamsAlice born about 1926
WilliamsBergman born about 1937
WilliamsCaroline born about 1938
WilliamsJosephine born about 1936
WilliamsLeo born about 1938
WilliamsLevine born about 1911
WilliamsNathaniel born about 1911
WilliamsRalph born about 1940
WilliamsRita born about 1931
WilliamsSally born about 1921
WilliamsSusie born about 1908
WinerLouise born about 1901
WingfieldAlton born about 1875
WrightAnnie born about 1922
WrightMartha Annieborn about 1938
WrightSullivan born about 1914

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Y Surnames

YoskaGeorge born about 1913

Z Surnames

ZellerRuthedna born about 1906
ZickwolffFred Cborn about 1877

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