1940 U.S. Federal Census of Iliamna, Unorganized Borough, Alaska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alaska > Unorganized Borough > 1940 Census of Iliamna

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AknuknaklskPete born about 1873
AlexanderAlex born about 1911
AlexanderFrancis born about 1923
AlexanderPenrose born about 1927
AndrewAnnie born about 1898
AndrewFina born about 1922
AndrewJackov born about 1898
AndrewMary born about 1897
AndrewPete born about 1900
AndrewSasha born about 1936
AndrewSerefina born about 1927
AndrewStephen born about 1939
AndrewToef?? born about 1934
ApanutahAnnie born about 1926
ApanutahElia born about 1929

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B Surnames

Balluta??? born about
Balluta??? born about 1891
BallutaAlec born about 1929
BallutaAlexsee born about 1882
BallutaAndrew born about 1931
BallutaAnesia born about 1934
BallutaAnnie born about 1923
BallutaAntone born about 1937
BallutaAntone born about 1939
BallutaBetty born about 1930
BallutaBob born about 1920
BallutaClarence born about 1925
BallutaDollie born about 1934
BallutaHarry born about 1922
BallutaHarry born about 1923
BallutaJimmie born about 1933
BallutaMary born about 1926
BallutaMary born about 1939
BallutaRalph born about 1916
BallutaSerfim born about 1928
BallutaSophia born about 1904
BallutaVally born about 1926
BallutaVassila born about 1937
BarboserGladys born about 1936
BeghillAllert Jborn about 1899
BertensenIndohl born about 1895
BowmanFred Eborn about 1891
BowmanHoward Mborn about 1930
BowmanNorma Mborn about 1888
BrooksFena born about 1916
BrooksLouise born about 1938
BrownWalter Eborn about 1886
BurkChester born about 1896
BurkHilda born about 1923

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C Surnames

CarlsonBrown born about 1878
CarlsonFedosia born about 1874
CusmaDaria born about 1889
CusmaLatimer born about 1887
CusmaMary born about 1926
CusmaMaxim born about 1890
CusmaPaul born about 1922

D Surnames

DallatteArmina born about 1932
DallatteFedia born about 1879
DallatteGalia born about 1902
DallatteSergi born about 1935
DallatteStephaneta born about 1912
DelkilteDrofien born about 1921
DellutteAnnie born about 1911
DellutteEdith born about 1928
DellutteIgnatus born about 1905
DellutteMike born about 1931
DellutteThurston born about 1938
DellutteVirgil born about 1936
DenisonCharles Iborn about 1884
DenisonFloyd Eborn about 1908
DenisonLa Verne Mborn about 1934
DenisonLena born about 1911
DenisonNelliamae born about 1889
DenisonShirley Mborn about 1938
DesylvaArthur born about 1932
DesylvaFrank born about 1928
DesylvaFrank Jborn about 1904
DesylvaJerrold born about 1934
DesylvaShirley Eborn about 1936
DesylvaShirley Fborn about 1912
DicksonFrank Gborn about 1913
DicksonHarriett Gborn about 1912
DorbandtGab Lborn about 1897
DrewAlex born about 1925
DrewAlexandria born about 1901
DrewHarvey Jborn about 1887
DrewHarvey Jr born about 1919
DrewJack born about 1933
DrewJames born about 1929
DrewLarine born about 1939
DrewMargerite born about 1927
DrewMary born about 1931
DrewRobert born about 1936
DultonOtis Mborn about 1859

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E Surnames

EkopakMike born about 1915
EkopakMorfia born about 1937
EnelomAnnie born about 1928
EnelomNick born about 1922
EnelomNick born about 1924
EnolonAlec born about 1874
EnolonIlia J Sborn about 1938
EnolonMary born about 1933
EnolonOkulena born about 1873
EnolonSara born about 1923
EnolonTregory born about 1930
EvanAnnie born about 1922
EvanAntone born about 1919
EvanJoke born about 1878
EvanMary born about 1888
EvanMaxie born about 1906
EvanoffAgofia born about 1892
EvanoffGusdinga born about 1930
EveneoffNastasia born about
EveneoffTheodore born about 1932
EveneoffZackar born about 1923
EveneoffZockamska born about

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F Surnames

FlyemAlex born about 1916
FlyemAnnie born about 1918
FlyemMike born about 1937
FlyemWilliam Aborn about 1939
FlyumAlex Fborn about 1874
FlyumAnnie born about 1895
FlyumNora born about 1924
FossAlvin born about 1936
FossBeatrice born about 1939
FossBen Sborn about 1926
FossChristine born about 1857
FossDollie born about 1923
FossHarold born about 1889
FossHazel Cborn about 1930
FossLogaria born about 1916
FossMargie Sborn about 1937
FossSamuel Bborn about 1882
FossSophia Rborn about 1902

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G Surnames

GordonJohn Gborn about 1903
GordonMargaret born about 1913
GreanBernard Aborn about 1884
GregorayAlsee born about 1887
GregorayAlsee born about 1937
GregorayMary born about 1901
GregorayMary born about 1936
GregorayMike born about 1927
GrossneckleGeorge Gborn about 1898

H Surnames

HammersleyDora born about 1898
HaraAgofria born about 1915
HaraDaniel Jborn about 1939
HaraThomas Pborn about 1881
HarmasleyBill born about 1892
HarmasleyJohn Jborn about 1935
HarmasleyJoseph Pborn about 1895
HarmasleyLorella Eborn about 1933
HarmasleyMargaret born about 1908
HarmasleyRobert Kborn about 1935
HillKatherine born about 1920
HillShirley Mborn about 1938
HillWilliam born about 1894
HobsonCatyanna born about 1877
HobsonJohn Mborn about 1867
HobsonLuther born about 1932
HobsonMacey born about 1912
HobsonSteve born about 1908

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J Surnames

JackoAgnes born about 1930
JackoAlma born about 1910
JackoAnnie born about 1939
JackoDella born about 1906
JackoGeorge born about 1932
JensenAlbert born about 1939
JensenCarl born about 1929
JensenFreda born about 1928
JensenGus born about 1918
JensenJack born about 1909
JensenMike born about 1935
JensonMike born about 1887
JohnsonAkel born about 1903
JohnsonJohn born about 1926
JohnsonRose born about 1918
JohnsonWalter born about 1923
JononisMary born about 1936

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K Surnames

KapikatoonHarold born about 1924
KapikatoonJohn born about 1933
KeiskiArthut Aborn about 1901
KennedayBarbara Jborn about 1939
KennedayGenna Lborn about 1912
KennedayJames Oborn about 1904
KerrDouglas Tborn about 1909
KoddeyJonas Eborn about 1861
KohnEdward Aborn about 1902
KohnIrene Jborn about 1937
KohnLillian Mborn about 1920
KohnWilliam born about 1938
KoktelashElena born about 1914
KoktelashGilla born about 1934
KoktelashPete born about 1902
KoktelashZudacah born about 1896
Kolyaha??? born about 1895
KolyahaAlbert born about 1924
KolyahaAlec born about 1919
KolyahaAlma born about 1927
KolyahaBelly born about 1934
KolyahaDollie born about 1923
KolyahaGeorge born about 1926
KolyahaNecolai born about 1899
KolyahaZenia born about 1923
KorsakoffAnesia born about 1925
KorsakoffNecolai born about 1930
KorsakoffNick born about 1911
KorsakoffZudorah born about 1872
KorsakoffZudorah born about 1923
KorshoffEphim born about 1922

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L Surnames

LassenDollie born about 1938
LassenKatherine born about 1920
LassenSimeon born about 1924
LeeArthur Jborn about 1901
LeeHelen Hborn about 1910
LentzRaymond Vborn about 1912
Lentz2 Fborn about 1907
LesterJoseph Nborn about 1912
LesterMargaret Mborn about 1909

M Surnames

MathisenNels born about 1889
MidalaithCatherine born about 1930
MidulothAntome born about 1932
MidulothEvan born about 1923
MidulothHazel born about 1925
MidulothMary born about 1896
MidulothMike born about 1920
MidulothNick born about 1915
MielsenGeorge Aborn about 1893
MikeAnnesia born about 1936
MikeElena born about 1934
MikeEvenia born about 1912
MikeGeorge born about 1926
MikeJohnnie born about 1901
MikeOkalina born about 1937
MikePete born about 1911
MikePete born about 1935
MillettChester Dborn about 1938
MillettDorothy Gborn about 1936
MillettGertrude Aborn about 1925
MillettHugh Hborn about 1893
MillettHughann born about 1934
MillettJessie Mborn about 1927
MillettJulia Aborn about 1929
MillettMarguerite Rborn about 1932
MillettMarie Aborn about 1902
MitshellRichard Bborn about 1906
MooreWilliam Hborn about 1908
MurrayAnna born about 1909
MurrayKatherine Pborn about 1930
MurraySamuel Lborn about 1904
Mysee??? born about 1874
MyseeAlex born about 1930
MyseeRichard born about 1890

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N Surnames

NecolaiGregory born about 1915
NecolaiVirginia born about 1915
NecoseaFrank Rborn about 1899
NecoseaRalph Jborn about 1906
NelsonNastasia born about 1936
NeudulathEvan born about 1927
NoatukMarie born about 1924
NoatukNich born about 1913
Nohatak??? born about 1936
NoyakanMary born about 1910
NoyakanMary born about 1936
NoyakanMike born about 1890

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O Surnames

OlsenAnnie born about 1917
OlsenTrygne born about 1938
OlympicAgafia born about 1928
OlympicAnesia born about 1903
OlympicEram born about 1923
OlympicHesha born about 1934
OlympicMadsuni born about 1935
OlympicMarie born about 1937
OlympicMick born about 1908
OlympicNakinde born about 1938
OlympicNick Gborn about 1918
OlympicOkulena born about 1926
OlympicPeter born about 1938
OlympicTateanna* born about 1919
OwensThomas Lborn about 1878

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P Surnames

PaulMaxie born about 1935
PenaklopekEvan born about 1874
PenaklopekFedosia born about 1934
PenaklopekNastasia born about 1917
PenaklopekPete born about 1937
PeteBelly born about 1905
PeteMary born about 1931
PeteOkulena born about 1928
PokurokFenna born about 1931
PokurokMary born about 1908
PokurokNicolas born about 1908
PsottaLouis born about 1907

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R Surnames

ReckteroffEvan born about 1893
ReckteroffEvelyn born about 1939
ReckteroffFlorence born about 1929
ReckteroffFrank born about 1923
ReckteroffLondria born about 1934
ReckteroffMary born about 1927
ReckteroffMichael Aborn about 1900
ReckteroffVictor born about 1936
ReckteroffYudach born about 1917
RichtefoffWilliam born about 1932
RickeronGalia born about 1928
RickteroffDore born about 1930
RoehlAdolph Jborn about 1940
RoehlAllen born about 1938
RoehlAlma Jborn about 1916
RoehlArthur born about 1935
RoehlBertha Mborn about 1927
RoehlBetty born about 1939
RoehlCharles Fborn about 1904
RoehlCharlie Aborn about 1924
RoehlDaniel born about 1932
RoehlEdwin Wborn about 1925
RoehlFred Cborn about 1908
RoehlHeinie Sborn about 1930
RoehlHenry Jborn about 1911
RoehlRobert born about 1934
RoehlRoy Fborn about 1938
RoehlValeen born about 1902
RoehlVera born about 1906
RoehlWilliam born about 1937
RuschClarence Eborn about 1910
RuschElinor Mborn about 1918

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S Surnames

SandrickEvelyn born about 1936
SandrickHerman Aborn about 1900
SandrickSophia Hborn about 1904
SaraDona born about 1880
SaraOkalina born about 1927
SeversenAlexander born about 1923
SeversenAnn born about 1921
SeversenBertha born about 1931
SeversenGeorge born about 1912
SeversenJennie born about 1921
SeversenMartin born about 1926
SeversenSophia Fborn about 1908
SeversenWalter born about 1928
SimeonAlice born about 1931
SimeonAnnie born about 1912
SimeonFlora born about 1936
SimeonManuel born about 1939
SimeonNellie born about 1934
SinkaAgofia born about 1874
SmithHans Aborn about 1900

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T Surnames

TakaloCarl Eborn about 1891
ThomasKatherine born about 1886
ThompsonJoe born about 1903
TrefonAlex born about 1912
TrefonAlex born about 1939
TrefonBelly born about 1939
TrefonHelen born about 1930
TrefonHenry born about 1927
TrefonIrene born about 1940
TrefonMarfia born about 1920
TrefonMary born about 1884
TrefonMary born about 1907
TrefonPete born about 1918
TrefonPete born about 1935
TrefonVas born about 1901
TrefonWalter born about 1936
Trefor??? born about 1897
TreforAgnes born about 1921
TreforBenjamin born about 1923
TreforCatherine born about 1904
TreforCharles born about 1924
TurnerSamson born about

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V Surnames

VassellaAnnie born about 1938
VassellaCatherine born about 1918
VassellaElia born about 1934
VassellaEvina born about 1939
VassellaGregory born about 1915
VassellaMadrona born about 1917
VassellaNick born about
VassellaPonala born about 1930
VassellaSimeon born about 1906
VenoosPete born about 1899

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W Surnames

WassillieAnestasia born about 1939
WassillieIva born about 1916
WassillieLouse born about 1922
WhiteheadChester Cborn about 1904
WolffCharles Jborn about 1876
WossenkoriEllen Mborn about 1937
WossenkoriLoraine born about 1938
WossenkoriMary born about 1916
WossenkoriOc Eborn about 1900

Z Surnames

ZackarHamuska born about 1893
ZackarYudacah born about 1905
ZackorCatherine born about 1939
ZackorGary born about 1937
ZackorPaul born about 1915
ZackorSophia born about 1920
ZakalukKatherine born about 1923
ZakalukMike born about 1919
ZakalukVassilla born about 1882
Zakar?umson born about 1918
ZinkErnest born about 1890
ZockarGregory born about 1910
ZockasSemeon born about 1917
ZockineMabel born about 1932

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