1940 U.S. Federal Census of Innoko, Unorganized Borough, Alaska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alaska > Unorganized Borough > 1940 Census of Innoko

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AhoGabriel born about 1879
AndersonArne born about 1902
AndersonEdward F Hborn about 1884
AndersonH Mrs born about 1916
AndersonHerbert Eborn about 1912
AndersonMarian born about 1902
AndersonP Aborn about 1877
ArnoldRobert born about 1891

B Surnames

BakerChas L C Lborn about 1873
BaridoRalph born about 1869
BaughJessie born about 1882
BaylessSamuel Fborn about 1889
BeckmanArlene Fernborn about 1919
BeckmanChristas Rachel*born about 1911
BlanchellJoe born about 1869
BlenoheimOle born about 1904
BouchardHermen Jborn about 1904
BowersGeorge born about 1919
BoydR Sborn about 1909
BradleyJoe born about 1899

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C Surnames

CarlsonCarl born about 1905
CarlsonHarold Eborn about 1912
ChilstromBror born about 1887
ChilstromVelma born about 1927
ChilstromVesta born about 1925
ChilstromVida born about 1930
ChilstromViola born about 1922
ChritchleyWilliam born about 1872
ClarkJoe Lborn about 1872
CofferRichard Eborn about 1914
CollensJohn born about 1880
ColwellAgnes born about 1915
ColwellD Hborn about 1876
ColwellPhoebe born about 1936
CraneyC Mborn about 1905
CraneyJean born about 1902
CristoMitchell born about 1912

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D Surnames

DegnanJoe born about 1912
DonohueThomas Mborn about 1905

E Surnames

EngmanGeorge Miltonborn about 1899
EricksonLeo born about 1893
EricksonR Eborn about 1903
ErvastiHenry born about 1876
EvansJack born about 1898
ExleyRose Dborn about 1909

G Surnames

GardVeryl Nborn about 1911
GardnerS Eborn about 1874
GatesT Wborn about 1911
GeskeyJohn Jborn about 1876
GiassorAlexander born about 1887
GilsenGeorge born about 1891
GirdleyO Eborn about 1911
GoebelCharles born about 1872
GoveErnest Jborn about 1872
GreenbergeAlf born about 1879
GurtlerAlfred born about 1903
GurtlerAlfred Jr born about 1936
GurtlerEdward born about 1933
GurtlerElenor born about 1935
GurtlerFranklin born about 1938
GurtlerJack born about 1920
GurtlerMay Annborn about 1913
GurtlerVernia born about 1933

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H Surnames

HansenHans Sborn about 1885
HansonAndy born about 1890
HansonHarold Mborn about 1898
HansonMajorie born about 1906
HardEric born about 1872
HardGrace Mborn about 1879
HarmsChristina born about 1876
HarmsHarry Jborn about 1874
HedbergEdna born about 1917
HedbergElmer born about 1907
HemmilaAlexander born about 1887
HieldeArnulf born about 1898
HieldeMary born about 1893
HigbergIlga Alidaborn about 1906
HillAmelia born about 1885
HillVictor born about 1883
HolkeyCharlie born about 1881
HosterAlphonse Fborn about 1891
HotilaGustav born about 1885
HotilaRina born about 1884
HowardJessie Mborn about 1869
HukkaSander born about 1896

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I Surnames

IsacsonVictor born about 1905

J Surnames

JacklinThomas Jborn about 1895
JacobsonJohn Aborn about 1880
JaguemonRobert born about 1876
JohnsonJohn Pborn about 1892
JohnsonWilliam born about 1858
JonesEvan Lborn about 1873

K Surnames

KangasGeorge born about 1896
KerroneMichael Josephborn about 1876
KewbauerChristin born about 1914
KewbauerJon Augustinborn about 1940
KovacMike born about 1891
KransiRudolph Wborn about 1916

L Surnames

LagsonDavid born about 1911
LagsonMrs Arvid born about 1915
LahtiFainie born about 1920
LahtiReinold born about 1918
LamkaGustav born about 1868
LamkaRosie born about 1868
LarsonEinar born about 1905
LarsonFritz born about 1910
LarssonCarl Hjalmerborn about 1883
LodgeWilliam born about 1879

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M Surnames

MartallaHenry born about 1881
MathisonChristna born about 1892
MathisonHugh born about 1889
MathisonHugh Jr born about 1929
McCaffertyFrank born about 1870
McMullenBelle born about 1893
McRonaldO Sborn about 1867
MeslinFrank born about 1902
MonaghanJohn born about 1875
MossFrank Jborn about 1905
MossMrs Frank Jborn about 1906
MykelbustJohn Pborn about 1885

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N Surnames

NauotsCasimer born about 1882
NellettEdward J Eborn about 1872
NewbauerJack born about 1916
NorbergJohn Algotborn about 1880
NybergClaude born about 1885

O Surnames

OlsonCarl born about 1884
OlsonGustav Aborn about 1899
OlsonHelga Mariaborn about 1905
OlsonJohn born about 1877
OlsonSeward Virginiaborn about 1935

P Surnames

PalmerGeorge Eborn about 1913
PalmerIrma Buckborn about 1921
PascoCharles born about 1903
PaulsonMairan Anborn about 1883
PaulsonSidney born about 1874
PaytonNaomi Leeborn about 1929
PedersenAndrew born about 1898
PetersLester Mborn about 1915
PetersonJohn born about 1884
PetersonLoyd Cborn about 1909
PuntilaWaino Fredrickborn about 1881

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R Surnames

RasmussenLillian born about 1903
ReedLarry Walterborn about 1939
ReedLawrence Lborn about 1911
ReedMartha Mborn about 1914
ReedSelby born about 1918
RennieAllen born about 1889
RepoSigsmund born about 1897
RogersHarold Glenborn about 1905
RosanderTowa Gustavusborn about 1917
RotheMartin born about 1896
RoustC Aborn about 1900

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S Surnames

SasseenLoran born about 1909
SasseenRose Lakshasborn about 1913
SchildgenWilliam born about 1914
SchwaesdallAndy born about 1889
SenikasWilliam born about 1885
ShaduraPeter Paulborn about 1912
ShaduraRuby born about 1915
SmottCharles born about 1890
SoiniFred born about 1877
SoiniMargaret born about 1893
SullivanJohn born about 1874

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T Surnames

TelgennoffHerald born about 1915
TennyByron Eborn about 1913
TerryCharles born about 1887
ThompsonDelbert born about 1883

V Surnames

VenturaAloysious born about 1901
ViorNiels born about 1880
VogelMary born about 1902
VogtorJohn born about 1876

W Surnames

WhiteBen born about 1912
WiigHalforn born about 1882
WilkinsonJ Bernnieborn about 1894
WilsonJames born about 1872

Y Surnames

YrjanaDavid born about 1914
YrjanaElmer born about 1916
YrjanaErnest born about 1919

Z Surnames

ZaisarClarence born about 1906

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