1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rampart, Unorganized Borough, Alaska

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alaska > Unorganized Borough > 1940 Census of Rampart

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamAlfred born about 1932
AdamBen born about 1929
AdamDavid born about 1883
AdamEllen born about 1902
AdamIda born about 1912
AdamIrene born about 1935
AdamJeffry born about 1931
AdamJulia born about 1928
AdamPauline born about 1925
AdamUnkwon* born about 1860
AndersonClement born about 1874
AndersonEinar Tborn about 1889
AndersonFreda born about 1935
AndersonKatherine born about 1905
AndersonTeddy Tborn about 1933
AntonsenThomas born about 1864
AntonsenThomas born about 1864

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B Surnames

BenAugustus born about 1911
BenEdna born about 1915
BenOliver born about 1936
BenRalph born about 1932
BenRoy born about 1934
BenSarah born about 1878
BenWilliam born about 1897
BergantzPeter born about 1871
BuhaltyHerman born about 1895

C Surnames

CaughlinAnnabelle born about 1938
CaughlinGladys born about 1906
CaughlinJames born about 1900
CaughlinKathleen born about 1939
ChuckohankMoses born about 1908
ClementCh born about 1914
ClementElida born about 1919
CraneAubrey Sborn about 1869
CraneElla Aborn about 1873
CrockettWilliam born about 1875

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D Surnames

DeaelErnest born about 1904
DinanFrank born about 1900
DuganManus born about 1898

E Surnames

EvansAlice Aborn about 1932
EvansAnnie Rborn about 1930
EvansCatherine born about 1916
EvansCharley Aborn about 1921
EvansElaine born about 1907
EvansElla Eborn about 1938
EvansElsie Aborn about 1937
EvansEthel Eborn about 1934
EvansJean Iborn about 1931
EvansJenny Eborn about 1934
EvansJenny Mborn about 1925
EvansJesse born about 1904
EvansJesse Jborn about 1936
EvansJohn born about 1898
EvansLena born about 1920
EvansLillian Jborn about 1939
EvansLulu Dborn about 1929
EvansMary Jborn about 1934
EvansMildred Eborn about 1927
EvansPauline Lborn about 1940
EvansPete born about 1911
EvansPeter Cborn about 1939
EvansPeter Lborn about 1911
EvansRena Aborn about 1936
EvansRobert Fborn about 1930
EvansRoy Jborn about 1935
EvansSally born about 1917
EvansThomas Gborn about 1908
EvansThomas Jr born about 1937
EvansTommy Aborn about 1928

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F Surnames

FrankCharles born about 1939
FrankJeffry born about 1914
FrankNora born about 1923

G Surnames

GeorgeAndrew born about 1875
GeorgeChristina born about 1936
GeorgeEdward born about 1935
GeorgeJennie Sborn about 1939
GeorgeKilborne born about 1913
GeorgeMable born about 1919
GeorgeMartha born about 1865
GeorgeMartha born about 1933

H Surnames

HagenEu?? born about 1896
HassisErlette born about 1892
HaverlockHarry born about 1911
HawleyFrancis Lborn about 1861
HurstEdith Eborn about 1911
HurstMorris Lborn about 1900

J Surnames

JohnAllen born about 1936
JohnLeonard born about 1920
JohnLucy born about 1883
JohnTheodore born about 1875
JohnWalter born about 1916
JosephAngus born about 1906
JosephBen born about 1933
JosephCarrie born about 1919
JosephElja born about 1910
JosephEthel born about 1935
JosephFred born about 1927
JosephHarrison Pborn about 1939
JosephHerman born about 1936
JosephJosephine born about 1921
JosephLawrence born about 1914
JosephMargaret born about 1905
JosephRt born about 1937
JosephRuth born about 1926
JosephSam born about 1938
JosephSteve born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KallochLavi born about 1882
KallochLee born about 1923
KallochLee Tborn about 1923
KallochLewis Bborn about 1878
KallochLucy born about 1881
KallochLucy Bborn about 1885
KokerineRuth born about 1932

L Surnames

LaporteThomas born about 1859
LarounEdward born about 1872
LarsonJeannie born about 1922
LarsonJohn born about 1876
LarsonLucy born about 1898
LenherFred born about 1881
LindsetTom born about 1868
LinsathThomas born about 1868
LynnAlice born about 1881
LynnJ Williamborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MathewsDaniel born about 1895
MathewsJulius born about 1910
MatthewCora born about 1912
MatthewFlora born about 1936
MatthewJenny Cborn about 1939
MatthewJoseph born about 1934
MatthewJulius born about 1908
MatthewStephen Aborn about 1932
MayoAgnes born about 1923
MayoArthur born about 1910
MayoArthur Jr born about 1940
MayoChas born about 1920
MayoEdward born about 1913
MaysCharley Eborn about 1882
MaysCharley Jr born about 1920
MaysJosie born about 1882
McHughJohn born about 1884
MosesOld born about 1870

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O Surnames

OlsenHagbert born about 1862

P Surnames

ParkerEllen Dborn about 1939
ParkerMary born about 1897
PitkaAlice born about 1928
PitkaAlice born about 1933
PitkaArthur born about 1906
PitkaBenjamin born about 1920
PitkaDorothy born about 1911
PitkaEdward born about 1901
PitkaEdward born about 1912
PitkaElman born about 1922
PitkaHarry born about 1925
PitkaJames born about 1895
PitkaJames born about 1930
PitkaJenny born about 1884
PitkaKitty Eborn about 1929
PitkaLilly born about 1865
PitkaSimon born about 1881
PitkaWilliam born about 1917
PitkaWilliam born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RansomBarbara Eborn about 1916
RansomJay Eborn about 1915
RansomJay Frederickborn about 1938
ReinoskyFrank Jborn about 1891
RobertsAntonette born about 1895
RobertsJohn born about 1922
RobertsJohnny born about 1921
RobertsWilliam born about 1917
RobertsWilliam born about 1917

S Surnames

SamClara born about 1903
SamHarry born about 1890
SamJoseph born about 1936
SamMarjorie born about 1926
SimmonsCarl Dborn about 1912
SimmonsNellie Cborn about 1911
SmokeHenry born about 1933
SmokeHorace born about 1922
SmokeJennie born about 1883
SmokeJohn born about 1884
SolomanAdam born about 1902
SolomanCharlotte born about 1903
SolomanClifford born about 1937
SolomanFlorida born about 1930
SolomanInfant born about 1939
SolomanLiza born about 1925
SolomanMinnie born about 1920
StevenGilbert born about 1931
StevenHazel born about 1938
StevenLinus born about 1901
StevenMinnie born about 1919
StevenPaul born about 1937
StevenPeter born about 1933
StraightJacob born about 1883
StraightMargaret born about 1882
StuerockTom born about 1881
SwansonCharles born about 1873
SwansonEugene born about 1865
SweeneyI Michaelborn about 1871
SweenyMike born about 1877

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T Surnames

TattlebackFrederick born about 1870
TibbitsA Josephborn about 1888

W Surnames

WarnerHarve Oborn about 1877
WarnerHerbert born about 1931
WhielClinton born about 1921
WiehlAlfred Mborn about 1937
WiehlBen Jborn about 1922
WiehlClinton Vborn about 1921
WiehlDaniel Wborn about 1929
WiehlEdward Lborn about 1932
WiehlElizabeth Aborn about 1936
WiehlEllen Fborn about 1938
WiehlEmily Bborn about 1920
WiehlFlorence Lborn about 1898
WiehlHenry Wborn about 1926
WiehlJohn Jborn about 1880
WiehlJohn Jr born about 1927
WoodsAddie Bborn about 1915
WoodsAlfred Jborn about 1938
WoodsAlfred Lborn about 1909
WoodsEvylin Rborn about 1939
WoodsHarold born about 1913
WoodsJosephine Gborn about 1935
WoodsJunior Pborn about 1936
WoodsPaul Wborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanestHerman born about 1864
YanestWilliam born about 1865
YantesLucy born about 1865

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