1940 U.S. Federal Census of Clarks, Marion, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Marion County > 1940 Census of Clarks

A SurnamesH SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AddisonAllen born about 1885
AddisonAradeen born about 1930
AddisonBessie born about 1901
AddisonBettie Jeanborn about 1925
AddisonEdward born about 1922
AddisonEmely born about 1928
AddisonEmmely born about 1868
AddisonEunice born about 1922
AddisonGordon born about 1924
AddisonHewitt born about 1929
AddisonId born about 1908
AddisonJoe born about 1900
AddisonKennith Earleborn about 1927
AddisonLawrence born about 1933
AddisonLon born about 1920
AddisonMildred born about 1918
AddisonMorgie born about 1893
AddisonQuenton born about 1920
AddisonRuth born about 1922
AddisonSlody born about 1924
AddisonUlysus born about 1894
AddisonWandalone born about 1939
AddisonWash born about 1868
AickoryRobert born about 1924
AinsworthAlma born about 1894
AinsworthJohn born about 1888
AlbenCornell born about 1920
AlbenRuby born about 1926
AllerBell born about 1887
AllerMorrow born about 1924
AllerNassoe born about 1891
AllerRoy born about 1918
AllerTory born about 1916
AnderwoodRoy born about 1918
ArmstrongAlf born about 1872
ArmstrongGlen born about 1925
ArmstrongHubbord born about 1921
ArmstrongMarget born about 1881
AshmoresB Jborn about 1935
AshmoresBessie born about 1891
AshmoresCharley born about 1878
AshmoresNorma Geanborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarksFred born about 1912
BarksNellie born about 1923
Barnett born about 1895
BarnettA Cborn about 1925
BarnettAbie born about 1923
BarnettBrice born about 1918
BarnettCharles born about 1938
BarnettJ Wborn about 1930
BarnettLeo born about 1908
BarnettLuther born about 1906
BarnettMary Nellborn about 1932
BarnettWilford Geonborn about 1937
BarnettWilliam born about 1888
BarnettWilliam Dborn about 1929
BeauchampCliff born about 1914
BeauchampGeorge born about 1908
BeauchampIoslee born about 1916
BeauchampJohnie Louborn about 1907
BechampEthel born about 1878
BellBetty Sueborn about 1938
BellGloria born about 1936
BellMiles born about 1915
BellPauline born about 1918
BerksonAlbert born about 1924
BerksonBell born about 1881
BerksonBert born about 1871
BerksonCleo born about 1925
BerksonCora born about 1912
BerksonJames born about 1936
BerksonLillie born about 1920
BerksonMelvin born about 1908
BerksonNoah born about 1906
BerksonPrinche born about 1917
BerksonRuffus born about 1915
BerksonViola born about 1920
BerksonWalter born about 1917
BerlisonBessie born about 1939
BerlisonCleo born about 1923
BerlisonEdna Royborn about 1912
BerlisonJewel born about 1925
BerlisonJohn born about 1883
BerlisonJonnie Sueborn about 1934
BerlisonKinnet born about 1917
BerlisonLucille born about 1928
BerlisonMildred born about 1920
BerlisonMrs Rakie born about 1889
BerlisonRuby born about 1901
BersonArlene born about 1915
BersonBilalian born about 1940
BersonWalter born about 1914
BersonWanda born about 1936
BirdDaisy born about 1914
BirdGeorge born about 1911
BirdLenora born about 1938
BirdLucill born about 1936
BirdMathew born about 1934
BirlsonAustin born about 1898
BirlsonCleta born about 1924
BirlsonClin born about 1930
BirlsonDella born about 1899
BirlsonLowell born about 1934
BirlsonMitchell born about 1922
BochBillie born about 1936
BochBobbie Joeborn about 1939
BochCornell born about 1927
BochDora born about 1929
BochEdward born about 1936
BochJessie born about 1902
BochL Oberurborn about 1887
BochLouise born about 1920
BochMaxie born about 1924
BochMirrie born about 1932
BochMory Sueborn about 1940
BochTommie born about 1922
BookannonA Cborn about 1927
BookannonCarl born about 1924
BookannonHozel born about 1929
BookannonJessie born about 1935
BookannonLee born about 1896
BookannonLoren born about 1920
BookannonPauline born about 1921
BookannonRoy born about 1932
BookannonSoblie born about 1896
BorrettBillie born about 1926
BorrettEmma born about 1898
BorrettGibs born about 1916
BorrettSarah born about 1918
BorrettWilie born about 1897
BossArthur born about 1894
BossBobbie born about 1936
BossChlaedale born about 1933
BossChristine born about 1938
BossEarl Dborn about 1930
BossElizabeth born about 1928
BossElnora born about 1933
BossEstell born about 1922
BossEthel born about 1920
BossEttor born about 1898
BossFaynell born about 1936
BossGineva born about 1924
BossHarold born about 1926
BossInfant born about
BossJone born about 1886
BossKennith born about 1939
BossLillie born about 1903
BossMamie born about 1921
BossMarcelle born about 1938
BossMarvin born about 1890
BossObry born about 1924
BossRaymond born about 1915
BossReginus born about 1921
BossVell born about 1920
BossYvonna born about 1930
BostonCarlton born about 1923
BostonHollis born about 1921
BostonJames born about 1926
BostonKimsey born about 1917
BostonMat born about 1883
BostonMurtha born about 1884
Bown??? born about 1924
BownEva born about 1912
BownFelix born about 1923
BownJimmie born about 1909
BownJones Aborn about 1931
BownLucille born about 1926
BownMartha Lueborn about 1938
BownMary Sueborn about 1935
BownMax born about 1936
BownMildred born about 1933
BownSterling born about 1887
BownVessie born about 1897
BownVester born about 1888
BrauchampJ Ellieborn about 1892
BrauchampNettie born about 1895
BrockDonald Hborn about 1939
BrockEdsal born about 1925
BrockEthel born about 1920
BrockJoann born about 1938
BrockJoyce born about 1930
BrockPearl born about 1922
BrockPink born about 1892
BrockRva born about 1902
BrookRosie Eborn about 1896
BrookTheophus born about 1886
BrookWayne born about 1921
BrownBerla born about 1907
BrownEmery born about 1903
BurksClide born about 1915
BurksCorie born about 1920
BurksDewey born about 1918
BurksFlorence born about 1919
BurksNancy born about 1888
BurksonColine born about 1934
BurksonGrady born about 1908
BurksonHill born about 1880
BurksonJ Cborn about 1937
BurksonJessie born about 1918
BurksonJocken born about 1939
BurksonVictora born about 1880
BurksonWoodrow born about 1914
BurksonWoodrow Jr born about 1936
BurlisonAlta Maeborn about 1926
BurlisonBettie Joborn about 1934
BurlisonHeston Jr born about 1928
BurlisonHuston born about 1904
BurlisonLucill born about 1909
BurlisonRonard born about 1937
BurlisonTalmadge born about 1939
BurlsonAdell born about 1912
BurlsonAlma born about 1905
BurlsonAnna born about 1903
BurlsonArlie born about 1912
BurlsonBillie born about 1939
BurlsonBillie Joeborn about 1934
BurlsonBrnard born about 1933
BurlsonCharles Fborn about 1939
BurlsonClaries born about 1910
BurlsonCornell born about 1929
BurlsonCoy born about 1927
BurlsonDaffie born about 1938
BurlsonDelma born about 1939
BurlsonDillie Joiceborn about 1936
BurlsonDollie born about 1883
BurlsonEmmett born about 1907
BurlsonEric born about 1913
BurlsonFay born about 1932
BurlsonFrank born about 1937
BurlsonGeorge born about 1884
BurlsonHal born about 1933
BurlsonHektor born about 1928
BurlsonHeveitt born about 1931
BurlsonIrma Leeborn about 1928
BurlsonJimmie born about 1935
BurlsonJonnie Bborn about 1929
BurlsonMary born about 1873
BurlsonMorgan born about 1902
BurlsonNila Jeneborn about 1926
BurlsonPaul born about 1910
BurlsonRoy born about 1935
BurlsonRoy Hborn about 1933
BurlsonRoyce born about 1935
BurlsonShannon born about 1929
BurlsonVelmer born about 1914
BurlsonVera born about 1901
BurlsonVertie born about 1909
BurlsonWalker born about 1904
BurlsonWill Jr born about 1880
BurlsonWoffie Hillborn about 1937
BurnesLoulber born about 1873
Burnett??? born about 1895
BurnettAnna born about 1912
BurnettBernice born about 1926
BurnettBettie Louborn about 1936
BurnettBillie born about 1934
BurnettCarolyn Joeborn about 1938
BurnettCecil born about 1932
BurnettCohn born about 1928
BurnettDalton born about 1923
BurnettEdith born about 1924
BurnettGeorgia born about 1900
BurnettInez born about 1936
BurnettMarrie born about 1938
BurnettOnnie Mayborn about 1929
BurnettOtho born about 1933
BurnettRalf born about 1921
BurnettRoy born about 1907
BurnettWalter Cborn about 1931
BurnsRoscoe born about 1908
BurnsWillie born about 1908
BusseyBessie Lueborn about 1938
BusseyBetrice born about 1929
BusseyBnnie born about 1907
BusseyFrankie born about 1932
BusseyJoe born about 1927
BusseyMarie born about 1906
BusseyMary Soneborn about 1930
BusseySary Guyborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalfonGeorge born about 1905
CarbornArilbee born about 1904
CarbornCecil born about 1926
CarbornCorris born about 1904
CarbornHarold born about 1929
CarbornHarris born about 1931
CarbornLucille born about 1924
CarbornRobie Leeborn about 1928
CarbornTaft born about 1934
CayleBarzil born about 1939
CayleGeorge born about 1887
CayleGrady born about 1933
CayleJone born about 1902
CayleOnrie born about 1931
CaylePernie born about 1922
CayleVergil born about 1937
CayleWalter born about 1929
ChestionBill born about 1887
ChestionHomer born about 1883
ChestionMerris born about 1912
ChestionOra Leeborn about 1922
ChristinBillie born about 1930
ChristinBobbie born about 1925
ChristinErvin born about 1896
ChristinGeneva born about 1901
ChristinHelen born about 1919
ChristinHermon born about 1934
ChristinUgen* born about 1923
ChristinVella born about 1920
ClarkAda born about 1903
ClarkClittie born about 1933
ClarkEva born about 1925
ClarkLillie born about 1926
ClarkRufus born about 1930
CochronJ Dborn about 1920
CochronMarguerite born about 1921
CochronTerry Dborn about 1938
CochronWilliam Dborn about 1940
CocksonLorene born about 1914
CocksonMartel born about 1912
CoffieldEllis born about 1912
Cogle Juedellborn about 1921
Cogle??? Usborn about 1911
CogleArldon Jr born about 1932
CogleArnie born about 1901
CogleArville born about 1924
CogleAulden born about 1909
CogleCladuie born about 1869
CogleClarie born about 1933
CogleEuldron born about 1932
CogleEunice born about 1903
CogleIrene born about 1937
CogleKermit born about 1926
CogleOlera born about 1929
CogleR Eborn about 1940
CogleR Hborn about 1938
CogleVera Moeborn about 1935
ColburnHellen born about 1932
ColburnJohn born about 1906
ColburnVertie born about 1914
CollinsAlbert born about 1902
CollinsBitha born about 1905
CollinsHershel born about 1931
CollinsLucile born about 1934
CollinsManie born about 1929
CollinsMarvin born about 1927
CollinsNarlie born about 1924
CollinsShirl born about 1932
ComfertBell born about 1883
ComfertHattie born about 1921
ComfertJasper born about 1876
ConterA Jborn about 1890
ConterLloyd born about 1923
CordelL Jeniaborn about 1932
CordelMrs Ema born about 1898
CorkernHarmen born about 1875
CorkernRhoda born about 1875
CorkranAda born about 1898
CorkranCharles born about 1924
CorkranDion born about 1926
CorkranDortha born about 1931
CorkranHermon born about 1928
CorkranLexlon born about 1899
CorkranLomoe born about 1930
CorkranWilburn born about 1922
CossGeorge born about 1879
CossLeyjoror born about 1884
CoudleAlvin born about 1890
CoudleFay born about 1928
CoudleFrances born about 1893
CoyllBuba born about 1906
CoyllHarold born about 1928
CrewAbraham born about 1880
CrewArthur born about 1925
CrewHozel born about 1920
CrewLenord born about 1912
CrewLovy born about 1919
CrewLushion born about 1916
CrewOsa born about 1929
CrewPauline born about 1923
CrewWillie Mayborn about 1928
CronesLawrence born about 1921
CrownAlen born about 1928
CrownAlex born about 1905
CrownAllen Cborn about 1900
CrownLonnie born about 1906
CrownMartha born about 1930
CrownMary born about 1931
CrownWilliam born about 1933
CumingDovie born about 1930
CumingJames born about 1937
CumingRosie born about 1910
CummingsBirds born about 1935
CummingsCloris born about 1927
CummingsGarefield born about 1900
CummingsJames born about 1932
CummingsLester born about 1936
CummingsOsie born about 1924
CummingsOtis born about 1930
CummingsRuth born about 1937
CummingsSodie Maeborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DickensonBonnie born about 1916
DickensonHoward born about 1911
DickensonJames born about 1914
DickersonAlozo born about 1890
DickersonJames born about 1928
DickersonLuard born about 1911
DickersonMary Nellborn about 1922
DickersonMaxine born about 1940
DickersonMeria born about 1923
DickersonNoama born about 1913
DickersonRbbeca born about 1888
DickersonRoyce born about 1936
DickersonRusell born about 1939
Dickinson??? born about 1901
Dickinson??? born about 1910
DickinsonAlice born about 1920
DickinsonAllen Bborn about 1880
DickinsonEuilne born about 1920
DickinsonFlorence born about 1908
DickinsonInez born about 1932
DickinsonJ Lborn about 1935
DickinsonLecie born about 1913
DickinsonLouisa born about 1880
DickinsonMirtice born about 1921
DickinsonOneil born about 1919
DirxerSylos born about 1897
DjnyllAllie born about 1909
DjnyllDavie born about 1899
DjnyllGeorge born about 1923
DoddA Jborn about 1930
DoddAllene born about 1939
DoddAnne born about 1911
DoddArery born about 1923
DoddArthur born about 1892
DoddBernie born about 1937
DoddBuddie born about 1927
DoddBuntion born about 1931
DoddCharles born about 1895
DoddChester born about 1911
DoddCornetha born about 1939
DoddCosetta born about 1928
DoddCranford born about 1938
DoddDeloris born about 1938
DoddDewey born about 1917
DoddDollie born about 1897
DoddEarlie born about 1930
DoddEarline born about 1939
DoddEbrie born about 1928
DoddEdna born about 1935
DoddEdward born about 1935
DoddElla born about 1913
DoddEra born about 1896
DoddErnest born about 1935
DoddEthridge born about 1917
DoddEugene born about 1932
DoddFathmon born about 1924
DoddFitchue born about 1936
DoddFlorine born about 1940
DoddFrank born about 1911
DoddGarlon born about 1922
DoddGather born about 1930
DoddGerald born about 1932
DoddGladys born about 1908
DoddGorge born about 1871
DoddGoynell born about 1932
DoddHenry born about 1890
DoddHoyt born about 1939
DoddIke born about 1891
DoddInfant born about 1940
DoddJewel born about 1912
DoddJock born about 1935
DoddJockleen born about 1932
DoddJoe born about 1908
DoddJonell born about 1930
DoddLacy born about 1926
DoddLeola born about 1906
DoddLillie born about 1893
DoddLillie born about 1899
DoddLista born about 1926
DoddLizzie born about 1873
DoddLoan born about 1932
DoddLopis born about 1937
DoddLucian born about 1923
DoddLucill born about 1924
DoddLuther born about 1891
DoddMary born about 1934
DoddMays born about 1912
DoddMillie born about 1939
DoddMinnie born about 1932
DoddMock born about 1935
DoddNeldajean born about 1933
DoddNellie born about 1924
DoddNoah born about 1905
DoddNovel born about 1923
DoddOdell born about 1917
DoddOdeon born about 1924
DoddOlen born about 1933
DoddOrvin born about 1936
DoddRaymon born about 1930
DoddRee born about 1921
DoddRoy born about 1934
DoddRoymon born about 1938
DoddRufus born about 1931
DoddSherman born about 1897
DoddSida Louborn about 1938
DoddSiller born about 1918
DoddThelmus born about 1922
DoddTheory born about 1926
DoddUna born about 1921
DoddUnice born about 1930
DoddVera born about 1921
DoddVirnell born about 1932
DoddVoylee born about 1937
DoddWhular born about 1920
DoddWilladron born about 1924
DoddWillard born about 1925
DoddWillie born about 1919
DoddWillie born about 1926
DonielJ Cborn about 1936
DonielLacy born about 1934
DonielLucile born about 1925
DonielMarie born about 1903
DonielMorie born about 1931
DonielRobert born about 1937
DonielRoy born about 1939
DonielSid Wborn about 1900
DossBacker born about 1926
DossEdith born about 1921
DossFeleo born about 1910
DossFrances born about 1940
DossGenny born about 1895
DossGrace born about 1932
DossIlodien born about 1929
DossJames born about 1939
DossJessie born about 1911
DossOstralla born about 1882
DossRufus born about 1884
DossTaltor born about 1923
DownyBettie born about 1937
DownyGeorge born about 1905
DownyJemil Royborn about 1932
DownyNola born about 1905
DydsBonnie born about 1932
DydsBuford born about 1919
DydsDessie born about 1929
DydsLula born about 1895
DydsOdine born about 1927
DydsRobert born about 1939
DydsRoy born about 1937
DykesAline born about 1920
DykesBoba Juneborn about 1939
DykesBuford born about 1922
DykesEdker born about 1907
DykesInese born about 1933
DykesLecie born about 1923
DykesLoice born about 1926
DykesMary born about 1938
DykesMillerine born about 1935
DykesMorgie born about 1911
DykesNola born about 1902
DykesOmer born about 1900
DykesOreal born about 1931
DykesRobert born about 1930
DykesThelma born about 1929
DykesVernell born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdmondsAllie born about 1905
EdmondsCharles born about 1900
EdmondsChrles Aborn about 1936
EdmondsEdgar born about 1928
EdmondsEdward born about 1922
EdmondsJ Wborn about 1932
EdmondsKatheleen born about 1929
EdmondsLisbeth born about 1925
EdmondsLucile born about 1938
EdmondsMyrtle born about 1931
EdmondsPaul Lewisborn about 1935
EdmondsPiorline born about 1924
EdwardDrothy born about 1876
EdwardJohn born about 1872
EodsDoris born about 1925
EodsFuedell born about 1930
EodsMirtle born about 1901
EodsOzell born about 1928
EodsTroy born about 1901
EodsTroy Jr born about 1928
ErwinAlice born about 1870
EvansBertie born about 1908
EvansBettie Sueborn about 1933
EvansBillie Ruthborn about 1935
EvansJ Hborn about 1926
EvansL Bborn about 1939
EvansLois Annborn about 1937
EvansLondy born about 1903
EvansMary Loeborn about 1929
EvansMosh born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FariesCalvin born about 1916
FariesJames Eborn about 1939
FariesVelma born about 1922
FarriesAlvin born about 1924
FarriesEd born about 1889
FarriesLewis born about 1927
FarriesLiroy born about 1931
FarriesNarie born about 1893
FarriesWilliadean born about 1929
FarrisAlma born about 1899
FarrisBettie Jeanborn about 1937
FarrisCarl born about 1935
FarrisDorthy born about 1928
FarrisEffie born about 1902
FarrisFelix born about 1925
FarrisHufford born about 1899
FarrisJanos born about 1851
FarrisJonas Jr born about 1932
FarrisLebor born about 1920
FarrisLee born about 1919
FarrisLeoma born about 1924
FarrisLeron born about 1924
FarrisLettie born about 1937
FarrisLillie born about 1920
FarrisMary Nellborn about 1923
FlennAndrew born about 1924
FlogerJim born about 1921
ForlyGlodis born about 1913
ForlyLewis Jborn about 1939
ForlyVeda Moeborn about 1918
Franks??? born about 1895
FranksEarley born about 1901
FranksEdward born about 1925
FranksLeiel born about 1920
FranksShirley born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GannGladis born about 1918
GannLester born about 1912
GantBettie Royborn about 1925
GantClayton born about 1894
GantGeneva born about 1922
GantHarold born about 1919
GantMaud born about 1895
GantReginae born about 1928
GantRhett born about 1931
GarisAgnes born about 1934
GarisJune born about 1939
GarisOlon born about 1909
GarisVeter born about 1909
GarrardAlros born about 1911
GarrardArral Royborn about 1939
GarrardBarnie born about 1910
GarrardCarrie born about 1885
GarrardEllis born about 1922
GarrardFlora born about 1931
GarrardJoseph born about 1880
GarrardLela born about 1908
GarrardMyrtle born about 1919
GatsonArlie Leeborn about 1940
GatsonDorthulice born about 1900
GatsonGarlon born about
GatsonHuston born about 1938
GatsonJames born about 1924
GatsonWillie Mayborn about 1936
GaultDonal Dborn about 1939
GaultGlodis born about 1918
GaultJames born about 1916
GaultYvonne born about 1937
GayDorothy born about 1931
GayElsee Mborn about 1899
GayGeorge Aborn about 1887
GibbsAlice born about 1923
GibbsDonald Royborn about 1936
GibbsErnel Mayborn about 1926
GibbsEuline born about 1921
GibbsGlundor born about 1927
GibbsJames born about 1886
GibbsJohn Jborn about 1873
GibbsJohn Jborn about 1924
GibbsLizzie born about 1922
GibbsLuburn born about 1915
GibbsMary born about 1886
GibbsMax born about 1930
GibbsMinnie born about 1888
GibbsRachel born about 1915
GibbsRobbie born about 1915
GibbsRuffeslle born about 1919
GibbsSardroy born about 1938
GibbsTalbert born about 1909
GibbsTim born about 1878
GibbsWanda born about 1878
GibbsWilburn born about 1913
GibbusBruce born about 1929
GibbusIelber born about 1904
GibbusJohn born about 1904
GibbusWinfred born about 1933
GilbertBertha born about 1894
GilbertCharles born about 1896
GilbertDawes born about 1931
GilbertDella born about 1906
GilbertDwight born about 1929
GilbertElmer born about 1920
GilbertFibi Joborn about 1933
GilbertHerbert Earlborn about 1924
GilbertHildred born about 1928
GilbertJames born about 1929
GilbertJeanita born about 1925
GilbertJessie Ruthborn about 1928
GilbertJoe born about 1890
GilbertMerica born about 1861
GilbertOttis born about 1922
GilbertRoe born about 1936
GilbertVirginia born about 1938
GonnHollis born about 1919
GoodwingJames Oborn about 1936
GoodwingLeona born about 1917
GoodwingLowel born about 1911
GoodwingRehard Dborn about 1939
GoutMartha born about 1872
GowerCharlie born about 1896
GowerDon born about 1865
GowerEthel born about 1895
GowerFreddie born about 1913
GowerViney born about 1922
GoyCharles born about 1938
GoyJean born about 1930
GoyNera born about 1903
GoySamuel born about 1899
GreenEthudye born about 1927
GreenJ Bborn about 1928
GreenMelba Gleonborn about 1931
GreenOra born about 1910
GreenVondier born about 1905
GreeneClydie born about 1907
GreeneLiburn born about 1912
GueneGoldon born about 1881
GuevinBen born about 1879
GuevinLark born about 1885
GuevinMock born about
GuevinOlin born about 1921
GuevinVernell born about 1926
GyhraBell born about 1881
GyhraFrank born about 1879
GyhraWalker born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HalcomHerbert born about 1917
HalcomHerbert Jr born about 1939
HalcomJohn Hborn about 1937
HalcomLois born about 1920
HaleyW Jborn about 1920
HallardJoe born about 1888
HallmarkEtter born about 1889
HallmarkGeorge born about 1921
HallmarkHop born about 1874
HallmarkLillie Maeborn about 1923
HaltBessie Joneborn about 1932
HaltBuell born about 1922
HaltFelix born about 1888
HaltHanie born about 1938
HaltHorst born about 1927
HaltRuby born about 1920
HaltSarah born about 1894
HaneyK Dborn about 1939
HaneyMoreal born about 1921
HaneyTonnie born about 1907
HarrisAnnie Foyborn about 1930
HarrisAubry born about 1928
HarrisEunice born about 1924
HarrisFred born about 1926
HarrisGoy Nellborn about 1932
HarrisJewel Lineborn about 1934
HarrisJohnnie born about 1901
HarrisPearl born about 1906
HawellAustine born about 1924
HawellClaie born about 1906
HawellClayton born about 1912
HawellEmma born about 1876
HawellJoy born about 1929
HawellLony born about 1873
HawellSarah born about 1884
HicksB Cborn about 1940
HicksCorl born about 1912
HicksHosie born about 1922
HicksLois born about 1920
HicksOllie Mayborn about 1922
HicksTroy Lelborn about 1939
HitchcockQuinn born about 1879
HolseyCharly born about 1908
HolseyMallie born about 1872
HoltBurnice born about 1915
HoltCynthia born about 1937
HoltRayford born about 1934
HoltSussie born about 1915
HomrisCristine born about 1940
HomrisDock born about 1887
HomrisEmogne born about 1930
HomrisIrvel Deanborn about 1932
HomrisLuther born about 1909
HomrisM Lborn about 1934
HomrisMaxine born about 1936
HomrisMinnie born about 1913
HomrisR Lborn about 1937
HomskyCleo born about 1915
HomskyIrvy Jeanborn about 1935
HomskyLookie born about 1913
HomskyWilliam Deanborn about 1937
HoskyBillie born about 1939
HoskyComiller born about 1922
HottAnna born about 1891
HottEthan born about 1921
HottEugene born about 1926
HottFila born about 1890
HottFlorette born about 1923
HottLeseberth born about 1864
HottMyrtle born about 1929
HowellAda born about 1912
HowellBerrell born about 1908
HowellEreline born about 1934
HoyordDoyl born about 1930
HoyordHugh Donaldborn about 1934
HoyordJoel born about 1908
HoyordNorma born about 1912
HudeAlfred born about 1933
HudeBell born about 1894
HudeBennie born about 1927
HudeCharlie born about 1931
HudeCora born about 1914
HudeHattie born about 1920
HudeJames born about 1923
HudeMary Louiseborn about 1936
HudeRily born about 1889
HumbirdBurlie born about 1937
HumbirdLimmie born about 1914
HumbirdWillie born about 1932
HumbirdWinnie born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IvgleMartha born about 1872
IvgleMarther born about 1865
IvgleWilliam born about 1866

J Surnames

JohnsonFlora born about 1920
JohnsonMonroe born about 1901
JohnsonRonald born about 1932

K Surnames

KeltonBillie Rayborn about 1935
KeltonCutis born about 1922
KeltonDaief born about 1915
KeltonEtter born about 1919
KeltonMyrtle Lueborn about 1940
KennedyDella born about 1892
KennedyDickie born about 1918
KennedyGeorge born about 1891
KennedyHerbert born about 1882
KennedyHerbert Jr born about 1921
KennedyHowell born about 1923
KennedyJames born about 1926
KennedyMark born about 1887
KennedyMelodie born about 1855
KennedyMillie Jeanborn about 1930
KennedyMinnie born about 1886
Key??? born about 1909
KeyChester born about 1907
KeyDorthy born about 1937
KeyLnord born about 1926
KeyLoyid born about 1928
KeyLyne born about 1924
KeyModne born about 1934
KiltonChristine born about 1928
KiltonElla born about 1908
KiltonEloise born about 1937
KiltonLowell born about 1925
KiltonRiby Jr born about 1931
KiltonRilly born about 1904
KingJessie born about 1940
KingNorie born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LagonFrank born about 1868
LagonJulie born about 1867
LambertRalph born about 1918
LambertsClara born about 1915
LambertsFred born about 1902
LambertsOrnell born about 1936
LambertsTroy Leeborn about 1940
LambertsVernell born about 1938
LittleEdward born about 1916
LittleEmma Geanborn about 1934
LittleGeorge born about 1875
LittleLela born about 1914
LittleLuchea born about 1876
LittlerAdron born about 1923
LittlerHoward born about 1929
LittlerJames born about 1883
LittlerJames born about 1939
LittlerLarion born about 1928
LittlerOdgor born about 1919
LittlerRobert born about 1925
LittlerTillie born about 1922
LittlerWarren born about 1921
LodinAdir born about 1892
LodinEuhl born about 1923
LodinJim born about 1880
LodinJulie born about 1923
LodinLorine born about 1928
LodinNathan born about 1926
LodinRuth born about 1932
LoganDarkey born about 1926
LoganDella born about 1891
LoganElmer born about 1912
LoganEuler born about 1919
LoganFannon born about 1882
LoganFelix born about 1919
LoganHuburt born about 1926
LoganLuther born about 1885
LoganTravis born about 1914
LoganVodor born about 1910
LoganWalter born about 1917
Lombert??? born about 1896
LombertTom born about 1887
LoydDorthy born about 1939
LoydEdward born about 1927
LoydElbert born about 1905
LoydEvildeon born about 1933
LoydJ Cborn about 1925
LoydJohnny born about 1936
LoydMay born about 1931
LoydPaul born about 1906
LoydYvonne born about 1938
LynnEva born about 1903
LynnGorlie born about 1926
LynnHorlin born about 1938
LynnLizzie born about 1929
LynnTherlo born about 1934
LynnWillis born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaryNell born about 1934
MaysAnnell born about 1930
MaysAntie born about 1909
MaysBerrell born about 1914
MaysBobbie Foyborn about 1934
MaysEarlie born about 1929
MaysEffie born about 1926
MaysEmmy Jeanborn about 1933
MaysEoline born about 1929
MaysEudon born about 1939
MaysEugene born about 1930
MaysEula born about 1916
MaysFilo born about 1904
MaysGeorge born about 1893
MaysGertha born about 1898
MaysGrovis born about 1932
MaysJ Bborn about 1937
MaysJewell born about 1921
MaysNila Juneborn about 1933
MaysNola born about 1915
MaysWill born about 1896
McCallumMaybell born about 1925
McCallumWilly born about 1917
McCollumBillie Earlborn about 1935
McCollumCharles Royborn about 1937
McCollumEla born about 1926
McCollumFrankie born about 1919
McCollumJ Cborn about 1921
McCollumJim born about 1894
McCollumLelord born about 1929
McCollumVelma born about 1895
McCoyAlpha born about 1909
McCoyElla born about 1871
McCoyNash born about 1907
McDonaldClarence born about 1920
McDonaldJ Dborn about 1940
McDonaldVelma born about 1920
McGonnAndrew born about 1916
McGonnDora born about 1915
MilesEthel born about 1912
MilesGeorge Jr born about 1907
MilesGilbert born about 1922
MilesJohn Marshallborn about 1930
MilesJohn Sborn about 1898
MilesShelby Juneborn about 1937
MilesSinnie born about 1895
MillerAudrey born about 1916
MillerBillie Rborn about 1936
MillerClettis born about 1930
MillerCorlie born about 1914
MillerCorral born about 1934
MillerDelter born about 1921
MillerDerrar born about 1939
MillerEtta Moeborn about 1923
MillerMelvin born about 1917
MillerMonroe born about 1887
MillerMyrtie born about 1892
MillerVirtlee born about 1925
MixonEd born about
MixonEffie born about 1892
MixonRobert born about 1915
MullinsCharley born about 1910
MullinsIla born about 1906
MuyRobert born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NorrisAddie born about 1883
NorrisBynime born about 1875
NorrisClea born about 1916
NorrisElic born about 1905
NorrisEveline born about 1877
NorrisHildred born about 1926
NorrisIrene born about 1916
NorrisMildred born about 1928
NorrisMomie born about 1909

O Surnames

OshwooreWillard born about 1920
OwslyClouis born about 1922
OwslyJerry born about 1875
OwslyL Sborn about 1930
OwslyLenord born about 1919
OwslyLeora born about 1891
OwslyOrvil born about 1926

P Surnames

PalmerEllie born about 1887
PattonGoynell born about 1935
PattonRalph born about 1894
Pratt??? born about 1932
PrattBettie Fayborn about 1939
PrattBigee born about 1877
PrattBrady born about 1930
PrattBurnice born about 1937
PrattConnie Sieeborn about 1939
PrattFlores born about 1919
PrattHorrice born about 1887
PrattJames Wborn about 1939
PrattJessie Moyborn about 1919
PrattJohn born about 1935
PrattL Cborn about
PrattLee Aborn about 1929
PrattLora born about 1906
PrattLoulie born about 1931
PrattMeriel born about 1917
PrattSam born about 1904
PrattShilby born about 1937
PrattWilliam born about 1935
PrattWoodrow born about 1913
PriseArthur born about 1911
PrisePircie born about 1918
PriseVeola born about 1933
PriseVernon born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RanneAmos born about 1903
RanneBettie born about 1940
RanneClarance born about 1928
RanneJimmie born about 1932
RanneLillian born about 1909
RanneMayjine born about 1938
RawalsBill born about 1888
RayburnDellie born about 1904
RayburnHarold born about 1926
RayburnJessie born about 1902
RayburnJessie Dborn about 1925
RayburnOla born about 1922
RichE Bborn about 1930
RichEmmor born about 1910
RichFlora born about 1909
RichIda born about 1878
RichJ Bborn about 1931
RichMartis born about 1909
RichMattie born about 1910
RichMildred born about 1930
RichMorris born about 1899
RichOfe Deeborn about 1933
RichOphlia born about 1928
RichRobert born about 1869
RichRobert born about 1926
RichWallace born about 1923
RichardsonDollie born about 1918
RichardsonGeorge born about 1918
RichardsonJimmie Fborn about 1937
RichardsonWilliam Gborn about 1938
RobertsAttie born about 1881
RobertsBelford born about 1921
RobertsBelton born about 1881
RobertsBelton Jr born about 1925
RobertsChristine born about 1933
RobertsEarnest born about 1902
RobertsElla born about 1910
RobertsEuline born about 1930
RobertsJames born about 1857
RobertsKermit born about 1926
RobertsLee born about 1904
RobertsLual born about 1924
RobertsOnnie born about 1905
RodinCalvin born about 1919
RodinClifford born about 1909
RodinHoary born about 1930
RodinLora born about 1880
RodinWillie born about 1922
RouldBell born about 1881
RouldJohn born about 1864
RowesClytie born about 1902
RowesEdward Lborn about 1938
RowesEstalee born about 1921
RowesHuston born about 1901
RowesJames Hborn about 1922
RowesRobert born about 1927
RowesVirtell born about 1925
RoxburyCora born about 1898
RoxburyCullin born about 1896
RoxburyGrinfer born about 1919
RoxburyIsaac born about 1935
RoxburyJames born about 1925
RoxburyLee born about 1923
RoxburyM Aborn about 1933
RoxburyMary Nellborn about 1929
RoxburyMildred born about 1926
RoxburyOdell born about 1939
RoxburyOrtche Royborn about 1931
RoxburyTheo born about 1937
RoxburyTonnie Rieborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SelbArva Gleenborn about 1935
SelbMouis Cborn about 1907
SetliffGeneva born about 1920
SetliffJean born about 1919
ShirlyBonnie Foyborn about 1939
ShirlyCathrin born about 1918
ShirlyDwight born about 1911
ShirlyEarl born about 1921
ShirlyEnias Ewnaborn about 1925
ShirlyEugene born about 1940
ShirlyFrances born about 1871
ShirlySelyven born about 1927
ShirlyWadson born about 1900
ShirlyWillie born about 1919
SimsGeraldine born about 1937
SimsHoward born about 1910
SimsW Hborn about 1934
SimsWillie born about 1915
SinleyDewey born about 1928
SinleyHarly born about 1938
SinleyHarris born about 1927
SinleyHozel born about 1930
SinleyMadyllie born about 1926
SinleyMax born about 1934
SinleyPormer born about 1900
SinleyRuby born about 1906
SloonClud born about 1890
SmithAllie born about 1921
SmithLela born about 1901
SmithNelus born about 1900
SmithPauline born about 1913
StanfordErmes Jborn about 1918
StanfordJames born about 1910
StanfordSarah born about 1879
StanleyArthur born about 1906
StanleyArthur born about 1939
StanleyBell born about 1869
StanleyEthel born about 1920
StanleyEtheline born about 1938
StanleyJohn born about 1867
StanleyMinnon born about 1916
StanleyRosina born about 1937
StidhomBettie born about 1935
StidhomBurnice born about 1927
StidhomGeorge born about 1923
StidhomLola born about 1895
StidhomRobert born about 1891
StidhomRobert Jr born about 1931
StidhomRoy born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TayfurFrancis born about 1912
TayfurJ Cborn about 1936
TayfurLocie born about 1938
TayfurUirll born about 1927
TayfurWalter born about 1909
TaylerArnold born about 1919
TaylerBerthy born about 1929
TaylerCormon born about 1932
TaylerFelix born about 1893
TaylerLizzie born about 1893
TaylerMury born about 1927
TaylerVera born about 1923
TaylorAlbert born about 1896
TaylorBenjamin born about 1928
TaylorBonnie born about 1938
TaylorDewey born about 1905
TaylorEllis born about 1926
TaylorElsie born about 1933
TaylorEthel Gborn about 1924
TaylorGoldon born about 1938
TaylorHerbert born about 1930
TaylorHerman born about 1919
TaylorInfant born about 1940
TaylorIva born about 1911
TaylorJames born about 1931
TaylorJames born about 1935
TaylorJomma born about 1935
TaylorJoseph born about 1931
TaylorLaul born about 1929
TaylorLestie born about 1937
TaylorMiles born about 1921
TaylorMyrtle born about 1909
TaylorNol born about 1901
TaylorSarah born about 1901
TaylorTobe born about 1939
TaylorVergil born about 1928
TheadgillGeorge born about 1895
TheadgillJimmie Roeborn about 1938
TheadgillKenneth born about 1928
TheadgillNorris Jeneborn about 1900
TheadgillVernell born about 1930
ThrasburGeorge Wborn about 1865
ThreadgillEarshell born about 1918
ThreadgillFlorence born about 1920
ThreadgillLeford born about 1940
Thredgill??? born about 1919
ThredgillIcy born about 1922
ThredgillJames born about 1921
ThredgillJames Aborn about 1940
ThredgillVirnie born about 1920
ThuodgillAdrin born about 1924
ThuodgillEdfoue born about 1897
ThuodgillMinnie born about 1898
TittelA Lborn about 1933
TittelAnnie Foyborn about 1938
TittelB Lborn about 1931
TittelBari born about 1899
TittelBertie born about 1898
TittelCollis born about 1925
TittelWallace born about 1920
TittleCollins born about 1928
TittleExie born about 1923
TittleFlossie born about 1933
TittleHelon born about 1932
TittleLee born about 1884
TittleLinnie Bborn about 1930
TittleNola born about 1922
TittleOwen born about 1908
TittleOwen Jr born about 1937
TittlePearl born about 1911
TittleSusie born about 1935
TittleViola born about 1885
TittleWyatt born about 1920
TombertEdna born about 1908
TombertHoyt born about 1929
TombertLee born about 1908
TombertLee Jr born about 1928
TownyAnnie born about 1933
TownyJane born about 1891
TownyJeck born about 1923
TownySulnell born about 1929
TownyTom born about 1887
TownyWesly born about 1920
TreadgillClondeen born about 1924
TreadgillFrank born about 1899
TreadgillJ Dborn about 1922
TreadgillJuanita born about 1930
TreadgillNorma born about 1898
TreadgillRobert born about 1926
TwlepsAlbert born about 1917
TwlepsJuna Fayborn about 1935
TwlepsWelma born about 1918
TyraEdward born about 1931
TyraElmor born about 1901
TyraEveline born about 1912
TyraLillian born about 1940
TyraLily Fernborn about 1934
TyraLoys born about 1922
TyraLoys born about 1929
TyraMarie Purlborn about 1937
TyraViloeit born about 1935
TyreeAthine born about 1921
TyreeClarence born about 1899
TyreeEarl born about 1926
TyreeHester born about 1924
TyreeLila Annborn about 1896
TyreeRuth born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VickoryClark born about 1897
VickoryConniget* born about 1924
VickoryElgie born about 1938
VickoryHermit born about 1923
VickoryLecie born about 1929
VickoryMarshall born about 1929
VickoryMock born about 1927
VickoryOllie born about 1901

W Surnames

WallaceJames born about 1910
WardAddie born about 1912
WardAgnis born about 1884
WardAllie Pborn about 1896
WardBille born about 1901
WardEbrill born about 1923
WardFlora born about 1920
WardFoyrene born about 1935
WardHillard born about 1924
WardJ Willisborn about 1884
WardJames Mborn about 1935
WardLillie born about 1933
WardLucie born about 1931
WardMargett born about 1939
WardMarlin born about 1908
WardOscar born about 1920
WardOzil born about 1911
WardRobert Wborn about 1935
WardRoymon born about 1937
WardRuby born about 1926
WardWilliam born about 1928
WeatherlyAlma born about 1912
WeatherlyDavid born about 1881
WeatherlyEmmie born about 1889
WeatherlyGary Dborn about 1939
WeatherlyGlover born about 1909
WeatherlyJim born about 1918
WeatherlyMary Francesborn about 1919
WeeksJames born about 1939
WeeksJone born about 1917
WeeksLedis born about 1938
WeeksLitos born about 1914
WestArnold Leeborn about 1924
WestEd born about 1882
WestIva born about 1887
WestRoxie born about 1890
WheelerTomy born about 1917
WhitworthBillie Jborn about 1898
WhitworthSusie born about 1898
WilliamsD born about 1917
WilsonCharley born about 1933
WilsonFay born about 1931
WilsonLattie born about 1929
WordEarnest born about 1910
WordEstelle born about 1915

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