1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hacoda, Geneva, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Geneva County > 1940 Census of Hacoda

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCalvin Jborn about 1878
AdamsCharlie born about 1919
AdamsCurtis born about 1900
AdamsElouise born about 1939
AdamsJoan born about 1939
AdamsLennie born about 1907
AdamsLeona born about 1880
AdamsLorene born about 1921
AdamsMargaret Aborn about 1937
AdamsRay Hborn about 1935
AdkinsonCharity born about 1911
AdkinsonCharles born about 1939
AdkinsonDon born about 1910
AdkinsonEdward born about 1928
AdkinsonFred born about 1931
AdkinsonGyandelia born about 1930
AdkinsonJoe Linaborn about 1933
AdkinsonJohn Dborn about 1925
AdkinsonLeon born about 1932
AdkinsonLillian born about 1903
AdkinsonLouise born about 1935
AdkinsonPearl born about 1930
AdkinsonReba Merleborn about 1933
AdkinsonTommie born about 1937
AdkinsonW D Jrborn about 1902
AlfordA Dborn about 1936
AlfordArthur born about 1934
AlfordCloyd born about 1932
AlfordDewey born about 1904
AlfordGrace Rborn about 1913
AlfordHelen born about 1938
AlfordJames born about 1920
AlfordJames Hborn about 1866
AlfordJanice Lborn about 1939
AlfordJewell born about 1914
AlfordTexas Aborn about 1888
AlfordWelton Cborn about 1912
AplinDurell born about 1933
AplinEllis Rborn about 1935
AplinEtheline born about 1933
AplinHenry Tborn about 1890
AplinHouston Jborn about 1904
AplinLeland born about 1925
AplinMamie born about 1907
AplinMarion born about 1901
AplinMary Jborn about 1937
AplinMary Rborn about 1911
AplinRosie Bborn about 1895
AptonLois born about 1939
ArdDalton born about 1924
ArdHerman born about 1928
ArdOakland born about 1926
ArdPinkie born about 1902
ArdVessie born about 1933
ArdWilliam Lborn about 1899
AvantClayton born about 1921
AvantLeila born about 1902
AvantMildred born about 1925
AvantRoyace born about 1939
AvantRuby born about 1923
AvantWilliam Sborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BadsoleBernice Rborn about 1921
BadsoleMarcus born about 1927
BadsoleSherwood born about 1896
BadsoleWillie born about 1896
BarrBessie Leeborn about 1902
BarrJudo born about 1901
BartlettCalone born about 1880
BartlettColumbus born about 1924
BartlettCora born about 1917
BartlettEffie born about 1922
BartlettFannie Jborn about 1936
BartlettFrank S Jrborn about 1932
BartlettJohn Nborn about 1869
BartlettOscar born about 1919
BartlettRuthie Cborn about 1927
BartlettTrudy born about 1908
BartlettVenola born about 1930
BeardCollis Pborn about 1918
BeardRuth Annborn about 1918
BearleyDan born about 1935
BearleyDexter born about 1931
BearleyLevie Tborn about 1905
BearleyMerle born about 1928
BearleyNellie Rborn about 1910
BearleyRobert born about 1940
BedsfordRobie Jborn about 1917
BedsfordRuby Leeborn about 1917
BedsfordWannell born about 1937
BedsoleAnnie Merleborn about 1927
BedsoleDalton born about 1904
BedsoleDonald born about 1935
BedsoleG Tborn about 1885
BedsoleHugh Fborn about 1939
BedsoleKatie born about 1906
BedsoleLeo born about 1920
BedsoleLydia Eborn about 1908
BedsoleLyoid born about 1933
BedsoleMable born about 1909
BedsoleMary Aliceborn about 1926
BedsoleMinnie Lborn about 1886
BedsoleRandell born about 1929
BedsoleTotum born about 1899
BedsoleTravis born about 1903
BedsoleYoung born about 1923
BelcherAnna Maeborn about 1937
BelcherBula Maeborn about 1934
BelcherFred born about 1911
BelcherLee Vangerborn about 1935
BelcherMary Bellborn about 1914
BelcherMellownear born about 1939
BlairCoy born about 1925
BlairMax born about 1933
BlairOla born about 1889
BlairRoy born about 1922
BomansErline born about 1924
BoothA Mborn about 1894
BoothAda born about 1901
BoothAna Lauraborn about 1921
BoothAnne born about 1939
BoothBillie Joeborn about 1938
BoothErvin Rborn about 1900
BoothErving Jr born about 1930
BoothHermon born about 1937
BoothHuey born about 1935
BoothIda Mborn about 1896
BoothJackie Oborn about 1936
BoothJames born about 1934
BoothJessie Leeborn about 1922
BoothLillie Maeborn about 1926
BoothMarcus Eborn about 1932
BoothReba Jeanettborn about 1940
BoothRessie Iborn about 1920
BoothRobert Jborn about 1915
BoothTinyett born about 1935
BoothWilmer Lborn about 1923
BowdoinCharley Gborn about 1934
BowdoinCharlie born about 1914
BowdoinJoe Eddborn about 1937
BowdoinMaud born about 1895
BowdoinMaud Jr born about 1925
BowdoinMay Vborn about 1901
BowdoinSheppie born about 1915
BowenElla born about 1883
BowersCrocket born about 1903
BowersElizabeth born about 1927
BowersEthel born about 1914
BowersKermit born about 1924
BowersMary born about 1887
BowersW Eborn about 1877
BrooksTarry born about 1924
BullockSam born about 1894
BurdeshawCassie born about 1915
BurdeshawWilliam Cborn about 1914
BurkettHettie born about 1892
BurkettJim Bborn about 1920
BurkettOllie Mborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaineFay Pborn about 1919
CarpenterChas born about 1924
CarpenterElaine born about 1933
CarpenterEliza born about 1893
CarpenterJose born about 1890
CarpenterMae Tideryborn about 1928
CarpenterMaxie born about 1919
CarpenterPalmer born about 1926
CarpenterRoa Trineborn about 1930
CarrDorris born about 1940
CarrNela Maeborn about 1921
CartonCecil born about 1919
CartonEula born about 1896
CartonGeorge Wborn about 1894
CassadyBelle born about 1901
CassadyBud born about 1897
CassadyChristine born about 1939
CassadyEthel born about 1905
CassadyEugene born about 1939
CassadyFrank born about 1881
CassadyFrank born about 1904
CassadyGriffin born about 1914
CassadyHenry born about 1910
CassadyInez born about 1940
CassadyJeanette born about 1929
CassadyJewell born about 1931
CassadyLeonard born about 1922
CassadyLillian born about 1923
CassadyLillian born about 1925
CassadyMargie born about 1922
CassadyMarion Fborn about 1886
CassadyMartha Annborn about 1884
CassadyMary Leuborn about 1927
CassadyMinnie born about 1920
CassadyNathan born about 1901
CassadyNoah born about 1926
CassadyOllie born about 1933
CassadySyble born about 1926
CassadyThelma born about 1906
CassadyTom born about 1875
CassadyWillie born about 1924
CassadyWillis born about 1934
CatrettClarissia born about 1926
CatrettEmma born about 1912
CatrettFrances born about 1927
CatrettWilliam Eborn about 1896
CeroleyJohn Taylorborn about 1917
ChapmanRobert Lborn about 1872
ChurchwellCecil Oborn about 1927
ChurchwellErnest born about 1931
ChurchwellG Oborn about 1898
ChurchwellGlenn born about 1934
ChurchwellMinnie Lborn about 1903
ChurchwellMyrtie born about 1937
ChurchwellVoncile born about 1925
ColeC Lesterborn about 1896
ColeCatherine born about 1898
ColeErcell born about 1926
ColeEulon born about 1923
ColeTheda Sueborn about 1934
CooperAda Bborn about 1895
CooperAlma born about 1918
CooperAlto born about 1912
CooperDora born about 1877
CooperEarly Dborn about 1928
CooperEstelle born about 1933
CooperFrank born about 1895
CooperJeanette born about 1937
CooperOrell born about 1926
CooperTup Rborn about 1882
CottonCarl born about 1939
CottonD Lborn about 1904
CottonEmma Leeborn about 1908
CottonEstelle born about 1918
CottonEulen Eborn about 1933
CottonEvelyn born about 1935
CottonInez born about 1931
CottonRolan born about 1937
CottonW Aborn about 1880
CouncilGertrude born about 1905
CouncilHayward born about 1904
CrewsCharlotte born about 1889
CrewsThomas born about 1891
CroleyO Zborn about 1920
CroleyOnzie born about 1924
CrowleyAvis Cborn about 1892
CrowleyCatherine born about 1926
CrowleyGussie Lborn about 1894
CrowleyMary born about 1930
CrowleyRandall born about 1925
CrowleyRuth born about 1919
CuepipperG Cborn about 1870
CutheralHarold born about 1937
CutheralInfant born about 1940
CutheralJ Dborn about 1891
CutheralPearlie born about 1907
CutheriellBurlie born about 1898
CutheriellHarley born about 1906
CutheriellJohn born about 1866
CutheriellLove born about 1878
CutheriellMartie Leneborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DarveyAdeline born about 1873
DarveyHardie born about 1876
DaughtryEaster born about 1919
DaughtryJohn Wborn about 1875
DaughtryJuett born about 1877
DaughtryMartin Cborn about 1910
DaughtryMartin Jayborn about 1938
DaughtryReginald born about 1934
DavisAlbert born about 1907
DavisBonnie born about 1908
DavisCharles born about 1928
DavisClarice born about 1902
DavisDona Lborn about 1928
DavisEssie Rayborn about 1933
DavisRay born about 1907
DavisSyble born about 1929
DavisWebb Sborn about 1923
DayGrace born about 1919
DayHarold born about 1940
DayHazel born about 1937
DayHouston born about 1906
DickinsonAllie born about 1905
DickinsonCharlie born about 1901
DickinsonFrances born about 1909
DickinsonG Wborn about 1895
DickinsonHarold born about 1933
DickinsonHerman born about 1931
DickinsonHomer born about 1936
DickinsonRandolph born about 1936
DickinsonRay born about 1930
DickinsonRen born about 1934
DickinsonRex born about 1926
DickinsonRobbie Jeanborn about 1938
DickinsonRoy Tborn about 1925
DismukesC Sborn about 1884
DismukesCharlie Gborn about 1914
DismukesNelma born about 1928
DismukesOla born about 1890
DismukesOla Graceborn about 1921
DismukesQuida born about 1923
DismukesVelma born about 1928
DixonAlfred Wborn about 1928
DixonBillie born about 1935
DixonChristine born about 1936
DixonEarl born about 1933
DixonEunice born about 1910
DixonFrances Aborn about 1900
DixonH Aborn about 1904
DixonHarold born about 1930
DixonJessie Lborn about 1922
DixonJimmie born about 1938
DixonJoseph born about 1940
DixonRalph Aborn about 1931
DixonSybel born about 1938
DixonUnice Eborn about 1926
DixonWillie Hborn about 1902
DonnellyA Wborn about 1933
DonnellyAlock born about 1932
DonnellyAnnie born about 1895
DonnellyBama born about 1936
DonnellyBarney born about 1915
DonnellyBessie Lborn about 1917
DonnellyCallie born about 1906
DonnellyCallie Oleanborn about 1935
DonnellyCharles born about 1938
DonnellyDock born about 1901
DonnellyDorothy Leeborn about 1937
DonnellyEdith born about 1938
DonnellyElla born about 1914
DonnellyElla Opheliaborn about 1930
DonnellyEmett born about 1934
DonnellyEtta born about 1910
DonnellyEvie born about 1930
DonnellyFlora Louborn about 1911
DonnellyGaath born about 1899
DonnellyHenry born about 1883
DonnellyLula born about 1894
DonnellyMaggie born about 1939
DonnellyOvie Ellenborn about 1927
DonnellyPles born about 1907
DonnellyTank born about 1917
DonnellyWarren born about 1907
DozierJames born about 1919
DuboseBernice born about 1917
DuboseDouglas born about 1940
DuboseWalter born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EddinsAllen born about 1914
EddinsLeary born about 1913
EddinsMabel born about 1940
EddinsMaxine born about 1939
EddinsPearl born about 1918
EddinsRoger born about 1936
EddinsWillie Pearlborn about 1914
EdwardsEmmett born about 1911
EdwardsEstelle born about 1920
EdwardsJanice born about 1937
EdwardsJoe Earlborn about 1939
EllenburgClarence born about 1915
EllenburgDollie born about 1920
EllenburgErnest Jr born about 1937
EllenburgHarold Jborn about 1939
EllinburgEvie Maeborn about 1905
EllinburgHuey born about 1925
EllinburgJimmie born about 1933
EllinburgNadine born about 1928
EllinburgNelson born about 1903
EllisonAnnie Mborn about 1900
EllisonCharnel born about 1920
EllisonDamon born about 1923
EllisonJoe born about 1927
EllisonQuida born about 1932
EllisonT Eborn about 1895
ElmoreEmma born about 1876
ElmoreHill Fborn about 1914
ElmoreJohn Wborn about 1872
ElmoreMary Leeborn about 1917

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F Surnames

ForemanAlice born about 1888
ForemanClinton born about 1928
ForemanErnest Budborn about 1922
ForemanGladys born about 1925
ForemanH Cborn about 1887

G Surnames

GaineyCurtis born about 1916
GaineyJean born about 1935
GaineyJoe born about 1883
GaineyLela born about 1917
GaineyWilmer born about 1912
GaineyWilton born about 1939
GalveyCharles born about 1932
GalveyFoustine born about 1936
GalveyGlenda born about 1938
GalveyHairlin born about 1939
GalveyLinnie born about 1917
GalveyWard born about 1908
GeohaganEdsel born about 1927
GeohaganFannie Eborn about 1932
GeohaganHomer Jborn about 1926
GeohaganIda Pearlborn about 1902
GeohaganIrish born about 1919
GeohaganJohn born about 1890
GeohaganL Grayborn about 1915
GeohaganLizzie born about 1884
GeohaganLydia born about 1918
GeohaganMarie born about 1922
GeohaganMary Allieborn about 1936
GeohaganMatilda born about 1878
GeohaganMinnie Lborn about 1929
GeohaganMinnie Vborn about 1894
GeohaganRichard born about 1924
GeohaganShadroch born about 1917
GeohaganWilmer Jborn about 1921
GeohaganWinfred born about 1924
GilmoreAllen born about 1897
GilmoreMyrtie born about 1917
GilmoreRayford born about 1940
GontryDorkia born about 1877
GoodwinAlice Dborn about 1874
GoodwinCarry born about 1903
GoodwinHubert born about 1924
GoodwinLonzo born about 1915
GoodwinOscar born about 1917
GrayMrs Lila Sborn about 1873
GreenBarnes Eborn about 1927
GreenPearl Mborn about 1903
GreenWillie born about 1903
GreenWillie Maeborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaganCurren born about 1934
HaganEward born about 1940
HaganFannie Eborn about 1929
HaganFelix born about 1906
HaganLeila born about 1908
HallElmar born about 1932
HallElsie born about 1916
HallJohn born about 1910
HalleyLesty born about 1872
HalleyR Dborn about 1912
HalleyWhitson Mborn about 1865
HamptonAnna Gborn about 1916
HamptonBerdine born about 1935
HamptonMarvin born about 1908
HamptonPauline born about 1937
HartMargaret born about 1899
HattawayJewell born about 1923
HattawayNorman born about 1918
HaysMozelle born about 1901
HendersonAlma born about 1917
HendersonLois Wborn about 1940
HendersonWillie Lborn about 1917
HolleyChristine born about 1933
HolleyDollie born about 1907
HolleyEthell born about 1925
HolleyGarton Rborn about 1937
HolleyGertrude born about 1918
HolleyJ Gastonborn about 1902
HolleyJohn Sborn about 1935
HolleyNancy born about 1879
HolleyOlen born about 1927
HolleyOtis born about 1927
HolleyPinkie Mborn about 1930
HolleyRachell born about 1939
HolleyRandall born about 1937
HolleySherwood born about 1916
HolmerArthur born about 1899
HolmerClayton Wborn about 1919
HolmerEmma born about 1902
HolmerJohn Hborn about 1928
HolmerRex Wborn about 1936
HolmerRuth born about 1919
HornBryce born about 1923
HornRobert Cborn about 1922
HornSallie born about 1891
HornShep Kborn about 1887
HowellLillie Lborn about 1885

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J Surnames

JacksonAllen Hborn about 1908
JacksonAlvin born about 1930
JacksonEdwina born about 1932
JacksonEmma Jborn about 1936
JacksonFay Marieborn about 1937
JacksonJosushia Mborn about 1876
JacksonKatie Leuborn about 1921
JacksonLeona born about 1912
JacksonLottie Maeborn about 1925
JacksonMary Ellenborn about 1938
JacksonMavis born about 1920
JacksonMonroe Jborn about 1912
JacksonMonroe Lborn about 1875
JacksonNina born about 1908
JacksonRalph born about 1920
JacksonRoston born about 1918
JenningsElizabeth born about 1883
JenningsGovernell born about 1934
JenningsMyrtle born about 1915
JenningsNewell born about 1915
JenningsR Lborn about 1900
JohnsonAmous Dborn about 1906
JohnsonAnna born about 1920
JohnsonAnna Lborn about 1928
JohnsonAubrey born about 1939
JohnsonBen born about 1918
JohnsonBerlin born about 1896
JohnsonBessie Eborn about 1931
JohnsonCalvin born about 1877
JohnsonColey born about 1939
JohnsonEdna Rborn about 1926
JohnsonElvie born about 1883
JohnsonEmma Yborn about 1872
JohnsonEric born about 1907
JohnsonEstelle born about 1915
JohnsonEva born about 1912
JohnsonGilmer born about 1906
JohnsonJohn Fborn about 1937
JohnsonLaurah born about 1908
JohnsonLavone born about 1939
JohnsonLeland born about 1937
JohnsonLeo born about 1903
JohnsonNadine born about 1938
JohnsonRay Dborn about 1935
JohnsonRuth Lborn about 1910
JohnsonVirginia born about 1931
JohnsonWilliam Dborn about 1873
JonesCarl born about 1899
JonesClaud born about 1896
JonesCora born about 1920
JonesDollie born about 1906
JonesElla born about 1885
JonesEthamesta born about 1920
JonesEugene born about 1922
JonesEwell Hborn about 1922
JonesFrances born about 1932
JonesHasie Rborn about 1883
JonesHilda Graceborn about 1919
JonesHouston born about 1884
JonesLizzie born about 1894
JonesOneida born about 1925
JonesRoland born about 1925

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K Surnames

KelleyCorbit Sborn about 1897
KelleyFranklin born about 1935
KelleyHellen born about 1930
KelleyJames born about 1927
KellyRuth born about 1916
KnowlingBuroe born about 1899

L Surnames

LandinghamBruce born about 1913
LandinghamEdna born about 1924
LandinghamEdsel born about 1924
LandinghamGeorge Hborn about 1935
LandinghamHazeline born about 1936
LandinghamHelen Nborn about 1933
LandinghamHissie born about 1881
LandinghamJohnie Rborn about 1937
LandinghamJosephine born about 1940
LandinghamLenadaward born about 1933
LandinghamMaggie born about 1887
LandinghamMamie born about 1914
LandinghamRalph born about 1908
LandinghamRobert Lborn about 1940
LandinghamVassie born about 1913
LevyLonnie Mborn about 1907
LevyWade Fborn about 1917
LewisBennie Jborn about 1927
LewisBula born about 1902
LewisDewey Kborn about 1900
LewisDorris born about 1932
LewisHelen born about 1926
LewisJames born about 1929
LewisMary Jeanborn about 1936
LewisPaul born about 1939
LissisDaney born about 1887
LissisNewell born about 1866
LockEdward Pborn about 1910
LockSybel born about 1927
LoweryAbb born about 1894
LoweryC Cborn about 1888
LoweryCleberne Cborn about 1921
LoweryCora Rborn about 1916
LoweryCuthbert Lborn about 1919
LoweryGrady born about 1924
LoweryHettie born about 1894
LoweryJulian born about 1918
LoweryLincoln born about 1928
LoweryMarsina born about 1923
LoweryQuinton born about 1914
LoweryRuth born about 1895
LoweryValma born about 1926

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M Surnames

MaateAlma born about 1885
MaateD Wborn about 1869
MaloyAdelia born about 1891
MaloyAnnie Leeborn about 1924
MaloyAubrey Jborn about 1922
MaloyBetty Joyceborn about 1935
MaloyCarl born about 1926
MaloyCatherine born about 1914
MaloyDorothy Jeanborn about 1937
MaloyDurwood born about 1925
MaloyDuva born about 1934
MaloyFoster Leeborn about 1934
MaloyFrances Rborn about 1935
MaloyInez born about 1930
MaloyJean born about 1928
MaloyJepsy Leeborn about 1902
MaloyJim Jborn about 1892
MaloyLantis Jborn about 1912
MaloyLouis Lborn about 1914
MaloyMelvin Dborn about 1935
MaloyMildred born about 1919
MaloyNellie Mborn about 1932
MaloyRobert Thomasborn about 1937
MaloyRobert Wborn about 1939
MaloyThomas Jborn about 1886
MarlerE Hborn about 1881
MarlerLulah born about 1887
MarlerOpal born about 1924
MarlowAngeline born about 1893
MarlowAnnie born about 1914
MarlowFlorida born about 1877
MarlowGrover Nellborn about 1940
MarlowJ Leeborn about 1910
MarlowLazell born about 1932
MarlowLessie Fayborn about 1934
MarlowLoyd born about 1928
MarlowMinnie born about 1889
MarlowNocoma born about 1930
MarshAnna born about 1897
MarshBillie Charlesborn about 1937
MarshConnie Pborn about 1916
MarshDouglas born about 1934
MarshEdna born about 1926
MarshJ Pborn about 1888
MarshToft born about 1915
MarshalAlfred born about 1926
MarshalBirdie born about 1908
MarshalCatherine born about 1927
MarshalDonald born about 1924
MarshalJ Dborn about 1902
MarshallBessie born about 1894
MarshallEarl born about 1925
MarshallElouise born about 1928
MarshallJohn A Jrborn about 1930
MarshallLouise born about 1928
MartinBurnan Lborn about 1920
MartinCharlene born about 1927
MartinClarence Cborn about 1886
MartinCollie Cborn about 1888
MartinCuthbert Bborn about 1913
MartinHazel born about 1931
MartinLuther Hborn about 1917
MartinWeyland born about 1931
MasonArie born about 1927
MasonHubert born about 1929
MasonLadue born about 1932
MasonNellie Rborn about 1935
MasonPearlie born about 1907
MasonTom born about 1905
MatoxLucile born about 1909
MatoxM Cborn about 1907
McAlileyElaine born about 1925
McAlileyGuy born about 1923
McAlileyJames born about 1929
McAlileyKenneth born about 1933
McAlileyM Mborn about 1900
McAlileyMalcolm born about 1935
McAlileyPatsey born about 1937
McAlileySarah Bborn about 1905
McAlileyTommie born about 1940
McAlileyWillard born about 1927
McColoughDorris born about 1931
McColoughMartha born about 1938
McColoughMary born about 1934
McDougnalArchie Lborn about 1912
McDougnalBarbara Annborn about 1940
McDougnalBetty Joiceborn about 1938
McDougnalDollie born about 1907
McDougnalDova born about 1911
McDougnalFerrel Wborn about 1934
McDougnalJeanett born about 1936
McDougnalThomas Rborn about 1900
McGouirkTramal born about 1920
McKeeBernice born about 1930
McKeeBobbie born about 1938
McKeeDonald born about 1934
McKeeEdith born about 1904
McKeeGerald born about 1935
McKeeJames Mborn about 1890
McKeeMaxie born about 1928
McKeeRay born about 1926
MeadowsEdgar born about 1920
MeadowsLanie born about 1891
MeadowsLawrence born about 1928
MeadowsLonzo born about 1926
MeadowsWilliam Lborn about 1893
MilliganC Pborn about 1902
MilliganCarlton born about 1931
MilliganJavon born about 1937
MilliganPerry born about 1936
MilliganQuinnie born about 1926
MilliganSyble born about 1899
MilliganVildred born about 1929
MitchelDoyle born about 1925
MitchelElouise born about 1938
MitchelLeon born about 1928
MitchelNadine born about 1931
MitchelNorman born about 1923
MitchelPhonso Mborn about 1902
MitchelWillie born about 1903
MoneyBettie born about 1922
MoneyDonnell born about 1939
MoneyFay Marieborn about 1927
MoneyMary Sueborn about 1935
MoneyMollie born about 1902
MoneyNin born about 1931
MoneyOrie born about 1924
MoneyRuben born about 1919
MoneySimon born about 1900
MooreClaudine born about 1937
MooreGeorge born about 1940
MooreGeraldine born about 1926
MooreMaggie born about 1903
MooreRobert born about 1906
MooreRobert Jr born about 1932
MooreSamuel born about 1935
MorganDoyle Fborn about 1931
MurdockChristine born about 1926
MurdockElla born about 1891
MurdockEvelyn born about 1928
MurdockHorace born about 1924
MurdockManuel born about 1922
MurdockRufus Jborn about 1890
MurdockSarah born about 1930
MurdockWilmer born about 1920

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N Surnames

NealEva Pborn about 1902
NealHorace Cborn about 1938
NealHorace Mborn about 1901
NewAlcus born about 1940
NewBertha born about 1919
NewEugene born about 1933
NewHenry born about 1883
NewIrene born about 1928
NewLeonard born about 1924
NewLizzie born about 1879
NewMary Janeborn about 1903
NewVelie born about 1889
NewWilliam born about 1885
NewberryEtta born about 1916
NewellBillie born about 1928
NewellChester born about 1913
NewellConrad born about 1925
NewellHaywood born about 1923
NewellHilda born about 1921
NewellJames born about 1917
NewellLillie born about 1888
NewellMarie born about 1915
NewellW Jborn about 1887
NolenJ Pborn about 1923
NolenLula Bellborn about 1879
NolenMary born about 1915
NolenW Jborn about 1881
NorrisDaniel Dborn about 1930
NorrisEdward Hborn about 1933
NorrisFranklin Eborn about 1936
NorrisGerald Dborn about 1939
NorrisJames Mborn about 1928
NorrisLissie Lborn about 1906
NorrisRuby Lborn about 1924
NorrisRuth Iborn about 1926
NorrisWilliam Dborn about 1902

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O Surnames

OwensCola Mayborn about 1911
OwensEmmett Eborn about 1940
OwensLillian Mborn about 1934
OwensW Hborn about 1911

P Surnames

ParkerEdward Mborn about 1931
ParkerEra Mborn about 1898
ParkerHenry Lborn about 1892
ParkerJuanita born about 1937
ParkerQuida born about 1926
ParkerRobert born about 1928
PaulDorine born about 1929
PaulDorthy born about 1931
PaulEmma Jenettborn about 1936
PaulGeorge born about 1896
PaulLettie born about 1898
PaulNancy Aborn about 1936
PaulNancy Leeborn about 1919
PaulOwen Wborn about 1922
PearsonEdward born about 1922
PearsonHomer born about 1898
PearsonJames born about 1927
PearsonOlen born about 1924
PearsonPearl born about 1898
PearsonRay born about 1936
PetersBonnie Leeborn about 1937
PetersBuster born about 1910
PetersJ Wborn about 1932
PetersJames Elbertborn about 1933
PetersJeanett born about 1935
PetersM Mborn about 1880
PetersPonie Bborn about 1935
PetersViola born about 1910
PetersWillie born about 1898
PhillipsAlbert born about 1935
PhillipsAlton born about 1925
PhillipsArthur born about 1938
PhillipsAsurie born about 1919
PhillipsBera Nellborn about 1940
PhillipsCarrie Bborn about 1914
PhillipsDallas born about 1908
PhillipsDewey born about 1910
PhillipsEva Dellborn about 1926
PhillipsGlen Billborn about 1933
PhillipsHugh Dborn about 1905
PhillipsJ Fborn about 1875
PhillipsJames born about 1929
PhillipsJoan born about 1939
PhillipsLamar born about 1933
PhillipsLessie born about 1904
PhillipsMaridean born about 1928
PhillipsMartha born about 1863
PhillipsMartie born about 1909
PhillipsOscar born about 1904
PhillipsOtto born about 1911
PhillipsSallie born about 1872
PhillipsUvon born about 1936
PhillipsWilliam Aborn about 1868
PinkertonBessie born about 1907
PinkertonHardie born about 1910
PresleyCharlie born about 1929
PridgenAna born about 1920
PridgenDonald born about 1939
PridgenFlora born about 1912
PridgenGarland born about 1935
PridgenHamp born about 1931
PridgenJaunita born about 1928
PridgenMarger born about 1915
PridgenRoyal born about 1914
PridgenVirlon born about 1937
PridgenWarren Jborn about 1906
PridgenWillie born about 1915
PridgettDubeth born about 1927
PridgettElla Joeborn about 1932
PridgettEster born about 1905
PridgettHenry born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RainerAnnie Pborn about 1925
RainerEffie born about 1907
ReallyJohn Aborn about 1916
RespressEdmond born about 1915
RespressEva Mborn about 1922
RespressGloria Aborn about 1938
RespressL Cborn about 1940
RiseEllis Hborn about 1935
RiseHarry Lborn about 1939
RiseHulon Eborn about 1929
RiseHurlon born about 1931
RiseMary born about 1907
RiseShadric Eborn about 1907
RiversAndrew born about 1875
RiversMary born about 1883
RoachAlcy born about 1878
RoachF Aborn about 1869
RoachHawtense born about 1924
RussellAlcus born about 1936
RussellBertha Leeborn about 1912
RussellDorothy born about 1931
RussellGeorge Wborn about 1903
RussellJocie Bellborn about 1937
RussellJoe born about 1934
RussellJosie born about 1913
RussellMadrell born about 1928
RussellNora Leeborn about 1910
RussellTolley born about 1911
RussellWilliam born about 1908
RussellWillie Jborn about 1933
RyalsArneetia born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SellenArchie born about 1929
SellenBud born about 1893
SellenClaudine born about 1895
SellenCubadine born about 1935
SellenJohn Lborn about 1926
SellenLeon born about 1924
SellenNadine born about 1933
SellenOttis born about 1931
SellenOzell born about 1937
SellersRuth born about 1919
SellersSarah Mborn about 1900
ShirleyAnna born about 1908
ShirleyBobbie Joeborn about 1939
ShirleyCharles born about 1933
ShirleyGrady born about 1935
ShirleyLucile born about 1930
ShirleyMildred born about 1928
ShirleyTanner born about 1904
SikesBettie Leeborn about 1939
SikesBuskon born about 1932
SikesCatherine born about 1909
SikesErnest born about 1935
SikesKennie Leeborn about 1930
SikesLevonia born about 1873
SikesMelvin Cborn about 1907
SikesRay Leeborn about 1937
SimmonsA Jborn about 1854
SimmonsA Mborn about 1897
SimmonsAbronia born about 1879
SimmonsAnna born about 1899
SimmonsArthur Rborn about 1936
SimmonsB Jborn about 1869
SimmonsCitie born about 1884
SimmonsClavis born about 1926
SimmonsClemmie Eborn about 1895
SimmonsCorlie born about 1910
SimmonsEdna Eborn about 1916
SimmonsElla Phainborn about 1905
SimmonsElmer born about 1917
SimmonsEmma born about 1873
SimmonsEna born about 1915
SimmonsErnest born about 1930
SimmonsErnestine born about 1913
SimmonsEster born about 1919
SimmonsEtta born about 1917
SimmonsFay Mborn about 1923
SimmonsH Tborn about 1923
SimmonsHenry Sborn about 1926
SimmonsHerman born about 1901
SimmonsHilson Oborn about 1907
SimmonsHorace Jr born about 1925
SimmonsIrene born about 1923
SimmonsIreta born about 1929
SimmonsJohn Hborn about 1887
SimmonsJohn H Jrborn about 1919
SimmonsLilla born about 1898
SimmonsLofton born about 1917
SimmonsLouise born about 1920
SimmonsMarie Nborn about 1917
SimmonsMattie Jborn about 1870
SimmonsMaudie born about 1913
SimmonsMilford born about 1928
SimmonsMonroe born about 1938
SimmonsN born about 1860
SimmonsOscar born about 1923
SimmonsPalmer born about 1913
SimmonsReginald born about 1938
SimmonsSallie born about 1868
SimmonsSidney born about 1935
SimmonsSteven born about 1940
SimmonsW Lborn about 1863
SimmonsWoodrow Wborn about 1913
SimpenAddie Esteleborn about 1917
SimpenBillie Mborn about 1936
SimpenCollis Sborn about 1910
SimpenDoris Wborn about 1938
SimplerBrooks Haroldborn about 1930
SimplerClydie Bellborn about 1926
SimplerIdellar born about 1892
SimplerOscar Mborn about 1888
SimplerRosalee born about 1923
SmithBillie Rayborn about 1939
SmithCharles born about 1936
SmithClayton born about 1929
SmithDorah born about 1890
SmithErnest born about 1898
SmithErnest Jr born about 1923
SmithFred Glenborn about 1927
SmithGrady born about 1930
SmithIrzah born about 1874
SmithJames born about 1924
SmithJoan born about 1939
SmithJulia born about 1862
SmithLouis born about 1932
SmithMary Bborn about 1907
SmithMaurice born about 1926
SmithRay born about 1937
SmithRobert born about 1905
SmithThelma born about 1915
SmithWillard born about 1936
SmithWilliam born about 1932
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1859
SmithWillie Wborn about 1922
SpearsBurton born about 1921
SpearsClarence born about 1923
SpearsDemp Cborn about 1890
SpearsEarl born about 1929
SpearsFred born about 1940
SpearsGordon born about 1927
SpearsNeil born about 1932
SpearsPearl born about 1894
SpearsVoncile born about 1919
SpiveyDowrey Mborn about 1886
SpiveyLee born about 1905
SpiveyMillie Cborn about 1928
SpiveyRudolph born about 1936
StaffordAlma born about 1905
StaffordE Bborn about 1900
StaffordIris born about 1930
StaffordJames Wborn about 1861
StaffordMaraline born about 1933
StaffordMary Francesborn about 1928
StaffordPalley born about 1859
StaffordQuention born about 1920
StaffordWarren born about 1923
StaffordWilburn born about 1922
StevensA Lborn about 1911
StevensHazel born about 1931
StevensLawrence Jborn about 1935
StevensTurn Leeborn about 1914
StringerGrady born about 1919
StringerJames Rborn about 1940
StringerLillie Maeborn about 1938
StringerOcie Maeborn about 1922
SubersAlphonso born about 1921
SubersJ Tborn about 1858
SubersMinnie Lborn about 1880
SueneAplin Susueborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorDilsie Aborn about 1875
TaylorGlora born about 1938
TaylorJohn Hborn about 1875
TaylorMargurite born about 1913
TaylorOllie born about 1902
TaylorVilda Mborn about 1900
ThomasArrie born about 1906
ThomasCharley born about 1923
ThomasDee born about 1894
ThomasFaye Maeborn about 1931
ThomasHubert born about 1927
ThomasJ Fborn about 1876
ThomasJames Bradyborn about 1924
ThomasJohn born about 1908
ThomasJohn Dborn about 1929
ThomasJohn Henryborn about 1921
ThomasLouise born about 1938
ThomasMargaret born about 1935
ThomasWillie Maeborn about 1919
ThompsonArch born about 1884
ThompsonEugene born about 1931
ThompsonSallie born about 1887
ThompsonWilliam born about 1923
ThornJ Fborn about 1894
ThornJohn born about 1890
ThornLizzie born about 1898
ThornMima born about 1880
ThorntonEstelle born about 1937
ThorntonFannie Mborn about 1915
ThorntonGlen born about 1913
ThorpBetty Sueborn about 1938
ThorpCaroline born about 1916
ThorpJohn Mborn about 1911
ThorpMary Cborn about 1940
ThorpeA Vborn about 1870
ThorpeAlbert Lborn about 1914
ThorpeHilda born about 1937
ThorpeHilmer born about 1937
ThorpeJames Aborn about 1939
ThorpeSarah Bborn about 1915
ThorpeSarah Cborn about 1872
ThorpeShurlie born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WatfordAlton Cborn about 1914
WatfordDee born about 1915
WatfordEdwin Jborn about 1928
WatfordFrankie born about 1936
WatfordJessie Rborn about 1927
WatfordMay born about 1916
WatfordOneal born about 1938
WatfordQuida born about 1937
WatsonCarry born about 1906
WatsonIrene born about 1927
WatsonMack born about 1902
WatsonMattie born about 1907
WatsonSusie born about 1861
WatsonWillard born about 1930
WattersA Gborn about 1878
WattersBessie born about 1893
WattersConnie born about 1918
WattersEzera born about 1922
WattersMarvin born about 1915
WeaverD Jborn about 1885
WeaverMollie born about 1883
WebbBobbie Gborn about 1940
WebbCharlie Lborn about 1906
WebbColey Gborn about 1937
WebbCoy Fborn about 1882
WebbDollie born about 1891
WebbMargarette born about 1918
WebbSarah Rborn about 1879
WebbSidney Wborn about 1917
WebbWillie Fborn about 1920
WebbWilmer Eborn about 1922
WeeksCouncil born about 1914
WeeksEva born about 1912
WeeksG Dborn about 1871
WeeksGeraldine born about 1936
WeeksHerman born about 1939
WeeksIsaac born about 1886
WeeksLossie born about 1890
WeeksMartha Sueborn about 1939
WeeksMary born about 1938
WeeksMary Eborn about 1932
WeeksRebecca born about 1870
WeeksSherman born about 1936
WeeksViola born about 1912
WeeksWayne born about 1936
WeeksZola born about 1914
WhiddowBetty Rborn about 1930
WhiddowDessie born about 1932
WhiddowEmma Lborn about 1908
WhiddowHelen Vborn about 1925
WhiddowJessie Tborn about 1904
WhiddowShirley Annborn about 1935
WhiteLilly born about 1922
WhiteMarie born about 1925
WhitePellie born about 1903
WhiteVirginia Bborn about 1936
WilliamsAnnie Leeborn about 1903
WilliamsHugh Cborn about 1919
WilliamsJames Hborn about 1926
WilliamsLavada born about 1936
WilliamsNadine born about 1923
WilliamsOnzie born about 1924
WilliamsRobert Tborn about 1895
WilliamsTattie born about 1923
WilliamsValley Bborn about 1921
WilliamsWannetta born about 1939
WilsonLula Eborn about 1874
WilsonWilliam Sborn about 1867
WiseAllie born about 1896
WiseAlma born about 1898
WiseAnna born about 1893
WiseAudrey Leeborn about 1922
WiseBobbie Rayborn about 1938
WiseCarpenter Willieborn about 1913
WiseCurtis born about 1923
WiseDonie born about 1901
WiseEarl born about 1914
WiseEvelyn Annaborn about 1940
WiseGladys born about 1926
WiseH Jborn about 1891
WiseHazel born about 1940
WiseHenry Jr born about 1929
WiseJames Aborn about 1868
WiseJohn Rborn about 1935
WiseL Lborn about 1894
WiseLamar born about 1925
WiseLendel born about 1928
WiseLovell born about 1938
WiseLucile born about 1918
WiseLucile born about 1921
WiseM A Dborn about 1869
WiseMae born about 1896
WiseMae Rborn about 1920
WiseMizell born about 1920
WiseNannie born about 1923
WiseOdell born about 1923
WiseOphelia born about 1918
WisePhonso born about 1890
WiseRay born about 1931
WiseWillis Hborn about 1888
WiseWoodrow Wborn about 1915
WoodBen Lborn about 1915
WoodEd Bborn about 1883
WoodEd B Jrborn about 1924
WoodEunice born about 1918
WoodLeonard born about 1921
WoodLonnie born about 1915
WoodLouis born about 1937
WoodRudolph born about 1917
WoodSusan born about 1892
WrightPoke born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesAna Rayborn about 1937
YatesBuford born about 1922
YatesHomer born about 1901
YatesJohn Henryborn about 1881
YatesMadie Eborn about 1908
YatesMyra born about 1923
YatesOlen born about 1926
YatesOtis Fborn about 1935
YatesRalphine born about 1927
YatesSabra born about 1905
YoungCurtis born about 1929
YoungFannie born about 1886
YoungHill born about 1885
YoungJessie born about 1927
YoungLinnie born about 1931
YoungNaomi born about 1925
YoungOtis born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZornBettie Jborn about 1931
ZornCharlie Hborn about 1888
ZornChasie born about 1935
ZornDonald born about 1934
ZornEbbie born about 1892
ZornElmer born about 1926
ZornHerbert born about 1920
ZornHoward Jborn about 1910
ZornIna born about 1933
ZornIna Maeborn about 1933
ZornJack Hborn about 1939
ZornJackie born about 1935
ZornJames Eborn about 1938
ZornJerry Sborn about 1939
ZornJesse born about 1906
ZornLeslie born about 1929
ZornLincoln Aborn about 1908
ZornLucie born about 1912
ZornMattie born about 1901
ZornMyrtle Cborn about 1913
ZornPhylis Wborn about 1936
ZornRonie born about 1904
ZornWinford born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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