1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lydia, DeKalb, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > DeKalb County > 1940 Census of Lydia

A SurnamesH SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesP Surnames
G SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyBetty Jeanborn about 1935
AbernathyDorthy Fborn about 1928
AbernathyJackie Bborn about 1939
AbernathyLola Mborn about 1897
AbernathyRichard Cborn about 1930
AbernathyRoxie Sborn about 1932
AbernathyS Dborn about 1923
AbernathySam Dborn about 1889
AbernathyWillene born about 1926
AdamsAmes Aborn about 1884
AdamsArthur Gborn about 1921
AdamsBeulah born about 1888
AdamsDorthy Mborn about 1923
AdamsMissovia born about 1880
AdamsOscar Aborn about 1911
AdamsSally Cborn about 1850
AdamsWilliam Aborn about 1882
AdamsZ Pborn about 1861
AlexandraAda born about 1878
AllenDeema Lborn about 1912
AllenEmma Rborn about 1891
AllenHelen Deanborn about 1933
AllenNoah Hborn about 1887
AllenPeggy Annborn about 1937
AllenQuillan Nborn about 1919
AllenWilliam Rborn about 1923
AllenWilma Jeanborn about 1931
ArringtonAlfred Wborn about 1884
ArringtonAlvin Nborn about 1921
ArringtonCecil born about 1930
ArringtonDoris born about 1924
ArringtonJ Lborn about 1927
ArringtonJewel born about 1925
ArringtonOla Bborn about 1899
AshleyCarl Cborn about 1918
AshleyMammie Mborn about 1918

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B Surnames

BanksClifeford Gborn about 1901
BanksEmma Mborn about 1903
BanksThomas Rborn about 1934
BarksdaleCharlot Fborn about 1907
BarksdaleHoyt Gborn about 1911
BarksdaleLillie Mborn about 1934
BarksdaleLouise Lborn about 1932
BarksdaleSarah Gborn about 1930
BarnsOra Dborn about 1934
BaterJoe Annborn about 1937
BaterMary Rborn about 1918
BaterThomas Jborn about 1915
BatesBernice Cborn about 1924
BatesMary Bellborn about 1884
BatesWilliam Dborn about 1886
BethuneBessie Pborn about 1919
BethuneBilly Rborn about 1934
BethuneD Wborn about 1927
BethuneDelma Eborn about 1917
BethuneDoris Eborn about 1939
BethuneDuey Vborn about 1914
BethuneElbert Aborn about 1889
BethuneEstell Dborn about 1928
BethuneEther Cborn about 1892
BethuneEunice Eborn about 1913
BethuneHoyt Lborn about 1918
BethuneJanett born about 1922
BethuneJessie Eborn about 1907
BethuneKenneth Hborn about 1939
BethuneLillian Dborn about 1905
BethuneTody born about 1930
BethuneWillene Lborn about 1928
BillDarrel Mborn about 1928
BillLilly Lborn about 1910
BillWillie Gborn about 1908
BlanceDavid Hborn about 1924
BohaCecco Cborn about 1854
BohaEdgar Wborn about 1895
BohaEffie Lborn about 1901
BohaEssie Mborn about 1906
BohaEva born about 1892
BohaHilda Hborn about 1927
BohaLeon Cborn about 1906
BohaNed Hborn about 1930
BoldenArie Bborn about 1894
BoldenAubrey Lborn about 1917
BoldenCharles Dborn about 1922
BoldenCharley Jborn about 1890
BoldenEthelda born about 1901
BoldenGeorge Hborn about 1933
BoldenLula Eborn about 1893
BoldenPlinia Dborn about 1863
BoldenRoss Lborn about 1892
BoldenVerbin Hborn about 1920
BowenAnnie Bborn about 1936
BowenBilly Jborn about 1938
BowenDell Maeborn about 1918
BowenDennis born about 1929
BowenEurtis born about 1925
BowenFairy born about 1927
BowenJinnie born about 1902
BowenJohn born about 1893
BowenLessie born about 1921
BowenLittie Jborn about 1934
BowenLouise born about 1922
BowenR Dborn about 1919
BowenVincel born about 1931
BowlingCharlotte born about 1881
BowlingJames Dborn about 1881
BowlingJoseph Lborn about 1923
BrightBernice Lborn about 1911
BrightCharles Dborn about 1909
BrownAveris Iborn about 1935
BrownIrby born about 1913
BrownJohn Fborn about 1867
BrownMary Lborn about 1914
BrownSally Lborn about 1869
BryantArthur Lborn about 1908
BryantCarl Lborn about 1928
BryantCurtis Wborn about 1930
BryantLester Aborn about 1932
BryantLois Eborn about 1910

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C Surnames

CarrBarbara Aborn about 1935
CarrMargrette Nborn about 1867
CarrMarie Mborn about 1903
CarrOtis Mborn about 1899
CarrWillie Gborn about 1900
CarterBetty Annborn about 1933
CarterGlover Gborn about 1902
CarterOra Lborn about 1905
CarterTalmage Hborn about 1924
ChesserChoice Lborn about 1928
ChesserLee Eborn about 1888
ChesserRuby Eborn about 1911
ChildressAlton Gborn about 1919
ChildressD Lborn about 1928
ChildressDick Lborn about 1897
ChildressElvie Bborn about 1903
ChildressIda Bborn about 1924
ChildressOdessa Lborn about 1933
ChildressVarnel Dborn about 1926
ChittwoodBetty Jborn about 1929
ChittwoodBilly Bborn about 1927
ChittwoodBriggs Pborn about 1927
ChittwoodGreen born about 1872
ChittwoodGreen Nborn about 1923
ChittwoodIda Eborn about 1894
ChittwoodJessie Dborn about 1896
ChittwoodJoe Rborn about 1926
ChittwoodJohn Hborn about 1894
ChittwoodJohn H Jrborn about 1920
ChittwoodLilly Bborn about 1874
ChittwoodPeter Rborn about 1898
ChittwoodRalph Mborn about 1916
ChittwoodRay Mborn about 1921
ChittwoodReba Dborn about 1903
ChittwoodReuben Hborn about 1870
ChittwoodTressie Lborn about 1899
ClaytonJoe Jborn about 1914
ClaytonZulia Mborn about 1917
CodyAlfred Jborn about 1927
CodyCarry Nborn about 1937
CodyDora Lborn about 1930
CodyJasper Eborn about 1931
CodyMary Eborn about 1910
CodyMary Eborn about 1933
CollierClaudine born about 1921
CollierJennie Lborn about 1936
CulverBiddie Iborn about 1909
CulverCharles Wborn about 1939
CulverMargrette Mborn about 1872
CulverMeoma Leeborn about 1910
CulverRobert Wborn about 1907

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D Surnames

DaltonAonie Iborn about 1884
DaltonJames Sborn about 1924
DaltonNona Leeborn about 1920
DaltonPaul Vborn about 1910
DaltonPearl Lborn about 1886
DaltonRalph Aborn about 1926
DaltonVenice Pborn about 1917
DobbsAddie Mborn about 1907
DobbsAlmer Aborn about 1886
DobbsClarence Aborn about 1892
DobbsClarence Hborn about 1933
DobbsEffie born about 1901
DobbsHarvey Jborn about 1922
DobbsJessie Bborn about 1928
DobbsJohnny Mborn about 1929
DobbsMarvin born about 1885
DobbsMelba Sborn about 1927
DobbsRobert Mborn about 1932
DobbsWalter Sborn about 1906
DobbsWillie Aborn about 1918
DoveAvis Eborn about 1934
DoveJoe Eborn about 1936
DoveLaff Gborn about 1910
DoveLee Dellborn about 1938
DoveWillie Lborn about 1904
DoverAdell born about 1928
DoverAllice Mborn about 1939
DoverBeatrice born about 1930
DoverBobby Kborn about 1933
DoverCarl Jborn about 1936
DoverCaston Yborn about 1910
DoverDave Lborn about 1886
DoverEmma born about 1895
DoverLena Bborn about 1911
DoverWillie Kborn about 1931
DownerElmer Hborn about 1895
DownerEner Mborn about 1908
DownerFloyd Wborn about 1918
DownerFrancis born about 1923
DownerGlayds Mborn about 1901
DownerHetty Leeborn about 1919
DownerOllen Cborn about 1909
DuranAda Aborn about 1871
DuranAnsell Aborn about 1865
DuranJewel Eborn about 1922

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E Surnames

EdgworthBessie Cborn about 1899
EdgworthFrank born about 1892
ErvinMary Bellborn about 1889
EsterEvelyn Mborn about 1911
EsterJohn Kborn about 1882
EsterJosie Dborn about 1887
EtheridgeAmon born about 1907
EtheridgeDavid born about 1937
EtheridgeDorthy Dborn about 1917

F Surnames

FarmerAnbey Lborn about 1913
FarmerAvada Aborn about 1891
FarmerBobby Rborn about 1934
FarmerCharley Wborn about 1899
FarmerEarnest Nborn about 1889
FarmerEffie Lborn about 1913
FarmerJ Wborn about 1932
FarmerJewel Iborn about 1924
FarmerMyrtle Lborn about 1919
FarmerNoah Eborn about 1912
FarmerWilliam Jborn about 1854
FarmerWillie Gborn about 1886
FarmerWinnie Bborn about 1913
FullerBilly Fborn about 1937
FullerHarold Gborn about 1917
FullerHoyt Nborn about 1909
FullerImogene Eborn about 1918
FullerJosie Gborn about 1888
FullerPeggy Jeanborn about 1935

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G Surnames

GablesHarvey Hborn about 1914
GablesRachell Jborn about 1938
GablesRuby Eborn about 1920
GablesThomas Lborn about 1940
GardernerMary Eborn about 1892
GardernerStreet Sborn about 1892
GarmanyBessie Aborn about 1910
GarmanyCarl Wborn about 1929
GarmanyEffie Lborn about 1927
GarmanyElner E Dborn about 1931
GarmanyFrank Bborn about 1898
GarmanyHerbert Hborn about 1934
GarmanyWanneta born about 1937
GilbertAlmer Wborn about 1887
GilbertAlvis Wborn about 1920
GilbertEmery Jborn about 1913
GilbertEssie Mborn about 1886
GilbertFletcher Aborn about 1918
GilbertIla Fborn about 1898
GilbertInadine born about 1929
GilbertLee born about 1886
GilbertRoss Wborn about 1915
GilbertRudolph Lborn about 1921
GilbertTessie Dborn about 1913
GilleyAllice Mborn about 1902
GilleyQuill Cborn about 1902
GilleySylvin Cborn about 1925
GilleyTilmagene born about 1928
GilleyWilliam Lborn about 1926
GilleyWilma Lborn about 1930
GoginsFrancis Jborn about 1937
GoginsJames Nborn about 1912
GoginsJinnie Vborn about 1935
GoginsWillodeen born about 1939
GoginsWilma Vborn about 1920
GorhamGeorgia Lborn about 1928
GorhamLorine born about 1929
GorhamLouise Gborn about 1926
GraverAlpha Nborn about 1901
GraverJames Aborn about 1897
GraverTalmage Lborn about 1919
GreenEmma Cborn about 1915
GreenFay Vborn about 1924
GreenHershel Gborn about 1910
GregoryBernice Lborn about 1925
GregoryClaud Cborn about 1923
GregoryEvelyn Aborn about 1920
GregoryJohn Aborn about 1892
GregoryRoby Rborn about 1933
GregoryRuby Mborn about 1901
GroverEula born about 1901
GroverHarvey Wborn about 1899
GroverNina Oborn about 1922
GroverWallace Lborn about 1919
GunterArthur Hborn about 1902
GunterAustin Eborn about 1911
GunterHue Danborn about 1932
GunterMax Dborn about 1930
GunterRuby Jborn about 1886
GunterVera Lborn about 1901

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H Surnames

HardenCurtis Dborn about 1902
HardenMammie Lborn about 1912
HardenMary Mborn about 1937
HarperBilly Hborn about 1930
HarperCarry Aborn about 1870
HarperHorace Lborn about 1904
HarperHorace T Jrborn about 1927
HarperJoseph Hborn about 1924
HarperOrval born about 1904
HarrisEddy Mborn about 1939
HarrisEdna Gborn about 1911
HarrisEtta Maeborn about 1914
HarrisIrby Cborn about 1928
HarrisJimmie Fborn about 1932
HarrisKenneth Lborn about 1936
HarrisLoyd Gborn about 1911
HarrisRuth Sborn about 1933
HarrisUnice Bborn about 1908
HastyHerbert born about 1925
HastyJohn Bborn about 1882
HastyNancy Bborn about 1884
HearnEarnest Dborn about 1918
HearnEra Bborn about 1898
HearnEva Bellborn about 1931
HearnLorine born about 1928
HearnPearl Mborn about 1921
HearnRufus Rborn about 1893
HearnTalmage Jborn about 1923
HesterLoyd born about 1926
HillEvelyn Mborn about 1922
HillLuther Jborn about 1887
HoldridgeEssie Jborn about 1879
HoldridgeRoy Wborn about 1882
HolganDewite Eborn about 1928
HolganDow Oborn about 1920
HolganEffie Aborn about 1896
HolganJessie Aborn about 1890
HolganOra Lborn about 1930
HolganVerona Aborn about 1925
HoustonAgnes Lborn about 1909
HoustonCharles Lborn about 1938
HoustonCharley Lborn about 1899
HoustonCicero Cborn about 1921
HoustonClara Mborn about 1917
HoustonCora Cborn about 1903
HoustonDaisy Lborn about 1914
HoustonEmma born about 1869
HoustonGaynell born about 1922
HoustonHellen Mborn about 1929
HoustonInez Jborn about 1922
HoustonJessie Rborn about 1920
HoustonJohn Hborn about 1908
HoustonKenneth Rborn about 1938
HoustonLester Tborn about 1915
HoustonMax Rborn about 1932
HoustonMrs Beatrice born about 1888
HoustonSamuel Bborn about 1895
HoustonSyble Lborn about 1935
HoustonThomas Bborn about 1899
HoustonThomas Dborn about 1863
HoustonWillie Dborn about 1925
HulganClydine Dborn about 1921
HulganJessie Nborn about 1918
HurttJohn Hborn about 1887
HurttMary Eborn about 1857
HurttMinnie Lborn about 1884

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J Surnames

JohnsonIrby Cborn about 1930
JohnsonLawson Cborn about 1906
JohnsonMary Eborn about 1906
JohnsonRichard Hborn about 1938
JonesAda Rborn about 1904
JonesBessie Lborn about 1899
JonesBobby Geneborn about 1935
JonesBufford born about 1919
JonesClakey Bborn about 1911
JonesColeman Hborn about 1931
JonesDallas Jborn about 1891
JonesDavid Hborn about 1924
JonesDon Cborn about 1928
JonesEster Lborn about 1903
JonesEthel Vborn about 1912
JonesEunice Lborn about 1922
JonesGlyn Lborn about 1895
JonesGordon Lborn about 1893
JonesIda born about 1909
JonesIda Jborn about 1902
JonesInez Eborn about 1919
JonesJames Cborn about 1901
JonesJames Lborn about 1923
JonesJessie Gborn about 1895
JonesJewel Rborn about 1914
JonesJoe Fborn about 1902
JonesLester Tborn about 1924
JonesLydia Rborn about 1932
JonesMary Dborn about 1896
JonesMary Hborn about 1929
JonesPaul Gborn about 1921
JonesRoma Leeborn about 1926
JonesRoy Iborn about 1925
JonesSam Rborn about 1896
JonesWedell Dborn about 1934
JonesWilliam Tborn about 1887
JonesZoie Tborn about 1890

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L Surnames

LacyBarbara Cborn about 1935
LacyMartha Rborn about 1918
LanceFloyd Eborn about 1914
LanceFloyd Jr born about 1933
LanceKenneth Bborn about 1935
LanceOra Maeborn about 1913
LanceVirginia Sborn about 1937
LedfordJames Rborn about 1936
LedfordJohn Hborn about 1894
LedfordOla Maeborn about 1904
LedfordTroy Jborn about 1931
LedfordVelma Leeborn about 1934
LiningstonWade Gborn about 1908
LongAlbert Hborn about 1896
LongBobby Gborn about 1933
LongCharles Bborn about 1938
LongCurts born about 1924
LongFearl Lborn about 1936
LongFrankie Lborn about 1931
LongIrby Cborn about 1915
LongJanett Aborn about 1928
LongJessie Iborn about 1916
LongJunie Lborn about 1915
LongLeonard born about 1925
LongLittie Mborn about 1922
LongMildred Sborn about 1901
LongMinnie Hborn about 1918
LongOwen Mborn about 1920
LybranDarsie Eborn about 1917
LybranHerbert Lborn about 1916

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M Surnames

MartinBeulah Cborn about 1895
MartinCalvin Gborn about 1926
MartinCarl Lborn about 1937
MartinClaude Lborn about 1928
MartinClyde Eborn about 1935
MartinJessie Eborn about 1893
MartinNaema Mborn about 1919
MartinRuby Cborn about 1923
McClendonArchie Bborn about 1916
McClendonBertha Iborn about 1916
McClendonFred Oborn about 1912
McClendonJudith Aborn about 1939
McClueyAudys Eborn about 1918
McClueyBarbar Annborn about 1936
McClueyElvia born about 1920
McClueyHenry Rborn about 1928
McClueyHenry Wborn about 1873
McClueyJames Rborn about 1892
McClueyJohnnie Gborn about 1939
McClueyMary Tborn about 1876
McClueyOra Aborn about 1915
McClueyVerna Mborn about 1892
McClueyWallace Dborn about 1915
McCollamDoris Gborn about 1936
McCollamEthel Mborn about 1904
McCollamHorace Eborn about 1900
McCollamMack Vborn about 1932
McCollamNancy Eborn about 1863
McCollamPeggy Eborn about 1929
McCrackenEmily Iborn about 1922
McCrackenGewin born about 1920
McCrackenLizzy born about 1886
McCrackenOliver Jborn about 1886
McDougalJoseph Aborn about 1878
McDougalNancy Aborn about 1884
McDougalWillis Aborn about 1922
McElroyEdra Eborn about 1908
McElroyJohn Sborn about 1931
McElroyMary Leeborn about 1929
McElroyUlysses Lborn about 1904
McElroyVel Mborn about 1927
MedowsDoris Eborn about 1937
MedowsHester Lborn about 1921
MedowsJessie Dborn about 1939
MedowsJohn Mborn about 1880
MedowsLoomis Lborn about 1915
MedowsLula Bellborn about 1924
MedowsPearl Nborn about 1880
MedowsVerlie Cborn about 1910
MicholsBernice born about 1916
MicholsDenis Wborn about 1920
MicholsElizabeth Aborn about 1867
MicholsEvelyn Rborn about 1926
MicholsFlorence Mborn about 1928
MicholsMinnie born about 1891
MicholsWalter Gborn about 1891
MillerBetty Joeborn about 1936
MillerCharles Eborn about 1939
MillerDel born about 1891
MillerFannie Eborn about 1898
MillerGrace Kborn about 1896
MillerImogene Eborn about 1927
MillerJanett born about 1939
MillerJoe Annborn about 1932
MillerJoe Bborn about 1891
MillerLamer Cborn about 1919
MillerLee born about 1925
MillerLettie Ruthborn about 1935
MillerLoyd Wborn about 1917
MillerMae Bellborn about 1918
MillerMaggie born about 1900
MillerNell born about 1921
MillerNellie Sueborn about 1930
MillerVennie Mborn about 1921
MillerVestle Bborn about 1921
MillerWarren Eborn about 1896
MinceGodfrey Sborn about 1920
MinceHazel born about 1920
MinceHobdy Hborn about 1914
MinceLonzo Dborn about 1875
MinceSarah Cborn about 1874
MinnixBarbara Aborn about 1935
MinnixBobby Geneborn about 1933
MinnixIna Aborn about 1912
MinnixJessie Wborn about 1911
MitchellArline Cborn about 1913
MitchellBeatrice Jborn about 1903
MitchellCallie Eborn about 1873
MitchellCharles Rborn about 1934
MitchellClyde Wborn about 1927
MitchellDonald Hborn about 1937
MitchellElaine Cborn about 1924
MitchellEstel Sborn about 1930
MitchellJack Tborn about 1930
MitchellJohn Eborn about 1904
MitchellJohn Hborn about 1932
MitchellLawrence Hborn about 1938
MitchellLee Royborn about 1932
MitchellLelas Wborn about 1901
MitchellLucian Jborn about 1912
MitchellMarion Bborn about 1927
MitchellMary Eborn about 1919
MitchellMaxine Sborn about 1926
MitchellMyrtle Mborn about 1895
MitchellRuben Jborn about 1914
MitchellTravis Lborn about 1923
MitchellWilliam Jborn about 1865
MooreArnold Sborn about 1917
MooreBobby Rborn about 1940
MooreJanett Iborn about 1922
MooreLouis Rborn about 1876

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O Surnames

OliverAndrew born about 1891
OliverBonnie Gborn about 1938
OliverGrady Sborn about 1905
OliverI Lborn about 1917
OliverWillie Mborn about 1918
OrrBilly Rborn about 1939
OrrDoris Lborn about 1917
OrrEffie Mborn about 1931
OrrJames Eborn about 1927
OrrLilly Gborn about 1900
OrrMentz Dborn about 1933
OrrVellie Mborn about 1895
OrrWoodie Mborn about 1929
OwenBilly Bborn about 1928
OwenDelia Vborn about 1881
OwenElbert Bborn about 1889
OwenJ Nborn about 1891
OwenJimmie Cborn about 1863
OwenJohn Oborn about 1898
OwenJulia Lborn about 1895
OwenLee Hborn about 1903
OwenLuther Wborn about 1881
OwenMary Mborn about 1935
OwenRachell Eborn about 1924
OwenWilma Jborn about 1926

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P Surnames

PaikerJoel born about 1870
PaikerJohn Mborn about 1894
PaikerMary Eborn about 1876
PaikerRuby Exborn about 1900
PhillipsAndy Yborn about 1914
PhillipsCharlsie born about 1884
PhillipsEarl Gborn about 1903
PhillipsGains born about 1921
PhillipsJessie Tborn about 1878
PhillipsMable Aborn about 1923
PhillipsMilford Eborn about 1931
PhillipsMinnie Lborn about 1851
PhillipsPearl born about 1897
PhillipsRobern Cborn about 1938
PhillipsRobern Lborn about 1938
PhillipsRoy Vborn about 1932
PhillipsSam Lborn about 1893
PhillipsVelma born about 1917
PhillipsVilma Lborn about 1906
PhillipsWayne born about 1929
PickensAllie Bborn about 1899
PickensCharles Wborn about 1922
PickensDoris Rborn about 1930
PickensFannie Fborn about 1883
PickensJames Aborn about 1927
PickensMarcell Zborn about 1923
PickensMargrette Lborn about 1925
PickensMary Jborn about 1936
PickensRoss Gborn about 1900
PowellA Cborn about 1933
PowellHoyt Eborn about 1923
PowellJohn Rborn about 1931
PowellLaura Dborn about 1901
PowellLorine Aborn about 1929
PowellMark Mborn about 1899
PowellMark M Jrborn about 1936
PowellOrdray Rborn about 1922
PowellRoy Wborn about 1927
PowellVertie Lborn about 1925

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R Surnames

ReeverJewell Bborn about 1918
ReeverMable Aborn about 1928
ReeverMelvin Oborn about 1889
ReeverPiccela born about 1891
ReeverRuby born about 1921
ReevesElena Bborn about 1915
ReevesLester Cborn about 1912
ReevesMary Pborn about 1871
ReevesMelvin Dborn about 1937
ReevesMelvin Jborn about 1906
ReevesNancy Lborn about 1870
ReevesPatsy Nborn about 1933
RicheyClevice born about 1918
RicheyEmma Mborn about 1876
RicheyFranklin Dborn about 1939
RicheyGreen Bborn about 1878
RicheyHue Lborn about 1923
RicheyL S Jrborn about 1915
RicheyMary Kateborn about 1926
RidgwayIda Eborn about 1904
RidgwayJames Dborn about 1902
RidgwayJames Hborn about 1926
RooksErvil Lborn about 1923
RooksFrank Hborn about 1896
RooksHoward Lborn about 1920
RooksKathleen Gborn about 1928
RooksMarshel Eborn about 1925
RooksMyrtle Lborn about 1899

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S Surnames

SeymourFannie Bborn about 1887
SeymourGeorge Hborn about 1922
SeymourWilliam Mborn about 1879
SharptonBarnard Cborn about 1931
SharptonElsie Eborn about 1906
SharptonFrank Sborn about 1896
SharptonFrankie Rborn about 1935
ShortBilly Oborn about 1931
ShortClara Wborn about 1929
ShortEdward Sborn about 1901
ShortHarlford Aborn about 1917
ShortHetty Leeborn about 1916
ShortJackie Vborn about 1938
ShortJinnie Dborn about 1936
ShortJoe Annborn about 1939
ShortLeon Oborn about 1922
ShortMargrette Mborn about 1924
ShortOlen Eborn about 1926
ShortOpal Iborn about 1940
ShortPearl Mborn about 1898
SimpsonAudrey Cborn about 1933
SimpsonBeulah Jborn about 1897
SimpsonBilly Jborn about 1936
SimpsonEthel Jborn about 1931
SimpsonGowen Gborn about 1928
SimpsonHerbert Rborn about 1919
SimpsonJohn Jborn about 1924
SimpsonKathleen Pborn about 1921
SimpsonOdell Rborn about 1925
SimpsonRobert Pborn about 1890
SimpsonWillie born about 1925
SlatonBobby Rborn about 1935
SlatonMaggie Mborn about 1883
SlatonVirgle born about 1920
SlatonWilliam Lborn about 1876
SmalleySamethy Eborn about 1867
SmithBurns Lborn about 1900
SmithCharles Rborn about 1927
SmithCoolidge born about 1925
SmithDoris Aborn about 1928
SmithGaynell Eborn about 1933
SmithGrace born about 1931
SmithJewel Gborn about 1908
SmithLoise born about 1901
SmithLona Lborn about 1900
SmithMarrie Lborn about 1923
SmithMary Lborn about 1933
SmithMaurine Lborn about 1922
SmithSarah Rborn about 1929
SmithWanda Fborn about 1939
SmithWilliam Gborn about 1897
SmithWillis Cborn about 1898
SmithWillis C Jrborn about 1927
StephensWilbar born about 1916
StewartBessie Mborn about 1934
StewartJewell born about 1928
StewartThomas Kborn about 1931
StewartWallace Hborn about 1925
StewartWilliam Hborn about 1926

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T Surnames

TedderEliza Jborn about 1891
TedderEudell Eborn about 1927
TedderR Bborn about 1895
TedderVermon Eborn about 1925
TedderWillma Euniceborn about 1922
TennerAvis Lborn about 1875
TennerEdna born about 1912
TennerRobert Eborn about 1908
TennerWilliam Aborn about 1940
TennerWilliam Jborn about 1870
ThompsonArland born about 1918
ThompsonBertha Mborn about 1917
ThompsonBobby Eborn about 1938
ThompsonCecil born about 1923
ThompsonClaud born about 1926
ThompsonElosie born about 1939
ThompsonHerbert Eborn about 1910
ThompsonJ Bborn about 1921
ThompsonJames Cborn about 1933
ThompsonJessie Eborn about 1912
ThompsonLeon born about 1936
ThompsonMable Lborn about 1916
ThompsonMae Nellborn about 1932
ThompsonMattie born about 1889
ThompsonRobert born about 1929
ThompsonWilliam Jborn about 1888
TraylorAllice Eborn about 1885
TraylorBertha Mborn about 1923
TraylorClarence born about 1925
TraylorClinton born about 1923
TraylorExell born about 1924
TraylorGaines Lborn about 1926
TraylorGeorge born about 1928
TraylorJ Gborn about 1937
TraylorMorris Eborn about 1928
TraylorSherley Mborn about 1938
TraylorThurston Sborn about 1917
TraylorTilda born about 1897
TraylorVera Mborn about 1917
TraylorVolley Wborn about 1892
TraylorWilliam Dborn about 1875
TraylorWillis Sborn about 1916

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V Surnames

VaughnBetty Sueborn about 1937
VaughnBilly Wborn about 1930
VaughnBobby Rborn about 1939
VaughnDaniel Lborn about 1870
VaughnElsie Nborn about 1908
VaughnGrady Wborn about 1901
VaughnHazel Tborn about 1924
VaughnHerbert Cborn about 1939
VaughnIda Nellborn about 1936
VaughnJ Wborn about 1928
VaughnJohn Bborn about 1905
VaughnLester Rborn about 1898
VaughnMary Cborn about 1874
VaughnMary Eborn about 1937
VaughnMaxie Rborn about 1933
VaughnOmilie born about 1934
VaughnQueenie Vborn about 1905
VaughnRanell Tborn about 1922
VaughnRossie born about 1914

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W Surnames

WadeIndiana Eborn about 1876
WadeThomas Lborn about 1880
WallsEster Pborn about 1894
WallsOtha Tborn about 1918
WallsWilliam Jborn about 1891
WardBobby Sborn about 1933
WardHenry Gborn about 1923
WardMyrtle Mborn about 1904
WebuntWillie Tborn about 1911
WestmorlandAda Aborn about 1913
WestmorlandCurtis Wborn about 1921
WestmorlandEdward Leeborn about 1936
WestmorlandGeorge Lborn about 1911
WestmorlandHellen Pborn about 1929
WestmorlandHenry Lborn about 1882
WestmorlandHowel Lborn about 1918
WestmorlandMartha Sborn about 1933
WestmorlandMary born about 1906
WestmorlandMildred Vborn about 1926
WestmorlandRex Hborn about 1938
WestmorlandRomena Eborn about 1915
WestmorlandSarah Vborn about 1881
WestmorlandVera Vborn about 1915
WestmorlandWillie Cborn about 1910
WestmorlandWillie C Jrborn about 1937
WhiteMary Nellborn about 1936
WhiteMelley Tborn about 1938
WhiteOra born about 1906
WhiteReece Aborn about 1901
WhiteWindell Cborn about 1926
WhitfieldAaron Jborn about 1917
WhitfieldEarl Hborn about 1894
WhitfieldGrace Dborn about 1922
WhitfieldMae Jborn about 1898
WhitfieldRoy born about 1929
WhitfieldTroy born about 1929
WhitfieldVernon Eborn about 1926
WigleyJoe born about 1882
WilkersonCarl born about 1918
WilkersonJohn Dborn about 1890
WilkersonLentad born about 1934
WilkersonMargie Aborn about 1938
WilkersonMary Aborn about 1864
WilkersonMildred Dborn about 1919
WilkersonPauline born about 1905
WilkieMariah born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanceyAlma Aborn about 1928
YanceyBertie born about 1893
YanceyChester Wborn about 1922
YanceyFloyd Bborn about 1931
YanceyJohn Lborn about 1924
YanceyLennie Mborn about 1895
YanceyLoyd Hborn about 1926
YanceyOpal Cborn about 1934
YanceySamuel Dborn about 1895
YanceySamuel D Jrborn about 1920
YanceyThomas Lborn about 1892
YanceyWillie Lborn about 1895
YaterAlbert Gborn about 1876
YatesAvery Mborn about 1916
YatesHazel Lborn about 1932
YatesW Cborn about 1935
YatesWronmira Mborn about 1910
YoungJewline born about 1938
YoungMackie Fayborn about 1935
YoungNellie Eborn about 1916
YoungSyble Rborn about 1940
YoungWilliam Tborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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