1940 U.S. Federal Census of Nixburg, Coosa, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Coosa County > 1940 Census of Nixburg

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCharles born about 1930
AdamsEarline born about 1914
AdamsEarly born about 1910
AdamsEarly Jr born about 1939
AdamsEldred born about 1935
AdamsElnora born about 1926
AdamsEvelyn born about 1916
AdamsJohn Nborn about 1930
AdamsLeslie Lborn about 1891
AdamsMary born about 1905
AdamsMary Nborn about 1930
AdamsOpal born about 1905
AdamsP Eborn about 1898
AdamsPreston born about 1895
AdamsRaymond born about 1939
AdamsSara born about 1933
AdamsVera born about 1893
AdamsWinfred born about 1928
AldridgeInez born about 1929
AlexanderHenry Cborn about 1918
AlexanderMarshall born about 1914
AllenFreddie Joeborn about 1937
AllenGeorge born about 1893
AllenGeorge Jborn about 1929
AllenIda born about 1911
AllenLuther born about 1933
AllenMarie born about 1931
AllenMavis born about 1935
AndersonAra Belleborn about 1901
AndersonCharlie born about 1885
AndersonFelix born about 1907
AndersonIra born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BanksJoy Eborn about 1916
BartonRoss born about 1880
BellBessie born about 1939
BellBoozer born about 1911
BellLavern born about 1920
BellSara born about 1918
BelyenElbert Earlborn about 1939
BelyenHattie Maeborn about 1925
BelyenJames Fborn about 1935
BelyenLena Maeborn about 1914
BelyenLucille born about 1922
BelyenOllie born about 1920
BelyenTim born about 1890
BensonCarrie born about 1873
BensonWesley born about 1917
BlueAnnie born about 1875
BlueBessie born about 1913
BlueBessie Maeborn about 1927
BlueCarrie Dborn about 1935
BlueChester born about 1936
BlueEllen born about 1868
BlueFrances born about 1935
BlueGeorge born about 1939
BlueGrady born about 1937
BlueJames born about 1933
BlueJohn born about 1897
BlueJohn Jr born about 1931
BlueLawrence born about 1911
BlueLevern born about 1931
BlueLinnie born about 1907
BlueMack born about 1905
BlueMary Sborn about 1906
BlueMaxie Bellborn about 1928
BluePaul born about 1939
BlueRance born about 1870
BlueRance born about 1931
BlueThurston born about 1933
BlueWillie Masonborn about 1930
BrantleyWill born about 1899
BridgemanObie born about 1920
BrownAdell born about 1933
BrownAubrey born about 1905
BrownAubrey Maeborn about 1927
BrownBillie born about 1935
BrownDollie born about 1909
BrownEdward born about 1939
BrownFrank born about 1871
BrownHixie Leeborn about 1933
BrownLena born about 1894
BrownMadell born about 1933
BrownMary Deanborn about 1931
BrownOphelia born about 1892
BrownW Aborn about 1891
BrownW Rborn about 1903
BucknerAnnie Leeborn about 1905
BucknerDan born about 1937
BucknerHelen born about 1928
BucknerHenry born about 1900
BucknerHenry Jr born about 1930
BucknerJessie Leeborn about 1926
BucknerLeon born about 1929
BucknerLorine born about 1938
BucknerLucile born about 1939
BucknerOtis born about 1910
BucknerSara born about 1911

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C Surnames

CaffieBessie born about 1906
CaffieJ Dborn about 1894
CaffieJames born about 1923
CaffieJessie Lborn about 1933
CaffieJohnny born about 1925
CakesIsaac born about 1901
ClarkLee born about 1897
ClarkLola Belleborn about 1900
ClarkWallace born about 1921
ClevelandAlex born about 1863
ClevelandAlex born about 1937
ClevelandAnnie Belleborn about 1913
ClevelandCharlotte born about 1872
ClevelandJames born about 1930
ClevelandLewis born about 1939
ClevelandOtis born about 1908
ClevelandOtis Jr born about 1933
ClevelandPaul born about 1936
ColemanEdward born about 1917
ColemanJohnny Leeborn about 1940
ColemanJohnny Maeborn about 1921
ColemanRufus born about 1939
ConnerArdella born about 1889
ConnerHomer born about 1927
ConnerInez born about 1929
ConnerJames born about 1920
ConnerWill Cborn about 1877
CowlinLewis born about 1892
CowlinMary Idaborn about 1903
CrawfordAnnie born about 1876
CrawfordAnnie Ruthborn about 1927
CrawfordBernice born about 1929
CrawfordBessie Loveborn about 1923
CrawfordBonnie Cborn about 1935
CrawfordDan Sborn about 1878
CrawfordDan S Jrborn about 1919
CrawfordEdwin born about 1929
CrawfordErnest born about 1932
CrawfordEsque born about 1921
CrawfordGarrett born about 1888
CrawfordHenry born about 1924
CrawfordHester Maeborn about 1931
CrawfordJ Bborn about 1933
CrawfordJ Wborn about 1928
CrawfordJames born about 1926
CrawfordJerry Mborn about 1937
CrawfordJohn born about 1933
CrawfordJohn Aborn about 1923
CrawfordJohn Ocieborn about 1908
CrawfordJohnny Maeborn about 1939
CrawfordJoseph born about 1894
CrawfordKaty Maeborn about 1939
CrawfordL Cborn about 1925
CrawfordLaurence born about 1934
CrawfordLewis born about 1896
CrawfordLouise born about 1935
CrawfordLulu Bborn about 1898
CrawfordMary born about 1901
CrawfordMary Annborn about 1933
CrawfordMary Eborn about 1895
CrawfordMary Tborn about 1897
CrawfordMinnie Belleborn about 1908
CrawfordMozelle born about 1901
CrawfordNorman born about 1924
CrawfordRuby born about 1925
CrawfordS Aborn about 1924
CrawfordSaleta Maeborn about 1936
CrawfordSara born about 1933
CrawfordWill Hborn about 1887
CrumptonArthur born about 1934
CrumptonBessie born about 1934
CrumptonChester born about 1905
CrumptonDoris Annborn about 1940
CrumptonElizabeth born about 1928
CrumptonLeola born about 1906
CrumptonLula Merleborn about 1935
CrumptonMorris born about 1927
CulpepperBernice born about 1910
CulpepperJohn born about 1908

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D Surnames

DannerDennard Rborn about 1897
DannerJ Dborn about 1920
DannerJohn Eborn about 1921
DannerLois born about 1901
DavisB Johnborn about 1926
DavisEssie Oborn about 1913
DavisGolden born about 1922
DavisIda born about 1904
DavisIda Belleborn about 1935
DavisJohn Lborn about 1939
DavisJuanita born about 1939
DavisL born about 1891
DavisL D Jrborn about 1933
DavisMae born about 1931
DavisRommie born about 1911
DavisSusie born about 1922
DejurnettAddie Leeborn about 1926
DejurnettClemmie born about 1906
DejurnettEdna Maeborn about 1911
DejurnettWillie born about 1900
DejurnettWinnie Maeborn about 1929
DolwaBilly born about 1937
DolwaEula born about 1912
DolwaJames born about 1936
DolwaJunior born about 1928
DolwaRuby born about 1931
DonnanAlvin born about 1937
DonnanBelle born about 1930
DonnanJ Cborn about 1934
DonnanJames born about 1935
DonnanJoe born about 1905
DonnanJoe Lewisborn about 1939
DonnanJohn Wborn about 1928
DonnanJulie born about 1906
DonnanOtis born about 1932
DonnanW Zborn about 1925
DrakeChristine born about 1936
DrakeEscell born about 1934
DrakeJohn born about 1904
DrakeKell born about 1906
DrakeL Dborn about 1926
DrakeLilly Belleborn about 1930
DrakePerlillia born about 1906
DrakeShack born about 1938
DrakeTexas born about 1889
DrakeThernovle born about 1929
DuckettDaisy born about 1916
DuckettLonza born about 1910
DurdenHaywood born about 1905
DurdenJames born about 1937
DurdenJohnny Cborn about 1931
DurdenMathenie born about 1879
DurdenMerrell born about 1907
DurdenRobbie Nellborn about 1934
DurdenTommie Frankborn about 1940

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E Surnames

EdwardsAnnie Belleborn about 1930
EdwardsAnnie Leeborn about 1924
EdwardsAnnie Louborn about 1921
EdwardsArtis born about 1893
EdwardsArtis Jborn about 1922
EdwardsBessie Aborn about 1939
EdwardsBessie Maeborn about 1911
EdwardsCaroline born about 1880
EdwardsD Lborn about 1909
EdwardsE Lborn about 1919
EdwardsElla born about 1873
EdwardsFrank born about 1926
EdwardsGeorge born about 1927
EdwardsGladys born about 1929
EdwardsHezekiah born about 1904
EdwardsJames born about 1936
EdwardsJames Eborn about 1938
EdwardsJames Rborn about 1936
EdwardsJohn born about 1917
EdwardsJohn Alexborn about 1931
EdwardsJohn Willieborn about 1926
EdwardsLillie Belleborn about 1934
EdwardsLola Maeborn about 1923
EdwardsLora born about 1895
EdwardsLora Maeborn about 1937
EdwardsLucindy born about 1919
EdwardsMamie born about 1892
EdwardsMary Emmaborn about 1919
EdwardsMary Leeborn about 1921
EdwardsMary Louborn about 1940
EdwardsMary Loveborn about 1928
EdwardsMattie born about 1921
EdwardsNed born about 1869
EdwardsSam born about 1896
EdwardsSylvester born about 1912
EdwardsViska born about 1898
EllisAmanda born about 1864
EstesArthur born about 1911
EstesLessie born about 1911
EvansAnnie Billeborn about 1885
EvansJ Henryborn about 1880
EvansJames born about 1922

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F Surnames

FlowersBrady born about 1926
FlowersEddie born about 1925
FlowersEtta born about 1904
FlowersLedelle born about 1926
FlowersR Cborn about 1898
FlowersSherman born about 1905
FlowersWillie Bborn about 1931
FlowersWinnie born about 1875
FloydJessie Leeborn about 1926
FombyAnnie born about 1925
FombyBetty Annborn about 1939
FombyBillie born about 1930
FombyChristine born about 1922
FombyIrene born about 1933
FombyLucy born about 1886
FombyMae born about 1920
FombyNadine born about 1924
FombyRpeston born about 1914
FombyW Oborn about 1886
ForbusA Eborn about 1883
ForbusArthur born about 1914
ForbusEthel born about 1894
ForbusL Mborn about 1921
ForbusLoanie born about 1887
ForbusLuverne born about 1909
ForbusMaudie born about 1891
ForbusMozelle born about 1923
ForbusMyra Dborn about 1934
ForbusRobbie Joyceborn about 1930
ForbusRuby Leeborn about 1939
ForbusSildon born about 1925
ForbusValeria born about 1927
ForbusWalter born about 1937
ForbusWayne born about 1935

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G Surnames

GanttMary Leslaborn about 1890
GanttWatler Dborn about 1882
GillilandAnnie Louborn about 1892
GillilandClark born about 1928
GillilandDoris born about 1922
GillilandLucille born about 1925
GillilandMack Haynieborn about 1919
GillilandMartha born about 1932
GillilandMary born about 1932
GillilandPark born about 1928
GillilandR Cborn about 1888
GillilandT Jborn about 1914
GillispieEsther born about 1916
GillispieJames born about 1886
GillispieJane Odelleborn about 1940
GillispieMargie born about 1886
GillispieMcelroy born about 1938
GillispieOtis born about 1908
GillispieStinnie born about 1920
GillispieThelma born about 1917
GirdnerAnnie born about 1911
GirdnerElizabeth born about 1878
GirdnerEstelle born about 1909
GirdnerLoraine born about 1922
GirdnerT Jborn about 1874
GirdnerThomas born about 1919
GlasperAda born about 1929
GlasperDavid born about 1933
GlasperEllen Mborn about 1939
GlasperErnestine born about 1925
GlasperIra Mborn about 1932
GlasperLuverne born about 1931
GlasperMccamas born about 1905
GlasperPhenie Loisborn about 1936
GlasperVirta born about 1906
GlasperWillie Deanborn about 1927
GoggansAdie born about 1936
GoggansAnnie born about 1895
GoggansAnnie Bborn about 1935
GoggansAnnie Maeborn about 1912
GoggansArchie Lborn about 1939
GoggansAuburn born about 1934
GoggansBeatrice born about 1910
GoggansBonnie Dborn about 1932
GoggansCelie Maeborn about 1934
GoggansCharles Lewisborn about 1939
GoggansChester born about 1900
GoggansChristine born about 1939
GoggansClifford born about 1936
GoggansDixon born about 1878
GoggansEllen born about 1900
GoggansEllen Vborn about 1930
GoggansFannie Maeborn about 1928
GoggansIra born about 1905
GoggansIra Lewisborn about 1937
GoggansIra Jr born about 1935
GoggansIrvin born about 1921
GoggansJames born about 1938
GoggansLewis born about 1921
GoggansLovedie born about 1907
GoggansLucinda born about 1895
GoggansLurline born about 1928
GoggansM Sborn about 1930
GoggansMary born about 1883
GoggansMary Emmaborn about 1918
GoggansMary Loudellaborn about 1934
GoggansMaybelle born about 1920
GoggansMoses born about 1906
GoggansOdille born about 1924
GoggansOscar Lborn about 1932
GoggansOtis born about 1908
GoggansOtis Jr born about 1937
GoggansRoland born about 1879
GoggansRosa Leeborn about 1928
GoggansShelly born about 1895
GoggansTommie born about 1898
GoggansTommie Jborn about 1926
GoldenBeatrice born about 1910
GoldenDavid born about 1920
GoldenMckinley born about 1901
GoldenWillie born about 1927
GoldsbyMary Eborn about 1918
GolsonAngeline born about 1895

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H Surnames

HaganBertha born about 1890
HaganCharles Lborn about 1936
HaganFred born about 1908
HaganGeorge born about 1878
HaganJames Morrisborn about 1935
HaganKatie Belleborn about 1914
HaganLois Onellborn about 1932
HaganThelma born about 1939
HallAlice born about 1932
HallAlto Lewisborn about 1938
HallAnnie born about 1905
HallDouglas born about 1938
HallEmma born about 1935
HallEsther born about 1927
HallJennie born about 1912
HallJohn born about 1909
HallJohn Bellborn about 1925
HallJohn Hborn about 1936
HallJohn Westborn about 1893
HallLessie born about 1932
HallM Eborn about 1933
HallMcclendon born about 1929
HallNannie born about 1876
HallRobert born about 1917
HallTyree born about 1930
HallWess born about 1875
HammondChester born about 1919
HarralBen born about 1923
HarralElizabeth born about 1898
HarralEmma born about 1918
HarralJames Henryborn about 1921
HarralLe Roy born about 1927
HarralLo Hazelborn about 1932
HarralLonnie born about 1931
HarralMary Lizzieborn about 1930
HarralRosa Leeborn about 1919
HarralWillie born about 1925
HarralYork born about 1895
HarrisCommie born about 1920
HarrisGeorgia Bborn about 1929
HarrisHarvey born about 1930
HarrisJoe born about 1909
HarrisJohn Wborn about 1935
HarrisLurline born about 1937
HarrisMaybell born about 1900
HarrisPearl born about 1939
HarrisRessie born about 1912
HarrisWillie Bborn about 1923
HarrisZellus born about 1899
HarrisZellus Jr born about 1927
HillAnnie Ruthborn about 1933
HillArtie Mborn about 1895
HillEsther Leeborn about 1916
HillGaddis born about 1910
HillGeorge Masonborn about 1939
HillI Zeoraborn about 1878
HillIzora born about 1934
HillJoe born about 1917
HillJohnny Rossborn about 1937
HillLessie Mborn about 1935
HillLuther born about 1891
HillLuther Jr born about 1930
HillMary Eborn about 1922
HillOllie Louborn about 1934
HillOxie born about 1915
HillPreston born about 1932
HillQueen born about 1912
HillR Cborn about 1920
HillRobert born about 1939
HillWarrick born about 1871
HogansBerry born about 1894
HogansBerry Jr born about 1939
HogansLucy born about 1906
HogansMary Jeanborn about 1937
HolleyAlbert born about 1887
HolleyAustin born about 1932
HolleyBoss born about 1884
HolleyDella born about 1888
HolleyEmma Ruthborn about 1928
HolleyGrover born about 1922
HolleyLouise born about 1930
HolleyLuther born about 1929
HolleyMae born about 1889
HolleyMamie born about 1930
HolleyMollie born about 1863
HolleyW Aborn about 1856
HopeBunk born about 1894
HopeCharles Rborn about 1919
HopeDouglas born about 1928
HopeIcie Belleborn about 1898
HopeJ Cborn about 1930
HopeJames born about 1920
HopeWilliam Rborn about 1932
HortonFannie born about 1861

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J Surnames

JacksonChester born about 1934
JacksonEra Maeborn about 1929
JacksonL Mborn about 1938
JacksonLes Rborn about 1902
JacksonLes Jr born about 1926
JacksonMilton born about 1932
JacksonRosa Leeborn about 1935
JacksonViola born about 1910
JohnsonAlin born about 1919
JohnsonBobadilla born about 1878
JohnsonBobadilla born about 1914
JohnsonCarolyn born about 1926
JohnsonE Eborn about 1875
JohnsonEvan born about 1923
JohnsonFlorence born about 1876
JohnsonGeorgia born about 1928
JohnsonGladys born about 1924
JohnsonIsaac born about 1917
JohnsonJames born about 1925
JohnsonJohn Willisborn about 1918
JohnsonNathan born about 1885
JohnsonVenie born about 1890
JohnsonW Oborn about 1870
JohnstonDera born about 1887
JohnstonL Lborn about 1885
JohsonFrank born about 1877
JohsonLena born about 1880
JonesAnnie Maeborn about 1923
JonesCharlie born about 1936
JonesDorothy born about 1932
JonesEva born about 1900
JonesF Mborn about 1930
JonesHilda Maeborn about 1939
JonesJohn Tborn about 1884
JonesLula Belleborn about 1934
JonesMarshal born about 1900
JonesMary Ednaborn about 1923
JonesPreston born about 1916
JonesSamuel born about 1928
JonesSusan born about 1878

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K Surnames

KeithTempie born about 1868
KellyMary born about 1855
KendrickAbbie born about 1926
KendrickAvis born about 1926
KendrickCurtis born about 1932
KendrickFannie born about 1878
KendrickHarvey born about 1929
KendrickJ Dborn about 1924
KendrickJ Hborn about 1880
KendrickKadel born about 1927
KendrickLuthenie born about 1934
KendrickMadel born about 1927
KennedyEmons born about 1902
KennedyGeorge Pborn about 1929
KennedyJames born about 1934
KennedyLula Marieborn about 1937
KennedyMary Susanborn about 1935
KennedyMelvin born about 1932
KennedyMirian born about 1910
KennedyWillie Loisborn about 1930
KnightCatherine Loisborn about 1934
KnightClaudine born about 1937
KnightElgie born about 1932
KnightEmma Jborn about 1930
KnightEveline born about 1910
KnightFrances born about 1928
KnightJack born about 1902
KnightJames born about 1935
KnightLeanna Maeborn about 1927
KnightSara Joeborn about 1940
KnightWillie Jborn about 1938

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L Surnames

LanierClem Cborn about 1912
LauderdaleA Dborn about 1922
LauderdaleCebon born about 1930
LauderdaleCliff born about 1926
LauderdaleElmore born about 1934
LauderdaleJohn Robertborn about 1936
LauderdaleSusie Maeborn about 1932
LeonardAlberta born about 1907
LeonardAlberta born about 1910
LeonardAlberta born about 1915
LeonardAnnie born about 1924
LeonardAnnie Pearlborn about 1937
LeonardBessie Mborn about 1934
LeonardCecil born about 1915
LeonardClara Maeborn about 1925
LeonardClarence born about 1883
LeonardDavid born about 1935
LeonardEd born about 1873
LeonardFannie Mmaeborn about 1934
LeonardGeneva born about 1931
LeonardGusta born about 1912
LeonardHelen born about 1926
LeonardJim born about 1911
LeonardJim Jr born about 1933
LeonardJohnny born about 1924
LeonardLefredge born about 1927
LeonardLillie Bethborn about 1939
LeonardLoudella born about 1928
LeonardLouella born about 1928
LeonardLouise born about 1929
LeonardLouvera born about 1934
LeonardMollie born about 1878
LeonardO Dborn about 1934
LeonardPecolia born about 1893
LeonardPete born about 1904
LeonardRoosevelt born about 1905
LeonardRoosevelt Jr born about 1936
LeonardSara Maeborn about 1940
LeonardVanzer born about 1908
LoggansBoy born about 1905
LoggansLillie Maeborn about 1915

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M Surnames

MarburyAmmos born about 1932
MarburyArthur Jborn about 1900
MarburyArthur Jeanborn about 1932
MarburyBessie born about 1925
MarburyDora born about 1923
MarburyEssie Maeborn about 1924
MarburyGeorge Dborn about 1926
MarburyJenkins born about 1874
MarburyJerry born about 1936
MarburyJohnny born about 1930
MarburyL Mborn about 1926
MarburyLucinda born about 1922
MarburyLucy Annborn about 1890
MarburyMary Aliceborn about 1928
MarburyPrescilla born about 1929
MarburySulie born about 1900
MarburyT Jborn about 1921
MartinAdelle born about 1901
MartinCharlie born about 1880
MartinCurtis born about 1935
MartinEra Leborn about 1930
MartinEssic born about 1910
MartinHomer born about 1922
MartinJessie Bborn about 1931
MartinKatrine born about 1913
MartinLauretta born about 1931
MartinLena born about 1917
MartinLevert born about 1933
MartinOliver Wborn about 1929
MartinParalee born about 1884
MartinRobert born about 1928
MartinSamuel born about 1926
MartinThomas born about 1886
MaxwellLes born about 1902
MaxwellPinkie born about 1901
MaxwellSilas born about 1923
McCarleyBertha born about 1900
McCarleyClarence born about 1894
McCorkleMinnie Cborn about 1912
McHargueAntrice born about 1936
McHargueEnid born about 1912
McHargueLawrence born about 1931
McHargueLewis born about 1908
McKenzieMack born about 1880
McKinneyAnnie Leeborn about 1911
McKinneyCamilla born about 1886
McKinneyCarey born about 1919
McKinneyEloise born about 1932
McKinneyHenry Hborn about 1931
McKinneyJim born about 1883
McKinneyJohn Kellyborn about 1921
McKinneyJohnson Wborn about 1927
McKinneyLee Troyborn about 1936
McKinneyMary Louiseborn about 1928
McKinneyParker born about 1906
McKinneyRobbie Dborn about 1939
McKinneyRobert born about 1924
McKinneyRobert Leeborn about 1929
McKinneyVerla Maeborn about 1934
McKinneyWinston born about 1926
McKinneyZell born about 1922
McKinnyBetty Jeanborn about 1937
McKinnyGladys born about 1939
McKinnyJames born about 1916
McKinnyLucille born about 1921
MeltonRoberta born about 1918
MilamDoshie born about 1888
MilamLawson born about 1926
MilamLuvenia born about 1916
MilamLuvenia born about 1923
MilamOlin born about 1918
MilamR Bborn about 1893
MitchellAndrew born about 1924
MitchellAnnie Ruthborn about 1925
MitchellAustin born about 1875
MitchellBessie born about 1930
MitchellCaroline born about 1892
MitchellClarence born about 1933
MitchellCleaster born about 1939
MitchellElizabeth born about 1922
MitchellElizabeth born about 1933
MitchellEmma Louborn about 1931
MitchellFranklin born about 1937
MitchellGeorge born about 1877
MitchellJames born about 1929
MitchellJames born about 1932
MitchellJohn Henceborn about 1928
MitchellJohnny born about 1932
MitchellLeon born about 1923
MitchellLeonard born about 1880
MitchellLeroy born about 1929
MitchellLovie born about 1885
MitchellMary born about 1879
MitchellMary born about 1922
MitchellMary born about 1930
MitchellMary Nellborn about 1932
MitchellMcdonald born about 1923
MitchellMerle born about 1912
MitchellMickey born about 1923
MitchellNetta born about 1909
MitchellPaul Lborn about 1922
MitchellRoosevelt born about 1930
MitchellSmith born about 1904
MitchellSmith born about 1927
MitchellT Jborn about 1920
MitchellWillard born about 1926
MitchellWilliam Tborn about 1919
MooreBill Allenborn about 1908
MooreCharles Wborn about 1934
MooreDon Brentonborn about 1930
MooreEstella born about 1888
MooreEstella born about 1912
MooreGlendia born about 1927
MooreJames born about 1926
MooreJanie born about 1921
MooreL Mborn about 1920
MooreLula Maeborn about 1910
MooreM Aborn about 1878
MooreMary Allenborn about 1936
MooreMary Lizaborn about 1889
MooreMyrtis born about 1925
MoorePamp born about 1909
MooreR Cborn about 1880
MooreR Cborn about 1922
MooreVirginia born about 1934
MooreWillie born about 1918
MorrisonWill Rborn about 1893
MorrisonWillie Maeborn about 1894
MoseleyAnnie Rubyborn about 1930
MoseleyBetty born about 1925
MoseleyMaggie born about 1895
MoseleyMarvin born about 1923
MoseleyMildred born about 1928
MoseleyNevuy Mborn about 1888
MurphyAdolphus born about 1932
MurphyAlex born about 1921
MurphyBessie born about 1927
MurphyLewis born about 1900
MurphyMaggie born about 1902
MurphyRobert born about 1921

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N Surnames

NeighborsH Cborn about 1904
NeighborsIla born about 1916
NeighborsJohn born about 1929
NeighborsLillie born about 1867
NeighborsWatson born about 1927
NewberryAnne Maeborn about 1929
NewberryJames born about 1934
NewberryJewel born about 1909
NewberryOtha born about 1897
NewellCarrie born about 1876
NewellWilton born about 1904
NewmanJohn Mborn about 1880
NewmanMarshall born about 1924
NewmanMinnie born about 1879
NewmanPauline born about 1921
NewmanRiley born about 1918
NolenA Jborn about 1908
NolenJames Aborn about 1926
NolenLilla born about 1881
NolenTavie born about 1901

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O Surnames

OliverJimmy Leeborn about 1923

P Surnames

ParkerAbraham born about 1928
ParkerAlfonsa born about 1939
ParkerAnthony born about 1908
ParkerAugusta born about 1905
ParkerChristine born about 1936
ParkerColumbus born about 1936
ParkerEthelyn born about 1931
ParkerLeslie born about 1929
ParkerLorene born about 1930
ParkerLucille born about 1912
ParkerLucinda born about 1908
ParkerMary born about 1932
ParkerMildred born about 1919
ParkerMozelle Cborn about 1873
ParkerOllis born about 1898
ParkerP Jborn about 1896
ParkerRobert born about 1935
ParkerRoy born about 1911
ParkerWillie Zborn about 1935
ParkerWoodroe born about 1939
PattersonEdmond born about 1886
PattersonEmma born about 1883
PattersonHelen born about 1918
PattersonHerndon born about 1924
PattersonMathel born about 1920
PeppersAlice born about 1922
PeppersChristine born about 1927
PeppersDella born about 1884
PeppersHomer born about 1887
PeppersJoyce born about 1937
PeppersLlewellyn born about 1906
PeppersMarlin born about 1934
PeppersMary Belleborn about 1908
PeppersMelvin born about 1935
PerkinsFrances Hborn about 1854
PerkinsMattie born about 1888
PerkinsRichard Sborn about 1888
PikeD Pborn about 1891
PikeGloria born about 1926
PikeHelen born about 1922
PikeJames Dborn about 1938
PikeJohn Archieborn about 1919
PikeSallie born about 1898
PikeWalter born about 1916
PikeWilmer born about 1932
PopeBessie Cborn about 1923
PopeT Jborn about 1911
PowellAdie born about 1884
PowellAdie Jr born about 1928
PowellAlma born about 1924
PowellCorra born about 1920
PowellIda Maeborn about 1919
PowellLedelle born about 1926
PowellOtis born about 1914
PowellPalillia born about 1895
PowellPearline born about 1922
PowellWalter born about 1932

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R Surnames

RembertRichard born about 1912
RigginsAbe born about 1919
RittenhouseArdine born about 1932
RittenhouseDorothy born about 1928
RittenhouseEarly born about 1938
RittenhouseElizabeth born about 1926
RittenhouseJames born about 1930
RittenhouseLeila Bborn about 1902
RittenhouseLen born about 1882
RittenhouseMavis born about 1925
RittenhouseYvonne born about 1940
RobinsonAlbert born about 1938
RobinsonBob Hborn about 1919
RobinsonHenry born about 1926
RobinsonLayburn born about 1921
RobinsonLizzie born about 1929
RobinsonMargaret born about 1939
RobinsonMarion born about 1923
RobinsonMaud born about 1909
RobinsonMaudie Vborn about 1923
RobinsonPauline born about 1931
RobinsonRedner born about 1907
RobinsonVay born about 1939
RobinsonW Fborn about 1939
RoyalIda Maeborn about 1932
RoyalJessie Louborn about 1939
RoyalLloyd born about 1929
RoyalMyra Priceborn about 1910
RoyalPhyllis born about 1864
RoyalSara Eborn about 1934
RoyalVerta Maeborn about 1930
RoyalWashington born about 1906
RoyalWilliam Rborn about 1937
RoyalWillie Maeborn about 1910
RusselE Tborn about 1912
RusselIda Maeborn about 1934
RusselPaul born about 1890
RusselThurmus born about 1929
RusselVessie Mborn about 1932
RusselWillie born about 1924
RussellAnnie Rborn about 1930
RussellArchie Dborn about 1907
RussellCelista born about 1935
RussellHettie Cborn about 1933
RussellJathan born about 1929
RussellJona born about 1938
RussellLuther born about 1931
RussellMossie born about 1915
RussellOnell born about 1925
RussellOtis born about 1892
RussellSadie Maeborn about 1933
RussellSamuel born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersDaisy Billeborn about 1909
SandersGladys born about 1931
SandersJ Jborn about 1885
SandersJames Dborn about 1939
SandersJettie Belleborn about 1934
SandersJorden born about 1907
SandersJorden born about 1936
SandersKatherine born about 1929
SellersCora born about 1884
SellersF Aborn about 1875
SellersFran born about 1935
SellersJ Mborn about 1907
SellersJudith born about 1937
SellersLinda Belleborn about 1911
ShorterLemar born about 1921
ShorterLoudella born about 1893
ShorterMate born about 1895
SlaughterJake born about 1910
SmithGladys born about 1898
SmithHomer born about 1928
SmithJohn Aborn about 1876
SmithJohn A Jrborn about 1912
SmithLamar born about 1894
SmithLamar Jr born about 1926
SmithLee born about 1894
SmithLettie born about 1902
SmithWillie Bborn about 1886
SpearAndy Jr born about 1931
SpearCrissie born about 1929
SpearJ Dborn about 1937
SpearJessie born about 1904
SpearMattie Louborn about 1935
SpearWinnie Belleborn about 1932
SpeerBob born about 1902
SpeerPearl born about 1911
SpeerWillie Leeborn about 1925
StockdaleByron born about 1933
StockdaleEugene born about 1902
StockdaleEvelyn born about 1910
StockdaleJ Rborn about 1855
StockdaleMary Belleborn about 1911
StockdaleNannie Sueborn about 1931
SullivanDewitt born about 1914
SullivanLorenzo born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateAlvin born about 1939
TateIrene born about 1934
TateLuverne born about 1914
TateMarvin born about 1907
ThielmanCurtis born about 1932
ThielmanEffie Maeborn about 1909
ThielmanGaston born about 1938
ThielmanLouise born about 1929
ThielmanMargaret born about 1934
ThomasA Dborn about 1870
ThomasAda born about 1912
ThomasAnne born about 1872
ThomasAnnie Maeborn about 1924
ThomasCalvin born about 1902
ThomasCalvin Jr born about 1934
ThomasCharles born about 1936
ThomasCharlie born about 1938
ThomasDonald born about 1936
ThomasElfanza born about 1926
ThomasElizabeth born about 1933
ThomasEssie Maeborn about 1929
ThomasEssie Maeborn about 1935
ThomasFannie Sborn about 1873
ThomasGeorge Lewisborn about 1940
ThomasHoward born about 1930
ThomasIda born about 1872
ThomasJack born about 1868
ThomasJames born about 1883
ThomasJanie Maeborn about 1939
ThomasJohnny born about 1918
ThomasLaovin born about 1912
ThomasLawrence Jborn about 1937
ThomasLessie Maeborn about 1906
ThomasLessie Maeborn about 1908
ThomasLuvenia born about 1932
ThomasMack born about 1910
ThomasMarceline born about 1917
ThomasMarie born about 1939
ThomasMary born about 1913
ThomasMary born about 1934
ThomasMcallen born about 1935
ThomasMin born about 1937
ThomasOcie born about 1906
ThomasOllie born about 1916
ThomasOscar born about 1929
ThomasPearl Leeborn about 1932
ThomasPearlie born about 1919
ThomasPosey born about 1901
ThomasPosey Jr born about 1938
ThomasQueenie Mborn about 1930
ThomasRommie born about 1923
ThomasSallie Maeborn about 1930
ThomasVirginia born about 1887
ThomasWebster born about 1872
ThomasWebster born about 1914
ThomasWebster Jr born about 1934
ThomasWesley Mborn about 1935
ThomasWillie born about 1927
ThompsonA Bborn about 1903
ThompsonAgnes born about 1929
ThompsonAlton born about 1927
ThompsonBetty Jborn about 1935
ThompsonCalvin born about 1925
ThompsonEula born about 1896
ThompsonHessie Maeborn about 1913
ThompsonJack born about 1931
ThompsonJames born about 1918
ThompsonJames Dborn about 1906
ThompsonJames Fosterborn about 1939
ThompsonMildred born about 1939
ThompsonNora Mborn about 1926
ThompsonWillie born about 1894
ThompsonWilma born about 1903
TinsleyCharles Mborn about 1936
TinsleyEdna Earleborn about 1910
TinsleyJames Fborn about 1931
TinsleyMarrell born about 1906
TinsleyMary Eborn about 1934
TinsleyRobert born about 1930
TinsleySara Fborn about 1939
TonyCurlee born about 1928
TonyJ Eborn about 1878
TonyJohn born about 1924
TonyLofton born about 1917
TonyNorman born about 1922
TonySallie born about 1889
TownsAnnie Ruthborn about 1936
TownsEgar born about 1897
TownsElsie born about 1903
TownsHarold born about 1928
TownsMorris born about 1924
TownsendAline born about 1912
TownsendHarvey born about 1910
TownsendMiriam born about 1916
TownsendThurman born about 1918
TownsendWill Tborn about 1882
TuckBetty Ruthborn about 1935
TuckEmma Lborn about 1928
TuckFletcher born about 1901
TuckHenry born about 1939
TuckMary Florenceborn about 1937
TuckMary Lucyborn about 1906
TuckWillie Lborn about 1931
TuckerMollie born about 1879
TuckerW Tborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VickerstaffJulia Vborn about 1915

W Surnames

WalkerAnnie Bborn about 1926
WalkerIda born about 1871
WalkerNaomie born about 1895
WalkerR Cborn about 1914
WalkerRobert Bborn about 1929
WalkerWilliam Fborn about 1927
WatkinsC Mborn about 1925
WatkinsLuverne born about 1923
WebbFrank born about 1923
WebsterJohn born about 1902
WilcherFrances born about 1921
WilcherInez born about 1933
WilcherIrene born about 1939
WilcherJohn born about 1906
WilcherLewis born about 1934
WilcherMary born about 1905
WilcherNellie Lborn about 1930
WilcherRoy born about 1937
WilcherWillis born about 1916
WilliamsClarence born about 1925
WilliamsEddie born about 1911
WilliamsFrankie born about 1914
WilliamsJames born about 1915
WilliamsOla Maeborn about 1910
WilsonAnna born about 1875
WilsonSylvia born about 1873
WomackFrank born about 1903
WrightOtis born about 1910
WrightRena Belleborn about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungEmma born about 1880
YoungEmma Maeborn about 1929
YoungEstelle born about 1912
YoungGeorge born about 1908
YoungJ Dborn about 1930
YoungMollie Bborn about 1934

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