1940 U.S. Federal Census of Saxons, Randolph, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Randolph County > 1940 Census of Saxons

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AkinsAlma Reinborn about 1929
AkinsBruce born about 1932
AkinsIla Mayborn about 1933
AkinsJohn Dborn about 1935
AkinsJunior born about 1938
AkinsMalinda born about 1902
AkinsMinie Dborn about 1925
AkinsRascal Fborn about 1901
AkinsWillie Aborn about 1927
AllenGalie born about 1920
AllenJohn Jborn about 1872
AllenMancy Vborn about 1882
AndrewsJames Mborn about 1872
ArringtonCap born about 1885
ArringtonEra born about 1934
ArringtonEva born about 1930
ArringtonG Wborn about 1928
ArringtonJerma born about 1932
ArringtonJessy born about 1926
ArringtonJimie born about 1923
ArringtonJohn Hborn about 1921
ArringtonLear born about 1939
ArringtonLula born about 1899
AskenAdir born about 1895
AskenAlirta born about 1918
AskenFlint Lborn about 1884
AskenJames born about 1922
AskenMary Lueborn about 1932
AskenMedia born about 1926
AskenSol born about 1920
AskenWillie Rborn about 1928
AtchisonMarry born about 1862
AwstionDella born about 1888
AwstionHerman born about 1919
AwstionIowar born about 1895
AwstionOra Mborn about 1918

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B Surnames

BalardFrances Aborn about 1926
BalardHubert Mborn about 1902
BalardJames Rborn about 1937
BalardPasey Pborn about 1901
BassetEmett born about 1916
BeanEmitt Rborn about 1917
BeanHellen born about 1920
BoltLoyd Bborn about 1918
BoydAgnes Lorienborn about 1912
BoydDora Mayborn about 1939
BoydIve born about 1919
BoydMable born about 1912
BoydMathy Lborn about 1885
BrionAda born about 1902
BrooksEthel Lborn about 1898
BrooksHamilton Mborn about 1901
BrooksImergean born about 1928
BrooksJesmere born about 1924
BrooksRalph born about 1923
BrownJoe Mackborn about 1935
ButlerBoby Janeborn about 1938
ButlerClarance born about 1920
ButlerMildred born about 1919
BykinMaggie born about 1885

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C Surnames

CameronAlbert born about 1914
CameronAlbert Lborn about 1932
CameronJ Cborn about 1937
CameronJessy Mayborn about 1939
CameronLela Mayborn about 1936
CameronMattie born about 1912
CampLetha born about 1880
CampOlie born about 1881
CasperBetty Annborn about 1938
CasperCaralym born about 1935
CasperCecil born about 1928
CasperCharles Cborn about 1901
CasperEvie Gborn about 1903
CasperFloyd born about 1926
CasperJulien born about 1931
CasperMary Cborn about 1923
CatesBille Cborn about 1934
CatesImer Jeanborn about 1939
CatesLouise Nborn about 1916
CatesMafor Gborn about 1908
CatesMarry Jborn about 1937
CatesWinford Jr born about 1932
CausbyVera born about 1935
CofieldGeorge born about 1936
CofieldWillie born about 1913
ColeCharles Wborn about 1928
ColeCharley Aborn about 1894
ColeEdna Mayborn about 1925
ColeHenry Gborn about 1872
ColeJohn Wborn about 1860
ColeMarry born about 1898
ColeMatty Jborn about 1874
CooleyGarlen Hborn about 1910
CooleyMatye born about 1915
CoskerFrank born about 1929
CoskerIra Lborn about 1892
CoskerMargarete born about 1921
CoskerOla Cborn about 1899
CoskerSerrley born about 1936
CoskerWhit born about 1924
CosperFracis born about 1928
CosperJohn born about 1924
CosperKate born about 1931
CosperLizzie born about 1921
CosperMinnie born about 1893
CosperShelly Mborn about 1891
CosperVelma born about 1926
CoxGladis born about 1937
CoxJ Tborn about 1934
CoxJosephin born about 1937
CoxVera born about 1916

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D Surnames

DallisBula born about 1933
DallisEarnest born about 1930
DallisElizabeth born about 1920
DallisLewis born about 1922
DallisLola born about 1898
DallisLucill born about 1927
DallisOsker born about 1865
DallisRuth born about 1939
DeeseEnos Jborn about 1902
DeeseHomer born about 1926
DeeseHulen born about 1933
DeeseLinel born about 1905
DeeseMettie born about 1908
DeeseMyrle born about 1930
DeesePaul born about 1936
DeeseSarah Jborn about 1934
DeeseSyble born about 1928
DeeseTravis born about 1931
DeeseWillie Aborn about 1908
DukesLarkin Bborn about 1865

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E Surnames

EasonRobert born about 1922
ElliceCora born about 1901
ElliceEdward born about 1936
ElliceEvama Mborn about 1934
ElliceInez born about 1915
ElliceLewis born about 1890
ElliceReavin born about 1939
ElliceSally born about 1932
ElliceW Pborn about 1933
EllisCorena born about 1935
EllisDovy born about 1880
EllisLizzy born about 1900
EllisWalter Lborn about 1937

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F Surnames

FincherGeorgia born about 1890
FincherJessy Mayborn about 1911
FincherJoseph Wborn about 1876
FincherLela born about 1911
FincherMarry born about 1919
FrostAnderson Cborn about 1883
FrostCarl born about 1931
FrostFrancis born about 1926
FrostJack born about 1934
FrostJames born about 1932
FrostLois born about 1907
FrostMormon Rborn about 1936
FrostPatty born about 1939
FrostPollyann born about 1929
FrostRobert born about 1927
FurnerDavid Gborn about 1871

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G Surnames

GentryChristeen born about 1923
GentryEarnest Jborn about 1902
GentryHarlen Fborn about 1928
GentryJessy Bborn about 1924
GentryRuby Mborn about 1905
GibbsFracis born about 1919
GibbsMaud Wborn about 1861
GosdinAless born about 1924
GosdinBetty Jborn about 1933
GosdinBookise Nborn about 1923
GosdinCecil born about 1934
GosdinChristine born about 1930
GosdinGlemar born about 1928
GosdinIdell born about 1907
GosdinLamwaa born about 1927
GosdinMarshel born about 1901
GosdinMige Wborn about 1892
GosdinShirley Tborn about 1935
GosdinThelmer Aborn about 1898
GravittBertis born about 1916
GravittCalvin born about 1936
GravittJinks Eborn about 1905
GravittShirley born about 1939
GravittTroy born about 1934
GrzzardLeana born about 1875
GrzzardWill Aborn about 1873

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H Surnames

HagganBoyd born about 1895
HagganHertis Hborn about 1921
HagganMervyn Gborn about 1897
HagganRobert Jborn about 1923
HammondJames Rborn about 1880
HammondLinnie born about 1883
HarringtonAuther Jborn about 1913
HarringtonBillie born about 1938
HarringtonCumi born about 1924
HarringtonHenry born about 1926
HarringtonHoyt born about 1928
HarringtonLevi born about 1917
HarringtonLilly born about 1935
HarringtonLowise born about 1933
HarringtonMathy Aborn about 1893
HarringtonRidley born about 1922
HarringtonWillie Wborn about 1888
HeardA Dborn about 1927
HeardBernice born about 1932
HeardBertha born about 1918
HeardBitha born about 1930
HeardGladis born about 1923
HeardMarron born about 1912
HeardMarry born about 1888
HeardMarry Jr born about 1922
HeardMathen born about 1917
HeardThomas Hborn about 1882
HeardVera born about 1924
HeardWillie Bborn about 1920
HendersonSusin born about 1858
HendrixEstell born about 1895
HendrixEva born about 1915
HendrixHermon born about 1875
HendrixLon Jborn about 1885
HendrixMallie Mborn about 1887
HendrixRoy born about 1928
HendrixVera born about 1931
HolidayBarbara Annborn about 1938
HolidayClinton born about 1910
HolidayJohn Dborn about 1862
HolidayLolly L Minieborn about 1872
HolidayMetty Leeborn about 1909
HolidayWlamay born about 1912
HolsbmbockLeonora born about 1868
HornsbyDixie born about 1924
HornsbyDycy born about 1877
HornsbyEarnesteen born about 1934
HornsbyEdna born about 1931
HornsbyEulamay born about 1904
HornsbyGarlin born about 1933
HornsbyGeorge Wborn about 1922
HornsbyHazel born about 1927
HornsbyJames Mborn about 1900
HornsbyKenith born about 1937
HornsbyLilian Lborn about 1924
HornsbyRobert born about 1929
HugleyAldora born about 1890

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I Surnames

IversonGloria Jborn about 1932
IversonMancy Aborn about 1931
IversonMarry Everborn about 1905
IversonRobert Hborn about 1935
IversonSusan Adaborn about 1872
IversonWalter Cborn about 1900

J Surnames

JacksonAngus Bborn about 1891
JacksonElla Lborn about 1924
JacksonErlan born about 1928
JacksonL Nborn about 1926
JacksonL Vborn about 1922
JacksonLewis born about 1931
JacksonMaudean born about 1932
JacksonNaomia Eborn about 1890
JohnsonAlice Cborn about 1883
JohnsonAlice Hborn about 1913
JohnsonAnna born about 1908
JohnsonBetty Sueborn about 1938
JohnsonCarie Dborn about 1876
JohnsonCarrie Bborn about 1872
JohnsonCharley Mborn about 1872
JohnsonClyde Hborn about 1916
JohnsonCoy Dborn about 1913
JohnsonDorthy born about 1915
JohnsonEarnest Eborn about 1914
JohnsonEddward Oborn about 1913
JohnsonElen born about 1877
JohnsonEtta born about 1870
JohnsonEttie born about 1898
JohnsonHeaton Wborn about 1894
JohnsonIra Hborn about 1891
JohnsonJames Hborn about 1900
JohnsonJean born about 1935
JohnsonJemtomy born about 1912
JohnsonJethro born about 1890
JohnsonJohn Hborn about 1860
JohnsonJohn Wborn about 1860
JohnsonLavonia Eborn about 1868
JohnsonLeola born about 1886
JohnsonW Dborn about 1868
JohnsonWillie Cborn about 1925
Jucker??rlis born about 1938
JuckerClaud Sborn about 1900
JuckerEvlin born about 1927
JuckerJessy Mayborn about 1922
JuckerLilla born about 1905
JuckerMillie born about 1930
JuckerWilmer born about 1933

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K Surnames

KaylorAnnie born about 1874
KaylorCarl Mborn about 1924
KaylorCharles Lborn about 1928
KaylorGuy Hborn about 1931
KaylorHally Hborn about 1872
KaylorJames Lborn about 1894
KaylorOllie Oborn about 1921
KaylorRosa Bborn about 1894
KaylorShelly Dborn about 1890
KentJ Tborn about 1924
KentLeon born about 1919
KentMancy born about 1898
KentMarie born about 1921
KentRasterr Eborn about 1901
KentVirgnia born about 1929
KnightBernice Cborn about 1924
KnightClara born about 1888
KnightEarl Dborn about 1888
KnightHarrel Wborn about 1919
KnightVigina Cborn about 1921
KnightWilliam Jborn about 1934
KnightWillie Lborn about 1929
KnottDella born about 1891
KnottFrank Bborn about 1891
KnottHarce born about 1919

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L Surnames

LanierBill born about 1923
LanierHellen born about 1929
LanierHenry born about 1919
LanierMrs H Bborn about 1897
LeeCliford Lborn about 1887
LeeEugene Fborn about 1922
LeeGeorgie Pborn about 1890
LeeJohn Eborn about 1923
LeeRetha born about 1926
LeeSamual Wborn about 1885
LittleCathrin born about 1935
LittleFanny born about 1902
LittleGeorge born about 1930
LittleMarry born about 1939
LittleMed born about 1937
LittleUlas born about 1902
LovvornBarbara Aborn about 1939
LovvornFloyd Hborn about 1906
LovvornGuin born about 1939
LovvornH E Jrborn about 1906
LovvornIva Mayborn about 1907
LovvornMargie Eborn about 1915
LovvornMarry Clydeborn about 1928
LovvornPearl born about 1908
LovvornPolly Sueborn about 1934
LovvornR C Jrborn about 1909
LovvornSara Willborn about 1935
LovvornThurman born about 1928
LovvornWindel born about 1933

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M Surnames

McCuloughJapan born about 1905
McLeodKenneth Bborn about 1928
McLeodMonroe born about 1910
McLeodThelma Oborn about 1916
MeadowsAaron born about 1934
MeadowsBat born about 1936
MeadowsBurlond born about 1932
MeadowsGilbert born about 1939
MeadowsJ Eborn about 1913
MeadowsKirby born about 1932
MeadowsMaud born about 1913
MeadowsMinie Eborn about 1891
MeadowsWarn Zborn about 1890
MeadowsWillie Jborn about 1924
MeadowsWinford Bborn about 1928
MitchelJeff born about 1914
MixonAlbert Cborn about 1937
MixonCharley Gborn about 1904
MixonDewey born about 1901
MixonEthel Eborn about 1895
MixonGeraldin born about 1913
MixonJack Wborn about 1930
MixonJames Eborn about 1933
MixonMinie Jborn about 1893
MixonRufus born about 1939
MixonWilley Cborn about 1898
MolesBetty Gborn about 1937
MolesBilly Annborn about 1933
MolesClarance born about 1932
MolesCliff Cborn about 1895
MolesFlora born about 1909
MolesGladis born about 1930
MolesHellen born about 1927
MolesJettie born about 1915
MolesKatie Bborn about 1900
MolesKirlis born about 1927
MolesLilly born about 1909
MolesLouise born about 1933
MolesLuther Nborn about 1914
MolesMavice born about 1937
MolesMavis Lborn about 1938
MolesMirtis born about 1923
MolesThomas Dborn about 1896
MolesVaxter born about 1939
MolesWard Aborn about 1909
MolesWilliam Hborn about 1908
MotesBeason born about 1917
MotesHazle born about 1920
MotesMaggie Wborn about 1880

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N Surnames

NolesDora born about 1918
NolesLenoard Aborn about 1916

P Surnames

PatersonDock Hborn about 1921
PatersonGeorgie Lborn about 1920
PatersonOzela born about 1886
PatersonRichard born about 1919
PerryJennett born about 1938
PerryJoe Annborn about 1933
PerryLoyd Oborn about 1910
PerryMarylin born about 1916
PhelpsHelen born about 1916
PhelpsHugh born about 1914
PhelpsJohn Eborn about 1854
PhelpsMay born about 1885
PhelpsWilliam Eborn about 1885
Pitman??? born about 1920
PitmanAderson born about 1923
PitmanAlbert born about 1928
PitmanArteyle born about 1920
PitmanBill born about 1889
PitmanBun Rborn about 1887
PitmanGladis born about 1931
PitmanHudley born about 1924
PitmanLeola born about 1927
PitmanMaybell born about 1892
PitmanMrs born about 1922
PitmanParlee born about 1887
PondsBen Fborn about 1888
PondsLizzie Aborn about 1878

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R Surnames

RevelRendy born about 1916
RiceEllen born about 1927
RiceJ Cborn about 1921
RiceJohny Lborn about 1930
RiceMarin Fborn about 1872
RiceRosy Eborn about 1886
RichardsonEvlyn born about 1929
RichardsonIda born about 1858
RunyanAlfred born about 1926
RunyanCroford born about 1929
RunyanGlender born about 1936
RunyanMarry Cborn about 1930
RunyanMissie born about 1898
RunyanRay born about 1931
RunyanSam born about 1898

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S Surnames

SaxonEmmer born about 1924
SaxonJames Mborn about 1864
SaxonOla Gborn about 1887
SaxonSeab born about 1874
SaxonTom born about 1898
SaxonWayatt Cborn about 1888
SearsTersle born about 1906
SewellBird born about 1905
SewellWillie Cborn about 1865
ShodrixBob born about 1868
SimasGanes born about 1913
SimasHubert born about 1934
SimasJeraba born about 1938
SimasOrlea born about 1915
SimasWintson born about 1936
SmithCarry Lborn about 1895
SmithDorsie Lborn about 1917
SmithHenry Kborn about 1927
SmithJessie Tborn about 1891
SmithJessy Bborn about 1910
SmithMarvay Rborn about 1908
SmithMyrtle Lborn about 1923
SmithOla Mborn about 1915
SmithVera Nborn about 1920
SnowBecky born about 1888
SnowRoley born about 1872
SprvillArnol born about 1919
SprvillHenry Eborn about 1888
SprvillHoward born about 1925
SprvillJohn Rborn about 1915
SprvillJohn Wborn about 1886
SprvillRobert born about 1910
StephenBenney Mborn about 1939
StephenBernice born about 1931
StephenEssie Mborn about 1917
StephenEthel born about 1933
StephenEvlin born about 1926
StephenHenery born about 1899
StephenJ Tborn about 1930
StephenJohn Hborn about 1893
StephenM Tborn about 1924
StephenMary Iborn about 1897
StephenS Mborn about 1914
StephenTheodore born about 1936
StephenWillie born about 1903
StephensCharley born about 1905
StephensEvline born about 1932
StephensFlora Mayborn about 1936
StephensGladis born about 1927
StephensHatty Mayborn about 1938
StephensJerma born about 1924
StephensJessy Bborn about 1920
StephensJohn Wborn about 1919
StephensMatty Bborn about 1886
StephensMatty Mayborn about 1934
StephensRetha born about 1915
StephensRidley born about 1921
StephensWylene born about 1920

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T Surnames

TaxomCharles Eborn about 1927
TaxomEartie Eborn about 1910
TaxomLois born about 1929
TaxomRuth Eborn about 1910
TaxomWilma born about 1932
TaylorClarnce born about 1924
TaylorJohn Wborn about 1871
TaylorRena Iborn about 1926
TerellJody Eborn about 1930
TownsAnna born about 1869
TownsMaudy born about 1901
TownsRossius Aborn about 1905
TownsShelly Aborn about 1929
TraylorAlbert born about 1909
TraylorBertha born about 1900
TraylorBilly born about 1931
TraylorBula born about 1915
TraylorGrace Lborn about 1901
TraylorGriffin Tborn about 1933
TraylorGwendolyn born about 1939
TraylorJohn Wborn about 1936
TraylorLeatha born about 1901
TraylorMelly born about 1922
TraylorWilliam Bborn about 1866
TruettHoyt born about 1915
TruettMary Lborn about 1918
TruettRuth born about 1938
TruettWillian Eborn about 1891
TukeFany Lborn about 1905
TukeJoseph Hborn about 1906
TukeWillie Cborn about 1928

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W Surnames

WardAddie born about 1898
WardBillie born about 1928
WardCadwrn born about 1922
WardClara Eborn about 1916
WardDrwyne Tborn about 1939
WardEugenia Lborn about 1877
WardHenry Cborn about 1898
WardHubert born about 1923
WardJanet born about 1935
WardMathan born about 1924
WardMoman born about 1932
WardOlie Wborn about 1912
WardWill born about 1872
WatsonMelly Mayborn about 1936
WatsonRuthy Mborn about 1916
WatsonWilliam born about 1934
WatsonWillian Eborn about 1881
WaughsGeorge Wborn about 1921
WaughsIoina born about 1890
WaughsJ Rborn about 1926
WaughsRaford Lborn about 1874
WaughsWilliam born about 1917
WestRuthy born about 1916
WestZora Bborn about 1913
WhileyErice born about 1927
WhileyJames Lborn about 1883
WhileyLona Bborn about 1893
WhileyMeal Rborn about 1922
WhitmanBuford born about 1920
WhitmanHollis Edwardborn about 1940
WhitmanLowise born about 1923
WigginsAnny Moyborn about 1908
WigginsBarry born about 1929
WigginsBille Eborn about 1931
WigginsCharles Eborn about 1929
WigginsEdward Eborn about 1916
WigginsEmry Bborn about 1886
WigginsFan??? Lborn about 1892
WigginsFulvia Dborn about 1930
WigginsHerbert Wborn about 1927
WigginsImogene born about 1930
WigginsJosie Iborn about 1921
WigginsJulian born about 1927
WigginsJunior born about 1927
WigginsLeetie born about 1911
WigginsLias Pborn about 1899
WigginsLiddie Oborn about 1918
WigginsLily Rborn about 1905
WigginsLowis Rborn about 1932
WigginsLusill born about 1932
WigginsMamie Mborn about 1931
WigginsMarry Lborn about 1938
WigginsMonroe born about 1924
WigginsMormon Tborn about 1939
WigginsMrs D Rborn about 1864
WigginsNorman Tborn about 1909
WigginsPirece born about 1923
WigginsRuth born about 1925
WigginsRwmie Iborn about 1906
WigginsTora Aborn about 1901
WigginsVirgina Iborn about 1937
WigginsVral Mborn about 1885
WigginsWillene born about 1921
WigginsWillias Aborn about 1897
WigginsWillice Jborn about 1933
WigginsWillis Fborn about 1937
WigginsWilmer born about 1935
WilderBermyse born about 1929
WilderHerbert born about 1924
WilderHoyt born about 1900
WilderMadalone born about 1927
WilderTeddie born about 1907
Word?ilven born about 1927
WordBula Hborn about 1903
WordFlora born about 1919
WordLila born about 1929
WordMay born about 1908
WordThomas Wborn about 1886
WordWoody born about 1922
WrightArine born about 1926
WrightDora Leeborn about 1923
WrightGladis born about 1925
WrightJack born about 1890
WrightTomay born about 1911
WrightWalter born about 1926

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Y Surnames

YoungFarry born about 1868

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