1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wesobulga, Clay, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Clay County > 1940 Census of Wesobulga

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderJohn Wborn about 1878
AlexanderLeslie born about 1909
AlexanderMack born about 1919
AlexanderWilse Wborn about 1907
AllenEva born about 1916
AllenJames born about 1937
AllenJess born about 1938
AllenRoy born about 1914
AmarsonBrady born about 1924
AmarsonCharles Wborn about 1932
AmarsonCharlie Oborn about 1884
AmarsonFaye born about 1928
AmarsonLousader born about 1895
AmarsonWorth born about 1919
AmasonJohn Bborn about 1888
AmasonJohn Dborn about 1914
AmasonJohnnie born about 1911
AmasonMack Dborn about 1891
AmasonMamard Dborn about 1935
AmasonMartha Pborn about 1875
AmasonMary Oborn about 1930
AmasonMaudie Lborn about 1922
AmasonMaxine born about 1932
AmasonNora born about 1892
AmasonRobert Hborn about 1937
AmasonSible Mborn about 1940
AndersonEarly Aborn about 1907
AndersonRosie Lborn about 1908
AndersonVerron Iborn about 1936
ArcherAttie Mborn about 1939
ArcherElbert born about 1898
ArcherLeander born about 1933
ArcherLeom born about 1935
ArcherNormagean born about 1937
ArcherPearle Iborn about 1917
AutreyLizzie born about 1877

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B Surnames

BakerSara Cborn about 1930
BaurenDavtor Mborn about 1918
BaurenTula born about 1920
BaurenWayme Eborn about 1939
BennettBarom Pborn about 1924
BennettCliford Bborn about 1899
BennettJonie born about 1899
BimyonBen Jborn about 1872
BishopBernie born about 1925
BishopJames born about 1918
BishopJames Gborn about 1881
BishopLena Pborn about 1921
BishopLorenzo born about 1928
BishopRachel born about 1887
BishopShelly Fborn about 1939
BishopSteve born about 1922
BishopWillie born about 1923
BowenBobie Jborn about 1939
BowenD Cborn about 1926
BowenFrancie Mborn about 1891
BowenJames Wborn about 1888
BowenJames W Jrborn about 1920
BowenMary Rborn about 1920
BowenRobert Lborn about 1922
BoydIda Sborn about 1909
BoydJohn T Jrborn about 1892
BoydMargaret Lborn about 1927
BrawnFrancis Eborn about 1904
BrawnLena Mborn about 1925
BrawnPinkey Lborn about 1893
BrawnWilliam Oborn about 1931
BrowningCharlie Eborn about 1879
BrowningClra Aborn about 1891
BrowningDavid Nborn about 1907
BrowningDavid Jr born about 1932
BrowningFranklin Dborn about 1934
BrowningHenry Eborn about 1933
BrowningJames Eborn about 1934
BrowningLandon Eborn about 1936
BrowningLovette Eborn about 1887
BrowningOttie Lborn about 1911
BrowningRuby Lborn about 1936
BuchanneMack Vborn about 1916
BuchanneRay Mborn about 1938
BuchanneRubye Mborn about 1915
BuchanneTroy Eborn about 1939
BurdettAlma Eborn about 1922
BurdettAnnie Pborn about 1919
BurdettAughya Aborn about 1912
BurdettBette Jborn about 1937
BurdettFrancis Eborn about 1880
BurdettGenal Oborn about 1913
BurdettJames Mborn about 1904
BurdettJim Sborn about 1874
BurdettLena born about 1901
BurdettLeslie Pborn about 1908
BurdettMacie Aborn about 1884
BurdettMary born about 1883
BurdettMary Eborn about 1915
BurdettTempe Fborn about 1874
BurdettThelmae Iborn about 1926
BurdettVilmar Oborn about 1928
BurdettZelmar Mborn about 1924
BurgessEthiel born about 1922
BurgessGertrude born about 1908
BurgessLizzie born about 1880
BurgessRay Eborn about 1911
BurgessWilliam Cborn about 1872
BurksDixie Eborn about 1890
BurksJames Rborn about 1887
BurksJames Rborn about 1924
BursonDelia Eborn about 1890
BursonWalter Pborn about 1888

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C Surnames

CaldwellAllice Eborn about 1899
CaldwellAllie Mborn about 1919
CaldwellAnnie Lborn about 1897
CaldwellAnnie Pborn about 1931
CaldwellArthur Fborn about 1899
CaldwellArthur Jr born about 1922
CaldwellBemon Sborn about 1931
CaldwellBrittian born about 1923
CaldwellBritton Wborn about 1922
CaldwellChelyn born about 1922
CaldwellFarrest Rborn about 1928
CaldwellGladius born about 1907
CaldwellHenry Gborn about 1900
CaldwellImagean born about 1934
CaldwellKermit born about 1936
CaldwellLillie Fborn about 1928
CaldwellLucile born about 1929
CaldwellMary born about 1892
CaldwellMary Aborn about 1926
CaldwellPaulene born about 1925
CaldwellRalph Gborn about 1939
CaldwellRay Rborn about 1924
CaldwellRoma Mborn about 1927
CaldwellRuby Mborn about 1922
CaldwellVoid Dborn about 1920
CaldwellWhitton Cborn about 1926
CaldwellWilliam Bborn about 1891
CaldwellWilliam Sborn about 1900
CaldwellWinne Fborn about 1919
CaldwelllAllie Lborn about 1903
CaldwelllJaoquline born about 1936
CaldwelllMyra Eborn about 1926
CaldwelllNarvell born about 1922
CaldwelllThomas Fborn about 1931
CaldwelllVirginia Aborn about 1933
CaldwelllWilliam Aborn about 1902
CarmileDemey Nborn about 1922
CarmileLillian Rborn about 1929
CarmileMaudie Bborn about 1900
CarmileNorman Hborn about 1893
CarmileThermon Hborn about 1924
CarmileVirginia Lborn about 1932
CarpenterMarelene born about 1931
CarpenterNettie Lborn about 1911
CarpenterO Pborn about 1911
CarpenterTomes Hborn about 1933
CarterCharlotte born about 1936
CarterClaris Mborn about 1924
CarterDavid Cborn about 1876
CarterEdith Oborn about 1914
CarterEmma Iborn about 1891
CarterHelen Fborn about 1934
CarterJames Aborn about 1891
CarterJames Dborn about 1939
CarterJohn Bborn about 1911
CarterJohn Rborn about 1908
CarterJohn Tborn about 1888
CarterJohn Wborn about 1938
CarterLucie born about 1911
CarterLula Bborn about 1908
CarterMary Aborn about 1861
CarterMary Rborn about 1927
CarterMildred born about 1936
CarterRachial Cborn about 1866
CarterRuby Nborn about 1926
CarterRuth Rborn about 1895
CarterSioman Iborn about 1865
CarterVivian Dborn about 1920
CasterAmer Pborn about 1885
CasterMack Cborn about 1885
CasterPrice born about 1916
CasterWillie Dborn about 1933
CatneyBruce Bborn about 1880
CatneyCharlie Eborn about 1893
CatneyEuia born about 1898
CatneyFerrell Bborn about 1874
CatneyFrancis Rborn about 1933
CatneyHoward Mborn about 1892
CatneyJames Iborn about 1935
CatneyJunior Eborn about 1939
CatneyLeona born about 1885
CatneyLeslie Bborn about 1920
CatneyMary Mborn about 1937
CatneyRebecca born about 1881
CatneyWilliam Jborn about 1922
CatneyWillie Mborn about 1918
CauseyEugene Hborn about 1904
CauseyOnnie born about 1906
ChildaJames Fborn about 1917
ChildaLouise born about 1920
ChildsCharles Cborn about 1902
ChildsEugene born about 1936
ChildsHazel born about 1921
ChildsHubert Kborn about 1927
ChildsHugh Cborn about 1929
ChildsHurston born about 1924
ChildsJames Hborn about 1933
ChildsMartha Aborn about 1884
ChildsOplene born about 1938
ChildsOscar Fborn about 1878
ChildsSara Mborn about 1930
ChildsSimeless Aborn about 1883
ChildsWilburn Mborn about 1858
ChildsWilburn Sborn about 1882
ChildsZillie born about 1902
ClazzDorothy born about 1926
ClazzElma Rborn about 1931
ClazzElsie Mborn about 1928
ClazzZona Eborn about 1903
CobsAlbert born about 1899
CobsAlpha Mborn about 1937
CobsFlorence born about 1926
CobsJames Dborn about 1931
CobsMauline born about 1923
CobsTacie born about 1902
CobsVleane born about 1929
CockrellLena Mborn about 1869
ColemanDaniel Fborn about 1853
ColemanDaniel Hborn about 1887
ColemanJessie Bborn about 1932
ColemanLois Cborn about 1913
ColesInfant born about 1940
ConnawayBettie Lborn about 1931
ConnawayCewilla born about 1926
ConnawayCharlie Cborn about 1889
ConnawayCharlie C Jrborn about 1928
ConnawayGlayce Aborn about 1923
ConnawaySarah Dborn about 1893
CotneyIda Lborn about 1902
CotneyWilliam Hborn about 1885
CrawfordAdell Rborn about 1915
CrawfordHoward Lborn about 1933
CrawfordLumas Mborn about 1913
CunningBemie Jborn about 1903
CunningBennie Jr born about 1933
CunningElen born about 1904
CunningMildred born about 1928
CunningOlie Rborn about 1923
CunninghamMaudie born about 1902

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D Surnames

DavisLeslie Aborn about 1901
DavisLumbe Aborn about 1870
DavisMyrtle Vborn about 1902
DeanGeorgia Cborn about 1881
DeanLouis Fborn about 1880
DemreyBeatrace born about 1910
DemreyJimmy Dborn about 1937
DemreyJohn Wborn about 1912
DemreyWelder Sborn about 1939
DenneyDorothy Wborn about 1932
DenneyEthrid Jrs Hborn about 1898
DenneyEthridge H Jrborn about 1922
DenneyFelma Mborn about 1926
DenneyLera Zborn about 1901
DenneyThomas Nborn about 1862
DickBonnie Sborn about 1915
DickHubert Wborn about 1911
DickMarrena born about 1939
DixionCorine born about 1903
DixionEnble Iborn about 1939
DixionHenry Eborn about 1888
DixionMary Rborn about 1936

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E Surnames

EdmondsonGladis born about 1930
EdmondsonJ Bborn about 1917
EdmondsonNeuton Dborn about 1899
EdmondsonNora Lborn about 1901
EdmondsonThomas Gborn about 1874
EdmondsonWinford born about 1925
EstesAbie Bborn about 1889
EstesAlbert Cborn about 1924
EstesMamie Eborn about 1888
EstesR Vborn about 1925

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F Surnames

FarbroughClyde Vborn about 1928
FarbroughElvanda born about 1925
FarbroughElvin Nborn about 1921
FarbroughGeorge Aborn about 1930
FarbroughGral Dborn about 1898
FarbroughJune born about 1937
FarbroughLois Vborn about 1904
FarbroughMargaret born about 1935
FarbroughPaul Jborn about 1923
FarbroughTrent Mborn about 1926
FarbroughVancile born about 1940
FarbroughVandell born about 1932
FarrowAda Lborn about 1892
FarrowArie born about 1885
FarrowEliza born about 1860
FarrowEric Bborn about 1895
FarrowFreddy born about 1930
FarrowHunter born about 1889
FarrowJames Bborn about 1881
FarrowLaura born about 1892
FarrowMarcus born about 1924
FarrowW Aborn about 1919
FetnerChipley Lborn about 1918
FetnerDeame Fborn about 1908
FetnerIdaria Mborn about 1873
FetnerMargaret Eborn about 1920
FetnerMary Eborn about 1904
FetnerPeggy Aborn about 1938
FreemanCalwn born about 1892
FreemanDan born about 1886
FreemanEffie born about 1894
FreemanGladys Mborn about 1930
FreemanNita Jborn about 1936
FreemanVernice Aborn about 1904
FreemanWilliam Lborn about 1904
FullerJasper Gborn about 1903
FullerMary born about 1898

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G Surnames

GatesBirtha Bborn about 1923
GatesJim Tborn about 1880
GatesJim T Jrborn about 1908
GatesMaggie Pborn about 1883
GautnyEllean born about 1882
GautnyJohnnie born about 1902
GillamAlen born about 1915
GillamMyrtle Mborn about 1919
GillamUral Cborn about 1939
GoldenCarlton Dborn about 1921
GoldenClaudie born about 1919
GoldenHattie Lborn about 1882
GoldenMarzarie born about 1924
GoldenRobert Lborn about 1919
GoldenWilliam Tborn about 1882
GossettAda Dborn about 1900
GossettAnnie Gborn about 1939
GossettLeslie Dborn about 1933
GossettLucile born about 1934
GossettMary Hborn about 1931
GossettWiley Bborn about 1883
GossettWilliam Bborn about 1925
GrahamAlbert born about 1889
GrahamAlbert Fborn about 1930
GrahamEmma born about 1908
GrahamF Tborn about 1933
GrahamJohn Lborn about 1928
GrahamLaille Aborn about 1937
GrahamM Cborn about 1924
GrahamR Dborn about 1927
GrayAnnie Mborn about 1915
GrayCurtis Hborn about 1911
GrayJessie Eborn about 1887
GrayLeveall born about 1916
GrayRuel born about 1921
GrayStella Rborn about 1923
GrayVeola born about 1885

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H Surnames

HadnettJaine Mborn about 1916
HadnettJames Fborn about 1912
HairrisBerford Fborn about 1923
HairrisBertron born about 1924
HairrisInez born about 1888
HairrisLena Jborn about 1931
HairrisThomas Cborn about 1889
HallExa born about 1891
HallWilliam Aborn about 1873
HallmaVivian Lborn about 1916
HallmaWilliam F Avborn about 1912
HandeJohn Jborn about 1921
HandeRuth born about 1923
HandleyAnnie born about 1905
HandleyCamille born about 1939
HandleyCharlie Hborn about 1893
HandleyChristean born about 1929
HandleyFrank born about 1937
HandleyJewel Lborn about 1925
HandleyLake Cborn about 1920
HandleyLucile born about 1930
HandleyMary Fborn about 1935
HandleyMaud born about 1934
HandleyWilmer born about 1933
HanidaBettie Mborn about 1938
HanidaCharlie Sborn about 1927
HanidaEffie born about 1902
HanidaGeorge born about 1923
HanidaIda Lborn about 1929
HanidaJohn born about 1894
HanidaSalley Fborn about 1934
HannersAdran Dborn about 1929
HannersBettie Rborn about 1932
HannersBillie Fborn about 1938
HannersFamie Gborn about 1925
HannersJ W Jrborn about 1915
HannersJames Lborn about 1930
HannersJessie born about 1928
HannersJohn Wborn about 1887
HannersJosie born about 1895
HannersJosie Oborn about 1937
HannersMargaret Nborn about 1918
HannersMary Fborn about 1933
HannersNelda Gborn about 1936
HansonJames Dborn about 1914
HansonNina Fborn about 1921
HansonShirley Fborn about 1940
HardenBriman Fborn about 1930
HardenEman born about 1901
HardenHuston born about 1900
HardenJessie Eborn about 1898
HardenVirginia born about 1926
HardieJohn Cborn about 1901
HardieMattie Sborn about 1903
HardonLillia Aborn about 1918
HardonMartha Fborn about 1873
HardonWillie Hborn about 1875
HarrisAnnie born about 1869
HayesHattie Bborn about 1893
HayesJames Wborn about 1890
HayesWilliam Fborn about 1856
HeardFannie born about 1866
HendonHattie Oborn about 1910
HendonJames Lborn about 1935
HendonJim born about 1915
HendonMargarett born about 1936
HendonVirgey Lborn about 1938
HendonWillie Pborn about 1933
HillAnnie born about 1914
HillEva Aborn about 1939
HillRobert Gborn about 1913
HodnettEdward Sborn about 1893
HodnettLole Pborn about 1897
HuntFranklin Dborn about 1937
HuntLizzie born about 1900
HuntRodney born about 1879
HuntWalter Rborn about 1931

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J Surnames

JanierEliger Fborn about 1860
JanierMary Eborn about 1864
JenkinsHirain Pborn about 1928
JenkinsMarcince Aborn about 1932
JenkinsNelia Vborn about 1920
JenkinsSarah Fborn about 1892
JenkinsVernie Lborn about 1924
JenkinsWilliam Mborn about 1891
JettPearl born about 1884
JohnsonB Athosborn about 1933
JohnsonCalvester born about 1930
JohnsonCharlie Lborn about 1932
JohnsonD born about 1872
JohnsonEunice born about 1910
JohnsonTonenson born about 1908
JonesBillie Fborn about 1932
JonesClyde Lborn about 1926
JonesMallie born about 1893
JonesWilliam Fborn about 1890
JordanAlford born about 1881
JordanLema born about 1900
JordonCharlie Mborn about 1916
JordonCharlie Mborn about 1940
JordonHattie Lborn about 1918
JudsonAnnie Bborn about 1923
JudsonElue born about 1891
JudsonHerman born about 1931
JudsonJohn Wborn about 1925
JudsonJoice Bborn about 1926
JudsonLoyd Iborn about 1921
JudsonMackadora born about 1919
JudsonMamie Lborn about 1928
JudsonMarrie born about 1933
JudsonPearle Lborn about 1932
JudsonRose Mborn about 1928
JudsonVander Bborn about 1886
JudsonVander Jr born about 1930

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K Surnames

KayBonnie Rborn about 1926
KayDelta Lborn about 1917
KayEstell Aborn about 1893
KayFred Mborn about 1890
KitchensEnic Mborn about 1889
KitchensEnna Rborn about 1922
KitchensIsheimal Hborn about 1917
KitchensMildred Lborn about 1920
KitchensRdella Vborn about 1893

L Surnames

LackleyMartha Aborn about 1857
LackleyMary Eborn about 1886
LambertEarly Vborn about 1891
LambertMary Bborn about 1929
LambertOphelia born about 1923
LambertWilliam Iborn about 1889
LamberthAllie Mborn about 1914
LamberthBessie Rborn about 1910
LamberthEllis Jborn about 1897
LamberthEllis Wborn about 1937
LamberthHarrie Wborn about 1894
LamberthHattie born about 1901
LamberthLawarnce Dborn about 1913
LamberthLudie Iborn about 1901
LamberthMartian Cborn about 1908
LamberthMary born about 1870
LamberthMary Iborn about 1922
LamberthMildred born about 1924
LamberthPauline born about 1925
LamberthRay Sborn about 1933
LamberthSanda born about 1939
LamberthWilliam Fborn about 1920
LamberthWilliam Tborn about 1938
LamburthAlda born about 1893
LamburthArthur Fborn about 1891
LamburthNadine born about 1923
LathanBarney Vborn about 1915
LathanCharlie born about 1939
LathanWillie Mborn about 1918
LeftwichBoyron born about 1915
LongBaron Eborn about 1926
LongFlorna born about 1903
LongMartimus born about 1899
LongRuth Aborn about 1930

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M Surnames

MacoyAlma Eborn about 1916
MacoyCharles Hborn about 1879
MacoyJames Dborn about 1883
MacoyJohn Fborn about 1874
MacoyLula Eborn about 1893
MacoyPhonie Hborn about 1904
MacoyPhynis Wborn about 1900
MacoyRay Cborn about 1907
MacoySella Sborn about 1878
MasonBettie Rborn about 1935
MasonDaighty Aborn about 1938
MasonJames Rborn about 1931
MasonJohn Oborn about 1906
MasonJohn Wborn about 1929
MasonLula Bborn about 1913
McConniellJoe Fborn about 1880
McConniellJular Aborn about 1902
McConniellLanora Fborn about 1883
McCoyWright Aborn about 1922
McKeeAlma born about 1907
McKeeCharlie Sborn about 1868
McKeeGeorge Eborn about 1927
McKeeLouis Hborn about 1901
McKeeNannie Eborn about 1881
McKeeNarwell Dborn about 1926
McKeeRobert Aborn about 1932
McMathBruney Oborn about 1933
McMathJames Bborn about 1938
McMathMella Eborn about 1924
McMathOdessa born about 1905
McMathThomas Oborn about 1900
McMathTroy Rborn about 1927
McVeyBettie Jborn about 1935
McVeyCora born about 1902
McVeyDavis Mborn about 1929
McVeyDorthy Mborn about 1922
McVeyElven born about 1935
McVeyGwendolyen born about 1927
McVeyHarvy Lborn about 1871
McVeyJames born about 1916
McVeyJames Lborn about 1931
McVeyLela Rborn about 1895
McVeyMary Rborn about 1872
McVeyMinnie Cborn about 1900
McVeyOlirver Jr born about 1933
McVeyOlive Jborn about 1896
McVeyRamon Jborn about 1897
McVeyRessie Mborn about 1918
McVeyRobert Jborn about 1924
McVeyThomas Lborn about 1939
McVeyVinagine born about 1936
McVeyWilliam Bborn about 1902
McVeyWilton Bborn about 1922
MilesChristopher Cborn about 1912
MilesDesser Mborn about 1919
MilesMyrtice born about 1921
MillerEmmer Hborn about 1924
MillerEula Dborn about 1890
MillerGeorge Oborn about 1883
MillerJohnnie Aborn about 1863
MillerLela Mborn about 1884
MillerMary Lborn about 1926
MillerO Bborn about 1913
MillerOrvil Bborn about 1895
MillerSallie born about 1886
MillerWilliam Sborn about 1859
MitchellAllie Mborn about 1916
MitchellArnton Jborn about 1902
MitchellBarto Eborn about 1928
MitchellBessie Aborn about 1922
MitchellCarter born about 1909
MitchellCharles Hborn about 1933
MitchellCharlie Hborn about 1878
MitchellDara Bborn about 1935
MitchellElizer Mborn about 1894
MitchellEral born about 1912
MitchellEthel born about 1933
MitchellEular Mborn about 1904
MitchellEvia born about 1880
MitchellFonest F Jrborn about 1927
MitchellForrest Wborn about 1893
MitchellFrances Mborn about 1927
MitchellFrank Mborn about 1910
MitchellFred Wborn about 1929
MitchellFred Wborn about 1935
MitchellGeorgie Gborn about 1896
MitchellGloria Aborn about 1935
MitchellGorden Dborn about 1896
MitchellHobert Fborn about 1936
MitchellIna Eborn about 1901
MitchellJessie Hborn about 1911
MitchellJoel Fborn about 1928
MitchellJohn Wborn about 1896
MitchellKay born about 1885
MitchellMary born about 1924
MitchellMaude Cborn about 1897
MitchellMirtie born about 1913
MitchellNillie born about 1927
MitchellOlen Dborn about 1928
MitchellPaula Eborn about 1922
MitchellSamey Wborn about 1939
MitchellSarah Eborn about 1905
MitchellSavanah Aborn about 1860
MitchellTheodore born about 1921
MitchellViloa Gborn about 1920
MitchellViola Pborn about 1935
MitchellVlmond born about 1902
MitchellWill Aborn about 1894
MitchellWilliam Tborn about 1939
MitchellWillie Mborn about 1938
MitchellWillye Bborn about 1925
MoncusCharles Mborn about 1898
MoncusEffie Lborn about 1901
MoodyDorthy Fborn about 1931
MoodyEdna Iborn about 1900
MoodyJames Hborn about 1933
MoodyMary Pborn about 1927
MoodyRastus Oborn about 1896
MoodyZera Mborn about 1928
MooreBeatrice born about 1913
MooreFrances Gborn about 1935
MooreJames Lborn about 1939
MooreJames Rborn about 1910
MorrisAnnie Lborn about 1934
MorrisBobie Rborn about 1930
MorrisDanie born about 1903
MorrisDorothy born about 1931
MorrisGeorge Rborn about 1905
MorrisHerman Mborn about 1936
MorrisHubert Dborn about 1931
MorrisJames Dborn about 1927
MorrisLavell born about 1939
MorrisLaverne born about 1932
MorrisLucie Mborn about 1903
MorrisMarynell born about 1937
MorrisMinnie Eborn about 1937
MorrisMinnie Jborn about 1934
MorrisMinnie Lborn about 1879
MorrisOtis Mborn about 1919
MorrisS Jborn about 1928
MorrisSpencer Dborn about 1867
MorrisWalter Rborn about 1913

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N Surnames

NalesMartha Fborn about 1871
NichlarBosil Bborn about 1927
NichlarCarl Dborn about 1924
NichlarJ Wborn about 1932
NichlarNeal Gborn about 1929
NichlarOtho Cborn about 1897
NichlarWanda Lborn about 1935
NichlarWilmer Gborn about 1902
NichlarWilmer Sborn about 1940

O Surnames

OrrBessie born about 1905
OrrBessie Fborn about 1930
OrrElbert Vborn about 1902
OrrMitchell Bborn about 1923
OrvinAnnie born about 1917
OrvinAnord Eborn about 1909
OrvinHerschell born about 1937

P Surnames

PadgettFannie Mborn about 1923
PadgettGeorge Aborn about 1875
PadgettJob Bborn about 1871
PadgettJohn Dborn about 1867
PadgettNora Iborn about 1874
PadgettZade Vborn about 1884
ParkerAnnie Jborn about 1924
ParkerBulah Aborn about 1901
ParkerCarrilton Lborn about 1935
ParkerJames Lborn about 1928
ParkerJohn Wborn about 1898
ParkerMildred Aborn about 1925
PattonBurl Aborn about 1902
PeakFannie Lborn about 1883
PeakPerry Dborn about 1918
PearsonWilliam Aborn about 1882
PhilipsWilliam Eborn about 1916
PodgettKatis Aborn about 1922
PodgettMaryline Mborn about 1926
PowellMartha Vborn about 1867
PrestridgeElla Rborn about 1891
PrestridgeFrank Lborn about 1886
PrestridgeWillard Gborn about 1921
PustridgeLenard Gborn about 1916
PustridgeLenard Lborn about 1938
PustridgeSusie Mborn about 1919

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R Surnames

RasgdaleGreen Bborn about 1886
RiceCharlie Hborn about 1906
RiceCharlie H Jrborn about 1931
RiceClayton Lborn about 1930
RiceClda Mborn about 1910
RiceEmmitt Dborn about 1934
RiceEula Aborn about 1903
RiceJanice Mborn about 1940
RiceMarion Gborn about 1923
RiceMildred Vborn about 1925
RiceNeuton Eborn about 1902
RiceRalph born about 1939
RiceSylvia born about 1935
RobertsonCurby Sborn about 1909
RobertsonEugene born about 1931
RobertsonHarlen Eborn about 1912
RobertsonJack born about 1918
RobertsonJohn Wborn about 1869
RobertsonNettie Pborn about 1910
RobertsonNoah Hborn about 1853
RobertsonSusie Aborn about 1874
RobertsonValree born about 1937
RobertsonWillie Rborn about 1916
RushJessie Mborn about 1919
RushLouis Eborn about 1920
RussellElda Mborn about 1874

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S Surnames

SimsBen Vborn about 1862
SmithJohn Bborn about 1886
SparkBilllie Fborn about 1930
SparkDonald Fborn about 1936
SparkHenry Bborn about 1912
SparkLassie Lborn about 1910
SparkMary Eborn about 1939
SparkeAda Lborn about 1900
SparkeGrady Cborn about 1895
SparkeLinda Fborn about 1937
SparksAnnie Sborn about 1930
SparksAubrey Hborn about 1924
SparksBobie Iborn about 1933
SparksCharlis Eborn about 1924
SparksCharlotte Mborn about 1936
SparksClarence Wborn about 1906
SparksDenis Wborn about 1883
SparksEffie born about 1890
SparksElla born about 1917
SparksEllaree born about 1922
SparksErma born about 1907
SparksEuah Vborn about 1896
SparksEugene born about 1888
SparksFlora Mborn about 1935
SparksGraves Dborn about 1900
SparksHelen born about 1937
SparksHilt born about 1937
SparksJames Cborn about 1916
SparksJohn Dborn about 1925
SparksJoyce Rborn about 1939
SparksLee Eborn about 1887
SparksLeslie Fborn about 1911
SparksLola Fborn about 1935
SparksRussell Fborn about 1922
SparksThesel Cborn about 1908
SparksThrean Hborn about 1915
SparksVernie Mborn about 1907
StanfordAarron Fborn about 1886
StanfordAlie Lborn about 1889
StanfordCecil Jborn about 1916
StanfordClaud Bborn about 1884
StanfordCora Lborn about 1908
StanfordDaisy Lborn about 1923
StanfordDice Mborn about 1890
StanfordDorris Fborn about 1930
StanfordGrady Eborn about 1904
StanfordHarrold Cborn about 1933
StanfordHilda Eborn about 1917
StanfordJessie Eborn about 1907
StanfordJohn Hborn about 1924
StanfordJohn Tborn about 1869
StanfordLilian Dborn about 1928
StanfordLloyd Bborn about 1939
StanfordLorean Bborn about 1884
StanfordMary Eborn about 1906
SterlingDenney born about 1909
SterlingIzora born about 1912
SwamFlora Eborn about 1867
SwamMariline born about 1917
SwamRoebrt Mborn about 1905
SwamWilliam Aborn about 1867
SwanBernice born about 1923
SwanBulah born about 1899
SwanDorise born about 1932
SwanWilliam A Jrborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorReamie born about 1872
TeilleryLemyrtis born about 1869
TeilleryMiler Lborn about 1871
TeitteyCharlie Lborn about 1933
TeitteyLena Lborn about 1903
TeitteyMarker born about 1908
TemeyElven Cborn about 1876
TillisBeatha Lborn about 1923
TillisCharlie born about 1931
TillisErnest Jborn about 1922
TillisIdell born about 1928
TillisLola Mborn about 1897
TillisMaebell born about 1926
TillisThomas born about 1935
TillisWilliam Rborn about 1879
TwilleyD born about 1920
TwilleyFrankie Bborn about 1924
TwilleyMae Bborn about 1879
TwilleyMary Aborn about 1922
TwilleyRalph Cborn about 1939
TwilleyWillie Wborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VickersAlice Vborn about 1891
VickersAnnie Mborn about 1922
VickersCalven Wborn about 1914
VickersClarence Cborn about 1920
VickersHenry Hborn about 1918
VickersRuby Hborn about 1919
VickersWilliam Aborn about 1892
VickersWilmer Eborn about 1920

W Surnames

WadesSterling born about 1872
WaldrapCarrell born about 1913
WaldrapCharlie Fborn about 1901
WaldrapDorothy Jborn about 1934
WaldrapFrankie Nborn about 1938
WaldrapJames Fborn about 1930
WaldrapJohn Wborn about 1905
WaldrapLola Aborn about 1931
WaldrapMargaret Eborn about 1927
WaldrapMyrtle Bborn about 1902
WaldrapRose Lborn about 1935
WaldrapWilmer Cborn about 1932
WaldrayHenry Lborn about 1880
WaldrayHester Mborn about 1879
WaldropAcie Tborn about 1908
WaldropAlvie Lborn about 1911
WaldropBarbara Aborn about 1939
WaldropHassel Lborn about 1936
WaldropHilt Rborn about 1939
WaldropJinnie Jborn about 1934
WaldropLoreane Eborn about 1917
WaldropRitagay born about 1931
WaldropTera Gborn about 1913
WalkerAddie Sborn about 1889
WalkerAmanda Mborn about 1925
WalkerArdie Mborn about 1902
WalkerBettie Jborn about 1934
WalkerBirdy born about 1897
WalkerBonnie Vborn about 1939
WalkerBulah Bborn about 1903
WalkerCharlie Hborn about 1915
WalkerCorbiet born about 1926
WalkerCrayton Tborn about 1924
WalkerDavid Bborn about 1895
WalkerDemery Aborn about 1935
WalkerDewey Jborn about 1899
WalkerEddie Wborn about 1892
WalkerElven Mborn about 1924
WalkerFannie Lborn about 1904
WalkerFlim Bborn about 1937
WalkerGeorge Wborn about 1874
WalkerGuelma born about 1921
WalkerHilt Rborn about 1926
WalkerHoyt Cborn about 1914
WalkerJames Lborn about 1928
WalkerJessie Jborn about 1928
WalkerJimmie Bborn about 1940
WalkerJoe Dborn about 1898
WalkerJohn Dborn about 1895
WalkerJoice Aborn about 1939
WalkerLee Aborn about 1890
WalkerLeon Dborn about 1900
WalkerLeon D Jrborn about 1927
WalkerLevis Bborn about 1921
WalkerLorene born about 1923
WalkerLula born about 1902
WalkerMary Jborn about 1930
WalkerMavis Cborn about 1935
WalkerMerrill born about 1929
WalkerMittelee born about 1875
WalkerRay Dborn about 1924
WalkerRoxie Aborn about 1882
WalkerRuby Eborn about 1899
WalkerSamuel Aborn about 1876
WalkerSherall Eborn about 1922
WalkerThelma Mborn about 1922
WalkerThomas Fborn about 1922
WalkerToliues Cborn about 1878
WalkerTroy Fborn about 1938
WalkerVernon Sborn about 1907
WalkerVirgia born about 1910
WalkerVoncile born about 1936
WalkerWelton Hborn about 1927
WalkerWillard Hborn about 1926
WalkerWilliam Sborn about 1870
WalkerWinford Nborn about 1920
WalkerWymard born about 1924
WallaceAgnes Iborn about 1927
WallaceBobie Lborn about 1936
WallaceBraxton Bborn about 1909
WallaceBrenton Oborn about 1926
WallaceClenton Yborn about 1939
WallaceElma Dborn about 1900
WallaceEthel Eborn about 1907
WallaceEugene Iborn about 1928
WallaceFannie Bborn about 1909
WallaceHubert Eborn about 1905
WallaceJames Dborn about 1931
WallaceKented Kborn about 1923
WallaceMildred Oborn about 1930
WallaceSusie Eborn about 1899
WallaceViviene born about 1933
WallaceWilliam Lborn about 1930
WallaceWilliam Pborn about 1926
WallaceWilliam Rborn about 1870
WardPearl Lborn about 1926
WatsArnil Dborn about 1867
WatsBeatha Nborn about 1912
WatsFannie Rborn about 1904
WatsHeard Cborn about 1908
WatsPairlle Lborn about 1906
WelchBarcellus born about 1923
WelchFamie born about 1902
WelchGertrude born about 1921
WelchJunior born about 1920
WelchLela Rborn about 1924
WhiteAnnie Rborn about 1922
WhiteBessie Iborn about 1932
WhiteJohn Hborn about 1878
WhiteJosepha Pborn about 1888
WhiteLamittica born about 1925
WhiteLillian born about 1918
WhiteMargarett Mborn about 1886
WhiteMelba Rborn about 1921
WhiteOllie Bborn about 1883
WickersAnnette born about 1938
WickersAnnie Mborn about 1911
WickersWilliam Rborn about 1916
WilderDora born about 1868
WilkersonAllie born about 1920
WilkersonClell born about 1921
WilkersonColumbus Fborn about 1889
WilkersonDora Lborn about 1928
WilkersonDura Rborn about 1939
WilkersonJack Dborn about 1916
WilkersonMae born about 1912
WilkersonMinnie Bborn about 1892
WilkersonTroy Cborn about 1924
WilkersonVelma born about 1918
WilkersonWilliam Jborn about 1934
WilkinsonAubrey Dborn about 1932
WilkinsonBurl Aborn about 1906
WilkinsonSwania Aborn about 1910
WilliamsonFlorence born about 1874
WillinghamBobie born about 1938
WillinghamClyde Aborn about 1916
WillinghamMargie born about 1919
WilsonArcher Lborn about 1916
WilsonLoise born about 1919
WilsonNellie Oborn about 1940
WoodgettGeorgia Aborn about 1918
WoodgettJessie Jborn about 1896
WoodgettLecil Eborn about 1922
WoodgettLera Aborn about 1897
WoodsCatherine Kborn about 1939
WoodsDeloris Eborn about 1920
WoodsFreeman born about 1913
WoodsJames Lborn about 1915
WoodsVelma born about 1922
WorthyAudry Nborn about 1932
WorthyBarbara Aborn about 1930
WorthyDorthy Bborn about 1926
WorthyDuward Aborn about 1916
WorthyEuna Rborn about 1914
WorthyHarold Dborn about 1932
WorthyHattie born about 1895
WorthyHenry Gborn about 1873
WorthyJasie Fborn about 1887
WorthyJohn Oborn about 1881
WorthyKeron Hborn about 1907
WorthyLandon Tborn about 1908
WorthyManley Cborn about 1907
WorthyManley C Jrborn about 1928
WorthyMary Eborn about 1877
WorthyMary Jborn about 1925
WorthyMiles Lborn about 1883
WorthyMyrtle Rborn about 1923
WorthyPeggy Jborn about 1933
WotheyJabomie Fborn about 1911
WotheyJobliene born about 1935
WotheyMary born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarbroughLarua Oborn about 1925
YarbroughLoui Mborn about 1927
YarbroughMaratha Hborn about 1888
YarbroughPatrick Hborn about 1884
YatesArthur Hborn about 1905
YatesCaulina born about 1930
YatesJeral Dborn about 1937
YatesJewel born about 1939
YatesLeonard Lborn about 1934
YatesO Bborn about 1929
YatesRuth Sborn about 1911

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