1940 U.S. Federal Census of Woodland, Lauderdale, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Lauderdale County > 1940 Census of Woodland

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonRobert born about 1925
AndersonW Wborn about 1870
ArnoldA Jborn about 1937
ArnoldCharles Lborn about 1936
ArnoldElizabeth born about 1917
AtkinsonAndrey born about 1938
AtkinsonBillie born about 1934
AtkinsonHasel born about 1928
AtkinsonJames born about 1930
AtkinsonJames Bborn about 1909
AtkinsonLucile born about 1907
AtkinsonRay born about 1936
AustinEarl born about 1915
AustinKneth born about 1933
AustinRuth born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BalentineVergil born about 1916
BanksRachel born about 1883
BeckBessie born about 1913
BeckEmma Leeborn about 1927
BeckW Lborn about 1926
BeckWillie born about 1911
BeckwithAndrew born about 1893
BeckwithAnnie Pearlborn about 1940
BeckwithBetty Ruthborn about 1939
BeckwithBooker Tborn about 1931
BeckwithBuck born about 1912
BeckwithClorett born about 1937
BeckwithFlora Lauiseborn about 1927
BeckwithFlorence born about 1912
BeckwithFlossie Mayborn about 1930
BeckwithGrady born about 1937
BeckwithHelen born about 1932
BeckwithJethal born about 1933
BeckwithJo Anaborn about 1902
BeckwithJohn born about 1892
BeckwithJohnnie born about 1931
BeckwithJohnson born about 1864
BeckwithJohnson Jr born about 1910
BeckwithJosephine born about 1892
BeckwithLevine born about 1934
BeckwithMargaret born about 1935
BeckwithMillie born about 1915
BeckwithRobert Tborn about 1924
BeckwithRuth born about 1938
BeckwithWarner born about 1921
BeckwithWillie Cborn about 1935
BeckwithWillie Jamesborn about 1925
BeckwithWinnie born about 1899
BewerDaisy born about 1931
BewerEmmett born about 1922
BewerHomer born about 1935
BewerJames born about 1920
BewerLonnie born about 1929
BewerMary born about 1924
BewerNellie born about 1896
BewerWill born about 1888
BewerWilliam born about 1928
BodyAbe born about 1888
BodyClara born about 1918
BodyClarence born about 1916
BodyEdgar born about 1930
BodyEndie born about 1876
BodyJ Wborn about 1925
BodyJohn born about 1870
BodyJulia Annborn about 1870
BodyMargret born about 1893
BodyRobert Leeborn about 1931
BrewerLaymon born about 1916
BrewerNomer born about 1935
BrownJohn Deeborn about 1922
BrownKati born about 1908
BrownLillian born about 1924
BrownMiltia born about 1895
BrownMinnie Leeborn about 1922
BrownRobert born about 1889
BrownRobert born about 1923
BrownRosie Bellborn about 1920
BrownWillard Jborn about 1931
BucknerLula Bellborn about 1920
BulterMillzie born about 1934
BurtlerOscar born about 1931
ButlerDel??? born about 1923
ButlerEtta born about 1928
ButlerHester born about 1922
ButlerJack born about 1883
ButlerJames Leeborn about 1930
ButlerOberth born about 1927
ButlerPearline born about 1924
ButteEddie born about 1927
ButteHester born about 1922
ButteJames Leeborn about 1930
ButteOberta born about 1926
ButtePearline born about 1925
ButterJack Sr born about 1888
ButterLoney Cborn about 1924
ButterViloa born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallBeulah born about 1889
CallCharles born about 1933
CallEdgar Marvinborn about 1897
CallEmmet Leeborn about 1935
CallG Lborn about 1886
CallIrvin born about 1932
CallJamd born about 1938
CallJosephine born about 1922
CallLilliam born about 1903
CallRoy Leeborn about 1920
CallRuth born about 1918
CallSawell born about 1928
CallawayElla born about 1895
CallawayJames born about 1917
CallawayNelson born about 1890
CallowayElla born about 1886
CallowayJames born about 1917
CallowayNelson born about 1882
CamelGladys born about 1906
CamelOdom born about 1909
CarterJohn born about 1925
CarterLaura born about 1923
CarterLillie born about 1921
CarterNapolean born about 1886
CarterRoberta born about 1929
CarterSusie born about 1900
CaseJ Hborn about 1901
CaseMrs J Hborn about 1899
ChandlerCharles Ellaborn about 1929
ChandlerCornelia born about 1936
ChandlerEarnest born about 1939
ChandlerHenry born about 1908
ChandlerJ Cborn about 1931
ChandlerJames Rborn about 1931
ChandlerJohn born about 1887
ChandlerJohn Lusieborn about 1931
ChandlerJohn Wborn about 1935
ChandlerJuanita born about 1934
ChandlerLawernce born about 1923
ChandlerMartha born about 1913
ChandlerMary born about 1915
ChandlerMary Francisborn about 1915
ChandlerRobert born about 1937
ChandlerRuth born about 1939
ChandlerWillis Tborn about 1933
CofferHenry born about 1893
CofferSantonia born about 1892
ColeAnnie born about 1886
ColeCharley born about 1873
ColeEstelle born about 1923
ColeEthel born about 1919
ColeHattie Maeborn about 1917
ColeOnnie born about 1927
ColeRonnie born about 1905
ColeSoloman born about 1921
CollinElla born about 1929
CookWillie Lborn about 1922
CoxBetty Ruthborn about 1929
CoxCatherine born about 1912
CoxElbert Turnerborn about 1925
CoxElla born about 1895
CoxElla born about 1898
CoxEthel born about 1902
CoxEthyal born about 1907
CoxJemmie Portesborn about 1936
CoxLee Dogulasborn about 1927
CoxMarvin Pborn about 1905
CoxMary born about 1875
CoxMary Elizabethborn about 1932
CoxMelvin born about 1899
CoxOelie born about 1914
CoxOllie Maeborn about 1909
CoxOllie Mayborn about 1915
CoxOven born about 1912
CoxOwen born about 1911
CoxRebeca Fayeborn about 1939
CoxVirginia born about 1933
CunninghamIra born about 1913
CunninghamPearline born about 1921
CunninghamVirginia born about 1937
CunninghamVirginia Leeborn about 1937
CunninghamWilldean born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielAddie Bellborn about 1921
DarbyA J Jborn about 1915
DarrishAlbert born about 1881
DarrishEarl born about 1912
DarrishEllie born about 1918
DarrishFlorence born about 1887
DarrishTrase born about 1922
DavidsonElla born about 1892
DavidsonJ Eborn about 1875
DavidsonOmer born about 1916
DhorityAnderson born about 1922
DhorityElla born about 1912
DhorityVirginia born about 1934
DixonJimmie born about 1917
DixonLuvenia born about 1884
DixonMary born about 1922
DixonNellie Maeborn about 1935
DixonWalter born about 1893
DowdyH Lborn about 1860
DowdyH Lborn about 1900
DuckettAlbert Jamesborn about 1932
DuckettEda born about 1907
DuckettHenry born about 1904
DuckettJessie Jamesborn about 1925
DuckettLizzie born about 1926
DuckettMartha born about 1930
DuckettMay born about 1929
DuckettRosie Leeborn about 1934
DusterIda Maeborn about 1920
DusterJohn born about 1939
DusterJohn Lborn about 1919

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E Surnames

EadyBud born about 1900
EadyChattil Bellborn about 1928
EadyDock born about 1933
EadyJames born about 1925
EadyLouise born about 1926
EadyMack born about 1924
EadyMannie Maeborn about 1938
EadyMary born about 1904
EadyMinnie born about 1929
EadyMollie born about 1935
EadyNellie Maeborn about 1923
EadyTom born about 1939
EdwardsAlberta born about 1912
EdwardsCharles born about 1934
EdwardsEmma born about 1923
EdwardsFrancis Leeborn about 1933
EdwardsFred born about 1919
EdwardsHomer born about 1891
EdwardsJames born about 1881
EdwardsLiza born about 1929
EdwardsLonzo born about 1914
EdwardsLucie Eborn about 1936
EdwardsMinnie born about 1901
EdwardsRebecca born about 1917
EdwardsWilliam born about 1939
EdwardsWillie Bborn about 1939
EnglishMrs Tamaey born about 1871
EnglishTansey born about 1873

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F Surnames

FosterEdna born about 1905
FosterHarry born about 1896
FosterHayse born about 1925
FowlerHomer born about 1902
FowlerJames Mborn about 1875
FowlerJerry born about 1875
FrancisCynetha born about 1920
FrancisWoodrow born about 1912

G Surnames

GamblWillie born about 1924
GibsonClara born about 1928
GibsonClara born about 1929
GibsonD Cborn about 1895
GibsonDavid born about 1896
GibsonEmma born about 1896
GibsonEmma born about 1898
GibsonHerman born about 1921
GibsonHerman Bborn about 1920
GibsonJames born about 1921
GibsonJames born about 1923
GibsonMartha born about 1926
GibsonMartha born about 1927
GibsonMarvin born about 1918
GibsonMarvin born about 1919
GibsonMinnie born about 1924
GibsonMinnie born about 1925
GreshamEdward Cborn about 1930
GreshamEllis born about 1902
GreshamFannie born about 1907
GreshamJulia Bborn about 1938
GreshamMattie Leeborn about 1929
GreshamMillie born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HamiltonEdna born about 1905
HamiltonPeter born about 1913
HamiltonRobert born about 1930
HanleyAllen Fborn about 1912
HanleyIra Maeborn about 1922
HanleyJessie born about 1939
HarisonElizabeth born about 1918
HarisonLee born about 1906
HarisonThomas born about 1936
HarisonWilliam born about 1938
HarrisAlberta born about 1931
HarrisDeell born about 1915
HarrisJudy born about 1877
HarrisLensell born about 1913
HayesBarbara Jeanborn about 1932
HayesEaster born about 1913
HayesJohnny Cborn about 1905
HennesseeSylvia born about 1916
HennesseeWalter born about 1913
HennesseeWilliam born about 1935
HillBillie Fayborn about 1935
HillFrancis Mborn about 1927
HillGeraldine born about 1925
HillMrs Lena born about 1906
HowardR Hborn about 1915

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I Surnames

IennerJulia born about 1865

J Surnames

JacksonEdgar born about 1922
JamesOscar born about 1940
JefferyDaniel born about 1936
JefferyHosie born about 1917
JefferyKenneth born about 1939
JefferyLouise born about 1917
JonesBeatrice born about 1899
JonesDelta born about 1912
JonesEdward born about 1932
JonesEdward born about 1933
JonesEstell born about 1908
JonesGeorge born about 1891
JonesHershel born about 1930
JonesHershel born about 1931
JonesHoward born about 1939
JonesJames born about 1897
JonesKatie born about 1915
JonesKenneth born about 1939
JonesKennett born about 1938
JonesMinnie born about 1899
JonesOtto Taylerborn about 1920
JonesVernon born about 1920
JonesWillie born about 1911
JonesWillie Eborn about 1910
JonesYhous born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KelbenMary born about 1876
KelbenS Rborn about 1878
KeyAnnie Mayborn about 1918
KeyNorella born about 1892
KeyPeter born about 1890
KeyPeter Jr born about 1910
KilburnBessie born about 1908
KilburnJohn born about 1900
KilburnJohn Rborn about 1876
KilburnLewis born about 1925
KilburnLouis born about 1926
KilburnMary born about 1875
KilburnPauline born about 1919
KimbroughBobbie Jeanborn about 1937
KimbroughDaisy born about 1923
KimbroughDaisy born about 1924
KimbroughElizabeth Anaborn about 1939
KimbroughFlorence born about 1890
KimbroughGertrude born about 1914
KimbroughHelen born about 1933
KimbroughJames born about 1926
KimbroughJames born about 1927
KimbroughJessie born about 1920
KimbroughMartten born about 1921
KimbroughMrs Florence born about 1890
KimbroughR A Jrborn about 1930
KimbroughR O Jrborn about 1929
KimbroughRichard born about 1914

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L Surnames

LeeDoyal born about 1890
LeeHauston born about 1898
LeeHouston Jr born about 1931
LeeJ Dborn about 1918
LeeMary born about 1923
LeeMattie born about 1902
LeeNorma born about 1895
LeeRoy born about 1924
LeeRuby born about 1934
LeeRuth born about 1939
LeeWilburn born about 1920
LilesMaggie born about 1876
LisbyClaty born about 1905
LisbyEvelyn born about 1927
LisbyEverrett born about 1932
LisbyNed born about 1924
LovelaceAlec Georgeborn about 1937
LovelaceEthel Pborn about 1933
LovelaceMary Fborn about 1930
LovelaceOtha born about 1907
LovelaceOtha Jr born about 1935
LovelaceOthis Lborn about 1931
LovelaceRoscoe born about 1939
LovelaceWinnie Mayborn about 1907

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M Surnames

MasonFannie born about 1919
MasonJims born about 1873
MasonSam born about 1920
MayBessie born about 1908
MayBud born about 1904
MayC Tborn about 1934
MayDoyal born about 1907
MayFrank Russelborn about 1930
MayHasel Marieborn about 1936
MayJ Dborn about 1933
MayJerryldean born about 1930
MayRaymond born about 1928
McDanielClara Leeborn about 1936
McDanielEdward born about 1920
McDanielGeorge born about 1890
McDanielJoe Lonsborn about 1937
McDanielMattie born about 1925
McDanielTennie born about 1910
McDanielWillie Bborn about 1927
McDougalAda born about 1890
McDougalAlvis born about 1927
McDougalAnn Mayborn about 1899
McDougalBessie born about 1939
McDougalChristine born about 1931
McDougalCloumbus born about 1924
McDougalEdders born about 1927
McDougalFlossie born about 1923
McDougalFred born about 1932
McDougalJames born about 1920
McDougalJessie born about 1939
McDougalL Aborn about 1896
McDougalLidia born about 1934
McDougalLindon born about 1905
McDougalLouise born about 1936
McDougalMammie born about 1929
McDougalMartha Annborn about 1940
McDougalMarvin born about 1925
McDougalMildred born about 1928
McDougalW Eborn about 1877
McDougalWilliam born about 1886
McDougalWilliam born about 1930
McIntyreCornelia born about 1930
McIntyreEula born about 1908
McIntyreHomer born about 1906
McIntyreMartha born about 1933
McIntyreRay born about 1929
McIntyreWalter born about 1938
MitchellBeulah born about 1918
MitchellJ Bborn about 1919
MoodArline born about 1931
MoodCharles born about 1928
MoodFloy born about 1905
MoodMollie born about 1925
MoodWilson born about 1926
MurphyA Jborn about 1904
MurphyAdda born about 1892
MurphyDorthy born about 1931
MurphyEmma born about 1866
MurphyGlenn born about 1917
MurphyJessie born about 1864
MurphyJessie C Mborn about 1903
MurphyL Wborn about 1892
MurphyLois born about 1920
MurphyMartha born about 1939
MurphyMyra Anneborn about 1930
MurphyNellie born about 1907
MurphyOwen born about 1916
MurphyRaymond born about 1906
MurphyRebeca born about 1934
MurphyRonald born about 1933
MurphyVernon born about 1907
MurphyVirginia born about 1927

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N Surnames

NapierArthur born about 1925
NapierJames born about 1878
NapierJohn Ellotborn about 1919
NapierPauline born about 1884
NelsonFrankie Leeborn about 1938
NelsonHenry Louiseborn about 1922
NelsonJosephine born about 1920
NewsonCorena born about 1923
NewsonEthyal born about 1926
NewsonMarie born about 1897
NewsonRobert born about 1893
NewsonRobert born about 1920
NicholsBessie Myrtleborn about 1897
NicholsCharles born about 1914
NicholsPearline born about 1918
NicholsRama born about 1891
NicholsRama Jr born about 1920
NicholsSybil born about 1927
NoelAngeline born about 1900
NoelCarter born about 1890
NoelEarnest born about 1930
NoelFelex born about 1932
NoelJohn Thomasborn about 1936
NoelLouis born about 1882
NoelMary born about 1921
NoelRobert born about 1912
NoelRuth born about 1918
NoelSusie born about 1889
NoelWillie Haleborn about 1937

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O Surnames

OliveBessie born about 1907
OliveEarnest born about 1891

P Surnames

PalmerLizzie born about 1881
PalmerWill born about 1880
ParrishAlber born about 1882
ParrishCarl born about 1908
ParrishCaroline born about 1928
ParrishEarl born about 1918
ParrishEllie born about 1918
ParrishFlorence born about 1887
ParrishGrace born about 1939
ParrishLura born about 1913
ParrishMrs A Jborn about 1890
ParrishW Hborn about 1922
PattersonAlma born about 1912
PattersonGertrude born about 1936
PattersonJ Wborn about 1931
PattersonL Bborn about 1933
PattersonLee born about 1876
PattersonLee Ellisborn about 1934
PattersonMary born about 1930
PattersonMckinley born about 1907
PattersonMollie Jborn about 1938
PattersonRuth born about 1940
PaulkAlice born about 1880
PaulkBradford born about 1905
PaulkEster born about 1904
PaulkFrank born about 1933
PaulkKathleen born about 1938
PearsonLortiea born about 1939
PearsonMattie born about 1917
PearsonMattie born about 1919
PearsonOdis Jamesborn about 1936
PearsonOttis Jamesborn about 1936
PearsonTerre born about 1939
PedenArthur born about 1939
PedenGrace born about 1919
PedenJames born about 1913
PedenRobert born about 1923
PedenRobert Lborn about 1923
PedenRosa born about 1894
PedenRosie born about 1895
PedenRoy born about 1926
PedenWarren born about 1933
PederRoy born about 1925
PederWarren born about 1933
PerkinsAndrew born about 1892
PerkinsBernicia born about 1932
PerkinsBetty born about 1902
PerkinsFlora born about 1928
PerkinsFrancis born about 1934
PerkinsJohn Edwardborn about 1929
PerkinsNora born about 1917
PerkinsNora born about 1923
PerkinsRuby born about 1932
PerkinsVirginia born about 1933
PetersFrank born about 1915
PetersIda born about 1918
PetersRichard born about 1939
PetersSara Francisborn about 1937
PrideEdith Maeborn about 1926
ProbyHattie born about 1903
ProbyHomer born about 1924
ProbyRuthie Mayborn about 1923
ProbySammie Leeborn about 1927
ProbySt Clairborn about 1900
ProbySt Jamesborn about 1925
ProbyW Hborn about 1928

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R Surnames

RaghandJoseph born about 1919
Ragland??? born about 1898
RaglandArmer Vborn about 1937
RaglandEddie Maeborn about 1939
RaglandElla born about 1901
RaglandElmer born about 1915
RaglandEthel Mayborn about 1927
RaglandEthyal Mayborn about 1928
RaglandJ Tborn about 1919
RaglandJoe born about 1919
RaglandKatie born about 1910
RaglandLily born about 1909
RaglandLucinda born about 1920
RaglandMayer born about 1916
RaglandOdean born about 1926
RaglandOdine born about 1925
RaglandRobert born about 1906
RaglandRuth born about 1920
RaglandSpincn born about 1899
RaglandWillie Cborn about 1921
ReathfordRussell born about 1918
RhodesBabe born about 1885
RhodesBossy born about 1892
RhodesBuck born about 1875
RhodesClydie Bborn about 1922
RhodesPearl born about 1892
RobinsonA Dborn about 1888
RobinsonBetty born about 1936
RobinsonBobbie born about 1936
RobinsonHugh Lborn about 1921
RobinsonHulet born about 1921
RobinsonJoyce born about 1931
RobinsonLeona born about 1910
RobinsonMargie born about 1933
RobinsonMargret born about 1928
RobinsonNolan born about 1918
RobinsonPeggy born about 1932
RobinsonVelma born about 1887
RobinsonWilliam born about 1908
RowelAlex born about 1923
RowelAmon born about 1920
RowelBennett born about 1934
RowelCharles Jr born about 1918
RowelFred born about 1895
RowelFreddie born about 1922
RowelJ Bborn about 1928
RowelKatie born about 1925
RowelWinnie Cloyborn about 1931
RowellBetty born about 1854
RussellAndrew born about 1915
RussellElmer Jborn about 1922
RussellEthel born about 1914
RussellHaley Mayborn about 1928
RussellJackie born about 1885
RussellJuliet born about 1926

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S Surnames

ScottEddie Maeborn about 1938
ScottLouis born about 1914
ScottSammella born about 1918
ShamsTena born about 1860
ShanesLucindia born about 1874
ShanesLula born about 1869
SherrodJoe born about 1920
SimmonsH Sborn about 1866
SimmonsLee Granvilleborn about 1890
SimmonsMadge born about 1892
SimmonsTurner born about 1922
SimpsonAddie born about 1927
SimpsonAnnie born about 1922
SimpsonDella born about 1917
SimpsonEdward born about 1904
SimpsonEthyal born about 1918
SimpsonFoncie born about 1870
SimpsonHenry born about 1922
SimpsonJessie born about 1880
SimpsonJohnnie born about 1893
SimpsonJulia born about 1889
SimpsonMattie born about 1880
SimpsonMiles born about 1923
SimpsonMink born about 1922
SimpsonRebecca born about 1929
SimpsonThenia born about 1900
SimpsonWillie born about 1881
SimpsonWillie born about 1919
SkipworthEmma born about 1864
SkipworthWillie Steinborn about 1937
SmithAna born about 1933
SmithAnna Lborn about 1932
SmithAnnice born about 1912
SmithAnnie born about 1912
SmithAnnie born about 1916
SmithBessie Maeborn about 1934
SmithCarter born about 1885
SmithCathrine born about 1936
SmithClarence born about 1910
SmithEllen born about 1938
SmithElsie born about 1921
SmithEvelyn born about 1901
SmithFannie born about 1910
SmithHarriet born about 1879
SmithHenry Lborn about 1936
SmithHenry Louisborn about 1936
SmithInz born about 1913
SmithJessie Leeborn about 1939
SmithJoe born about 1908
SmithLaura born about 1882
SmithLester born about 1915
SmithLodie born about 1913
SmithLola born about 1935
SmithRc born about 1935
SmithRufus born about 1910
SmithRuthie born about 1932
SmithRuthie Mayborn about 1931
SmithSusie born about 1938
SmithThomas born about 1939
SmithWash born about 1876
SouthernAngeline born about 1914
SouthernAnnie born about 1936
SouthernDenis born about 1910
SouthernFrank born about 1913
SouthernFrank Sborn about 1934
SouthernHattie born about 1913
SouthernMinie born about 1905
SteinFred born about 1888
SteinManye born about 1887
Steward??? Wborn about 1918
StewardSantonia born about 1875
StewardWill born about 1873
StewartAna born about 1911
StewartMary Francisborn about 1927
StewartRonell born about 1911
SumerhillGertrude born about 1929
SumerhillSammie Leeborn about 1923

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T Surnames

TaylerGay born about 1933
TaylerHennyson born about 1922
TerrellFrank Davidborn about 1936
TerrellJames born about 1932
TerrellMyrtle born about 1911
TerrellWilliam Hborn about 1935
TerryalClyde Nelsonborn about 1936
TerryalEdgar Clintonborn about 1935
TerryalLeda Rayborn about 1934
TerryalMary Aliceborn about 1928
TerryalMazie born about 1910
TerryalNeva Bellborn about 1937
TerryalRuth Leeborn about 1932
TerrylClyde born about 1905
ThomasA Cborn about 1922
ThomasA Cborn about 1923
ThomasAddie Louborn about 1938
ThomasAnthony born about 1934
ThomasBertha Mayborn about 1938
ThomasCornelia born about 1881
ThomasCornelis born about 1886
ThomasGladys born about 1936
ThomasIda Leeborn about 1925
ThomasJack born about 1881
ThomasJack born about 1882
ThomasJack born about 1909
ThomasJoe born about 1895
ThomasJoe Jr born about 1927
ThomasLillie Maeborn about 1907
ThomasMay Louborn about 1924
ThomasVirgia Daleborn about 1937
ThompsonAlex born about 1911
ThompsonAnnie born about 1906
ThompsonArmmer Bborn about 1923
ThompsonCosetta born about 1915
ThompsonCosetta born about 1917
ThompsonCurtis born about 1929
ThompsonEarline born about 1923
ThompsonEarline born about 1925
ThompsonEthyal Mayborn about 1938
ThompsonGeorge born about 1920
ThompsonHelen born about 1928
ThompsonIsac born about 1925
ThompsonJames born about 1891
ThompsonJames Aborn about 1935
ThompsonJames Alexborn about 1935
ThompsonJames Lborn about 1940
ThompsonJesse born about 1939
ThompsonJohn born about 1906
ThompsonJoseph Bborn about 1924
ThompsonL Tborn about 1927
ThompsonL Tborn about 1928
ThompsonLawyer born about 1892
ThompsonLizzie born about 1894
ThompsonLoyd born about 1892
ThompsonLyly born about 1913
ThompsonMamie born about 1894
ThompsonMannie born about 1931
ThompsonMary Leeborn about 1918
ThompsonMeddie born about 1902
ThompsonMeetie born about 1898
ThompsonRobert Leeborn about 1935
ThompsonSettie Maeborn about 1936
ThompsonSimon born about 1917
ThompsonWilliam born about 1896
ThompsonWilliam born about 1924
ThompsonWillie Leeborn about 1932
ThompsonYula born about 1917
ThorntonElla born about 1898
ThorntonJohn Henryborn about 1898
ThorntonJohn Thomasborn about 1937
TingleAlvin born about 1894
TingleMazie born about 1910
TingleRawliegh born about 1919
TowlerGleen born about 1932
TowlerJ Wborn about 1929
TowlerL Dborn about 1902
TowlerLeslie born about 1908
TowlerLucie born about 1926
TowlerWilma born about 1935
TurnerA Jborn about 1928
TurnerA J born about 1928
TurnerAngeline born about 1922
TurnerBill born about 1891
TurnerBobby Alsisonborn about 1938
TurnerBuster born about 1906
TurnerCarrie born about 1900
TurnerClara born about 1901
TurnerDean born about 1934
TurnerEdgar born about 1919
TurnerEdgar born about 1934
TurnerFannie born about 1904
TurnerHerbert Hborn about 1932
TurnerJae born about 1927
TurnerJames born about 1937
TurnerJerrylean born about 1938
TurnerJim born about 1888
TurnerJoe born about 1901
TurnerJudy born about 1860
TurnerLena born about 1908
TurnerLillie Mayborn about 1917
TurnerMadgie Leeborn about 1926
TurnerMagaret born about 1918
TurnerMagie Leeborn about 1926
TurnerMarie born about 1908
TurnerMarie born about 1909
TurnerMattie Leeborn about 1919
TurnerMay born about 1926
TurnerNadine born about 1939
TurnerNathaniel born about 1931
TurnerRobert born about 1901
TurnerRobert born about 1902
TurnerRobert born about 1928
TurnerRobert Jborn about 1924
TurnerRobert Leeborn about 1922
TurnerRobert Jr born about 1924
TurnerSoforine born about 1926
TurnerSorlie Maeborn about 1936
TurnerWalter born about 1913
TurnerWillie Joeborn about 1939
TurnerWillie Leeborn about 1933

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W Surnames

WalkerA Cborn about 1924
WalkerA Jborn about 1899
WalkerFrank born about 1911
WalkerHoward born about 1929
WalkerJack born about 1926
WalkerJames born about 1927
WalkerMarie born about 1932
WalkerMary Bborn about 1934
WalkerNannie Bborn about 1904
WalkerR Hborn about 1936
WalkerSallie born about 1866
WallaceDorthy Ruthborn about 1927
WallaceEverett born about 1907
WallaceJewel born about 1911
WallaceJohn born about 1911
WallaceLawerence Eborn about 1938
WallaceMageline born about 1934
WallaceMoody born about 1888
WallaceRobert Bborn about 1939
WallaceRoxie born about 1906
WallaceRoy Jeanborn about 1936
WallaceRuby born about 1925
WallaceTraves born about 1929
WallaceVirgia born about 1915
WallaceWill born about 1898
WalterGeorge born about 1891
WaltonBen born about 1928
WaltonBen born about 1932
WaltonClvin Wborn about 1925
WaltonEmma born about 1939
WaltonFrank born about 1880
WaltonFrank born about 1883
WaltonFred born about 1920
WaltonGeorgia born about 1897
WaltonKalvin born about 1924
WaltonLillie Maeborn about 1936
WaltonLilly Maeborn about 1934
WaltonOscar born about 1928
WaltonRebeca born about 1918
WhiteEthyal born about 1917
WhiteGeorge born about 1910
WhiteMary Virginiaborn about 1930
WhiteRudes Aborn about 1932
WhiteRussel Thomasborn about 1936
WhiteVilot born about 1939
WhittenBeneah born about 1895
WhittenDoris born about 1924
WhittenDorth born about 1924
WhittenJackiie born about 1931
WhittenL Lborn about 1892
WhittenL Lborn about 1928
WhittenWilburn born about 1914
WillSantonia born about 1880
WillStewart born about 1875
WillStwart L Wborn about 1916
WilliamsIda born about 1895
WilliamsMarie born about 1928
WilliamsMay Shelaborn about 1937
WilliamsRobert born about 1917
WilliamsRuby born about 1923
WilliamsSarah Eborn about 1936
WilliamsTemothy born about 1933
WilliamsWesley born about 1921
WinburnDromedell born about 1936
WinburnMagie Bborn about 1935
WintersJames born about 1917
WintersMary Aliceborn about 1917
WintersRoosevelt born about 1933
WrightCraton born about 1912
WrightEthyal born about 1913
WrightG Mborn about 1870
WrightL Cborn about 1933
WrightLizzie born about 1893
WrightRay born about 1910
WrightRay born about 1933

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