1940 U.S. Federal Census of Albany, Nevada, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Nevada County > 1940 Census of Albany

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAda born about 1904
AdamsBonnie born about 1930
AdamsClaud Jr born about 1927
AdamsJ Tborn about 1877
AdamsJ T Jrborn about 1910
AdamsMarie born about 1913
AdamsMary born about 1885
AdamsMyrtle Aborn about 1932
AdamsSam born about 1915
AdamsW Tborn about 1885
AllenH Rborn about 1907
AllenJacob born about 1898
AllenMattie born about 1901
AllenNettie born about 1868
AllenWilliam born about 1923
AllesIris born about 1904
AllesIris Jr born about 1939
AllesLillie born about 1916
AllesMartha born about 1917
AlmondArline born about 1916
AlmondBerry born about 1913
AlmondC Tborn about 1933
AlmondChester born about 1909
AlmondClovis born about 1916
AlmondElon born about 1911
AlmondH Bborn about 1881
AlmondJerry Sueborn about 1937
AlmondJim born about 1875
AlmondLucy born about 1877
AlmondMabel born about 1921
AlmondMildred born about 1910
AlmondMkry Louborn about 1937
AlmondRobert born about 1915
AlmondRoxie born about 1882
AlmondWilliam born about 1920
AlsobrookE Eborn about 1878
AmesArlin born about 1916
AmesLizzie born about 1874
AndrewsBessie born about 1899
AndrewsBetty Annborn about 1928
AndrewsG Lborn about 1890
AndrewsJack born about 1930
AndrewsMartha born about 1917
AndrewsMattie born about 1894
AndrewsWanda born about 1932
AndrewsWorth born about 1926
ArmstrongG Cborn about 1923
ArmstrongL Eborn about 1880
ArmstrongLambert born about 1909
ArmstrongLucille born about 1915
ArmstrongM Pborn about 1912
ArmstrongMary Jborn about 1918
ArmstrongPeggie Annborn about 1937
ArmstrongWilliam born about 1927
AuldsBob born about 1881
AuldsHazel born about 1925
AuldsMaggie born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerBrother born about 1935
BakerCurtis born about 1926
BakerEmma born about 1895
BakerGarlon born about 1928
BakerGeorge born about 1884
BakerGeorge Lborn about 1922
BakerGlen born about 1930
BakerOllie born about 1926
BakerRobert Leeborn about 1933
BallsHattie born about 1905
BallsJae Howardborn about 1932
BallsMargret born about 1929
BallsT Fborn about 1899
BarhamC Cborn about 1881
BarhamCarl Jborn about 1889
BarhamEdward Jborn about 1921
BarhamHerman born about 1928
BarhamJ Lborn about 1862
BarhamJewel born about 1909
BarhamJohn born about 1902
BarhamJohn Wborn about 1933
BarhamKathleen born about 1892
BarhamMary born about 1898
BarhamNaomi born about 1922
BarhamPhronia born about 1902
BarhamRosa Nellborn about 1930
BarhamRosie born about 1881
BarhamVivian born about 1925
BarhamW Mborn about 1878
BarkerMattie Louborn about 1916
BarksdaleClarice born about 1929
BarksdaleE Jborn about 1878
BarksdaleLaura born about 1889
BarksdaleLouise born about 1923
BatchAlonzo Leeborn about 1919
BatchGeorgia born about 1894
BatchJames born about 1934
BatchLuther born about 1923
BatchWilliam born about 1900
BennettAlta born about 1907
BennettBerta born about 1887
BennettC Bborn about 1884
BennettC Lborn about 1905
BennettCharles born about 1930
BennettJ Mborn about 1856
BennettMaggie born about 1928
BennettTwyla born about 1934
BentonArtiemish born about 1902
BentonDavid born about 1928
BentonFlorence born about 1931
BentonIsac born about 1937
BentonJesse born about 1935
BentonMandie born about 1885
BentonOllie born about 1900
BentonOllie Jr born about 1933
BeverEdward born about 1918
BlakeBill born about 1922
BlakeCorine born about 1926
BlakeDinzie Leeborn about 1932
BlakeErvin Jborn about 1936
BlakeMary Nellborn about 1929
BlakeMat born about 1884
BlakeNovia born about 1900
BlakeOzie Mayborn about 1939
BlandAndie born about 1896
BlandBertha born about 1939
BlandIrene born about 1912
BlandMancy Leeborn about 1934
BlandMargie born about 1935
BlandNorvell born about 1939
BlandOla Maeborn about 1932
BlandSandy born about 1931
BlandT Cborn about 1930
BlandWilliam born about 1928
BlandingRalph born about 1924
BollsEufloy born about 1898
BollsEula born about 1875
BollsH Wborn about 1897
BollsJ Gborn about 1872
BollsSybil born about 1923
BookerBilly Jaeborn about 1934
BookerDorothy born about 1930
BookerEarnest born about 1900
BookerEdith born about 1903
BookerJuanita born about 1937
BookerMabel born about 1923
BookerMaline born about 1925
BookerRobert born about 1932
BookerRuth born about 1928
BookerTed born about 1939
BookerThelma born about 1926
BookerThelton born about 1922
BrantleyBetty born about 1880
BrantleyCarl born about 1892
BrightAnnie Sueborn about 1934
BrightAuthur born about 1925
BrightBerneice born about 1926
BrightBobbie Jeanborn about 1929
BrightDuncan born about 1923
BrightElleen born about 1933
BrightGranvel born about 1912
BrightH Cborn about 1873
BrightHenry born about 1914
BrightJames born about 1916
BrightJames born about 1920
BrightJohn born about 1928
BrightLula born about 1894
BrightLuther born about 1889
BrightPattsie Nellborn about 1938
BrightPearl born about 1901
BrightR Pborn about 1869
BrightRosie born about 1875
BrightSarah born about 1884
BrownAda born about 1907
BrownBud born about 1872
BrownCharlie born about 1928
BrownClodis born about 1935
BrownEarnestine born about 1915
BrownElizabeth born about 1930
BrownGarland born about 1929
BrownHarvy Jr born about 1937
BrownJim born about 1906
BrownLannie born about 1931
BrownManervia born about 1912
BrownMelinda born about 1875
BrownRetha born about 1927
BrownVester born about 1905
BrownZille born about 1906
BullockCharlott born about 1938
BullockCornelia born about 1919
BullockHoward born about 1910
BullockJames Hborn about 1940
BurdwellJ Lborn about 1873
BurdwellJames Tborn about 1915
BurdwellJohnnie born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainErma Deanborn about 1931
CainIna Leeborn about 1922
CainNancy born about 1893
CainR Bborn about 1884
CainTheo born about 1925
CainWarner born about 1927
CalhounAndy born about 1874
CalhounEthel born about 1886
CalhounLester born about 1918
CalhounLucy born about 1917
CalhounMary Ruthborn about 1926
CalhounMax Allenborn about 1939
CalhounTillman born about 1915
CampbellBettie Souborn about 1936
CampbellBill born about 1868
CampbellBonnie born about 1932
CampbellCallie born about 1864
CampbellCallie born about 1883
CampbellCharles Tborn about 1932
CampbellCharlie born about 1914
CampbellClaud born about 1907
CampbellClaudie Lborn about 1937
CampbellEdgar born about 1901
CampbellEdna born about 1935
CampbellEdward born about 1902
CampbellErmalou born about 1934
CampbellEula Bborn about 1909
CampbellFrancis born about 1928
CampbellJ Eborn about 1934
CampbellJake born about 1929
CampbellJohn born about 1904
CampbellLealon born about 1910
CampbellLee Royborn about 1932
CampbellMarcia born about 1909
CampbellMary Annborn about 1934
CampbellMildred born about 1931
CampbellR Cborn about
CampbellRay born about 1937
CampbellThomas born about 1932
CampbellVollie born about 1919
CampbellWilliam Jr born about 1925
CarltonCharles born about 1935
CarltonDenton born about 1927
CarltonE Jborn about 1901
CarltonJohn Henryborn about 1917
CarltonMattie born about 1931
CarltonPansy born about 1940
CarltonPatsy born about 1940
CarltonPearl born about 1919
CarltonRaymond born about 1923
ChambersB Wborn about 1917
CharlesFrank born about 1903
CharlesFred born about 1930
CharlesGladys born about 1925
CharlesHistorie born about 1903
ClarkCallie born about 1890
ClementsR Wborn about 1915
CofieldCora born about 1902
CofieldDona born about 1892
CofieldHalbert born about 1888
CofieldHarmon born about 1893
CofieldHoward born about 1895
CofieldHoward Dborn about 1937
CofieldJamie born about 1920
CofieldJoseph born about 1919
CofieldKenneth born about 1927
CofieldNorman born about 1922
CofieldPaula born about 1930
CofieldRuth born about 1895
CofieldSue Janeborn about 1928
ColliesCorena born about 1920
ColliesIra Leeeborn about 1939
ColliesIsie born about 1905
CooperBilly born about 1890
CooperDorothy born about 1901
CooperKaeford born about 1928
CooperWilma born about 1934
CoppockHerman born about 1937
CoppockMabel born about 1915
CoppockRoy born about 1915
CotneyArvel born about 1920
CotneyJ Hborn about 1888
CotneyJacie born about 1899
CoxBertha born about 1937
CoxMarion born about 1931
CoxMonroe born about 1932
CoxNellie born about 1913
CrabbLuocnie born about 1916
CrabbMilburne born about 1917
CraneBoyd born about 1905
CraneEdna born about 1916
CraneMarget born about 1935
CraneMildred born about 1937
CrankLeon born about 1903
CrankLue born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaltonFay born about 1920
DaltonHomer born about 1917
DanielsE Hborn about 1888
DanielsE H Jrborn about 1922
DanielsFlorence born about 1929
DanielsGirtrude born about 1931
DanielsGrace born about 1895
DanielsMary Mborn about 1935
DanielsMildred born about 1922
DanielsMinnie Leeborn about 1927
DanielsNora born about 1887
DanielsPhina born about 1929
DanielsRoy born about 1892
DavisEmma born about 1879
DavisKeron born about 1912
DavisRosevelt born about 1904
DavisRosie Bborn about 1877
DavisW Bborn about 1909
DavisW Tborn about 1874
DeeBert born about 1909
DeloneyBeatris born about 1934
DeloneyBobbie Gborn about 1936
DeloneyElvada born about 1902
DeloneyEra Dellborn about 1932
DeloneyLee Atrisborn about 1928
DeloneyLouise born about 1939
DeloneyW Mborn about 1900
DeloneyWilliam Jr born about 1924
DennisDarline born about 1931
DennisJerry Daleborn about 1939
DennisJosephine born about 1929
DennisLina born about 1909
DennisOla Maeborn about 1937
DennisOtis born about 1896
DennisRobert Leeborn about 1935
DennisZallie born about 1927
DickersonBell born about 1873
DickersonCharles born about 1908
DickersonEvelyn born about 1922
DickersonJoann born about 1939
DickersonM Eborn about 1912
DickersonPatsy Rborn about 1938
DickersonW Nborn about 1859
DicksonArchie born about 1901
DicksonBessie born about 1904
DicksonGertie born about 1925
DicksonOmlee born about 1928
DillardBilly born about 1918
DillardDoris born about 1925
DillardF Aborn about 1863
DillardG Dborn about 1899
DillardGeralliae born about 1936
DillardHelen born about 1923
DillardHerald born about 1920
DillardHoward born about 1915
DillardJ Eborn about 1861
DillardJohnny born about 1901
DillardJoyce born about 1934
DillardKermit born about 1908
DillardLee born about 1866
DillardLera born about 1918
DillardMaggie born about 1889
DillardMargie born about 1919
DillardMilton born about 1920
DillardMollie born about 1868
DillardNell born about 1922
DillardR Eborn about 1888
DillardRobert born about 1939
DillardRuby born about 1907
DillardSenna born about 1865
DouganAlleene born about 1938
DouganBertial born about 1936
DouganClara Sueborn about 1939
DouganFloyd born about 1908
DouganMaudina born about 1917
DouganMyrtice born about 1919
DouganRobert Earlborn about 1938
DouganThomas born about 1937
DouganTom born about 1910
DouglasJeff born about 1868
DowingFanny born about 1878
DowingGrace born about 1909
DowingKaty born about 1910
DowingMargaret born about 1939
DowingSarah born about 1906
DowingW Rborn about 1871
DowingW Sborn about 1913
DurhamDallie born about 1887
DurhamNewt born about 1918
DurhamOlan born about 1923
DurhamRuth born about 1923

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E Surnames

EastA Pborn about 1889
EastBertie born about 1914
EastBetty Jborn about 1933
EastClifton born about 1922
EastClinton born about 1923
EastClyde born about 1925
EastDella born about 1893
EastDorothy born about 1927
EastLera born about 1919
EastLeunia born about 1931
EastObera born about 1929
EasterlingCalvin born about 1924
EasterlingCharles born about 1928
EasterlingClara born about 1904
EasterlingDora born about 1888
EasterlingIda born about 1883
EasterlingJ Tborn about 1887
EasterlingJ T Jrborn about 1912
EasterlingJames born about 1930
EasterlingMandie born about 1854
EasterlingMargarite born about 1921
EasterlingNeal born about 1892
EasterlingP Bborn about 1866
EasterlingSadie born about 1911
EasterlingWallace born about 1926
EasterlingWoodroe born about 1914
EdCampbell born about 1875
EdMollie born about 1876
EdWoodro born about 1916
EllisAldonia born about 1896
EllisAlena Leeborn about 1935
EllisAline born about 1917
EllisAra born about 1914
EllisArlis born about 1905
EllisBetty born about 1932
EllisBonnie born about 1936
EllisCharles born about 1934
EllisCreola born about 1929
EllisDale born about 1911
EllisDerrel born about 1932
EllisEarnestine born about 1938
EllisEdward born about 1927
EllisGuy born about 1920
EllisIon born about 1906
EllisJohnny born about 1910
EllisJulius born about 1888
EllisLeotra born about 1928
EllisLola Nellborn about 1937
EllisLouise born about 1928
EllisLucy born about 1929
EllisMalvern born about 1910
EllisMartha born about 1938
EllisMilward born about 1926
EllisPearl born about 1890
EllisPearl born about 1907
EllisPearlin born about 1935
EllisR Gborn about 1885
EllisRalph Dborn about 1938
EllisRobert born about 1937
EllisSilas born about 1935
EllisSusan born about 1873
EllisVan L born about 1932
EllisVictoria born about 1923
EllisWilliam born about 1903
ErwinAlta born about 1881
ErwinDave born about 1920
ErwinEula born about 1869
ErwinJ Wborn about 1856
EvansDale born about 1920
EvansMargie born about 1923

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F Surnames

FaganEarnest born about 1916
FaganEthel born about 1919
FaganLouise born about 1938
FaughtC Lborn about 1928
FaughtChester born about 1905
FaughtCicil Rborn about 1932
FaughtCorlelia born about 1909
FaughtD Lborn about 1926
FaughtH Tborn about 1871
FaughtL Pborn about 1884
FaughtMyrline born about 1931
FieldingEdna born about 1920
FieldingMorris born about 1908
FincherEdwin born about 1885
FincherEmmett born about 1920
FincherLottie born about 1886
FlemonsDee born about 1929
FlemonsFaye born about 1923
FlemonsFlorence born about 1891
FlemonsHomer born about 1912
FlemonsJim born about 1917
FlemonsLee born about 1929
FlemonsLois born about 1932
FlemonsLucile born about 1930
FlemonsRuby born about 1914
FlemonsRuffus born about 1925
FlemonsRufus born about 1925
FlemonsWillie born about 1920
ForeAnnie born about 1872
ForeAudrie born about 1882
ForeBetty Annborn about 1938
ForeBillie Nealborn about 1936
ForeBillie Waneborn about
ForeBlanche born about 1912
ForeBobbie Jborn about 1934
ForeEvelyn born about 1913
ForeFoy born about 1912
ForeG Wborn about 1879
ForeJ Jborn about 1870
ForeMarva Souborn about 1936
ForeNeal born about 1910
FridayDoso born about 1883
FridayHermon born about 1917
FridayNettie born about 1879
FridayReaves born about 1915
FridayRuth born about 1907

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G Surnames

GallowayA Aborn about 1878
GallowayBeulah born about 1888
GallowayDoyle born about 1922
GallowayJoel Laneborn about 1927
GallowayTheodore born about 1923
GannBillie Macborn about 1932
GannCarlon born about 1925
GannEmily born about 1891
GantcheBarbara born about 1921
GantcheDortha born about 1918
GantcheKiffer born about 1895
GantcheSam born about 1872
GantcheSam Jr born about 1919
GantcheShirley born about 1925
GantcheSyble born about 1923
GarrettJanie born about 1876
GarrettPecil born about 1896
GathrightJass born about 1909
GathrightJoyce born about 1939
GathrightJulia born about 1911
GathrightKenneth born about 1924
GathrightWindell born about 1933
GaynesArline born about 1916
GaynesClara born about 1876
GaynesJ Wborn about 1872
GeantonHarrel born about 1935
GhormleyBill born about 1932
GhormleyCarrie born about 1894
GhormleyEra born about 1897
GhormleyErma Leeborn about 1925
GhormleyHelen born about 1923
GhormleyHoward born about 1912
GhormleyJ Wborn about 1919
GhormleyJoe born about 1890
GhormleyJosie born about 1924
GhormleyPaul born about 1940
GhormleyR Eborn about 1884
GlantonA Lborn about 1898
GlantonJames Aborn about 1935
GlantonLois born about 1909
GlantonMary Lborn about 1936
GlantonTommie born about 1907
GlantonVida born about 1903
GlassDortha born about 1925
GlassIrene born about 1927
GlassLois born about 1923
GlassMaggie born about 1939
GlassR Cborn about 1900
GlassRobert born about 1930
GleyromMattie born about 1869
GleyromRuth born about 1884
GourleyBettie J Oeborn about 1931
GourleyBobbie Sueborn about 1939
GourleyDella born about 1906
GourleyEarl born about 1906
GourleyMae born about 1919
GourleyMaxine born about 1938
GourleyRuby Maeborn about 1937
GourleyVade Jborn about 1936
GourleyVelvin born about 1912
GourleyWilliam Eborn about 1933

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H Surnames

HardamanAnnie Bellborn about 1937
HardamanClifton born about 1934
HardamanDays Leeborn about 1935
HardamanLeola born about 1914
HardamanRobert born about 1939
HardamanSander born about 1907
HardmanAnnie born about 1881
HardmanTom born about 1874
HardmanTommie born about 1907
HareG Lborn about 1893
HareGrace born about 1892
HarrisBonnie born about 1912
HarrisClifton born about 1938
HarrisGeorgia born about 1905
HarrisHal born about 1912
HarrisHomer born about 1914
HarrisJ Fborn about 1890
HarrisJean born about 1914
HarrisMary born about 1933
HartAlpha born about 1905
HartE Mborn about 1895
HartHorace born about 1904
HartJoe Sherrellborn about 1932
HartRuth born about 1902
HastingAvoline born about 1939
HastingChristine born about 1934
HastingEdith Maeborn about 1932
HastingJames born about 1920
HastingJohn born about 1888
HastingJohn Fborn about 1930
HastingLloyd born about 1936
HastingLouis born about 1915
HastingLucile born about 1922
HastingLydia born about 1894
HastingMyrtle born about 1911
HastingSamuel born about 1927
HastingSue Ellenborn about 1934
HastingWillard born about 1917
HenryAnnie Maeborn about 1910
HenryBascom born about 1884
HenryClemmon born about 1931
HenryCozette born about 1914
HenryEdgar born about 1923
HenryJohn Dborn about 1924
HenryMat born about 1906
HenryViola born about 1934
HillBobbie Nellborn about 1940
HillClaudie born about 1910
HillGracie born about 1920
HirstFlora born about 1925
HirstHarvey born about 1921
HirstI Lborn about 1892
HirstIneze born about 1927
HirstIra Leeborn about 1930
HirstNellie born about 1895
HirstNellie Jewelborn about 1931
HirstRalph born about 1923
HobsonBertha born about 1903
HobsonEdna born about 1927
HobsonFrank born about 1898
HobsonFrank born about 1930
HobsonHenry born about 1932
HobsonJohn born about 1934
HobsonLee born about 1923
HobsonLola born about 1921
HobsonLou born about 1925
HobsonOli Maeborn about 1919
HolstenGlady born about 1922
HolstenJ Pborn about 1924
HolstenMaggie born about 1885
HolstenTom born about 1876
HolstenZedal born about 1928
HoncaAustin Dborn about 1937
HoncaH Dborn about 1907
HoncaOtis born about 1911
HoncaVelda Lborn about 1939
HoneaAgnes born about 1926
HoneaCorinna born about 1901
HoneaJohn born about 1927
HoneaRitta born about 1889
HoneaRobert born about 1918
HoneaThomas Eborn about 1923
HoneaW Eborn about 1887
HoneaW Lborn about 1893
HonesAlta born about 1910
HonesDoris Jeanborn about 1931
HonesG Cborn about 1893
HonesJohn Robertborn about 1937
HonesRonald Leeborn about 1929
HooverClyde born about 1933
HooverJames born about 1895
HooverJohn born about 1935
HooverJuanita born about 1926
HooverLulu born about 1913
HopkinsKing born about 1867
HopkinsMattie born about 1898
HopsonC Lborn about 1930
HopsonCladie born about 1905
HopsonCollise born about 1914
HopsonCollise Wborn about 1933
HopsonDon born about 1926
HopsonElnora born about 1916
HopsonEthel Leeborn about 1928
HopsonFanny born about 1906
HopsonHoward born about 1932
HopsonIdell born about 1928
HopsonJerline born about 1919
HopsonJoe born about 1882
HopsonJoe Benborn about 1931
HopsonLonnie born about 1930
HopsonLovie born about 1910
HopsonLudia born about 1924
HopsonRuby Jewelborn about 1939
HopsonSam born about 1905
HopsonSam Jr born about 1932
HopsonSara Elizabethborn about 1937
HopsonShirley born about 1937
HopsonWarren born about 1922
HopsonWillie Tborn about 1919
HopsonWoodro born about 1917
HopsonZelma Leeborn about 1935
HoreDoris born about 1934
HoreEva Nellborn about 1938
HoreGervis born about 1939
HoreJesse born about 1904
HoreLuda born about 1904
HoreMyrtle born about 1936
HovarterBernice born about 1919
HovarterDelia born about 1891
HovarterDorothy born about 1926
HovarterL Lborn about 1890
HubbardAbraham born about 1915
HubbardMyra born about 1880
HunterEarl born about 1925
HunterElvin born about 1922
HunterJ Wborn about 1890
HunterLaura born about 1889
HunterNoah born about 1916
HunterPearl born about 1925

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I Surnames

IrvinAlice born about 1923
IrvinEvill born about 1892
IrvinMay born about 1896
IrvinMerle born about 1920

J Surnames

JacksNancy born about 1869
JacksonBetty born about 1935
JacksonEdward born about 1932
JacksonEloise born about 1930
JacksonEva born about 1913
JacksonH Cborn about 1891
JacksonHorace born about 1926
JacksonLeroy born about 1924
JacksonLiza born about 1891
JacksonOlen Dborn about 1906
JacksonThomas born about 1917
JacksonTravis born about 1933
JeffersonWalter born about 1922
JohnsonBobbie Dborn about 1939
JohnsonChiline born about 1935
JohnsonDaisy born about 1899
JohnsonDenva born about 1932
JohnsonEtta born about 1897
JohnsonGene born about 1885
JohnsonHattie born about 1886
JohnsonHattie Louborn about 1934
JohnsonHerchel born about 1923
JohnsonHermon born about 1915
JohnsonJake born about 1930
JohnsonJames born about 1937
JohnsonJons born about 1884
JohnsonLara born about 1924
JohnsonLoriece born about 1933
JohnsonLucile born about 1936
JohnsonLuwellyn born about 1925
JohnsonManuel born about 1929
JohnsonOdessa born about 1912
JohnsonOpal born about 1932
JohnsonOtis born about 1938
JohnsonPearl born about 1927
JohnsonPeggie Geneborn about 1936
JohnsonSymira born about 1931
JohnsonThurman born about 1894
JohnsonVera born about 1927
JohnsonW Cborn about 1939
JohnsonW Wborn about 1883
JohnsonWillie born about 1923
JonesAmy Sueborn about 1928
JonesCasey born about 1912
JonesColun born about 1927
JonesCoy born about 1925
JonesDonie born about 1867
JonesElmer born about 1900
JonesElsie born about 1895
JonesEva Maeborn about 1915
JonesJesse born about 1910
JonesLora born about 1938
JonesM Aborn about 1889
JonesMarcia born about 1906
JonesMary born about 1902
JonesNancy Lborn about 1875
JonesRuth born about 1939
JonesShirley born about 1936
JonesSid born about 1886
JonesSue born about 1885
JordanL Lborn about 1883
JordanLera born about 1890
JordonAndy born about 1884
JordonLizzie born about 1885
JordonRaymond born about 1921
JourdanJames born about 1924

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K Surnames

KingLillie born about 1886
KingR Joseborn about 1874
KingRuby born about 1929
KingVirgil born about 1923
KingWilburn born about 1927

L Surnames

LacyFred born about 1894
LacyViola born about 1893
LambertCarol born about 1932
LambertHenry born about 1906
LambertMabel born about 1879
LambertMary Louborn about 1912
LambertMerle born about 1908
LambertRobert born about 1900
LambertShirley born about 1936
LambertWilliam born about 1906
LancasterFlossie born about 1889
LancasterJohn born about 1875
LandersFannie born about 1888
LanystonAnne Eborn about 1939
LanystonGeorge Eborn about 1933
LanystonL Nborn about 1911
LanystonLois born about 1911
LanystonLyndell Mborn about 1937
LawsonLazzie born about 1870
LawsonSam born about 1910
LawsonWallace Janeborn about 1926
LeakeJohn born about 1872
LittleElmer born about 1901
LittleGlen born about 1931
LittleJosie born about 1905
LittleLouise born about 1930
LittleMartha Rborn about 1937
LittleMary Souborn about 1940
LittleMilton born about 1935
LittleNillie born about 1925
LittleParalee born about 1882
LittlePauline born about 1927
LittleR Lborn about 1871
LittleRobert born about 1934
LittleRuby Leeborn about 1924
LoughAloy born about 1908
LoveAdock born about 1935
LoveChristell born about 1932
LoveForrest born about 1906
LoveJames Eborn about 1938
LoveLoucile born about 1907
LoveMary Janeborn about 1939
LoveWill born about 1874
LovermalkJames born about 1927
LovermalkJohnny born about 1925
LovermalkMary born about 1903
LovermalkMinnie born about 1932
LovermalkMorris born about 1934
LovermalkOra born about 1923
LovermalkR Cborn about 1930
LovermalkRay born about 1900
LovermalkRoy Jr born about 1921
LowDelma born about 1937
LowGarlan born about 1926
LowJ Cborn about 1924
LowJohnnie born about 1893
LowJonnie Sueborn about 1933
LowMartina born about 1931
LowSusie born about 1900
LoweAdel born about 1899
LoweCharline born about 1930
LoweGirth born about 1921
LoweHarold born about 1928
LoweHelen born about 1922
LoweLucy born about 1916
LoweLyndel born about 1926
LoweMartha born about 1933
LoweThomas born about 1916
LoweWallace born about 1924
LoweWesley born about 1894

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M Surnames

MaldenSurella born about 1890
MaloneDon born about 1937
MaloneJames Vborn about 1934
MaloneRobert Lborn about 1936
MaloneRuby born about 1915
MaloneUlus born about 1914
MaloneUlus Jr born about 1939
MannGilbert born about 1912
MannGlyn born about 1912
ManningAudrey born about 1925
ManningBobbie Nellborn about 1931
ManningCleo born about 1937
ManningEdith born about 1930
ManningFlorence born about 1903
ManningGarland born about 1923
ManningH Hborn about 1907
ManningKenneth born about 1933
ManningMartha born about 1909
ManningPatsy born about 1938
ManningR Lborn about 1902
ManningVivian born about 1927
MartinBellie Joeborn about 1929
MartinEdna born about 1900
MartinH Cborn about 1896
MartinHugh born about 1883
MartinJosie born about 1901
MartinNancy born about 1924
MartinNancy Annborn about 1931
MartinRobert born about 1930
MartinRosie born about 1858
MartinWilliam Hborn about 1934
MattersonLiza Maeborn about 1937
MayAlvin born about 1915
MayBilly born about 1934
MayEva Maeborn about 1911
MayMary born about 1917
MayMattie Dellborn about 1929
MayShirley born about 1931
MayThurman born about 1904
MayfieldLillie born about 1880
McBrideHermon born about 1918
McBrideMargie Nellborn about 1938
McBridePearl born about 1918
McBrideShirley born about 1936
McCuloughBeatrice born about 1923
McCuloughEdward born about 1921
McCuloughFranklin born about 1925
McCuloughMary born about 1897
McCuloughRobert born about 1932
McCuloughW Lborn about 1891
McCuloughW L Jrborn about 1936
McGoughBennie Jaeborn about 1931
McGoughFlorence born about 1912
McGoughJames born about 1923
McGoughLillie born about 1895
McGoughMunn born about 1907
McGoughP Rborn about 1875
McGoughR Bborn about 1883
McGoughSarrah born about 1878
McMillonCarl born about 1938
McMillonDorothy born about 1923
McMillonKennon born about 1932
McMillonMac born about 1888
McMillonMag Jr born about 1930
McMillonMargie born about 1927
McMillonMyrtie born about 1904
McMillonMyrtle born about 1928
McMillonNona born about 1935
McMillonVan born about 1934
McMillonVernon born about 1921
MillerArthur born about 1919
MillerDelia born about 1887
MillerEdward born about 1917
MillerJ Hborn about 1885
MillerMabel born about 1921
MillerVen born about 1939
MorelandBerry born about 1872
MorelandPinkey born about 1882
MorrisAlona born about 1924
MorrisHattie born about 1880
MorrisRonnie born about 1918
MorrowWilmer born about 1912
MunnJae Jr born about 1924
MunnJoe born about 1893
MunnOscar born about 1900
MurrahC Aborn about 1890
MurrahJosephine born about 1922
MurrahLiddie born about 1892
MurrahRay Aborn about 1918
MurrahVirginia born about 1919
MurryDorthy born about 1915
MurryMattie born about 1869
MurryMode born about 1875
MurryPerry born about 1914
MurryTige born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashDale born about 1934
NashHale born about 1904
NashL Mborn about 1877
NashSadie born about 1906
NealDon born about 1857
NealNancy born about 1900
NelsonGertha born about 1921
NorsworthDearl born about 1936
NortonBeyrl born about 1921
NortonC Gborn about 1901
NortonMary born about 1901
NortonPerry born about 1867
NortonWillie Maeborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OtwellArlice born about 1936
OtwellDaisy Nellborn about 1939
OtwellJimmie born about 1938
OtwellMaudie born about 1913
OtwellMilton born about 1911

P Surnames

PalmerA Lborn about 1895
PalmerHarold born about 1922
PalmerOllie born about 1899
ParkerA Jborn about 1928
ParkerArthur born about 1902
ParkerChester born about 1924
ParkerEmma born about 1902
ParkerLee born about 1925
ParkerLevada born about 1927
ParmerAnnie Maeborn about 1938
ParmerEliza Jborn about 1854
ParmerGracie Mborn about 1915
ParmerS Hborn about 1885
ParrisBetty born about 1916
ParrisKenneth born about 1937
ParrisOlen born about 1912
PearsonA Eborn about 1885
PearsonArchie born about 1919
PearsonLily born about 1890
PearsonRobert born about 1925
PearsonRuth born about 1921
PearsonViolet born about 1923
PearsonVirginia born about 1917
PeaveyCharles born about 1870
PeaveySusie born about 1881
PickardFlorence born about 1880
PickardWalter born about 1870
PlumleyBonnie Sueborn about 1935
PlumleyClaudia born about 1920
PlumleyJames born about 1922
PlumleyJohn born about 1884
PlumleyOtha born about 1924
PlumleyTreudie born about 1900
PondettesAugusta born about 1920
PondettesBetty born about 1939
PondettesHenry born about 1897
PondettesHenry Jr born about 1925
PondettesOzia born about 1901
PondettesRosa Leaborn about 1933
PondettesVirginia born about 1923
PondettesWallie born about 1921
PowellArthur born about 1935
PowellAudrey born about 1930
PowellC Rborn about 1874
PowellHermon born about 1913
PowellIrene born about 1907
PowellJames born about 1939
PowellMarie born about 1938
PowellMarzelle born about 1934
PowellMollie born about 1880
PrattBoshie Lborn about 1890
PrattJ Hborn about 1883
PrattLee Royborn about 1918
PrattW Hborn about 1913
PurtleA Jborn about 1877
PurtleAlene born about 1919
PurtleAlicion born about 1908
PurtleBetty born about 1863
PurtleCarl born about 1891
PurtleDexter born about 1919
PurtleDoris born about 1928
PurtleErma born about 1898
PurtleGertrude born about 1875
PurtleHarlon born about 1912
PurtleHester Jr born about 1925
PurtleHesterly born about 1906
PurtleIrlis born about 1923
PurtleJackie born about 1936
PurtleJames born about 1933
PurtleJames Rayborn about 1937
PurtleJesse born about 1903
PurtleLera Maborn about 1934
PurtleLizzie born about 1881
PurtleMalvin born about 1924
PurtleMary born about 1928
PurtleMilburn born about 1906
PurtleOpal born about 1908
PurtlePatsy born about 1931
PurtleR Lborn about 1873
PurtleRuth born about 1913
PurtleVirginia born about 1931
PurtleWinnie born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReedT Jborn about 1919
ReeseAnnie Sueborn about 1935
ReeseCora Ellenborn about 1926
ReeseCora Sueborn about 1938
ReeseDean born about 1931
ReeseElva born about 1905
ReeseEsther born about 1911
ReeseLoyd born about 1906
ReeseLuther born about 1908
ReeseMargie Nellborn about 1928
ReeseMary Ruthborn about 1938
ReesePauline born about 1930
ReeseWarren born about 1930
RetherfordSally born about 1892
ReynoldsFrances born about 1938
ReynoldsJ Hborn about 1913
ReynoldsJacqueline born about 1937
ReynoldsLou born about 1869
ReynoldsMinnie born about 1916
RhodesBobbie born about 1933
RhodesEthel born about 1937
RhodesEvelyn born about 1911
RhodesFrank born about 1909
RhodesMarion born about 1931
RhodesMildred born about 1932
RhodesRuth born about 1939
RichardsonAlta born about 1905
RichardsonAlton born about 1903
RichardsonDoyl born about 1926
RichardsonElmer born about 1921
RichardsonJ Gborn about 1880
RichardsonMabel born about 1884
RichardsonMary Louborn about 1930
RiggsDenver born about 1929
RiggsLoyce born about 1930
RiggsLula born about 1900
RiggsManilene born about 1933
RiggsShermon born about 1900
RiggsShermon Jr born about 1924
RiggsSylvester born about 1926
RockettBetty born about 1876
RoddenAlta born about 1915
RoddenAnnie Mborn about 1922
RoddenBobbie born about 1938
RoddenCarrie born about 1881
RoddenCharles Wborn about 1939
RoddenE Mborn about 1910
RoddenMaine born about 1935
RoddenO Wborn about 1919
RogersLousindia born about 1870
RogersRobert born about 1910
RossC Bborn about 1916
RossCecil born about 1920
RossCharlie born about 1926
RossClifton born about 1930
RossDelona born about 1937
RossDorothy born about 1921
RossGeorge born about 1890
RossGussie born about 1919
RossHarry born about 1921
RossHellen born about 1921
RossJames born about 1924
RossJo born about 1899
RossKatie born about 1895
RossL Jborn about 1934
RossLoyd born about 1922
RossMarie born about 1930
RossMary Louborn about 1932
RossNanny born about 1872
RossR Eborn about 1935
RossRobert born about 1938
RossT Nborn about 1869
RossTheron born about 1927
RossThomas born about 1918
RossZelia born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SampsonAdron born about 1925
SampsonBettie Gborn about 1928
SampsonBobbie born about 1923
SampsonOma born about 1906
SampsonP Gborn about 1899
SanfordSue born about 1896
SanfordWilliam born about 1889
SanfordWilliam born about 1924
SaundersB Mborn about 1890
SaundersEliza born about 1858
SaundersJames born about 1918
SaundersJohn Lborn about 1920
SaundersMargie born about 1922
ScottA Gborn about 1936
ScottDee born about 1914
ScottK Gborn about 1924
ScottLester born about 1917
ScottLois born about 1915
ScottPate born about 1912
ScottRitha Bborn about 1927
ScottS Jborn about 1939
ShermonMelvin born about 1919
ShippDarvis born about 1924
ShippHallis born about 1935
ShippMargie born about 1927
ShippMelvin born about 1921
ShippNowelle born about 1932
ShippRobert born about 1930
ShippThalia born about 1919
ShippW Lborn about 1894
SissonCharles Eborn about 1939
SissonHarley Eborn about 1932
SissonHarold Lborn about 1931
SissonHattie born about 1911
SissonVera born about 1919
SissonWalter born about 1910
SissonWilbur born about 1907
SkinnesDonald born about 1933
SkinnesLester born about 1902
SkinnesMargie born about 1928
SkinnesTherman born about 1923
SkinnesTheron born about 1925
SkinnesViola born about 1904
SkinnesWesley born about 1931
SmartWilliam born about 1866
SmithAlma Geneborn about 1934
SmithAlvie Leeborn about 1936
SmithBarbara born about 1929
SmithBetty born about 1940
SmithCarol born about 1938
SmithElsie born about 1902
SmithEmma born about 1864
SmithFavis Wayneborn about 1938
SmithG Hborn about 1892
SmithHazel born about 1911
SmithHenry born about 1932
SmithInez born about 1908
SmithJohn Aborn about 1931
SmithLeila born about 1915
SmithLelie born about 1911
SmithM Lborn about 1908
SmithMale born about 1918
SmithMary born about 1928
SmithRose born about 1931
SmithU Lborn about 1905
SmithUrda born about 1929
SmithWildon born about 1923
SmithWilliam Rborn about 1938
SmithWilma Fborn about 1938
SnellsLeola born about 1908
SnellsMonroe born about 1900
SnyderDella born about 1908
SnyderElcie Maeborn about 1933
SnyderEstell born about 1931
SnyderO Bborn about 1894
SnyderTommy born about 1938
SnyderWanda Leeborn about 1935
SpellElsey Maeborn about 1937
SpellEthel born about 1932
SpellGeneva born about 1926
SpellGladys born about 1910
SpellHerman born about 1906
SpellJ Eborn about 1912
SpellJames Wborn about 1935
SpellL Fborn about 1905
SpellLeonard born about 1926
SpellMary Louborn about 1934
SpellMaurine born about 1934
SpellW Jborn about 1872
SpellWillie born about 1920
SpermanChester Fborn about 1930
SpermanCorine born about 1932
SpermanErnest born about 1928
SpermanHildra Jr born about 1935
SpermanHycdry born about 1905
SpermanJ Bborn about 1923
SpermanJ Cborn about 1925
SpermanJoanna born about 1937
SpermanJosie born about 1893
SpermanLiza born about 1904
SpermanLucy born about 1934
SpermanLuke born about 1933
SpermanNathaniel born about 1940
SpermanOleda born about 1922
SpermanSilas born about 1918
SpermanTeluar born about 1907
SpermanWillie Leeborn about 1927
SprulockUna Leeborn about 1926
StarkAda Geneborn about 1924
StarkAlbert born about 1916
StarkDoyle born about 1938
StarkFrancis born about 1934
StarkGeorgia born about 1908
StarkIdell born about 1884
StarkJames born about 1930
StarkJohnny born about 1936
StarkLee Aborn about 1900
StarkOla born about 1871
StarkS Nborn about 1884
StarkW Nborn about 1913
SteedBettie Leeborn about 1916
SteedElizabeth born about 1931
SteedGurvis born about 1917
SteedHarlle born about 1910
SteedMattie born about 1874
SteedMyrtle born about 1912
SteedO Jborn about 1868
SteedPaul Wborn about 1939
SteedVister born about 1906
StewartFobbie born about 1923
StewartJosie born about 1906
StewartKelso born about 1896
StewartNell born about 1926
StewartRalph born about 1929
StokesAllie born about 1900
StokesCarroll born about 1930
StokesDora born about 1903
StokesF Cborn about 1899
StokesGrady born about 1902
StokesJ Sborn about 1876
StokesLajoy born about 1936
StokesLouise born about 1924
StokesMargaret Sueborn about 1932
StokesMary Geneborn about 1927
StokesMilton born about 1921
StokesRobert born about 1925
StokesValerie born about 1932
StuartCarolyn born about 1939
StuartFred born about 1910
StuartLudia born about 1918
StudGeneva born about 1925
StudGirteen born about 1903
StudHilman born about 1900
StudInaberthel born about 1910
StudIvy born about 1908
StudJames born about 1921
StudJerrel born about 1923
StudLeroy born about 1927
StudLouis Rayborn about 1930
SummersFayeola born about 1920
SummersGovenor born about 1915
SummersPitt born about 1918
SuttonAennie born about 1940
SuttonCarter born about 1912
SuttonG Sborn about 1871
SuttonGerteen born about 1908
SuttonHoward born about 1909
SuttonJim born about 1875
SuttonJulia born about 1877
SuttonJulia born about 1928
SuttonLelia born about 1875
SuttonMary Jeanborn about 1926
SuttonMaxine born about 1919
SuttonMyrtle born about 1917
SuttonPhel born about 1898
SuttonRuth born about 1903
SuttonWalter born about 1883
SuttonZeela born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorAmie born about 1931
TaylorBetty born about 1939
TaylorBeulah born about 1922
TaylorBobbie Jeanborn about 1938
TaylorEarl born about 1925
TaylorEaster born about 1915
TaylorEdward born about 1934
TaylorEstella born about 1925
TaylorGalvestis born about 1931
TaylorGracie born about 1928
TaylorGrady born about 1905
TaylorGrady Jr born about 1933
TaylorHesie born about 1936
TaylorIsa born about 1905
TaylorJohn born about 1892
TaylorJohn Wborn about 1929
TaylorKosa born about 1935
TaylorLennessee born about 1907
TaylorMary Leeborn about 1926
TaylorPascal born about 1849
TaylorPaul born about 1939
TaylorWill born about 1937
TaylorWillie Leeborn about 1929
TaylorZelia born about 1913
TaylorZolia Leeborn about 1933
ThompsonAlta born about 1893
ThompsonDonal Evansborn about 1936
ThompsonGeneva Anaborn about 1933
ThompsonJ Yborn about 1931
ThompsonJerry Sborn about 1892
ThompsonLilly Juneborn about 1921
ThompsonMary Helenborn about 1939
ThompsonTillman born about 1924
ThompsonVernon born about 1925
TomlinBessie born about 1907
TomlinBonnie born about 1932
TomlinDennis born about 1930
TomlinHazel born about 1926
TomlinJ Aborn about 1907
TomlinJames born about 1928
TomlinJunior born about 1938
TomlinLeila born about 1939
TriceBen born about 1904
TriceCarlton born about 1931
TriceGerald born about 1933
TriceJ Wborn about
TriceKenneth born about 1935
TricePatsy born about 1937
TriceThomas born about 1929
TriceVirda born about 1911
TyeDonald Rayborn about 1939
TyeGerteen born about 1898
TyeHarton born about 1915
TyeJim born about 1883
TyeMarie born about 1915
TyeMaudie born about 1895
TyeRobert born about 1936
TynerArchie born about 1922
TynerCarrie born about 1883
TynerJack born about 1923
TynerJerry born about 1927
TynerP Mborn about 1877
TynerP M Jrborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VadenBobbie Geneborn about 1935
VadenRachel born about 1914
VadenWilliam born about 1912
VirdenAlfrid Eborn about 1939
VirdenBenjamin Fborn about 1938
VirdenC Hborn about 1869
VirdenEula Mborn about 1912
VirdenFredris Hborn about 1932
VirdenJames born about 1924
VirdenLena born about 1888
VirdenT Fborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddleBetty born about 1937
WaddleDera born about 1905
WaddleW Gborn about 1885
WardAdel born about 1906
WardC Dborn about 1902
WardCarl born about 1933
WardDeward born about 1935
WardHode born about 1912
WardLarry born about 1939
WardPearl born about 1918
WaterberryExaline born about 1863
WellsBunie born about 1923
WellsFaye born about 1937
WellsJ Bborn about 1890
WellsMannie born about 1898
WellsMarvin born about 1917
WellsMildred born about 1925
WellsOneil born about 1927
WessonVerna born about 1914
WessonWarner born about 1914
WhiteBeaula born about 1880
WhiteCharles born about 1932
WhiteDorsie born about 1920
WhiteElizabeth born about 1930
WhiteEvelyn born about 1912
WhiteFranklin born about 1927
WhiteHenry born about 1908
WhiteHenry Owenborn about 1938
WhiteJ Wborn about 1874
WhiteJo Annborn about 1939
WhiteJohn born about 1917
WhiteMary Sueborn about 1919
WickerHarlon born about 1913
WickerJimmie Leeborn about 1938
WickerOdell born about 1935
WilbernCora Annborn about 1930
WilbernHugh born about 1934
WilbernIona born about 1909
WilbernLee born about 1907
WilbernTheonia born about 1938
WilbernWillie Eborn about 1936
WilbernWillis born about 1932
WilliamsEileen born about 1901
WilliamsGrady born about 1903
WilliamsPolly Anneborn about 1930
WilsonMartha born about 1885
WilsonR Gborn about 1885
WinnChester born about 1933
WinnDetty born about 1938
WinnJames born about 1902
WinnViva born about 1911
WoodalMary born about 1923
WoodalVoe born about 1925
WoodulJ Eborn about 1881
WoodulViola born about 1890
WoosleyBessie born about 1901
WoosleyC Cborn about 1874
WoosleyGeorge born about 1911
WoosleyHattie born about 1879
WoosleyMartin born about 1899
WoosleyMartin Cborn about 1924
WoosleyOma born about 1899
WrenAlonzo born about 1933
WrenBillie Vborn about 1927
WrenBobbie Jborn about 1929
WrenDoss born about 1908
WrenGlen born about 1894
WrenJ Eborn about 1894
WrenLee born about 1907
WrenLinda Louborn about 1939
WrenReba born about 1908
WrenWanda Sueborn about 1932
WrenWayne born about 1927
WrenWillard born about 1903
WreyfordCharlotte born about 1939
WreyfordClarence born about 1918
WreyfordGeneva born about 1934
WreyfordHarvy Eborn about 1900
WreyfordJames Willardborn about 1939
WreyfordMarguerite born about 1923
WreyfordNona born about 1899
WrightEdna Earlborn about 1935
WrightElie born about 1902
WrightHoward born about 1904
WrightHoward Lborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarboroughLouise born about 1927
YarboroughSamuel born about 1932
YoungCharline born about 1937
YoungEdna born about 1938
YoungFlossie born about 1915
YoungJosephine born about 1936
YoungLernica born about 1913
YoungMarshall born about 1911

Z Surnames

ZacharyBrooks born about 1906
ZacharyEdna born about 1935
ZacharyGeneva born about 1925
ZacharyJulius born about 1933
ZacharyMartha born about 1929
ZacharyMay born about 1934
ZacharyRaymond born about 1927
ZacharyRuby born about 1939
ZacharyRufus born about 1938
ZacharyUlyses born about 1900
ZacharyWeston born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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