1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ashley in Independence County, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Ashley in Independence County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AckermanDon born about 1934
AckermanEdith born about 1909
AckermanMary born about 1932
AckermanShirley born about 1937
AdamsLawrence born about 1871
AdamsM born about 1866
AlronEarl born about 1907
AlronEmma born about 1883
AlronMay Aborn about 1910

B Surnames

BakowA Mborn about 1870
BalingerCarrie born about 1910
BalingerErnest born about 1898
BarnettAlfred born about 1936
BarnettAlice born about 1919
BarnettClifford born about 1917
BarnettClyde born about 1915
BarnettCora born about 1897
BarnettElijah born about 1912
BarnettElnora born about 1935
BarnettEmmet born about 1910
BarnettErwin born about 1927
BarnettEula born about 1921
BarnettGeorge born about 1881
BarnettH Eborn about 1916
BarnettKenneth born about 1920
BarnettLila born about 1938
BarnettLonard born about 1940
BarnettLydia born about 1923
BarnettMarshall born about 1921
BarnettMartha born about 1885
BarnettMelvin born about 1930
BarnettMildred born about 1928
BarnettMyrtle born about 1922
BarnettNellie born about 1923
BarnettNelse born about 1919
BarnettOdell born about 1933
BarnettOlin born about 1938
BarnettRichard born about 1932
BarnettRobert born about 1886
BarnettRosa born about 1936
BarnettRozella born about 1926
BarnettVaughn born about 1934
BarnettVernetta born about 1938
BarnettZela born about 1924
BarrettBill born about 1909
BarrettCarl born about 1926
BarrettCoy born about 1930
BarrettEffie born about 1903
BarrettHettie born about 1896
BarrettR Jborn about 1893
BarrettRay born about 1936
BarrettStella born about 1932
BarrettTheda born about 1938
BaxterMonroe born about 1921
BaxterNora born about 1900
BaxterOscar born about 1897
BaxterRay born about 1919
BlackJunius born about 1924
BlueMildred born about 1912
BlueP Aborn about 1902
BowerClaud born about 1934
BowerJ Lborn about 1880
BowerJanice born about 1902
BowerRodell born about 1936
BowerRuphus born about 1938
BowersBurrel born about 1938
BowersLouise born about 1931
BoyceD Yborn about 1857
BoyceDewitt born about 1904
BoyceFreda born about 1926
BoyceMinnie born about 1893
BoyceWilliam born about 1893
BragdonG Cborn about 1932
BragdonMaria born about 1938
BragdonO Lborn about 1916
BragdonTagy born about 1918
BragdonUna born about 1913
BragdonW Rborn about 1911
BrentAlbert born about 1923
BrentBert born about 1936
BrentEverett born about 1921
BrentHarrell born about 1929
BrentLorene born about 1924
BrentNellie born about 1926
BrentO Eborn about 1882
BrentOllie born about 1892
BrewerChristine born about 1929
BrewerNellie born about 1901
BrewerNelsine born about 1922
BrewerTom born about 1937
BrewerW Nborn about 1891
BrokowAnne Mayborn about 1924
BrokowCharles born about 1931
BrokowD Abeborn about 1919
BrokowDaisy born about 1929
BrokowDorothy born about 1922
BrokowEffie born about 1903
BrokowFloyd born about 1896
BrokowVaughn born about 1935
BrokowWillish born about 1925

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C Surnames

CainDavid born about 1867
CampbellFrank born about 1872
CarterDavid born about 1862
CarterEdward born about 1930
CarterHenry born about 1886
CarterJ Rborn about 1899
CarterJames born about 1923
CarterJohn born about 1925
CarterMarie born about 1936
CarterMary born about 1901
CarterPearl born about 1909
CarterSarah born about 1865
CarterVirgie born about 1932
CavenarArminda born about 1872
CavenarW Hborn about 1867
ChumA Rborn about 1853
ChumJ Mborn about 1912
ChumLizzie born about 1876
ClariusCarl born about 1918
ClariusEdna born about 1921
ClariusMagie born about 1939
ClumAlice born about 1859
ColemanHarvey born about 1916
ColemanLois born about 1913
CollinsFloyd born about 1912
CollinsGranvile born about 1938
CollinsO Tborn about 1889
CollinsRachel born about 1922
CrouseAmmie born about 1911
CrouseJohn Kborn about 1910
CrouseMountino born about 1933
CrouseShelby born about 1939
CummingsAgnes born about 1903
CummingsBertha born about 1919
CummingsFrances born about 1888
CummingsGenevive born about 1925
CummingsJohn born about 1892
CummingsLeo born about 1921
CummingsMary born about 1937
CummingsMay born about 1923
CummingsMelda born about 1940
CummingsMildred born about 1925
CummingsNeil born about 1914
CummingsPaul born about 1935
CummingsVernon born about 1928
CummingsW Oborn about 1899

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D Surnames

DewAnna Mayborn about 1932
DewBernice born about 1923
DewBertha born about 1889
DewBetty born about 1939
DewBillie born about 1929
DewDoyle born about 1930
DewEd born about 1910
DewG Aborn about 1884
DewJanita born about 1927
DewMyrtle born about 1912
DewT Rborn about 1908
DewTommy born about 1934
DownsEddie born about 1912
DownsEliza born about 1886
DownsJ Cborn about 1927
DownsJohnwanda born about 1936
DownsMary Louborn about 1921
DownsW Sborn about 1865
DownsWilliam Jborn about 1938
DriskillBillie born about 1930
DriskillFreeman born about 1937
DriskillJane born about 1908
DriskillWilliam born about 1910
DuncanArnetta born about 1913
DuncanArthur born about 1932
DuncanCaroline born about 1939
DuncanEllen born about 1878
DuncanLena born about 1917
DuncanTed born about 1914
DuncanW Jborn about 1903
DuneganA Dborn about 1920
DuneganCalvin born about 1939
DuneganD Sborn about 1890
DuneganInez born about 1923
DuneganKate born about 1892
DuneganS Annieborn about 1937

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E Surnames

EastsCharles born about 1926
EastsClyde born about 1930
EastsE Dborn about 1890
EastsEdward born about 1923
EastsEva born about 1931
EastsFloyd born about 1939
EastsHenry born about 1936
EastsMargaret born about 1928
EastsMary born about 1933
EastsRoberta born about 1904
EastsRosetta born about 1925

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F Surnames

FarrisH Wborn about 1917
FarrisLeota born about 1924
FateEulis born about 1932
FateFelix born about 1901
FateHellen born about 1926
FateJ Jr born about 1870
FateKenneth born about 1938
FateNora born about 1935
FateStella born about 1905
FateT Jborn about 1930
FateWillie born about 1924
FeltsKennard born about 1901
FeltsMuriel born about 1906
FinsterBarbie born about 1928
FinsterClay born about 1892
FinsterEvans born about 1933
FinsterGlady born about 1908
FinsterHoward born about 1925
FinsterMinnie Venborn about 1926
FinsterO Neil Venborn about 1926
FinsterPanzey Leeborn about 1930

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G Surnames

GaforthEthel born about 1913
GaforthRosie born about 1920
GibbsArchie born about 1939
GibbsDavid born about 1934
GibbsElijah born about 1926
GibbsElisha born about 1932
GibbsG Wborn about 1886
GibbsIda born about 1892
GibbsJary born about 1925
GibbsJunior born about 1938
GibbsMary born about 1911
GibbsMoses born about 1923
GibbsT Jborn about 1911
GoforthAbner born about 1928
GoforthArville born about 1935
GoforthBillie born about 1932
GoforthE Tborn about 1904
GoforthLantx born about 1930
GoforthMaggie born about 1908
GrunfieldAmrie born about 1923
GrunfieldBettie born about 1939
GrunfieldDorothy born about 1908
GrunfieldE born about 1892
GrunfieldElla born about 1897
GrunfieldErline born about 1925
GrunfieldEugene born about 1930
GrunfieldGeorge born about 1937
GrunfieldJ Rborn about 1935
GrunfieldJimmy born about 1933
GrunfieldLucile born about 1930
GrunfieldMarlin born about 1919
GrunfieldNella born about 1932
GrunfieldNelson born about 1927
GrunfieldPaul born about 1917
GrunfieldR Cborn about 1927
GrunfieldR Mborn about 1908

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H Surnames

HaigwoodA Jborn about 1902
HaigwoodAllie born about 1883
HaigwoodAnnie born about 1880
HaigwoodBeatrice born about 1925
HaigwoodBessie born about 1918
HaigwoodC Fborn about 1913
HaigwoodDorris born about 1937
HaigwoodDwayne born about 1931
HaigwoodE Pborn about 1911
HaigwoodEarl born about 1916
HaigwoodGlenna born about 1914
HaigwoodH Lborn about 1901
HaigwoodJ Wborn about 1880
HaigwoodRoyce born about 1939
HaigwoodRuby born about 1914
HaigwoodTressie born about 1918
HaigwoodTreva born about 1939
HaigwoodVirgie born about 1903
HayshipAlene born about 1931
HayshipEthel born about 1903
HayshipJ Hborn about 1902
HayshipRichard born about 1927
HayshipWalter born about 1934
HickE Hborn about 1897
HickLenna born about 1906
HickSidney Jr born about 1937
HiltonDillon born about 1928
HiltonUddell born about 1924
HollandsworthStella born about 1880
HollandsworthW Aborn about 1872
HolmesC Eborn about 1874
HolmesE Rborn about 1872
HuffBillie born about 1939
HuffBroksie born about 1921
HuntAubrey born about 1914
HuntFrancis born about 1917
HuntJos Nealborn about 1937
HuntWilma born about 1940

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I Surnames

InesDaisy born about 1901
InesHarry born about 1931
InesJ Lborn about 1929
InesJ Wborn about 1895

J Surnames

JohnsonMallie born about 1883
JonesDewayne born about 1935
JonesEmil born about 1931
JonesFay born about 1903
JonesHallis born about 1937
JonesJ Hborn about 1921
JonesJaquita born about 1929
JonesNelda born about 1939
JonesR Lborn about 1900
JonesR L Jrborn about 1922
JonesRonald born about 1926
JonesSleatha born about 1925

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K Surnames

KelleyA Lborn about 1894
KelleyA Rborn about 1908
KelleyAustin born about 1939
KelleyBonnie born about 1909
KelleyDuxie born about 1920
KelleyJames Rborn about 1935
KelleyLorine born about 1933
KelleyLyda born about 1904
KelleyMary born about 1938
KelleyOllie Oborn about 1871
KelleyRussell born about 1932
KelleyS Jborn about 1928
KelleyVivian born about 1936
KennedyJ Cborn about 1913
KennedyJimmy born about 1937
KennedyMyrtle born about 1915
KimbroughB Bborn about 1871
KimburghBillie born about 1937
KimburghFanny born about 1908
KimburghJ Aborn about 1907
KimburghJ Bborn about 1915
KimburghJ Rborn about 1867
KimburghJoe born about 1916
KimburghMargie born about 1881
KimburghMaxine born about 1934
KinianAgnes born about 1931
KinianB Vborn about 1938
KinianElnora born about 1913
KinianErline born about 1935
KinianErwin born about 1934
KinianJohn born about 1863
KintalMay born about 1922
KintalWalter born about 1920
KirbyEdgar born about 1907

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L Surnames

LeachEdward born about 1930
LeachLucile born about 1925
LeachMarie Mborn about 1906
LeachRuth born about 1927
LeachVirginia born about 1929
LewisAnna born about 1935
LewisAnnie born about 1903
LewisChester born about 1933
LewisE Aborn about 1885
LewisFanny born about 1883
LewisJ Rborn about 1905
LewisJerry born about 1939
LewisJoel born about 1923
LewisTilda born about 1926

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M Surnames

MadlinJ Lborn about 1878
MadlinRuth born about 1880
MagnessFrances born about 1933
MagnessMalisa born about 1938
MagnessRuth born about 1915
MajorsR Aborn about 1920
MajorsRuby born about 1922
MajorsVenee born about 1919
Mallett born about 1938
MallettBettie born about 1938
MallettDessy born about 1933
MallettEdith born about 1916
MallettGary born about 1939
MallettIda born about 1932
MallettRalph born about 1910
MallettRay born about 1908
MallettRuby born about 1912
MallettTommy born about 1935
MallettVernon born about 1929
MarshallJ Cborn about 1925
MarshallJohnny born about 1921
MarshallJosie born about 1885
MarshallLanora born about 1919
MarshallR Wborn about 1880
MartinAlvin born about 1939
MartinCharles born about 1905
MartinEarl born about 1926
MartinEdith born about 1937
MartinHazel born about 1935
MartinHerbert born about 1933
MartinJewell born about 1939
MartinJuarld born about 1926
MartinMyrtle born about 1916
MartinOlie born about 1931
MartinSila born about 1904
MartinThelma born about 1912
MassDora born about 1895
MasseyClifford born about 1901
MasseyClifford Pborn about 1933
MasseyRose born about 1901
McCabibBly born about 1895
McClureAlma born about 1893
McClureBernard born about 1922
McClureHarford born about 1924
McClureJ Hborn about 1893
McClureJack born about 1927
McClureJohnie born about 1933
McClureJunior born about 1922
McClureLillie born about 1896
McClureW Cborn about 1890
McFallCreed born about 1912
McFallOna born about 1918
McFallVirginia born about 1937
McGaherLila Anneborn about 1921
McGaherShirley born about 1939
MeachamAllen Oscarborn about 1909
MeachamGlen born about 1939
MeachamIda born about 1878
MeachamLucile born about 1919
MeaurJ Mborn about 1868
MeaurS Mborn about 1877
MedleyFannetta born about 1925
MedleyGeneve born about 1924
MedleyHagden born about 1920
MedleyJ Pborn about 1915
Morthcott born about 1886
MorthcottL Wborn about 1886
MountBertie born about 1899
MountDonald born about 1922
MountDorothy born about 1926
MountEthel born about 1896
MountJ Rborn about 1892
MountJ Wborn about 1890
MountWilliam born about 1939
MountWynn born about 1924

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N Surnames

NummArthur born about 1924
NummBeatrice born about 1926
NummBob born about 1920
NummBuster born about 1918
NummCharles born about 1922
NummFair born about 1933
NummFanny born about 1892
NummHellen born about 1907
NummJohn born about 1901
NummLouise born about 1932
NummMary born about 1937
NummR Bborn about 1897

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O Surnames

OliverElizabeth born about 1923
OliverMable born about 1901
OliverW Aborn about 1879
OliverWilma born about 1920
OttingerBillie Joeborn about 1936
OttingerDonetha born about 1935
OttingerEddie born about 1931
OttingerEdna born about 1911
OttingerIrene born about 1915
OttingerJimmy born about 1929
OttingerLou Nellborn about 1939
OttingerM Nborn about 1908
OttingerMarjorie born about 1928
OttingerMary born about 1870
OttingerW Lborn about 1873
OttingerW Vborn about 1905

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P Surnames

PaerF Aborn about 1907
PaerHettie born about 1915
PaerMary born about 1866
PalmerAda born about 1939
PalmerAmos born about 1905
PalmerArchie born about 1936
PalmerCarl born about 1939
PalmerConway born about 1926
PalmerE C Cborn about 1902
PalmerErnestine born about 1929
PalmerFrances born about 1927
PalmerGlenna born about 1931
PalmerGussie born about 1900
PalmerJeff born about 1934
PalmerJodie born about 1925
PalmerMyrle born about 1932
PalmerNona born about 1927
PalmerRalph born about 1938
PalmerStella born about 1907
PalmerVada born about 1933
PalmerVester born about 1900
PankeyEmma born about 1904
PankeyErnest born about 1892
PankeyMarie born about 1936
PankeyMary born about 1933
PankeyMerum born about 1938
PankeyW Bborn about 1870
PattersonMinnie born about 1876
PattersonO W Wborn about 1866
PelleyEdna born about 1906
PelleyV Sr born about 1907
PellusBertha born about 1918
PellusJ Aborn about 1910
PerrinD Eborn about 1882
PerrymanCarl born about 1927
PfeifferJ Aborn about 1878

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R Surnames

RaynonRaymon born about 1923
ReedC Mborn about 1869
ReedCresy born about 1878
ReedJett born about 1922
ReedWalter born about 1919
ReevesB Mborn about 1895
ReevesE Hborn about 1898
ReevesJessie born about 1889
ReevesJessie born about 1930
ReevesMary born about 1907
ReevesMary born about 1919
ReevesMary Faeborn about 1937
ReevesRuth born about 1926
ReevesVaughn born about 1924
ReevesWilla born about 1923
ReevsEnoch born about 1888
RevesCalvin born about 1924
RevesJunior born about 1925
ReynoldsBoyd born about 1937
ReynoldsCallie born about 1923
ReynoldsCharles born about 1888
ReynoldsClyde born about 1923
ReynoldsEarl born about 1906
ReynoldsEster born about 1925
ReynoldsFilester born about 1934
ReynoldsGlenn born about 1934
ReynoldsGuald born about 1939
ReynoldsJ Cborn about 1932
ReynoldsLorene born about 1929
ReynoldsMyrle born about 1939
ReynoldsNettie born about 1914
ReynoldsRuby born about 1928
ReynoldsRuth born about 1892
ReynoldsWilliam born about 1932
RobertsBetha Wborn about 1938
RobertsHenry born about 1885
RobertsJuanita born about 1928
RobertsKenneth born about 1929
RobertsMackison born about 1934
RobertsPearl born about 1902

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S Surnames

SandersA Mborn about 1904
SandersBeryl born about 1928
SandersFrances born about 1932
SandersGuinda born about 1938
SandersKathleen born about 1930
SandersLonn born about 1903
SandersMable born about 1939
SandersTonnie born about 1935
ScarryEdna born about 1906
ScarryJ Cborn about 1891
ScarryJ Wborn about 1866
ScarryLorene born about 1936
ScarryShim born about 1927
ScarryWayne born about 1929
SeymoreLudie born about 1881
SeymoreWm born about 1882
SlaterF Aborn about 1875
SlaterRuth born about 1899
SlaterSalman born about 1926
SmithBarbara born about 1939
SmithBettie born about 1936
SmithC Bborn about 1898
SmithCora born about 1900
SmithDeleware born about 1918
SmithDonald born about 1914
SmithEllene born about 1927
SmithFrances born about 1916
SmithGeon born about 1939
SmithGeorge born about 1864
SmithHomer born about 1915
SmithJames born about 1921
SmithJane born about 1937
SmithJoan born about 1936
SmithL Hborn about 1862
SmithLaneal born about 1920
SmithMaggie born about 1910
SmithMarlus born about 1924
SmithMary Eborn about 1866
SmithPauline born about 1925
SmithRogenia born about 1934
SmithSarah born about 1874
SmithSherman born about 1865
SmithStella born about 1909
SmithThelma born about 1930
SmithTheo born about 1909
SmithWilliam born about 1936
StjohnBertie born about 1901
StjohnBittie born about 1937
StjohnE Dborn about 1905
StjohnEdward born about 1935
StjohnF Eborn about 1876
StjohnGlenda born about 1932
StjohnIona born about 1900
StjohnLee born about 1900
StjohnLevada born about 1938
StjohnLula born about 1893
StjohnOllie born about 1926
StjohnOpal born about 1924
StjohnOtto born about 1913
StjohnSuzzie born about 1928
StjohnThurman born about 1926
StjohnVelva born about 1913
StokesAtto born about 1916
StokesE Vborn about 1880
StokesJ Jborn about 1919
StokesLarine born about 1922
StokesLois born about 1925
StokesMattie born about 1881
StokesMyrtie born about 1908
StoneBettie born about 1939
StoneFrances born about 1924
StoneGeorge born about 1899
StoneGeorge Jr born about 1930
StoneJ Sborn about 1870
StoneJerry born about 1934
StoneJohn born about 1909
StoneLouise born about 1905
StoneQuinnie born about 1908
StoneUlilline born about 1926
StonyDaisy born about 1907
StonyDean born about 1936
StonyGuindlene born about 1933
StonyLynda born about 1939
StonyW Eborn about 1908
StoryA Cborn about 1885
StoryCoy born about 1916
StoryJ Bborn about 1919
StoryN Eborn about 1883
StoryOdell born about 1917
StoryWillard born about 1912
SweangenAla born about 1909
SweangenBillie born about 1933
SweangenGlenna born about 1931
SweangenJ Hborn about 1907
SweangenJoyce born about 1928
SwearengenVera born about 1899
SwearingerA Tborn about 1884
SwearingerC born about 1870
SwearingerEmma born about 1881

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T Surnames

ThomasE Dborn about 1873
ThomasJulia born about 1873
ThomasRay born about 1917
ThompsonC Wborn about 1874
ThompsonHarris born about 1892
ThrashBil born about 1915
ThrashLe Roy born about 1937
ThrashLois born about 1921
TrentElsie born about 1917
TrentGladdys born about 1907
TrentJ Jborn about 1896
TrentL Dborn about 1902
TrentMary born about 1928
TrentNadine born about 1926
TrentStella born about 1905
TrentVivian born about 1913
TrentW Aborn about 1913
TrentW Eborn about 1910
TrentWanda born about 1931
TrentWilburn born about 1940
TrentWinfred born about 1934
TrigwellMary born about 1891
TrigwellR Gborn about 1887
TrigwellRoberta born about 1929
TrimsterCarl born about 1902
TrimsterHellen born about 1934
TrimsterJ Bborn about 1925
TrimsterL Dborn about 1936
TrimsterOrgie born about 1902
TrimsterWinifred born about 1938
TrinisterElsie born about 1922
TrinisterRay born about 1911

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V Surnames

VickerV Bborn about 1896

W Surnames

WarfieldClifford born about 1921
WarfieldH born about 1893
WarfieldMaudie born about 1895
WarfieldRaymond born about 1914
WarfieldVannie born about 1924
WelchOllie born about 1894
WelchR Fborn about 1894
WestBernell born about 1931
WestBonnie born about 1939
WestJerline born about 1939
WestKenneth born about 1924
WestMelvina born about 1921
WestNellie born about 1936
WestNorma born about 1935
WestR Lborn about 1885
WestRoscoe born about 1919
WestSylvia born about 1928
WestWeldie born about 1892
WhiteDale born about 1937
WhiteMyra born about 1917
WhiteW Aborn about 1916
WilliamsE Aborn about 1912
WilliamsEdwin born about 1924
WilliamsIda born about 1918
WilliamsJ Mborn about 1887
WilliamsJim born about 1910
WilliamsNadine born about 1934
WilliamsNorman born about 1926
WilliamsOdie born about 1901
WilliamsonLorena born about 1899
WilliamsonWillene born about 1926
WilliamsonWm born about 1888
WillisE Lborn about 1914
WillisNina born about 1920
WillisNonna born about 1939
WilsonC Nborn about 1894
WilsonElwanda born about 1936
WilsonEnoch born about 1924
WilsonHarold born about 1933
WilsonJohn born about 1927
WilsonMildred born about 1916
WilsonMyra born about 1897
WilsonRichard born about 1932
WisdomBobbie born about 1939
WisdomC Wborn about 1925
WisdomCatheline born about 1937
WisdomJ Cborn about 1924
WisdomJ Sborn about 1894
WisdomJack born about 1927
WisdomJimmy born about 1935
WisdomLona born about 1898
WisdomMarshall born about 1932
WisdomNorma born about 1931
WolfeCoyce* born about 1933
WolfeInah born about 1909
WolfeS Aborn about 1910

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Y Surnames

YoungRuth born about 1871

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