1940 U.S. Federal Census of Baker in Izard County, Izard, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Izard County > 1940 Census of Baker in Izard County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AcklinBennie born about 1890
AcklinHarold born about 1924
AcklinInez born about 1929
AcklinJoyce born about 1932
AcklinJuanita born about 1921
AcklinLula born about 1876
AcklinMary born about 1900
AndersonDella born about 1918
AndersonRobert born about 1910
AndersonVergie born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarsantDelbert born about 1906
BarsantHenry born about 1862
BellBarbara Jeanborn about 1929
BellCecil born about 1899
BellDollene born about 1927
BellGladys born about 1905
BellJoan born about 1932
BellOrilla born about 1925
BellRowena born about 1934
BlairJulina born about 1922
BlairLeola born about 1919
BlairLesley born about 1921
BlairLindell born about 1929
BlairLula born about 1895
BlairOram born about 1931
BlairPaul born about 1924
BlairZelmer born about 1896
BlandAnna Bellborn about 1927
BlandBernice born about 1923
BlandBessie born about 1904
BlandBobby born about 1930
BlandChester born about 1925
BlandFloyd born about 1901
BondForrest born about 1926
BondLeland born about 1932
BondLesley Eborn about 1905
BondLila born about 1939
BondMelvin born about 1936
BondMiriam born about 1933
BondRobert born about 1934
BondRosa born about 1907
BookoutCarma born about 1920
BookoutClifton born about 1915
BookoutEdna born about 1915
BookoutFrances born about 1913
BookoutGwenda born about 1934
BookoutJerry Leeborn about 1940
BookoutJohn born about 1884
BookoutLois born about 1934
BookoutLula born about 1887
BookoutOctava born about 1919
BookoutTroy born about 1926
BooroutBernie born about 1916
BooroutBobbie Charlesborn about 1936
BooroutClaud born about 1913
BooroutCletis born about 1928
BooroutFreela born about 1925
BooroutGoldie born about 1922
BooroutJoe Ellaborn about 1934
BooroutLeman born about 1909
BooroutMary born about 1890
BooroutNoby born about 1916
BooroutRoof born about 1882
BrowleyPrussia born about 1914
BrowleySpelman born about 1913
BrowleySpelman Jr born about 1938
BrowleyTressie born about 1915
BrowleyWilliam Aborn about 1885
BurnsAllie born about 1879
BurnsCarl Tborn about 1913
BurnsErma Bellborn about 1917
BurnsJessie born about 1910
BurnsWanda Sueborn about 1939

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C Surnames

CarrAllen born about 1875
CookHarry born about 1904
CookIda born about 1875
CooperArch born about 1896
CrouchArno born about 1912
CrouchBennie born about 1916
CrouchEarnest born about 1889
CrouchGeorgia born about 1920
CrouchHelen born about 1936
CrouchJerry Leeborn about 1939
CrouchLeone born about 1906
CrouchLois born about 1916
CrouchLouise born about 1935
CrouchMary Katherineborn about 1938
CrouchVera born about 1921

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D Surnames

DagortMart born about 1869
DagortNettie born about 1881
DealCarl born about 1920
DealEdd born about 1889
DealElva born about 1926
DealFay born about 1932
DealHenry born about 1930
DealMay born about 1928
DealNorma born about 1924
DealOpal born about 1922
DealRachel born about 1889
DillardGordon born about 1879
DillardNeva born about 1893

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F Surnames

FergusonFay born about 1913
FergusonMarie born about 1928
FergusonMary Louiseborn about 1929
FergusonRoxie born about 1909

G Surnames

GleghornAudie born about 1906
GleghornElmer born about 1901
GleghornKennard born about 1932
GleghornLavell born about 1861
GleghornTroy born about 1909
GleghornVona born about 1871
GoodsteinSamp born about 1920
GozartConrad born about 1931
GozartCurtis born about 1935
GozartGwendolyn born about 1910
GozartNorris born about 1937
GozartWalter born about 1904
GozartWandell born about 1930
GreenRuby born about 1909
GreenRuth Ellenborn about 1938
GreenTheodore born about 1907
GreenWilliam Leeborn about 1929

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H Surnames

HaileyElmer born about 1922
HaileyEschel born about 1915
HaileyJeff born about 1908
HaileyMargret born about 1886
HaileyMaud Aborn about 1881
HaileyOrpha born about 1918
HaileyVada born about 1926
HairleyAllen born about 1912
HairleyAnna Leeborn about 1919
HallBonnie Leeborn about 1938
HallEulis born about 1910
HallFred born about 1937
HallJunior born about 1930
HallLois born about 1933
HallVelma born about 1913
HallWilliam Mborn about 1886
HallZellie born about 1902
HarberCarol Jeanborn about 1933
HarberDuane born about 1929
HarberEarnest born about 1901
HarberEdith born about 1905
HarberEvah born about 1893
HarberEythel born about 1894
HarberHarlus born about 1924
HarberHomer born about 1891
HarberJanie born about 1871
HarberLowell born about 1915
HarberLuther born about 1897
HarberMelba born about 1923
HarberOpal born about 1898
HarberSibyl born about 1927
HarberThurl born about 1920
HatmanAndo born about 1917
HatmanGoldie born about 1922
HatmanJulie born about 1886
HillAmanda born about 1927
HillBernice born about 1937
HillClerence born about 1905
HillClerman born about 1912
HillElwin Gyleborn about 1935
HillEudeen born about 1934
HillEula born about 1908
HillL Cborn about 1939
HillLee born about 1887
HillRoy born about 1923
HillSadie born about 1914
HillShirley Sueborn about 1937
HillThednal born about 1925
HillWinetta born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JamesLeron born about 1924

K Surnames

KerseyArlis born about 1917
KerseyHarry born about 1883
KerseyJuley born about 1885
KerseyMargie born about 1919
KerseyMilton Hixborn about 1938
KnowlesBertha born about 1912
KnowlesEarnestine born about 1935
KnowlesJack born about 1910
KnowlesJunior born about 1931
KnowlesThelma Leeborn about 1938

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L Surnames

LangstonAlva born about 1893
LangstonClyde Doyleborn about 1937
LangstonDee Wandaborn about 1925
LangstonEffie born about 1902
LangstonElbert born about 1899
LangstonGoldie born about 1920
LangstonJustin born about 1926
LangstonLorene born about 1927
LangstonLuther born about 1895
LangstonMildred born about 1923
LangstonNettie born about 1901
LangstonNona born about 1917
LangstonNorman born about 1924
LangstonRuby born about 1928
LangstonRuth born about 1896
LangstonRuth Annborn about 1934
LangstonWarren born about 1923
LongstonAmanda born about 1874
LongstonHenry born about 1894
LongstonNoland born about 1925
LongstonRay born about 1929

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M Surnames

MarneyAlene born about 1914
MarneyBonam born about 1916
MarneyCoreta born about 1934
MarneyJoyce Everlyborn about 1932
MarveyMary born about 1874
McCartherCarl born about 1900
McCartherHalice born about 1925
McCartherZelpha born about 1902
McCurleyBertha born about 1908
McCurleyCarl born about 1901
McCurleyDathe Irineborn about 1928
McCurleyLendle born about 1939
McCurleyNorma Leeborn about 1925
McNarinDairl born about 1925
McNarinEster born about 1906
McNarinMavis born about 1923
McNarinRandell born about 1926
McNarinZeff born about 1886
MeaseAda born about 1896
MeaseJacob Mborn about 1860
MeaseJohn Hborn about 1930
MerrellA Cborn about 1934
MerrellArlie born about 1908
MerrellEverett born about 1910
MerrellFlorence born about 1912
MerrellFranklin born about 1937
MerrellLee Wandaborn about 1938
MerrellMaurice born about 1936
MerrellMillard born about 1931
MerrellOleta born about 1934
MerrellRuby born about 1911
MerrellWillard Leeborn about 1930
MerrellWillie Mayborn about 1932
MerrellWinford born about 1930
MerrillLee born about 1900
MerrillMary Louborn about 1935
MerrillStella born about 1903
MontgomeryBerneice born about 1931
MontgomeryClifton born about 1898
MontgomeryConway born about 1928
MontgomeryDoris Katherineborn about 1939
MontgomeryEutha Vonborn about 1924
MontgomeryGenon born about 1933
MontgomeryJ Cborn about 1920
MontgomeryNettie Leeborn about 1899
MontgomerySibyl born about 1922
MoserArmilda born about 1870
MoserFay born about 1930
MoserKay born about 1930
MoserLois born about 1909
MoserNoel born about 1910

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O Surnames

OldfieldAubrey born about 1931
OldfieldBobbie born about 1935
OldfieldDemaris Annborn about 1875
OldfieldDonald born about 1937
OldfieldEarl born about 1898
OldfieldFrancis Pborn about 1869
OldfieldGordon born about 1901
OldfieldLottie born about 1905
OldfieldMarie born about 1924
OldfieldMary born about 1899
OldfieldRay born about 1923
OldfieldRose Leeborn about 1929
OldfieldVirginia born about 1925
OldfieldWanda born about 1927
OldfieldWinnie born about 1914

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P Surnames

PagueBron born about 1898
PagueDovie born about 1917
PagueJunior born about 1927
PagueNina Mayborn about 1938
PagueOlive born about 1924
PagueRansom born about 1935
PagueRosa Mayborn about 1873
PagueSamuel born about 1867
ParishAliene born about 1920
ParishHershel born about 1917
PearsonGladys born about 1912
PearsonOttie born about 1905
PinertonEarnest born about 1908
PinertonFarnie born about 1901
PinertonFrank born about 1878
PinertonMary Janeborn about 1880
PinertonOpal born about 1916
PinertonPalmer born about 1918
PinertonRuth born about 1915

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R Surnames

ReeceEunis born about 1917
ReeceNoble born about 1915
ReeseNettie born about 1876
ReevesCharley Wborn about 1890
ReevesDaisy born about 1908
ReevesHarlus born about 1924
ReevesHester born about 1899
ReevesOpal born about 1916
ReevesVivian born about 1929
RobertsBernard born about 1936
RobertsBoyd born about 1931
RobertsEarnest born about 1907
RobertsHerbert born about 1919
RobertsMinnie born about 1912
RogersAvis born about 1916
RogersDelaphine born about 1926
RogersEvelyn born about 1930
RogersMay born about 1892
RogersPaul born about 1921
RogersSue born about 1936

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S Surnames

SimsAdam born about 1908
SimsEliza born about 1862
SimsMartha born about 1886
SimsRansom born about 1882
SkiltonAllen born about 1938
SkiltonAlton born about 1936
SkiltonFloyd born about 1915
SkiltonMatris born about 1917
SmithArie born about 1889
StandefordMollie born about 1886
StandefordNoble born about 1925
StandefordWilliam born about 1880
StoneFern born about 1900
StoneJames born about 1935
StoneLavonne born about 1930
StoneWalter born about 1896
StoneWayne born about 1925

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T Surnames

TannerArnis born about 1897
TannerDyers born about 1916
TannerHelen born about 1932
TannerHerman born about 1894
TannerHugh born about 1918
TannerMargret born about 1934
TannerNoel born about 1926
TannerRuby born about 1921
TateCarol Jeanborn about 1938
TateOna born about 1919
TateStanley born about 1917
TaylorBobbie Jamesborn about 1935
TaylorFern born about 1920
TaylorGlah born about 1906
TaylorHomer born about 1907
TaylorJoe born about 1866
TaylorRoule born about 1921
ThrasherAmy born about 1895
ThrasherCaptolia born about 1918
ThrasherClifton born about 1923
ThrasherClovis born about 1926
ThrasherMary Wayneborn about 1933
ThrasherTruman Wborn about 1893
ThrasherVan born about 1930

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W Surnames

WardCarma born about 1924
WardCriss Cborn about 1892
WardJohn born about 1889
WardT Cborn about 1920
WardVera born about 1920
WardZeffie born about 1893
WardenOllie born about 1920
WardenPhyllis Fernborn about 1939
WardenVernon born about 1913
WhiteArvis born about 1910
WhiteMinnie born about 1874
WhiteRichard born about 1869
WilliamsGardie born about 1889
WilliamsJohn born about 1886
WilliamsMary born about 1860
WilliamsVince born about 1856
WisemanCarl Jamesborn about 1939
WisemanEugene born about 1937
WisemanHayden born about 1931
WisemanJonnie born about 1894
WisemanPaul Deanborn about 1935
WisemanRobert Leeborn about 1910
WisemanRussel born about 1930
WisemanTatsie Leneborn about 1909

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