1940 U.S. Federal Census of Barren in Independence County, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Barren in Independence County

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BakerHarrison Wborn about 1864
BallCoy born about 1884
BallRay born about 1886
BallVerna born about 1890
BarnesAlfred born about 1892
BarnesGracie born about 1891
BaxterBilly born about 1929
BaxterBonnie Eudoraborn about 1939
BaxterDyle born about 1913
BaxterMattie Leeborn about 1935
BaxterMollie born about 1913
BaxterSimon born about 1901
BaxterStella born about 1902
BeardBarbara born about 1861
BickeryIva Maeborn about 1895
BickeryKirby born about 1896
BiggsDorothy Maeborn about 1903
BiggsWilber born about 1896
BlakenshipMartha born about 1884
BlakenshipNancy born about 1925
BlakenshipWillie born about 1907
BlankenshipBulah Maeborn about 1940
BlankenshipGeorge born about 1913
BlankenshipLee Royborn about 1936
BlankenshipPauline born about 1915
BlevinsAudie born about 1907
BlevinsBessie born about 1907
BlevinsDonal born about 1932
BlevinsEster born about 1875
BlevinsEtella born about 1938
BlevinsFlora Maeborn about 1935
BlevinsHenry born about 1862
BlevinsInfant born about 1939
BlevinsMack born about 1937
BlevinsNeva born about 1930
BlevinsOra Leeborn about 1928
BonhamCaroyln born about 1940
BonhamClara born about 1913
BonhamClifford born about 1908
BonhamHaleene born about 1935
BonhamLinus Donborn about 1932
BonhamOttie born about 1901
BonhamRoland born about 1937
BradleyAllice born about 1896
BradleyCecilia born about 1928
BradleyClell born about 1924
BradleyEllen born about 1858
BradleyErvin born about 1893
BradleyFonce born about 1932
BradleyGlyn born about 1923
BradleyJames Dborn about 1883
BradleyLola born about 1887
BradleyPaul Eugeneborn about 1935
BrewerAuthor Derlingborn about 1935
BrewerBertie born about 1881
BrewerElex born about 1879
BrewerFay born about 1914
BrewerFay Edwardborn about 1935
BrewerGeorge Therlingborn about 1939
BrewerHomer born about 1911
BrewerLilian Maeborn about 1933
BrewerLouis born about 1916
BrewerMary born about 1910
BrickelCharles Geneborn about 1935
BrickelLucus born about 1889
BrooksElmer born about 1937
BrooksElsie Mayborn about 1919
BrooksHubert born about 1912
BrooksLaura Annborn about 1935
BrownBobbie Gailborn about 1939
BrownEthel born about 1905
BrownEveline born about 1930
BrownOrval born about 1925
BrownOscar born about 1902
BrownPauline born about 1927
BrownVerline born about 1932
BuchteCharles born about 1873
BuchteEugene born about 1919
BuchteMary born about 1874
BurbaBillie born about 1933
BurbaJames born about 1887
BurbaJosephine born about 1929
BurbaVada born about 1890
BurgeMyrtle born about 1913
BurgeTally born about 1905
BurgeWandaline born about 1932
BurrowCharles Rayborn about 1939
BurrowDalis Wayneborn about 1937
BurrowEstelle born about 1890
BurrowHenery born about 1866
BurrowMable born about 1885
BurrowOwen born about 1915
BurrowTempie born about 1916
BurrowWillie born about 1880
ButlerDelmer born about 1913
ButlerNettie born about 1912

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C Surnames

CarterBillie born about 1927
CarterBoss born about 1925
CarterGeorgia born about 1861
CarterJohnie born about 1931
CarterLola Geneborn about 1936
CarterRuby Helenborn about 1929
CarterRuth born about 1897
CarterTommie born about 1922
CarterWilliam born about 1889
CastulJ Lborn about 1917
CrabtreeCharles Makborn about 1933
CrabtreeHerbert Lenvalborn about 1937
CrabtreeLeonard born about 1912
CrabtreeVirgie born about 1915
CraftonElizabeth born about 1922
CrowBernice born about 1924
CrowBertha born about 1900
CrowBertine born about 1921
CrowEarl born about 1923
CrowErwin born about 1898
CrowEsther born about 1908
CrowFrank born about 1894
CrowFranklin Jr born about 1927
CrowLeon born about 1931
CrowMannie born about 1895
CrowMary Jborn about 1871
CrowNeal born about 1913
CrowRuth born about 1924
CrowTheophus born about 1922
CrowVanda Maeborn about 1931
CrumbyAlfred born about 1915
CrumbyEmmit born about 1888
CrumbyEthe born about 1911
CrumbyLeonard born about 1911
CrumbyNaomi born about 1888
CrumbyNoble born about 1921
CrumbyRalph born about 1917
CrumbyRosalie born about 1926
CummingsAlma born about 1928
CummingsAlvis born about 1932
CummingsAnd born about 1906
CummingsEllen born about 1910
CummingsJune born about 1937
CummingsOrval born about 1926
CummingsVirginia born about 1936

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D Surnames

DavinsBowen born about 1907
DavinsDewrlon born about 1903
DavinsDewrlon Jr born about 1927
DavinsFlorence born about 1933
DawsonBen born about 1909
DawsonDonnie Louiseborn about 1937
DawsonJim Cborn about 1877
DawsonLockie born about 1914
DawsonMary Wandaborn about 1934
DawsonOllie born about 1883
DetherowAltha born about 1922
DetherowBilly Jeanborn about 1927
DetherowElla born about 1875
DetherowOpal born about 1906
DetherowRachel born about 1879
DetherowRuth Ellaborn about 1929
DickeyCharley born about 1880
DickeyHermon born about 1935
DickeyHubert born about 1932
DickeyLee Ruthborn about 1934
DickeyMary born about 1911
DischerLowell Arlinborn about 1936
DischerRichard Leeborn about 1939
DoughertyBen born about 1885
DoughertyBillie Joeborn about 1931
DoughertyCleo born about 1927
DoughertyClyde born about 1920
DoughertyHaile born about 1922
DoughertyMabel born about 1903
DouthitBernard born about 1928
DouthitClifford born about 1899
DouthitIlia born about 1905
DouthitJimmie Leeborn about 1930
DouthitVernon born about 1922
DouthitWanda Juneborn about 1938
DouthitWilma born about 1925
DunganGerald born about 1929
DunganJoe Neilborn about 1932
DurenClina Belleborn about 1934
DurenNobie born about 1913
DurenPaul born about 1913

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F Surnames

FancasterSamuel born about 1883
FarrisBertha born about 1885
FarrisBonnie Dellborn about 1939
FarrisEthel born about 1902
FarrisJimmy born about 1917
FarrisLena born about 1928
FarrisOliver born about 1908
FarrisOsho born about 1909
FarrisTroy born about 1911
FordAlfred born about 1939
FordErnest born about 1905
FordFreddy Maxborn about 1939
FordHellen Ruthborn about 1933
FordHobert born about 1913
FordJane born about 1916
FordLela born about 1912
FordMinnie born about 1877
FordTed born about 1914
FordTheodore born about 1874
FordVirginia Maeborn about 1936
FordZela born about 1920
FrazierElmer born about 1915
FrazierLillie born about 1872
FrazierMinnie born about 1879
FudgeBobbie Rayborn about 1931
FudgeClara born about 1902
FudgeClara Nellborn about 1938
FudgeGuinall born about 1927
FudgeKenneth born about 1924
FudgeMary Francisborn about 1936
FudgeMorrice born about 1925
FudgeRay born about 1899
FuqurellGrady born about 1893
FuqurellIva born about 1912

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G Surnames

GillmoreCommodore born about 1899
GillmoreElla born about 1899
GillmoreLon born about 1884
GillmoreMable born about 1924
GillmoreMarie born about 1922
GillmoreNancie born about 1891
GillmoreOdell born about 1931
GillmoreOphus born about 1920
GillmoreR Jborn about 1925
GillmoreSilva Maeborn about 1927
GivensJosephine born about 1870
GobblesCatherine born about 1912
GobblesLouis born about 1913
GoffAgnes born about 1927
GoffAndrew Zborn about 1873
GoffAnnie born about 1877
GoffConway born about 1935
GoffDortha born about 1924
GoffElcie born about 1927
GoffEula born about 1909
GoffFloyd born about 1903
GoffFranklin born about 1928
GoffIcygun born about 1930
GoffInez born about 1908
GoffJ Wborn about 1932
GoffL Jborn about 1929
GoffLeonard born about 1900
GoffLeonard Jr born about 1932
GoffLloyd born about 1906
GoffLula born about 1914
GoffMonroe born about 1923
GoffPauline born about 1922
GofourthErma born about 1905
GofourthJ Tborn about 1928
GofourthJess born about 1898
GofourthZeda Maeborn about 1924
GrayHelen Jeanborn about 1936
GrayHermon born about 1905
GrayLolia born about 1882
GrayMollie born about 1873
GrayNora born about 1884
GrayPerl born about 1911
GrayVirgil born about 1875
GrayWinford born about 1879
GrishamAnne born about 1871

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H Surnames

HaddockEdgar born about 1893
HaddockSarah born about 1894
HaddockWinnie born about 1925
HaneyClarene born about 1922
HaneyMilam born about 1913
HardenBettie Joiceborn about 1937
HardenClifton born about 1910
HardenKarine born about 1939
HardenMarcus born about 1935
HardenSillar born about 1916
HardisonLaura born about 1881
HartfordEmma born about 1878
HawkinsEster born about 1892
HawkinsJohn Thomasborn about 1932
HawkinsWilliam born about 1890
HelemsDave born about 1905
HutchesonAllene born about 1934
HutchesonBobie Geneborn about 1939
HutchesonIola born about 1914
HutchesonRodger Owenborn about 1937
HutchesonTroy born about 1900

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J Surnames

JacksonBuford born about 1911
JacksonHenry born about 1908
JacksonLillie born about 1880
JacksonReedley born about 1914
JacksonWilbern born about 1876
JamesEsther born about 1887
JamesFloyd born about 1917
JamesFred born about 1888
JamesHubert born about 1914
JamesLeeman born about 1928
JamesMelvin born about 1929
JamesNita born about 1908
JamesO'neal born about 1933
JamesOra born about 1899
JamesOwen born about 1906
JamesTalmage born about 1895
JohnsonAlice Josephineborn about 1938
JohnsonBlanche born about 1921
JohnsonErwin born about 1915
JohnsonEva Lilianborn about 1896
JohnsonJohn born about 1884
JohnsonLaura born about 1914
JohnsonLetha born about 1885
JohnsonRogers born about 1910
JohnsonWilliam born about 1894
JohnsonWinne Fredborn about 1940
JusticeAlvis born about 1925
JusticeDave born about 1897
JusticeEdith born about 1901
JusticeLizzie born about 1868
JusticeO'dell born about 1922
JusticeRanshe born about 1919
JusticeViry Leeborn about 1936

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K Surnames

KellerAlma born about 1911
KellerHellen born about 1939
KellerOscar born about 1903
KellerRay Jamesborn about 1929
KelleyAuther born about 1905
KelleyClarence born about 1903
KelleyEdna born about 1903
KellyJohn born about 1880
KellyNellie born about 1899
KerrEmma born about 1894
KerrGeorge born about 1889
KerrLamon born about 1919
KerrRebecca born about 1871
KerrWilliam Waneborn about 1931
KingEulon born about 1916
KingMary Leeborn about 1897
KingRobert born about 1866
KingWillie born about 1895

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L Surnames

LamarCarol Wandaborn about 1931
LamarEtta Maeborn about 1923
LamarLizzie born about 1896
LamarMaxine born about 1921
LamarNelse born about 1887
LamarVerbalie born about 1926
LambSamantha born about 1877
LassiterDessie Oliveborn about 1934
LassiterEdith born about 1912
LassiterFloy Maeborn about 1936
LassiterJim born about 1904
LassiterWilma Geanborn about 1931
LawsonClarence born about 1900
LawsonEdward born about 1929
LawsonIrene born about 1924
LawsonLula born about 1899
LawsonMartha Wmborn about 1861
LawsonMary born about 1934
LewisCaptola born about 1928
LewisCatherin born about 1864
LewisCelia born about 1893
LewisDorthy born about 1918
LewisEstell born about 1903
LewisEthel born about 1896
LewisGene Maeborn about 1925
LewisGirtman born about 1930
LewisJohn Williamborn about 1891
LewisJuanita born about 1925
LewisKathryn born about 1931
LewisLalandie born about 1889
LewisRobert born about 1919
LewisRodney born about 1923
LewisStanley born about 1921
LewisVirgil born about 1895
LewisWesley born about 1896

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M Surnames

MabbyDaphene born about 1928
MabbyErnest born about 1922
MabbyEthel born about 1898
MabbyHarrison born about 1894
MabbyJohn Wardborn about 1934
MabbyJuanita born about 1926
MabbyLaverne born about 1924
MabbyWandalene born about 1928
MarlinEllis born about 1905
MarlinEllis Robinborn about 1931
MarlinJoise born about 1903
MartinErvin born about 1882
MartinFlora born about 1891
MartinJ Pborn about 1918
MartinJames born about 1918
MartinOba born about 1924
MartinOscar born about 1938
MathenyBobie Leonardborn about 1936
MathenyGlena Dellborn about 1938
MathenyHarry born about 1913
MathenyLucy born about 1914
MathewFenner born about 1890
MathewMae born about 1892
MathewMildred born about 1916
MathewRaymond born about 1918
MatlockElmer born about 1888
MatlockHestle born about 1921
MatlockMaggie born about 1892
MayGeorge Hborn about 1869
MayLinda born about 1873
McBrideAlvis born about 1903
McBrideBobie Deanborn about 1938
McBrideDarnell born about 1934
McBrideEllis born about 1924
McBrideJ Oborn about 1926
McBrideMary Leeborn about 1931
McBrideRuth born about 1906
McBrideTommie Geneborn about 1938
McLeodAdolphus born about 1878
MearsCharles born about 1906
MearsNettie born about 1916
MearsSarah born about 1910
MillerAlbert born about 1904
MillerBobby Jackborn about 1935
MillerEthel born about 1888
MillerHenery born about 1849
MillerJames born about 1932
MillerOty born about 1885
MillerRuth born about 1909
MillerTessie born about 1934
MillerTommie born about 1878
MilliganBilly Authorborn about 1929
MilliganCay born about 1904
MilliganChristine born about 1920
MilliganElwanda born about 1932
MilliganEverett born about 1918
MilliganFayrene born about 1939
MilliganGeorge born about 1897
MilliganGeorge Weldonborn about 1935
MilliganIva Maeborn about 1919
MilliganJoe Edwinborn about 1924
MilliganLaura born about 1876
MilliganLorraine born about 1937
MilliganMary Janeborn about 1927
MilliganMonson born about 1872
MillinerCharles born about 1933
MillinerMinnie born about 1896
MillinerWalter born about 1889
MontgomeryAudry born about 1921
MontgomeryElsworth born about 1893
MontgomeryGeorge Annborn about 1881
MontgomeryJohn born about 1919
MontgomeryJulious born about 1907
MontgomeryJustine born about 1927
MontgomeryLizzie born about 1896
MontgomeryMartin born about 1896
MontgomeryMaxine born about 1923
MontgomeryMonell born about 1926
MontgomeryMoss born about 1879
MontgomeryNorine born about 1915
MontgomeryVirgie born about 1899

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P Surnames

PattersonBernice born about 1898
PattersonBillie Joeborn about 1938
PattersonCharles born about 1929
PattersonClara Dellborn about 1934
PattersonClarence born about 1891
PattersonEdd born about 1886
PattersonEffie born about 1899
PattersonFloyd born about 1921
PattersonHarlin born about 1918
PattersonJ Cborn about 1928
PattersonJackie born about 1938
PattersonJames Cborn about 1922
PattersonMaude born about 1881
PattersonMinerva born about 1871
PattersonNeal born about 1923
PattersonOscar born about 1884
PattersonPeggy Joeborn about 1932
PattersonRaymond born about 1897
PattersonSallie born about 1877
PattersonSolomon born about 1917
PattersonVirgie born about 1900
PectolOra born about 1906
PectolOscar born about 1897
PeekLeamon born about 1928
PeekLoice born about 1930
PeekLora born about 1924
PeekLouise born about 1926
PeekLual born about 1922
PeekRettie born about 1904
PeekRobert born about 1900
PerkeyCharles Willimborn about 1928
PerkeyEmogene born about 1926
PerkeyFrances born about 1872
PerkeyMarie born about 1924
PerkeyRuby born about 1905
PerkeyWilliam born about 1904
PerrinHorace born about 1903
PerrinIna Rosaleeborn about 1930
PerrinMarjorine born about 1926
PerrinOrealina born about 1908
PhillipsAlbert born about 1898
PhillipsAlbert Jr born about 1931
PhillipsArthur born about 1906
PhillipsBertha born about 1884
PhillipsCarolyn born about 1933
PhillipsClara Belleborn about 1930
PhillipsErnest born about 1910
PhillipsJessie born about 1915
PhillipsNellie born about 1906
PhillipsOpal Maeborn about 1935
PhillipsPriscilla born about 1939
PhillipsRaymond born about 1902
PhillipsStella born about 1906
PhillipsThelma born about 1909
PhillipsVernon born about 1902
PhillipsWanda Geneborn about 1937
PhillipsWayne born about 1929
PinkstonEvert born about 1919
PinkstonIra born about 1882
PinkstonJennie born about 1881
PoolAlvis born about 1899
PoolIra Fayborn about 1924
PoolJ Tborn about 1929
PoolLottie born about 1900
PoolS Tborn about 1927
PoolSendie born about 1877
PresserBobie Joeborn about 1937
PresserJack born about 1931
PresserJeffie born about 1912
PresserJess born about 1906
PresserJessie Jr born about 1935
PresserMary Ellenborn about 1883
PresserRuthel born about 1929
PresserSarah Ellenborn about 1939
PresserVirgil born about 1908
PriceAnnie Leeborn about 1936
PriceEllie Cathrynborn about 1934
PriceHomer born about 1909
PriceJackson O'dellborn about 1932
PriceJames Stevesonborn about 1939
PriceLorene born about 1916
PriestAttie born about 1911
PriestChester born about 1930
PriestLem born about 1903

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Q Surnames

QuallsAtlanta born about 1913
QuallsBaby Jesseborn about 1934
QuallsBrunson born about 1911
QuallsMax Adaborn about 1935
QuallsWilliam Terryborn about 1938

R Surnames

RawlinsAgness born about 1921
RawlinsAustin born about 1920
RawlinsClaude born about 1886
RawlinsGarland born about 1925
RawlinsIda born about 1887
RawlinsNolia born about 1894
RawlinsOdis born about 1916
RawlinsUna Dellborn about 1927
RawlinsWash born about 1889
RawlinsWoodrow born about 1914
ReynoldsCecil born about 1934
ReynoldsGlades born about 1930
ReynoldsMonroe born about 1924
ReynoldsPearl born about 1907
ReynoldsRichard born about 1898
RichardsFlorence born about 1895
RichardsHubert born about 1887
RichardsHubert Lee Jrborn about 1927
RichardsKenneth born about 1922
RichardsOrville Elwinborn about 1929
RoachAudrey Wborn about 1937
RoachBrooks born about 1929
RoachEdd born about 1874
RoachEva born about 1884
RoachFreda Janeborn about 1927
RoachJ born about 1910
RoachJ W Jrborn about 1934
RoachLamar born about 1901
RoachLois born about 1915
RoachOma born about 1919
RoachRobie born about 1903
RoachStanley born about 1923
RoachWarren born about 1921
RoachZelma born about 1913
RobinsonAlice born about 1877

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S Surnames

SandersBela Maeborn about 1938
SandersBob born about 1894
SandersEarnest born about 1919
SandersElis born about 1917
SandersIla born about 1902
SandersMildred born about 1935
SandersOrvil born about 1922
SandersPaul born about 1927
SatterwhiteConway born about 1932
SatterwhiteDean born about 1939
SatterwhiteEllis born about 1935
SatterwhiteEmmaleen born about 1937
SatterwhiteLauaghman born about 1928
SatterwhiteMonterie born about 1930
SatterwhiteOra born about 1906
SatterwhiteWalter born about 1905
SattlewhiteAlex born about 1879
SattlewhiteEllen born about 1877
SherrillAddie born about 1924
SherrillAllie born about 1890
SherrillFlorence born about 1932
SherrillJosephine born about 1895
SherrillLuther born about 1926
SherrillSarah born about 1860
SherrillStella Maeborn about 1928
SherrillThirlene born about 1935
SimmonsFern born about 1914
SimmonsMary Francesborn about 1936
SimmonsOlen born about 1913
SineleBaker born about 1924
SineleCarolyn born about 1873
SineleCora Janeborn about 1901
SineleG Hborn about 1923
SineleGeorge born about 1866
SineleRaymond born about 1897
StacyLee born about 1894
StaggsGeneva born about 1905
StaggsHellen born about 1927
StaggsHerman born about 1902
StaggsMargarite born about 1931
StaggsRussel Donborn about 1928
StonerElbert born about 1924
StonerIsom born about 1888
StonerMary Cborn about 1855
StonerNellie born about 1893
SuggGilbert born about 1923
SuggRittie born about 1881
SuggWilliam born about 1876

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T Surnames

TillerJoe Aborn about 1877
TillerLeonard born about 1915
TillerOra born about 1880
ToshAltha Geneborn about 1939
ToshAlvis born about 1901
ToshDocia born about 1873
ToshEdna born about 1903

V Surnames

VestBedah born about 1890
VestMargarett Janeborn about 1930
VestRobert born about 1876
VestRobert Jr born about 1923

W Surnames

WayLizzie born about 1885
WelchPauline born about 1924
WellsEverene born about 1934
WellsGeorge Rexborn about 1936
WellsJessie Aborn about 1893
WellsJessie Jr born about 1938
WellsLouise born about 1911
WellsPeggy born about 1930
WestAustin born about 1896
WestRoberta Harrietborn about 1935
WestZela Mayborn about 1902
WhiteKyle born about 1885
WhitmerDorothy born about 1931
WhitmerEdith born about 1907
WhitmerHubert born about 1907
WhitmerJoyce Marieborn about 1935
WilkesVerna Maeborn about 1924
WilkinsCalvin Jewelborn about 1940
WilkinsEugene born about 1921
WilkinsGlendon born about 1931
WilkinsJohn Aborn about 1923
WilkinsLee Annborn about 1895
WilkinsMable born about 1927
WilkinsMarshal born about 1890
WilkinsNanda born about 1925
WilkinsNeal born about 1916
WilkinsVida born about 1918
WilliamsBittie Leeborn about 1928
WilliamsFrank Eborn about 1897
WilliamsJohn Robertborn about 1926
WilliamsOla born about 1905
WilliamsPerl born about 1935
WilliamsRay Frankborn about 1930
WilliamsZadene born about 1933
WilsonBarney born about 1908
WilsonLonzo born about 1879
WilsonLorene born about 1913
WilsonMartha born about 1889
WilsonNoble born about 1920
WilsonNoel born about 1910
WoodyardBen born about 1883
WoodyardCornelus born about 1910
WoodyardMary Loisborn about 1924
WoodyardRuby born about 1919
WoodyardRuth born about 1885
WrightBarbara Annborn about 1939
WrightBertha born about 1903
WrightGuy born about 1901
WrightNelse born about 1926
WrightNiell born about 1924
WrightRobert Deanborn about 1934
WrightRuby Leeborn about 1931
WrightWade born about 1928

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