1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bellefonte, Boone, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Boone County > 1940 Census of Bellefonte

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbneyEdna born about 1884
AbneyGlenn Lborn about 1911
AbneyLewis born about 1917
AbneyMark born about 1920
AbneyMary Emmaborn about 1923
AbneyVirginia Maeborn about 1920
AbneyWilliam Hborn about 1882
AdmireLucy Eborn about 1871
AdmireThomas Bborn about 1865
AllisonJeptha born about 1890
AllisonMaletia born about 1927
AllisonMarvenia born about 1929
ApplegateDain Hborn about 1918
ApplegateJaney Eborn about 1920
ApplegateLarry Leeborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BaileyCurtis Rexborn about 1932
BaileyLucile Nborn about 1913
BarnettGeorge Wborn about 1883
BarnettGertrude Aborn about 1890
BarnettJohn Haleborn about 1900
BarnettWilliam Hborn about 1890
BarnettWright Sborn about 1901
BeardBessie born about 1871
BeardenFlorence born about 1914
BeaversBessie Fborn about 1895
BeaversClarence Wborn about 1889
BeaversRhoda Eborn about 1894
BellerBeulah Bborn about 1907
BellerJayme Kayborn about 1934
BellerKirby born about 1907
BiggsArmenda born about 1913
BiggsDennis Cborn about 1912
BiggsHattie Jr born about 1920
BiggsJohn Hborn about 1909
BiggsWilliam Carsonborn about 1940
BirdwellJames Wborn about 1931
BirdwellMary Franklinborn about 1928
BirdwellOrpha Dborn about 1900
BirdwellRobert Bborn about 1903
BirdwellRoberta Dborn about 1936
BlackshireElla Mborn about 1888
BlackshireJames Pborn about 1918
BlackshireJohn Cborn about 1924
BlackshirePlant Lborn about 1881
BlackshireRobert Dborn about 1925
BlackshireRuth Eborn about 1922
BolesMartha Annborn about 1867
BolinApril Fayeborn about 1929
BolinIrena born about 1900
BolinJohn Lborn about 1889
BolinNona Ellenborn about 1931
BolinRay Orrieborn about 1924
BolinWillis Guyborn about 1922
BoyerGuy Nborn about 1891
BoyerNona Sborn about 1878
BrandenAlmon born about 1886
BrandenVelda born about 1887
BrassfieldBessie Fayborn about 1930
BrassfieldWilliam born about 1924
BrazealAlden born about 1922
BrewerFelix Eborn about 1882
BrewerJessie Nborn about 1851
BrewerLeslie Eborn about 1919
BrewerViola Aborn about 1882
BriedwellBryan born about 1904
BriedwellElsie born about 1898
BriedwellFlorence Mborn about 1903
BriedwellJames Sborn about 1872
BriedwellLena Mayborn about 1873
BriedwellTroy Eborn about 1892
BrownAuda born about 1920
BrownCaldoney born about 1887
BrownCarrie Sueborn about 1898
BrownFred Bborn about 1919
BrownGeorgia Aborn about 1867
BrownJames Cborn about 1867
BrownJim Dborn about 1920
BrownJohn Aborn about 1892
BrownKimsey born about 1885
BrownOma Mborn about 1903
BrownSidney Jborn about 1901
BrownW Kirbyborn about 1887
BrutonFlora Fborn about 1860
BryanJames Wborn about
BryanJames W Jrborn about 1914
BryanJane Eborn about 1918
BurtonBetty Joborn about 1932
BurtonBlackwood Allen Iborn about 1862
BurtonCatherine Aborn about 1930
BurtonElizabeth born about 1873
BurtonEva Gladysborn about 1925
BurtonGilbert Cborn about 1902
BurtonLack Taylorborn about 1937
BurtonLytle Wborn about 1927
BurtonMartha Aborn about 1901
BurtonMary ???born about 1939
BurtonNevada Janeborn about 1934

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C Surnames

CallahanAnieta Graceborn about 1926
CallahanElla born about 1877
CallahanEster Annborn about 1910
CallahanGracen Wborn about 1897
CallahanHelen Joyceborn about 1928
CallahanJames Darrellborn about 1935
CallahanLona Maybelleborn about 1933
CallahanSyble Maxineborn about 1929
CallahanWeldon born about 1871
CallahanWilliam Geneborn about 1931
CarpenterHerman Lborn about 1880
CarpenterKate Mborn about 1887
CarpenterRoy Vborn about 1917
CarpenterRuby Eborn about 1925
Carver??? Eborn about 1876
CashBilly Donborn about 1938
CashClaud born about 1901
CashDarrell Geneborn about 1933
CashFred born about 1885
CashJames Mborn about 1907
CashJannetta born about 1907
CashJarrell Davidborn about 1929
CashMyrtle Aborn about 1908
CashRosa Leeborn about 1870
CashVirginia Claudborn about 1928
CecilCurtis Gborn about 1922
CecilEldridge born about 1916
CecilGarland Jborn about 1893
CecilJames Byermanborn about 1883
CecilJoan born about 1938
CecilJohn Hborn about 1926
CecilJoyce Mborn about 1920
CecilKenneth Hborn about 1918
CecilLoyce Mborn about 1932
CecilMable Eborn about 1930
CecilOffie born about 1896
ClarkJames Howardborn about 1934
ClarkJo Annaborn about 1927
ClarkMarion Eborn about 1897
ClarkMary Mborn about 1925
ClarkNancy Sueborn about 1938
ClarkOna Oborn about 1900
ClarkOra Louiseborn about 1924
ClineHelen born about 1910
ClineJoe Wborn about 1883
ClineMittie born about 1890
CochranAnn Tborn about 1887
CochranElbert Wborn about 1921
CochranEster Mayborn about 1932
CochranGertie Mborn about 1889
CochranGrover Cborn about 1885
CochranHorace Jborn about 1925
CochranHuston Wborn about 1854
CochranIva Fayeborn about 1928
CochranLee born about 1909
CochranMary Nborn about 1906
CochranPurley Eborn about 1910
ConeBoyd Hborn about 1931
ConeFloyd Hborn about 1934
ConeHeral Hborn about 1921
ConeKenneth Hborn about 1923
ConeRalph Hborn about 1928
ConklinBill Joeborn about 1925
ConklinWilliam Rborn about 1922
CooperBobby Fborn about 1930
CooperDaisy born about 1873
CooperEdward Leeborn about 1924
CooperEva Sborn about 1900
CooperJohn Rborn about 1915
CooperJoyce born about 1925
CooperRalph Eborn about 1922
CooperTom Lborn about 1895
CooperTom Lewisborn about 1927
CopelandBill Jimborn about 1924
CopelandJ Virgilborn about 1897
CopelandJack born about 1921
CopelandJoe born about 1920
CopelandRansy born about 1896
CostleberyPleasant Boxborn about 1933
CostleberyWalsa Bborn about 1903
CoxBilly Joeborn about 1937
CoxG Loasborn about 1913
CoxMaudie Eborn about 1914
CrawfordEvelyn Mborn about 1918
CrawfordJoan born about 1936
CrawfordRube born about 1909
CroninClara Bethborn about 1926
CroninClarence born about 1928
CroninClark Iborn about 1882
CroninClark Wborn about 1921
CroninEthel Lborn about 1889
CroninMary Louborn about 1930
CroninMildred born about 1917
CroninThelma Leeborn about 1919
CrowCarl Eborn about 1938
CrowEugene Eborn about 1932
CrowJames Wborn about 1931
CrowLizzie born about 1912
CrowWillie Aborn about 1909

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D Surnames

DanHerman born about 1867
DanielJohn Rborn about 1914
DanielJohn Wborn about 1874
DanielsAngie born about 1916
DanielsCorby Lborn about 1914
DanielsElmer Aborn about 1896
DanielsElyven born about 1934
DanielsHaskel Wborn about 1937
DanielsMary Eborn about 1897
DanielsOlgie Fayborn about 1939
DavenportBetty Louborn about 1937
DavenportEmma born about 1901
DavenportNeplie born about 1897
DeesAnn Charleneborn about 1930
DeesArria Vborn about 1903
DeesDavid Bborn about 1883
DeesElmor Paulborn about 1912
DeesEmma Mborn about 1916
DeesEvelyn Mborn about 1878
DeesFrank Jborn about 1917
DeesHomer Floydborn about 1912
DeesJames Kborn about 1923
DeesJames Rborn about 1880
DeesJesse Lborn about 1876
DeesJohnnie Leeborn about 1936
DeesLowell Cborn about 1933
DeesMarlyn Lborn about 1937
DeesMary Almaborn about 1923
DeesMary Ruthborn about 1909
DeesMeredith Mborn about 1926
DeesMontie born about 1896
DeesPerry Lborn about 1909
DeesThelma Pborn about 1919
DeesTheresa born about 1923
DeesVada Lborn about 1912
DeesViola born about 1887
DepriestOla Eborn about 1892
DepriestWillodean Bborn about 1912
DicksonEmma Hborn about 1860
DicksonJames Mborn about 1860
DillAnnie born about 1892
DillRoy born about 1895
DixonFannie Eborn about 1898
DixonLenona born about 1923
DodsonArthur Dborn about 1895
DodsonArthur Jr born about 1925
DodsonBen Frankborn about 1927
DodsonBetty Jborn about 1939
DodsonCharles Lborn about 1932
DodsonEarl Sborn about 1921
DodsonJoe Carlborn about 1937
DodsonLilburn Fborn about 1922
DodsonNelda Lborn about 1928
DodsonSue Carolborn about 1934
DodsonWalcie Lborn about 1905

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E Surnames

EarlsElmer Vborn about 1894
EarlsElva Maeborn about 1924
EarlsMary Cborn about 1869
EarlsMary Ellaborn about 1921
EarlsMyrtle Eborn about 1901
ElliottBiffle Lborn about 1900
ElliottIrven Iborn about 1889
ElliottJames Iborn about 1929
EllisArthur Vborn about 1879
EllisArthur Wborn about 1910
EllisGarland Vborn about 1913
EllisMelvin Jborn about 1920
EllisMinnie Jborn about 1885
EoffBessie Lborn about 1887
EoffClint Rborn about 1893
EoffFlem born about 1869
EoffGordon Wborn about 1920
EoffL Bammieborn about 1871
EoffLillie born about 1892

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F Surnames

FinchAra Ruthborn about 1925
FinchAva born about 1899
FlowersBertha Eborn about 1887
FranksFrancis Iborn about 1922
FranksIsalene born about 1877
FranksMarvin Hborn about 1896
FranksMyrtle born about 1895
FranksThomas Mborn about 1873
FryAdline Eborn about 1920
FryDonald Bborn about 1932
FryFlorence Lborn about 1922
FryLula Bborn about 1893
FryMarian Cborn about 1925
FryRichard Lborn about 1930
FryWaldon Lborn about 1893

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G Surnames

GarnerHugh born about 1913
GarnerNina Leotaborn about 1911
GarnerPeggy Joyceborn about 1939
GarnerRonald Geneborn about 1937
GarryFloyd Eborn about 1890
GarryJ Violaborn about 1887
GarryMary Francisborn about 1931
GayDelmas Lborn about 1939
GayDoris Arvillaborn about 1935
GayLevi Bborn about 1900
GayMildred Cborn about 1925
GayNova born about 1907
GibbsCharley L Jrborn about 1929
GibbsCharlie Lborn about 1905
GibbsMyrtle born about 1911
GibbsWilma Jborn about 1931
GibsonEdith Eborn about 1906
GibsonGarland born about 1898
GibsonGeorge Wborn about 1878
GibsonLou Gillaborn about 1878
GibsonMitchell Eoffborn about 1936
GladdenJames Robertborn about 1926
GladdenMary born about 1892
GoachMartha born about 1843
GoatsSarrah born about 1869
GreenHanna born about 1843
GriffisEffie born about 1895
GriffisKenneth Eborn about 1919
GriffisKern Lborn about 1919
GuffeyBeth Ellenborn about 1928
GuffeyJeon Mborn about 1927
GuffeyLottie Mborn about 1902
GuffeyRobert Rborn about 1933
GuffeyRoy Aborn about 1895

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H Surnames

HaleElla born about 1875
HarmanEdith born about 1929
HarmanFaye born about
HarmanRalph born about 1922
HarpEd Harlanborn about 1936
HarpHarold born about 1938
HarpHulin Dborn about 1916
HarpSibyl Iborn about 1920
HarperDorthy Janeborn about 1928
HarperJane born about 1904
HarperJohn Frankborn about 1939
HarperR Bennieborn about 1930
HarperRoy born about 1899
HarrisonClarence Cborn about 1894
HarrisonNellie born about 1908
HathcoatJohn born about 1876
HathcoatWinora born about 1882
HawkinsJames Fborn about 1867
HawkinsJames Wborn about 1926
HawkinsMadge born about 1922
HawkinsMary Elizabethborn about 1869
HawkinsN Maeborn about 1902
HawkinsWilliam Bborn about 1898
HelenJimmy Laneborn about 1936
HelenLoso born about 1904
HelenLula born about 1906
HendrixFrankie born about 1925
HendrixJosie born about 1887
HendrixThomas Aborn about 1895
HenleyBen Cborn about 1908
HenleyBenjahan Noahborn about 1930
HenleyJewell born about 1909
HenleyShirley Anneborn about 1935
HickmanJohn Vborn about 1914
HickmanMyrtle Jborn about 1916
HickmanRuth Dborn about 1907
HickmanSusie born about 1873
HickmanVernon Aborn about 1907
HollowayArtie Wborn about 1897
HollowayEdith Maeborn about 1922
HollowayEsther Marieborn about 1929
HollowayL Bertborn about 1919
HollowayM Leonaborn about 1902
HolmesHilcard Wborn about 1896
HolmesHiram G Cborn about 1921
HolmesJessie Aborn about 1912
HolmesMaud born about 1890
HolmesR Leeborn about 1875
HolmesS Loweryborn about 1901
HolmesStella born about 1896
HolmesStella Bborn about 1901
HoltJimmie Leeborn about 1928
HoltLeta Maeborn about 1930
HoltsclawRobert Cborn about 1914
HubbardHattie born about 1879
HubbardKit Cborn about 1869
HudsonAnnie Mborn about 1898
HudsonIsaac Wborn about 1926
HudsonLona born about 1919
HudsonLoven born about 1898

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J Surnames

JacksonTalitha Aborn about 1855
JohnsonBertha born about 1908
JohnsonL Cborn about 1887
JohnsonPette Jborn about 1877
JohnsonRex Mborn about 1922
JohnsonRobert Lborn about 1883
JohnsonRoy Lborn about 1917
JohnsonRuby Pborn about 1901
JohnsonTroy Cborn about 1917
JonesGwendolyn Maeborn about 1935
JonesM Agnesborn about 1914
JonesMarvin Fborn about 1914
JonesMarvis Kayborn about 1939

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K Surnames

KeatonBilly Ruthborn about 1933
KeatonClara Fborn about 1913
KeatonFreddie Kborn about 1939
KeatonJimmy Wayneborn about 1937
KeatonKenneth Eborn about 1908
KeatonRichard Leeborn about 1935
KeeleAlcie Estaleeborn about 1927
KeeleHerbert Bborn about 1925
KeeleJames Wborn about 1921
KeeleLucille born about 1895
KeeleLula Marieborn about 1922
KeeleMilus Gborn about 1894
KeeleMilus G Jrborn about 1935
KeeterAlpha Maeborn about 1920
KeeterCortice Eborn about 1886
KeeterDock Mborn about 1894
KeeterDock Jr born about 1920
KeeterEunice born about 1913
KeeterGarland born about 1902
KeeterGuy born about 1917
KeeterMary Ruthborn about 1936
KeeterMittie Aborn about 1908
KeeterParabee born about 1880
KeeterReutha born about 1889
KeeterRuby Vborn about 1895
KeeterWilliam Jborn about 1911
KennedySarah Aborn about 1857
KerrMollie Sborn about 1871
KnoxAlice Vborn about 1872
KoenEdith born about 1885
KoenTennesee Bborn about 1854

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L Surnames

LairGrandle Geneborn about 1940
LairIrene born about 1919
LairJoe Hborn about 1915
LancasterJim Pborn about 1932
LancasterJohn Tborn about 1930
LancasterMary Lborn about 1928
LancasterRessie born about 1904
LancasterThurman born about 1897
LaneAda Lavernborn about 1886
LaneElmer born about 1892
LaneEmalette born about 1901
LaneJohn Aborn about 1878
LaneKatie born about 1932
LaneLouis Rborn about 1921
LaneMattie Annborn about 1873
LanePatricia Aborn about 1934
LaneVirginia born about 1923
LaneWilliam Dborn about 1908
LongJohn Nborn about 1853
LongMargret Vborn about 1874

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M Surnames

MallardBetty Howardborn about 1923
MallardMamie Lborn about 1901
MallardWilliam Bborn about 1891
MarkleyLovena Mborn about 1916
MarkleyWalter Jr born about 1909
McAlroyEsters Eborn about 1902
McAlroyGeraldine born about 1931
McAlroyGrace Mborn about 1906
McAlroyMaud Eborn about 1879
McCutchearGarland Gborn about 1922
McCutchearMalenda born about 1875
McDonaldFleeta Jborn about 1919
McDonaldIda born about 1876
McDonaldJames Aborn about 1920
McDonaldJames Eborn about 1921
McDonaldJames Lborn about 1873
McDonaldMable Dborn about 1887
McDonaldStokley Jborn about 1896
McDonaldW Miltonborn about 1901
McDonaldWilliam Kborn about 1870
MelvinEnna born about 1898
MoorhouseAnna Loisborn about 1933
MoorhouseE Geneborn about 1931
MoorhouseEarl Lborn about 1911
MoorhouseFlossie born about 1911
MorrisDortha born about 1916
MorrisVictor L Jrborn about 1935
MorrisVictor L Srborn about 1914
MurphyDoris Gborn about 1912
MurphyDuane Oborn about 1931
MurphyGeorge Hborn about 1910
MurphyJoyce Cborn about 1932
MurphyOrval Geneborn about 1938
MusgraveNancy Mborn about 1891
MyersDovie Leeborn about 1913
MyersJames Mborn about 1910
MysingerLottie Louborn about 1939
MysingerThelma born about 1918

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N Surnames

NicholsonRosa Annborn about 1867
NicholsonWilliam Tborn about 1863

P Surnames

ParkerDaisy Eborn about 1878
PaulAlonzo Gborn about 1930
PaulAnna Maeborn about 1933
PaulArch Wborn about 1902
PaulBetty La Rueborn about 1938
PaulJohnnie Elmerborn about 1939
PaulLeonard Dborn about 1903
PaulLilly Cborn about 1908
PaulMattie Louborn about 1932
PaulOma Yvonneborn about 1937
PaulOrval Kborn about 1931
PaulR Maeborn about 1911
PaulRay Dborn about 1934
PaulWilliam Cborn about 1928
PenixMandon Oborn about 1874
PenixMollie Sborn about 1877
PhiferBetty Jeanborn about 1928
PhiferEssie Fborn about 1887
PhiferJ Ransomborn about 1885
PhiferJames Mborn about 1862
PhiferJames Nborn about 1919
PhiferJennie Aborn about 1902
PhiferLena Ruthborn about 1925
PhiferMary Eborn about 1863
PhiferRobert Eborn about 1890
PhiferSheldon Wborn about 1920
PhiferWilliam Fborn about 1904
PierceCalvin Rborn about 1924
PierceCora Aborn about 1882
PierceGeorge Aborn about 1873
PierceLenna born about 1898
PierceLevy Rborn about 1899
PinkleyDaniel Rayborn about 1934
PinkleyJune Lborn about 1932
PinkleyLloyd born about 1907
PinkleyLouise born about 1914
PollockElma Fborn about 1903
PollockHarland Jborn about 1937
PollockJames Eborn about 1930
PollockJames Hborn about 1897
PollockMelvin Gborn about 1927
PollockNorma Fayeborn about 1933
PopeCharley born about 1884
PopeCoy Wborn about 1925
PopeEvalyn Cborn about 1909
PopeGeorge Cborn about 1892
PopeRalph Cborn about 1898
PotterAlmon Aborn about 1909
PotterBessie Ireneborn about 1910
PottsBuell Lborn about 1913
PottsClara Lborn about 1878
PottsMarion Fborn about 1871
PraiterEdward W Srborn about 1878
PraiterN Maeborn about 1888
PricketteCady Nborn about 1895
PricketteMary Carolynborn about 1937
PricketteMildred Jborn about 1931
PricketteThomas born about 1896

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R Surnames

RaglandAda born about 1883
RaglandCammie Fborn about 1929
RaglandDaphna born about 1928
RaglandFlavel Eborn about 1904
RaglandThursea Eborn about 1882
RaglandVena Bborn about 1904
RatcliffAlpha born about 1891
RatcliffCleve Gborn about 1885
RhodesDon born about 1935
RhodesElizabeth born about 1932
RhodesJack Patborn about 1926
RhodesJames Edwardborn about 1923
RhodesJohn Butlerborn about 1929
RhodesMargaret born about 1936
RhodesMary Lborn about 1921
RhodesWilliam Joeborn about 1931
RiceClemmie born about 1891
RiceG Hborn about 1872
RichesinEthel Bborn about 1904
RichesinJack Leonborn about 1932
RobertBart Wborn about 1876
RobertBart W Jrborn about 1927
RobertLillie Mborn about 1890
RobinsonAnna Bellborn about 1931
RobinsonAnna Dborn about 1900
RobinsonBetty Ruthborn about 1928
RobinsonCharles Woodrow*born about 1938
RobinsonDavid born about 1923
RobinsonEllen born about
RobinsonEuna Mborn about 1919
RobinsonFrank Jborn about 1895
RobinsonGordon Fborn about 1916
RobinsonHarley Eborn about 1922
RobinsonHazel Aborn about 1917
RobinsonHerbert Rborn about 1923
RobinsonJames Wborn about 1913
RobinsonJo Ellenborn about 1937
RobinsonJoe Eborn about 1919
RobinsonLafayette Fborn about 1897
RobinsonMamie born about 1894
RobinsonMary Louborn about 1925
RogersArthur Lborn about 1897
RogersBert born about 1914
RogersJimmy born about 1934
RogersJunie Eborn about 1898
RogersLarry born about 1931
RogersMable born about 1917
RogersMae born about 1904
RogersR Carlborn about 1900
RogersRenee born about 1939
RowlandHassel Iborn about 1918
RowlandPatsy Ireneborn about 1940
RowlandRoger Dborn about 1913
RubleElla Aborn about 1882
RubleEmmett Aborn about 1880
RubleGladys born about 1909
RubleJames Royborn about 1939
RubleMildred Aborn about 1923
RubleRoy Jamesborn about 1907
RussellBetty Rayborn about 1927
RussellClyde born about 1897
RussellDortha Sueborn about 1924
RussellE Rayborn about 1895
RussellEra Vborn about 1898
RussellEthel Gborn about 1900
RussellG Calvinborn about 1924
RussellGrace Vborn about 1924
RussellH Tedborn about 1900
RussellJessie born about 1903
RussellL Clydeborn about 1934
RussellMary Kateborn about 1919
RussellRuth Mborn about 1922

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S Surnames

SamworthBen Hborn about 1902
SamworthLelma Hborn about 1908
SamworthPaul Jborn about 1911
SavageArch born about 1906
SavageBonnie Gborn about 1910
SavageCoyita Deanborn about 1932
SavageFord Gborn about 1901
SavageMarcus Eborn about 1928
SavageMarie Annborn about 1933
SavageOrpha Bborn about 1906
SavageP Jeanborn about 1926
SavageShirley Maeborn about 1937
SavageWanda Bborn about 1923
SharpEthel born about 1893
SharpJohn Bborn about 1890
SharpVirginia born about 1928
SimmonsAlfred born about 1891
SimmonsHarles Eborn about 1920
SimmonsLe Roy Dborn about 1925
SimmonsZona Oborn about 1897
SimsHenry Alyceborn about 1939
SimsHenry Hborn about 1917
SimsMargie Mborn about 1917
SmithChester born about 1914
SmithPearl Wborn about 1902
StaceyLou born about 1874
StaceyNewt Oborn about 1874
StaffordBrewer Eborn about 1855
StaffordMarion Rborn about 1856
StapletonCharlie Mborn about 1883
StapletonMary Lizzieborn about 1881
StarksNina Ruthborn about 1921
StarksVirgiia Mborn about 1897
StarksVirginia Lborn about 1925
StarksWalter Oborn about 1892
StarksWalter O Jrborn about 1929
StarksWilliam Jborn about 1923
StinnettArra born about 1895
StinnettMary Agnessborn about 1926
StinnettThomas born about 1895
StultsBert Hborn about 1893
StultsBillie Dborn about 1921
StultsEdith born about 1894

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T Surnames

TaylorCharley born about 1870
TaylorMartha Eborn about 1870
TennysonBess Eborn about 1888
TennysonHamilton Gborn about 1938
TennysonJack Bborn about 1910
TennysonJack Sborn about 1933
TennysonNina Lborn about 1913
TennysonShinn Cborn about 1905
TennysonTobe Jr born about 1924
ThomasonAlbert born about 1915
ThomasonArthur born about 1913
ThomasonDarley born about 1922
ThomasonHarley born about 1919
TomlinsonAva Vborn about 1908
TomlinsonBattie Louborn about 1930
TomlinsonJohn Rborn about 1904
TomlinsonMary Juneborn about 1927
TomlinsonWallace Wayneborn about 1932
TroutmanAddie Vborn about 1874
TroutmanAlma Eborn about 1894
TroutmanCharley Cborn about 1924
TroutmanClara Maeborn about 1921
TroutmanDewey Oborn about 1900
TroutmanJohn Frankborn about 1926
TroutmanJosephine Dborn about 1927
TroutmanLucile Mborn about 1923
TroutmanSeborn Mborn about 1901
TurneyBowman Flemborn about 1918
TurneyDon Dborn about 1917
TurneyDonald Lborn about 1939
TurneyEra Louiseborn about 1908
TurneyFrankie Lborn about 1939
TurneyH Mayborn about 1884
TurneyHelen Aborn about 1920
TurneyHenry Edwinborn about 1929
TurneyJoe Cborn about 1917
TurneyL Mildredborn about 1915
TurneyLonnie Gborn about 1908
TurneyPaul Lborn about 1913
TurneyShirley Juneborn about 1938
TurneySylvester Vborn about 1886
TurnhamNellie born about 1904
TurnhamRobert Jborn about 1889
TuttleGeorge Wborn about 1935
TuttleGolda Lborn about 1906
TuttleJohnny Hborn about 1932
TuttleJohnny Wborn about 1904

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V Surnames

VanzantJames Mborn about 1873
VanzantLillie Cborn about 1880
VaughnThomas Jborn about 1858

W Surnames

WallaceDavis Rborn about 1926
WallaceJames Sewellborn about 1928
WallaceJuneita Sborn about 1924
WallaceOmer Aborn about 1900
WallaceRuby born about 1900
WassonJames Dborn about 1938
WassonJohn Jborn about 1916
WassonLucy Lborn about 1918
WatkinsFrank Gborn about 1891
WatkinsGeneva Jborn about 1921
WatkinsHarland Jborn about 1917
WatkinsVirgie Eborn about 1895
WatsonJoshua ?born about 1894
WattsBonnie Lborn about 1894
WattsDelbert Iborn about 1917
WattsWilliam Fborn about 1890
WebbCarol Jeanborn about 1940
WebbIney Floranceborn about 1901
WebbWanda Sueborn about 1935
WebbWeaver Carolborn about 1906
WheelerBlanch born about 1911
WheelerDarien Sborn about 1910
WheelerGerald Bborn about 1936
WheelerJames Eborn about 1933
WheelerJoyce Elainborn about 1940
WhiteClara Zborn about 1897
WhiteDarrell Rborn about 1920
WhiteEster Marieborn about 1919
WhiteGeorge Aborn about 1894
WhiteKenneth Gborn about 1919
WilliamsBlanch born about 1920
WilliamsGarret Jborn about 1918
WilliamsJackie Nellborn about 1939
WillisCharlie Fborn about 1885
WillisFayette Jborn about 1875
WillisM Jennieborn about 1885
WillisNeoma Glennborn about 1895
WilloughbyDoris born about 1939
WilloughbyStella born about 1903
WilloughbyTom Wborn about 1883
WilmothBessie Louborn about 1934
WilmothBilly Joborn about 1931
WilmothGeorge Eborn about 1893
WilmothHattie Bborn about 1895
WilmothHerman Rborn about 1936
WilmothJack Wborn about 1922
WilmothJohn Rborn about 1927
WilmothMax Eborn about 1907
WilmothR Allieborn about 1911
WilmothWinifred born about 1935
WilsonIda born about 1881
WilsonWintford born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungBert born about 1894
YoungC Eliborn about 1928
YoungConrad born about 1933
YoungD Royeneborn about 1931
YoungE Normanborn about 1926
YoungErnest born about 1905
YoungEthlee born about 1924
YoungFaye Vborn about 1926
YoungKenneth born about 1929
YoungLovene Aborn about 1923
YoungMary Fborn about 1933
YoungMattie Lborn about 1895
YoungNancy born about 1870
YoungRoy Nborn about 1926
YoungVesta born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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