1940 U.S. Federal Census of Black River in Independence County, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Black River in Independence County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonAlfred born about 1898
AndersonAlfred Jr born about 1934
AndersonAlma Lborn about 1922
AndersonBilly Jeanborn about 1929
AndersonGolda born about 1900
AndersonIontha born about 1922
AndersonLynn born about 1917
AndersonR Wborn about 1925
AndersonVan Rborn about 1936
AndersonWilla Deanborn about 1929
ArmsHarry born about 1894
ArmsHubert Cborn about 1892
ArmsJohn Hborn about 1923
ArmsMandy born about 1864
ArmsNaoma born about 1913
ArmsOtis born about 1913
ArmsRay Jborn about 1935
ArmsSarah born about 1903
AshbyRay born about 1916

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B Surnames

BarberJ Pborn about 1908
BarberJohn born about 1862
BarberMaggie born about 1875
BarnettLee Rborn about 1936
BarnettThomas Wborn about 1934
BarnettVirginia born about 1916
BarnettWilliam Rborn about 1913
BerryCarol Jborn about 1934
BillJ Wborn about 1930
BillJames born about 1925
BoydEthel born about 1910
BoydLaura born about 1884
BoydMary Eborn about 1932
BoydSamuel Dborn about 1938
BoydSteve born about 1904
BoydSteve Jr born about 1936
BrittomBlanche born about 1929
BrittomDorthy born about 1921
BrittomIrmadean born about 1924
BrittomNess born about 1901
BrittomWilliam Nborn about 1893
BurgeAndy born about 1882
BurgeArthur born about 1915
BurgeQuinton born about 1905
BurgeSally born about 1882

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C Surnames

ChurchillEwell born about 1912
ChurchillMary Eborn about 1887
ChurchillRobert born about 1879
ChurchillSusie Vborn about 1882
ClarkBenjamin Fborn about 1891
ClarkBenny born about 1932
ClarkElla born about 1915
ClarkEster born about 1893
ClarkHarlon born about 1917
ClarkJames Aborn about 1934
ClarkMarlin born about 1919
ColemanAlice born about 1902
ColemanArvin Dborn about 1927
ColemanBonnie born about 1921
ColemanCharley born about 1889
ColemanCora born about 1894
ColemanDmerriwaters* born about 1900
ColemanDon Kborn about 1909
ColemanDoris born about 1934
ColemanJerl Mborn about 1929
ColemanJewell born about 1912
ColemanMildred born about 1924
ColemanMinnie born about 1918
ColemanNeal born about 1906
ColemanRhoda born about 1874
ColemanRobert Nborn about 1871
ColemanTommy born about 1921
ColemanWanda born about 1931
ColemanWilliam Rborn about 1889
ColemanWilma Gborn about 1924
CommsAlbert born about 1897
CommsMargie born about 1910
CondittNetie born about 1905
CondittSimon born about 1895

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D Surnames

DanielsEster Mborn about 1939
DanielsMelvin born about 1913
DanielsMetris born about 1913
DearingerBen born about 1888
DearingerMadge born about 1908
DickeyAlton born about 1934
DickeyAlvis Lborn about 1909
DickeyBertha born about 1912
DickeyCleo born about 1917
DickeyClifton born about 1914
DickeyEster born about 1888
DickeyEugene born about 1932
DickeyLemer born about 1939
DickeyLonzo born about 1922
DickeyMary born about 1926
DickeyReba born about 1922
DickeyThurman born about 1919
DuggarAddie born about 1876

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E Surnames

EstelCecera born about 1912
EstelClaire born about 1917

F Surnames

FooteElton born about 1922
FooteEthel born about 1884
FootePhil Patborn about 1917
FooteSamuel Lborn about 1890
ForesterMary Cborn about 1924
ForesterRobert Kborn about 1881
ForesterVictoria born about 1902
FryAgness born about 1906
FryAustin born about 1904
FryGeorgeann born about 1935
FryOrvil Rborn about 1910
FryRuth Eborn about 1939
FryStella born about 1884

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G Surnames

GarnerAda born about 1894
GarnerAlthus Mborn about 1936
GarnerCharles Jborn about 1928
GarnerMelvin born about 1902
GarnerMelvin Rborn about 1936
GarnerPaul born about 1933
GarnerRuby born about 1912
GarnerThelma born about 1931
GarnerWanda Lborn about 1939
GarnerWilliam Sborn about 1877
GeorgeBeatrice born about 1929
GeorgeDorthy born about 1915
GeorgeJ Cborn about 1935
GeorgeJ Wborn about 1933
GeorgeJaunita born about 1915
GeorgeJess born about 1910
GeorgeJessie born about 1905
GeorgeRay born about 1907
GeorgeTommy Lborn about 1939
GeorgeWalter born about 1882
GillianAlfred Lborn about 1841
GillianDella born about 1863

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H Surnames

HatlerIvon Pborn about 1922
HatlerJerry Wborn about 1931
HatlerPaul Dborn about 1920
HatlerPostis born about 1900
HatlerVada Vborn about 1927
HennisBill born about 1925
HennisPaul born about 1926
HennisRichard born about 1923
HensleyAlice born about 1918
HensleyAndrew Jborn about 1893
HensleyCurt born about 1929
HensleyJack born about 1927
HensleyLuda born about 1892
HensleyMcgrady born about 1914
HensleyNadine born about 1939
HensleyVelma born about 1926
HerringIoine born about 1913
HerringWeyman born about 1913
HerringtonAnnette born about 1924
HerringtonEula Mborn about 1886
HerringtonJim born about 1882
HoleyForest Eborn about 1917
HoleyNellie born about 1916
HudlestonTeddy Rborn about 1932
HutchisonAgness born about 1917
HutchisonClyde born about 1914
HutchisonImogene born about 1936
HutchisonWanda Lborn about 1938

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J Surnames

JonesBilly Rayborn about 1938
JonesCora Mborn about 1897
JonesEarl born about 1920
JonesJ Wborn about 1924
JonesJaunita born about 1935
JonesJoseph Wborn about 1884
JonesTroy born about 1927
JonesVirginia born about 1932
JonesWillard born about 1922
JonesZelma born about 1919

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K Surnames

KellyDora born about 1875
KingJ Rborn about 1932
KingLucile born about 1912
KingMaurine born about 1930
KingRalph born about 1910
KuchlerGeneva born about 1904
KuchlerHarry born about 1893
KuchlerTroy born about 1930

L Surnames

LattingCharley born about 1881
LattingFloyd Rborn about 1930
LattingIona born about 1890
LattingJohn Rborn about 1901
LattingMaxine born about 1929
LattingOlive born about 1906
LattingThevis born about 1877
LattingTranklin Rborn about 1874
LongEttie born about 1897
LongGus Aborn about 1895
LongLela born about 1919
LongNorman Eborn about 1921

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M Surnames

MartinAnna born about 1870
MartinSarah Tborn about 1857
MartinThomas Cborn about 1865
MasseyBetty Louborn about 1940
MasseyJohnie Cborn about 1920
MasseyLois born about 1922
MasseyWillene born about 1937
McAdamsLucy born about 1886
McAdamsVan D born about 1881
McDanielAlice born about 1880
McDanielChester Hborn about 1881
McDanielChester Lborn about 1937
McDanielClyd born about 1939
McDanielDonald Lborn about 1932
McDanielEffie born about 1884
McDanielElba born about 1910
McDanielHugh born about 1910
McDanielJaunita born about 1917
McDanielJessie Lborn about 1876
McDanielMarilyn born about 1936
McDanielMyrtle born about 1887
McDanielOtta Lborn about 1908
McDanielWillis Vborn about 1934
MeltonDonnie born about 1917
MeltonVirginia born about 1921
MiltonElla born about 1916
MiltonMarvin born about 1911
MobleyEdna born about 1894
MobleyLawanda born about 1931
MobleyLeburne born about 1918
MobleyMelba Gborn about 1926
MobleyTheodore born about 1884
MontgomeryAlice born about 1902
MontgomeryLonzo born about 1899
MontgomeryMary born about 1932
MontgomeryMorena born about 1934
MontgomeryQuinton born about 1930
MontgomeryRuth born about 1937

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N Surnames

NorthcuttFayna born about 1923
NorthcuttFloyd born about 1916
NorthcuttNeal born about 1890
NorthcuttNita born about 1925
NorthcuttPauline born about 1920
NorthcuttStella born about 1896
NuckallsAlta born about 1906
NuckallsCharlotte born about 1938
NuckallsColumbus Eborn about 1934
NuckallsEarl born about 1904
NuckallsEarleen born about 1926
NuckallsHazel born about 1931
NuckallsJewel born about 1929
NuckallsVirginia born about 1927
NuckallsWanda born about 1924

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O Surnames

OsborneAlthea born about 1898
OsborneCharles Nborn about 1896
OsborneCharles Jr born about 1929
OsborneEthel born about 1886
OsborneRosa born about 1874
OsborneRosemary born about 1932
OsborneThelma born about 1907
OsborneWilliam Hborn about 1877
OsborneWilliam Nborn about 1870

P Surnames

PadgettFrances born about 1868
PadgettWilliam Mborn about 1863
ParrAnthony born about 1939
ParrBessie born about 1903
ParrCalvietta born about 1895
ParrCurtis born about 1918
ParrElsie born about 1900
ParrJ Eborn about 1930
ParrJames Eborn about 1899
ParrLee born about 1905
ParrLeona born about 1927
ParrLevon born about 1936
ParrMally born about 1861
ParrMaretta born about 1937
ParrRetha born about 1915
ParrVerdell born about 1925
ParrWilda Mborn about 1937
PolsterMargaret born about 1852
PoskyEdward born about 1888
PoskyVerlie born about 1891
PoskyVirgie born about 1923
PrinceEthel born about 1918
PrinceEva born about 1896
PrinceFred born about 1917
PrinceFreddie born about 1938
PrinceTheodore born about 1923
PrinceWilliam Rborn about 1894
PrinceWilliam Jr born about 1927
PruettCharles born about 1928
PruettCharley born about 1898
PruettClifton born about 1912
PruettDonald Rborn about 1931
PruettJimmie Dborn about 1935
PruettRuth born about 1903
PruettVirgil born about 1924

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Q Surnames

QuigleyJames Cborn about 1907
QuigleyRobert Jborn about 1940
QuigleyZulma born about 1909

R Surnames

ReevesDorothy Lborn about 1936
ReevesIrine born about 1906
ReevesKenneth born about 1903
ReevesKim Eborn about 1886
ReevesKinwade born about 1922
ReevesLora born about 1927
ReevesLula born about 1885
ReevesRuby born about 1920
ReevesVirginia born about 1886
RiceStayton born about 1892
RiceSula born about 1897
RiceVirginia born about 1926
RobertsonLucy born about 1876
RobertsonRichard born about 1880
RunganDeina Fborn about 1937
RunganOt born about 1907
RunganRuthie born about 1909

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S Surnames

SharomsElmer Lborn about 1895
SharomsFrancine born about 1927
SharomsJosie born about 1900
SharomsLucille born about 1921
SharomsMyrl born about 1923
SharomsVaughn Lborn about 1930
SharpConway born about 1938
SharpFannie born about 1881
SharpGeorge Mborn about 1932
SharpGlenna born about 1935
SharpHelen born about 1931
SharpHenry born about 1894
SharpPauline born about 1924
SharpRalph born about 1925
SharpRuth born about 1904
SharpSamuel Mborn about 1881
SharpVera Jborn about 1927
ShawAnnie born about 1927
ShawElsie born about 1900
ShawFern born about 1934
ShawGenevie born about 1932
ShawJ Eborn about 1925
ShawJim Wborn about 1886
ShawRoy born about 1930
ShowGenevie born about 1916
ShowOwen Eborn about 1915
SimpsonBertha born about 1892
SinkDan born about 1887
SinkLillian born about 1914
SinkTracy born about 1934
SinkVerda born about 1938
SinkVivian born about 1932
SkinnerBoyce born about 1928
SkinnerCarl born about 1910
SkinnerClyde born about 1932
SkinnerEthen born about 1916
SkinnerHerbert born about 1922
SkinnerHilda born about 1914
SkinnerKenneth born about 1912
SkinnerMyrtle born about 1888
SkinnerThurman born about 1924
SkinnerWayne born about 1908
SkinnerWilliam Aborn about 1881
SkinnerWindell born about 1919
SlaydenIrvine born about 1889
SlaydenKatherine born about 1923
SlaydenVirgie born about 1913
SloydenHelen born about 1918
SloydenJohnie Lborn about 1939
SloydenJoseph Dborn about 1908
SmithCecil born about 1921
SmithChester born about 1922
SmithCurtis Eborn about 1935
SmithErica born about 1909
SmithLetha Oborn about 1906
SmithMary Leeborn about 1938
StroughnCharley born about 1905
SullivanEdward born about 1920
SullivanJanie born about 1893
SullivanWilliam Tborn about 1883

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T Surnames

TerryJanum Rborn about 1936
TerryNaomi born about 1919
TerryRubin born about 1914
TerryWill born about 1888

V Surnames

VanderCornelius born about 1868
VanderHallie born about 1880

W Surnames

WagonerClara born about 1888
WagonerJewell born about 1914
WainwrightPerry born about 1875
WainwrightSarah born about 1886
WalkerJulia born about 1870
WardFreddie born about 1935
WardFreddie Vborn about 1912
WardMargie Mborn about 1915
WardShirley born about 1937
WarrenAlice Eborn about 1915
WarrenMinnie born about 1873
WarrenOscar Bborn about 1868
WebbJimmie born about 1936
WebbKathleen born about 1915
WebbMaxine born about 1934
WebbWoodrow born about 1913
WestAnna born about 1906
WestBernice born about 1928
WestCharley born about 1901
WestCoy born about 1901
WestEmogene born about 1934
WestJ Rborn about 1926
WestJohn Tborn about 1869
WestMaud Aborn about 1881
WestPearl born about 1903
WestUphie born about 1895
WestVera Aborn about 1940
WestVon born about 1935
WestZelma Dborn about 1930
WhiteBulah Mborn about 1934
WhiteCharles born about 1925
WhiteDillard born about 1918
WhiteJames Bborn about 1893
WhiteJimmie born about 1939
WhiteMamie born about 1911
WhiteMildred born about 1920
WilsonJames Tborn about 1880
WinklesEmitt born about 1916
WinklesOpal born about 1916
WinstonChester Aborn about 1890
WinstonIra born about 1901
WinstonMuriel born about 1927
WinstonRoy born about 1931
WinstonSwaggee born about 1871
WinstonVern born about 1929

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