1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bragg, Ouachita, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ouachita County > 1940 Census of Bragg

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAndrew Jborn about 1890
AdamsAndrew J Jrborn about 1930
AdamsAnnie Bborn about 1902
AdamsCuthbert Oborn about 1885
AdamsFrank Hborn about 1891
AdamsFranklin Pborn about 1927
AdamsGarland Fborn about 1910
AdamsGeraldine Mborn about 1929
AdamsJean Cborn about 1938
AdamsLloyd Oborn about 1907
AdamsMacie Bborn about 1891
AdamsMary Lborn about 1926
AdamsMattie Vborn about 1908
AdamsNellie born about 1918
AdamsSelma born about 1916
AdamsShirley Nborn about 1936
AlexanderEvelyn born about 1917
AlexanderImmodean born about 1938
AllenAnnie Mborn about 1926
AllenBobbie Lborn about 1929
AllenJames Wborn about 1924
AllenSteena Lborn about 1885

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B Surnames

BatesOra born about 1927
BatesRobert Lborn about 1935
BatesSammil Lborn about 1932
BatesWillistine born about 1930
BeardElijah born about 1894
BeardElizabeth born about 1927
BeardElsie Mborn about 1930
BeardFrankie Jborn about 1936
BeardGatlin born about 1925
BeardJames born about 1929
BeardJohnson born about 1869
BeardMinnie born about 1900
BeardParklin born about 1938
BeardRuthel born about 1932
BeardSylvesta born about 1940
BeardWilliam Aborn about 1933
BeasleyLudie born about 1934
BeaversJoe born about 1883
BellHattie born about 1894
BellIda born about 1871
BennettClodine born about 1924
BetschAndrew Lborn about 1931
BetschAugust Aborn about 1895
BetschBertha Pborn about 1933
BetschDorothy Jborn about 1935
BetschEdith Lborn about 1934
BetschJohn Aborn about 1932
BetschLeonard Mborn about 1937
BetschMary Eborn about 1929
BetschRuby Eborn about 1906
BilberryRoy Jborn about 1933
BraggAnnie Bborn about 1910
BraggAnnie Mborn about 1870
BraggArguilla born about 1934
BraggArthur born about 1887
BraggEarnest born about 1936
BraggElijah born about 1923
BraggElisha born about 1923
BraggEtta born about 1877
BraggJohn Aborn about 1890
BraggJohn Lborn about 1938
BraggJosiah born about 1917
BraggJunious born about 1922
BraggKate born about 1892
BraggLorene born about 1916
BraggMairre born about 1920
BraggMaylee born about 1920
BraggNettie born about 1887
BraggPorter born about 1909
BraggPorter Jr born about 1939
BraggRoubin born about 1899
BraggSimmie born about 1895
BraggWlliam born about 1921
BullardElizabeth born about 1908
BullardIrene born about 1938
BurkIda Oborn about 1887
BurkIva Hborn about 1917
BurkWillie Tborn about 1888

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C Surnames

CagleLeon Dborn about 1919
CagleLois Cborn about 1921
CarsonHenry born about 1873
CarterArlene born about 1939
CarterCorinnie born about 1921
CarterJack born about 1916
CarterJennie born about 1914
CarterJimmy Lborn about 1940
CarterLenonen born about 1919
CarterMontroy born about 1938
CarterWatson born about 1937
CassellBillie Jborn about 1929
CassellBobbie Rborn about 1937
CassellHardy Tborn about 1897
CassellJimmie Lborn about 1935
CassellLj born about 1932
CassellLouise born about 1927
CassellLoyd born about 1908
CassellMyrtle born about 1915
CassellNora born about 1908
CassellOlene born about 1926
CassellPatricia Aborn about 1940
ChampionAnna Bborn about 1890
ChampionArnedy born about 1924
ChampionDoty Lborn about 1922
ChampionJohn Lborn about 1930
ChampionLeroy born about 1885
ChampionLouis Eborn about 1928
ChampionOdie Bborn about 1927
CraytonArchie born about 1871
CraytonMary born about 1878
CraytonPearl born about 1906
CraytonSarah born about 1920
CrumplerDwight Hborn about 1912
CrumplerVirginia Bborn about 1911
CurryZilpha born about 1855
CurtissHattie born about 1895

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D Surnames

DavisJames born about 1932

E Surnames

EarterMandy born about 1885

F Surnames

FearsAbe born about 1880
FearsArthur born about 1897
FearsDolly born about 1890
FearsElisha born about 1904
FearsEthel born about 1897
FearsNathaniel born about 1933
FearsOscar born about 1924
FearsStinson born about 1929
FearsStirlen born about 1927
FearsThedo born about 1925
FearsZelious born about 1919

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G Surnames

GeeterAaron born about 1907
GeeterAndrew born about 1903
GeeterArleneer born about 1928
GeeterArsie Lborn about 1928
GeeterArtie Lborn about 1935
GeeterAttilla born about 1903
GeeterBenjiman born about 1928
GeeterBertha Bborn about 1929
GeeterBeulah born about 1915
GeeterBolden born about 1902
GeeterCassie Mborn about 1930
GeeterDarnell born about 1935
GeeterDavis born about 1934
GeeterEarlie born about 1907
GeeterElrene born about 1931
GeeterEssie Mborn about 1930
GeeterExie Dborn about 1938
GeeterFelton born about 1933
GeeterFlorene born about 1926
GeeterGradie born about 1930
GeeterHilton born about 1927
GeeterJune born about 1934
GeeterLebertha born about 1925
GeeterLizzie born about 1881
GeeterLizzie born about 1909
GeeterLouis born about 1897
GeeterLucinda born about 1934
GeeterMandie born about 1869
GeeterMarion born about 1936
GeeterMary born about 1906
GeeterMilton born about 1928
GeeterMyrlee born about 1932
GeeterNina Mborn about 1936
GeeterOliver born about 1935
GeeterOra Dborn about 1937
GeeterOronagene born about 1936
GeeterOwens born about 1927
GeeterOzie born about 1932
GeeterQueenester born about 1932
GeeterRomaine born about 1901
GeeterRosena born about 1930
GeeterRosie Mborn about 1939
GeeterRufus born about 1905
GeeterSarah born about 1934
GeeterScedonia born about 1910
GeeterStella born about 1905
GeeterThelma born about 1938
GeeterVessier born about 1908
GeeterWilliam born about 1900
GeeterWilliam born about 1932
GeeterWilmar Lborn about 1931
GillHerbert born about 1940
GossettCatherine born about 1910
GossettSarah born about 1876
GossettTim born about 1908
GossettWarner born about 1864
GrayEvalena born about 1930
GrayHenry Lborn about 1936
GrayHorace born about 1938
GrayJessie born about 1909
GrayLebirda born about 1911
GrayOdessia born about 1935
GrayRoberdia born about 1915
GreeningBilly Rborn about
GreeningChristene born about 1907
GreeningClara born about 1931
GreeningDouglas Bborn about 1885
GreeningEarl Mborn about 1897
GreeningEtta Lborn about 1899
GreeningIda Vborn about 1887
GreeningJames Dborn about 1929
GreeningKeron Eborn about 1895
GreeningLuelene Dborn about 1923
GreeningMargret Lborn about 1928
GreeningMarion born about 1920
GreeningMary Nborn about 1922
GreeningOrlando Pborn about 1935
GreeningPaul Dborn about 1906
GreeningRobert Pborn about 1933
GreeningWill Mborn about 1890
GreeningWilliam Jborn about 1937
GreeningWilliam Mborn about 1918
GreeningWindell born about 1934
GulleyJessie Eborn about 1913
GuterCouncil born about 1900
GuterDollener born about 1909
GuterJohnie Hborn about 1929
GuterLonnie born about 1933

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H Surnames

HaltonJohn Dborn about 1909
HaltonVirginia born about 1910
HarrisBammar born about 1890
HarrisBeatrice born about 1925
HarrisBeulah born about 1909
HarrisBose born about 1880
HarrisDoris Mborn about 1929
HarrisEdward born about 1931
HarrisEmma Lborn about 1924
HarrisGerman born about 1904
HarrisJanie born about 1877
HarrisJessie born about 1905
HarrisJessie Jborn about 1929
HarrisJoe Nborn about 1934
HarrisLee born about 1918
HarrisLee Aborn about 1939
HarrisLewis Kborn about 1901
HarrisLouis Hborn about 1933
HarrisMary Eborn about 1931
HarrisMary Mborn about 1904
HarrisNewt Jborn about 1937
HarrisNoah born about 1901
HarrisRichmond born about 1921
HarrisRoseanna born about 1909
HarrisSarah born about 1936
HarrisViola born about 1934
HarrisonAndy born about 1930
HarrisonHattie born about 1896
HarrisonW Kborn about 1928
HarrisonWesley born about 1872
HarveyMarvin born about 1939
HarveyMary Jborn about 1938
HarveyPolly born about 1911
HaynieEmma born about 1910
HaynieErmalene born about 1937
HaynieRaleigh born about 1907
HelmLodia Aborn about 1880
HinesLee Dborn about 1934
HinesLj born about 1932
HinesLloyd born about 1934
HinesO Vborn about 1933
HithornEstele born about 1924
HithornFlossie Mborn about 1922
HollimanJames Fborn about 1939
HollimanJanes Fborn about 1906
HollimanMargaret born about 1917
HunterCharles Nborn about 1927
HunterDave Wborn about 1929
HunterEddie Mborn about 1935
HunterEdith born about 1903
HunterGeorge born about 1930
HunterGeorge Wborn about 1880
HunterIrene born about 1904
HunterLeester born about 1935
HunterLouise born about 1937
HunterMaggie Lborn about 1925
HunterMenerva born about 1913
HunterOphelia born about 1913
HunterRobert Lborn about 1912
HunterRobert Wborn about 1878
HunterRosetta born about 1909
HunterRosie Lborn about 1925
HunterSusana born about 1917

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J Surnames

JacksonJeline born about 1921
JacksonWillie born about 1914
JamesDorothy Bborn about 1928
JamesJohn Lborn about 1925
JamesMilton born about 1883
JamesPearl born about 1889
JamesPleas born about 1921
JamesThomas born about 1921
JohnsonAlbert born about 1911
JohnsonBilly Jborn about 1932
JohnsonJeff born about 1933
JohnsonJerlene born about 1915
JohnsonJohnie Lborn about 1939
JohnsonMay Wborn about 1908
JohnsonOzibe born about 1930
JonesAlice Cborn about 1891
JonesJessie Lborn about 1888
JonesJessie Jr born about 1918

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L Surnames

LagroneClemmie born about 1922
LamkinAdolph born about 1929
LamkinAlbert born about 1898
LamkinBammer born about 1901
LamkinBennet Lborn about 1924
LamkinBeulah Oborn about 1900
LamkinBobbe Sborn about 1939
LamkinDonald Eborn about 1939
LamkinEbb born about 1866
LamkinEddie Mborn about 1903
LamkinEdward born about 1904
LamkinFla born about 1909
LamkinFrancis Eborn about 1929
LamkinGeorge born about 1897
LamkinHazel Rborn about 1935
LamkinIsaac W Jrborn about 1892
LamkinJames born about 1933
LamkinJohnette born about 1932
LamkinLouis born about 1937
LamkinMelvin Eborn about 1920
LamkinNorma Jborn about 1934
LamkinOleta born about 1911
LamkinRaymond born about 1939
LamkinTaylor born about 1928
LampkinCharles Fborn about 1928
LampkinDorothy Wborn about 1925
LampkinEllis Gborn about 1933
LampkinGilbert Cborn about 1901
LampkinHelen Aborn about 1923
LampkinIsaac Nborn about 1872
LampkinOla Eborn about 1883
LampkinPatsy Rborn about 1932
LampkinSallie Hborn about 1905
LangstonAnnie Lborn about 1937
LeeAmous born about 1932
LeeAnnie born about 1927
LeeBessie born about 1931
LeeDennis born about 1929
LeeEd born about 1934
LeeElijah Hborn about 1896
LeeElois born about 1938
LeeLois born about 1938
LeeLonnie born about 1924
LeeMandy born about 1925
LeeMary Mborn about 1900
LeeNancy born about 1940
LesterAlec born about 1921
LesterCarrie born about 1904
LesterEdward Lborn about 1922
LesterElbert Fborn about 1924
LesterEthel Lborn about 1920
LesterHarvey Dborn about 1937
LesterJohnie Eborn about 1932
LesterOrville Dborn about 1930
LesterRuby Aborn about 1927

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M Surnames

MaloneEmma Lborn about 1908
MaloneGeorge Wborn about 1930
MaloneGracie Mborn about 1939
MaloneGrady born about 1933
MaloneHerbert Lborn about 1934
MaloneLloyd born about 1937
MaloneRoy born about 1905
MayberryAlonzo Wborn about 1915
MayberryGuy Wborn about 1872
MayberryMaud Eborn about 1874
McDonaldElla Mborn about 1926
McGeeAlfred born about 1882
McGeeElla born about 1890
McGrawElizabeth born about 1892
McGrawRuth born about 1911
McGrawWill born about 1893
MinorArchie born about 1933
MinorElithia born about 1900
MinorGladys Pborn about 1938
MinorMiller born about 1905
MooreJohn Hborn about 1877
MooreSusie born about 1894
MossArtie born about 1931
MossCostella born about 1940
MossDelma born about 1925
MossDosia born about 1932
MossEarl born about 1938
MossEthel born about 1905
MossJohnie Dborn about 1933
MossLucindia born about 1936
MossThelma born about 1925
MossWindon born about 1897
MoulderAnna Bborn about 1926
MoulderEarnest Cborn about 1919
MoulderLeroy born about 1924
MoulderLoyd born about 1916
MunnBlanche born about 1909
MunnCarl born about 1910

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N Surnames

NealMajor born about
NealRobert born about 1927
NewtonMyrtle born about 1927

P Surnames

PerryEdward born about 1925
PrattAlexander Mborn about 1919
PrattAnnie born about 1882
PrattArmentha born about 1907
PrattAsaerine born about 1919
PrattBarbar born about 1905
PrattBernice born about 1935
PrattBolden born about 1853
PrattBolin born about 1932
PrattCathalene born about 1931
PrattChristene born about 1926
PrattCleo born about 1920
PrattDorothy born about 1922
PrattEleven born about 1885
PrattEmma born about 1883
PrattEmma Lborn about 1918
PrattEtta Mborn about 1930
PrattEverlee born about 1880
PrattExiebee born about 1928
PrattExiephine born about 1926
PrattFloyd born about 1918
PrattGenella born about 1899
PrattHelen born about 1927
PrattHorace born about 1923
PrattJessie Bborn about 1933
PrattJessie Eborn about 1933
PrattJosiah born about 1938
PrattJosie born about 1924
PrattKater born about 1897
PrattL Cborn about 1930
PrattLacy born about 1893
PrattLouannie born about 1919
PrattLouise born about 1936
PrattLynn born about 1897
PrattMaggie born about 1920
PrattMinnie Lborn about 1930
PrattNazaree born about 1922
PrattNed born about 1890
PrattOra Jborn about 1936
PrattRoberte born about 1914
PrattRuth Bborn about 1928
PrattWesley born about 1896
PrattWesley Jr born about 1934
PrattWilliam Hborn about 1878
PrattWilliam Hborn about 1916
PurifoyCarrie born about 1939
PurifoyChristine born about 1937
PurifoyEarnestine born about 1930
PurifoyFelton born about 1927
PurifoyGertrude born about 1905
PurifoyHorace born about 1931
PurifoyLawrence born about 1929
PurifoyLorene born about 1933
PurifoyLouis born about 1904
PurifoyLouis Jr born about 1935
PurifoyTrudel born about 1938

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R Surnames

RandleWilliam Jborn about 1857
ReynoldsElla born about 1876
ReynoldsJoe born about 1885
RichardsonMattie born about 1887
RollinsBenjiman born about 1936
RollinsEddie Lborn about 1939
RollinsFloyd born about 1907
RollinsGearaldean born about 1914
RollinsHarmon born about 1937
RollinsLee Bborn about 1915
RollinsLewis Jborn about 1910
RollinsLula Bborn about 1913
RollinsTimothy born about 1902
RossDelia born about 1891
RossJames born about 1919
RossJames born about 1928
RossJohnie born about 1924
RossSarah Aborn about 1924
RossTom born about 1893

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S Surnames

ScottErmlean born about 1927
ScottEsau born about 1898
ScottEsie Lborn about 1927
ScottFelix born about 1930
ScottHenry Lborn about 1932
ScottJames born about 1930
ScottLuella born about 1908
ScottMary Lborn about 1928
ScottVivian born about 1924
SmithAnthon Eborn about 1925
SmithCarlton Jborn about 1915
SmithCharles Mborn about 1922
SmithEleven born about 1918
SmithEljah born about 1934
SmithElvin born about 1911
SmithFannie born about 1910
SmithFlorence born about 1890
SmithFronie Mborn about 1938
SmithGeorge born about 1911
SmithGeton Lborn about 1928
SmithHattie born about 1872
SmithHuey Pborn about 1936
SmithJames Wborn about 1936
SmithJefferson Dborn about 1934
SmithJoseph born about 1927
SmithLenard born about 1921
SmithLola Eborn about 1901
SmithLouie Eborn about 1903
SmithLula born about 1919
SmithNazerenen born about 1919
SmithRobert born about 1915
SmithRuby born about 1934
SmithRuby Gborn about 1932
SmithSam born about 1872
SmithSam born about 1898
SmithSarah Jborn about 1880
SmithSusie Aborn about 1875
SmithToney born about 1857
SmithWanda Rborn about 1925
StephensEuralene born about 1912
StovallCelia born about 1925
StovallGrady born about 1921
StovallHarry born about 1922
StovallMildred born about 1923
StovallNellie born about 1892
StovallRobertnee born about 1889
SuttonBee Bborn about 1889
SwartsBuel Tborn about 1895
SwartsHattie Mborn about 1898
SwartsJames Cborn about 1931
SwartsMary Eborn about 1933

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V Surnames

VoyceSallie born about 1910
VoyceVirgil born about 1910

W Surnames

WarrenBirdia Mborn about 1929
WarrenDarnell born about 1926
WarrenDorothy Lborn about 1925
WarrenElizabeth born about 1875
WarrenEstella born about 1882
WarrenFannie born about 1886
WarrenGertrude born about 1933
WarrenJohn born about 1874
WarrenJohn born about 1904
WarrenKittie born about 1881
WarrenPriscilla born about 1910
WarrenRobert born about 1890
WarrenRosa Lborn about 1931
WarrenZaddie Bborn about 1933
WashingtonAlbert born about 1912
WashingtonAlex born about 1876
WashingtonAlex born about 1924
WashingtonArae born about 1900
WashingtonAsa born about 1898
WashingtonBooker Tborn about 1908
WashingtonCallie Mborn about 1925
WashingtonClarance born about 1901
WashingtonColumbus born about 1920
WashingtonDotsy born about 1898
WashingtonEffie born about 1919
WashingtonElenor born about 1930
WashingtonEloise born about 1932
WashingtonEmma Leeborn about 1939
WashingtonGeneva born about 1914
WashingtonHamp Oborn about 1899
WashingtonHamp Jr born about 1927
WashingtonHattie Leeborn about 1937
WashingtonIrene born about 1906
WashingtonIssac born about 1922
WashingtonJohn born about 1898
WashingtonJohn born about 1936
WashingtonJudge Dborn about 1922
WashingtonLeroy born about 1926
WashingtonLouise born about 1927
WashingtonLucille born about 1927
WashingtonMary born about 1940
WashingtonMary Eborn about 1900
WashingtonMathew born about 1930
WashingtonMyrtle Jborn about 1939
WashingtonNat born about 1874
WashingtonNellie Mborn about 1935
WashingtonRaymond born about 1926
WashingtonRosetta born about 1919
WashingtonSam Wborn about 1890
WashingtonSarah born about 1904
WashingtonWillie Mborn about 1906
WelchAlmer born about 1917
WelchAron born about 1896
WelchDora born about 1885
WelchJacie born about 1884
WelchMartha born about 1915
WelchMary born about 1915
WelchSmeeter born about 1923
WesleyAddie born about 1917
WesleyLee Tborn about 1934
WesleyLj born about 1938
WesleyWillie Jborn about 1936
WilliamsAggie Jborn about 1938
WilliamsAnnzi born about 1914
WilliamsArgentra born about 1914
WilliamsBertha Mborn about 1939
WilliamsCharles born about 1936
WilliamsDave born about 1894
WilliamsEndia born about 1908
WilliamsEpps born about 1876
WilliamsFrank born about 1925
WilliamsGerada born about 1939
WilliamsJames born about 1923
WilliamsJames born about 1934
WilliamsJoe born about 1894
WilliamsJosephine born about 1923
WilliamsKitty Mborn about 1938
WilliamsLebirdia born about 1918
WilliamsMarie born about 1937
WilliamsMason born about 1917
WilliamsMattie born about 1898
WilliamsMinnie born about 1914
WilliamsNorma Jborn about 1936
WilliamsObertha born about 1916
WilliamsRosea Aborn about 1857
WilliamsSarah Jborn about 1894
WillifordEmily Fborn about 1934
WillifordEvelyn Bborn about 1937
WillifordFelse born about 1904
WillifordJessie Fborn about 1917
WillifordJuanita born about 1922
WillifordKatie Lborn about 1875
WillifordLeslie Mborn about 1912
WillifordNancy Cborn about 1935
WillifordWillis Mborn about 1870
WilsonEarl born about 1916
WilsonEdward born about 1911
WilsonGeorge Wborn about 1863
WilsonIdonia born about 1874
WilsonJosephine born about 1916
WilsonMarjorie born about 1939
WilsonOrethia born about 1937
WimberlyAlmeta born about 1898
WimberlyDelma born about 1905
WimberlyJohn Wborn about 1906
WimberlyO Cborn about 1901
WimberlyViolet born about 1868
WrightCharles born about 1922
WrightEmma born about 1893
WrightLurline born about 1925
WrightSmead born about 1918
WrightVirginia born about 1928

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