1940 U.S. Federal Census of Buckville, Garland, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Garland County > 1940 Census of Buckville

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottCora Lborn about 1922
AbbottHudson Rborn about 1914
AbbottLouise born about 1938
AbbottLovelia born about 1940
AbbottMay born about 1894
AbbottMonroe born about 1894
AndersonElza Cborn about 1898

B Surnames

BackmanJoe Rborn about 1931
BalkeClaude born about 1922
BalkeDesha born about 1928
BalkeGracie born about 1930
BalkeJ Cborn about 1934
BalkeJohn Rborn about 1900
BalkeMary born about 1926
BalkeNancy born about 1901
BalkeNovella born about 1924
BalkeOdell born about 1921
BelisleB Frankborn about 1884
BelisleOdell born about 1925
BelisleWillie born about 1878
BensonImogene born about 1930
BensonMervin born about 1928
BensonPleas Eborn about 1905
BensonVela born about 1909
BlakeHessie Bborn about 1930
BlakeIda Dborn about 1934
BlakeLeonard Rborn about 1940
BlakeLillie Mborn about 1911
BlakeMartha born about 1938
BlakePauline Vborn about 1936
BlakeWm Fborn about 1905
BoydBud born about 1875
BrackearsOscar born about 1916
BradleyAla Jeanborn about 1925
BradleyAlva born about 1909
BradleyCrissie Eborn about 1929
BradleyDavid Wborn about 1936
BradleyElaine born about 1922
BradleyEunice Lborn about 1905
BradleyIda Dborn about 1927
BradleyJack Eborn about 1932
BradleyJames Mborn about 1869
BradleyJefferson Dborn about 1906
BradleyLavaughn born about 1930
BradleyLewis Wborn about 1920
BradleyMaude Dborn about 1871
BradleyOttis born about 1921
BradleyPatsy Jeanborn about 1936
BradleyVander born about 1900
BradleyW Deanborn about 1925
BrashearsBessie born about 1925
BrashearsImogene born about 1935
BrashearsLessie born about 1925
BrashearsMary Tborn about 1896
BrashearsOdas born about 1930
BrashearsWm Aborn about 1896
BreshearsArgust born about 1917
BreshearsCynthia born about 1900
BreshearsRosa born about 1927
BreshearsVerna Mborn about 1924
BreshearsWm Hborn about 1891
BrownA Dborn about 1922
BrownJames Pborn about 1885
BrownMollie born about 1887
BrownPauline born about 1918

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C Surnames

CaseyBonnie Mborn about 1935
CaseyClara Bborn about 1938
CaseyDona Maeborn about 1914
CaseyElizabeth born about 1881
CaseyHarmes Cborn about 1911
CaseyHarold Lborn about 1933
CaseyHelen Lborn about 1930
CaseyVela Vborn about 1939
CasterKermit Eborn about 1912
ChapmanCharlie born about 1900
ChapmanEarl born about 1914
ChapmanHelen born about 1927
ChapmanHomer born about 1909
ChapmanLoyd Dborn about 1922
ChapmanLucille Eborn about 1922
ChapmanRozelle born about 1937
ChapmanSally born about 1876
ChapmanVirgie born about 1903
ChitwoodBetty Sueborn about 1932
ChitwoodIda Dborn about 1929
ChitwoodJoe Lborn about 1927
ChitwoodJohn Rborn about 1900
ChitwoodJohnnie Gborn about 1936
ChitwoodMarian Jborn about 1904
CoatsPauline born about 1924

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D Surnames

DailyAna born about 1877
DavisDoylton born about 1917
DavisMarie born about 1919
DigbyBobby Rborn about 1938
DigbyDelphia born about 1899
DigbyHenry born about 1921
DigbyJohn Hborn about 1876
DigbyWillie Jborn about 1932

G Surnames

GarrettElla Fborn about 1940
GarrettLum born about 1919
GarrettZelma born about 1921
GastonBarthella Mborn about 1927
GastonJohn Wborn about 1891
GastonMartha born about 1881
GastonMinnie Fborn about 1897
GastonRobert Lborn about 1886
GastonViva Jborn about 1918
GastonWaymon Aborn about 1918
GastonWillie born about 1923
GillmoreFay born about 1931
GillmoreFrank born about 1896
GillmoreRay born about 1931
GlynnEmma Rborn about 1854
GodwinAlonzo born about 1934
GodwinCharles born about 1872
GodwinEffie born about 1913
GodwinElias Lborn about 1854
GodwinElsie born about 1916
GodwinErnest Rborn about 1926
GodwinFlorence Cborn about 1872
GodwinGeorge born about 1938
GodwinH Albertborn about 1893
GodwinJ Paulborn about 1933
GodwinJessie Mborn about 1903
GodwinJuanita Vborn about 1934
GodwinLa Verne born about 1940
GodwinLee born about 1938
GodwinLena born about 1931
GodwinLester born about 1936
GodwinLorraine born about 1929
GodwinLouis Hborn about 1935
GodwinMarion Hborn about 1902
GodwinMary Eborn about 1904
GodwinMicky born about 1880
GodwinMorrillton Cborn about 1937
GodwinNathan born about 1936
GodwinNorma Dborn about 1938
GodwinOllie Mborn about 1917
GodwinOra Mayborn about 1932
GodwinOrell born about 1932
GodwinOrville born about 1927
GodwinPearl Fborn about 1910
GodwinPink born about 1875
GodwinRamos Eborn about 1939
GodwinRobert Jborn about 1907
GodwinSilas Lborn about 1935
GodwinThurman born about 1929
GodwinVeda born about 1905
GodwinVerna Mborn about 1928
GodwinWalter Pborn about 1908
GodwinWayman Dborn about 1936
GodwinWilma Dborn about 1931
GodwinWm Eborn about 1911
GravesErnest Aborn about 1904
GravesLola Cborn about 1910

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H Surnames

HallGeneva born about 1906
HallLa Nelle born about 1930
HallPolly Annborn about 1937
HallRalph Bborn about 1908
HatmakerBobby Joeborn about 1934
HatmakerDewell Aborn about 1928
HatmakerDicie Mborn about 1910
HatmakerGerald Vborn about 1923
HatmakerLa Venian born about 1932
HatmakerMarion Lborn about 1908
HatmakerNannie Lborn about 1884
HatmakerSilas Aborn about 1927
HatmakerVel born about 1891
HatmakerVernice Gborn about 1930
HillAlice Ritaborn about 1924
HillBessie Lborn about 1896
HillEmma Mborn about 1928
HillGeorgia born about 1932
HillIrvin born about 1925
HillMeda born about 1882
HillSam Jborn about 1902
HillSusa born about 1899
HillSylvania born about 1928
HillWilliam Dborn about 1896
HillWilliam Rborn about 1867
HollowayElla Jborn about 1883
HollowayJulius Wborn about 1886
HollowayLester Rborn about 1914
HollowayMerle Jborn about 1928
HollowayVera Gborn about 1918
HowellBirdie Aborn about 1899
HowellEffie born about 1892
HowellGladys born about 1910
HowellHelen Kborn about 1915
HowellHubert born about 1899
HowellHubert Jr born about 1930
HowellJohn Eborn about 1897
HowellKatie Sueborn about 1932
HowellLaura Mayborn about 1923
HowellPeggy Joanborn about 1936
HowellWill Mborn about 1881
HubbellBilly Rborn about 1939
HubbellCharles Cborn about 1914
HubbellVelma Bborn about 1920
HulseyBertha born about 1939
HulseyDorothy born about 1938
HulseyErnestine born about 1933
HulseyHershel born about 1917
HulseyLydia born about 1916
HulseyMarvin born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JohnsonAndrew Lborn about 1888
JohnsonAndrew Ljrborn about 1926
JohnsonB Bradleyborn about 1930
JohnsonF Maudineborn about 1921
JohnsonMary Rosalindborn about 1924
JohnsonV Adaborn about 1891

K Surnames

KeenerAudrey Jborn about 1930
KeenerElla Lovenaborn about 1932
KeenerHershel Lborn about 1935
KeenerMarjorie born about 1922
KeenerStella born about 1902
KeenerWalter Jborn about 1896

L Surnames

LoydBarbara Jborn about 1938
LoydBetty Jeanborn about 1940
LoydBilly Rayborn about 1936
LoydCecil Wborn about 1911
LoydDelma born about 1914
LoydFrances Mborn about 1917
LoydFrankie Louborn about 1934
LoydMary Annetteborn about 1940
LoydOlive Mborn about 1917

M Surnames

MaltonBlanche born about 1897
MaltonGeorge Fborn about 1879
MayberryGertie Iborn about 1903
MayberryLenora born about 1935
MayberryTom Lborn about 1905
MayfieldNetty Mborn about 1873
MayfieldWillie Wborn about 1876
McElroyArthur born about 1936
McElroyHershel Hborn about 1903
McElroyKenneth born about 1925
McElroyOwen Wborn about 1930
McElroyRuby Mborn about 1906
MeekCharlene born about 1939
MeekF Bruceborn about 1913
MeekGeraldine born about 1918
MeeksJ Jborn about 1940
MeeksRuby Jborn about 1924
MeeksTillman Hborn about 1919
MeltonCynthia born about 1860
MeredithEudora Pborn about 1892
MeredithJames Jborn about 1936
MeredithJames Mborn about 1887
MeredithLola Maryborn about 1915
MeredithMeud Dborn about 1912
MillerM Ellaborn about 1874
MillerW Arthurborn about 1884
MintonBernice born about 1926
MintonBetty Sborn about 1933
MintonC Gborn about 1931
MintonCecil Bborn about 1920
MintonChristine born about 1928
MintonClarence born about 1923
MintonCorinne born about 1905
MintonDonnie born about 1939
MintonDorothy Mborn about 1936
MintonEdward Sborn about 1931
MintonEugene Mborn about 1926
MintonEva Eborn about 1905
MintonHenry Hborn about 1900
MintonImogene born about 1937
MintonJ Monroeborn about 1888
MintonLezzie Vborn about 1890
MintonLillie Lborn about 1930
MintonMary Lborn about 1939
MintonRalph born about 1934
MintonRosa Lborn about 1925
MintonWm Floydborn about 1932
MintonWm Mborn about 1903
MontgomeryAvis born about 1894
MontgomeryJeff born about 1872
MossMarjorie born about 1935
MossMary born about 1902

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N Surnames

NealAda born about 1891
NealCarl born about 1913
NealClyde born about 1917
NealFlorine born about 1925
NealFrances Lborn about 1929
NealJ Bborn about 1922
NealJesse born about 1890
NealJewell born about 1918

P Surnames

ParsonGene born about 1917
ParsonLucielle born about 1919
ParsonPatsy Annborn about 1938
PateArnold Eborn about 1891
PateEmory Zborn about 1929
PateGladys Mborn about 1927
PateJ Emersonborn about 1935
PateRuby Iborn about 1923
PateRuth Eborn about 1924
PateSavannah born about 1904
PateVurel Eborn about 1939
PittsGrady born about 1927
PittsInez born about 1921
PittsJunius born about 1925
PittsOrlean born about 1923
PittsParthena born about 1896
PittsThurman born about 1918
PoolOsa Oborn about 1877

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R Surnames

RectorMossy Mborn about 1874
RectorOscar born about 1870
RileyElza Mborn about 1870
RileyLois Gborn about 1875
RobbinsCalvin born about 1913
RobbinsDoris Annborn about 1934
RobbinsElaine Lborn about 1925
RobbinsGeorge Wborn about 1936
RobbinsHarvey Wborn about 1922
RobbinsJeff born about 1905
RobbinsJefferson Wborn about 1897
RobbinsJewell Eborn about 1902
RobbinsJohn Rborn about 1866
RobbinsLeonard Dborn about 1932
RobbinsLillie Dborn about 1880
RobbinsMargie Cborn about 1910
RobbinsMarilyn born about 1936
RobbinsOra born about 1914
RobbinsRosa Leeborn about 1873
RobbinsSuda Aborn about 1914
RobbinsW Jborn about 1929
RobbinsWinford Pborn about 1908
RobertsonAlene Bborn about 1921
RobertsonBertha born about 1917
RobertsonCharles Lborn about 1915
RobertsonDelma born about 1939
RobertsonFrank born about 1916
RobertsonHelen Mborn about 1939
RobertsonJunior Lborn about 1939
RobertsonLois Mborn about 1922
RobertsonMaggie Bborn about 1936
RobertsonOmar Wborn about 1937
RobertsonTom born about 1918
RowlandEileen Eborn about 1929
RowlandEmma Sueborn about 1934
RowlandGladys Nborn about 1906
RowlandVellie Jborn about 1905
RowlandWilma Mborn about 1931

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S Surnames

ShawIda Lborn about 1879
ShipmanDorothy Jborn about 1935
ShipmanWilliam Bborn about 1938
ShipmanWm Cborn about 1911
ShipmanZella born about 1920
SigmanLoretta born about 1936
SigmanLoveta born about 1934
SmithJewell born about 1905

T Surnames

TaborJeo born about 1924
TrammelImogene born about 1922
TrammelLessie Eborn about 1892
TuckerBilly Johnborn about 1937
TuckerJoe Bobborn about 1936
TuckerJoe Hborn about 1908
TuckerMattie Lborn about 1919

W Surnames

WilliamsonBonnie Maeborn about 1940
WilliamsonClara Mborn about 1917
WilliamsonCleve born about 1897
WilliamsonDonald Mborn about 1938
WilliamsonHenry born about 1910
WilliamsonHulda born about 1874
WilliamsonWilbert born about 1916
WilsonAlvas born about 1885
WilsonFay Lborn about 1928
WilsonFrank Fborn about 1915
WilsonG Aborn about 1936
WilsonGracis Dborn about 1913
WilsonJeff Mborn about 1927
WilsonJohn Wborn about 1867
WilsonLena Eborn about 1915
WilsonLuther Tborn about 1913
WilsonM Lydiaborn about 1876
WilsonMary Mborn about 1898
WilsonOlen Hborn about 1939
WilsonRose Marieborn about 1925
WilsonWald born about 1934
WilsonWelthea born about 1891
WilsonWm Aborn about 1884

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