1940 U.S. Federal Census of Butler in Lonoke County, Lonoke, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Lonoke County > 1940 Census of Butler in Lonoke County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AaronMozzie born about 1875
AaronTim born about 1873
AbshureHaugne born about 1863
AbshureHazel born about 1915
AbshureJ Mborn about 1902
AbshureJohn born about 1914
AbshureJohn Jr born about 1938
AbshureLester Rayborn about 1935
AbshureLettie born about 1875
AbshureLucy born about 1907
AbshureMargaret born about 1916
AbshureMary Sueborn about 1939
AbshureRoger Lborn about 1937
AbshureWilliam Wborn about 1910
AbshureWillodean born about 1933
AllisonAlford born about 1915
AllisonBarbara born about 1936
AllisonIda born about 1867
AllisonIrene born about 1926
AllisonLue born about 1865
AllisonMargurite born about 1918
AllisonWalter Mborn about 1922
AllisonWilliam born about 1925
ArmstrongNinna born about 1860
ArnoldAlmer born about 1918
ArnoldIsabell born about 1930
ArnoldIva born about 1895
ArnoldLorene born about 1928

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B Surnames

BakerBettie born about 1937
BakerJohn Cborn about 1910
BakerRuby born about 1913
BakerVernon born about 1933
BaldwinBoone Jborn about 1887
BaldwinDaniel Jborn about 1914
BaldwinGertrude born about 1884
BaldwinHomer born about 1889
BaldwinJ Bborn about 1923
BaldwinJames born about 1937
BaldwinLucy Aborn about 1892
BaldwinMargurene born about 1918
BaldwinMattie born about 1886
BaldwinOrba born about 1919
BaldwinOris born about 1930
BaldwinSallie born about 1910
BaldwinThomas born about 1884
BassBeatrice born about 1876
BassBetha Maeborn about 1927
BassCarol born about 1938
BassCharles born about 1933
BassClarence born about 1911
BassEdna born about 1893
BassGrels Wborn about 1897
BassJohn Hborn about 1889
BassJosie born about 1898
BassLindsey born about 1913
BassLuciel born about 1912
BassLulla born about 1929
BassNorma born about 1936
BassRalva Rborn about 1922
BassRay born about 1900
BassVernon Deweyborn about 1939
BassWilliam born about 1931
BatyBettie Lborn about 1877
BatyFrancis Mborn about 1876
BatyJames Rayceborn about 1919
BatyJohn Aborn about 1912
BatyMorris Jamesborn about 1938
BatyOleta born about 1915
BeardAnnie born about 1882
BeardWilliam born about 1862
BedellBlanch Eborn about 1918
BedellLouis Aborn about 1898
BedellSusie Pborn about 1894
BedellTheresa Eborn about 1875
BenettAnnie Eborn about 1884
BenettBeatrice born about 1918
BenettCharline born about 1924
BenettW R Jrborn about 1920
BenettWalter Rborn about 1870
BerryChristine born about 1933
BerryFannie born about 1900
BerryFendwick born about 1891
BerryHenry Hborn about 1865
BerryIra Mborn about 1895
BerryLloyd born about 1921
BerryMary born about 1924
BerryMerel born about 1924
BerryMinnie born about 1895
BerryRaymond born about 1923
BerryThomas born about 1920
BerryVirginia born about 1928
BlandAlford born about 1919
BlandAlice Eborn about 1889
BlandAlvin born about 1921
BlandAnnie Fborn about 1927
BlandCharles born about 1878
BlandClelen born about 1923
BlandDewitt born about 1915
BlandElla born about 1887
BlandEmlee born about 1939
BlandFinis born about 1904
BlandGeorge born about 1870
BlandHarris born about 1888
BlandJohn Aborn about 1861
BlandOneal born about 1917
BlandPearl born about 1920
BlandRichard born about 1889
BlandRubye born about 1924
BlandVera born about 1892
BlandVera born about 1919
BryantAnnie Leeborn about 1939
BryantEllen born about 1879
BryantFrank born about 1918
BryantJames Wborn about 1908
BryantJames W Jrborn about 1931
BryantJessie Dborn about 1934
BryantLarine born about 1936
BryantLouise born about 1937
BryantLuella born about 1932
BryantMarshal born about 1912
BryantPasie born about 1921
BryantPearl born about 1912
BryantRoland born about 1938
BryantSamuel born about 1874
BryantThara born about 1912
BurgessJimmie Cborn about 1940
BurnsEva Mborn about 1883
BurnsHelen born about 1902
BurnsLuther Dborn about 1872
BurnsMargarett born about 1917
BurnsOsker Rayborn about 1928
BurnsOto Leroyborn about 1922
BurnsRay Emittborn about 1914
BurnsVerner Hborn about 1908
ByardMary born about 1910

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C Surnames

CalrlarmeLee born about 1913
CampbellNellie born about 1873
CampbellWalter Cborn about 1875
CardellAlford born about 1908
CardellDavnor born about 1906
CardellJimmie born about 1935
CardellLouis born about 1897
CardellMargaret born about 1877
CardellNora born about 1902
CardellOdell born about 1914
CarterIda born about 1876
CarterThomas born about 1869
CataClara born about 1872
CataFrank Cborn about 1862
CateElmer born about 1889
CateEula Maeborn about 1923
CateMinnie Eborn about 1896
ChapmanBertha born about 1905
ChapmanBuster born about 1915
ChapmanFloyd Cborn about 1895
ChapmanOllie Sborn about 1889
ChapmanRosie born about 1873
CochranCarolyn Eborn about 1934
CochranDochica born about 1891
CochranEugene born about 1919
CochranMallie Aborn about 1870
CochranMaomie Aborn about 1912
CochranMary born about 1884
CochranMary Keithborn about 1933
CochranOsker born about 1889
CochranSam Hborn about 1911
CoffeyDorthy born about 1925
CoffeyFranklin Lborn about 1928
CoffeyLula born about 1901
CookL Hborn about 1919
CookLula born about 1920
CrossEarl born about 1914
CrossJerry born about 1940
CrossLucill born about 1912
CrossSharon born about 1937
CrsipAllene born about 1936
CrsipBass born about 1903
CrsipEthel born about 1912
CrsipLorine born about 1929
CrsipTommie born about 1926
CrumpEmma born about 1873
CrumpJosh Jborn about 1865
CummingCharles Lborn about 1904
CummingClara Maeborn about 1909
CummingJo Ellynborn about 1937

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D Surnames

DavisMargatte born about 1856
DeeseBell Dborn about 1895
DeeseBertie born about 1887
DeeseByron Kborn about 1916
DeeseCharlie Aborn about 1884
DeeseDewie born about 1899
DeeseFaye Mborn about 1914
DeeseGlen Bborn about 1937
DeeseGrover Cborn about 1893
DeeseMarie born about 1903
DeesePatricia Aceborn about 1939
DeeseTeressa born about 1922
DeeseVirginia born about 1923
DennisCarrie born about 1884
DennisJessie born about 1905
DennisJohn Mborn about 1880
DennisNavis born about 1924
DennisOdie born about 1905
DerdenEdith born about 1917
DickeAllene born about 1926
DickeCharles born about 1937
DickeHenry Mborn about 1904
DickeKatie born about 1906
DickeWillmodean born about 1933
DoakArkie born about 1909
DoakOpel Fayborn about 1935
DoakRobert born about 1897
DownningAvis born about 1908
DownningGlenn born about 1931
DownningJ Hborn about 1903
DownningLorine born about 1929
DownningRobert born about 1930
DownningVirgie Leeborn about 1935
DozierAlice born about 1910
DozierClara Maeborn about 1933
DozierCurtis born about 1928
DozierJames Aborn about 1930

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E Surnames

EagleWarren Eborn about 1921
EllisBettie born about 1860
EppsHowell Royborn about 1924
EppsJohn Sborn about 1888
EppsNettie Aborn about 1892
EppsRachel Annborn about 1929
EvansAubrey Eborn about 1916
EvansErvin Cborn about 1915
EvansJohn Irvinborn about 1939
EvansTrixie Annborn about 1937

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F Surnames

FalkeEmett born about 1897
FalkeRuby born about 1902
FawcettBennie born about 1925
FawcettBillie Royborn about 1929
FawcettCharles Aborn about 1886
FawcettFannie Vborn about 1878
FawcettGladis Lborn about 1910
FawcettJames born about 1855
FawcettJames born about 1912
FawcettMaude born about 1886
FawcettSallie born about 1894
FawcettVrie born about 1872
FawcettWilliam Mborn about 1891
FieldClinton born about 1927
FieldJohn born about 1878
FieldJohn Jr born about 1929
FieldJoy born about 1902
FieldVictor born about 1938
FieldVirginia born about 1924
FieldsBettie born about 1931
FieldsDorothy born about 1928
FieldsHattie born about 1893
FieldsIva born about 1890
FieldsLorene born about 1920
FieldsMary Francisborn about 1922
FieldsNoland Wborn about 1885
FieldsRobert born about 1920
FieldsSanford born about 1887
FieldsSida born about 1877
FieldsWilliam born about 1920
FlinnBonnie Sueborn about 1936
FlinnEsther born about 1907
FlinnHubert born about 1904
FlinnWilliam Jborn about 1931
FlowersOllie Lborn about 1891
FrantzCharlie born about 1910
FrantzJames Rayborn about 1931
FrantzJarice Eborn about 1912
FrantzMary Leeborn about 1930
FrinkHarold born about 1894

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G Surnames

GallawayAlpha born about 1915
GallawayAnnie Jborn about 1927
GallawayArbell born about 1892
GallawayBennie born about 1930
GallawayC Jborn about 1925
GallawayCharlie born about 1904
GallawayEva born about 1903
GallawayFrank born about 1882
GallawayGenn born about 1897
GallawayHarris born about 1938
GallawayHomer born about 1928
GallawayLester born about 1932
GallawayMaxine born about 1926
GallawayParelee born about 1896
GallawayTroy born about 1935
GallawayWanda born about 1922
GartrellCallie born about 1908
GartrellLuither born about 1875
GatewoodNora born about 1872
GatewoodWilliam born about 1870
GillChesteen Eborn about 1922
GillDalton Rborn about 1913
GillWilliam Dborn about 1866
GlaveBarbara born about 1929
GlaveWylie Lborn about 1919
GloverCallie Mayborn about 1910
GloverClarence born about 1910
GloverClarence Hborn about 1933
GloverGeorge Sborn about 1876
GloverJames Cborn about 1931
GloverJessie Mborn about 1880
GloverJinnie born about 1880
GloverLibert Leeborn about 1936
GloverLuther born about 1900
GloverPearlie born about 1882
GloverRoda born about 1908
GolgerJake Eborn about 1886
GolgerLattie Fborn about 1886
GrayBerney born about 1905
GrayBillie Kayborn about 1933
GrayBoby Fayborn about 1933
GrayDayle Wborn about 1930
GrayElva born about 1923
GrayGracie Mayborn about 1905
GrayMarian born about 1938
GrayMarlene Eborn about 1933
GrayPatsy Lanelleborn about 1939
GrayPatty born about 1929
GrayVaener born about 1908
GrissonMarie born about 1923
GrissonRay born about 1926
GunterJohn born about 1909
GunterJohn Jborn about 1935
GunterLuciel born about 1916
GunterRachal born about 1937

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H Surnames

HaleyA Hborn about 1868
HaleyErsal born about 1914
HaleySallie Idaborn about 1872
HallIeuan born about 1906
HallJoyce born about 1924
HallMurriel born about 1926
HallViola born about 1902
HallmarkAlvin born about 1922
HallmarkMary born about 1882
HallmarkMelvin born about 1922
HallmarkWilliam born about 1913
HallmarkY Tborn about 1867
HallmarkZella born about 1919
HammansEmma born about 1911
HammansFay born about 1932
HammansJoyce born about 1932
HammansMat born about 1902
HammonEthel born about 1915
HammonGeorge Sborn about 1939
HammonHubert born about 1902
HammonJames Cborn about 1936
HammonW Cborn about 1908
HankinsBillie Geneborn about 1930
HankinsGrace born about 1908
HankinsJerrie born about 1926
HankinsJohn Wborn about 1892
HarrisAlma born about 1894
HarrisBoby Earlborn about 1929
HarrisCharles Eborn about 1938
HarrisClem Aborn about 1928
HarrisDarrel born about 1922
HarrisEarl Jborn about 1884
HarrisElizabeth born about 1924
HarrisGeraldine born about 1923
HarrisJae born about 1891
HarrisMattielene born about 1926
HarrisOzamae born about 1930
HarrisRuth Ellenborn about 1932
HarrisSusie Mborn about 1885
HaysCharlie Wborn about 1892
HaysEarl born about 1908
HaysOpal born about 1916
HaywoodFrancis Rborn about 1921
HaywoodMinnie Leeborn about 1879
HaywoodOliver Cborn about 1889
HaywoodWoodrow Wborn about 1918
HazardAlean born about 1917
HazardHixie born about 1894
HazardTressie born about 1923
HerrinImagine born about 1936
HerrinNicie born about 1915
HerrinWilliam born about 1900
HighfillMartha Raeborn about 1940
HighfillNellie born about 1909
HighfillRay born about 1907
HowellMay Dborn about 1896
HurtDania born about 1892
HurtJames Bborn about 1880

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J Surnames

JacksonAlbert born about 1887
JacksonAnnie born about 1889
JacksonArtie Mayborn about 1901
JacksonCarls born about 1887
JacksonCharn born about 1913
JacksonDass born about 1885
JacksonDorthey Pearlborn about 1939
JacksonEdora born about 1881
JacksonEldan Sborn about 1914
JacksonEsther born about 1889
JacksonGenevieve born about 1923
JacksonGrady born about 1920
JacksonHettie born about 1890
JacksonImogene born about 1926
JacksonJames Eborn about 1934
JacksonJerry born about 1936
JacksonKim Jborn about 1882
JacksonLucy born about 1909
JacksonMabel born about 1925
JacksonOralee born about 1919
JacksonOther born about 1910
JacksonPatty Mayborn about 1935
JacksonPauline born about 1916
JacksonSam Rborn about 1885
JacksonStella born about 1893
JacksonTheresa born about 1937
JacksonVester born about 1908
JacksonWilliam Bborn about 1889
JamesDoris Eborn about 1928
JamesFrances Eborn about 1935
JamesGeorge Eborn about 1897
JamesGrace Nborn about 1910
JamesPatricia Aborn about 1939
JamesWilma Gborn about 1924
JanesMaxine Bborn about 1917
JanesWilliam Mborn about 1910
JeffersA Cborn about 1870
JessupAnnie born about 1889
JessupFrank Mborn about 1871
JonesBirdie born about 1887
JonesCarlene born about 1935
JonesCarrol born about 1896
JonesDewitt born about 1913
JonesFletcher Jborn about 1885
JonesJames born about 1920
JonesJulia Eborn about 1933
JonesLola born about 1938
JonesLuciel born about 1929
JonesMaxine born about 1936
JonesNona born about 1902
JonesOralee born about 1927
JonesRobert born about 1933
JonesRoma born about 1914
JonesThelma born about 1914
JonesVergie Lborn about 1895
JonesWalter Mborn about 1883
JudkinsKattie born about 1869
JudkinsReuel born about 1902

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K Surnames

KeckCharles born about 1937
KeckDwain born about 1936
KeckJoann born about 1938
KeckOllie born about 1917
KingEdgar born about 1918
KingGranado born about 1931
KingJackie born about 1926
KingMorton born about 1881
KitchenElmer Rayborn about 1923
KitchenPauline born about 1921
KitchenRosa Bborn about 1899
KitchenSimon Jborn about 1897
KitchenSybel Rborn about 1927
KitchenWillie born about 1921
KrewsonClanneta born about 1939
KrewsonDarritt born about 1933
KrewsonGlender born about 1935
KrewsonJoe Cborn about 1902
KrewsonMaryetta born about 1939
KrewsonNorma born about 1937
KrewsonRuby born about 1916

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L Surnames

LampertEdward born about 1926
LamportMary born about 1901
LamportOtto born about 1884
LeighBenton born about 1908
LeighDayle born about 1935
LeighEdna born about 1934
LeighFrancis born about 1911
LeighMamie born about 1908
LeighWilliam Donborn about 1938
LeighWilliam Neelyborn about 1909
LendermanAdeline born about 1922
LendermanAlbertis born about 1911
LendermanAlpha born about 1915
LendermanCarroll born about 1923
LendermanCharlene born about 1936
LendermanCharles Leonborn about 1933
LendermanCora born about 1874
LendermanDarline born about 1929
LendermanHarice born about 1929
LendermanJae Lborn about 1875
LendermanJewell born about 1902
LendermanJudson born about 1903
LendermanLavine born about 1924
LendermanLillie born about 1908
LendermanLoyd born about 1899
LendermanMartha born about 1875
LendermanOther born about 1906
LendermanOwen born about 1927
LendermanRosa born about 1872
LendermanSallie born about 1899
LendermanTheodore born about 1906
LendermanWillie Leaborn about 1920
LiggettWilliam born about 1880

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M Surnames

MaranJae Aborn about 1876
MaranMinnie Kborn about 1880
MaranWayne born about 1913
MarshAddie born about 1892
MarshAlford born about 1918
MarshAnnie born about 1932
MarshBaley Earlborn about 1936
MarshBessie Leeborn about 1894
MarshCharlie born about 1882
MarshChester born about 1916
MarshClaud born about 1889
MarshDayle born about 1924
MarshHope born about 1914
MarshJay Lborn about 1938
MarshWilliam born about 1875
MartinBettie Geneborn about 1935
MartinCarrie born about 1909
MartinEldon born about 1930
MartinEmogene born about 1931
MartinJannie Paulborn about 1933
MartinRay born about 1911
MartinVirginia born about 1938
MathewsA Jborn about 1883
MathewsE Hborn about 1935
MathewsEarnest born about 1925
MathewsHarvy born about 1929
MathewsJacie born about 1894
MathewsMaurice born about 1927
MawerAlice Mborn about 1913
MawerDanal Rborn about 1909
MawerJohn born about 1933
MawerLaura Annborn about 1935
MawerMarion Ruthborn about 1937
MayberryAnnie born about 1870
McCainCornelia born about 1910
McCainGale born about 1892
McCainInes born about 1931
McCainPauline born about 1903
McDanielAve Mborn about 1903
McDanielBertie Eborn about 1931
McDanielLelan Tborn about 1894
McDanielMary Lborn about 1926
McDonaldAnnie born about 1879
McDonaldWalter born about 1875
McReeDan born about 1885
McReeJohn born about 1894
McReeRichard born about 1900
MeachamCarrol born about 1931
MeachamJames Lborn about 1893
MeachamJoseph Wborn about 1917
MeachamJuelha born about 1857
MeachamMinnie born about 1897
MeachamRay Leonardborn about 1934
MeachamThelma born about 1922
MeachamWinneidell born about 1924
MeltonLelia born about 1886
MeltonMelvin born about 1881
MillnerAnnie born about 1890
MillnerAurdy born about 1938
MillnerEdward born about 1909
MillnerHelen born about 1940
MillnerIrene born about 1937
MillnerJames born about 1919
MillnerLillie Bellborn about 1916
MillnerLuise born about 1936
MillnerMary born about 1886
MillnerNellie born about 1920
MillnerThomas born about 1883
MillnerWilliam born about 1884
MillnerWilliam born about 1926
MintonAlbert born about 1921
MintonRobert born about 1923
MintonVilona born about 1883
MintonWilliam Cborn about 1873
MitchellClaudios born about 1914
MitchellRad born about 1877
MitchellWilliam Aborn about 1870
MittonWalter Hborn about 1878
MooreIrvin born about 1879
MooreLouis born about 1872
MooreRose Annborn about 1882
MorganBillie Gborn about 1925
MorganDayies born about 1892
MorganLois Eborn about 1895

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N Surnames

NalenLilamae born about 1924
NalenRezzie born about 1887
NeelyAda born about 1894
NeelyHomer Hborn about 1886
NolenHenry Wborn about 1911
NolenJames Royborn about 1935
NolenMarie born about 1913
NolenVernon born about 1932
NorrisAlbert born about 1908
NorrisAlline born about 1918
NorrisCarl born about 1940
NorrisGeneva born about 1935
NorrisLester born about 1881
NorrisOtto born about 1857
NorrisZeola born about 1883

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O Surnames

OrrFannie born about 1902
OrrHanalele born about 1894
OrrLaverne born about 1927
OrrOdell born about 1929
OrrVictorine born about 1923

P Surnames

PalkJames born about 1921
PangburnFlorence born about 1875
PhilipsEffie born about 1889
PhilipsElla Janeborn about 1925
PhilipsJ E Jrborn about 1930
PhilipsJames born about 1887
PhilipsRamonia born about 1934
PlummerClara Laneborn about 1935
PlummerClide born about 1909
PlummerRossetta born about 1938
PlummerThelma born about 1909
PoolE L Jrborn about 1927
PoolElbert born about 1895
PoolEssie born about 1899
PoolJames Rborn about 1930
PoolLean born about 1919
PowellClara Jr born about 1925
PowellEsther born about 1891
PowellHarris born about 1915
PowellHerbert born about 1887
PowellHerbert Dborn about 1929
PutmanElgie born about 1903
PutmanLauren born about 1931
PutmanMartha born about 1936
PutmanOleta born about 1912
PutmanW Cborn about 1934

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R Surnames

RicheyJerry born about 1937
RicheyJess Fborn about 1903
RicheyKathe Leanborn about 1929
RicheyPearl born about 1908
RogerErnest born about 1922
RogersSarah born about 1870
RossClarence Oborn about 1907
RossClarence Williamborn about 1940
RossJames Jborn about 1877
RossMarie born about 1914
RossSadie born about 1880
RowlandClarence Bborn about 1933
RowlandClint born about 1896
RowlandLawrence Jborn about 1933
RowlandVerna Eborn about 1906
RudesillGeorge born about 1873
RushWilliam Tborn about 1867

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S Surnames

ScragginsSalina born about 1854
ShickMary Leeborn about 1899
ShoemateAda born about 1880
ShoemateElmer born about 1886
ShoemateEmmitt born about 1906
ShoemateForrest born about 1903
ShoemateFreda born about 1921
ShortCleveland born about 1893
ShortElizabeth born about 1924
ShortHarrell Wborn about 1919
ShortMarie born about 1897
ShortRoland born about 1886
ShortRuth born about 1892
ShortSarah born about 1868
ShortThomas Fborn about 1927
ShortThomas Jborn about 1861
ShuterLoyd born about 1920
SmithAdlie born about 1926
SmithBaley born about 1939
SmithBillie born about 1929
SmithBurrell born about 1895
SmithCarlous born about 1939
SmithDan born about 1870
SmithE Jborn about 1931
SmithEdith born about 1902
SmithElla Fayborn about 1937
SmithEller born about 1906
SmithFred born about 1888
SmithHenry born about 1925
SmithJ Rborn about 1934
SmithJess Lborn about 1906
SmithJimmie born about 1932
SmithJuel Burlborn about 1934
SmithJulius born about 1924
SmithLelia Mborn about 1891
SmithLottie born about 1919
SmithLucy born about 1868
SmithMadge born about 1928
SmithMaria born about 1875
SmithRay born about 1926
SmithSamie born about 1937
StoutArther born about 1889
StoutRebecca born about 1870

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T Surnames

TalleyAlene born about 1926
TalleyEd born about 1888
TalleyMarion born about 1923
TalleyMay born about 1892
TalleyWilburn born about 1921
TaylarAileen born about 1930
TaylarEarl born about 1933
TaylarHelen born about 1935
TaylarIda Maeborn about 1931
TaylarJanus Hborn about 1880
TaylarOra born about 1896
TedfordAlford born about 1902
TedfordBessie born about 1888
TedfordBillie Dayneborn about 1940
TedfordBulah born about 1918
TedfordDalton born about 1907
TedfordDayne born about 1914
TedfordElla Nborn about 1875
TedfordEmmitt Cborn about 1870
TedfordHazel born about 1911
TedfordJuanata born about 1931
TedfordLillie born about 1908
TedfordMade Wborn about 1883
TedfordOreca born about 1919
TedfordTravis born about 1929
ThomasAnnie Lborn about 1875
ThomasNewt born about 1871
ThurmanElla Marieborn about 1911
ThurmanEthel born about 1911
ThurmanGene born about 1909
ThurmanJ Wborn about 1880
ThurmanJoe Hborn about 1905
ThurmanLena born about 1913
ThurmanOllie born about 1882
ThurmanWandalee born about 1939
ThurmanWilliam born about 1909
TooneJames Cborn about 1902
TooneKatherine born about 1929
TooneLucy Jborn about 1909
TooneTavern born about 1860
TooneWeldon born about 1932
TooneWillodean born about 1931
TustisonAllie born about 1912
TustisonArther born about 1873
TustisonFrancis born about 1931
TustisonMammie born about 1934
TustisonMavis born about 1936
TustisonWillie born about 1908

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V Surnames

VaupelFannie born about 1901

W Surnames

WatersChlae Rborn about 1903
WatersDavid born about 1897
WatersDelfred born about 1934
WatersFloy born about 1911
WatersGladis born about 1906
WatersIda born about 1909
WatersIvan born about 1928
WatersJanice born about 1939
WatersRobert born about 1934
WatersVernon born about 1907
WatersonElla born about 1897
WatersonIda born about 1871
WatersonInez born about 1922
WatersonJames born about 1924
WatersonJoel born about 1933
WatersonJunior born about 1926
WatersonOneal born about 1930
WatersonWilliam born about 1919
WattersKennith born about 1921
WaymerNannie Mborn about 1870
WaymerWinfred Sborn about 1857
WaymireAlmer Loisborn about 1925
WaymireBaby Jeneborn about 1939
WaymireEllen Mborn about 1909
WaymireElmer born about 1925
WaymireHazel born about 1919
WaymireIrene born about 1904
WaymireJames Mborn about 1915
WaymireNoah Mborn about 1905
WaymireNoah Jr born about 1933
WaymireRillie Joeborn about 1937
WaymireWalter born about 1906
WaymireWanda Jeanborn about 1931
WaymireWillard born about 1938
WestbrookCarlon born about 1930
WestbrookKent Jr born about 1931
WilliamsAda born about 1908
WilliamsAnn born about 1933
WilliamsBertha born about 1903
WilliamsCharlie born about 1875
WilliamsClaudette born about 1935
WilliamsCliford born about 1926
WilliamsDanal Earlborn about 1939
WilliamsDanel born about 1936
WilliamsElmer born about 1930
WilliamsFay born about 1929
WilliamsFrncie born about 1922
WilliamsImogene born about 1927
WilliamsIva born about 1879
WilliamsJae Leeborn about 1932
WilliamsJames Rayborn about 1934
WilliamsJean born about 1924
WilliamsJewell born about 1894
WilliamsJohn Tborn about 1897
WilliamsJunior Leeborn about 1936
WilliamsLesslie born about 1915
WilliamsLouise born about 1931
WilliamsMargielee born about 1924
WilliamsMarie Ellenborn about 1913
WilliamsMary Leeborn about 1937
WilliamsNora born about 1899
WilliamsOrland born about 1913
WilliamsPaul born about 1939
WilliamsRay born about 1934
WilliamsRichard born about 1926
WilliamsSherril born about 1898
WilliamsSteve born about 1926
WilliamsTommie born about 1910
WilliamsVergie born about 1920
WilliamsVirginia born about 1935
WilliamsZada born about 1912
WilliamsZora Maeborn about 1915
WillifordJ Dborn about 1911
WillifordJellie born about 1912
WillifordStanley born about 1936
WilsonCliford Rayborn about 1933
WilsonJohn Aborn about 1869
WilsonMelba Janeborn about 1929
WilsonRobert Leeborn about 1932
WilsonThomas born about 1934
WootenCharles born about 1924
WootenDarlene born about 1933
WootenDee born about 1885
WootenOtis born about 1905
WootenTed born about 1927
WortheyBuford born about 1874
WortheyMelvin Wborn about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YorkEdd born about 1870
YoungAnnie born about 1875
YoungBeatrice born about 1910
YoungDewitt born about 1910
YoungEldon Rayborn about 1914
YoungHarice Fborn about 1930
YoungHattie born about 1905
YoungKerman born about 1904
YoungNellie born about 1888
YoungOdell born about 1918
YoungRaymond Dborn about 1930
YoungRobert born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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