1940 U.S. Federal Census of Caroline, Lonoke, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Lonoke County > 1940 Census of Caroline

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsJ Errolborn about 1890
AdamsMadie Bborn about 1892
AnthonyPauline born about 1873
AustinBoz born about 1877

B Surnames

BoydB Hughborn about 1903
BoydClara Gborn about 1938
BoydKenneth Lborn about 1933
BoydLillie Mborn about 1911
BoydVirgil Rborn about 1929
BrantMattie Mborn about 1887
BrewerJames Tborn about 1884
BrewerVerla Eborn about 1889
ByrdB Pearlborn about 1883
ByrdDaniel Gborn about 1880
ByrdMaxine born about 1923

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C Surnames

ChampionA Almaborn about 1892
ChampionWillis Jborn about 1892
CooperAubrey Jborn about 1930
CooperE Mayborn about 1910
CooperFred born about 1910
CurryMargaret Aborn about 1870

D Surnames

DavidAlice Mborn about 1864
DavidFrank born about 1931
DavidHallie born about 1902
DavidKathleen born about 1929
DixonCecil Lborn about 1921
DixonE Earlborn about 1930
DixonGracie born about 1875
DixonLucille born about 1938
DixonNettie Lborn about 1911
DixonW Colombusborn about 1910
DuncanJ Annborn about 1860

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E Surnames

EvansBeatrice Rborn about 1920
EvansC Homer Jrborn about 1928
EvansC Homer Srborn about 1897
EvansGladys born about 1896
EvansHerbert Tborn about 1922
EvansMaggie Dborn about 1920
EvansMartha Lborn about 1935
EvansRobert born about 1912

F Surnames

FulmerAlfed Lborn about 1909
FulmerMyrtle Rborn about 1919
FulmerRoy Lborn about 1939

G Surnames

GentryChristine born about 1934
GentryLottie Mborn about 1916
GillilandAda Lborn about 1890
GillilandCorarean born about 1913
GillilandW Arlieborn about 1908
GrimesGrace Zborn about 1904
GrimesMarion Hborn about 1912

H Surnames

HardcastleH Lavonborn about 1927
HardcastleMabel born about 1905
HardcastleMurrell Nborn about 1931
HardcastleWillis Tborn about 1902
HarveyColleen Aborn about 1927
HarveyH Fborn about 1921
HarveySusie born about 1898
HarveyWilliam Pborn about 1877
HiltonBertie born about 1895
HiltonFrank Bborn about 1894
HoustonJeannie Aborn about 1880
HoustonRobert Mborn about 1918

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J Surnames

JacksonCalvin Sborn about 1918
JacksonJames Eborn about 1938
JacksonJohn Tborn about 1870
JacksonMyrtle born about 1918
JacksonRuby Tborn about 1925
JacksonSallie Aborn about 1881
JacksonW Gradyborn about 1909
JonesB Frankborn about 1869
JonesEvelyn Mborn about 1927
JonesM Elmerborn about 1915
JonesMandy Eborn about 1871
JonesVirtie Aborn about 1890
JonesWillie Hborn about 1920

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K Surnames

KinleyAnnie Leeborn about 1906
KinleyOtho Cborn about 1910

M Surnames

MaloneJames Rborn about 1879
MaloneNellie born about 1887
MaloneWilma Mborn about 1908
MarcottLavada born about 1925
MartinA Rayborn about 1925
MartinEdith Lborn about 1904
MartinGarth Aborn about 1930
MartinWilliam Hborn about 1894
McClellanCurtis Lborn about 1929
McClellanDonald Bborn about 1937
McClellanFerrell born about 1928
McClellanPearlie born about 1903
McClellanV Carlborn about 1923
MonkLaura Eborn about 1862
MossEmma Mborn about 1868
MossWilliam Tborn about 1861
MowreyAlta Vborn about 1902
MowreyM Geraldineborn about 1927
MowreyMarjorie Lborn about 1934
MowreyRalph Lborn about 1897

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N Surnames

NicholsMary born about 1856
NuckollsJames Eborn about 1871
NuckollsMaggie Mborn about 1875
NuckollsMattie born about 1905

O Surnames

OldfieldCharlie born about 1863

P Surnames

ParkerIssac born about 1861
ParkerWillie born about 1865
PierceCharles born about 1933
PierceTressie born about 1911
PoolBobbie Jborn about 1930
PoolClem Zborn about 1894
PoolEdith born about 1895
PriceJohn Aborn about 1876
PruettGladys Aborn about 1922
PruettLella Fborn about 1911
PruettRobert Lborn about 1869

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R Surnames

RobinsonGeorge Wborn about 1875

S Surnames

SowellAnnie born about 1887
SowellHarvey born about 1919
SowellRaymond born about 1923
SowellThomas born about 1908
SowellW Charleyborn about 1881

V Surnames

VannEarnestine born about 1927
VannEmogene born about 1924
VannFlora Eborn about 1889
VannTom Fborn about 1891

W Surnames

WebbMary born about 1874
WellsDan Lborn about 1934
WellsLorene born about 1904
WestDollie Lborn about 1938
WestHomer Jborn about 1928
WestMamie born about 1895
WestMary Mborn about 1919
WestMaydell born about 1922
WestOtho Fborn about 1896
WestRuby Fborn about 1927
WestTroy born about 1919
WestW Coyborn about 1916
WhisenantKathryn born about 1919
WhisenantWalter born about 1917
WilliamsJohn Lborn about 1905
WilliamsKatie Lborn about 1931
WilliamsOris Pborn about 1927
WilliamsPearl born about 1911
WoodielCornelia born about 1924
WoodielJosie Lborn about 1880
WoodielRobert Lborn about 1879

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Y Surnames

YoungMary Aborn about 1871

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