1940 U.S. Federal Census of Carroll, Ouachita, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ouachita County > 1940 Census of Carroll

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottAsa born about 1918
AbbottBobby Rborn about 1935
AbbottFloyd born about 1910
AbbottJohn Wborn about 1932
AbbottLoretta born about 1923
AbbottMartha Janeborn about 1939
AbbottVirginia born about 1910
AdamsAltha Mborn about 1919
AdamsBennie Fborn about 1939
AdamsElbert born about 1912
AdamsJames Bborn about 1919
AdamsMary born about 1922
AlbertJoe born about 1904
AlbertMary born about 1906
AllbrittenBettie Jborn about 1938
AllbrittenBillie Joeborn about 1938
AllbrittenCharles born about 1935
AllbrittenClara born about 1913
AllbrittenJames Eborn about 1932
AllbrittenJessie Hborn about 1904
AllbrittenJohn Wborn about 1906
AllbrittenJudson Lborn about 1914
AllbrittenLeeona born about 1908
AllbrittenLeonard Hborn about 1930
AllbrittenMartha Rborn about 1935
AllbrittenMildred born about 1917
AllbrittonEdnar born about 1875
AllbrittonJohn Rborn about 1864
AmesBulah Mborn about 1919
AmesChristeene born about 1936
AmesGlora Dborn about 1938
AmesThomas born about 1919
AnthonyEdwin Wborn about 1913
AnthonyJohn Eborn about 1939
AnthonyLouise Eborn about 1914
ArnoldBilly born about 1931
ArnoldBobbie born about 1937
ArnoldCaroline born about 1900
ArnoldCharlie born about 1894
ArnoldEdith born about 1926
ArnoldGertrude born about 1891
ArnoldJohn Pborn about 1882
ArringtonJoe born about 1920
AshleyLessie born about 1904
AshleyNeal born about 1903

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B Surnames

BakerBert born about 1904
BakerDorthy born about 1916
BakerGeorge born about 1888
BakerMary Lowborn about 1937
BakerPearl born about 1894
BeardGerald Dborn about 1926
BeardHarvey Jborn about 1899
BeardJohn Cborn about 1921
BeardJohn Sborn about 1872
BeardLewis Wborn about 1897
BeardMae Rborn about 1902
BeardNancy Eborn about 1875
BillingsA Cborn about 1899
BillingsChristine born about 1928
BillingsDaniell born about 1924
BillingsDavis born about 1926
BillingsElix born about 1928
BillingsEnie born about 1905
BillingsEverta born about 1932
BillingsKatie born about 1906
BillingsLouie born about 1901
BillingsLouie Jr born about 1935
BillingsM Cborn about 1921
BillingsThomas born about 1923
BlackburnGracie born about 1912
BlackburnHenry born about 1898
BlackburnLecester born about 1935
BowieBurnell born about 1926
BowieGarthelea born about 1924
BowieJohn Mborn about 1934
BowieLula born about 1904
BowieWalter Mborn about 1932
BowieWilliam Tborn about 1874
BradhsawBen born about 1907
BradhsawHomer Leeborn about 1930
BradhsawSadie born about 1917
BraggEssie Leeborn about 1929
BraggJames born about 1901
BraggLeon born about 1927
BraggMae born about 1906
BraggRuth born about 1930
BrazealeBetty Lborn about 1938
BrazealeEvelyn Eborn about 1927
BrazealeGeorge Rborn about 1930
BrazealeHorace Mborn about 1933
BrazealeJoe Dborn about 1907
BrazealeLula Jborn about 1900
BrazealeMalcom Eborn about 1905
BrazealeMary Dborn about 1929
BrazealeNettie Jborn about 1876
BrownAnnie Maeborn about 1932
BrownBennie Mborn about 1938
BrownBobby Geneborn about 1936
BrownIra Jr born about 1934
BrownIra Sr born about 1891
BrownMarie born about 1902
BrownWillie Jborn about 1940
BurdonCharles born about 1918
BurdonEva Maeborn about 1939
BurdonHeneratta born about 1906
BurdonWillie Maeborn about 1939
BurtonJane Eborn about 1924
BurtonWillie born about 1919
BurtonWillie Lborn about 1940
ButlerSavannah born about 1914

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C Surnames

CampbellChristeen born about 1932
CampbellClayton born about 1875
CampbellJohnnie born about 1906
CampbellX Lborn about 1908
CarterAlbert Jr born about 1921
CarterAlbert Sr born about 1885
CarterDoris born about 1924
CarterEvelyn born about 1918
CarterJudge Cborn about 1927
CarterMattie born about 1892
CarterRever born about 1926
CarterRobert born about 1919
CarterRobert Eborn about 1939
ChamblissDoyle Wborn about 1938
ChamblissEffie Lborn about 1918
ChamblissVestar born about 1915
ChatmanEva Mborn about 1911
ChatmanRegal born about 1925
ChatmanSam born about 1912
CheatmanMary born about 1916
ChrismanCaddo born about 1873
ChrismanErnest born about 1905
ChrismanMarilyn born about 1934
ChrismanRena born about 1901
ClarkAsa born about 1875
ClarkEliza born about 1875
ClarkHelen born about 1935
ClarkIra born about 1897
ClarkJeral born about 1897
ClarkJohn born about 1880
ClarkMary born about 1919
ClarkMinnie Lborn about 1913
ClarkMoody born about 1908
ClarkVela born about 1888
CochranClayton Rborn about 1932
CochranNormie born about 1901
CochranRalph Nborn about 1938
CochranUna Bborn about 1901
CollinsGeneova born about 1892
CookLloyd born about 1919
CottrellAmon Aborn about 1913
CottrellLucille born about 1915
CottrellWillard born about 1921
CrawfordCharley born about 1903
CrawfordFronnie born about 1880
CrawfordJoe born about 1885
CrawfordMargie Aborn about 1925
CrawfordPearl Mborn about 1904
CrawfordTroy Wborn about 1922
CroinCarriee born about 1910
CroinCora Leeborn about 1940
CroinEva Nellborn about 1938
CroinHomer born about 1905
CroinHomer born about 1929
CroinJoe Henryborn about 1934
CroinNora Maeborn about 1932
CroinRichard born about 1928
CroinSadie born about 1930
CroinWillie born about 1936
CrownoverCharles born about 1935
CrownoverClarence born about 1902
CrownoverClarence Bborn about 1927
CrownoverEarnest Dborn about 1930
CrownoverGearld Wborn about 1940
CrownoverMary Eborn about 1907

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D Surnames

DavisBill born about 1848
DavisVirginia born about 1925
DedmanRoy born about 1888
DempseyAnnette born about 1935
DempseyCharles Eborn about 1939
DempseyEverett born about 1894
DempseyIna born about 1904
DempseyJoseph Gborn about 1930
DempseyMickey Jborn about 1932
DempseyRebecca Jborn about 1928
DixonVirles born about 1920
DohertyCharles Mborn about 1888
DohertyLela Mborn about 1892
DonieldLeland Mborn about 1938
DonieldLoucile born about 1915
DonieldShed Hborn about 1904
DownAnnie born about 1928
DownBeatrice born about 1936
DownCurtis born about 1939
DownElnora born about 1905
DownGrant born about 1905
DownJ Wborn about 1926
DownJennie born about 1925
DownJoy Wborn about 1932
DownLillia Mborn about 1895
DownRobert Lborn about 1934
DownWilliam born about 1930
DrewEugenia born about 1927
DrewOberia born about 1929
DrewSeretha born about 1925
DunnLela Eborn about 1910
DunnLucelle born about 1930
DunnWilliam Fborn about 1897
DunnWilliam Jr born about 1926
DurhamAnn Elizabethborn about 1927
DurhamGrace born about 1890
DurhamMary Helenborn about 1924
DurhamWilliam born about 1888

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E Surnames

EnsleyGurther Lborn about 1906
EnsleyLee born about 1885
EvansCharles born about 1893
EvansLizzie born about 1885

F Surnames

FarrowEdna born about 1907
FarrowNick born about 1907
FordTennessee born about 1875
ForemanAtiha born about 1894
ForemanBerta born about 1922
ForemanDonnie born about 1926
ForemanE Bborn about 1921
ForemanEd born about 1892
ForemanFrank born about 1872
ForemanHorace born about 1899
ForemanLois born about 1929
ForemanMary born about 1892
ForemanOwel born about 1927
ForemanPerlie Bborn about 1930
ForemanRobert Tborn about 1890
ForemanRuby born about 1924
FurlowAnnie Mborn about 1919
FurlowBerna Fborn about 1890
FurlowCharley born about 1917
FurlowCurtis born about 1915
FurlowElizabeth born about 1931
FurlowGladis born about 1924
FurlowJames Hborn about 1933
FurlowJoe Leeborn about 1928
FurlowLee Olaborn about 1907
FurlowLeotis born about 1927
FurlowLouise born about 1935
FurlowMary Lborn about 1939
FurlowOlis born about 1905
FurlowRosetta born about 1937
FurlowWilliam born about 1902

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G Surnames

GarnerJames Otisborn about 1940
GarnerLewis born about 1918
GarnerMarjorie born about 1920
GarnerMary Eborn about 1938
GeorgeFlora born about 1918
GeorgeHenry born about 1870
GeorgePhillips born about 1935
GeorgeRichard born about 1937
GeorgeStafford born about 1910
GivensCarol born about 1913
GivensCarrie born about 1902
GivensErlene born about 1927
GivensJerel born about 1933
GivensJohnnie born about 1934
GivensKatie Maeborn about 1935
GivensLucy born about 1893
GivensMary Louborn about 1935
GivensMurel born about 1925
GivensRay born about 1887
GivensRay Mborn about 1930
GivensRobert born about 1889
GivensSteve born about 1892
GivensWillie Bborn about 1915
GommellGuy born about 1889
GommellJoan born about 1931
GommellMelba born about 1917
GommellNora born about 1895
GommellPowell born about 1925
GommellSue born about 1920
GozaErnestine born about 1921
GozaSidney Jborn about 1917

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H Surnames

HaginsDale Rborn about 1938
HallMack born about 1910
HamiltonAlberta born about 1906
HamiltonAnatha born about 1936
HamiltonArthur born about 1901
HamptonLouis born about 1917
HarrisAnna born about 1895
HarrisCarl Mborn about 1894
HarrisChester born about 1934
HarrisFrank born about 1893
HarrisJohnnie born about 1917
HarrisKenneth born about 1921
HarrisLaura born about 1880
HarrisLora Mborn about 1896
HarrisLuther Tborn about 1926
HarrisMonrow born about 1926
HarrisMyrtle Jborn about 1932
HarrisNathen born about 1928
HarrisOdis Cborn about 1927
HarrisPaul Kborn about 1938
HarrisRegnald born about 1924
HarrisonCharlene born about 1932
HarrisonClester born about 1938
HarrisonFloyd born about 1914
HarrisonJohnnie Bborn about 1935
HarrisonOdelle born about 1917
HartEarnest born about 1902
HathcoatColumbia born about 1934
HathcoatCoy born about 1910
HathcoatElma born about 1911
HathcoatJean born about 1936
HathcoatReba born about 1938
HayesSam born about 1875
HayesWillie Jborn about 1935
HazelRichard born about 1885
HempsteadMontroy born about 1915
HempsteadVelma born about 1914
HendersonBurl born about 1898
HendersonGrace born about 1900
HendersonSam born about 1884
HendersonStella Maeborn about 1935
HendersonVertie born about 1932
HendersonWarner born about 1927
HenryEliza born about 1860
HerbertOzie born about 1892
HerbertVada born about 1900
HighsmithChester born about 1927
HighsmithColumbia born about 1938
HighsmithEarl born about 1939
HighsmithEarlene born about 1937
HighsmithEd Jr born about 1936
HighsmithEdgar born about 1909
HighsmithErnell born about 1926
HighsmithGeorgella born about 1930
HighsmithJosie born about 1918
HighsmithLeon born about 1906
HighsmithLouenia born about
HighsmithLouis born about 1906
HighsmithMacie born about 1912
HighsmithMarcella born about 1929
HighsmithRoosevelte born about 1930
HighsmithRozela born about 1926
HighsmithSamella born about 1911
HildrethDorthey Mborn about 1930
HippsOlen born about 1891
HippsRosa born about 1899
HoeseKatie Louborn about 1924
HoeseRobert Aborn about 1916
HortonLeaner born about 1893
HortonTallie born about 1875
HubbardArchie Jr born about 1921
HubbardArchie Sr born about 1894
HubbardErnestine born about 1939
HubbardGurlin born about 1901
HubbardHaygood born about 1936
HubbardHazel born about 1934
HubbardIlaunis born about 1931
HubbardJohn Hborn about 1907
HubbardLee Andisborn about 1932
HubbardLouis born about 1870
HubbardMable born about 1912
HubbardMary born about 1875
HubbardMary born about 1902
HubbardMary Leeborn about 1940
HubbardOllie Mborn about 1938
HubbardOscar born about 1908
HubbardThelmer born about 1929
HubbardWillie Mborn about 1912
HughsmithAddie Mborn about 1879
HughsmithEd born about 1871

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I Surnames

IngardJosh born about 1862
IngardMildred born about 1914
IngardOctavia born about 1916
IngardSherman born about 1906
IngardWillie born about 1911
IsrealEllen born about 1885
IsrealEssix born about 1877
IsrealJames Rborn about 1911
IsrealJohn born about 1920
IsrealJohn Rborn about 1921
IsrealMattie Bborn about 1912
IsrealWill born about 1906

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J Surnames

JacksonAlene Gborn about 1901
JacksonFrances Mborn about 1917
JacksonJames Wborn about 1907
JacksonJimmie born about 1935
JacksonLouie Rborn about 1900
JacksonMary born about 1895
JacksonMinnie born about 1913
JacksonRichard Eborn about 1938
JacksonRobert born about 1895
JacksonThomas born about 1898
JacobBeaulah born about 1912
JamesArnet born about 1919
JamesJulia born about 1920
JamesMaggie born about 1904
JamesWiley born about 1880
JenkinsDorthy born about 1930
JenkinsReba born about 1908
JenkinsRogel born about 1901
JenkinsShirley born about 1938
JesticeBilly Fborn about 1938
JesticeEdward Eborn about 1933
JesticeHazel born about 1911
JesticeJames Lborn about 1940
JesticeJean born about 1936
JesticeWill Aborn about 1899
JewellHall born about 1907
JewellSula born about 1918
JohnsonAggie born about 1914
JohnsonCharly born about 1933
JohnsonJoe born about 1912
JohnsonLillian born about 1894
JohnsonMack Gborn about 1892
JohnsonMelia born about 1865
JohnsonMildred born about 1915
JohnsonNannio born about 1860
JomesTerrell born about 1932
JonesAaron born about 1903
JonesAgnes Eborn about 1884
JonesAlma born about 1936
JonesAnna Mborn about 1922
JonesCharles Hborn about 1866
JonesFrances born about 1934
JonesJohn born about 1928
JonesJohn Hborn about 1882
JonesJulia born about 1907
JonesNettie born about 1876
JonesRosa Marieborn about 1930
JunialAlvis born about 1920
JunialGeorge born about 1916

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K Surnames

KelleyBarbara born about 1938
KelleyDonna born about 1935
KelleyJames Aborn about 1933
KelleyJohn Aborn about 1907
KelleyJohn Lborn about 1937
KelleyNorris born about 1912
KeyDorthy born about 1929
KeyJane born about 1872
KeyJimmie born about 1902
KeyJoe born about 1872
KeyJoe Wborn about 1937
KeyJohn Bborn about 1900
KeyLillian born about 1916
KeyLucille born about 1938
KeyRuby born about 1902
KingAlexander born about 1940
KingAnnie Mborn about 1928
KingCharley born about 1926
KingDave Jr born about 1903
KingDave Sr born about 1865
KingDolly born about 1890
KingEarly born about 1928
KingElijha born about 1900
KingErnest born about 1934
KingEstella born about 1911
KingEthel Mborn about 1930
KingGurtie Nborn about 1926
KingGus Sborn about 1917
KingIvan born about 1923
KingJ Cborn about 1930
KingJohn born about 1934
KingLee born about 1920
KingLonie born about 1932
KingManilla born about 1906
KingMarcus born about 1940
KingMary born about 1895
KingMatthew born about 1924
KingNathan born about 1894
KingNathanial born about 1938
KingR Lborn about 1876
KingRoy born about 1923
KingThomas born about 1932
KingVennie born about 1911

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L Surnames

LambertPite born about 1918
LambertR Eborn about 1920
LeeAaron born about 1895
LeeEverette born about 1916
LeeJohm born about 1913
LindseyEarlen born about 1938
LindseyElmer born about 1926
LindseyJessie born about 1928
LindseyLillie born about 1892
LindseyLillie Maeborn about 1922
LindseyMilton born about 1929
LindseyRoosevelt born about 1933
LindseySelma born about 1921
LindseyWill born about 1879
LivingstonJames born about 1875
LockeClarence Nborn about 1923
LockeCora born about 1889
LockeDetroy born about 1925
LockeHomer born about 1922
LockeJames born about 1859
LockeJohn Eborn about 1919
LockeMary Nborn about 1920
LockeMildred born about 1915
LockeMilton Tborn about 1924
LockeNomie born about 1893
LockeVassie born about 1896
LockeWatson born about 1875
LoniusBeatrice born about 1924
LoniusElsie born about 1921
LoniusGarland born about 1910

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M Surnames

MartinIda born about 1887
MartinJoe Dborn about 1869
MartinMary born about 1873
McCreeFrank born about 1890
McElmoreFrank born about 1902
McElmoreFrankey Dborn about 1916
McElmoreGeorge Eborn about 1939
McElmoreRegel born about 1940
McElmoreSusa Mborn about 1937
McElmoreWillie Dborn about 1935
McElroyBetty Jborn about 1934
McElroyEmy Leeborn about 1910
McElroyIrene born about 1900
McElroyJessie born about 1890
McElroyMaple Leeborn about 1929
McElroyMary Annborn about 1940
McElroyMay Wborn about 1936
McElroyOscar born about 1938
McElroySam born about 1904
McElroySam Jr born about 1930
McGarreanFrances born about 1910
McGarreanLaurence born about 1918
McGarreanRuby Mborn about 1930
McGowanBessie born about 1897
McGowanClarene born about 1927
McGowanDetroit born about 1925
McGowanDollie born about 1904
McGowanElijah born about 1919
McGowanElmer Wborn about 1936
McGowanFrances born about 1889
McGowanGeorge born about 1895
McGowanGladys born about 1930
McGowanJames born about 1889
McGowanJames Jr born about 1927
McGowanJessie born about 1892
McGowanJulia born about 1919
McGowanMary born about 1896
McGowanMary Eborn about 1938
McGowanPernella born about 1926
McGowanU Tborn about 1925
McGowanWillie born about 1917
McKenzieBertnell born about 1933
McKenzieBurnell born about 1939
McKenzieEarl Jr born about 1935
McKenzieHattie born about 1915
McKenzieHenry born about 1885
McKenzieHenry Sborn about 1937
McKenzieL Cborn about 1931
McKenzieLawrence born about 1910
McKenzieSadie born about 1898
McLemoreMammie born about 1922
McLemoreWillie born about 1919
MeadowsOla Lborn about 1902
MillaayElizer born about 1910
MillaayEurvin Jr born about 1931
MillaayEva Lborn about 1937
MillaayEvan born about 1933
MillaayMaxine born about 1934
MillaayRosa Lborn about 1908
MoldenElla Mborn about 1891
MoldenFred born about 1912
MoldenGertie Mborn about 1917
MoldenJ Cborn about 1931
MoldenJohn born about 1890
MolderJ Cborn about 1931
MooreCharles born about 1876
MooreParalene born about 1880
MooreRosabell born about 1878
MosleyAnn Vborn about 1937
MosleyErnestine born about 1931
MosleyGeorge Jr born about 1935
MosleyGeorge Sr born about 1908
MosleyPete born about 1903
MosleyReed born about 1905
MosleyRosa Leeborn about 1921
MosleyRuby born about 1908
MossWayman born about 1914
MurphyWalker born about 1904
MurrarAdolph born about 1908

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N Surnames

NewtonGeorgia Aborn about 1914
NewtonGuy born about 1909
NewtonHelen Gborn about 1932
NusseyChristine born about 1938
NusseyElbert born about 1915
NusseyMary Jborn about 1919
NusseyRalph born about 1917

O Surnames

OgeeClarence born about 1892
OvermanEngland born about 1919
OvermanJohn Eborn about 1927
OvermanLinda Lborn about 1938
OvermanLula Aborn about 1900
OvermanMarnis Lborn about 1923
OvermanR Wborn about 1921
OvermanRobert Wborn about 1897
OwensEaster born about 1920
OwensEliza born about 1887
OwensHenry Cborn about 1937
OwensHoover born about 1930
OwensImogene born about 1938
OwensJasper born about 1923
OwensOdell born about 1921
OwensRebecca born about 1925
OwensRoosevelt born about 1934
OwensWillie Hborn about 1913

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P Surnames

PateBetty Pborn about 1939
PateBruce born about 1918
PateJimmie Eborn about 1940
PateLilia Maeborn about 1921
PeggEarl born about 1908
PerryRuby Leeborn about 1925
PerryVanderbelt born about 1915
PettyBetty Jeanborn about 1940
PettyDorris born about 1918
PettyJacquline born about 1935
PettyLeon born about 1911
PhanEmma Dborn about 1926
PhanJames Wborn about 1934
PhanLee Cborn about 1924
PhanMable Iborn about 1939
PhanMelvia born about 1903
PhanOtis born about 1903
PhanRoberto born about 1907
PhanRosa Leeborn about 1927
PhanSalie born about 1900
PhanSamuel born about 1930
PhanWillie Vborn about 1932
PierceAce born about 1927
PierceGeorge born about 1914
PierceRebecca born about 1935
PonderEarl born about 1915
PonderEarlene born about 1938
PonderJuanita born about 1920
PonderMelvin born about 1912
PonderPatricia born about 1940
PorteetOphilia born about 1928
PorteetThessie born about 1926
PrimEliza born about 1875

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Q Surnames

QuarlesAnnie Jborn about 1938
QuarlesBeatrice born about 1918
QuarlesElizebeth born about 1918
QuarlesJohn Wborn about 1913
QuarlesLeonard born about 1913
QuarlesRobert born about 1912
QuarlesWilliam Lborn about
QueensCarline born about 1866

R Surnames

RaganCharley born about 1935
RaganInez born about 1927
RaganLouise born about 1932
RaganMaggie Jborn about 1901
RaganRobert Fborn about 1904
RaganWillie Dborn about 1930
RanceFlossie Mborn about 1922
RanceHullen born about 1917
RanceMann born about 1912
RanceVirginia born about 1939
RatcliffDaisy born about 1922
ReddinClifton Cborn about 1899
ReddinClifton Jr born about 1933
ReddinFrances born about 1928
ReddinGladys born about 1926
ReddinJoe Aborn about 1895
ReddinJuanita born about 1929
ReddinMinnie born about 1906
ReddinWanda Leeborn about 1932
RedmanAlbert born about 1877
RedmanMary Eborn about 1939
RedmanPinky born about 1882
RedmanW Cborn about 1936
ReedAnna Bborn about 1918
ReedAnnie Leeborn about
ReedAzlee born about 1922
ReedGeorge born about 1915
ReedMannie Lborn about 1937
RetterAlba Pborn about 1876
RetterLouis Aborn about 1917
ReynoldsNancy Eborn about 1864
RogersCurtis born about 1914
RogersLouise born about 1935
RogersOra born about 1915
RossAniella born about 1894
RossCooper born about 1876
RossJohn born about 1933
RossLuther born about 1894
RossMary born about 1905
RucksRosa born about 1903
RussellJohn Hborn about 1919

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S Surnames

SandersAnnie born about 1876
SandersMaudie born about 1927
SandersTheo born about 1907
SandersWillie born about 1918
SandersYoung born about 1903
ScottAlex born about 1937
ScottChristine born about 1939
ScottErnestine born about 1934
ScottFrank born about 1910
ScottFrank Jr born about 1938
ScottRoxy born about 1911
SevierBirdell born about 1938
SevierJames born about 1928
SevierJames Tborn about 1936
SevierJolly Tborn about 1900
SevierJoseph born about 1927
SevierPreveral born about 1905
SevierRay Dellborn about 1935
SevierRoy born about 1931
SharmanDorthy Leeborn about 1924
SharpMable born about 1914
SharpMarion born about 1937
SharpRalph born about 1936
SharpWalter Bborn about 1909
SharpWillard born about 1934
ShawMary born about 1919
ShawMelvin born about 1907
ShawPaul born about 1901
SherrowArchie Tborn about 1894
SherrowHoward born about 1924
SherrowMarjorie born about 1905
SinguefieldFerrell born about 1921
SmithAgnes born about 1906
SmithCleophaes born about 1923
SmithDone born about 1887
SmithFrank born about 1880
SmithSalem born about 1906
SmithSolmon born about 1931
SmithUrial Sborn about 1885
SolomonIra Dborn about 1928
SorrellsAnnie Mborn about 1886
SorrellsMary Jborn about 1867
SorrellsWalter Tborn about 1923
SorrellsWilliam Tborn about 1856
SorrellsWilliam Wborn about 1896
StephensonBilly born about 1933
StephensonFrank born about 1914
StephensonMarjorie born about 1921
StephensonMaurice born about 1912
StephensonRuby Maeborn about 1936
StephensonVersa born about 1913
StevensonEdward Rborn about 1930
StevensonEdward Wborn about 1908
StevensonJoe Tborn about 1865
StevensonMrilyn Vborn about 1936
StevensonOzie Lborn about 1911
StewartEmma born about 1880
StoneArchie Eborn about 1931
StoneMeek born about 1902
StoneMeek Mborn about 1928
StoneRichard Bborn about 1924
StoneRuth Lborn about 1937
StoneVerna Leeborn about 1906
SturgisAubrey born about 1900
SturgisCora born about 1938
SturgisGurte born about 1908
SturgisIrene born about 1902
SturgisJack born about 1939
SturgisJean born about 1924
SturgisJoe born about 1933
SturgisJohn born about 1932
SturgisJohn Pborn about 1928
SturgisMarie born about 1929
SturgisMollie Bellborn about 1936
SturgisPauline born about 1926
SturgisVolda Sborn about 1898
SullivanCallie born about 1922
SullivanFod born about 1917
SullivanJohn Lborn about 1938
SullivanLee Lborn about 1939
SullivanLula born about 1924
SullivanRobert born about 1924
SullivanWest born about 1911

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T Surnames

TateElezebeth born about 1907
TateJoe born about 1901
TateRudolph born about 1939
TaylorBuck born about 1926
TaylorCharley Dborn about 1909
TaylorElln born about 1875
TaylorErnest born about 1900
TaylorErnestine born about 1932
TaylorEunice born about 1905
TaylorHermon born about 1902
TaylorLois born about 1905
TaylorPauline born about 1923
TaylorWinfred born about 1931
TerrellBilly born about 1939
TerrellBlanche born about 1919
TerrellJames born about 1938
TerrellNorma Rborn about 1935
TerrellWayman born about 1911
TerrellWayman born about 1937
TerryMary born about 1904
TerryVise born about 1900
ThaxtonFloyd Eborn about 1898
ThaxtonLola Maeborn about 1923
ThaxtonPearl born about 1903
ThompsonLizzie born about 1871
ThompsonMattie Mborn about 1921
ThrowerAgnes born about 1914
ThrowerAlberta born about 1890
ThrowerAlfonza born about 1930
ThrowerAnna Bborn about 1932
ThrowerAnthony Rborn about 1876
ThrowerBilly Fborn about 1937
ThrowerCharlette born about 1939
ThrowerDollis born about 1925
ThrowerEddie Mborn about 1927
ThrowerFloyd born about 1905
ThrowerGrover born about 1919
ThrowerHosie Mborn about 1926
ThrowerIda Bborn about 1913
ThrowerJoe Vborn about 1917
ThrowerL Dborn about 1902
ThrowerRaymond born about 1917
ThrowerRose Lborn about 1920
ThrowerThelma born about 1922
ThrowerTrouser born about 1922
ThrowerVerlene born about 1934
ThrowerWillie born about 1890
TilleyAylene Bborn about 1937
TilleyComer Lborn about 1920
TilleyFlora born about 1902
TilleyHelen Fborn about 1932
TilleyJames Gborn about 1920
TilleyJohn Gborn about 1937
TilleyLena Mborn about 1912
TilleyLillian Rborn about 1920
TilleyNoralene born about 1928
TilleyOuddie born about 1910
TilleyRaymond Fborn about 1922
TilleyRebecca born about 1900
TilleyRoy Jr born about 1935
TilleyRy Sr born about 1897
TilleyTom Aborn about 1925
TilleyWardie born about 1893
TonneyKatie Nborn about 1922
TonyOphelia born about 1915
TurnerIsoman born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValentineAbraham born about 1896
ValentineRebecca born about 1908
VaughanBobbie Jborn about 1938
VaughanChristine born about 1935
VaughanElena born about 1896
VaughanElery Lborn about 1921
VaughanIona born about 1927
VaughanJack born about 1867
VaughanLee Lborn about 1926
VaughanLillia Aliceborn about 1880
VaughanMarie born about 1922
VaughanMasella born about 1935
VaughanMose born about 1920
VaughanRollin born about 1890
VaughanRose Leeborn about 1931
VaughanTom born about 1914
VaughanY Tborn about 1933
VaughanZelma born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WageeCorine Aborn about 1906
WageeHenry Jborn about 1907
WagesBeatrice born about 1938
WagesEdward born about 1940
WagesElliott born about 1933
WagesFrances born about 1912
WagesGlendon born about 1937
WagesHattie Mborn about 1919
WagesHermon born about 1908
WagesJames born about 1930
WagesLeonard born about 1915
WagesMildred born about 1934
WagesMilrene born about 1936
WalkerAmos born about 1920
WalkerCarl born about 1906
WalkerDelma Jborn about 1927
WalkerEffie born about 1905
WalkerEllen born about 1868
WalkerEthel born about 1907
WalkerEthel born about 1925
WalkerGuinn Wborn about 1932
WalkerHardy born about 1936
WalkerJerldine born about 1932
WalkerJermiah born about 1939
WalkerJohn Wborn about 1880
WalkerLeona born about 1925
WalkerLonia Mborn about 1890
WalkerLowberta born about 1928
WalkerMary born about 1923
WalkerOvie born about 1929
WalkerTroy born about 1935
WalkerWesley Cborn about 1916
WatkinsEarlene born about 1933
WayLizzie born about 1876
WeaverMary born about 1908
WeaverOvie born about 1916
WebbBertie born about 1890
WebbPhillip born about 1890
WebbRuby Leeborn about 1926
WebbSamuel born about 1939
WestCecile born about 1935
WestImogene born about 1932
WestJames Eborn about 1903
WestLeland born about 1937
WestThelma born about 1911
WhitingtonIsaac born about 1898
WilliamCallie born about 1880
WilliamEdgar born about 1916
WilliamGerlie Lborn about 1922
WilliamMarie born about 1928
WilliamMattie born about 1939
WilliamsCarl Fborn about 1908
WilliamsCharlette born about 1933
WilliamsCynthia born about 1916
WilliamsHose born about 1877
WilliamsJamnie Lborn about 1935
WilliamsMaggie born about 1896
WilliamsOdia Mborn about 1933
WilliamsRichard Fborn about 1934
WilliamsRobert born about 1924
WilliamsRuby born about 1917
WilliamsSevana born about 1915
WilliamsShirley Rborn about 1938
WilliamsWallice Wborn about 1937
WilliamsWanda Mborn about 1931
WilliamsWayman born about 1919
WilliansClyde Mborn about 1922
WilliansEmily Bborn about 1890
WilliansGeorge born about 1932
WilliansGeorge Rborn about 1890
WilliansJohn Aborn about 1927
WilsonChester born about 1907
WilsonDoc born about 1905
WilsonGracey born about 1920
WilsonHelen born about 1923
WilsonHugie Pborn about 1938
WilsonJames Eborn about 1937
WilsonJoe Cborn about 1938
WilsonJoy Cborn about 1938
WilsonJunious born about 1919
WilsonLottie Bborn about 1940
WilsonNonie born about 1893
WilsonWalter born about 1916
WoodsFred born about 1879
WoodsLaura born about 1902
WrightCarry born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YancyPaul born about 1940
YoungBilly Eborn about 1939
YoungGeorge Wborn about 1927
YoungHarry Eborn about 1937
YoungHenry Tborn about 1934
YoungMaudie Mborn about 1901
YoungMildred Gborn about 1930
YoungRaymond Mborn about 1923
YoungSim Bborn about 1888
YoungSim Jr born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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