1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cedar Glades, Garland, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Garland County > 1940 Census of Cedar Glades

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsHarace born about 1902
AdamsMaggie Leeborn about 1907
AdamsonBobbie Joeborn about 1934
AdamsonEmma born about 1912
AdamsonRay Lborn about 1937
AdamsonRoy born about 1912
AldridgeErnestine born about 1939
AldridgeLeonard born about 1904
AldridgeLor Aborn about 1912
AldridgeMeda born about 1904
AldridgeMrvan born about 1928
AldridgeWilliam Hborn about 1900
AllenDorthy born about 1913
AllenEarl born about 1908
AndersonAlvie born about 1916
AndersonBonnie Sborn about 1939
AndersonIna Fayborn about 1936
AndersonJames Eborn about 1922
AndersonJoseph Cborn about 1880
AndersonJulian born about 1912
AndersonMaggie born about 1887
AndersonNina Mborn about 1934
AndersonRobert Lborn about 1923
AultRoy Aborn about 1893
AveryBettie Sueborn about 1933
AveryCharley born about 1904
AveryDorthy born about 1930
AveryEmogean born about 1927
AveryFrancis born about 1925
AveryRoxie born about 1908

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B Surnames

BakerHenry born about 1882
BalisleAlfred born about 1910
BanksCharley born about 1908
BanksErnest born about 1919
BanksR Mborn about 1883
BanksRoy born about 1918
BashawEva Jeanborn about 1931
BashawGlen Rayborn about 1934
BashawJohnnie Hborn about 1906
BashawMartha born about 1875
BashawMartin born about 1872
BashawNola born about 1913
BashawVera Sueborn about 1939
BatesBertha born about 1906
BatesCharley born about 1901
BatesElla Janeborn about 1929
BatesGeneva born about 1934
BatesHarley born about 1906
BatesHaskell born about 1940
BatesHattie born about 1906
BatesJackie born about 1939
BatesJuanita born about 1932
BatesJunior Fayborn about 1930
BatesLeland born about 1921
BatesLeon born about 1935
BatesLola born about 1909
BatesMilton born about 1926
BatesMonroe born about 1881
BatesPauline born about 1925
BatesPricella Lborn about 1877
BatesRaymond born about 1909
BatesReba born about 1926
BatesWilma born about 1928
BatesWinfred born about 1935
BeanBobby Geneborn about 1940
BeanCharles born about 1938
BeanFrank born about 1911
BeanVelma born about 1920
BlackmanBelle born about 1899
BlackmanDenny born about 1894
BlakenshipArlie born about 1929
BlakenshipBillie born about 1931
BlakenshipElla Sueborn about 1938
BlakenshipJohn born about 1904
BlakenshipLurlean born about 1926
BlakenshipMartha born about 1907
BlockerCalvie Cborn about 1933
BlockerClara Bborn about 1927
BlockerHettie born about 1904
BlockerOkes born about 1897
BlockerSilma Dborn about 1938
BlytheElbert born about 1896
BlytheRobert born about 1922
BoleyDasie born about 1921
BoleyJames Rborn about 1939
BoleyVayle born about 1918
BoydDoris Ellenborn about 1937
BoydDorthy Helenborn about 1932
BoydGladys Lborn about 1905
BoydLee Nborn about 1928
BoydRoy Henryborn about 1902
BradleyC Robertborn about 1935
BradleyGladys born about 1918
BradleyManuel born about 1914
ButtramClarence born about 1904
ButtramFannie born about 1909
ButtramVedell born about 1932

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C Surnames

CastleberryAlva born about 1920
CastleberryBertha born about 1910
CastleberryDale born about 1934
CastleberryDoisell born about 1931
CastleberryG Wborn about 1930
CastleberryGeorge Wborn about 1910
CastleberryJewel Dborn about 1933
CastleberryKenneth born about 1939
CastleberryL Dborn about 1937
CastleberryLeo born about 1932
CastleberryMable born about 1914
CastleberryMildred born about 1929
CastleberryOttie born about 1917
CastleberryWilbur born about 1935
CastleberryWill born about 1908
ChadwickAddie Maeborn about 1911
ChadwickArchie born about 1907
ChadwickHarold Dborn about 1931
ChadwickIda Dborn about 1933
ChadwickTaylor Dborn about 1935
ChadwickZuma Dayleborn about 1938
CockrellJesse Aborn about 1914
CockrellNellie Vborn about 1915
CrawfordBillie Joeborn about 1926
CrawfordCharlene born about 1925
CrawfordDale born about 1932
CrawfordGale born about 1932
CrawfordGusta born about 1901
CrawfordHarace born about 1902
CrawfordInez born about 1923
CrawfordWarden born about 1928

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D Surnames

DavisAlma Leeborn about 1914
DavisLowell Gborn about 1928
DavisMaurice born about 1934
DavisMelva Rborn about 1939
DavisPerry born about 1907
DonaldsonJoan born about 1932
DonaldsonLouise born about 1914
DozierDayle born about 1938
DozierDorthy born about 1936
DozierHarold born about 1930
DozierIda Wborn about 1935
DozierNora born about 1909
DozierThornton Lborn about 1909

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E Surnames

EnnisIda born about 1883

F Surnames

FrazierAlbert Jborn about 1901
FrazierMildred born about 1909

G Surnames

GambleCalra Lborn about 1912
GambleGene born about 1938
GambleHoward born about 1932
GambleRaymond born about 1909
GambleRobert born about 1934
GambleVernon born about 1930
GardnerSherrill born about 1914
GlennAnita Fayborn about 1928
GlennMartha born about 1869
GlennRobert born about 1901
GlennS Sidneyborn about 1889
GlennVelma Marieborn about 1906
GlennWayne Eborn about 1925
GoldenAlice born about 1891
GoldenBaus Hborn about 1877
GoldenCalvin born about 1928
GoldenCara born about 1913
GoldenElnora born about 1921
GoldenEugene born about 1931
GoldenGerald born about 1907
GoldenHelen born about 1938
GoldenIna Fayborn about 1936
GoldenJanice born about 1934
GoldenLouise born about 1926
GoldenMaudie born about 1923
GreenJim born about 1896
GreenJohn born about 1898
GreenMary born about 1901
GreenOdessa born about 1916

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H Surnames

HalsellCharles Nborn about 1895
HalsellEffie born about 1895
HarperBernice born about 1907
HarperEugene born about 1927
HarperMelvin born about 1906
HarperPaul born about 1928
HarperRas born about 1923
HeatonBessie born about 1925
HeatonDave born about 1891
HeatonEugene born about 1927
HeatonLona born about 1920
HeatonOcie born about 1923
HeatonRosa born about 1903
HeatonRuth born about 1934
HerronIva born about 1909
HerronJames Henryborn about 1908
HerronWilma Jeanborn about 1935
HolmesAlex born about 1875
HolmesPerry Smithborn about 1870
HortonAllen born about 1931
HortonC Cborn about 1934
HortonCharlene born about 1937
HortonElbert born about 1926
HortonEthel born about 1905
HortonFrank born about 1901
HortonGeorge born about 1921
HudsonJessie Leeborn about 1910
HudsonJohn Cborn about 1900
HuffAlexander born about 1885
HuffLeonard born about 1917
HuffMaggie Belleborn about 1919
HuffSadie born about 1892
HuffVernon born about 1920
HunterJoseph born about 1907
HunterLilly Belleborn about 1905

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J Surnames

JacksonJudge born about 1902
JacksonLaura born about 1902
JacksonMargarette born about 1869
JohnsonBobbie Gborn about 1937
JohnsonDonnie Rborn about 1939
JohnsonEdna Maeborn about 1935
JohnsonGeorge Wborn about 1910
JohnsonGeorge Wayneborn about 1939
JohnsonH Loydborn about 1899
JohnsonIda Maeborn about 1909
JohnsonManuel born about 1889
JohnsonMarie Joborn about 1936
JohnsonOpal born about 1927
JohnsonPeggie Joyceborn about 1934
JohnsonVinie born about 1920
JohnsonWilburn born about 1929
JonesConell born about 1937
JonesGilbert born about 1910
JonesHenry Albertborn about 1935
JonesJames Doughlasborn about 1933
JonesRossevelt born about 1940
JonesVetter born about 1918
JonesVirginia born about 1925

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K Surnames

KeenerIma Jborn about 1930
KeethAnnie Mborn about 1905
KeethBenjamin Fborn about 1895
KeethHarold Lborn about 1931
KeethJohn Wayneborn about 1938
KiddJesse born about 1900
KyleClaude born about 1919
KyleEarl born about 1913
KyleEuie born about 1909
KyleGarland born about 1926
KyleIsaac Wborn about 1880
KyleLouisa born about 1882
KyleVirginia Sborn about 1932
KyleWill Aborn about 1907

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L Surnames

LillardJohn Mborn about 1873
LillardMellvinie born about 1870
LoydBobbie Joborn about 1939
LoydDaily Pborn about 1901
LoydJuanita born about 1905
LoydLois born about 1926
LoydRaymond Dborn about 1936
LynchB Ernestborn about 1897
LynchBellie Rborn about 1937
LynchElva born about 1902
LynchErnestine born about 1938
LynchJames born about 1922
LynchLila Belleborn about 1931
LynchThomas born about 1929
LynchTucker born about 1927
LynchWalter Gborn about 1934

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M Surnames

MartinB Wborn about 1879
MartinDoris born about 1934
MartinJeweldean born about 1932
MartinLouise born about 1913
MartinNellie born about 1879
MartinSarah born about 1858
MartinTip born about 1904
MayerBob Royborn about 1899
MayerFrank born about 1894
MayerMildred born about 1914
MayerOzell Lborn about 1937
MayoObie Leeborn about 1895
McBeeEugnia Loisborn about 1931
McBeeJoyce Annborn about 1934
McBeeKathryn born about 1907
McBeeMyrray born about 1909
McTigertEd Gborn about 1897
McTigertMary born about 1910
MeredithB Arthurborn about 1905
MeredithBillie Dborn about 1932
MeredithBrona Lborn about 1934
MeredithIda Fborn about 1939
MeredithJack Gborn about 1937
MeredithLavelle born about 1936
MeredithLena born about 1906
MeredithMary Eborn about 1931
MeredithOpal Hborn about 1927
MerriottBobby Deanborn about 1935
MerriottHelen Maudborn about 1930
MerriottJohnnie Mackborn about 1939
MerriottOla born about 1910
MerriottRiley Mackborn about 1911
MilesAlice Fayborn about 1940
MilesHelen Mborn about 1938
MilesJacqueline born about 1926
MilesLois born about 1916
MilesLuther born about 1904
MilesLuther Jarrellborn about 1936
MilesRuth born about 1919
MooreM Aborn about 1868
MurdersAnnie Sueborn about 1939
MurdersDorthy born about 1918
MurdersOrval born about 1914
MurdersVelva Leeborn about 1937
MurdersW Gborn about 1936
MuseRaymon born about 1912
MuseRucy born about 1919

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N Surnames

NealBertha born about 1919
NealBillie Eborn about 1931
NealCarrie born about 1895
NealD Lborn about 1931
NealEira born about 1923
NealElgean born about 1933
NealElmer born about 1912
NealGrover born about 1910
NealHallis born about 1919
NealIra born about 1906
NealIsaac Cborn about 1880
NealJeff born about 1899
NealMarlina born about 1880
NealNancy Jborn about 1885
NealOdie born about 1902
NealRebecca born about 1930
NealVander born about 1891
NealVernon born about 1918
NealWilliam Lborn about 1865
NolesJoe born about 1910
NolesJoe Edborn about 1937
NolesPearlic Maeborn about 1918

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P Surnames

ParsonDara Aborn about 1882
ParsonJulius Cborn about 1889
PateArgus Deanborn about 1939
PateFronie born about 1891
PateGeorge Wborn about 1889
PateGlendolyn Dborn about 1938
PateMary Francesborn about 1936
PateRuby Eborn about 1917
PateTheredore Cborn about 1913
PeacockWilliam Hborn about 1865
PenningtonAustin born about 1893
PenningtonDellie born about 1937
PenningtonDrucy born about 1924
PenningtonHermon born about 1902
PenningtonIvy born about 1935
PenningtonMary born about 1908
PenningtonRichard born about 1920
PettyAlbert Carlborn about 1918
PettyAlbert Jr born about 1939
PettyBen born about 1904
PettyCarlene born about 1938
PettyDwain born about 1928
PettyExie born about 1907
PettyJune born about 1937
PettyLouise born about 1920
PettyWilburn born about 1926
PhillipsClem born about 1930
PhillipsHershell born about 1933
PhillipsKermit born about 1923
PhillipsMarion born about 1899
PhillipsMattie born about 1904
PhillipsOttie born about 1935
PhillipsRoscoe born about 1924
PhillipsSherman born about 1927
PittsIla Fayborn about 1932
PittsJames Cborn about 1926
PittsJames Iborn about 1875
PittsLawson born about 1923
PittsLester born about 1900
PittsLola Mborn about 1925
PittsNittie born about 1897
PittsVena born about 1890

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Q Surnames

QuallsDelena born about 1932
QuallsHazel born about 1909
QuallsJoe born about 1909
QuallsLoyd born about 1929

R Surnames

RichardsonArthur born about 1915
RileyJohn born about 1889
RileyMaudie born about 1893
RisonerClarence born about 1908
RisonerElice born about 1929
RisonerEstalee born about 1932
RisonerEthel born about 1909
RisonerWayne born about 1939
RitterSallie born about 1872
RobbinsArcilous born about 1913
RobbinsDorthy born about 1917
RobbinsRansom born about 1923
RobbinsW Frankborn about 1881
RobbinsWayne born about 1933
RyanMontie born about 1875

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S Surnames

ScrogginsThelma Jborn about 1928
ScrogginsWilma Lborn about 1927
SharpMary Eborn about 1866
SmithClarence born about 1905
SmithEugenia born about 1886
SmithG Cborn about 1885
SmithH Conradborn about 1887
SmithJanie born about 1900
SmithMartha born about 1894
SmithMarvin born about 1912
SpeerRector born about 1915
SpeerRuby born about 1923
SpurlinAmanda born about 1894
SpurlinClyde born about 1919
SpurlinG Walterborn about 1890
SpurlinGrover born about 1927
SpurlinVernelle born about 1925
SpurlinVirginia born about 1922
StaryM Lucelleborn about 1920
StaryMillard born about 1918
StoryChloe Bborn about 1918
StoryDoris Mborn about 1938
StoryHenry Lborn about 1916
StoryJerry Leonborn about 1939
SuitBly born about 1911
SuitDayle born about 1935
SuitJerald born about 1938
SuitMyrtle born about 1913

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T Surnames

TedfordKatie born about 1922
TedfordVernon born about 1913
TerryHasten born about 1905
TerryMarie born about 1916
TerryVelma born about 1917
ThorntonCharles born about 1934
ThorntonCharles Lborn about 1930
ThorntonDewey born about 1899
ThorntonFrancis born about 1928
ThorntonG Cliftonborn about 1905
ThorntonIda born about 1902
ThorntonJewel Dborn about 1927
ThorntonMary Aborn about 1929
ThorntonOllie born about 1909
TuckerAubry born about 1921
TuckerEudell born about 1923
TuckerGeorge born about 1899
TuckerLila born about 1878
TuckerMargaret Aborn about 1939
TuckerMary Lenaborn about 1927
TuckerNadine born about 1901
TuckerRussell born about 1918
TuckerTroy born about 1931

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U Surnames

UrseryClifton Hborn about 1915
UrseryJewel Dborn about 1918
UrseryShirley Kborn about 1936
UrseryV Hershelborn about 1938

W Surnames

WalkerAllie Maeborn about 1938
WalkerBarbara born about 1935
WalkerCoty born about 1913
WalkerMattie born about 1913
WilliamsDwight Eborn about 1940
WilliamsElaine born about 1939
WilliamsJesse born about 1915
WilliamsLilly born about 1879
WilliamsLois born about 1923
WilliamsP Mborn about 1875
WilliamsRuth born about 1903
WilliamsWilliam Jborn about 1852
WillinghamLillian born about 1921
WilsonAnnie born about 1902
WilsonB Lborn about 1923
WilsonDer Wayneborn about 1928
WilsonHarold Lborn about 1931
WilsonImogene born about 1926
WilsonJanis born about 1931
WilsonPearl born about 1896

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