1940 U.S. Federal Census of Chester in Dallas County, Dallas, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Dallas County > 1940 Census of Chester in Dallas County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderA Lborn about 1912
AlexanderBertha born about 1915
AlexanderBertha born about 1917
AlexanderBrayton born about 1912
AlexanderEvelyn born about 1933
AllenBill born about 1881
AllenColumbus born about 1935
AllenElla born about 1880
AllenLucinda born about 1897
AllenNancy born about 1932
AllenNathaniel born about 1928
AllenOdie Leeborn about 1930
AllenSavella born about 1925
AllenW Jborn about 1872
AllonJames born about 1890
AndersonIrene born about 1915
AndersonLorene born about 1931
AndersonTom born about 1913
ArrisonCharlie born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerBerle born about 1918
BakerJ Bborn about 1936
BakerWylie born about 1913
BarkerFuller born about 1872
BarkerGeorge born about 1900
BarkerHarold born about 1922
BarkerIsara born about 1870
BarkerSusie born about 1901
BarnerArchie born about 1901
BarnerBertha born about 1901
BarnerRichard born about 1939
BarnerSara Benborn about 1937
BaughA Bborn about 1907
BaughBobby Geneborn about 1939
BaughCarnie born about 1884
BaughChristene born about 1907
BaughEddie born about 1925
BaughEvelyn born about 1928
BaughGeorge born about 1875
BaughGeorgia born about 1933
BaughHenry born about 1873
BaughIzola born about 1938
BaughKatie born about 1901
BaughKatie Maeborn about 1932
BaughL Cborn about 1922
BaughLewis born about 1936
BaughLorene born about 1926
BaughLouis born about 1875
BaughOdessa born about 1930
BeesonJames born about 1922
BellJohn Mborn about 1909
BellJohny Kborn about 1936
BellKathryn born about 1916
BennettEd born about 1905
BennettEddy born about 1927
BennettGurtha born about 1906
BennettLorice born about 1936
BennettMoses born about 1915
BennettSue Mayborn about 1938
BennettVerne born about 1930
BennettWinona born about 1929
BerryOllie Mborn about 1915
BlandAntonio born about 1903
BlandBessie born about 1890
BlandFrances born about 1923
BlandJames Eborn about 1932
BlandJesse Aborn about 1890
BlandJohn Rborn about 1927
BlandMaggie Lborn about 1924
BlandPolly Annborn about 1930
BlandRobert born about 1926
BlandThomas Aborn about 1881
BlandTom born about 1919
BooksBob born about 1919
BooksCastile born about 1876
BooksR Henryborn about 1875
BorroughsBetty Janeborn about 1937
BorroughsForrest born about 1888
BorroughsJo Anborn about 1933
BorroughsMaryr Lborn about 1909
BradfordLuker born about 1866
BraggLizzie born about 1883
BrandonBe Ettaborn about 1923
BrandonEddy born about 1926
BrandonFrances born about 1893
BrandonHal born about 1939
BrandonHannibal born about 1892
BrandonLotenia born about 1900
BrandonPlymouth born about 1928
BrandonRuth Fayborn about 1918
BrandonSam born about 1931
BrandonSterling born about 1914
BrandonSterling born about 1937
BrandonVelmore born about 1924
BrandonWillie Mayborn about 1939
BriggsBurl born about 1875
BriggsCatherine born about 1920
BriggsGeorge born about 1928
BriggsNettie born about 1892
BriggsNoland born about 1924
BrownRoy born about 1935
BrownStella born about 1900
BrownWilliam born about 1903
BryantGeorge born about 1905
BryantJames born about 1905
BullockDe Wain born about 1925
BullockEd born about 1901
BullockGeneva born about 1923
BullockMartha born about 1904
BullockWillean born about 1928
BurnettAnnie Dorrisborn about 1928
BurnettMary Lborn about 1930
BurnettP Rborn about 1895
BurnettPauline born about 1905
BurtonJoan born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarterCora Leeborn about 1900
ChandlerLois born about 1917
ChildersCallie born about 1874
ChildersIva born about 1901
ChildersPink born about 1871
Clem born about 1904
ClemTreadwell born about 1908
CookThomas born about 1869
CoulterBeatrice born about 1877
CoxC Cborn about 1883
CoxLouise born about 1916
CoxMaguerite born about 1886
CrooseKey born about 1916
CrooseRuth born about 1921
CrouseCharlie born about 1932
CrouseDavid born about 1919
CrouseMable born about 1895
CrouseMarie born about 1922
CrouseMary Jeanborn about 1928
CrouseNewt born about 1885
CrowderAlice Rborn about 1929
CrowderAltha born about 1901
CrowderAnna Betborn about 1882
CrowderBraziel born about 1921
CrowderCharlie born about 1888
CrowderDorothy born about 1911
CrowderDrew born about 1911
CrowderEarl born about 1922
CrowderEarnest born about 1918
CrowderEverett born about 1921
CrowderGeorgia born about 1915
CrowderHarvey born about 1891
CrowderJames born about 1934
CrowderJames Aborn about 1897
CrowderJames Vborn about 1932
CrowderJames Wborn about 1907
CrowderJamie born about 1926
CrowderJerry born about 1936
CrowderJessie born about 1906
CrowderJessie Hborn about 1931
CrowderJewel born about 1910
CrowderJohn born about 1939
CrowderLarene born about 1920
CrowderLewis born about 1893
CrowderMarvin born about 1896
CrowderMary born about 1895
CrowderMary Bellborn about 1890
CrowderMary Lborn about 1927
CrowderMerl born about 1922
CrowderMertye born about 1910
CrowderMildred born about 1920
CrowderOra born about 1891
CrowderReubin Aborn about 1870
CrowderSallie born about 1871
CrowderVirgil born about 1919
CrowderWanda born about 1923
CrowderWheatley born about 1881
CrowfordEarnest born about 1924
CrowfordEsther born about 1874
CrowfordRichard born about 1876
CrowfordTyree born about 1927
CunninahamDale born about 1895
CunninahamEdna Daleborn about 1921
CunninahamEthel Rborn about 1923
CunninahamJune Hopeborn about 1933
CunninahamPatsy born about 1935
CunninahamTracy born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavidsonLucy born about 1898
DavisCecil born about 1905
DavisElva Mayborn about 1921
DismukeClinton born about 1913
DismukeLula born about 1877
DobbinsArlanders born about 1921
DobbinsGeneba born about 1930
DobbinsHelen born about 1899
DobbinsHenry born about 1892
DobbinsRose Leeborn about 1935
DobbinsSylvia born about 1923
DohertyGeorge born about 1886
DohertyIla born about 1891
DunningtonJ Mborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EanisC Gborn about 1886
EanisMyrtis born about 1886
EatonCora born about 1901
EatonElla born about 1919
EatonElmer born about 1918
EatonKathryn born about 1932
EatonTheopholus born about 1931
EatonThessie born about 1920
EatonWade born about 1896
EatonWillie born about 1913
EnnisAnnie born about 1887
EnnisJames Wborn about 1924
EnnisRussell born about 1910
EvensAmy born about 1893
EvensDeal born about 1881
EvensHelen born about 1920
EvensRobert born about 1913
EzekielNance born about 1855

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F Surnames

FarmerMarie born about 1905
FarmerMathew born about 1895
FeldmanAdron born about 1930
FeldmanBernice born about 1925
FeldmanCharlie born about 1890
FeldmanCharline born about 1927
FeldmanEva Maeborn about 1933
FeldmanVelma born about 1924
FinkAmanda born about 1908
FinkCharlie born about 1883
FinkEarnestine born about 1937
FinkJohn born about 1892
FinkLeary born about 1915
FinkLodelia born about 1934
FinkMary born about 1882
FinkOliver born about 1901
FinkOphelia born about 1903
FinleyAllie Maeborn about 1923
FinleyCharlie born about 1880
FinleyDoyle born about 1922
FinleyFrank born about 1925
FinleyJoe born about 1914
FinleyVertie born about 1891
FinleyVirginia Leeborn about 1928
FordArthur born about 1901
FordDorothy born about 1928
FordGlen born about 1891
FordJohn Mborn about 1926
FountainCassie Mayborn about 1927
FountainRuby Lborn about 1929
FountainSallie Jborn about 1926
FurrBill born about 1909
FutchHenry born about 1880

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G Surnames

GarnerE Sborn about 1905
GarnerEurilla born about 1920
GarnerGarner Cborn about 1923
GarnerLoretta born about 1918
GarnerMary Eborn about 1902
GarnerR Wborn about 1893
GarnerRay born about 1924
GarnerWanda born about 1890
GarrettMattie born about 1873
GarrisonAnnie born about 1903
GarrisonAnnie Johnborn about 1935
GarrisonClatane born about 1926
GarrisonJohn Mborn about 1893
GarrisonLawrence born about 1926
GarrisonLester born about 1924
GarrisonLouizer born about 1889
GarrisonW Hborn about 1885
GarrisonWarren Oborn about 1922
GillAnnie Lborn about 1919
GillJames Tborn about 1915
GillJo born about 1938
GillLaura born about 1885
GillMerle Deanborn about 1924
GillRoy born about 1913
GillRuth born about 1911
GillisJuanita born about 1922
GillisLucy born about 1883
GivensGarland born about 1910
GivensVorna born about 1914
GoddardLouise born about 1880
GoodloeLillie Mayborn about 1916
GoodloePearlie born about 1912
GossettAlfrie born about 1896
GossettAlga born about 1895
GossettGlen born about 1929
GossettOdene born about 1923
GossettRay born about 1933
GrayAlene born about 1912
GrayJohn born about 1910
GrayJohn Wylieborn about 1936
GreenBernard born about 1918
GreenEvelyn born about 1919
GreenFrances born about 1921
GreenHenry born about 1892
GreenJim born about 1869
GreenLesser born about 1911
GreenMarilyn born about 1939
GreenMattie born about 1900
GreenRhetha Mayborn about 1925
GreenRobert Lborn about 1932
GreenSue born about 1869
GriffinBen born about 1871
GriffinFannie born about 1937
GriffinFrank born about 1879
GriffinHenry born about 1896
GriffinIva born about 1884
GriffinKatrina born about 1902
GriffinLee born about 1901
GriffinLola born about 1920
GriffinRaymond born about 1939
GunterAdam born about 1907
GunterAnnie Betborn about 1904
GunterMat born about 1866
GunterRuby Leeborn about 1929
GunterSevella born about 1928

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H Surnames

HaddyHenry born about 1905
HalimanJack born about 1892
HalimanLila born about 1911
HallRosa born about 1884
HallowayArlene born about 1930
HallowayBoster born about 1918
HallowayDock born about 1891
HallowayEthel born about 1897
HallowayJ Pborn about 1921
HallowayLoyd born about 1927
HallowayOra born about 1891
HallowayWill Aborn about 1889
HamiltonAlfred born about 1918
HamiltonClady born about 1920
HamiltonRolane born about 1939
HamptonEvelyn born about 1926
HamptonQueen Eborn about 1929
HardCarrie born about 1880
HardCastle Benborn about 1872
HardCharlie born about 1914
HardDoss born about 1910
HardcastleAlbert born about 1907
HardcastleElbert born about 1938
HardcastleRuby born about 1913
HarrisJudy born about 1883
HarrisonClyde born about 1898
HarrisonOzella born about 1932
HarrisonRoy born about 1930
HarrisonVida born about 1893
HarrisonWilbur born about 1858
HawkinsAlex born about 1925
HawkinsHodges born about 1927
HawkinsJudy Maeborn about 1934
HawkinsMary born about 1903
HawkinsMerle Deanborn about 1932
HawkinsOllie Ruthborn about 1931
HawkinsWalter born about 1915
HearnColumbus born about 1911
HearnDavid born about 1928
HearnJoe born about 1921
HearnLeone born about 1912
HearnOra Laborn about 1932
HearnRosa Leeborn about 1939
HearnSophia born about 1914
HearnVerna born about 1937
HensonClyde born about 1929
HensonE Iborn about 1902
HensonFannie born about 1895
HensonJunior born about 1929
HiggsObie born about 1910
HiggsRobert Kborn about 1903
HillJim born about 1870
HillLouis born about 1890
HillMary born about 1884
HillWillie born about 1894
HoganHattie born about 1881
HoganJames Eborn about 1938
HoganNathan born about 1887
HooseDale born about 1879
HooseGena born about 1917
HooseJack born about 1876
HooseJimmie born about 1915
HouseAlice Wborn about 1921
HouseAlma born about 1907
HouseEdward Leeborn about 1915
HouseH Eborn about 1919
HouseJames Bborn about 1877
HouseJulia born about 1883
HouseJulia Ruthborn about 1925
HouseKate born about 1890
HouseKathryn born about 1905
HouseMartha Geneborn about 1926
HouseRobert Lborn about 1880
HouseW Dukeborn about 1879
HouseWarren born about 1900
HouseWilliam born about 1908
HowkinsDillard born about 1915
HowkinsEllen born about 1886
HudsonJo born about 1903
HudsonMelva born about 1905
HughesJean born about 1900
HughesLever born about 1901
HuntGarland born about 1921

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J Surnames

JacobsAndrew born about 1892
JacobsBennie born about 1939
JacobsCremona born about 1927
JacobsD Cborn about 1928
JacobsEvelyn born about 1924
JacobsFlora born about 1929
JacobsHenry born about 1899
JacobsJohn born about 1896
JacobsJohn born about 1901
JacobsJosiphine born about 1921
JacobsLee Royborn about 1936
JacobsMattie Janeborn about 1900
JacobsOliver born about 1921
JacobsOrie born about 1909
JacobsPearl born about 1904
JacobsRosie born about 1926
JacobsVella born about 1939
JacobsVictoria born about 1922
JacobsWillie Beaborn about 1919
JacobsWilmer born about 1920
JamersonCoulter born about 1937
JamersonDaisy Mborn about 1938
JamersonEarl Dborn about 1929
JamersonGolda born about 1919
JamersonTheotis born about 1917
JamesLeo born about 1912
JamesMelba Jborn about 1938
JamesVera born about 1914
JimersonDochio born about 1918
JimersonEnoch born about 1912
JimmersonAlice born about 1893
JimmersonAllie born about 1868
JimmersonAutney born about 1924
JimmersonBill born about 1926
JimmersonCallie born about 1895
JimmersonCharles born about 1936
JimmersonCharlie born about 1916
JimmersonEarl born about 1930
JimmersonEarly Dborn about 1928
JimmersonEd born about 1914
JimmersonEmma born about 1922
JimmersonErsie Dborn about 1925
JimmersonFrances born about 1919
JimmersonGeorge born about 1881
JimmersonHanna born about 1862
JimmersonHorace born about 1923
JimmersonHubert born about 1927
JimmersonJames born about 1938
JimmersonJohn Hborn about 1921
JimmersonJohnnie born about 1886
JimmersonKatie born about 1926
JimmersonLeroy born about 1932
JimmersonLillie Maeborn about 1939
JimmersonLottie born about 1921
JimmersonMonroe born about 1937
JimmersonOthie born about 1922
JimmersonSally born about 1895
JimmersonSusie born about 1891
JimmersonTed born about 1914
JimmersonWillie Maeborn about 1939
JohnsonAmanda born about 1873
JohnsonBo born about 1917
JohnsonBoman born about 1892
JohnsonCharity born about 1889
JohnsonClementine born about 1923
JohnsonCora born about 1893
JohnsonCora born about 1912
JohnsonEarnest born about 1913
JohnsonEarnest born about 1922
JohnsonEliza born about 1868
JohnsonElvina born about 1920
JohnsonEthel born about 1886
JohnsonGeorge born about 1936
JohnsonHenry born about 1918
JohnsonHenry born about 1925
JohnsonHubert born about 1914
JohnsonJ Cborn about 1934
JohnsonJ Cborn about 1937
JohnsonJohn born about 1885
JohnsonKatherine born about 1928
JohnsonLiza born about 1930
JohnsonLizaberth born about 1925
JohnsonLoyd born about 1928
JohnsonMarde born about 1932
JohnsonMary Jborn about 1912
JohnsonNellie born about 1915
JohnsonRay born about 1939
JohnsonSam born about 1878
JohnsonViola born about 1919
JohnsonWill born about 1870
JohnsonWilliam Jborn about 1929
JohnsonWillie Bborn about 1929
JonesBarbara Annborn about 1940
JonesGeorge born about 1906
JonesLouise born about 1917
JonesMartin born about 1872
JonesVergia born about 1884
JordanAlbert born about 1903
JordanDora born about 1903
JordanEphrian born about 1900

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K Surnames

KamsClayton born about 1876
KamsEsther born about 1891
KamsRaymond born about 1923
KeithJohn Bborn about 1907
KeithMartha born about 1918
KellyAlice Pageborn about 1930
KellyCoymay born about 1921
KellyEarl born about 1896
KellyEmaline born about 1856
KellyJames Eborn about 1925
KellyMertie born about 1896
KellyPearline born about 1923
KeyAnna Matborn about 1925
KeyAnnette born about 1937
KeyBeatrice born about 1935
KeyElizabeth born about 1903
KeyEugene born about 1859
KeyFrancis Scottborn about 1922
KeyGladys born about 1918
KeyJ Wborn about 1881
KeyJames born about 1906
KeyLafayette born about 1904
KeyMillie born about 1882
KeyPierce born about 1872
KeyRoss born about 1928
KeySam born about 1918
KnickerbockerCallie born about 1910
KnickerbockerGertrude born about 1875
KnickerbockerGlenn born about 1907
KnickerbockerHarry born about 1901
KnickerbockerHenry born about 1880
KnickerbockerJames born about 1935
KnickerbockerLouise born about 1938
KnickerbockerLucy born about 1900
KnickerbockerNorvin born about 1920
KnickerbockerRalph born about 1932
KnowlingCleo born about 1929
KnowlingDelphine born about 1907
KnowlingEthel born about 1920
KnowlingFlorence born about 1927
KnowlingIverson born about 1906
KnowlingJ Wborn about 1928
KnowlingLee Elmerborn about 1926
KnowlingLessie born about 1903
KnowlingLillie Maeborn about 1928
KnowlingRayford born about 1933
KnowlingRobert born about 1925
KnowlingRosie born about 1903
KnowlingRuth born about 1936
KnowlingTroy Cborn about 1925
KnowlingWill Aborn about 1930
KnowlingWillie Annborn about 1939
KnowlingWoodroe born about 1931

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L Surnames

LambertJoan born about 1890
LambertPaul born about 1883
LandersArlene born about 1930
LandersJohny born about 1911
LandersRowland born about 1932
LangleyAllie born about 1908
LangleyDarn born about 1915
LangleyLaura Maeborn about 1938
LangleyWilbar born about 1934
LawsonHallie born about 1883
LeaAnnie born about 1908
LeaAnnie born about 1920
LeaDesmond born about 1909
LeaDiamond Jr born about 1938
LeaDock born about 1878
LeaEarsie born about 1937
LeaEdward born about 1926
LeaEthel born about 1913
LeaHelen born about 1921
LeaJ Dborn about 1917
LeaJames Hborn about 1939
LeaJimmie born about 1868
LeaKathryn born about 1931
LeaMattie born about 1887
LeaMock born about 1925
LeaMollie Ruthborn about 1934
LeaPearl born about 1906
LeaPhil born about 1905
LeaRobert born about 1936
LeaRosie Maeborn about 1932
LeaSidney born about 1903
LeaSterling born about 1919
LeaTherman born about 1928
LeaVella born about 1938
LeaWatson born about 1919
LetbetterJames born about 1925
LetbetterLois born about 1928
LetbetterLydia born about 1896
LetbetterMock born about 1926
LetbetterMoses born about 1921
LynchMary born about 1899
LynchPauline born about 1927
LynchWill born about 1896

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M Surnames

MangrunHenry born about 1911
MangrunJesse born about 1918
MangrunMary Pborn about 1939
MangrunRuby born about 1929
ManningBillie born about 1933
ManningCalvin born about 1939
ManningClarence born about 1928
ManningEarnest born about 1919
ManningElmer born about 1926
ManningElree born about 1919
ManningJames born about 1921
ManningJohnnie born about 1934
ManningOllie born about 1909
MarksClinton born about 1905
MarksElla Mborn about 1917
MarksGallee born about 1913
MarksGlary Jeanborn about 1937
MarksMarion born about 1939
MarksMarvin born about 1917
MarksMary born about 1906
MarksOdis born about 1919
MarksOrlin born about 1913
MarksQueen Estherborn about 1936
MarshallCarolyn born about 1937
MarshallChester born about 1924
MarshallDerriel born about 1928
MarshallDora born about 1923
MarshallElton born about 1938
MarshallEsterine born about 1935
MarshallGerriel born about 1930
MarshallHorace born about 1894
MarshallJoy born about 1932
MarshallKathryn born about 1926
MarshallNancy born about 1900
MarshallNora born about 1897
MarshallOlen born about 1934
MarshallOscar born about 1897
MarshallSallie born about 1891
MarshallVelma born about 1930
MarshallVera born about 1923
MarshallVira born about 1921
MarshallVirginia born about 1925
MarshallWalter born about 1887
MartinHazel born about 1921
MathewsDean born about 1916
MathewsHanna born about 1890
MathewsJames born about 1913
MathewsKittie born about 1890
MathewsWalter born about 1880
MathewsWilliam Tborn about 1879
McAlistearEarl born about 1899
McAlistearLola born about 1903
McAlistearPeggy Janeborn about 1925
McAlisterDrake Corneeborn about 1919
McAlisterJohn born about 1907
McAlisterKatie Sueborn about 1913
McAlisterKenedy Wandaborn about 1916
McAlisterRobertson Mildredborn about 1920
McAlisterSam Rborn about 1937
McDuffieClipton born about 1934
McDuffieDessie born about 1916
McDuffieSylvester born about 1913
McGrawWilmettie born about 1869
McMcManusBailey born about 1901
McMcManusJesse Mayborn about 1924
McMcManusJurelia born about 1905
McMcManusTheron born about 1932
McMcManusVan Troy born about 1934
McNeilChas born about 1878
MillenAnna Bborn about 1919
MitchellBert born about 1921
MitchellCharlie born about 1920
MitchellClara born about 1891
MitchellCleve Ennisborn about 1924
MitchellDoris born about 1932
MitchellElnora born about 1884
MitchellFlorence born about 1916
MitchellGraham born about 1930
MitchellHubert born about 1916
MitchellJames born about 1940
MitchellJim Boyborn about 1919
MitchellLula born about 1934
MitchellMargaret born about 1938
MitchellMildred born about 1896
MitchellMose born about 1880
MitchellOlie born about 1928
MitchellPenella born about 1922
MitchellRobert born about 1936
MooreEliza born about 1907
MooreNannie born about 1872
MooreNannie Wborn about 1939
MooreOdelia born about 1932
MooreOscar born about 1906
MooreRamon Rborn about 1936
MooreTom born about 1862
MooreTom Aborn about 1933
MooreVerline born about 1930
MoranLeonard born about 1899
MoranSusie born about 1877
MoranVergil born about 1915
MoreheadAlice born about 1885
MoreheadCharles Cborn about 1876
MoreheadJimmie born about 1917
MorrisAnna Bborn about 1923
MorrisBernice born about 1919
MorrisCalli born about 1903
MorrisJadrie born about 1921
MorrisKatie Mayborn about 1935
MorrisMelese born about 1926
MorrisSam born about 1892
MurphyHenrietta born about 1917
MurphyHenry Dborn about 1940
MurphyLouis born about 1905
MyersJewel Tborn about 1903
MyersJosephine born about 1909
MyersMyrtle Jborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NanceAda born about 1897
NanceCoy Jborn about 1929
NanceCurtis born about 1926
NanceHenry Bborn about 1898
NevelsDean born about 1910
NevelsElmo born about 1877
NevelsFran born about 1916
NevelsHarold born about 1914
NevelsLettie born about 1887
NuttE Lborn about 1882
NuttFannie born about 1881
NuttHarry Mborn about 1888
NuttHugh born about 1916
NuttRobert Jborn about 1876
NuttRoberta born about 1883
NuttSusie born about 1892

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O Surnames

OakleyBettie Leeborn about 1936
OakleyCharles born about 1898
OakleyE Jborn about 1920
OakleyElenora born about 1894
OakleyFred born about 1907
OakleyFred born about 1930
OakleyGeorge born about 1918
OakleyJerry born about 1939
OakleyJim born about 1877
OakleyJohn born about 1872
OakleyLennie born about 1892
OakleyLeonard born about 1922
OakleySterling born about 1920
OakleyThomas born about 1924
OakleyTom born about 1893
OakleyVirgie born about 1900
OhairAlbert born about 1905
OhairBessie born about 1912
OhairCharlie born about 1894
OhairGertha born about 1924
OhairGlace born about 1885
OhairJames born about 1938
OhairJohn born about 1883
OhairJohn born about 1939
OhairJohny Mayborn about 1911
OhairJosephine born about 1932
OhairLennie born about 1901
OhairMartha born about 1851
OhairMary born about 1904
OhairMary born about 1911
OhairRobert born about 1909
OhairRobert Cborn about 1926
OhairWill born about 1872
OrrAudrey born about 1923
OrrBessie born about 1894
OrrBeulah born about 1902
OrrBobby Geneborn about 1932
OrrBonnie Ruthborn about 1928
OrrDave born about 1898
OrrEarnest born about 1917
OrrErma born about 1920
OrrFrancis born about 1923
OrrGenevieve born about 1926
OrrHarley born about 1921
OrrJames born about 1938
OrrJoy born about 1940
OrrLois born about 1919
OrrSam born about 1893
OrrTroy born about 1939
OrrVonnie born about 1936
OrrWillie born about 1905

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P Surnames

PackGerledean born about 1922
PackRonald born about 1925
PannellBell born about 1873
ParhamDaisy born about 1885
ParinoMartha Aborn about 1934
PaschalBobbie Jborn about 1935
PaschalGreen born about 1904
PaschalGreen born about 1937
PaschalHelen born about 1931
PaschalIrene born about 1933
PaschalJohn Aborn about 1940
PaschalLee Hborn about 1927
PaschalLilla Mayborn about 1926
PaschalLouis born about 1925
PaschalSarah born about 1905
PaschalSarah born about 1930
PattilloBen born about 1888
PattilloBennie born about 1935
PattilloBetty Jeanborn about 1931
PattilloClarinda born about 1886
PattilloEdmund born about 1867
PattilloEthel born about 1891
PattilloH Zborn about 1923
PattilloHowell born about 1878
PattilloJimmie Fborn about 1933
PattilloJo born about 1936
PattilloJohn born about 1938
PattilloJunior born about 1934
PattilloMarian born about 1926
PattilloMary born about 1862
PattilloSallie born about 1931
PattilloTom born about 1857
PattilloViola born about 1901
PerryDorothy born about 1936
PetersonBettie born about 1868
PetersonRuff born about 1856
PhelpsO Hborn about 1882
PhilipsPurdy born about 1881
PierceCurtis born about 1931
PierceFoster born about 1877
PierceJames born about 1904
PierceJames Dborn about 1928
PierceJewell born about 1901
PierceJim Buckborn about 1935
PierceJulia born about 1902
PierceLarry Bborn about 1935
PierceLester born about 1911
PierceMamie Ruthborn about 1937
PierceMarlin born about 1930
PierceMertyce born about 1930
PierceWinnie born about 1933
PolkGenna born about 1919
PrerosHenrietta born about 1923
PuerfoyLemon born about 1907
PuerfoyNellie born about 1918
PuerfoyPearline born about 1935
PurdyS Kborn about 1886
PurdyWannie born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReedBillie Ruthborn about 1938
ReedJack Deanborn about 1939
ReedVera born about 1921
ReedWilliam born about 1912
ReevesCaritola born about 1919
ReevesJohn born about 1884
ReevesMary Eborn about 1895
ReevesMary Sueborn about 1922
ReevesWilliam born about 1856
RigganAlva born about 1905
RigganAmy born about 1915
RigganBillie Rayborn about 1935
RigganBobby Grayborn about 1939
RigganCarolyn born about 1935
RigganColter born about 1901
RigganDannie born about 1940
RigganDow born about 1920
RigganEddie born about 1883
RigganElva born about 1905
RigganEthel born about 1906
RigganEvie born about 1885
RigganFannie born about 1875
RigganHiram Jborn about 1867
RigganHorace born about 1913
RigganHouston born about 1869
RigganHouston born about 1928
RigganJeraline born about 1920
RigganJermis born about 1922
RigganJessie born about 1897
RigganJewel born about 1906
RigganJewel Deanborn about 1933
RigganJuanita born about 1931
RigganJune born about 1936
RigganKathleen born about 1922
RigganLelia born about 1898
RigganLeona born about 1898
RigganLetha Maeborn about 1910
RigganLewis born about 1893
RigganMurl born about 1919
RigganPatsy Carolynborn about 1937
RigganQuinton born about 1925
RigganReece born about 1926
RigganWanda Leeborn about 1926
RigganWarren born about 1924
RobinsonJimmie born about 1906
RogersAllie born about 1905
RogersAlva Wylieborn about 1923
RogersArtie born about 1908
RogersBetty born about 1929
RogersBillie Clydeborn about 1925
RogersClaude born about 1900
RogersClyde born about 1900
RogersJuff born about 1871
RogersMargaret born about 1871
RogersMary born about 1904
RogersVirginia Louborn about 1940
RosersAlice born about 1895
RosersEvelyn born about 1927
RosersW Aborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ScarboroughGlenn born about 1905
ScarboroughPearl born about 1903
ScudderDavid born about 1936
ScudderFloyd born about 1894
ScudderGertrude born about 1896
ScudderHerbert born about 1917
ScudderHugh born about 1921
ScudderJames born about 1939
ScudderJuanita born about 1927
ScudderMary Sueborn about 1926
ScudderRobert born about 1894
ScudderWinnie Eborn about 1933
SelfRonald born about 1924
ShaddockAnita born about 1939
ShaddockDonald Leeborn about 1936
ShaddockFranklyn born about 1909
ShaddockJosephine born about 1911
SimsAlfred born about 1922
SimsChester born about 1934
SimsInfant born about 1940
SimsJennie born about 1889
SimsLouis born about 1887
SimsMerline born about 1939
SimsMurphy Leeborn about 1937
SimsTheo born about 1912
SimsTroy born about 1912
SloanBeatrice born about 1895
SloanJohn born about 1893
SmithAdline born about 1927
SmithAlberta born about 1900
SmithAlfred born about 1933
SmithAlgerine born about 1933
SmithAltonia born about 1927
SmithAndrew born about 1892
SmithArlon born about 1922
SmithBean born about 1900
SmithBen Jr born about 1937
SmithBertha born about 1926
SmithBertha Maeborn about 1939
SmithBlanchie born about 1912
SmithCaldonia born about 1931
SmithCalvin born about 1884
SmithCarrie born about 1920
SmithChancy Bborn about 1922
SmithCharlie born about 1931
SmithCharlie Bborn about 1932
SmithClarence born about 1938
SmithDavid born about 1921
SmithDonald born about 1935
SmithElsie born about 1905
SmithFlorene born about 1928
SmithFloyd born about 1931
SmithFred Dborn about 1925
SmithGeorge born about 1937
SmithGlay Jborn about 1935
SmithGovernor born about 1903
SmithGurtha born about 1895
SmithHans born about 1869
SmithHenry born about 1880
SmithHerbert born about 1918
SmithHershel Lborn about 1937
SmithHugh born about 1923
SmithIda Bellborn about 1938
SmithJanie born about 1938
SmithJarone born about 1940
SmithJesse born about 1897
SmithJesse born about 1927
SmithJim Buckborn about 1920
SmithJo Hborn about 1934
SmithJohn Mborn about 1875
SmithJudge born about 1909
SmithKatie born about 1879
SmithKatie Sueborn about 1929
SmithL Cborn about 1930
SmithLaura born about 1894
SmithLiza born about 1871
SmithLucinda born about 1925
SmithMargerine born about 1914
SmithMarline born about 1920
SmithMarshall born about 1903
SmithMarshall born about 1934
SmithMarthy Mayborn about 1940
SmithMary born about 1870
SmithMary born about 1896
SmithMary born about 1936
SmithMary Glaceborn about 1933
SmithNora born about 1899
SmithO Cborn about 1924
SmithOra born about 1915
SmithPaul Lborn about 1934
SmithRalph born about 1935
SmithRansom born about 1913
SmithRay Leaborn about 1939
SmithRichard born about 1929
SmithRobert Aborn about 1882
SmithRoberta born about 1933
SmithRobin born about 1933
SmithRosella born about 1912
SmithSanders born about 1871
SmithSanders born about 1908
SmithStella born about 1930
SmithTheodore born about 1906
SmithW Kborn about 1910
SmithWillie Maeborn about 1904
SockwellLillie Mayborn about 1919
SockwellReva Annborn about 1937
SockwellThomas born about 1939
SockwellTie born about 1909
StarksBernie born about 1926
StarksBobbie born about 1929
StarksGuy born about 1899
StarksJames born about 1886
StarksJames born about 1919
StarksM Dborn about 1912
StarksM Jborn about 1938
StarksMartha Jborn about 1885
StarksRuth born about 1903
StarksThomas born about 1909
StarksW Lborn about 1923
SteadfieldJesse born about 1912
SteadfieldKathryn born about 1936
SteadfieldLloyd born about 1902
SteadfieldLloyd born about 1939
SteedElva born about 1920
SteversonChristene born about 1900
SteversonEd born about 1897
SteversonEd Jr born about 1919
StewartBrad born about 1916
StewartGeorge Wborn about 1866
StewartVerndeda born about 1918
StilesAllie born about 1885
StilesLissie born about 1884
StilesVenson born about 1917
SullivantJ born about 1872
SwilleyThomas born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalbertAd born about 1908
TalbertAlma born about 1918
TalbertBennie born about 1939
TalbertBessie born about 1912
TalbertBeulah born about 1914
TalbertCarrol Wborn about 1910
TalbertCharles born about 1933
TalbertCurtis born about 1916
TalbertEula born about 1911
TalbertFrances born about 1928
TalbertHerman born about 1929
TalbertJuanita born about 1926
TalbertLucille born about 1924
TalbertMabel born about 1880
TalbertMack born about 1913
TalbertMary Janeborn about 1906
TalbertPattie born about 1904
TalbertRachel born about 1909
TalbertRita Janeborn about 1939
TalbertRonnie Sueborn about 1932
TalbertRoy born about 1909
TalbertRoy Alvinborn about 1935
TalbertSammie born about 1937
TalbertThan born about 1881
TalbertTherman born about 1931
TalbertThomas Dborn about 1937
TalbertWard born about 1904
TalbertWillie Bborn about 1903
TaylorAnna born about 1885
TaylorBetty born about 1911
TaylorCharlie born about 1936
TaylorDorothy born about 1910
TaylorDorothy born about 1922
TaylorEly born about 1870
TaylorFannie born about 1917
TaylorFloretha born about 1938
TaylorFrances born about 1881
TaylorGeorge born about 1908
TaylorGeorgia Maeborn about 1939
TaylorGrandison born about 1872
TaylorHallie born about 1912
TaylorHouston born about 1888
TaylorJames Aborn about 1937
TaylorJames Hborn about 1932
TaylorJohn born about 1874
TaylorLaura Maeborn about 1917
TaylorLouise born about 1923
TaylorRachel born about 1903
TaylorTom born about 1881
TaylorVerlene born about 1937
TaylorVernon born about 1933
TaylorVersie born about 1938
TaylorWalter born about 1911
TaylorWalter Jr born about 1929
TaylorWilliam Tborn about 1931
TaylorWillis born about 1928
ThomasBee born about 1891
ThomasCharlie born about 1898
ThomasElva born about 1907
ThomasF Jborn about 1925
ThomasL Vborn about 1919
ThomasWillie Maeborn about 1909
ThompsonKatie born about 1921
ThompsonMollie born about 1879
ThompsonSteve born about 1867
ThompsonVance born about 1919
ThorntonAnice born about 1918
ThorntonBettie Mayborn about 1938
ThorntonBetty born about 1932
ThorntonClyde born about 1906
ThorntonEnell born about 1926
ThorntonIda Mayborn about 1919
ThorntonJewell born about 1912
ThorntonL Cborn about 1924
ThorntonLuther born about 1896
ThorntonMaggie born about 1895
ThorntonRobert born about 1921
TolerBettie Deerborn about 1940
TolerCurtis born about 1916
TolerElliott born about 1916
TolerEmogene born about 1938
TolerJames Curtisborn about 1936
ToneyClio born about 1906
ToneyEdward born about 1924
ToneyEla born about 1906
ToneyGurthy born about 1906
ToneyJames Aborn about 1905
ToneyLouise born about 1927
ToneyLoyd born about 1922
ToneyMarley born about 1932
ToneyRay born about 1930
TreadwellLula born about 1877
TreadwellMchenry born about 1911
TreadwellR Sborn about 1872
TreadwellRubettie born about 1902
TreadwellS Wborn about 1902
TrowerHenry Leeborn about 1932
TrowerJes born about 1910
TrowerJes E Dborn about 1934
TrowerTela born about 1915
TrowerWilliam Hborn about 1932
TurnerElijah born about 1906
TurnerEtoyle born about 1917
TurnerJohn born about 1911
TurnerJohn Daleborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VarnellHarrell born about 1904
VarnellHerschel born about 1908
VarnellMinnie born about 1886
ViningBetty born about 1938
ViningFrances born about 1918
ViningJ Bborn about 1904
ViningRose born about 1937

W Surnames

WadkinsAlla Jeanborn about 1937
WadkinsAllie born about 1907
WadkinsRosa Leeborn about 1932
WadkinsTelitha born about 1917
WalkerAlpeta born about 1911
WalkerBessie born about 1939
WalkerBettie born about 1939
WalkerBulah born about 1920
WalkerConnie Mborn about 1920
WalkerDaisy born about 1936
WalkerElizabeth born about 1872
WalkerEllen born about 1925
WalkerEnnis born about 1892
WalkerEula born about 1920
WalkerFred Dborn about 1931
WalkerFredooia born about 1930
WalkerGeorge born about 1917
WalkerIola born about 1910
WalkerJ Pborn about 1925
WalkerJames Bborn about 1928
WalkerJesse born about 1938
WalkerJohn Eborn about 1927
WalkerLawrence born about 1927
WalkerLevonia born about 1938
WalkerMurphy born about 1908
WalkerMurphy Mborn about 1932
WalkerNancy Fayborn about 1931
WalkerOllie Mayborn about 1929
WalkerOzell Hborn about 1904
WalkerSampson born about 1915
WalkerSmith Ednaborn about 1909
WalkerThomas born about 1934
WalkerTrudy born about 1914
WalkerWalker born about 1937
WalkerWayne born about 1939
WalkerWilliam born about 1907
WalkerWilliam Wborn about 1934
WallaceAnna born about 1911
WallaceBruce born about 1938
WallaceClem born about 1910
WallaceDelora born about 1921
WallaceEldon born about 1934
WallaceElla born about 1882
WallaceElvin born about 1896
WallaceErnest born about 1906
WallaceHally born about 1909
WallaceJettie born about 1898
WallaceJewell born about 1903
WallaceMargie born about 1930
WallaceMattie born about 1895
WallaceMaude born about 1902
WallaceMerle born about 1936
WallaceMilton born about 1895
WallaceMrs J Rborn about 1872
WallaceMyles born about 1931
WallaceOudia Fayborn about 1928
WallaceRayburn born about 1929
WallaceRose Ellaborn about 1939
WallaceRuby born about 1914
WallaceSam born about 1892
WallaceWilliam born about 1870
WarrenDave born about 1860
WarrenJuke born about 1895
WarrenSylvia born about 1911
WeatherfordStephen born about 1884
WestBertie born about 1915
WestElla Fayeborn about 1940
WestHughie born about 1910
WestbrookAlene born about 1912
WestbrookBen born about 1885
WestbrookBudd born about 1900
WestbrookC Tborn about 1919
WestbrookCathrene born about 1937
WestbrookCorene born about 1924
WestbrookDock born about 1921
WestbrookEthel Bborn about 1908
WestbrookGreen born about 1860
WestbrookHarry born about 1925
WestbrookHorace Gborn about 1931
WestbrookIola born about 1930
WestbrookJohn Hborn about 1918
WestbrookLawrence born about 1931
WestbrookLizzie born about 1891
WestbrookMargaret born about 1880
WestbrookWilliam born about 1865
WestbrookWillie born about 1906
WestbrookWillie Cborn about 1933
WestbrooksHenry born about 1902
WestbrooksHenry Jr born about 1925
WestbrooksHugh born about 1922
WestbrooksMamie born about 1927
WestbrooksMollie born about 1904
WestbrooksOle Maeborn about 1938
WhiteDorothy Maeborn about 1926
WhiteMalinda born about 1905
WhiteNapoleon born about 1928
WhitenerEldora born about 1911
WhitenerMalcomb born about 1935
WhitenerSam born about 1912
WilliamsAmie born about 1892
WilliamsAmie Leeborn about 1932
WilliamsAnna Lborn about 1928
WilliamsBelly Bborn about 1930
WilliamsBillie born about 1923
WilliamsBob born about 1888
WilliamsCarolyn born about 1933
WilliamsCarrie born about 1900
WilliamsCharlie born about 1916
WilliamsCharline born about 1939
WilliamsDaniel born about 1858
WilliamsEtella born about 1927
WilliamsGemina born about 1923
WilliamsGeorge born about 1879
WilliamsGeorge born about 1923
WilliamsGeorge Eborn about 1886
WilliamsHattie Mborn about 1924
WilliamsJ Lborn about 1896
WilliamsJohn born about 1874
WilliamsLouise born about 1920
WilliamsMary born about 1908
WilliamsNorma Leeborn about 1925
WilliamsRobert born about 1922
WilliamsSue born about 1910
WilliamsVerline born about 1933
WilliamsW Grayborn about 1926
WilliamsW Wborn about 1888
WillisFranklyn born about 1935
WillisGeorge Hborn about 1883
WillisLennie born about 1900
WillisPolly Sueborn about 1939
WillisWilliam born about 1933
WilsonJames born about 1886
WilsonJulia born about 1889
WilsonLorene born about 1917
WithiasLutherine born about 1933
WoodBessie born about 1920
WoodJ Mborn about 1878
WoodSarah Jborn about 1880
WoomackDora born about 1884
WylieAgnes born about 1905
WylieAlbert born about 1911
WylieAnnie Beeborn about 1905
WylieAnylen born about 1922
WylieAubrey born about 1918
WylieB Lborn about 1883
WylieBice born about 1927
WylieChlora born about 1908
WylieDave born about 1931
WylieDick born about 1923
WylieDickey born about 1916
WylieDouglas born about 1938
WylieEdith Woomackborn about 1919
WylieElizabeth Annborn about 1931
WylieGene born about 1929
WylieHanna Eborn about 1895
WylieHarris born about 1907
WylieHelen born about 1921
WylieJames Harrisborn about 1935
WylieJaye born about 1937
WylieJim born about 1887
WylieJim born about 1900
WylieJimmie born about 1935
WylieJohn born about 1893
WylieJohn Henryborn about 1925
WylieJoseph Gborn about 1879
WylieJulia born about 1899
WylieLois born about 1893
WylieMary born about 1886
WylieMary Louborn about 1934
WylieMinnie born about 1907
WylieOla born about 1912
WyliePaul born about 1909
WyliePeter Kborn about 1891
WyliePhyllis born about 1923
WylieR Dborn about 1891
WylieRoss born about 1880
WylieSusan born about 1924
WylieThunie born about 1891
WylieWanda Jr born about 1938
WylieWilma born about 1898
WymerEthel born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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