1940 U.S. Federal Census of Crooked Creek in Lonoke County, Lonoke, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Lonoke County > 1940 Census of Crooked Creek in Lonoke County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamAlfred born about 1909
AbrahamJoe born about 1866
AbrahamKitty born about 1884
AbramsBasil born about 1915
AbramsMarie born about 1918
AbramsShelby Jeanborn about 1937
AcderisonJinn born about 1900
AdamsClarine born about 1935
AdamsEmry* Leeborn about 1925
AdamsFannie born about 1899
AdamsFrankie born about 1928
AdamsGus born about 1902
AdamsMildred born about 1921
AdamsRosetta born about 1929
AlbersonBennie born about 1926
AlbersonClifford born about 1925
AlbersonJ Fborn about 1898
AlbersonLoure born about 1931
AlbersonStella born about 1900
AlbersonWilliam born about 1924
AldersonLillie born about 1914
AldersonMary born about 1874
AldersonWillie born about 1913
AlexanderA Lborn about 1860
AlexanderMary born about 1874
AlexianderCarrie born about 1875
AllenD Dborn about 1891
AllenEmma born about 1882
AllenFrankie Bborn about 1928
AllenJ Cborn about 1884
AllenJ Cborn about 1936
AllenJoe H??dborn about 1870
AllenSilas born about 1892
AllenWalter born about 1863
AmbersFrankie born about 1899
AmbersRobert born about 1895
AnderisonLottie born about 1917
AndersonFrank born about 1862
ArmstrongGladys born about 1925
ArmstrongJ Oborn about 1895
ArmstrongOla born about 1905
AshleyBilly Eborn about 1940
AshleyJ Fborn about 1905
AshleyJames Lborn about 1935
AshleyJoyce Dborn about 1938
AshleyMamie born about 1909
AustinMildred Jborn about 1937
AydlottBlanch born about 1879
AydlottEdwin born about 1885
AyersA Cborn about 1919
AyersBernice born about 1926
AyersClive born about 1879
AyersColombius born about 1885
AyersEthel born about 1886
AyersLenard born about 1921
AyersMary born about 1900
AyersWillie born about 1923
AyresC Sborn about 1879
AyresEthel born about 1886
AyresLeonard born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyCharles Eborn about 1894
BaileyMary born about 1902
BaileyZorihner* born about 1901
BakerAnnie born about 1891
BakerD Gborn about 1883
BallAnna born about 1885
BallBetty Jeanborn about 1932
BallBilly Earlborn about 1937
BallBobbie Lewisborn about 1938
BallEd born about 1910
BallGus born about 1891
BallIda born about 1913
BallJune born about 1923
BallLewis born about 1914
BallMildred born about 1935
BallOleta born about 1920
BallSemil born about 1926
BankheadAngline born about 1917
BankheadCliffton born about 1905
BankheadJulia born about 1910
BankheadPearlie born about 1910
BankheadR Bborn about 1877
BankheadScraps born about 1915
BankheadWillie born about 1892
BanksEthel Leeborn about 1929
BanksLee born about 1888
BanksMattie born about 1889
BarnsBeatrice born about 1916
BarnsClaud born about 1923
BarnsJames born about 1883
BarnsJoe born about 1919
BarnsJosie born about 1921
BarnsJuanita born about 1937
BarnsLennie born about 1928
BarnsRosie born about 1886
BarnsWilliam born about 1925
BawmanJames born about 1910
BayneAppless born about 1871
BayneApplus born about 1871
BayneC P Jrborn about 1915
BayneGladys born about 1914
BayneJinnie Carlotteborn about 1936
BedfordWill born about 1890
BellEarnest born about 1903
BellEarnestine born about 1928
BellEdward born about 1923
BellJulius born about 1930
BellLeona born about 1933
BellLoyd born about 1938
BellManuie born about 1903
BellRuth born about 1936
BensonJulia born about 1885
BensonTom born about 1874
BentzAugust born about 1888
BentzNanie born about 1916
BerrymanBurrell born about 1922
BerrymanEtta born about 1903
BerrymanJ Wborn about 1927
BerrymanJohn born about 1894
BerrymanLucile born about 1940
BerrymanMary Janeborn about 1934
BerrymanMavis born about 1924
BerrymanR Bborn about 1939
BerrymanRuby born about 1931
BerrymanSylvester born about 1929
BishopMary born about 1897
BlackmanBilly Rayborn about 1931
BlackmanDaisy born about 1921
BlackmanFreddie born about 1920
BlackmanGeorge born about 1885
BlackmanLockie Fayborn about 1909
BlackmanOla born about 1883
BlackmanWilliam born about 1908
BlandMary Ireanborn about 1928
BlueCameron born about 1911
BlueJeasie born about 1922
BlueLouise born about 1910
BlueViolet born about 1925
BobMalinda born about 1886
BobMay born about 1872
BoldenAndrew born about 1906
BoldenEner Mayborn about 1909
BoldenKatie born about 1875
BolesMissouri born about 1907
BolesSon born about 1907
BoltAnnie born about 1892
BoltDollie born about 1924
BoltJame Wborn about 1888
BoltJames Jr born about 1923
BorbaksL Bborn about 1902
BorbaksW Cborn about 1900
BowenFannie born about 1904
BowenLillie born about 1903
BowenS Hborn about 1935
BowenT Bborn about 1881
BoxDavid born about 1937
BoxIrene born about 1913
BoxPat born about 1913
BoxPatsy born about 1933
BoyneEdith born about 1903
BoyneFred Dborn about 1891
BoyringtonEarnestine born about 1939
BoyringtonEffie born about 1908
BoyringtonElmer born about 1937
BoyringtonEvyln born about 1939
BoyringtonWalter born about 1916
BradfordBenjamin born about 1923
BradleyHenry born about 1887
BradleyViola born about 1899
BrantlyIrvin Tborn about 1908
BrantlyRuby born about 1910
BrantlyThomas born about 1940
BrantlyVrkce* born about 1934
BrazilBetty Joeborn about 1927
BrazilHelen born about 1935
BrazilLester born about 1936
BrazilLovie born about 1924
BrazilLucian born about 1896
BrazilMae born about 1906
BrazilVanita born about 1930
BrazilVirginia born about 1938
BreckenridgeDovie Leeborn about 1920
BreckenridgeJ Wborn about 1939
BreckenridgeWyalt born about 1914
BrewerDavid born about 1935
BrewerEdith born about 1910
BrewerJack born about 1930
BrewerJohn born about 1927
BrewerJohn Leeborn about 1903
BrewerSammie born about 1939
BriggsHarry born about 1893
BriggsSammie born about 1904
BronsonLaura born about 1876
BronsonNellie Gborn about 1923
BrownBetty born about 1938
BrownBetty born about 1939
BrownCarroll Leeborn about 1935
BrownClifford born about 1889
BrownClifford born about 1924
BrownDelhert born about 1928
BrownDeloris born about 1937
BrownEarl born about 1906
BrownHarold born about 1934
BrownHazel born about 1931
BrownHenry born about 1916
BrownJoe born about 1904
BrownLee Lborn about 1884
BrownMada born about 1916
BrownMadie born about 1917
BrownPrimer born about 1912
BrownSevern born about 1931
BrownVernon born about 1936
BryantJoe Mborn about 1915
BryantJulius born about 1917
BryantMattie born about 1881
BryantViola born about 1914
BurchettJ Mborn about 1891
BurchettJessie Oborn about 1906
BurilsonGladys Mborn about 1918
BurksEverit born about 1916
BurksMary born about 1891
BurksMary Kborn about 1940
BurksOnie Bellborn about 1918
BurksWilliam born about 1913
BurnsEvelyn born about 1914
BurnsKay Wborn about 1892
BurnsNille born about 1891
BurnsRobert born about 1899
BurnsSophia born about 1908
BurtonBetty born about 1898
BurtonEdward born about 1930
BurtonEmma Deanborn about 1932
BurtonJ Dborn about 1925
BurtonR Jborn about 1918
BurtonRae born about 1938
BurtonW Gborn about 1886
BurtonWilliam born about 1917
ButlerMissouri born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalvinE Manuelborn about 1890
CalvinFreddie born about 1925
CampFlorence born about 1917
CampHarley Lborn about 1913
CampNola Jborn about 1938
CampbellCharles Eborn about 1929
CampbellJennie Vborn about 1907
CampbellLillie born about 1899
CampbellLloyd born about 1899
CampbellMark Nborn about 1891
CampbellThelma born about 1909
CampbellWalter Eborn about 1901
CarDennis born about 1936
CarterBilly Joborn about 1935
CarterChas Dborn about 1937
CarterClide born about 1918
CarterElgin Pborn about 1888
CarterElgin Jr born about 1926
CarterElhert born about 1920
CarterJoe Eborn about 1913
CarterLola Mborn about 1887
CarterRosie born about 1920
CarterRuby Mborn about 1913
CheecksFrank born about 1930
CheecksHelen Louiseborn about 1937
CheecksJimmie born about 1932
CheecksLee Chuksborn about 1908
CheecksMary Jeanborn about 1928
CheecksMillie born about 1908
CheekAllen born about 1917
CheekJessie born about 1916
CheekJimmie born about 1903
CheeksClide born about 1899
ChestorMattie born about 1879
ChestorW Mborn about 1874
ChukeJim born about 1862
ChukePark born about 1865
ClarkElnora born about 1935
ClarkFelix born about 1937
ClarkJimmie born about 1901
ClarkJoe born about 1929
ClarkMattie Leeborn about 1923
ClarkRose Aliceborn about 1925
ClarkS Cborn about 1931
ClarkWavely born about 1900
ClarkWavely Leeborn about 1921
ClatonGladys born about 1915
ClatonWillie born about 1907
ClaudAlice born about 1911
ClaytonAnn born about 1918
CliggmnByrd born about 1889
CliggmnClaudio born about 1929
CliggmnDougless born about 1927
CliggmnFredie born about 1889
CliggmnGussie Mborn about 1925
CliggmnHerman born about 1916
CliggmnOtho Leeborn about 1923
CloudAuthor born about 1891
CloudCecil born about 1937
CloudElizabeth born about 1895
CloudHarold Deanborn about 1936
CloudJunior born about 1932
CloudPearl born about 1914
CloudThalia Annborn about 1938
CloudW Rborn about 1914
CoburnBiel born about 1933
CoburnCliffton born about 1927
CoburnJack born about 1918
CoburnJim born about 1910
CoburnJohn Tborn about 1886
CoburnKatherine born about 1931
CoburnMarion born about 1929
CoburnMinnie born about 1911
CoffemanEdward born about 1939
ColcloughAdie Mborn about 1926
ColcloughArthur born about 1931
ColcloughCarrel Cborn about 1902
ColcloughCarrel Jr born about 1930
ColcloughDaivid born about 1935
ColcloughEthel Lborn about 1934
ColcloughFrank born about 1862
ColcloughFrank born about 1925
ColcloughHettie Mborn about 1906
ColcloughRosie Lborn about 1928
ColcloughWillie born about 1937
ColemanAnderison Jborn about 1889
ColemanCecil born about 1921
ColemanCharley born about 1928
ColemanDonne born about 1900
ColemanDorthy born about 1932
ColemanEugene born about 1924
ColemanJohn Aborn about 1882
ColemanLue born about 1892
ColemanMargarete born about 1934
ColemanNancy born about 1926
ColemanRandolph born about 1907
ColemanWillie born about 1907
ColhertHershel born about 1918
ColhertSybol born about 1924
ColhounVictoria born about 1922
CookBeatrice born about 1908
CookCalvin born about 1879
CoxWilliam Sborn about 1871
CrausbyWaller born about 1887
CrawfordBeatrice born about 1918
CrawfordDavis Leeborn about 1937
CrawfordJimmie Carlborn about 1938
CrawfordJuanita born about 1922
CrawfordLeo born about 1911
CrawfordMargarete born about 1934
CrawfordPearline born about 1932
CrawfordVivian born about 1939
CrawfordWoodroe born about 1919
CrocketGeorgia born about 1873
CrosbyW Fborn about 1898
CrouchAlean born about 1917
CrouchAnna born about 1905
CrouchBenigam born about 1937
CrouchBessie born about 1925
CrouchChester born about 1912
CrouchDorothy born about 1930
CrouchEllen born about 1932
CrouchEugene born about 1938
CrouchGertha born about 1923
CrouchJ Cborn about 1936
CrouchJames born about 1928
CrouchJames born about 1936
CrouchJohn born about 1912
CrouchJonnie born about 1917
CrouchLucile born about 1922
CrouchOna Estelborn about 1939
CrouchThurman born about 1916
CrowderJohnie born about 1915
CrumptonSuevilla born about 1892
CupitDorothy born about 1915
CupitEarl born about 1923
CupitHenry born about 1877
CupitJulia born about 1917
CupitMattie born about 1891
CupitPearl born about 1920
CupitRalph born about 1925
CurtinAlvin born about 1924
CurtinCalvin born about 1922
CurtinClarence born about 1925
CurtinDulie Jborn about 1906
CurtinFlay Tborn about 1927
CurtinHarold born about 1936
CurtinKatherine born about 1933
CurtinMaudie born about 1902
CurtinMaxine Jborn about 1929
CurtinOtis Vborn about 1939
CurtinRaymond born about 1931
CurtinTommie born about 1900
CurtinWilliam Fborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DancyJoe born about 1884
DancyMattie born about 1890
DanielsEllen born about 1895
DanielsLouis born about 1873
DanielsLouis Jr born about 1927
DavisBillie Fborn about 1932
DavisLeaton born about 1902
DavisRay Jr born about 1919
DavisRoy born about 1899
DavisSallie Iborn about 1926
DavisWilliam born about 1934
DeanMagie born about 1890
DempsyCharles born about 1938
DempsyDavid born about 1940
DempsyDonald Leeborn about 1932
DempsyElla Maeborn about 1930
DempsyFlanery born about 1906
DempsyJuanita born about 1936
DempsyMyrtle born about 1934
DempsyNell born about 1904
DienerEugina born about 1898
DienerLouis born about 1925
DienerViolet born about 1909
DienerWill born about 1888
DienerWillie born about 1921
DillardLaura born about 1895
DillardMabel born about 1925
DillardSam Jr born about 1927
DillardSon born about 1894
DismukeAudie born about 1909
DismukeCharles born about 1932
DismukeHattie born about 1888
DismukeJ Eborn about 1875
DismukeRobert born about 1908
DismukeTom born about 1909
DobbsAdron born about 1891
Doby??? born about 1898
DobyMernvine born about 1923
DobyNapoleon born about 1883
DobyO Dborn about 1921
DobyRosie Leeborn about 1925
DolphinBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
DolphinEstella born about 1916
DolphinGere born about 1897
DolphinGladys born about 1920
DolphinMary born about 1863
DolphinMary born about 1888
DolphinNoy born about 1913
DorrisCleophas born about 1927
DorrisGladys born about 1934
DorrisHelen born about 1922
DorrisJosiah born about 1931
DorrisLennette born about 1936
DorrisMary Francisborn about 1929
DorrisReecie born about 1926
DorrisRuth born about 1924
DorrisVergil born about 1887
DorrisVergil Jr born about 1921
DorrisVersie born about 1903
DriverEugine born about 1898
DriverLevis born about 1925
DriverViolet born about 1909
DriverWill born about 1887
DriverWillie born about 1921
DukeAlbina born about 1923
DukeFlory born about 1930
DukeHenry born about 1891
DukeHenry born about 1936
DukeLee Etherborn about 1928
DukeLillie born about 1903
DukeLouise born about 1924
DukeMary Annborn about 1926
DukeSylvester born about 1937
DuncanEarnest born about 1898
DuncanEllen born about 1871
DurdenBetty Fborn about 1931
DurdenCarl born about 1907
DurdenHelen born about 1930
DurdenImogene born about 1933
DurdenJessie born about 1914
DurdenLewis born about 1913
DurdenWellie born about 1906
DuvallEuleta born about 1932
DuvallLester born about 1901
DuvallNorma born about 1926
DuvallOswel born about 1930
DuvallPauline born about 1936
DuvallVesta born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarnhartEva born about 1900
EarnhartWilliam born about 1928
EdwardsFrank born about 1912
EdwardsHenry born about 1900
EdwardsHosie born about 1929
EdwardsJ Dborn about 1927
EdwardsJessie born about 1914
EdwardsPiller born about 1905
EdwardsRosie Rossborn about 1917
EilluroeLeonard born about 1907
EllisEmma Leeborn about 1920
EllisFlora Deanborn about 1940
EllisJessie born about 1916
EppsOllie born about 1909
EvansAlbert born about 1901
EvansAlbert born about 1937
EvansCharley born about 1899
EvansGeneva born about 1935
EvansMark born about 1915
EvansUla Cborn about 1940
EvansZola born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarmerBilly Frankborn about 1937
FarmerDavid Joeborn about 1939
FarmerMargie born about 1919
FarmerWilliam born about 1916
FayAlvin born about 1883
FayLizie born about 1884
FergusonAuthor Jborn about 1921
FergusonJulia Mborn about 1917
FergusonRachel born about 1918
FergusonRuby Vborn about 1920
FergusonW M Nborn about 1880
FerrilloJohn born about 1886
FerrilloMillie Annborn about 1885
FilbewThedoais born about 1928
FisherElnoria born about 1916
FisherEmma born about 1888
FisherEthel Mayborn about 1935
FisherJessie born about 1921
FisherJoe Nborn about 1939
FisherJohn born about 1910
FisherMary Bellborn about 1919
FisherNorris born about 1916
FlanneryHomer born about 1917
FlanneryRoxie born about 1920
FlowersJeannie born about 1916
FlowersMike born about 1939
FlowersShannon born about 1916
FranklinIra Gborn about 1935
FranklinThamajeor* born about 1937
FraysJ Cborn about 1926
FrizzellBetty Joborn about 1939
FrizzellBilly born about 1929
FrizzellBobbie born about 1935
FrizzellEdgar born about 1911
FrizzellJess Mborn about 1883
FrizzellJessie born about 1916
FrizzellJessie Rborn about 1933
FrizzellMartin born about 1925
FrizzellMary Eborn about 1892
FrostA Jborn about 1854
FulmerCarl born about 1906
FulmerKennith born about 1931
FulmerRuby born about 1910

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G Surnames

GainsEarly born about 1912
GalleherArnold born about 1926
GalleherBillie born about 1936
GalleherH??ry born about 1913
GalleherJ Dborn about 1922
GalleherMargie born about 1916
GantIda born about 1885
GantJerry born about 1864
GareyAnna born about 1902
GareyBen born about 1935
GareyFlossie Maeborn about 1933
GareyHenry Leeborn about 1937
GareyJohn born about 1901
GareyJohnnie born about 1931
GareyLizzie born about 1893
GareyMitchel born about 1883
GarrisonArlene born about 1920
GarrisonBeatrice born about 1926
GarrisonEdith born about 1901
GarrisonEdwar Jborn about 1901
GarrisonJames born about 1922
GarrisonJohn born about 1897
GarrisonWoodrow born about 1920
GarrisonWynona born about 1930
GarrittJessie born about 1912
GarrittLuther born about 1910
GarryBen born about 1880
GarryMakely born about 1894
GarryS H Infantborn about 1940
GayGlorydean born about 1938
GayJohn born about 1913
GayLillian born about 1911
GayMary born about 1888
GayRosemary born about 1936
GayWillie born about 1910
GentryJackie born about 1939
GentryJanie born about 1933
GentryJohn Paulborn about 1937
GentryJuanita born about 1935
GentryKenneth born about 1907
GentryPrudie born about 1908
GilbertAnna born about 1912
GilbertBossie born about 1904
GilbertEdwin born about 1935
GilbertElgin born about 1927
GilbertJonnie born about 1938
GilbertJunior born about 1934
GillardJohn born about 1852
GillardLezie born about 1862
GloverDavid born about 1925
GloverGeorge born about 1876
GloverHattie born about 1877
GloverLula born about 1878
GloverWesley born about 1854
GloverWesley born about 1860
GoldinRuby Mayborn about 1922
GomillionEddie born about 1889
GomillionEmma born about 1890
GordenMurry born about 1889
GordonJohn born about 1882
GravettAlbert born about 1913
GravettBobbie Leeborn about 1933
GravettJohn Albertborn about 1939
GravettLary born about 1937
GravettMarie born about 1917
GravittEthel born about 1889
GravittLouis born about 1908
GrayMary born about 1906
GrayThomas born about 1910
GreenAlcie born about 1874
GreenW Pborn about 1870
GreenZeb born about 1863
GregoryBuford born about 1931
GregoryDell born about 1926
GregoryEdward born about 1928
GregoryLawrance born about 1933
GregoryOla born about 1896
GregoryT Lborn about 1923
GregoryThomas born about 1894
GriffithJohn born about 1919
GriffithLovetta born about 1923
GriggsGeorgia Annaborn about 1938
GriggsIda B Vborn about 1940
GriggsLillie born about 1935
GriggsMelvin born about 1937
GriggsMurry born about 1931
GriggsRuth born about 1911
GrimmageEdith born about 1860
GuffinCharlie Maeborn about 1932
GuffinMildred born about 1928
GunterAnnie Maeborn about 1927
GunterBen born about 1890
GunterBethel born about 1911
GunterBruce born about 1937
GunterBuddy born about 1916
GunterC Jborn about 1923
GunterGrady born about 1914
GunterWillie born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HainsAmelia born about 1875
HainsFrank born about 1876
HainsHattie born about 1878
HainsWill born about 1882
HalemanBeatrice born about 1927
HalemanHarrison born about 1924
HalemanMargie born about 1930
HalemanThomas born about 1928
HalfordBea born about 1924
HalfordBert born about 1894
HalfordHattie born about 1895
HalfordMartha born about 1923
HalfordSherman born about 1916
HalfordStella born about 1922
HalliburtonAlice born about 1881
HalliburtonR Eborn about 1879
HalliburtonRosine born about 1923
HallunThomas born about 1937
HammonsCaloa born about 1921
HammonsD Hborn about 1870
HammonsL Hborn about 1891
HammonsLottie Mborn about 1910
HammonsSevanna born about 1905
HammonsSevanna Jr born about 1930
HamptonJohn born about 1886
HamptonRoberta born about 1886
HancockJoan born about 1932
HancockLouise born about 1909
HansellBillie Jborn about 1937
HansellCharles Jessieborn about 1901
HansellChas Jr born about 1933
HansellClarence born about 1939
HansellElle born about 1905
HansellJessie Pborn about 1932
HansellLola born about 1917
HansellPatsie Mborn about 1937
HansellRuby Iborn about 1925
HansellShirle Jborn about 1939
HansellThomas born about 1914
HansellVelma Fborn about 1936
HarbinBillie Dorisborn about 1932
HarbinClarece born about 1935
HarbinEdward born about 1912
HarbinLizzie born about 1911
HardinCannie born about 1896
HardinEmery born about 1895
HardinSammie born about 1924
HarkinEdna born about 1906
HarmonRhely born about 1920
HarmonThomas born about 1917
HarrisEffie born about 1921
HarrisHarlen born about 1933
HarrisJay Gerildborn about 1920
HarrisJohnnie born about 1926
HarrisMarcell born about 1930
HarrisMargaret born about 1919
HarrisMyrtal born about 1892
HarrisRuby born about 1914
HarrisWash born about 1893
HarrisonA born about 1874
HarrisonI Wborn about 1936
HarrisonJuanita born about 1924
HarrisonLoretta born about 1926
HarrisonNelie born about 1877
HarrisonRay born about 1928
HarrisonRuth born about 1909
HarrisonSmith born about 1903
HartsMarshell born about 1935
HartsOrlana born about 1933
HartsSylvaster born about 1936
HarvillAddie Rborn about 1893
HaskinGene born about 1921
HaskinLena born about 1885
HaskinWalter born about 1890
HaskinsAlbert born about 1906
HaskinsEtta born about 1905
HearringRichard born about 1913
HenryJ Wborn about 1851
HenryLena born about 1868
HiceCarols born about 1939
HiceGeorge born about 1915
HiceJames born about 1937
HiceLona born about 1919
HicksAlbert born about 1912
HicksCallie born about 1878
HicksEldonia born about 1935
HicksJames born about 1917
HicksJoe born about 1885
HicksLily Mayborn about 1918
HicksMagnolia born about 1933
HicksMarie born about 1937
HicksRobert born about 1915
HicksRosie Mayborn about 1920
HillAlbert born about 1919
HillDock born about 1888
HillFrances born about 1939
HillFrank born about 1906
HillHelen born about 1939
HillJeneddie born about 1911
HillJenolden born about 1938
HillLawrence born about 1919
HillNora Sborn about 1922
HillSarah born about 1920
HoldenBiddie born about 1895
HoldenLouis born about 1934
HortonLawrence born about 1936
HortonMargie born about 1932
HoskinsElla born about 1858
HoucherCleo born about 1909
HoucherL Rborn about 1905
HoucherPauline born about 1927
HousleyVivian born about 1921
HousleyWilliam born about 1912
HovisEula born about 1898
HowardHattie born about 1900
HughesSam born about 1860
HumphryRosie born about 1886
HuntMajor Jr born about 1929
HuntMartha born about 1896
HutsonAgnes Aborn about 1923
HutsonBobby Jeanborn about 1931
HutsonDorothy born about 1939
HutsonLeon born about 1934
HutsonLida born about 1911
HutsonLilly Jborn about 1932
HutsonLizay Lavoneborn about 1936
HutsonLize born about 1890
HutsonLuther born about 1904
HutsonRobert born about 1927
HutsonValine born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramAlton born about 1921
IngramBeaula born about 1890
IngramChester Aborn about 1927
IngramHenry born about 1914
IngramInes Mborn about 1925
IngramJames Fborn about 1887
IngramPhilip born about 1873
IngramPhilip born about 1880
IrvinVernon born about 1892

J Surnames

JacksonEugene born about 1933
JacksonHenry born about 1908
JacksonJack born about 1891
JacksonJack Jr born about 1921
JacksonLee Annaborn about 1923
JacksonLois born about 1875
JacksonLula born about 1884
JacksonLula born about 1885
JacksonLula Sborn about 1906
JacksonMaudie Bellborn about 1916
JacksonNell born about 1896
JacksonR Lborn about 1917
JacksonR Sborn about 1917
JacksonV Mborn about 1876
JamesFrancis born about 1934
JamesHarvey born about 1891
JamesMary born about 1892
JamesRobert born about 1938
JohnsonAmanda born about 1887
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1910
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1916
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1923
JohnsonBeaula born about 1900
JohnsonBen born about 1925
JohnsonEsquire born about 1881
JohnsonEunice born about 1913
JohnsonFrank born about 1862
JohnsonFred born about 1907
JohnsonFredie Benborn about 1937
JohnsonJack born about 1918
JohnsonJames born about 1934
JohnsonMary born about 1924
JohnsonMay Leeborn about 1939
JohnsonPearl Lborn about 1938
JohnsonPearline born about 1911
JohnsonRobert Hborn about 1897
JohnsonSerey Eborn about 1917
JohnsonSkeet born about 1937
JohnsonViola born about 1916
JonesAlice born about 1902
JonesAlice Aborn about 1937
JonesAnthony born about 1892
JonesAnthony Mayborn about 1933
JonesAnthony Jr born about 1930
JonesBertie born about 1918
JonesBilly Dborn about 1938
JonesEarl born about 1924
JonesEllie born about 1872
JonesEmma born about 1923
JonesEverit born about 1927
JonesF Wborn about 1880
JonesHazel born about 1900
JonesJack born about 1932
JonesJames born about 1922
JonesJohnie born about 1938
JonesLellie born about 1925
JonesLevesta born about 1921
JonesLorene born about 1932
JonesMary Eborn about 1921
JonesMelvin born about 1935
JonesPauline born about 1934
JonesRobert Leeborn about 1894
JonesRobert Jr born about 1918
JonesSara born about 1890
JonesT Cborn about 1918
JonesThomas born about 1927
JordanClara born about 1904
JordanDoye born about 1938
JordanMildred born about 1909
JordanRaymond born about 1901
JordanRoss born about 1931
JordanShirley Annborn about 1924
JordanTom born about 1905
JurgensHazel born about 1915
JurgensPat born about 1939
JurgensSigurd born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KalleyBirtha born about 1928
KalleyClarence born about 1906
KalleyDorothy born about 1931
KalleyEmily Ruthborn about 1927
KalleyJohn born about 1939
KalleyMaggie born about 1906
KatesAnie born about 1892
KatesGrover born about 1919
KatesJohn born about 1872
KatesMary Elizabethborn about 1921
KatesMildred born about 1933
KatesOrland born about 1930
KatesVirgle born about 1921
KauykendallEarl born about 1913
KauykendallEarlene born about 1936
KauykendallJoseph born about 1937
KauykendallMary born about 1881
KauykendallSybel born about 1917
KellarAlbert born about 1923
KitchenChas born about 1890
KitchenLizy born about 1895
KressHezekih born about 1932
KressLawrence born about 1904
KressRuby born about 1903
KrisellBetty Joborn about 1931
KrisellD Lborn about 1894
KrisellEdith born about 1927
KrisellGenevia born about 1919
KrisellMargeret born about 1919
KrisellMaxine born about 1922
KrisellOtho born about 1916
KrisellWalton born about 1929
KrisellWillie born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacefieldBilly Carollborn about 1939
LacefieldCharles born about 1937
LacefieldNellie born about 1918
LacefieldW Cborn about 1917
LackyJames born about 1922
LamontCecil born about 1916
LamontJ Fborn about 1884
LamontJimmie born about 1922
LamontLillie born about 1928
LamontRachel born about 1924
LamontSarah born about 1892
LamontSarah Larueborn about 1933
LankfordJemmie Lborn about 1940
LankfordLou?? born about 1916
LankfordTom born about 1875
LansettaJohn born about 1937
LansettaLouis born about 1920
LansettaNellie born about 1921
LansettaTheresa Annborn about 1939
LeaherC Lborn about 1926
LeeElnora born about 1917
LeeTheodore born about 1908
LefureMeana born about 1916
LefureRaymond born about 1905
LenardJane born about 1879
LenardMont born about 1874
LentzCharles born about 1922
LentzCharline born about 1931
LentzJanice born about 1921
LentzMillie Normanborn about 1937
LentzThelma born about 1900
LentzW Dborn about 1892
LewisJulian born about 1919
LewisR Eborn about 1911
LindseyBrady born about 1905
LindseyBrady Jr born about 1923
LindseyBuddy born about 1934
LindseyDewight born about 1928
LindseyImogean born about 1927
LindseyKizzie born about 1905
LinzyDon born about 1924
LinzyElla born about 1932
LinzyJames born about 1934
LinzyLee Aborn about 1936
LinzyLelia born about 1927
LinzyLula born about 1927
LinzyNewt born about 1896
LinzyNewt Jr born about 1930
LinzyWillie Mborn about 1907
LloydJimmie born about 1939
LloydMyrtle born about 1914
LoftisAcil born about 1915
LoftisBetty Jeanborn about 1927
LoftisCora Eborn about 1887
LoftisDollie born about 1921
LoftisMartha born about 1854
LoftisMichel born about 1940
LoftisOswan born about 1924
LoftisPeggy born about 1938
LoftisPhillip Lborn about 1885
LoftisThurman born about 1914
LoftisTruman Lborn about 1921
LokeyBilly born about 1935
LokeyFay born about 1937
LokeyHerman born about 1909
LokeyJohn born about 1914
LokeyLois Mborn about 1934
LokeyLorene born about 1915
LokeySybal born about 1922
LongsEvelina born about 1909
LongsHenry born about 1910
LooneyCarmel born about 1922
LooneyDayle born about 1926
LooneyJ Dborn about 1919
LooneyJunior born about 1923
LooneyWarner Oborn about 1883
LoreB Lborn about 1877
LoreDaisy Bborn about 1888
LoveelaceElla born about 1900
LoveelaceJ Mborn about 1882
LovelessCalesta born about 1920
LovelessDock born about 1904
LovelessElzie born about 1933
LovelessHenriette born about 1905
LovelessJ Mborn about 1930
LovelessJewel Leonborn about 1938
LovelessLaura Maeborn about 1927
LovelessMary born about 1890
LovelessS Eborn about 1921
LovellBlanch born about 1913
LovellChester born about 1912
LucasAlice born about 1870
LucasCharles born about 1909
LynchHenry born about 1897
LynchLina born about 1912
LynchLora Maeborn about 1928
LyonsAnnie born about 1936
LyonsBeatrice born about 1915
LyonsBilly Joborn about 1932
LyonsBobbie Jborn about 1939
LyonsCharlie born about 1936
LyonsClotine born about 1929
LyonsElla Fayborn about 1938
LyonsElmer born about 1908
LyonsEthel born about 1915
LyonsEula Mayborn about 1934
LyonsGeorge born about 1927
LyonsHardy Tborn about 1891
LyonsHenry born about 1931
LyonsJewel Deayborn about 1939
LyonsJim born about 1910
LyonsJoe Benborn about 1936
LyonsJoe Jborn about 1887
LyonsJohnie born about 1930
LyonsJohnnie born about 1908
LyonsJulia born about 1925
LyonsLaura born about 1929
LyonsMack born about 1902
LyonsMack Jr born about 1926
LyonsMarie born about 1911
LyonsMary born about 1923
LyonsPatsie born about 1933
LyonsPauline born about 1931
LyonsPearl born about 1931
LyonsRuby born about 1937
LyonsRuth born about 1935
LyonsSam born about 1914
LyonsSammie Jborn about 1933
LyonsScoller born about 1935
LyonsVelle born about 1933
LyonsWalson born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MachAdison Jr born about 1927
MachE Zborn about 1922
MachIda Maeborn about 1929
MachRosie born about 1890
MachVelma born about 1924
MackIvey Deanborn about 1917
MackWilliam born about 1915
MackWillis Jeanborn about 1938
MahomeClemmie Joeborn about 1927
MahomeGeorge born about 1905
MahomeLenne born about 1924
MahomeWillie Jborn about 1926
MahomesBirtie born about 1900
MahomesWesley born about 1893
MaloneBernice born about 1927
MaloneRobert born about 1926
ManisBilly born about 1926
ManisEthel born about 1897
ManisEthel Mayborn about 1938
ManisLela born about 1906
ManisLila Mayborn about 1924
ManisMary Sueborn about 1934
ManisPaul born about 1928
ManisW Rborn about 1864
MarchisonLaura Virginiaborn about 1918
MarchisonRuth Annborn about 1893
MartinBilly Jborn about 1935
MartinBilly Jeanborn about 1935
MartinColvert born about 1923
MartinCorbet born about 1923
MartinCornilus born about 1895
MartinJoe born about 1925
MartinLena born about 1896
MartinMose born about 1874
MartinPaul born about 1929
MartinVirgiel born about 1932
MartinVirgil born about 1931
MasonBetty Lueborn about 1937
MasonEunice born about 1905
MasonEverette born about 1922
MasonJoyce born about 1933
MasonLenville born about 1928
MasonMate born about 1890
MasonMinnie born about 1892
MasonOliver born about 1926
MasonThomas Jr born about 1924
MasonTom born about 1888
MasonWodderd born about 1934
McCoyAndrew born about 1875
McCoyAndrew born about 1879
McCoyE Eborn about 1871
McCoyGeorgia born about 1895
McCoyMaria born about 1875
McCoyMarie Wborn about 1875
McCrackenAuthor born about 1877
McCrackenAuthor born about 1885
McCrackenDollie born about 1902
McCrackenDollie born about 1903
McCreetIowa born about 1885
McCreetWilliam born about 1918
McDonalRachell born about 1854
McDonaldBen born about 1895
McDonaldBessie born about 1934
McDonaldDorothy born about 1925
McDonaldGeneral born about 1921
McDonaldHarold born about 1931
McDonaldJerril born about 1937
McDonaldRebeca born about 1911
McDonaldS Dborn about 1927
McDonaldThelma Jborn about 1922
McDonaldVergie born about 1900
McDonaldWillie born about 1910
McDonaldWillie Leeborn about 1937
McElroyHattie born about 1890
McGrewG Wborn about 1919
McGrewMae Juliaborn about 1925
McGrewPhilander Cborn about 1922
McKinneyAdie Mayborn about 1918
McKinneyCharline born about 1939
McKinneyGrant born about 1912
McKinneyLeola born about 1927
McKinneyLouise born about 1889
McKinneyWillie Beaborn about 1936
McMcKinneyCharlie Lborn about 1928
McMcKinneyEva born about 1903
McMcKinneyJames Pborn about 1931
McMcKinneyMaple born about 1924
McMcKinneyS Bborn about 1932
McMcKinneyTon born about 1895
McMcKinneyWilma born about 1927
McSwainJ Bborn about 1910
McSwainJ Eborn about 1899
McSwainJ V Wborn about 1898
McSwainJulia born about 1874
McSwainRobert born about 1920
McWhorterElsie born about 1918
McWhorterHenry born about 1900
McWhorterKennith Jborn about 1936
MeriweatherAlfred born about 1895
MeriweatherCarl born about 1932
MeriweatherChas Tborn about 1935
MeriweatherElla Mayborn about 1915
MeriweatherJessie born about 1906
MeriweatherJohnie Leeborn about 1933
MeriweatherKatherine born about 1930
MeriweatherLake born about 1908
MeriweatherLaura Mborn about 1937
MeriweatherLloyd Hborn about 1939
MeriweatherLoris born about 1938
MeriweatherMarie born about 1913
MeriweatherPat born about 1932
MeriweatherRosie born about 1910
MeriweatherRoy born about 1936
MeriweatherTroy born about 1936
MeriweatherVernon born about 1911
MeriweatherWilliam born about 1936
Meyers??gentry born about 1911
MeyersAndrew Jborn about 1871
MeyersAnna Bellborn about 1916
MeyersKatie Mayborn about 1937
MillerAdelaid born about 1901
MillerCecil born about 1907
MillerCecil born about 1935
MillerChris Fborn about 1868
MillerEugene born about 1932
MillerFama born about 1918
MillerFred Wborn about 1899
MillerJelma born about 1931
MillerPaty Ruthborn about 1925
MillerPearl born about 1907
MillerVirginia born about 1924
MitchellIneze born about 1913
MitchellJessie born about 1908
MitchellNita Mayborn about 1935
MitchellReba Fayborn about 1934
MitchellShermin Kborn about 1938
MomphisHenry born about 1882
MomphisMaggie born about 1892
MomphisWillie Leeborn about 1935
MontgomeryAlford born about 1932
MontgomeryAlice born about 1934
MontgomeryChess born about 1894
MontgomeryChess Jr born about 1930
MontgomeryGladys born about 1936
MontgomeryLaura born about 1910
MontgomeryMelba born about 1939
MoodyAnna Ruthborn about 1932
MoodyElois born about 1939
MoodyHiram Rborn about 1910
MoodyMaud Leeborn about 1938
MoodyMildred born about 1930
MoodyMyrtle born about 1936
MoodyNathenial born about 1855
MoodyRobert Eborn about 1934
MoodySusie born about 1911
MooreDena born about 1933
MooreHarold Rborn about 1936
MooreHarvey born about 1913
MooreJames Cborn about 1939
MooreJudith born about 1910
MooreLouise born about 1937
MooreNettie born about 1912
MooreRay born about 1905
MooreTroy born about 1923
MorganBetty Looborn about 1932
MorganCecil born about 1921
MorganEarnest born about 1930
MorganElsie born about 1939
MorganGrace born about 1915
MorganJack born about 1903
MorganJohn born about 1874
MorganLucin Faeborn about 1918
MorganMinnie born about 1880
MorganSallie born about 1894
MorrielHelen born about 1934
MorrielWillie Leeborn about 1936
MorrisBessie Bborn about 1923
MorrisBilly born about 1925
MorrisEdward born about 1920
MorrisEthel born about 1896
MorrisEthel Mayborn about 1937
MorrisEugene born about 1931
MorrisHarold Dborn about 1938
MorrisHorace Lborn about 1935
MorrisJames Wborn about 1933
MorrisJoe born about 1903
MorrisLila Mayborn about 1923
MorrisLois born about 1911
MorrisLula born about 1906
MorrisMargie born about 1929
MorrisMary Sueborn about 1933
MorrisOllie Bborn about 1914
MorrisPaul born about 1927
MorrisRodie born about 1881
MorrisRoosevelt born about 1907
MorrisSherman born about 1880
MorrisVerna Leeborn about 1912
MorrisW Rborn about 1866
MosleyAlton born about 1932
MosleyAugusta born about 1897
MosleyConred born about 1937
MosleyElijah born about 1882
MosleyFannie born about 1933
MosleyHelen born about 1906
MosleyHerman born about 1935
MosleyHervy Rborn about 1901
MosleyHervy Jr born about 1931
MosleyIrean born about 1923
MosleyKatie born about 1901
MosleyLee Aborn about 1927
MosleyNeita Mayborn about 1931
MosleySam Jr born about 1925
MosleySamuel born about 1889
MotleyPercy born about 1932
MotleyPrecilla born about 1925
MuchisonA Gborn about 1894
MumphreyE Dborn about 1908
MumphreyNinitta born about 1910
MurphyAmilla born about 1915
MurphyMargaret Aborn about 1934
MurphyMargarite born about 1933
MurphyOrivella Eborn about 1915
MurphySara Jborn about 1873
MurphySara Janeborn about 1870
MurphyTom Wborn about 1913
MurphyWillie born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonCharley born about 1882
NelsonClarence born about 1916
NelsonMetea born about 1921
NelsonRoxy born about 1887
NewberryCarthon born about 1919
NewberryClara born about 1933
NewberryCora born about 1901
NewberryEnna born about 1925
NewberryFarris born about 1922
NewberryH Nborn about 1898
NewberryLeon born about 1928
NicholsonHenry born about 1892
NicholsonMattie born about 1899
NoblesDorothy born about 1920
NoblesFlorence born about 1887
NoblesGeorge born about 1890
NoblesHugh Eborn about 1917
NoblesMyron born about 1925
NoblsCharlene born about 1935
NoblsDoyle born about 1914
NoblsJohn Chesterborn about 1940
NoblsNellie Marieborn about 1937
NoblsRachel born about 1916
NormanHarry born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OliverClarence born about 1903
OnealGenevia born about 1889
OnealJessie born about 1884
OvertonDelie born about 1881
OvertonM Eborn about 1876
OvertonMary born about 1915
OvertonSidney born about 1917

P Surnames

PaceOtho born about 1926
PageHosea Aborn about 1903
PageNancy born about 1899
PeaceBobby Rborn about 1938
PeaceJessie born about 1918
PerisonSara born about 1897
PettyJohn born about 1861
PhillipsAdren born about 1922
PhillipsBerdie Lorisborn about 1935
PhillipsBernice born about 1924
PhillipsBirdie born about 1894
PhillipsElmer born about 1920
PhillipsErma Deanborn about 1931
PhillipsNonie born about 1926
PhillipsPendol born about 1916
PhillipsTrula Veraborn about 1936
PhillipsWilliam Dborn about 1894
PieceBobby Ruthborn about 1938
PieceJessie born about 1919
PierceA Cborn about 1932
PierceBethel born about 1928
PierceCecil born about 1922
PierceClarence born about 1918
PierceClaudy born about 1916
PierceElbert born about 1916
PierceJ Tborn about 1892
PierceMax Baerborn about 1935
PierceOtha Maeborn about 1893
PierceVirginia born about 1930
PithLewis born about 1931
PowellLoise born about 1912
PowellReba Faeborn about 1934
PowellShirley Annborn about 1935
PowellW Cborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnCleo born about 1932
QuinnJae born about 1895
QuinnJimoles born about 1893

R Surnames

RailD??er born about 1911
RailElizabeth born about 1913
RailMary born about 1934
RamseyEllie Maeborn about 1918
RamseyRobert born about 1866
RamseyRuben Cborn about 1912
RanneyLaura born about 1871
RanneyRobert born about 1891
RayCarrie born about 1894
RayNancy born about 1872
RayRobert born about 1882
RaynorCecil born about 1930
RaynorMelvin born about 1905
RaynorRosie born about 1904
ReamsArnelle born about 1914
ReamsFrank born about 1906
ReamsHarmon born about 1940
ReamsMarvie born about 1937
ReamsMattie Benborn about 1928
ReamsOze born about 1917
ReddickHumphrey born about 1883
RedmondAlbert born about 1922
RedmondBlanch born about 1901
ReedAlbert Lborn about 1882
ReedCraolina born about 1880
ReemsOga born about 1916
RhoadsAllene born about 1884
RhodesC Wborn about 1918
RhodesEthel born about 1894
RhodesFrances born about 1926
RhodesFred born about 1910
RhodesIsebella born about 1892
RhodesJames born about 1884
RhodesO Tborn about 1880
RhodesPhines born about 1928
RhodesWillie born about 1908
RichardsJohn born about 1905
RichardsonClarence born about 1939
RichardsonDavid born about 1918
RichardsonOntario Leeborn about 1939
RichardsonSevanna born about 1922
RichterWilliam Oborn about 1868
RidleyRobert born about 1884
RightEva Maeborn about 1938
RightFrank born about 1911
RightJohnnie born about 1935
RightLeroy born about 1937
RightLonie Maeborn about 1916
RightR?? Lel??born about 1940
RileyElla born about 1875
RileyLillie born about 1925
RobertAlex born about 1937
RobertAndrew born about 1930
RobertAnna Leeborn about 1930
RobertArrethia born about 1899
RobertE Tborn about 1895
RobertIvory born about 1925
RobertKatie born about 1928
RobertLeone born about 1933
RobertLester born about 1939
RobertMarie born about 1935
RobertsonJ Hborn about 1882
RobertsonPeggy Annborn about 1886
RobimonGeorge Eborn about 1870
RobimonMaggie born about 1874
RobinsonArthor Leeborn about 1933
RobinsonFay born about 1936
RobinsonGeorge born about 1885
RobinsonGladys born about 1935
RobinsonHelen born about 1910
RobinsonIda Bborn about 1912
RobinsonJoseph Tborn about 1937
RobinsonS Vborn about 1903
RobinsonS V Jrborn about 1939
RobinsonTilton born about 1919
RockwellGarland born about 1936
RockwellGretha born about 1926
RockwellJess Cborn about 1893
RockwellJessie Ferrillborn about 1932
RockwellJessie Mborn about 1903
RockwellMary Lborn about 1929
RockwellMiriam born about 1938
RockwellNancy born about 1866
RockwellTom born about 1897
RockwellViolet born about 1921
RockwellWilliam born about 1934
RodgersMartha born about 1897
RouseChalotte Ameborn about 1920
RouseGeorge born about 1872
RouseJ Cborn about 1893
RouseJames born about 1918
RouseLola born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SacefieldClyde born about 1921
SacefieldHerman born about 1920
SacefieldJasper born about 1894
SacefieldOlli born about 1896
SandersCora born about 1888
SandersLowman born about 1890
SandersO Tborn about 1886
SandersPearl born about 1915
SandersWdell* born about 1936
ScalesElmo Jr born about 1927
ScalesGeorgie Leeborn about 1928
ScalesIke born about 1910
ScalesIvary born about 1929
ScalesJettie Maeborn about 1910
ScalesLena born about 1929
ScalesLouise born about 1937
ScalesMary born about 1910
ScalesRachel born about 1931
ScalesRosie born about 1935
ScalesRosie Leeborn about 1925
ScalesRuth born about 1909
ScalesS Cborn about 1904
ScalesShelby Leeborn about 1939
ScalesTobe born about 1922
ScalesW Jborn about 1930
ScheneborkJohn born about 1866
ScheneborkNancy born about 1870
ScrogginsBabine born about 1936
ScrogginsConiver born about 1902
ScrogginsEarnest born about 1912
ScrogginsGina born about 1916
ScrogginsJ Mborn about 1923
ScrogginsLorine born about 1932
ScrogginsRuth born about 1906
ScrogginsVerginia born about 1935
SessionsDora born about 1895
SessionsVergil born about 1895
ShaverThomas born about 1900
ShawLee Ellaborn about 1929
ShelbyAuthor born about 1920
ShelbyBetty born about 1913
ShelbyMary born about 1920
ShermarGerald born about 1932
ShieldsGloss born about 1841
ShieldsNorma Jeanborn about 1935
ShoemakeL Bborn about 1872
ShoemakeLyman Bborn about 1870
ShoemakeRhoda Mborn about 1879
ShoemakeRoday born about 1879
SmithArlona born about 1938
SmithBarber born about 1934
SmithCharley born about 1886
SmithClarence born about 1921
SmithClaud Eborn about 1894
SmithClaudine born about 1926
SmithDale born about 1938
SmithDelbert born about 1935
SmithDilhert born about 1935
SmithEarl Juniorborn about 1931
SmithEveln born about 1933
SmithEvyln born about 1933
SmithGeorge born about 1915
SmithGeorgia Nborn about 1934
SmithInez born about 1914
SmithIneze born about 1914
SmithLenord born about 1931
SmithLucile born about 1937
SmithMarion born about 1926
SmithMaysel born about 1924
SmithMinnie Rborn about 1936
SmithMurriel born about 1929
SmithNaoma born about 1912
SmithOla Rayborn about 1901
SmithRobert born about 1902
SmithRuth born about 1926
SmithZora born about 1891
SmtihE Lborn about 1889
SmtihE L Jrborn about 1930
SmtihHassie born about 1899
SmtihJerry born about 1935
SneedMandy born about 1913
SneedThurman born about 1906
SoflisCharles born about 1932
SoflisClarence born about 1908
SoflisElmo born about 1912
SoflisElmond born about 1929
SoflisEugene born about 1934
SoflisJerrell born about 1937
SoflisKennith born about 1939
SongNanie Beelborn about 1879
SparksRufus born about 1890
SpeckBillie born about 1931
SpeckEd Wborn about 1897
SpeckJohn born about 1930
SpeckNaoma born about 1928
SpeckWinnie born about 1926
SpencerFlorence born about 1936
SpencerGertrude born about 1931
SpencerGrover born about 1909
SpencerLilly Annborn about 1933
SpencerMaple born about 1939
SpencerRoh?ner born about 1915
SpineyDorothy born about 1936
SpineyJessie born about 1909
SpineyVirginia born about 1920
StoneEmma born about 1922
StoneJ Cborn about 1930
StoneRuby Leeborn about 1928
StubbsBetty Jeanborn about 1926
StubbsDonald born about 1931
StubbsFloy born about 1889
StubbsVirgil born about 1900
SucchellaCharles born about 1930
SuggsBessie born about 1902
SuggsGeorge born about 1912
SuggsMinnie born about 1935
SullivanElla Janeborn about 1933
SullivanEugene born about 1939
SullivanLorian born about 1913
SullivanWash born about 1904
SullivasGeneva born about 1932
SullivasMattie born about 1915
SullivasNoland born about 1935
SullivasNora born about 1912
SuttonBill born about 1917
SuttonEllie born about 1916
SuttonMary Louborn about 1938
SuttonRuby Jborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorA Vborn about 1931
TaylorAuthor born about 1898
TaylorCharlie born about 1927
TaylorClimitine born about 1929
TaylorDeola born about 1938
TaylorDorothy born about 1931
TaylorDovice born about 1933
TaylorEmma born about 1895
TaylorEthel born about 1915
TaylorEvyln born about 1935
TaylorHattie born about 1903
TaylorIzola born about 1935
TaylorJessie born about 1922
TaylorJimmie born about 1929
TaylorLorine born about 1937
TaylorRoberta born about 1907
TaylorShelby born about 1922
TaylorSusie born about 1925
TaylorWilliam Hborn about 1880
TaylorWillie born about 1924
TeerArtis Leeborn about 1937
TeerEma born about 1871
TeerGrace born about 1912
TeerRoscoe born about 1914
TempleEthan born about 1892
TempleLottie born about 1895
TempleOwter born about 1924
TempleWilliam Dborn about 1918
TenisonAline born about 1931
TenisonDillie born about 1892
TenisonG Hborn about 1889
TenisonLewis born about 1927
TenisonLorine born about 1931
TenisonOpel born about 1924
TerryAllene born about 1919
TerryDavid born about 1918
TerryDavid Jr born about 1938
TerryJennie born about 1894
TerryW Rborn about 1892
TewAltha born about 1919
TewAlvin born about 1912
TewAmond Leeborn about 1937
TewJoan born about 1935
ThomasAuthor born about 1873
ThomasFrankie born about 1882
ThomasGeorge born about 1864
ThomasHelen born about 1919
ThomasHenry born about 1871
ThomasHomer born about 1915
ThomasJ Dborn about 1939
ThomasNicy born about 1865
ThomasOldman born about 1868
ThomasSara born about 1916
ThomasTate born about 1903
ThompsonMildred born about 1939
ThortonGosway born about 1908
ThortonRosie Leeborn about 1931
TidmoreArline born about 1929
TidmoreArthenia born about 1872
TidmoreHarvy born about 1903
TidmoreJ Rborn about 1871
TidmoreVerdie born about 1908
TisdaleJenny born about 1865
ToddHenry born about 1897
ToddNealie born about 1900
ToveyMartha born about 1938
ToveyMattie born about 1920
ToveyWard born about 1915
TubbsC Sborn about 1921
TubbsEria born about 1895
TumblesonClifford born about 1929
TumblesonDillard born about 1934
TumblesonFloy born about 1939
TumblesonJoy born about 1939
TumblesonLoey born about 1909
TumblesonLola Fayborn about 1927
TumblesonMaudie born about 1894
TumblesonMaudie born about 1909
TumblesonNoma born about 1931
TumblesonW Mborn about 1878
TurnbowCorline born about 1892
TurnbowFlorence born about 1930
TurnbowMaysel born about 1925
TurnerBen born about 1922
TylerC Eborn about 1909
TylerCharles born about 1930
TylerJosephine born about 1916
TylerShirley Gene Infantborn about 1939
TylerVauda born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodAudry Mborn about 1927
UnderwoodElizabeth born about 1931
UnderwoodGeorge born about 1926
UnderwoodKennith born about 1939
UnderwoodMary born about 1906
UnderwoodMary Leeborn about 1936
UnderwoodMelinda born about 1865
UnderwoodOdie Rborn about 1906
UnderwoodWalter Eborn about 1928
UnderwoodWilliam born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeArdelia born about 1889
WahlsMary born about 1896
WalkerBertha born about 1919
WalkerCharles Nborn about 1892
WalkerClemmie born about 1926
WalkerFrances born about 1887
WalkerHelen born about 1924
WalkerHerman born about 1918
WalkerJohnie born about 1921
WalkerLeona born about 1896
WalkerMargaret born about 1928
WalkerNepolian born about 1916
WalkerWalter born about 1921
WallaceVerginia born about 1926
WalthallAlton Jborn about 1909
WardAnnie born about 1888
WardJessie born about 1921
WardLetha Mborn about 1880
WardR Aborn about 1887
WardR A Jrborn about 1920
WareElizabeth born about 1872
WareFannie Bborn about 1937
WareJosephine born about 1910
WarnerBill born about 1905
WarnerIda born about 1916
WashingtonGrant born about 1903
WashingtonJames born about 1926
WashingtonLouise born about 1878
WashingtonLouise born about 1888
WashingtonPearl born about 1907
WashingtonThorn born about 1873
WashingtonThorton born about 1880
WatsonLucian born about 1929
WatsonLuther born about 1929
WatsonMady born about 1885
WatsonN Lborn about 1880
WatsonNewt Jr born about 1926
WayHenry Lewisborn about 1924
WayJohn born about 1871
WayNathan Hborn about 1891
WayRachel born about 1891
WeaverBillie Joeborn about 1930
WeaverBilly Joeborn about 1930
WeaverDixie born about 1891
WeaverEtoyle born about 1891
WeaverEtoyle born about 1892
WeaverFloyd born about 1894
WeaverFloyd born about 1897
WeaverHoward born about 1908
WeaverJohn Alvinborn about 1932
WeaverJoline born about 1930
WeaverJune born about 1913
WeaverLois born about 1938
WeaverLuther Rborn about 1890
WeaverNeil born about 1925
WeaverO Cborn about 1931
WeaverOralee born about 1931
WeaverOtelia born about 1926
WeaverOtelia born about 1927
WeaverPaul Eborn about 1933
WeaverRuby born about 1922
WeaverWilliam born about 1936
WeaverWillie Rayborn about 1927
WebbEvelyn born about 1931
WebbLorene born about 1928
WebbMartha born about 1895
WebbOdell born about 1934
WebbWilliam born about 1884
WebbWilma born about 1924
WebbYvonne born about 1937
WebsterLaura Laneborn about 1862
WebsterSam born about 1863
WedingtonGertrude born about 1892
WedingtonJim born about 1888
WedingtonLula Maeborn about 1924
WestBernice born about 1932
WestBertha born about 1905
WestCharley born about 1892
WestIrean born about 1907
WestJoe born about 1885
WestKennith born about 1905
WestKennith Jr born about 1924
WestPliner born about 1882
WestSaria born about 1911
WestSevane born about 1934
WestSusie born about 1937
WestWillie Jamesborn about 1939
WheatEdna Ruthborn about 1934
WheatEllen Janeborn about 1911
WheatEvadean born about 1935
WheatWallace born about 1912
WheatleyJosie Maeborn about 1927
WheatleyMalinie born about 1890
WheatleyWilliam born about 1870
WhiteBussie born about 1865
WhiteLillian born about 1914
WhiteLuther Wborn about 1911
WilliamHarold born about 1935
WilliamJean born about 1927
WilliamJewel Deanborn about 1935
WilliamJohn born about 1904
WilliamJohnnie Oborn about 1936
WilliamJulius born about 1929
WilliamLucile born about 1914
WilliamMinnie Loeborn about 1932
WilliamMyrtal born about 1905
WilliamNorma Faeborn about 1933
WilliamThurlo born about 1917
WilliamVoy Deanborn about 1931
WilliamW Cborn about 1893
Williams??lai born about 1921
WilliamsA Jborn about 1879
WilliamsAlfred born about 1919
WilliamsArnell born about 1916
WilliamsB Wborn about 1921
WilliamsC Bborn about 1882
WilliamsCharles born about 1923
WilliamsEdith born about 1934
WilliamsEmma born about 1884
WilliamsFred born about 1916
WilliamsHarold born about 1924
WilliamsIdella born about 1886
WilliamsJune born about 1910
WilliamsMary born about 1895
WilliamsMary born about 1929
WilliamsMinnie born about 1871
WilliamsNancy born about 1882
WilliamsOliver born about 1921
WilliamsOtho born about 1906
WilliamsPaline born about 1891
WilliamsPalmer born about 1877
WilliamsPeter born about 1928
WilliamsR Hborn about 1888
WilliamsRalph born about 1927
WilliamsRosy born about 1922
WilliamsRuth born about 1928
WilsonAdrain born about 1913
WilsonAlzy born about 1910
WilsonAuthor born about 1929
WilsonBerttrice born about 1918
WilsonCecil Leeborn about 1935
WilsonCharles born about 1918
WilsonDavid born about 1934
WilsonElla born about 1895
WilsonElla born about 1896
WilsonElmer born about 1927
WilsonJames born about 1922
WilsonJames Wborn about 1885
WilsonMarie born about 1938
WilsonMary Ellaborn about 1892
WilsonMary Louiseborn about 1932
WilsonMildred born about 1926
WilsonMyrtle born about 1924
WilsonS Aborn about 1880
WilsonSydney Aborn about 1880
WilsonWalter Tborn about 1918
WilsonWilma born about 1922
WinstonSarah born about 1877
WlchCarrie born about 1913
WlchOtt born about 1909
WoodburyIda Leeborn about 1916
WoodburyJohn Porterborn about
WoodburyPorter born about 1903
WoodburyPorter Jr born about 1925
WoodsClarice born about 1926
WoodsL Lborn about 1890
WoodsMaggie born about 1899
WoodsNora born about 1897
WoodsRufus born about 1904
WrightJames born about 1877
WrightJames born about 1926
WynnDorothy born about 1937
WynnEugene born about 1906
WynnFlodia born about 1907
WynnHester born about 1882
WynnJames born about 1872

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