1940 U.S. Federal Census of Departee, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Departee

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbnerCallie born about 1923
AbnerJess born about 1904
AbnerJess Dborn about 1937
AbnerJunie Mayborn about 1931
AbnerLaverne born about 1939
AbnerNatalie born about 1914
AbnerPearl born about 1935
AltomBernest born about 1920
AltomJacqueline born about 1925
AltomLucy born about 1892
AltomOscar Eborn about 1890
AltomVida born about 1933
AndersonGeorgia born about 1903
AndersonWealthy born about 1880

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B Surnames

BeelerClara born about 1909
BeelerDewayne born about 1936
BeelerGlennie born about 1938
BeelerLola born about 1928
BeelerSamuel Lborn about 1929
BeelerSamuel Vborn about 1905
BeelerWanda born about 1932
BentleyAvis born about 1914
BentleyBilly born about 1932
BentleyElla born about 1894
BentleyErnest born about 1925
BentleyJauanita born about 1928
BentleyRobert Wborn about 1936
BomerChester born about 1934
BomerDawlson born about 1918
BomerElmer born about 1940
BomerGeneva born about 1904
BomerGeorge born about 1923
BomerJesse Eborn about 1883
BomerJewell born about 1922
BomerMinnie born about 1922
BrightCarl born about 1935
BrinsfieldBradley born about 1922
BrinsfieldCharley born about 1896
BrinsfieldEvert born about 1927
BrinsfieldGeorge born about 1893
BrinsfieldLeona born about 1900
BrinsfieldLue born about 1869
BrinsfieldNellie born about 1912
BrinsfieldNeoma born about 1936
BrinsfieldRay born about 1907
BrinsfieldRaymond born about 1931
BrinsfieldThelma born about 1901
BrinsfieldWillard born about 1932
BrownArnelia born about 1927
BrownLee Eborn about 1923
BruceElbridge born about 1889
BruceErnest born about 1916
BruceLeycester born about 1917
BruceMargriette born about 1919
BruceStella born about 1892
BullardJ Edwardborn about 1879
BullardTiny born about 1886
BumfassDollie born about 1911
BumfassEdgar born about 1906
BumfassEugene born about 1930
BumfassGertie Leeborn about 1936
BumfassJames Bborn about 1932
BumfassPauline born about 1929
BumfassVernon Deanborn about 1938
BurrellClaud Sborn about 1892
BurrellCloice born about 1921
BurrellFannie born about 1918
BurrellLula born about 1890
BurrussCharles born about 1926
BurrussGeorgia born about 1928
BurrussHelen born about 1930
BurrussHugh born about 1919
BurrussLucile born about 1918
BurrussMary Ettaborn about 1923
BurrussSarah born about 1888
BurrussWalter born about 1882
BusbyAllie Mborn about 1886
BusbyElizabeth born about 1888
BusbyJesse born about 1912

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C Surnames

CaldwellElla born about 1881
CaldwellWilliam Jborn about 1876
CampbellEdward Rborn about 1884
CatterlinAlpha born about 1912
CatterlinCharles born about 1934
CatterlinIvone born about 1939
CatterlinOtha born about 1909
ClowersMinnie born about 1915
ClowersRuby born about 1934
CoffmanClaud born about 1916
CoffmanMerle born about 1940
CoffmanSarah born about 1922
CookAlice born about 1879
CookBessie born about 1917
CookChristine born about 1911
CookFrank Wborn about 1907
CookJesse born about 1910
CookJoseph Cborn about 1872
CookLavern born about 1934
CookMyrtle born about 1911
CoxClaud born about 1920
CoxJames born about 1872
CoxMaud born about 1922
CoxOrbia born about 1928
CoxTurner born about 1924
CrabtreeArvel born about 1911
CrabtreeConrad born about 1936
CrabtreeGerald Maeborn about 1940
CrabtreeJoan born about 1938
CrabtreeJune born about 1917
CrawfordLeva born about 1912

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D Surnames

DavidsonJames Cborn about 1895
DavidsonNettye born about 1902
DavisAlene born about 1918
DavisAmilee born about 1938
DavisBetty Louborn about 1932
DavisChester born about 1923
DavisCurtis born about 1898
DavisCurtis Jr born about 1925
DavisEllen born about 1866
DavisElvalle born about 1939
DavisEvelyn born about 1937
DavisFrancis born about 1940
DavisFreda Maeborn about 1939
DavisHomer born about 1915
DavisHoward born about 1934
DavisIrene born about 1923
DavisJames Hborn about 1939
DavisJeffie born about 1911
DavisJohn Tborn about 1882
DavisLawson born about 1927
DavisLizzie born about 1880
DavisNathan born about 1915
DavisThomas Jborn about 1868
DavisVolina born about 1902
DavisWayne born about 1930
DavisZilla born about 1913
DicusElla born about 1888
DicusRobert born about 1930
DicusVirgil born about 1877
DicusVirgil Jr born about 1927
DoyleCharles Eborn about 1939
DoyleChester born about 1928
DoyleEalem Eborn about 1918
DoyleGertrude born about 1900
DoyleMyrle born about 1919
DoyleWilliam Hborn about 1898
DufinsAlvie born about 1939
DufinsClifton born about 1904
DufinsEdward born about 1930
DufinsEugene born about 1926
DufinsJames Dborn about 1934
DufinsMable born about 1909
DufinsVivian born about 1932
DuncanL Aborn about 1919
DuncanLucile born about 1925

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E Surnames

EllisAnthony born about 1917
EllisErnestine born about 1929
EllisEverlyn born about 1906
EllisFreeda born about 1933
EllisIrmagene born about 1931
EllisMarie born about 1933
EllisMiller Jr born about 1929
EllisOcelee born about 1923
EllisOzetta born about 1935
EllisQuinton born about 1920
EmeryBeulah born about 1933
EmeryEtter born about 1900
EmeryEula born about 1933
EmeryHarol born about 1893
EmeryJanie Leeborn about 1938
EmeryLoyd born about 1919
EmeryMildred born about 1931
EmeryNarcisses born about 1931
EmeryOscel born about 1926
EmeryRaymond born about 1940
EmeryWilma Janeborn about 1935

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F Surnames

FieldsArthur born about 1887
FieldsMattie born about 1895
FieldsPreston born about 1900
FieldsTgretha born about 1908
FosterSadie born about 1895
FrenchRaymond Jr born about 1937

G Surnames

GiffordThomas born about 1895
GillemGeorge born about 1931
GillemIrene born about 1911
GillemJimmie born about 1937
GillemLinda Leeborn about 1939
GillemT D Edgarborn about 1912
GillumLeon born about 1923
GillumMinerva Eborn about 1926
GillumObed born about 1890
GillumOllie born about 1889
GillumRoscoe born about 1910
GillumTheo born about 1928
GoreMollie born about 1893
GoreSamuel Lborn about 1871

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H Surnames

HamiltonAcel born about 1938
HamiltonFranklin Dborn about 1933
HamiltonHester born about 1926
HamiltonJoseph Eborn about 1900
HamiltonJosephine born about 1930
HamiltonJulian born about 1925
HamiltonLaydenn born about 1900
HamptonAnnie born about 1908
HamptonBilly born about 1929
HamptonCharles born about 1934
HamptonJohn born about 1904
HamptonKenneth born about 1922
HamptonMary Joborn about 1926
HamptonRobert born about 1932
HarveyArdell born about 1934
HarveyBeatrice born about 1914
HarveyBernadine born about 1932
HarveyCarthel born about 1931
HarveyNorma born about 1938
HarveyOscar born about 1904
HarveyWayne born about 1936
HawkinsElla born about 1926
HawkinsEthel born about 1897
HawkinsIna born about 1928
HawkinsIsaac born about 1912
HawkinsJames Sborn about 1907
HawkinsMay born about 1918
HawkinsWinnie born about 1920
HeathscottEvert born about 1924
HightowerAnnie born about 1890
HightowerDaisy born about 1918
HightowerDene born about 1937
HightowerEdith born about 1922
HightowerGeorge Wborn about 1886
HightowerGiva born about 1931
HightowerLois born about 1929
HightowerMelvin born about 1933
HightowerRobert born about 1919
HightowerVerlin born about 1927
HolidayLouis born about 1903
HolidayMary born about 1845
HollidayShirley born about 1937
HowardCatherine born about 1930
HowardCornelius born about 1933
HowardGladys born about 1928
HowardWillie born about 1887

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J Surnames

JaggersDona born about 1898
JaggersShelba Jeanborn about 1938
JaggersVictor Eborn about 1878
JefferyJunior born about 1937
JohnsBertie born about 1896
JohnsFloyd born about 1928
JohnsFreeman born about 1923
JohnsRoy born about 1924
JohnsonMargaret born about 1916
JonesAdele born about 1918
JonesAnnie born about 1923
JonesArthur born about 1920
JonesCasey born about 1929
JonesDavid born about 1920
JonesFred born about 1894
JonesJames born about 1927
JonesJetta Maeborn about 1923
JonesLawrence born about 1924
JonesMartha born about 1874
JonesPaul born about 1923
JonesRoger born about 1925
JonesRosa born about 1931
JonesSam born about 1935
JonesWillie born about 1933

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K Surnames

KeytonGrace born about 1907
KeytonJoseph born about 1908
KeytonKenneth born about 1932
KeytonTruvetta born about 1935
KeytonWilliam Aborn about 1870

L Surnames

LewellenCharles born about 1929
LewellenDella Maeborn about 1924
LewellenLeon born about 1934
LewellenLillie Mayborn about 1927
LewellenMarion Lborn about 1902
LewellenRuth Leeborn about 1932
LewellenV Lborn about 1922
LewellenVader born about 1899
LucyEdith born about 1922
LucyHubert born about 1915
LucyRex born about 1939

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M Surnames

MartinJ Lborn about 1939
MartinLeroy born about 1910
MartinMarar born about 1901
MayhueBeatrice born about 1939
MayhueBenolyn born about 1926
MayhueBonie Ruthborn about 1927
MayhueGeraldine born about 1925
MayhueJackie Sueborn about 1930
MayhueJimmie Maeborn about 1937
MayhueKenith born about 1934
MayhueThelma born about 1904
MayhueW Benjaminborn about 1898
McCartneyClifton born about 1915
McCartneyEmogene born about 1917
McCartneyVerlagene born about 1936
McCluskeyCharles born about 1931
McCluskeyJewell born about 1936
McCluskeyLarkin born about 1908
McCluskeyLorene born about 1913
McCluskeyMaxine born about 1940
McFallCarsey Eborn about 1937
McFallElmer born about 1916
McFallRena born about 1919
McFallWilliam Lborn about 1939
McPhallAmos born about 1919
MillerOra born about 1905
MilliganAlbert Jborn about 1925
MilliganDale born about 1927
MilliganErnestine born about 1922
MilliganHenry born about 1935
MilliganMargaret born about 1932
MilliganMonroe Wborn about 1881
MilliganNeta born about 1892
MorrisEdward born about 1895
MorrisIrma Ruthborn about 1923
MyersEdgar born about 1900
MyersLela born about 1917
MyersLoreta born about 1939
MyersWilliam Wborn about 1875

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N Surnames

NicholsLillie born about 1899

P Surnames

PattersonMonnie born about 1909
PattersonSpurgeon Eborn about 1906
PattersonWinona born about 1928
PeggJudith born about 1892
PlattDonal born about 1918
PlattElmer born about 1939
PlattStella born about 1921
PryCarter born about 1922
PryDavid Hborn about 1876
PryEmma Janeborn about 1886
PryFarley born about 1927
PryRichard born about 1919

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R Surnames

RedmanBeulah born about 1891
RedmanJack born about 1862
RidleyElmer born about 1901
RobertsB Rufusborn about 1879
RobertsHarold born about 1930
RobertsHelen Ruthborn about 1939
RobertsMable born about 1898
RobertsOwen born about 1936
RolandMinnie born about 1885
RowlandOdis Dborn about 1886
RowlandSusie born about 1906

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S Surnames

SandersJasper Cborn about 1866
SandersOrvil born about 1922
ShippB Jborn about 1927
ShippBertha born about 1900
ShippJohn Hborn about 1892
ShippJohn H Jrborn about 1931
ShippLois born about 1938
ShippLonatta born about 1925
ShippVictor born about 1923
ShirleyAlma born about 1904
ShirleyBernard Dborn about 1938
ShirleyBettie Gwenborn about 1936
ShirleyWilliam Rborn about 1906
ShirleyWilliam R Jrborn about 1934
SimmonsCharley born about 1908
SimmonsErnest born about 1926
SimmonsJohn born about 1877
StewartAnnie born about 1918
StewartFerman born about 1914
StewartFloye born about 1911
StewartFranklin Pborn about 1887
StewartGeneva born about 1917
StewartJuanita born about 1925
StewartLena born about 1887
StewartLudeen born about 1922
StewartMarvin born about 1917
StewartOrin born about 1937
StewartPauline born about 1920
StewartRoland born about 1927
StubblefieldArtee born about 1915
StubblefieldCharles born about 1937
StubblefieldCharley born about 1912
StubblefieldJames born about 1931
StubblefieldJohn born about 1920
StubblefieldLovels born about 1925
StubblefieldMary born about 1921
StubblefieldMilton born about 1940
StubblefieldPreston born about 1927
StubblefieldRosa born about 1911
StubblefieldWillie born about 1922

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V Surnames

VanstankleEdgar born about 1914
VanstankleRuth born about 1916
VanwinkleEarl born about 1904
VanwinkleEarline born about 1934
VanwinkleMollie born about 1893
VestEmma born about 1901
VestMaxine born about 1925
VestNoah Mborn about 1896
VestRaymon born about 1923
VestWilliam Cborn about 1927
VoylesJohn Sborn about 1889

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W Surnames

WadeAlta Maeborn about 1924
WadeBerton born about 1934
WadeJohnie born about 1932
WadeTommie born about 1937
WallaceEvelyn born about 1924
WallaceThurman born about 1918
WallsEdward born about 1935
WallsGeorge born about 1897
WallsMonteen born about 1926
WestClaud born about 1919
WestEldon born about 1925
WestGeorgia Annborn about 1886
WestIsaac Jborn about 1882
WilliamsArley born about 1926
WilliamsBetty Geneborn about 1934
WilliamsBitha born about 1907
WilliamsCharley born about 1912
WilliamsClida born about 1908
WilliamsEarl born about 1920
WilliamsErnest born about 1902
WilliamsEthel born about 1912
WilliamsFay Rayborn about 1940
WilliamsHenry Tborn about 1881
WilliamsHuroe born about 1914
WilliamsJetty Mayborn about 1932
WilliamsJulia born about 1872
WilliamsLaura born about 1893
WilliamsNathan born about 1872
WilliamsNova born about 1922
WilliamsOrville born about 1910
WilliamsRosa born about 1928
WilliamsThelma Ruthborn about 1936
WilsonJohn born about 1883
WilsonJoseph born about 1924
WilsonLeonard born about 1923
WilsonNathan born about 1931
WilsonNola born about 1904
WilsonRuben Aborn about 1893
WilsonSammie born about 1933
WilsonShelly Geneborn about 1937
WilsonWillamay born about 1930
WilsonWoodrow born about 1925
WisdomMafle born about 1888
WitheyAlonzo born about 1904
WommackBurl Denborn about 1940
WommackDaisy born about 1921
WommackWilliam born about 1915

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