1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eagle in Lonoke County, Lonoke, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Lonoke County > 1940 Census of Eagle in Lonoke County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AntellJim born about 1915

B Surnames

BaileyDorris born about 1933
BaileyJoshua born about 1889
BaileyLewis born about 1872
BaileyLona born about 1898
BaileyMuriel born about 1927
BaldwinCarlee born about 1931
BaldwinDorris born about 1932
BaldwinEzra Fborn about 1898
BaldwinEzra Jr born about 1925
BaldwinHellen born about 1935
BaldwinHemp born about 1903
BaldwinMary born about 1910
BaldwinMary born about 1921
BaldwinMattie born about 1899
BarkerLee born about 1902
BarkerMaggie born about 1882
BarkerMarvin born about 1918
BarkerWilliam born about 1874
BesanconEdith born about 1915
BesanconHershel born about 1914
BrooksGladys born about 1913
BrooksJudson born about 1931
BrooksVernon born about 1907

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C Surnames

ClemonsElla born about 1908
ClemonsRoy born about 1906
CochranAlbert born about 1885
CochranHarold born about 1926
CochranLena born about 1888
CochranLouis born about 1925
CochranRex born about 1923

D Surnames

DeblackAllie born about 1897
DeblackJerry Eborn about 1875
DeblackKatty born about 1926
DeblackLorene born about 1921
DodsonPeter born about 1923
DurdenAndrew Jborn about 1918
DurdenBetty Jeanborn about 1939
DurdenEmogene born about 1920

E Surnames

EagleBetty Jeanborn about 1928
EagleBilly Wayneborn about 1930
EagleCharles Henryborn about 1931
EagleDorris born about 1936
EagleGeorge born about 1934
EagleJohn Hborn about 1903
EagleLoy born about 1908
EagleMary Francisborn about 1928
EagleMaydell born about 1910
EagleRebecca born about 1932
EagleRose born about 1938
EagleWalter Aborn about 1894
EatonGeorge born about 1876

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F Surnames

FieldsBilly born about 1927
FieldsElla born about 1886
FieldsMaude born about 1904
FieldsRuth born about 1924
FieldsVirgil born about 1909
FieldsWesley born about 1875
FinleyFrancis born about 1937
FinleyFrank born about 1902
FinleyGrace born about 1912
FordDonald born about 1938
FordFannie born about 1913
FordJames Wborn about 1911
FordJames Jr born about 1932
FordLouise born about 1935
FordPeggy born about 1936
FordSue born about 1933

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G Surnames

GloverAddie born about 1880
GloverAlbert born about 1887
GloverAlfred born about 1892
GloverAndrew born about 1896
GloverArtie born about 1896
GloverAtlas born about 1913
GloverAubrey born about 1926
GloverBenjamin born about 1917
GloverBuford born about 1922
GloverCarroll born about 1888
GloverCharles Wborn about 1888
GloverElla Maeborn about 1930
GloverEugene born about 1924
GloverFannie born about 1894
GloverJackie born about 1935
GloverJames Bborn about 1919
GloverJennie born about 1916
GloverJesse born about 1890
GloverJettie born about 1888
GloverJohn born about 1939
GloverJohn Lborn about 1913
GloverKaty born about 1921
GloverLouis born about 1891
GloverLucia born about 1897
GloverLudie born about 1901
GloverMartha born about 1908
GloverMarvin born about 1910
GloverMattie born about 1865
GloverMelvin born about 1921
GloverMildred born about 1915
GloverMildred born about 1925
GloverNora born about 1894
GloverOtis born about 1919
GloverPascal born about 1927
GloverPearl born about 1897
GloverRosa born about 1887
GloverRoxie born about 1890
GloverSam born about 1898
GloverWilliam born about 1922
GloverWilliam Mborn about 1870
GrayBen born about 1878
GrayDewey Maeborn about 1899

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H Surnames

HarrisCharles born about 1928
HarrisElsie born about 1905
HarrisJesse born about 1930
HarrisonArnold born about 1912
HarrisonAubrey born about 1936
HarrisonDewell born about 1920
HarrisonEssie born about 1914
HarrisonJames born about 1884
HarrisonJames Wborn about 1934
HarrisonPearl born about 1883
HarrisonRussell born about 1938
HarrisonSyble born about 1925
HavensEmmett born about 1909
HavensLucy born about 1914
HesterMary born about 1899
HesterOrrie born about 1887
HicksFannie born about 1877
HicksFlorence born about 1883
HicksGarland born about 1921
HicksHale born about 1898
HicksHowell born about 1907
HoggardPlez Fborn about 1886
HoggardZipporah born about 1885
HoltEllis born about 1913
HoltJoy born about 1940
HoltThomas born about 1938
HoltVera born about 1920
HuffAllie born about 1914
HuffBarna Leeborn about 1937
HuffClara born about 1901
HuffDark Dborn about 1896
HuffJames Rborn about 1879
HuffJulia born about 1882
HuffMartha born about 1934
HuffRobert born about 1939
HuffWillie born about 1908

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J Surnames

JonesBilly born about 1932
JonesBruce Bborn about 1890
JonesClarence born about 1920
JonesCurth born about 1925
JonesJennie born about 1885
JonesJulus born about 1909
JonesPatricia Nanborn about 1936
JonesPearl born about 1912
JonesVergie born about 1898
JusticeArthur born about 1868
JusticeBessie born about 1905
JusticeCarye born about 1906
JusticeClarence born about 1897
JusticeCora Leeborn about 1931
JusticeDorothy born about 1919
JusticeDorothy born about 1929
JusticeEmma born about 1910
JusticeFannie born about 1898
JusticeFaye born about 1935
JusticeGerome born about 1908
JusticeHomer born about 1915
JusticeIrene born about 1902
JusticeJoe born about 1902
JusticeJuanita born about 1926
JusticeLee born about 1899
JusticeLee Jr born about 1924
JusticeLilly born about 1897
JusticeNewton born about 1864
JusticeOdell born about 1921
JusticeRoss born about 1899
JusticeThelma born about 1921
JusticeWilliam born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LongLelan born about 1935

M Surnames

MagnessCleo born about 1903
MagnessDorris Maeborn about 1932
MagnessJames Eborn about 1898
MagnessJames Jr born about 1929
MagnessVernell born about 1922
MagnessVernon born about 1920
McDonaldGordon born about 1909
McDonaldHazel born about 1918
MorrisDolly Jborn about 1876
MorrisGerald born about 1939
MorrisHubert born about 1906
MorrisIrene born about 1908
MorrisJettie born about 1934
MorrisJolene born about 1930
MorrisMary born about 1913
MorrisMildred born about 1931
MorrisNita Fayeborn about 1937
MorrisTommy born about 1904
MulkeyCarl born about 1923
MulkeyGrace born about 1899
MulkeyHarley born about 1918
MulkeyHorace born about 1895
MulkeyIda Maeborn about 1928
MulkeyIla Fayeborn about 1926
MulkeyRonald born about 1931

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O Surnames

OcainEdith born about 1916
OcainLeo born about 1915

P Surnames

PatzerFred born about 1867
PatzerMarie born about 1874
PeeplesIva born about 1910
PeeplesWilliam Rborn about 1929
PeeplesWillie born about 1907
PenitonIbagene born about 1927
PhillipsArdell born about 1924
PhillipsHomer born about 1893
PhillipsIrmadine born about 1929
PhillipsLucille born about 1925
PhillipsUnice born about 1906
PledgerBilly Fredborn about 1925
PledgerKathryn born about 1913
PledgerRupert born about 1900
PledgerRupert Jr born about 1929
PledgerSammy born about 1931

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R Surnames

ReaBenny born about 1912
ReaEmma born about 1918
ReaEmmett Wborn about 1887
ReaHouston born about 1915
ReaJames Curtisborn about 1930
ReaJennie born about 1892
ReaJohn born about 1874
ReaLester born about 1928
ReaParalee born about 1874
ReaSamuel Wborn about 1885
ReaVina born about 1890
ReedAldert born about 1918
ReedBurlie born about 1890
ReedEdith born about 1914
ReedHallie born about 1920
ReedPearlie born about 1900
RheinhartAnnie born about 1856

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S Surnames

SaddlerBetty born about 1926
SaddlerBilly born about 1928
SaddlerDella born about 1894
SaddlerDorris born about 1936
SaddlerGladys born about 1933
SaddlerHarvey born about 1922
SaddlerJohn Wborn about 1866
SwaimDan born about 1882
SwaimRuth born about 1924

T Surnames

TaylorEd born about 1912
TaylorJimmie born about 1936
TaylorSallie born about 1906
TaylorVeda born about 1916
TaylorWilliam born about 1912
TravisBilly Sborn about 1931
TravisDaniel born about 1887
TravisGarth born about 1920
TravisGeorge born about 1920
TravisHazel Cborn about 1897
TravisJohn born about 1899
TravisLouis Pborn about 1887
TravisLutie born about 1892
TravisNorwood born about 1923
TravisRobert born about 1920
TrickeyGedie born about 1910

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W Surnames

WeathersEdward born about 1931
WeathersHarold born about 1925
WeathersHubert born about 1899
WeathersJuanita born about 1923
WeathersPearl born about 1902
WeathersViolet born about 1920
WhiddenLouie born about 1924
WhiteEula born about 1900
WhiteMae born about 1919
WhiteMary Ellaborn about 1920
WhiteMonroe born about 1915
WhiteRobert Rborn about 1895
WhiteWalter born about 1916
WhitleyLou born about 1854
WilliamsCora born about 1877
WilliamsEdward born about 1918
WilliamsSyble born about 1921
WilliamsThomas born about 1874
WilliamsWilliam born about 1938

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