1940 U.S. Federal Census of Franklin in Izard County, Izard, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Izard County > 1940 Census of Franklin in Izard County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottWayne born about 1924
ArnoldGeneva born about 1925
ArnoldGertie Dborn about 1896
ArnoldJohn Wborn about 1891
ArnoldOrson Bborn about 1920

B Surnames

BaileyCarl born about 1915
BaileyCharles born about 1927
BaileyCharles Mborn about 1875
BaileyElmer born about 1917
BaileyErnestine born about 1939
BaileyErnie born about 1934
BaileyJames Cborn about 1939
BaileyJane born about 1901
BaileyJohn born about 1881
BaileyJohn Henryborn about 1924
BaileyNoba born about 1917
BaileySilas born about 1919
BaileySyble born about 1936
BaileyVerna Leeborn about 1931
BattertonArnold born about 1898
BattertonAudie born about 1906
BattertonDale born about 1929
BattertonDivene born about 1919
BattertonDollie born about 1867
BattertonElma Geryborn about 1937
BattertonFarrell born about 1925
BattertonFrank born about 1857
BattertonGladys born about 1899
BattertonHattie born about 1892
BattertonJoy Leeborn about 1923
BattertonKeith born about 1921
BattertonLloyd born about 1893
BattertonMyrtle born about 1905
BattertonPaul born about 1906
BeachFred born about 1913
BeachHettie born about 1890
BeachJames Mborn about 1936
BeachMary born about 1915
BeachMary Annborn about 1939
BeachMaurine born about 1937
BeachNewt born about 1888
BerryDave born about 1903
BerryMary born about 1862
BerryRussell born about 1934
BerryZelphia born about 1904
BillingleyEunice born about 1903
BillingleyFreddie Leeborn about 1929
BillingleyHarlin born about 1924
BillingleyHarve born about 1886
BillingleyHelen born about 1926
BillingsleyArch born about 1871
BillingsleyAubrey born about 1926
BillingsleyBetty Joeborn about 1940
BillingsleyBonny born about 1924
BillingsleyCecil born about 1923
BillingsleyFay born about 1910
BillingsleyGrace born about 1895
BillingsleyHarry Hborn about 1912
BillingsleyHoward born about 1933
BillingsleyLaura Dborn about 1876
BillingsleyLee born about 1905
BillingsleyLucy born about 1880
BillingsleyNina Belleborn about 1929
BillingsleyNola Mayborn about 1921
BillingsleyNorma Rayborn about 1934
BillingsleyNovella born about 1888
BillingsleyPauline born about 1936
BillingsleyRay born about 1911
BillingsleyRemmell born about 1913
BillingsleySteve born about 1880
BillingsleyWalter born about 1886
BillingsleyZelma born about 1916
BlevinsBilly born about 1931
BlevinsEva born about 1911
BlevinsJefferson born about 1933
BlevinsJoy Fayborn about 1940
BlevinsKathyrn born about 1936
BlevinsTravis born about 1938
BlevinsWalter born about 1906
BlueBobby Joeborn about 1933
BlueTommy Louborn about 1929
BolerEthel born about 1888
BrownDorthey Belleborn about 1935
BrownLula born about 1883
BrunsonClaudie born about 1932
BrunsonJ Eborn about 1927
BryantCora born about 1908
BryantDelphus born about 1904
BryantStella born about 1892

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C Surnames

CampbellAlbert born about 1901
CampbellAudie born about 1909
CampbellClay Bentonborn about 1927
CampbellDaisy born about 1908
CampbellEllen born about 1877
CampbellGid born about 1900
CampbellGrace born about 1903
CampbellHomer born about 1904
CampbellInfant born about 1940
CampbellJ Wborn about 1932
CampbellJoe born about 1937
CampbellJohn born about 1871
CampbellJuandee Leeborn about 1922
CampbellVesta born about 1902
CarderJ Dborn about 1925
CathrineBertie born about 1878
CathrineRandall born about 1873
ClarkClaudia born about 1918
ClarkJames Earlborn about 1940
ClarkRulen born about 1914
ConnerPearl born about 1886
CooperBoyce born about 1918
CooperEverette Leeborn about 1939
CooperHobart born about 1924
CooperJack Aborn about 1886
CooperMay born about 1921
CooperMittie born about 1884
CooperPaul born about 1915
CooperVirginia born about 1937

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D Surnames

DavidsonBoyd Rookerborn about 1922
DavidsonChester born about 1880
DavidsonClara born about 1897
DavidsonConrad born about 1914
DavidsonDolly born about 1881
DavidsonGladys Rheeborn about 1920
DavidsonJ Lborn about 1929
DavidsonLeon born about 1931
DavidsonLucy born about 1915
DavidsonLucy Rayborn about 1931
DavidsonOma Mayborn about 1933
DavidsonTheral Maxborn about 1935
DavidsonWilliam Lusborn about 1938
DillardEwell born about 1919
DillardHansel born about 1912
DillardHazel born about 1924
DillardLloyd born about 1915
DillardMartha born about 1884
DillardOral born about 1917
DillardTolly Cborn about 1883
DillardVelma born about 1922
DurenGlen born about 1904
DurenMontine born about 1926
DurenRobert Cborn about 1904

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E Surnames

EllisEmily born about 1918
EllisEva born about 1877
EllisHelen Marieborn about 1938
EllisIrvin born about 1896
EllisOrin born about 1915
ExumAgnas born about 1921
ExumSpellman born about 1917

F Surnames

FarrisEula Arleneborn about 1939
FarrisMary born about 1921
FarrisWalter born about 1915
FlemmingsNannie born about 1868
FloydDean born about 1919
FloydEthrige born about 1924
FloydHenderson born about 1892
FloydJohnnie Leeborn about 1929
FloydQuincy born about 1926
FloydRena born about 1892

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G Surnames

GastonAddie born about 1891
GastonBert born about 1901
GastonBetty Louborn about 1929
GastonBobby Powellborn about 1926
GastonBryant born about 1937
GastonClaud born about 1886
GastonDonald born about 1933
GastonEdwin born about 1924
GastonEstelle born about 1911
GastonGeneva born about 1928
GastonGershen born about 1888
GastonIva born about 1899
GastonMaud born about 1890
GastonMax born about 1937
GastonMillie born about 1895
GastonMilton born about 1931
GastonNeil born about 1930
GastonNina Geneborn about 1926
GastonPowell born about 1906
GastonRoy born about 1901
GastonStanley born about 1902
GastonVaughn born about 1909
GastonWalter born about 1874
GastonWillie born about 1880
GleghomMary born about 1868
GleghornArnold Leeborn about 1930
GleghornLouise born about 1937
GleghornMarie born about 1933
GleghornOrville born about 1901
GleghornRay born about 1929
GleghornVera born about 1904
GraytonBelzora born about 1901

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H Surnames

HandDorthy Leeborn about 1927
HandElsie born about 1922
HandFate born about 1932
HandLola Genborn about 1939
HandMargie born about 1924
HandMary Sueborn about 1936
HandScott born about 1934
HandVernon born about 1898
HandVince born about 1929
HandWillie born about 1899
HanleyErnestine born about 1908
HanleyFrank born about 1906
HardawayAda born about 1900
HardawayC Normanborn about 1936
HardawayEarlene born about 1923
HardawayOwene born about 1896
HardawayWayne born about 1920
HarmonEdd Tborn about 1870
HarmonNellie born about 1883
HarrisMary born about 1868
HensonEdnora born about 1916
HensonOllie born about 1891
HensonTom Wborn about 1894
HerronAlmeda born about 1931
HerronAudie born about 1910
HerronDe Wayneborn about 1935
HerronFailding born about 1906
HerronJanice born about 1926
HerronLeroy born about 1922
HerronMertie born about 1895
HerronPreston born about 1899
HerronRuth born about 1899
HerronTildon born about 1920
HerronWilliam born about 1874
HightowerGraydon born about 1926
HightowerOla Venaborn about 1929
HomesCalvin born about 1868
HomesDon born about 1930
HomesJohn Williamborn about 1929
HomesJohnnie born about 1905
HomesLowell born about 1916
HomesOrvis Haroldborn about 1928
HomesOwen Dborn about 1901
HomesPearl born about 1922
HomesShelby born about 1893
HomesSusie Eborn about 1873
HomesTom born about 1903
HomesVerna born about 1910

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J Surnames

JacksonJames born about 1880
JacksonRoxie born about 1886
JacksonW Cborn about 1919
JenningsPreston born about 1867
JenningsRosa born about 1871
JohnstonLucy born about 1834
JonesBobbie born about 1935
JonesDale born about 1929
JonesErnest born about 1897
JonesEugene born about 1932
JonesEunice born about 1919
JonesLeroy born about 1926
JonesMay born about 1920
JonesVirgie born about 1897
JonesWilma Rayborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KeylonCora born about 1893
KeylonDelton born about 1919
KeylonGertrude born about 1918
KeylonJemimah Aborn about 1866
KeylonLuther Aborn about 1891
KeylonRudine born about 1925
KnatchalRoscoe born about 1918

L Surnames

LewisWoodrow born about 1917
LoveEdward born about 1930
LoveHazel born about 1910
LoveRobert Rayborn about 1939
LoveTom Bborn about 1903

M Surnames

MageeAmelia born about 1871
MageeJack born about 1915
MageeJohn Fborn about 1865
MajorsBetty Annborn about 1935
MajorsCleffie born about 1897
MajorsGlenda Maryborn about 1928
MajorsJ Cborn about 1922
MajorsJohnie Leeborn about 1924
MajorsLee born about 1892
MajorsR Gborn about 1920
MajorsWillard born about 1926
MajorsWillie Maeborn about 1929
MartinCharles born about 1920
MartinJessie born about 1881
MasseyAdairn born about 1927
MasseySalley born about 1901
MasseyTolley Cborn about 1891
MasseyVivian born about 1931
McAnallyBertha born about 1915
McAnallyBill born about 1880
McAnallyGusta born about 1885
McAnallyLum born about 1882
McAnallyNarine born about 1920
McAnallySam born about 1853
McCollumAubrey born about 1924
McCollumGerald born about 1926
McCollumGlen born about 1930
McCollumLee born about 1894
McCollumSampson born about 1912
McNairnDeloma born about 1883
MillerMary Louborn about 1878
MooreBobby Jeanborn about 1933
MooreJoe Rheaborn about 1939
MooreMay born about 1908
MullinsAda born about 1905
MullinsHoward born about 1900

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P Surnames

PearsonMattie born about 1881
PierceArch born about 1907
PierceBernice born about 1910
PierceGlenda Fayborn about 1937
PierceReba Joyceborn about 1934
PierceTravis Wadeborn about 1932
PiersonElva born about 1910
PiersonTony born about 1900
PiersonUvon born about 1924
PlumleyClarence born about 1897
PlumleyElla born about 1909
PlumleyLorna born about 1937
PlumleyWilma born about 1935

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R Surnames

RamseyCharlie born about 1908
RamseyCharlie Jr born about 1936
RamseyChristine born about 1938
RamseyGale born about 1921
RamseyIva born about 1909
RamseyJoe born about 1904
RamseyMaud born about 1876
RamseyOwen born about 1875
RamseyRuth born about 1940
RobertsBoyce born about 1908
RobertsCharles born about 1933
RobertsGlen born about 1911
RobertsGuy born about 1920
RobertsHarold born about 1931
RobertsHayden born about 1907
RobertsIda born about 1881
RobertsKathyrn born about 1914
RobertsPatricia Annborn about 1936
RobertsRoshenah born about 1910
RobertsTommye born about 1937
RobertsWilbur born about 1910
RogersJennie born about 1889
RogersJohnstone born about 1885
RookFannie born about 1869
RookRobert Fborn about 1873

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S Surnames

SannerAvie born about 1873
SannerJohn born about 1860
SellarsAvery born about 1889
SellarsCharles Rayborn about 1938
SellarsEllen born about 1918
SellarsEtta born about 1894
SellarsVernon born about 1914
SellersArline born about 1919
SellersStanley born about 1918
SheltonAnna Belleborn about 1881
SheltonEstel born about 1902
SheltonHarry Leeborn about 1917
SheltonImodene born about 1926
SheltonJack Gborn about 1876
SheltonJewel born about 1921
SheltonJohny Leeborn about 1929
SheltonTommy born about 1904
SheltonTreva Rayborn about 1926
SherrillArvin born about 1905
SherrillBilly Rayborn about 1925
SherrillDulcia born about 1909
SherrillHoward born about 1928
SherrillJames born about 1931
SimpsonCondy born about 1884
SimpsonElmar born about 1886
SimpsonElmer born about 1880
SimpsonSallie born about 1872
StanderfordBonita born about 1933
StanderfordIrene born about 1912
StanderfordMarvin born about 1911

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T Surnames

TomlinsonFrancis born about 1869
TomlinsonRomus born about 1873

W Surnames

WallsBetty Sueborn about 1937
WallsCarl Deanborn about 1939
WallsFannie born about 1886
WallsGlen born about 1932
WallsLorene born about 1914
WallsMay born about 1874
WallsNorman born about 1935
WallsOpal born about 1913
WallsVernon born about 1910
WatkinsJ Cborn about 1936
WellsBen Fborn about 1881
WellsDelana born about 1917
WellsSarah born about 1881
WellsVernon born about 1906
WellsWarren born about 1918
WilliamsBarbra Nellborn about 1938
WilliamsBilly Maxborn about 1933
WilliamsEllen Fayborn about 1929
WilliamsEula born about 1913
WilliamsFay born about 1910
WilliamsKenneth born about 1919
WilliamsLucius born about 1904
WilliamsMalon born about 1911
WilliamsMary born about 1903
WilliamsR Lborn about 1928
WilliamsRetha born about 1919
WilliamsRobert born about 1881
WilliamsRobie born about 1914
WilliamsTracy born about 1916
WilsonHattie born about 1890
WilsonRufus Hborn about 1878
WolfordDorthy Leeborn about 1934
WolfordEldon born about 1907
WolfordMedda born about 1871
WolfordSarah born about 1915

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