1940 U.S. Federal Census of Huff, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Huff

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCora born about 1909
AdamsFrank born about 1896
AkinsFrank born about 1931
AkinsRuble born about 1922
AkinsSadie born about 1887
AkinsWill Deanborn about 1926
AllenAlice born about 1873
AllenEmly born about 1877
AllenHelen born about 1924
AllenJohn Earlborn about 1915
AllenLena born about 1907
AllenRachel born about 1880
AllenRilla born about 1879
AppleBryan born about 1899
AppleLizzie born about 1907

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B Surnames

BowerMildred born about 1917
BowerStanley born about 1900
BowerStanley Jr born about 1938
BryantAlonzo born about 1869
BryantClenis born about 1922
BryantDonnie born about 1923
BryantDuffie born about 1919
BryantFinis born about 1919
BryantHail born about 1928
BryantHester born about 1897
BryantIvan born about 1924
BryantJohn born about 1895
BurgessBurl born about 1914
BurgessOtha born about 1889
BurgessVirgil born about 1890
BurgessVirgil Jr born about 1924

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C Surnames

CambellHarold born about 1929
CambellHerman born about 1921
CambellK Eborn about 1937
CambellLeon born about 1932
CambellMelba Joborn about 1939
CambellMonnie Jeanborn about 1936
CambellNina born about 1909
CambellPercyfeel born about 1898
CatterlinGeneva born about 1925
CatterlinLeroy born about 1928
CatterlinRhuel born about 1906
CatterlinSue born about 1906
ChrismanCoral born about 1933
ChrismanFlossie born about 1909
ChurchillLaura born about 1880
ChurchillSid born about 1874
ClarkEdith Maeborn about 1929
ClarkEdward born about 1902
ClarkFrankie born about 1902
ClarkWanda Fayborn about 1935
CondlerHarry Fborn about 1917
CondlerHarry Finisborn about 1940
CondlerNina Leonborn about 1918
ConleyWilliam Tborn about 1872
CookA Jborn about 1915
CookJack born about 1920
CookLorna born about 1919
CrossMattie born about 1869

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D Surnames

DavisArtie born about 1896
DavisJeff born about 1890
DavisLouise born about 1925
DewittElvie born about 1884
DewittGeneva born about 1926
DewittHayden born about 1916
DewittIda Ruthborn about 1932
DewittJames born about 1903
DewittJames Wborn about 1924
DewittLee born about 1878
DewittLemon born about 1914
DewittLena Fayeborn about 1934
DewittRuby born about 1928
DewittWadie born about 1905
DildayChester born about 1915
DildayLouise born about 1939
DildayMildred born about 1918
DildayPatricia born about 1938
DugginsMattie born about 1875

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E Surnames

ElembaughEdmonia born about 1929
ElembaughJoe born about 1881
ElembaughLottie born about 1925
ElembaughNettie born about 1887
ElembaughPauline born about 1922
ElembaughW Sborn about 1934
EvansTonner born about 1908

G Surnames

GeorgeAnnie born about 1884
GeorgeKing born about 1925
GeorgeLonie born about 1892
GeorgeLoyd born about 1922
GeorgeWeldon born about 1919
GottfriedBryan born about 1933
GottfriedElizabeth born about 1936
GottfriedLester born about 1893
GottfriedMargie born about 1903
GouldAnnie born about 1901
GouldArthur Lborn about 1927
GouldBobbie born about 1934
GouldCora born about 1875
GouldDale Gborn about 1925
GouldDorothea born about 1905
GouldFern born about 1934
GouldGale born about 1923
GouldGeorge Aborn about 1900
GouldJames born about 1927
GouldJean born about 1932
GouldJo Annborn about 1931
GouldLee born about 1902
GouldLorene born about 1908
GouldVernon Dborn about 1928
GouldWilliam born about 1911
GrigsseyGladys born about 1912
GrigsseyVaughn born about 1911

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H Surnames

HaysBryan born about 1897
HaysHerbert born about 1921
HaysJammie born about 1934
HaysJewel born about 1908
HaysKenneth born about 1924
HaysNeil born about 1927
HeadstreamBertha born about 1887
HeadstreamBuchannan born about 1857
HemsleyIrene born about 1917
HemsleyWilliam born about 1919
HerronConnie born about 1910
HerronEdith Marieborn about 1934
HerronElsie born about 1915
HomesleyAlberta born about 1897
HomesleyJohn Fborn about 1894
HuffBill born about 1917
HuffGeary Butenborn about 1939
HuffMarylee born about 1918

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J Surnames

JamesDarrel Maudborn about 1935
JamesEva born about 1912
JamesJulian born about 1939
JamesVergie born about 1908
JonesAlbert Earlborn about 1929
JonesCharles born about 1926
JonesClarence born about 1893
JonesDale born about 1924
JonesMaggie born about 1898
JonesWillie Mayeborn about 1936

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L Surnames

LawrenceAmanda born about 1880
LawrenceAngelee born about 1922
LawrenceCharles born about 1920
LawrenceJames born about 1917
LawrenceOscar born about 1879
LeonardBennie born about 1925
LeonardErie born about 1908
LeonardGrace born about 1890
LeonardPaul born about 1912
LinebargerElonie born about 1919
LinebargerEmra born about 1912
LinebargerFannie born about 1880
LinebargerGrace born about 1910
LinebargerJohn born about 1889
LinebargerNellie born about 1891
LinebargerRichard born about 1901
LinebargerRobert Iborn about 1895
LinebargerSidney born about 1858

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M Surnames

McCluskyElmer born about 1934
McCluskyEmma born about 1909
McCluskyKenneth born about 1929
McCluskyLee born about 1905
McCluskyLuther born about 1931
McCluskyThelma born about 1937
McCluskyVelma born about 1937
McCoyAmorgo born about 1939
McCoyChubby born about 1935
McCoyEmma born about 1901
McCoyGeorge Wborn about 1869
McCoyVictor born about 1933
MilliganWalter born about 1893
MooreA Zababorn about 1938
MooreBessie born about 1918
MooreBrown born about 1914
MooreColeen born about 1940
MooreEdna born about 1920
MooreGrace born about 1918
MooreJerry born about 1939
MooreLaura born about 1884
MooreM Eborn about 1936
MooreMalren born about 1934
MooreNannie Nellborn about 1935
MooreNelson Glenborn about 1938
MooreRevell born about 1918
MooreTheoron born about 1917
MooreVavie Rayborn about 1938
MuskettC Pborn about 1877

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P Surnames

PearsonMary Lborn about 1862

R Surnames

RiderChester born about 1916
RiderEdward born about 1933
RiderFrankie Wayneborn about 1939
RiderIda born about 1915
RiderIna born about 1940
RosieBillie born about 1940
RosieBobbie Jborn about 1938
RosiePauline born about 1918
RosieRalph born about 1915
RosieRuby born about 1918
RutledgeA Fborn about 1896
RutledgeAnthony Deanborn about 1937
RutledgeArtie born about 1911
RutledgeBonnie Jeanborn about 1933
RutledgeDwain Gordonborn about 1936
RutledgeEarl born about 1927
RutledgeElmer born about 1910
RutledgeEloise born about 1920
RutledgeEvan born about 1935
RutledgeGene born about 1910
RutledgeLeslie born about 1908
RutledgeMartha Raeborn about 1933
RutledgeMary Leeborn about 1931
RutledgeMaxwane born about 1937
RutledgeMearl born about 1927
RutledgeMyrtle born about 1906
RutledgeObid born about 1887
RutledgeOna born about 1911
RutledgePatsie Sueborn about 1939

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S Surnames

ShefferAlton born about 1887
ShefferLorene born about 1919
ShefferMattie born about 1890
SmithCrystene born about 1926
SmithEdgar born about 1913
SmithEmily born about 1874
SmithEugene born about 1934
SmithHenry Leeborn about 1928
SmithIrene born about 1923
SmithJ Rborn about 1930
SmithJohn born about 1896
SmithRosie born about 1904
SmithVirginia born about 1937
SneedAlexander born about 1869
SneedByron born about 1901
SneedElenor born about 1924
SneedElsie born about 1902
SneedJane born about 1875
SneedJimmie born about 1935
SneedLee born about 1927
SneedLester born about 1932
SneedOra born about 1907
SneedRoscoe born about 1879
SneedSallie born about 1905
StewartDean born about 1929
StewartDora born about 1909
StewartRoy born about 1906
SwainsGerald born about 1928
SwainsGrover born about 1922
SwainsGrover Cborn about 1892
SwainsKenneth born about 1923
SwainsLetha born about 1891
SwainsMarvin born about 1917
SwainsMary born about 1877
SwainsMose born about 1867
SwainsNora born about 1922
SwainsOwen born about 1919
SwainsRuth born about 1901
SwainsSaul born about 1896

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T Surnames

TateMaud born about 1904
TateMaxine born about 1928
ThomasBetty Jeanborn about 1939
ThomasEdna born about 1909
ThomasJohn born about 1909
ThomasRobert born about 1934
TillieAlma born about 1906
TillieClarence born about 1906
TillieDortha born about 1933
TillieImogene born about 1925
TillieLillie born about 1935
TillieLorene born about 1924
TillieNola Rayeborn about 1939
TillieOnita born about 1928
TillieVirgie born about 1930
TowsendHenry Jborn about 1917
TowsendMagdalene born about 1921
TurnerEffie born about 1882
TurnerVirgil born about 1916

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U Surnames

UckAlberta Doloresborn about 1937
UckJewel born about 1918
UckJohn Francesborn about 1935

V Surnames

VarnellBelle born about 1879
VarnellCharlie born about 1877
VoylesDavid Rborn about 1885
VoylesEmma born about 1936
VoylesHenry born about 1929
VoylesJanece born about 1936
VoylesLaura born about 1899
VoylesLela born about 1927
VoylesMaggie born about 1924
VoylesNoba born about 1939
VoylesOpal born about 1915
VoylesTedd born about 1911

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W Surnames

WrinkelsAgnes born about 1931
WrinkelsArthur born about 1909
WrinkelsHathen born about 1912
WrinkelsHelen born about 1932
WrinkelsJames born about 1939
WyscaverGeorge born about 1868
WyscaverGeorge born about 1890
WyscaverMary born about 1898

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