1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jackson in Cleveland County, Cleveland, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Cleveland County > 1940 Census of Jackson in Cleveland County

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BellElrone born about 1926
BellJim born about 1910
BellRoosevelt born about 1930
BellStellamay born about 1928
BellWillie Vborn about 1905
Bolden??? born about 1890
BoldenAaron born about 1929
BoldenBernice born about 1929
BoldenBurlis born about 1906
BoldenEmma Leneborn about 1927
BoldenEssie Maeborn about 1931
BoldenFrank born about 1933
BoldenJohn born about 1887
BoldenLeon born about 1931
BoldenMinnie ???born about 1933
BoldenNadine born about 1931
BoldenOgene born about 1933
BoldenPatsy Marieborn about 1935
BoldenZera born about 1911
BrowningFrancis born about 1937
BrowningHelen born about 1918
BullardEva born about 1875
BullardJim born about 1875
BullardL Dborn about 1932

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C Surnames

CatheyElizabeth born about 1920
CatheyG Bradyborn about 1887
CatheyIla born about 1895
CatheyJean born about 1928
CatheyMartha born about
CrumptonGeneva born about 1933
CrumptonIda born about 1907
CrumptonJessie born about 1926
CrumptonLeon born about 1930
CrumptonLula born about 1932
CrumptonMayola born about 1928
CrumptonWillie born about 1907
CuthbertsonBilly born about 1933
CuthbertsonCharles born about 1931
CuthbertsonRose born about 1912
CuthbertsonW Oborn about 1889

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D Surnames

DavisFrank born about 1937
DayAndrew born about 1927
DunnC Lborn about 1919

E Surnames

EarleyEliza born about 1870
EarleyMore born about 1867

F Surnames

FranklinAbraham born about 1928
FranklinCarlton born about 1925
FranklinCora born about 1897
FranklinJames born about 1888
FranklinJames born about 1920
FranklinRuby born about 1922
FranklinTravis born about 1932
FranklinVelton born about

G Surnames

GabbGeorge Annaborn about 1923
GabbMary born about 1874

H Surnames

HallGeorge Edwardborn about 1933
HallRachel born about 1911
HallWillie born about 1901
HarrisAnita born about 1926
HarrisCarl born about 1886
HarrisHixie born about 1894
HarrisIra born about 1921
HarrisLevi born about 1879
HarrisMaurice born about 1925
HollowayGibby born about 1904
HolmerEddie born about 1917
HornCharles born about 1931
HornJeanetta born about 1929
HornJimmy born about 1936
HornLeonard born about 1903
HornNora born about 1905
HornRay born about 1901
HudsonCarlene born about 1930
HudsonEthel born about 1897
HudsonLouis born about 1890
HudsonMildred born about 1927
HudsonMilton born about 1927
HudsonWillie born about 1925

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L Surnames

LambertFrancis born about 1903
LambertW Jborn about 1929
LambertW Lborn about 1886

M Surnames

MallardDoyl??? born about 1931
MallardGrace born about 1903
MallardJ Dborn about 1924
MallardJohn born about 1890
MallardOllie Jeanborn about 1926
MallardPaul Davidborn about 1937
MatlockLee born about 1910
MaysAlice born about 1876
MaysBen born about 1875
MaysWillie born about 1914
McCanAnnie born about 1890
McCanBrada Maeborn about 1924
McCanE Mborn about 1884
McCanJimmy Rayborn about 1931
McCanO Jborn about 1919
McCanTroy born about 1922
McCauleyDolly born about 1937
McCauleyEvan born about 1938
McCauleyJ Dborn about 1918
McCauleyJennie born about 1905
McCauleyMary born about 1935
McCauleyMary Emmaborn about 1934
McCauleyMathew born about 1932
McCauleyMaurice born about 1897
McCauleySarah born about 1904
McCauleyTally born about 1931
McCauleyVirginia born about 1932
McCauleyW Eborn about 1900
McLeodA Wborn about 1937
McLeodBlandin born about 1939
McLeodCla???nethe born about 1923
McLeodClaud born about 1901
McLeodElizan born about 1913
McLeodMartha born about 1935
McLeodVellona* born about 1931
McLeodWilliam born about 1907
MenterEster born about 1870
MeyersAlvin born about 1938
MeyersBelle born about 1880
MeyersFrank born about 1888
MeyersGilbert born about 1934
MeyersLaura born about 1919
MeyersNora born about 1911
MeyersSmith born about 1909
MeyersWalter born about 1936

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O Surnames

OlivesBernice born about 1905
OlivesJames born about 1909

P Surnames

PalmerRoy born about 1899
PatersonJohn born about 1927
PhillipsLucy born about 1892
PhillipsVancy born about 1874
PopularAlexander born about 1939
PopularElijah born about 1929
PopularLuster born about 1902
PopularNathan born about 1932
PopularOliver born about 1926
PopularRufus born about 1935
PraderL Bborn about 1894

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R Surnames

RandolphArlene born about 1923
RandolphCalvin born about 1928
RandolphDavid born about 1926
RandolphJ Bborn about 1919
RandolphMahalia born about 1890
RandolphMartin born about 1890
ReedAlbert born about 1914
ReedJames born about 1934
ReedMarie born about 1916
RigginsBertie born about 1934
RigginsBetty born about 1886
RigginsCalvin born about 1932
RigginsGertie Widborn about 1922
RigginsGertrice?? born about 1934
RigginsImogene born about 1936
RigginsJessie born about 1898
RigginsMark born about 1925
RigginsMary born about 1856
RigginsMary Eborn about 1939
RigginsMe?? born about 1926
RigginsMurtle born about 1901
RigginsRaymond born about 1924
RigginsThomas Jr born about 1928
RigginsTom born about 1890
RigginsW Cborn about 1888
RileyAlvin born about 1922
RileyKay born about 1931
RileyLilli Maeborn about 1928
RileySam born about 1893
RileySusie born about 1898
RoshelMari?? born about 1939
RountreeAnna born about 1880
RountreeAnnette born about 1938
RountreeDos born about 1894
RountreeLula born about 1917

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S Surnames

SallyJohn born about 1919
SimmonsFrancis born about 1873
SimmonsFred born about 1912
SimmonsFred born about 1934
SimmonsJ Cborn about 1919
SimmonsThelma born about 1925
SmithOllie born about 1904
SmithTroy born about 1905
SmithTroy Leeborn about 1932
StubblefieldCharity born about 1897
StubblefieldJ Wborn about 1875
StubblefieldOttis born about 1923

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T Surnames

TaylorRuth born about 1920
TaylorVellona* born about 1878
TaylorW Hborn about 1879
ThomsonCora Maeborn about 1925
ThomsonDora born about 1890
ThomsonDora Leeborn about 1920
ThomsonFloyd born about 1928
ThomsonGuy Dborn about 1879
ThomsonRobert born about 1909
TisdaleA Dborn about 1938
TisdaleAdam born about 1910
TisdaleB Jborn about 1939
TisdaleJames born about 1939
TisdaleJewel Deonborn about 1936
TisdaleLillian born about 1918
TurnerCarry born about 1882
TurnerGloria born about 1932
TurnerRiley born about 1882

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W Surnames

WalkerClint born about 1896
WalkerDoris Ruthborn about 1927
WalkerForest born about 1929
WalkerLeroy born about 1922
WalkerLucile born about 1921
WalkerPearly born about 1898
WalkerWillie Loisborn about 1925
WashingtonElla born about 1860
WatsonH Aborn about 1902
WatsonWilly Leeborn about 1905
WilliamsMatilda born about 1873
WilsonAndrew born about 1904
WilsonGeorgia born about 1903
WilsonMaggie born about 1920
WorksBertis born about 1924
WorksDale born about 1922
WorksEffie born about 1893
WorksHerschal born about 1928
WorksLeroy born about 1887
WorksWoodrow born about 1919
Wyne??? born about 1918

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