1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jefferson in Independence County, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Jefferson in Independence County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBennie born about 1898
AdamsWandey born about 1910
AikinsFay born about 1903
AikinsKenneth born about 1921
AikinsWill born about 1895
AllgoodCecil born about 1928
AllgoodHerman born about 1920
AllgoodJames born about 1924
AllgoodNoah born about 1915
AllgoodOtto born about 1910
AllgoodR Pborn about 1879
AllgoodReatha born about 1923
AllgoodRudean born about 1925

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B Surnames

BarnesBarbara Jeanborn about 1935
BarnesRudine born about 1916
BarnesStanley born about 1913
BaxterBertie born about 1890
BaxterBettie born about 1883
BaxterBettie Raeborn about 1927
BaxterE Jborn about 1888
BaxterElla born about 1894
BaxterJ Eborn about 1883
BaxterLa Von born about 1932
BaxterMaurice born about 1923
BaxterN Tborn about 1885

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C Surnames

CampbellBelva born about 1911
CampbellCleva born about 1929
CampbellE Cborn about 1909
CampbellFreda born about 1927
CampbellJ Aborn about 1931
CampbellJury born about 1933
CampbellNina born about 1939
CampbellWanda born about 1935
CantrellEllen born about 1909
CantrellEllis born about 1928
CantrellLous born about 1929
CantrellRobert born about 1935
CantrellVirgie born about 1931
CantrellWm born about 1908
CarlandB Wborn about 1899
CarlandBettie born about 1934
CarlandCordelia born about 1926
CarlandIrene born about 1929
CarlandMaggie born about 1899
CarlandMarie born about 1924
CarlandWanda Leeborn about 1939
CarterJosie born about 1874
ChadwickAnnie born about 1931
ChadwickArvil born about 1935
ChadwickBobbie born about 1938
ChadwickC Aborn about 1899
ChadwickClaudie born about 1928
ChadwickMargie born about 1939
ChadwickOla born about 1909
ChadwickWanda born about 1933
ClaxtonCathrin born about 1919
ClaxtonCoy Lborn about 1908
ClaxtonJ Tborn about 1916
ClaxtonMichael born about 1938
ClaxtonR Oborn about 1863
ClaxtonSusie born about 1882
ClaxtonTee Nielborn about 1918
ClaxtonW Mborn about 1882
ColeConway born about 1916
ColeMary born about 1873
ColeVelvia born about 1916
ColesAlbert born about 1922
ColesAlvin born about 1927
ColesAnnie born about 1896
ColesDoyle born about 1931
ColesElisha born about 1935
ColesIvy born about 1933
ColesLevon born about 1936
ColesMary Annborn about 1926
ColesTroy born about 1933
ColesW Tborn about 1891
ColesWinnie born about 1939
CraftonC Dborn about 1901
CraftonMorris born about 1926
CraftonShirley born about 1938
CraftonVenna born about 1906
CroftsElizabeth born about 1922
CroftsElton born about 1917
CrownoverEdgar born about 1899
CurnerEdna born about 1904
CurnerLena Leeborn about 1922
CurnerLina born about 1908
CurnerMary born about 1880
CurnerRay born about 1906
CurnerWill born about 1880

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D Surnames

DaleE Bborn about 1907
DaleFrances born about 1921
DaleMardell born about 1933
DaleSerald born about 1939
DaleT Oborn about 1938

E Surnames

EdwardsBud born about 1869
EdwardsMary born about 1878

F Surnames

FairCarrol Jeanborn about 1932
FairH Hborn about 1895
FairJanell born about 1927
FairRichard born about 1924
FairRutha born about 1894
FairZane born about 1934
FarrierMyrtle born about 1901
FarrierSamm born about 1894
FarrierWinona born about 1924
ForemanCarmon born about 1912
ForemanCynthia Bellborn about 1938
ForemanFlorence born about 1884
ForemanLister born about 1911
FrazierMary born about 1896
FrazierT Aborn about 1893
FulbrightDennis born about 1921
FulbrightDuane born about 1920
FulbrightE Eborn about 1896
FulbrightE Gborn about 1898
FulbrightErnestine born about 1914
FulbrightFloyd born about 1911
FulbrightMargrette born about 1871
FulbrightMary Joyceborn about 1934
FulbrightRuby born about 1920
FulbrightT Fborn about 1872

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G Surnames

GaiansHenry born about 1922
GarlandE Iborn about 1918
GarlandFrancis born about 1922
GarlandShelby born about 1939
GarrisonA Jborn about 1924
GarrisonC Wborn about 1881
GarrisonCurtis born about 1928
GarrisonFlora born about 1861
GarrisonFlorine born about 1933
GarrisonHardy born about 1921
GarrisonJulian born about 1926
GarrisonOscar born about 1897
GarrisonPearl born about 1907

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H Surnames

HarrisNoel born about 1917
HarrisWillie born about 1910
HastingsAdamson born about 1881
HastingsBillie born about 1926
HastingsClyd Maeborn about 1939
HastingsDonald born about 1939
HastingsEthel born about 1891
HastingsFloyd Jeanborn about 1936
HastingsJuanita born about 1917
HastingsLamon born about 1914
HastingsMildred born about 1916
HastingsRayburn born about 1936
HastingsW Wborn about 1917
HastingsWanda born about 1938
HenryR Aborn about 1896
HenryStella born about 1903
HornChas born about 1879
HornLuenia born about 1883
HornMary Ednaborn about 1918
HornWalter born about 1906

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J Surnames

JohnsonA Cborn about 1904
JohnsonHorrace born about 1912
JohnsonIola born about 1883
JohnsonLuneva born about 1906

K Surnames

KirkdofferE Bborn about 1859

L Surnames

LandrethHester born about 1892
LandrethU Lborn about 1882
LathamAddie born about 1901
LathamAustin born about 1920
LathamO Vborn about 1891
LeeEdna born about 1929
LeeHenry Billborn about 1933
LeeIvan born about 1925
LeeKenneth born about 1939
LeeLeslie born about 1936
LeeLillie Maeborn about 1926
LeeMary born about 1937
LeslieEmma born about 1864
LeslieTom born about 1863
LisleyClyde born about 1897
LisleyDale born about 1923
LisleyGradon born about 1934
LisleyHester born about 1897
LisleyJaline born about 1937
LisleyLamarion born about 1926
LynnElgie born about 1894
LynnMable born about 1923
LynnRuphus born about 1929
LynnTommie born about 1919

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M Surnames

MartinArthur born about 1894
MartinCordelia born about 1894
MartinEunice born about 1916
MartinGene born about 1892
MartinMary born about 1880
McDanielEssie born about 1902
McDanielS Lborn about 1879
McDanielS L Amosborn about 1928
McGuireB Aborn about 1932
McGuireBarbara born about 1939
McGuireHurbert Aborn about 1913
McGuireKenneth born about 1933
McGuireOble born about 1913
McGuireRymond born about 1936
McMahanBillie born about 1932
McMahanCharles born about 1900
McMahanJ Wborn about 1929
McMahanMary born about 1934
McMahanMelva born about 1924
McMahanMillie Raeborn about 1927
McMahanN Eborn about 1870
McMahanRobbie born about 1925
McMahanStella born about 1902
McTigueBertie Leeborn about 1939
McTigueBly born about 1925
McTigueErnest Dborn about 1928
McTigueJ Hborn about 1869
McTigueJim born about 1905
McTigueLeatrice born about 1931
McTigueLeona born about 1871
McTigueRay Eborn about 1907
McTigueVelma born about 1908
MiltonJams born about 1936

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N Surnames

NullBeatrice born about 1923
NullEdna born about 1894

P Surnames

PerkenAmy born about 1914
PerkenClaude born about 1909
PerkenGleden born about 1936
PoolC Mborn about 1896
PoolC Oborn about 1903
PoolDora born about 1871
PoolGladdys born about 1905
PoolGlendon born about 1932
PoolRoxie born about 1902

R Surnames

ReitherBobbie born about 1934
ReitherJoe Annborn about 1933
ReithrMelba born about 1913
ReynoldsBessie born about 1937
ReynoldsCarlin born about 1927
ReynoldsClemie born about 1909
ReynoldsCoyce born about 1936
ReynoldsElmer born about 1902
ReynoldsEmm Jeanborn about 1928
ReynoldsEthel born about 1918
ReynoldsEugene born about 1939
ReynoldsHarvey born about 1918
ReynoldsHerman born about 1914
ReynoldsJ Dborn about 1929
ReynoldsJack born about 1930
ReynoldsJames born about 1926
ReynoldsJay born about 1934
ReynoldsJessie born about 1937
ReynoldsJunior born about 1934
ReynoldsMarie born about 1932
ReynoldsN Jborn about 1886
ReynoldsRalph born about 1925
ReynoldsRay born about 1932
ReynoldsRosa born about 1897
ReynoldsWilliam born about 1921
RiggsBertie born about 1899
RiggsErma Leeborn about 1939
RiggsInez born about 1925
RiggsJ Dborn about 1923
RiggsMaxie born about 1929
RiggsMerrell born about 1936
RiggsRuby born about 1932
RiggsSanford born about 1897
RoachAldin born about 1930
RoachAvril born about 1934
RoachC Tborn about 1893
RoachEthel born about 1896
RoachLavar Wmborn about 1931
RoachLee Nealborn about 1923
RoachLoraine born about 1928
RoachLucile born about 1925
RoachLuella born about 1920
RoachNeil born about 1908
RoachNellie born about 1899
RoachPearl born about 1899
RoachR Eborn about 1870
RoachRemona Faeborn about 1934
RoachSybloe born about 1908
RoachT Hborn about 1903
RoachThelma born about 1910
RoachThurmon born about 1938
RoachTrevia Maeborn about 1934
RoachWanda Jeanborn about 1929
RoachZelma born about 1910
RobinsBud born about 1913
RobinsCharley Faeborn about 1936
RobinsMann born about 1907
RobinsMargretta born about 1918
RobinsSadie born about 1911
RobinsShirley Sueborn about 1939
RobinsWlford born about 1926
RodgersEme born about 1886
RodgersGeo Nborn about 1883
RodgersGeo Wborn about 1923
RodgersI Nborn about 1927
RousselBertie Raeborn about 1926
RussElmer born about 1894
RussEsths born about 1919
RussMaluse born about 1922
RussMargrett born about 1873
RussMary born about 1872
RussMonnie born about 1904
RussS Lborn about 1871
RussVerdell born about 1924

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S Surnames

SatterwhiteA Aborn about 1916
SatterwhiteG Dborn about 1886
SatterwhiteGladys born about 1916
SatterwhiteJ Tborn about 1913
SatterwhiteLois born about 1924
SatterwhiteWilla Deanborn about 1940
SatterwhiteWillie born about 1893
SatterwhiteWinnie born about 1934
ScottInez born about 1911
ScottJackie born about 1939
ScottJohn born about 1904
ScottNorma born about 1935
ShultzAnnie born about 1894
ShultzG Cborn about 1894
ShultzRuby born about 1925
SmithG Nborn about 1910
SmithGladdis born about 1914
SmithHarrison born about 1918
SmithIda born about 1870
SmithJohn born about 1920
SmithJohn Mborn about 1872
SmithLula born about 1881
SmithMartha Jborn about 1874
SmithW Nborn about 1931
SmithW R Pborn about 1866
SmithWilburn born about 1915
SmithWillie Maeborn about 1933
SnyderAlma born about 1904
SnyderRaymon born about 1924
SouthardAmanda born about 1873
SouthardDelia born about 1877
SouthardE Lborn about 1867
StephensGladys born about 1930
StephensJunius Bborn about 1922
StephensLee born about 1927
StephensLou Annieborn about 1933
StephensRuth born about 1898
StewardE Eborn about 1914
StewardJane born about 1934
StewardMonroe born about 1917
StewardOdie born about 1915
StorxReed born about 1921
StorxStella born about 1892
StorxV Vborn about 1891
StoutA Eborn about 1899
StoutDouglas born about 1921
StoutFredia born about 1929
StoutNellie born about 1902
StoutWayne born about 1925
StroudAldreth born about 1903
StroudAlva born about 1917
StroudAustin born about 1910
StroudAvis born about 1917
StroudBertie born about 1880
StroudBonnie born about 1915
StroudBoyce born about 1930
StroudCorrine born about 1929
StroudIda born about 1904
StroudJames born about 1921
StroudLowell born about 1926

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T Surnames

TateH Mborn about 1858
TateMary Eborn about 1872
TurnerAvis born about 1918
TurnerDean born about 1918
TurnerEffie born about 1899
TurnerErnest born about 1891
TurnerMarjorie born about 1924

W Surnames

WadeEdward born about 1938
WadeFrank born about 1915
WadeJoe born about 1939
WadePearl born about 1915
WalfordA Eborn about 1915
WalfordRetha born about 1917
WatsonMildred born about 1924
WatsonVaughn born about 1918
WelchAzeana born about 1920
WelchBadie born about 1897
WelchCarlene born about 1927
WelchEarl born about 1926
WelchFaye born about 1924
WelchJ Hborn about 1914
WelchR Cborn about 1939
WelchTom born about 1894
WelchUrhlean born about 1936
WelchW Tborn about 1921
WhitemerC Cborn about 1913
WhitemerDorman born about 1939
WhitemerJewel born about 1909
WinnAlice born about 1922
WinnAnnalee born about 1940
WinnJack born about 1918
WolfeC Mborn about 1876
WolfeC Wborn about 1881
WolfeJ Dborn about 1874
WolfeMonroe born about 1882
WoodAudrey born about 1928
WoodBoyce Rayborn about 1926
WoodGeorgie born about 1917
WoodGlen Garlanborn about 1940
WoodMaggie Eborn about 1877
WoodMaudie born about 1916
WoodPatsie Joeborn about 1938
WoodW Hborn about 1909
WoodWalter born about 1923

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