1940 U.S. Federal Census of Keeter, Marion, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Marion County > 1940 Census of Keeter

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AshmeadAlvan born about 1937
AshmeadClara born about 1912
AshmeadFred born about 1932
AshmeadMarion born about 1861
AshmeadMary Lborn about 1865
AshmeadSusie born about 1934
AshmeadWalter born about 1894

B Surnames

BallAlbert born about 1926
BallBobe born about 1905
BallEarl born about 1929
BallHarold born about 1934
BallIva Jeanborn about 1928
BallLeona born about 1925
BallLorance born about 1930
BallOra born about 1900
BeckJohn Fborn about 1864
BentonCorine born about 1936
BentonEthel born about 1934
BentonJ Dborn about 1919
BentonJames born about 1920
BentonJohn born about 1883
BentonL Gborn about 1925
BentonLouise Bborn about 1891
BentonMarion born about 1939
BentonMarvin born about 1929
BentonNellie born about 1903
BentonRobert born about 1932
BentonVernon born about 1909
BentonW Jessborn about 1887
BillingsEula born about 1905
BillingsEverett born about 1937
BillingsLazell born about 1933
BillingsLouise born about 1927
BillingsLuci Maeborn about 1939
BillingsMarion born about 1935
BillingsTruman born about 1925
BillingsVan born about 1885
BillingsVirgil born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellJim Hborn about 1885
CampbellJohn born about 1873
CampbellRosie born about 1886

D Surnames

DoddD Nealborn about 1881
DoddJoe born about 1926
DoddLizzie born about 1886
DoddLoy born about 1930

F Surnames

FeeBryan born about 1897
FeeThelma born about 1922
FlemingLorenzo Dborn about 1866
FyfeLillian born about 1912

H Surnames

HamiltonArnnu born about 1885
HamiltonElvetta born about 1939
HamiltonEmogene born about 1918
HamiltonJasper born about 1885
HamiltonWalter born about 1913
HawkinsAlma born about 1921
HawkinsDuglas born about 1913
HawkinsGeorgio born about 1916
HawkinsJulius Dborn about 1939
HawkinsL Gborn about 1939
HawkinsOpal born about 1916
HightowerAda born about 1877
HightowerDon born about 1916
HightowerRoy born about 1914
HightowerThelma born about 1920
HightowerWallace Hborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramAudrey born about 1907
IngramBas Eborn about 1931
IngramGene born about 1928
IngramJackie born about 1927

J Surnames

JenkinsCosta born about 1925
JenkinsCoy born about 1901
JenkinsDoris born about 1931
JenkinsJ Tborn about 1929
JenkinsRita born about 1933
JenkinsRuby born about 1908
JenkinsVera Kborn about 1927
JohnsonAlva Aborn about 1897
JohnsonDonald born about 1932
JohnsonDoyce born about 1939
JohnsonErma born about 1936
JohnsonEster born about 1922
JohnsonJ Vborn about 1930
JohnsonLarsh born about 1920
JohnsonOlaf born about 1924
JohnsonRebecca born about 1898
JohnsonVina born about 1928
JonesAnnie born about 1919
JonesCal born about 1915
JonesClay born about 1895
JonesEmma born about 1898
JonesErma born about 1920
JonesEwall born about 1922
JonesG Bellborn about 1924
JonesImogene born about 1930
JonesOpal born about 1916
JonesPyrtlo born about 1932
JonesRay born about 1926
JonesVernon born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KingAlta born about 1908
KingBerlian born about 1933
KingBerna born about 1930
KingCal born about 1900
KingClemma born about 1923
KingDon born about 1924
KingEdward born about 1928
KingElizabeth born about 1887
KingElmo born about 1896
KingElva born about 1905
KingFred Dborn about 1935
KingGertrude born about 1935
KingHazel born about 1926
KingHazel Pborn about 1926
KingIke Kborn about 1928
KingJames Wborn about 1939
KingJohn born about 1901
KingJohn Wborn about 1891
KingJohnnie born about 1922
KingJunior born about 1922
KingJunior born about 1930
KingKelley born about 1900
KingKirk born about 1894
KingMadge born about 1895
KingMary born about 1923
KingMelva born about 1918
KingMervin born about 1934
KingNeil born about 1933
KingNina Fayborn about 1931
KingOrville born about 1914
KingOval born about 1915
KingPerna born about 1936
KingPerry Lborn about 1939
KingRobert born about 1926
KingRuff Pborn about 1879
KingRuth born about 1925
KingVerble born about 1929
KingVerl born about 1928
KingVirgie born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LundryAlta born about 1899
LundryAnna Ronborn about 1934
LundryPaul Fborn about 1932

M Surnames

MalikGeorgie born about 1922
MalikMike born about 1918
McCrackenBobby Jborn about 1934
McCrackenFlorence born about 1914
McCrackenGeorge born about 1903

N Surnames

NationsBessie born about 1907
NationsFrank Jborn about 1893
NationsLarraine born about 1925
NationsLoirs born about 1937
NewtonDalton born about 1892
NiddleBen born about 1908
NiddleDora born about 1909
NiddleMary Leeborn about 1933

R Surnames

RillinopFred born about 1930
RillinopGlennis born about 1921
RillinopHenry born about 1888
RillinopRush born about 1927
RillinopSade born about 1888
RillinopTroy born about 1930
RisleyGeorge born about 1911
RisleyOpal born about 1920
RoseAnna Kateborn about 1931
RoseAudrey born about 1928
RoseCurry born about 1910
RoseDwight born about 1930
RoseHerbert Sborn about 1902
RoseJerry Lynnborn about 1938
RoseMyrtle born about 1902
RoseOrin born about 1926
RoseRonald born about 1925
RoseWillow Deanborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ShoeEvallee born about 1919
ShoeMarcell born about 1926
ShoeRalph born about 1920
ShoemakerEdward Fborn about 1884
SouthworthPaul Dborn about 1882
SouthworthViloxet born about 1901
StringerVirginia born about 1927

T Surnames

ThreetDaniel Eborn about 1935
ThreetJames Dborn about 1933
ThreetJim born about 1904
ThreetPearl born about 1911
ThreetThomas Kborn about 1937
ThreetVerrsa born about 1939

W Surnames

WarnesFrank Wborn about 1884
WarnesLou born about 1882
WarrenCharley born about 1886
WarrenEdna born about 1924
WarrenFoy born about 1929
WarrenHelen born about 1937
WarrenJoan born about 1934
WarrenJoyce born about 1938
WarrenLou born about 1902
WarrenMary Ellenaborn about 1932
WarrenMay born about 1929
WarrenRuth born about 1910
WarrenRuth born about 1927
WarrenTessie born about 1925
WarrenTroy born about 1917
WarrenVirgil born about 1909
WarrenWilliam Deanborn about 1939
WattsIrene born about 1938
WattsRuby born about 1916
WattsThurman born about 1913
WhitedAgnes born about 1917
WhitedBoyd born about 1926
WhitedElzie Mborn about 1892
WhitedMaggie born about 1895
WhitedTemper born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YochamDortha born about 1905
YochamElmer born about 1921
YochamGeorge Aborn about 1929
YochamShelby born about 1928
YochamShirley born about 1938
YochamTroy born about 1901
YochamVera born about 1923
YochumArt born about 1900
YochumBetty Joborn about 1934
YochumBlanche born about 1926
YochumBobbie Jeanborn about 1928
YochumCarmel born about 1918
YochumDoris Jborn about 1936
YochumEtta Cborn about 1902
YochumGeorge Wborn about 1896
YochumIla Deanborn about 1924
YochumJoya Eborn about 1940
YochumLauon born about 1935
YochumMelvina born about 1905
YochumRitha Fayborn about 1938
YochumSue Idaborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmermanBert born about 1915

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