1940 U.S. Federal Census of La Fayette in Lonoke County, Lonoke, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Lonoke County > 1940 Census of La Fayette in Lonoke County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAnnie born about 1870
AdamsBooker born about 1924
AdamsIsaac born about 1892
AllenJames born about 1928
AllenJoseph born about 1917
AllenPearline born about 1920
AllenRena born about 1925
AloterPalmer born about 1892
AndersonDarrel born about 1920
AndersonRobbie born about 1921
AnesyAnnie born about 1870
ArcherAnnie Mayborn about 1924
ArcherGene Arthurborn about 1939
ArcherHazel born about 1926
ArcherJames born about 1902
ArcherJames Jr born about 1928
ArcherJohnny born about 1937
ArcherLorene born about 1903
ArcherMiriam born about 1933
ArcherVernon born about 1935
AskewAnnie born about 1905
AskewBernice born about 1929
AskewBetty Geneborn about 1937
AskewJunior born about 1934
AskewLewis born about 1905
AskewOdessa born about 1927
AskewPolline born about 1931
AskewR Jborn about 1939
AskewVelma born about 1927
AustinAlbert born about 1912
AustinDavey born about 1938
AustinLurella born about 1936
AustinPinell born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyBetty born about 1939
BaileyCharlene born about 1922
BaileyEdora born about 1903
BaileyHenry born about 1916
BaileyIrma born about 1937
BaileyJessie Leeborn about 1938
BaileyL Vborn about 1939
BaileyOra born about 1915
BaileyPete born about 1917
BaileyR Cborn about 1935
BaileySam born about 1901
BakerClara born about 1891
BakerClara born about 1929
BakerDare born about 1890
BakerDore Jr born about 1927
BakerEffa born about 1933
BakerFred born about 1920
BakerFrenda born about 1939
BakerJoe born about 1936
BakerLeola born about 1925
BakerLeora born about 1938
BakerPearly born about 1923
BarnesLucinda born about 1915
BarnesO Dborn about 1918
BarringtonEtta born about 1880
BarringtonJ born about 1880
BarringtonMattie born about 1935
BarringtonWalter born about 1937
BellFannie born about 1908
BellGeorgia born about 1886
BellJames born about 1885
BellLula born about 1902
BellWalter born about 1902
BellWalter Jr born about 1937
BellWill born about 1889
BenfordClifford born about 1886
BennettFletcher born about 1904
BennettLily born about 1894
BennettM Vborn about 1920
BennettParsline born about 1927
BennettPearly born about 1869
BennettSam born about 1870
BensonCora born about 1916
BensonWalter born about 1915
BessBeulah born about 1895
BishopJoe born about 1878
BishopNancy born about 1883
BlantonA Dborn about 1923
BlantonElla born about 1871
BlantonJ Mborn about 1898
BlantonJoe born about 1939
BlantonLily born about 1902
BlantonMary born about 1931
BlantonSam born about 1870
BloomAlice born about 1938
BloomAnnie born about 1922
BloomGus born about 1917
BloomGus born about 1940
BloomHarold born about 1937
BokerBillie born about 1937
BokerElijah born about 1924
BokerJames born about 1884
BokerMary Ellaborn about 1885
BokerNoah born about 1928
BokerWillie born about 1922
BokerWillie Leeborn about 1931
BoldenElla born about 1874
BoldenJim born about 1870
BoldenVirginia born about 1917
BollsEssedee born about 1920
BollsJames Davidborn about 1939
BollsOtelia born about 1938
BooneEtta Mayborn about 1925
BooneJames born about 1923
BowdenChas born about 1885
BowdenIrma born about 1939
BowdenLouis born about 1930
BowdenLuther born about 1916
BowdenNatalie born about 1916
BowdenVirgie born about 1884
BowesMabel born about 1880
BowesW Tborn about 1879
BowlsCurtiss born about 1910
BowlsHelen born about 1911
BoylesClematee born about 1934
BoylesFlorence born about 1890
BoylesJames born about 1882
BradleyCora born about 1888
BradleyElla Marieborn about 1920
BradleyJackson born about 1916
BradleyOllie born about 1910
BradleyOscar born about 1922
BradleyR Aborn about 1877
BradleyR Fborn about 1906
BradleyTroy Carrolborn about 1935
BradleyVeeda Marieborn about 1933
BrewerHezekiah born about 1922
BrewerJames born about 1893
BriceLeeoma born about 1927
BriceLuella born about 1891
BriceNathan born about 1883
BriceSue born about 1925
BrockmanAlmary born about 1934
BrockmanAndrew born about 1928
BrockmanCumy born about 1924
BrockmanElvira born about 1924
BrockmanMary born about 1926
BrockmanPrince born about 1900
BrockmanWillie born about 1932
BrooksBertha Nborn about 1924
BrooksChas born about 1902
BrooksChas Jr born about 1937
BrooksDorothy Lborn about 1926
BrooksHazel born about 1905
BrownFannie Bellborn about 1923
BrownHattie born about 1905
BrownRoland born about 1906
BrownRuth Leeborn about 1927
BryantJ Lborn about 1898
BryantJoan Francesborn about 1928
BryantVirgie born about 1902
BryantW Jborn about 1866
BryantWilliam born about 1923
BurkettBeulah Pearlborn about 1911
BurkettCarllee born about 1908
BurkettRuby Leeborn about 1935
BurnhamDwa born about 1882
ButlerAlmary born about 1930
ButlerAlmyra born about 1926
ButlerCornelius born about 1911
ButlerLewis born about 1928
ButlerMary born about 1915
ButlerWillene born about 1932
ButlerWillie born about 1920
BynumFlorence born about 1880
BynumJames born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CappsArthur born about 1888
CappsCharles born about 1934
CappsDelores Marieborn about 1939
CappsE Sborn about 1909
CappsGectie born about 1893
CappsJoe born about 1921
CappsMinnie born about 1912
CappsOllie born about 1920
CappsRex born about 1931
CaronArlan born about 1933
CaronBamine born about 1935
CaronBomy born about 1895
CaronMarie born about 1922
CaronMary Francesborn about 1929
CaronNat born about 1895
CaronNat Jr born about 1937
CaronNoel born about 1923
ChambersB Wborn about 1915
ChambersClifford born about 1909
ChambersDoris born about 1928
ChambersDorothy Jborn about 1939
ChambersHaroldeen born about 1935
ChambersJ Aborn about 1871
ChambersJ Eborn about 1900
ChambersJ Eborn about 1930
ChambersJ Qborn about 1881
ChambersJulia born about 1912
ChambersMary Eborn about 1932
ChambersMonnie Leeborn about 1922
ChambersThomas born about 1909
ChambersV Bborn about 1911
ChismBertie Rayborn about 1929
ChismBetty Annaborn about 1934
ChismCarlos born about 1924
ChismDewey Rayborn about 1936
ChismEarl born about 1922
ChismEdna born about 1939
ChismIrene born about 1938
ChismJesse born about 1920
ChismLottie born about 1900
ChismRaymond born about 1926
ChismRuth born about 1932
ChismW Cborn about 1892
ChronisterDone born about 1903
CobbAnnie born about 1881
CobbC Cborn about 1884
CobbF Wborn about 1913
CobbLewis born about 1926
CobbLinda Mayborn about 1919
ColemanAda born about 1892
CollieeCarry born about 1887
ConnickMaggie born about 1919
CooperDane born about 1895
CooperIda Rborn about 1925
CooperInez born about 1919
CooperLeel born about 1932
CooperLenon Sr born about 1879
CooperLenor Jr born about 1912
CooperLeo born about 1921
CooperRosalie born about 1913
CooperRosee Rborn about 1928
CorminsLara born about 1874
CoxClarence born about 1932
CoxClennor born about 1931
CoxNaomi born about 1904
CoxPat Bborn about 1900
CoxPorter Bborn about 1922
CoxRoxie Maeborn about 1881
CraigAnnie Leeborn about 1939
CraigArdonia born about 1910
CraigF D Craigborn about 1933
CraigGeorgia Leeborn about 1928
CraigGustava born about 1934
CraigNenta born about 1929
CraigZelpin born about 1902
CrosbyJohn born about 1884
CrosbyJulia born about 1885
CrosbyLee Willieborn about 1930
CrosbyRuben born about 1931
CrosbyWillie born about 1923
CrumptonLee born about 1905

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D Surnames

DarcyCarry born about 1918
DarcyIrene born about 1916
DarcyLula born about 1883
DarcyRoy born about 1922
DaversBetty Jewelborn about 1938
DaversBobby Wayneborn about 1939
DaversMarie born about 1918
DaversWayne born about 1916
DavidsonHarold born about 1932
DavidsonR Sborn about 1895
DavidsonRachel born about 1900
DavidsonRay born about 1926
DeesonMardy born about 1871
DeesonMaudy born about 1874
DennisElton Jr born about 1930
DennisHelen Marieborn about 1927
DennisJesse born about 1921
DennisL Zborn about 1923
DennisMary born about 1900
DennisMilton born about 1933
DennisSurcillee born about 1924
DildyJ Rborn about 1928
DildyJefferine born about 1932
DildyLena born about 1885
DildyLon born about 1934
DildyRev born about 1883
DossO Dborn about 1939
DoughtryBeatrice born about 1899
DoughtryBobby born about 1919
DoughtryR Vborn about 1890
DoughtryWallace born about 1923
DuckeryCherman born about 1927
DuckeryEugene born about 1931
DuckeryHerman born about 1927
DuckeryMary born about 1901
DuckeryShack born about 1902
DunlapArmelia born about 1911
DunlapEd born about 1904

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E Surnames

EasterA Cborn about 1939
EasterJames born about 1930
EasterPearline born about 1923
EwtonAlex born about 1869
EwtonOdell born about 1875

F Surnames

FarlandLizzie Bethborn about 1893
FarlandM Cborn about 1891
FarmerJames born about 1919
FarmerLucille born about 1939
FarmerMary born about 1934
FarmerNancy born about 1888
FarmerR Cborn about 1923
FelixMonroe born about 1927
FenneyFleteher born about 1920
FinnellBlauford born about 1934
FinnellEarl born about 1924
FinnellLuther born about 1899
FinnellOma born about 1905
ForeBetty born about 1916
ForeC Dborn about 1907
ForeCharlene born about 1935
ForeEthel born about 1915
ForeFlorance Jborn about 1937
ForeJ Cborn about 1871
ForeL Lborn about 1906
ForeMadge born about 1939
ForeSue born about 1939
FosterAl born about 1917
FosterIna Sr born about 1865
FosterJewell born about 1918
FosterJohn born about 1895
FosterJohnny born about 1922
FosterMontina born about 1926
FosterNettie born about 1896
FosterOliver born about 1932
FosterOllie Mayborn about 1929
FranklinIno born about 1905
FranklinMattie born about 1867
FranklinPearly born about 1915
FrenchJanie born about 1905
FrenchSam born about 1901
FudgeAnna born about 1901
FudgeAnnie Aborn about 1934
FudgeCorahell born about 1923
FudgeHenry Jr born about 1925
FudgeJelleen born about 1936
FudgeJenry born about 1895
FudgeJunior born about 1939
FudgeKatie born about 1918
FudgeMilton born about 1930
FudgeOpheira born about 1927
FudgeRosie born about 1917
FudgeSylvester born about 1932
FudgeWillie born about 1919

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G Surnames

GanetJim born about 1891
GilmoreAndrew born about 1895
GlageCarl born about 1902
GlageViola born about 1902
GreenDaisy born about 1926
GreenLonnie born about 1903
GreenMildred born about 1930
GreenRoosevelt born about 1919
GreenRosie born about 1906
GreenTheotis born about 1925
GreenWillie born about 1928
GristIva Maryborn about 1936
GristIvy born about 1918
GristJoe Cborn about 1911
GristJoe Rayborn about 1936
GristMary Ruthborn about 1933
GristRatha born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HamptonJohn born about 1921
HamptonOllie Mayborn about 1924
HamptonSam born about 1923
HarperAndrew born about 1913
HarperWillie born about 1920
HarperWillie Mayborn about 1917
HarrisArthur born about 1911
HarrisChaney Leeborn about 1928
HarrisDorothy born about 1923
HarrisEd born about 1886
HarrisHermene born about
HarrisJohnny Leeborn about 1926
HarrisJosie born about 1897
HarrisMyrtle born about 1913
HarrisRufus born about 1910
HarrisRuthie Bborn about 1934
HarrisThelma born about 1923
HartonLee born about 1920
HarveyB Bborn about 1897
HarveyEarnest born about 1932
HarveyJ Dborn about 1930
HarveyL Dborn about 1934
HarveyMrs Rr born about 1903
HendersonBobby Jeanborn about 1928
HendersonEdward born about 1925
HendersonHarold Victorborn about 1938
HendersonHazel born about 1906
HendersonLorene born about 1926
HendersonShirley born about 1930
HendersonT Mborn about 1902
HendricksenLorene born about 1926
HendricksenLuther born about 1923
HendricksenMartha born about 1889
HendricksenOra born about 1925
HendricksenW Fborn about 1894
HerronChas born about 1892
HerronChas Wborn about 1928
HerronNettie Fborn about 1924
HerronRita born about 1892
HillAnna born about 1880
HillEd born about 1931
HillJ Wborn about 1887
HillJulia born about 1896
HillLola born about 1872
HillMajor born about 1880
HillOlin born about 1922
HillVera born about 1925
HillW Cborn about 1880
HillWilliam born about 1880
HinesCherry born about 1884
HinesCooper born about 1873
HobosnClarence born about 1918
HobosnIrene born about 1881
HobosnJ Eborn about 1883
HobosnRay born about 1912
HobosnWoodrow born about 1919
HobsonLee born about 1903
HobsonLessie born about 1902
HolmesSallies born about 1898
HolmesWillie born about 1891
HornClyde born about 1909
HornGladys born about 1912
HornHelen born about 1934
HornMargaret born about 1936
HunterAlfred born about 1921

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I Surnames

IngramBernetha born about 1938
IngramBertha Leeborn about 1935
IngramDaniel born about 1931
IngramElizah born about 1940
IngramEran born about 1904
IngramFlora born about 1928
IngramLeola born about 1930
IngramOne Leeborn about 1936
IngramVerlee born about 1925
IngramVintee born about 1906
IngramW Cborn about 1933

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J Surnames

JacksonBertha born about 1874
JamesCarrie born about 1878
JamesCornel born about 1937
JamesEarl born about 1917
JamesElsie Leeborn about 1917
JamesKathleen born about 1918
JamesLivura born about 1897
JamesM Wborn about 1915
JamesNancy born about 1899
JeffcoatBetty born about 1937
JeffcoatC Aborn about 1890
JeffcoatFlora born about 1933
JeffcoatJim born about 1926
JeffcoatLennie born about 1931
JeffcoatLouise born about 1933
JeffcoatSuzie born about 1890
JeffcoatVirginia born about 1936
JeffcoatWillie born about 1935
JeffersonAlbert born about 1914
JeffersonLe Roy born about 1938
JeffersonWillia born about 1921
JenkinsBen born about 1905
JenkinsBetty Jeanborn about 1937
JenkinsDorothy Mayborn about 1928
JenkinsE Lborn about 1903
JenkinsE L Jrborn about 1934
JenkinsElma born about 1929
JenkinsEva Mayborn about 1920
JenkinsFannie born about 1930
JenkinsLouise born about 1931
JenkinsMartha Leeborn about 1938
JenkinsMaudel born about 1909
JenkinsMellene born about 1934
JenkinsMinnie Leeborn about 1932
JenkinsPatsy Ruthborn about 1939
JenkinsR Dborn about 1936
JenkinsWillie born about 1927
JeterRobert born about 1864
JeterRoxie born about 1882
JohnsonAlmyra born about 1917
JohnsonAmelia born about 1934
JohnsonAsolee born about 1917
JohnsonBernice born about 1923
JohnsonClarence born about 1906
JohnsonClarence born about 1912
JohnsonClint Odellborn about 1922
JohnsonEvelyn born about 1920
JohnsonJ Wborn about 1883
JohnsonJames Kborn about 1939
JohnsonJohn born about 1938
JohnsonLily born about 1884
JohnsonMary born about 1901
JohnsonPauline born about 1925
JohnsonQuinella born about 1939
JohnsonQuinesta born about 1937
JohnsonRichmond born about 1936
JohnsonRose born about 1939
JohnsonRuby born about 1921
JohnsonS Jborn about 1890
JohnsonTolise born about 1938
JohnsonWill born about 1885
JonesDarman born about 1931
JonesG Wborn about 1884
JonesGeneva born about 1929
JonesL Lborn about 1889
JonesMary born about 1889
JonesMaryruth born about 1923
JonesMyrtle born about 1903
JonesNoami born about 1927
JonesRobert born about 1934

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K Surnames

KellyCoyle born about 1919
KellyHelen born about 1926
KellyJ Wborn about 1893
KellyNellie born about 1899
KellyVivian born about 1921
KempBeulah born about 1889
KempJohn born about 1888
KempLeandro born about 1928
KempLeota born about 1908
KempLula born about 1880
KempManuel born about 1907
KempPriscilla born about 1927
KempRoberta born about 1906
KempRoosevelt born about 1904
KingFletcher born about 1893
KingWillie born about 1917
KuppingKiola born about 1902
KuppingMae born about 1880
KyleH born about 1890
KyleRena born about 1891

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L Surnames

LaurenFrank born about 1896
LaurenLucille born about 1917
LawrenChas born about 1878
LawrenElizabeth born about 1895
LeeAlmyra born about 1928
LeeClarence born about 1902
LeeHerman born about 1934
LeeImogene born about 1935
LeeIrene born about 1905
LeeJames Cborn about 1930
LeeOllie Beatriceborn about 1937
LeeRaymond born about 1915
LeeThelma born about 1924
LemonsEmma born about 1884
LemonsK Dborn about 1874
LewisAnn born about 1905
LewisFloyd born about 1890
LynnHerriette born about 1871
LynnJim born about 1902

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M Surnames

MacfarlandHattie born about 1865
MagnessKatherine born about 1922
MagnessLydia born about 1899
MagnessW Lborn about 1897
MahoneEmma born about 1870
MahoneKress born about 1932
ManuelAnnie Maeborn about 1917
MariweatherAmy born about 1900
MariweatherDove born about 1843
MariweatherEarl born about 1917
MariweatherL Dborn about 1928
MariweatherRalph born about 1884
MariweatherRalph L Fborn about 1923
MariweatherRosetta born about 1935
MariweatherRuby born about 1930
MarshallFreddie born about 1907
MarshallVeata born about 1918
MarshellElbert born about 1926
MarshellHallie born about 1921
MarshellHarold born about 1868
MarshellMary born about 1924
MarshellNathonal born about 1925
MarshellNecy born about 1890
MartinAlvie born about 1922
MartinEffie born about 1936
MartinEssie Leeborn about 1934
MartinEsther born about 1919
MartinIrene born about 1920
MartinJoanna born about 1929
MartinMadine born about 1914
MartinMatthew born about 1909
MartinMattie born about 1918
MartinR Lborn about 1926
MartinV Oborn about 1931
MaynordFannie born about 1881
MaynordInez born about 1911
MaynordJ Fborn about 1883
MaywoodBonnie Leeborn about 1922
MaywoodEather born about 1893
MaywoodOdell born about 1926
McCartyArthur born about 1910
McCartyBillie born about 1938
McCartyGlenn born about 1933
McCartyJewel born about 1915
McCartyMaydel born about 1935
McCullomAlberta born about 1892
McCullomAlberta born about 1938
McCullomChas born about 1930
McCullomLoni born about 1892
McCullomRobert born about 1931
McDonaldMattie born about 1918
McNeilLorie born about 1920
McWdlieJohn born about 1884
McWhillyLizzie born about 1895
MickleHenry born about 1868
MillsEugene born about 1905
MillsLaura Mayborn about 1922
MitchellNellie born about 1870
MitchellWill born about 1865
MontgomeryAlmaree born about 1933
MontgomeryArrestha born about 1935
MontgomeryBirdie born about 1906
MontgomeryDennis born about 1907
MontgomeryFloyd born about 1931
MontgomeryGilbert born about 1930
MontgomeryK Dborn about 1940
MontgomeryRosie Jeanborn about 1937
MooreFred born about 1912
MorganAllie born about 1900
MorganDaisy born about 1902
MorganG Wborn about 1937
MorganOtelia born about 1917
MorganWillie born about 1913
MorrisBobby born about 1929
MorrisJean Carolineborn about 1932
MorrisMary born about 1901
MorrisW Nborn about 1898
MorrisW N Jrborn about 1925
MurrayAaron born about 1930
MurrayHelen born about 1934
MurrayLarttrie born about 1928
MurrayMary born about 1897

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N Surnames

NanceAdeline born about 1869
NealChas born about 1934
NealJunior L Vborn about 1930
NealMelissa born about 1897
NealPearline born about 1932
NewsomeBernice born about 1912
NewsomeRoy born about 1908
NewtonChas born about 1892
NewtonOllie born about 1902
NewtonWillie born about 1916
NicholsA Aborn about 1876
NormanOsie born about 1903

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P Surnames

PageEd born about 1874
PageJohn Henryborn about 1919
ParkerAnnie born about 1872
ParkerArdine born about 1925
ParkerCaeso born about 1861
ParkerCanie Dossborn about 1920
ParkerCharily born about 1890
ParkerChas born about 1901
ParkerDaisy born about 1925
ParkerEddie born about 1923
ParkerElsie born about 1920
ParkerFarmie born about 1891
ParkerG Eborn about 1931
ParkerGectha Leeborn about 1918
ParkerJ Bborn about 1939
ParkerLottie born about 1924
ParkerMartha born about 1914
ParkerOlie Mayborn about 1926
ParkerOra born about 1922
ParkerR Dborn about 1887
ParkerRufus born about 1909
ParkerWill born about 1885
PattersonAaron born about 1912
PattersonAaron Jr born about 1936
PattersonCora born about 1911
PattersonM Pborn about 1922
PattersonNora born about 1902
PearsonLily born about 1886
PhillipsJames born about 1930
PhillipsLeola born about 1924
PhillipsLucy Mborn about 1892
PhillipsW Lborn about 1895
PooleJohn born about 1912
PooleJohn Jr born about 1932
PooleLuella born about 1930
PooleVirginia born about 1911
PooleWillie Mayborn about
PriceDoris born about 1932
PrinceAnn born about 1938
PrinceBessie born about 1932
PrinceDickadee born about 1939
PrinceKatie born about 1934
PrinceLaurence born about 1913
PrinceLois born about 1916
PurdomCalista born about 1907
PurdomEdith born about 1930
PurdomJran Leonborn about 1937
PurdomLorene born about 1935
PurdomPaul born about 1902
PurdomThelma born about 1927
PurdomWanda Jeanborn about 1932

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R Surnames

RatcliffeBessie born about 1897
RatcliffeDoris born about 1926
RellisWillie born about 1904
RicheyC Tborn about 1909
RicheyF Lborn about 1918
RicheyJ Lborn about 1917
RicheyNorma born about 1938
RicheySara Janeborn about 1910
RichmondAlmyra born about 1875
RickeyJohn born about 1877
RicksLucy born about 1910
RickyHerman born about 1914
RickyMargaret born about 1911
RobbinsCora born about 1874
RobinsonEthel born about 1933
RobinsonJ Hborn about 1939
RobinsonRuben born about 1934
RoeLeon born about 1922
RoseG Lborn about 1925
RoseMay born about 1919
RoseNora born about 1900
RoseNora Fayborn about 1939
RoseOval born about 1915
RoseThomas born about 1894
RosebyDarnell born about 1929
RosebyIda Mayborn about 1925
RosebyJ Wborn about 1926
RouseDorothy Leeborn about 1938
RouseEtta Leeborn about 1917
RouseGeorge Aborn about 1940
RouseHenry born about 1913
RouseJack born about 1911
RouseMerline born about 1936
RouseRosalie born about 1916
RouseWillie Nborn about 1933

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S Surnames

SandersCharlene born about 1923
SappingtonHerbert born about 1928
SchneiderMiller born about 1914
SchneiderNellie born about 1911
ScottAlzena born about 1907
ScottBennie born about 1928
ScottJ Dborn about 1930
ScottMargaret born about 1936
ScottSam born about 1905
SevierIrene born about 1936
SevierLucy born about 1871
SevierSadie Mayborn about 1934
SheppardArthur born about 1910
SheppardErma born about 1911
SheppardMaxine born about 1939
SidorinAllie Mayborn about 1932
SidorinChas born about 1937
SidorinEarl born about 1934
SidorinM Jborn about 1903
SidorinM Jborn about 1929
SidorinMargaret born about 1912
SidorinNellie born about 1933
SkinnerA Cborn about 1910
SkinnerA Gborn about 1932
SkinnerLeo born about 1939
SkinnerLorene born about 1930
SkinnerRoy born about 1936
SkinnerShirley born about 1938
SkinnerViola born about 1912
SlaterDorothy born about 1938
SlaterJ Wborn about 1940
SlaterOtie Leeborn about 1920
SlaterRay born about 1937
SlughterHattie born about 1903
SmithAnne born about 1910
SmithGeneva born about 1893
SmithJessie born about 1902
SmithLula born about 1886
SmithMaynard born about 1938
SmithOlia born about 1917
SmithRobert born about 1915
SpannG Cborn about 1887
SpannGeorgia born about 1899
SpannH Mborn about 1889
SpannNellie born about 1897
SpannOrel born about 1918
SpatesBertha born about 1907
SpatesBlanchie born about 1893
SpatesCasserine born about 1927
SpatesJohn born about 1901
SpatesLeslie Howardborn about 1935
SpatesMaxine born about 1934
SpatesRichard born about 1897
SpatesRobert born about 1876
StanfieldB Wborn about 1907
StanfieldBobby born about 1929
StanfieldFlora born about 1908
StanfieldHomer born about 1904
StanfieldMildred born about 1912
StanfieldOneeta born about 1930
StaterIsaac born about 1904
StevensonBillie Mborn about 1927
StevensonBobbie Dborn about
StevensonEralee born about 1910
StevensonJ Hborn about 1902
StewartAlfred born about 1905
StewartBobbie Lborn about 1937
StewartElla born about 1906
StewartEzra born about 1889
StewartEzra Jr born about 1922
StewartFrank born about
StewartGlendon born about 1913
StewartHattie born about 1891
StewartImogene born about 1925
StewartIrmaline born about 1934
StewartLimmie born about 1904
StewartLora born about 1918
StewartRosalie born about 1917
StewartSam born about 1916
StrachnerA Rborn about 1888
StrachnerElla born about 1894
StrachnerElmarie born about 1920
StrachnerThomas born about 1917
StrachnerW Bborn about 1940
StrachnerW Hborn about 1918
SullivanCaldona born about 1923
SullivanLouis Jr born about 1938
SullivanWilliam born about 1906
SuttonChester born about 1932
SuttonCleo born about 1937
SuttonJames born about 1934
SuttonRosa born about 1896
SuttonThomas born about 1926

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T Surnames

TaylorAnna born about 1914
TaylorChas born about 1894
TaylorChas born about 1927
TaylorDoris born about 1892
TaylorFlorence born about 1910
TaylorGeorgia born about 1917
TaylorJesse born about 1899
TaylorTom born about 1892
TaylorVarlin born about 1932
TaylorVarlis born about 1932
TaylorWillie born about 1908
TelimanPearl born about 1893
TelimanRobert born about 1925
ThomasA Gborn about 1889
ThomasA Gborn about 1934
ThomasAlema born about 1922
ThomasAndrew born about 1877
ThomasAngie born about 1901
ThomasAnna Mayborn about 1923
ThomasBettie Joeborn about 1930
ThomasClarence born about 1895
ThomasCurtis born about 1911
ThomasElmira born about 1906
ThomasFanitata born about 1937
ThomasGordon Jr born about 1925
ThomasIrene born about 1915
ThomasIrene born about 1939
ThomasJames born about 1908
ThomasOdessa born about 1937
ThomasOllie born about 1910
ThomasPearlie born about 1897
ThomasPriscilla born about 1881
ThomasRosie born about 1935
ThomasTheotis born about 1938
ThomasWillie born about 1913
TurnerDoris born about 1938
TurnerHays born about 1916
TurnerMamie born about 1922
TurnerRuth born about 1936
TurnerThearthur born about 1931
TurnerThelma born about 1939
TurnerViola born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VonLillie born about 1898

W Surnames

WashingtonAl born about 1896
WashingtonIda born about 1937
WashingtonLeola born about 1899
WashingtonMildred born about 1933
WashingtonOllie born about 1934
WebbColumbus born about 1900
WebbJulia born about 1898
WebbLogan Jr born about 1920
WebbLogar born about 1887
WebsterAlzie born about 1904
WebsterAndrew born about 1903
WelsterCora born about 1897
WesleyImogene born about 1933
WesleyIsam born about 1904
WesleyJoe born about 1939
WesleyOctavie born about 1912
WesleyWillie Leeborn about 1929
WestermanFlorence born about 1919
WestermanJ Hborn about 1916
WhiteJames born about 1886
WhiteLeroy born about 1916
WhiteMary born about 1920
WilkinsAlma born about 1928
WilkinsAndrew born about 1924
WilkinsAustin born about 1900
WilkinsAustin Jr born about 1931
WilkinsCurtis born about 1938
WilkinsEd born about 1890
WilkinsJames born about 1935
WilkinsLeeta born about 1922
WilkinsLucille born about 1929
WilkinsMargaret born about 1904
WilkinsMargie born about 1937
WilkinsMary born about 1870
WilkinsMary born about 1926
WilkinsSam born about 1925
WilkinsSoe born about 1865
WilkinsSol born about 1933
WilliamsAlan born about 1922
WilliamsAlbert born about 1926
WilliamsAnie born about 1924
WilliamsBlanch born about 1896
WilliamsGeneva born about 1927
WilliamsHenry born about 1853
WilliamsJames born about 1933
WilliamsJohn born about 1936
WilliamsKatie born about 1899
WilliamsLewis born about 1922
WilliamsMary born about 1873
WilliamsMay Ruthborn about 1930
WilliamsPearl born about 1902
WilliamsRay born about 1901
WilliamsReba born about
WilliamsRoy born about 1909
WilliamsSam born about 1888
WilliamsSybil born about 1924
WilsonIla Jeanborn about 1938
WilsonJesse born about 1905
WilsonLila Mayborn about 1934
WilsonOllie born about 1910
WoffordWill born about 1874
WoodAllen born about 1922
WoodBernice born about 1920
WoodJeanita born about 1924
WoodsDarline born about 1938
WoodsFrances born about 1940
WoodsJewell born about 1910
WoodsJoe born about 1903
WoodsJones born about 1909
WoodsL Bborn about 1927
WoodsRuthie Mayborn about 1933
WoodsWayne born about 1928
WoodsWillie Mayborn about 1912
WoodwardLucile born about 1905
WynnHenrietta born about 1902
WynnIrene born about 1927
WynnTom born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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