1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lee in Cleveland County, Cleveland, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Cleveland County > 1940 Census of Lee in Cleveland County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderEster born about 1916
AlexanderJames born about 1915
AlexanderMizel born about 1920
AndersEdna Maeborn about 1937
AndersErwin born about 1911
AndersUla born about 1911
AndersonA Lborn about 1918
AndersonAlbert born about 1919
AndersonCharles born about 1940
AndersonGladys born about 1923
AndersonMary born about 1920
AshcraftIrene born about 1880
AshcraftJ Fborn about 1870
AtkinsAvis born about 1915
AtkinsJames born about 1870
AtkinsSharon born about 1937
AtkinsTroy born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BallentineAnna Joeborn about 1930
BallentineC Eborn about 1904
BallentineCharles born about 1923
BallentineD L Jrborn about 1915
BallentineD L Srborn about 1874
BallentineEmma born about 1902
BallentineJames Jr born about 1925
BallentineJames Sr born about 1898
BallentineJosie born about 1901
BallentineMartha born about 1921
BallentineMaysel born about 1913
BallentinePatrick Lborn about 1939
BallentineRobert Dborn about 1934
BallentineSuedine born about 1933
BallentineViola born about 1881
BarkerCharles Bborn about 1939
BarkerDale born about 1909
BarkerEmma Lborn about 1916
BarkerGrady born about 1932
BarkerJannett born about 1936
BarkerLewis born about 1914
BarkerLidia born about 1911
BarkerRobert Lborn about 1930
BarkerWillie Jborn about 1937
BarnesBitha born about 1915
BarnesBobby born about 1936
BarnesDavid born about 1912
BarnettBeaula born about 1890
BarnettBen Fborn about 1914
BarnettEd born about 1875
BarnettEily born about 1905
BarnettEmily born about 1865
BarnettJ Pborn about 1874
BarnettJ P Jrborn about 1911
BarnettMable born about 1917
BarnettMargrett born about 1877
BarnettMartha born about 1936
BarnettN Bborn about 1910
BarnettO Dborn about 1882
BethaJoe born about 1888
BethaLewis Eborn about 1925
BethaWilliam Dborn about 1922
BradleyClaude born about 1906
BradleyEster Lborn about 1911
BradleyHenrey born about 1886
BradleyMargie Lborn about 1936
BradleyR Kborn about 1901
BradleySally born about 1867
BradleyThelma born about 1911
BradleyWillie born about 1912
BradleyWillie Mborn about 1938
BrianC Mborn about 1923
BrianD Aborn about 1899
BrianViva born about 1898
BroghtonAlbert born about 1911
BroghtonVester born about 1904
BroughtonAlvin born about 1923
BroughtonElvin born about 1923
BroughtonLois born about 1924
BroughtonLora born about 1880
BroughtonMary born about 1865
BroughtonPreston born about 1920
BroughtonW Hborn about 1873
BrownBetty Jborn about 1930
BrownEd born about 1883
BrownGearge born about 1925
BrownGerald born about 1936
BrownHazel born about 1920
BrownJames born about 1934
BrownJoe Dborn about 1919
BrownKile born about 1922
BrownL Tborn about 1928
BrownLizzy born about 1900
BrownMinnie born about 1882
BrownOliver born about 1927
BrownT Hborn about 1898
BrownTheo born about 1931
BroxAnna Lborn about 1935
BroxAusban born about 1895
BroxDoris born about 1920
BroxFannie born about 1898
BroxMandy born about 1909
BroxMary born about 1905
BroxWallace born about 1936
BryantAddie Lborn about 1888
BryantBerniece born about 1924
BryantBirdie born about 1902
BryantCharles Rborn about 1922
BryantDortha Jborn about 1937
BryantEarl born about 1902
BryantFannie born about 1930
BryantGarllene born about 1928
BryantGordon born about 1925
BryantHenrey born about 1890
BryantHenrey born about 1913
BryantIvy born about 1891
BryantJames born about 1930
BryantJean born about 1939
BryantJoe born about 1880
BryantJohn born about 1922
BryantJoseph born about 1925
BryantLeland born about 1938
BryantLizzy born about 1877
BryantLois born about 1911
BryantLorine born about 1937
BryantLouie born about 1926
BryantLouise born about 1934
BryantLula born about 1921
BryantMarvin born about 1927
BryantMattie Wborn about 1930
BryantOllie Maeborn about 1909
BryantOtha Maeborn about 1930
BryantOzel born about 1907
BryantRachel born about 1936
BryantRiley born about 1910
BryantRoy born about 1907
BryantRuth born about 1919
BryantSarah born about 1876
BryantTroy born about 1918
BryantW Cborn about 1887
BryantWill born about 1875
BryantWilliam Eborn about 1928
BurksBilly Kborn about 1937
BurksClara Belleborn about 1910
BurksHugh born about 1917
BurksJoe Annborn about 1934
BurksRay born about 1928
BurksThelma born about 1911
BurksW Eborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbelleElvie born about 1910
CampbelleErma Lborn about 1927
CampbelleMartha born about 1939
CampbelleVera Mborn about 1931
CampbelleWillene born about 1933
CampbelleWillie born about 1904
CarrEd born about 1922
CarrHorace born about 1877
CarrMolly born about 1883
CarrawayEllis born about 1897
CarrawayJulian born about 1923
CarrawayRuby born about 1902
CarterA Bruceborn about 1939
CarterA Mborn about 1882
CarterAgnes born about 1934
CarterAllie born about 1875
CarterDale Wborn about 1938
CarterNettie Rayborn about 1900
CarterRobert born about 1936
CarterW Jborn about 1874
ChamberAdidine born about 1904
ChamberRosco born about 1901
ChambersCharley born about 1867
ChambersVercie born about 1877
ClantonDan born about 1923
ClantonG Cborn about 1885
ClantonMatha born about 1919
ClantonMaude born about 1887
ClantonMorrial born about 1925
ClaryArnelle born about 1937
ClaryArnillia born about 1938
ClaryBeatrice born about 1895
ClaryBetty born about 1938
ClaryBob born about 1917
ClaryBobby Daleborn about 1939
ClaryChristine born about 1927
ClaryClifton born about 1923
ClaryDaniel born about 1885
ClaryDortha Jborn about 1939
ClaryEdcar born about 1918
ClaryJ Lborn about 1930
ClaryJewel born about 1929
ClaryMary born about 1910
ClaryMary born about 1920
ClaryMay Jborn about 1937
ClaryMildred Lborn about 1921
ClaryO Gborn about 1933
ClarySampson born about 1910
ClaryWordie Bborn about 1936
CourtneyAlvin born about 1927
CourtneyP Dborn about 1889
CourtneySadie born about 1900
CourtneyTessie born about 1919
CoxAlma born about 1899
CoxB Aborn about 1895
CoxBetty Lborn about 1896
CoxCarvilla born about 1928
CoxDoris born about 1933
CoxGrady born about 1927
CoxHelen born about 1923
CoxJ Hborn about 1901
CoxJanice Lborn about 1936
CoxJewel born about 1907
CoxJosie born about 1869
CoxKathrine born about 1923
CoxLucile born about 1915
CoxMac Leeborn about 1934
CoxMarcelle born about 1917
CoxMorie born about 1907
CoxO Wborn about 1909
CoxRaymond Dborn about 1938
CoxRobbie Lborn about 1930
CoxRoland born about 1890
CoxW Hborn about 1867
CoxWillis born about 1904
CraigHazel born about 1921
CraigJames born about 1891
CraigMaggie born about 1896
CraneJack born about 1874
CrealSarah born about 1913
CreedJ Eborn about 1874
CreedSelma born about 1887
CreedSuedine born about 1872

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D Surnames

DavisJannie born about 1917
DavisJohn born about 1859
DavisOpa born about 1915
DumasJ Cborn about 1886
DyreAlma born about 1904
DyreAlma born about 1907
DyreBetsey born about 1883
DyreC Rborn about 1901
DyreDoyle born about 1921
DyreElizebeth born about 1930
DyreEllie born about 1899
DyreErvin born about 1926
DyreH Cborn about 1895
DyreJohn born about 1900
DyreMaxine born about 1924
DyreMaxwell born about 1935
DyreMinnie Lborn about 1919
DyreNellie Fborn about 1933
DyreRebeca born about 1873
DyreRicahrd born about 1905
DyreRosy born about 1900
DyreVivian born about 1923
DyreW Aborn about 1870
DyreW Jborn about 1905

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F Surnames

FamousFannie born about 1915
FamousJames born about 1935
FamousLee born about 1932
FamousRichard born about 1930
FrazerEdward born about 1933
FrazerFrankie Lborn about 1925
FrazerJames born about 1923
FrazerMary born about 1926
FrazerMead born about 1895
FrazerMeadie born about 1929
FrazerRosy born about 1902
FrazerRuby born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GallawayDennis born about 1876
GallawayJessie born about 1880
GallawayNettie born about 1895
GallawayO Iborn about 1890
GallawayTerral born about 1922
GrayG Tborn about 1879
GullettAubrey born about 1926
GullettBeatrice born about 1928
GullettEffie born about 1889
GullettFabron born about 1920
GullettJuanita born about 1925
GullettM Cborn about 1922
GullettO Dborn about 1892
GullettTerral born about 1930

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H Surnames

HallCoot born about 1881
HallLena born about 1890
HallLonzo born about 1923
HarrelsonArdelia born about 1919
HarrelsonAsa born about 1925
HarrelsonCora born about 1878
HarrelsonErsel born about 1923
HarrelsonEvelene born about 1924
HarrelsonGarland born about 1921
HarrelsonHaywood born about 1876
HarrelsonIvy born about 1896
HarrelsonJ E Jrborn about 1922
HarrelsonJ E Srborn about 1886
HarrelsonKattie born about 1892
HarrelsonMorie born about 1899
HarrelsonPauline born about 1922
HarrelsonPeggy born about 1929
HarrelsonU Sborn about 1892
HarrelsonUla born about 1902
HarrelsonVirginia born about 1935
HarrelsonWilton born about 1918
HarvelDora born about 1891
HarvelGeorge born about 1890
HarvelHudie born about 1921
HarvelLois born about 1915
HarvelOra born about 1923
HendrixsonAnnie Hborn about 1880
HendrixsonB Wborn about 1893
HendrixsonOla born about 1899
HendrixsonPaul Gborn about 1921
HendrixsonThomas born about 1869
HollinessBrazil born about 1901
HollinessEthel born about 1910
HopperBobby born about 1929
HopperCharles born about 1924
HopperHugh born about 1891
HopperLennie born about 1897
HopperMax born about 1917
HopperPat born about 1935
HortonAnna born about 1896
HortonH Dborn about 1897
HowardNellie born about 1881
HuddlestonC Eborn about 1878
HuddlestonHarry Mborn about 1903
HuddlestonJ Wborn about 1937
HuddlestonJames Aborn about 1935
HuddlestonM Eborn about 1913
HuddlestonRaches Aborn about 1925
HuddlestonSally born about 1932
HuddlestonWoodrow born about 1939

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J Surnames

JacksonAddie born about 1903
JacksonC Lborn about 1917
JacksonClellan born about 1935
JacksonDathala born about 1921
JacksonEd born about 1919
JacksonElijiah born about 1885
JacksonEllan born about 1897
JacksonElma born about 1936
JacksonEvan born about 1885
JacksonGeraldine born about 1926
JacksonGladys born about 1922
JacksonJ Cborn about 1865
JacksonJ Cborn about 1925
JacksonJ Vborn about 1939
JacksonJimmie born about 1921
JacksonK Pborn about 1938
JacksonLenard born about 1932
JacksonLorenza born about 1930
JacksonMolly born about 1870
JacksonOffie born about 1920
JacksonT Cborn about 1931
JacksonVirgil born about 1933
JarretDavid born about 1932
JarretDorris born about 1931
JarretEloise born about 1936
JarretRobert Lborn about 1937
JarrettBetty Sborn about 1936
JarrettLucile born about 1917
JarrettPresley born about 1910
JenkinsBoyle born about 1932
JenkinsClaude born about 1908
JenkinsDortha Lborn about 1939
JenkinsFannie born about 1910
JenkinsGeraldine born about 1938
JenkinsOpal born about 1928
JenkinsPauline born about 1934
JenkinsSuedine born about 1930
JenkinsThomas Gborn about 1936

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K Surnames

KingCecil born about 1940
KingCora born about 1908
KingHilton born about 1906
KingJimmie born about 1937
KingOttis born about 1932
KingRobert born about 1926

L Surnames

LaneRevis born about 1910
LaneRevis Jr born about 1932
LaneThelma born about 1912
LaneWonder Jborn about 1940
LangfordJimmie Rborn about 1939
LangfordOla Fborn about 1922
LivingstonE Cborn about 1907
LivingstonOllie born about 1910
LoweJ Bborn about 1858
LoweNancy Lborn about 1865
LoweSally born about 1888
LoweW Wborn about 1885

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M Surnames

MarksAldon Rborn about 1911
MarksAlma born about 1909
MarksCarniece born about 1920
MarksDock born about 1896
MarksDock Jr born about 1920
MarksDonnie Lborn about 1937
MarksEarnest born about 1924
MarksFrank born about 1877
MarksHilton born about 1919
MarksJeff born about 1912
MarksJulia born about 1885
MarksLeala born about 1928
MarksLee born about 1885
MarksLizzy born about 1895
MarksMamie born about 1899
MarksMaxine born about 1928
MarksNapolen born about 1914
MarksRobert born about 1922
MarksRoosevelt born about 1917
MarksSusie born about 1918
MarksTeacher born about 1926
MarksVernell born about 1939
MarksVictor Hborn about 1936
MarksWalston born about 1932
MartinAddie born about 1895
MartinAnna born about 1883
MartinBuren born about 1905
MartinC Hborn about 1892
MartinEdward born about 1911
MartinMary born about 1925
MartinRalph born about 1912
MartinW Bborn about 1881
MartinW Jborn about 1863
MaysGerrie born about 1938
MaysLeland born about 1911
MaysLois Mborn about 1936
MaysSally born about 1915
McClellanAlleen born about 1920
McClellanAlma born about 1921
McClellanAlvin born about 1918
McClellanArah born about 1909
McClellanB Hborn about 1880
McClellanBeauford born about 1907
McClellanBirdie Mborn about 1939
McClellanCarry born about 1882
McClellanChristine born about 1936
McClellanCiecel born about 1933
McClellanColvin born about 1917
McClellanCurtis born about 1935
McClellanDixon born about 1931
McClellanDuncan born about 1909
McClellanEddie Lborn about 1934
McClellanElbert born about 1915
McClellanElvin born about 1930
McClellanFannie born about 1925
McClellanFrancis born about 1930
McClellanFrank born about 1933
McClellanGeraldine born about 1936
McClellanGladys born about 1913
McClellanGrice born about 1922
McClellanH Pborn about 1892
McClellanHazel born about 1931
McClellanIda Maeborn about 1911
McClellanIsaac born about 1923
McClellanIva Mborn about 1906
McClellanJ Dborn about 1884
McClellanJ Lborn about 1939
McClellanJ Rborn about 1930
McClellanJake born about 1928
McClellanJames born about 1894
McClellanJewel born about 1911
McClellanJoe Anneborn about 1939
McClellanJuanita born about 1928
McClellanLois born about 1899
McClellanLois Jborn about 1936
McClellanLouise born about 1935
McClellanMajor born about 1935
McClellanMarvin born about 1919
McClellanMonroe born about 1906
McClellanMyrtle born about 1915
McClellanPaul born about 1926
McClellanRachel born about 1933
McClellanRaymond born about 1938
McClellanSue born about 1934
McClellanThomas born about 1937
McClellanVernell born about 1936
McCoyArma Jborn about 1933
McCoyBob born about 1935
McCoyJohn born about 1925
McCoyJohn born about 1927
McCoyL Gborn about 1931
McCoyWillie born about 1929
McKinnzieAudra Lborn about 1928
McKinnzieChloe born about 1903
McKinnzieDora Mborn about 1931
McKinnzieGladys Aborn about 1932
McKinnzieJ Lborn about 1901
McKinnzieKathrine born about 1925
McKinnzieL Dborn about 1934
McKinnzieRobert born about 1937
McKinnzieWilliams born about 1924
McKinnzyDella born about 1867
McKinnzyG Mborn about 1865
MeltonAdell born about 1929
MeltonCalvin born about 1905
MeltonLena born about 1911
MeltonLoyde born about 1931
MeltonRuby born about 1927
MillsHarald born about 1932
MillsKeneth born about 1930
MillsRobert born about 1934
MillsVivian born about 1918
MillsZell born about 1902
MooreGoldie born about 1901
MooreRobert born about 1924
MooreW Oborn about 1895
MoseleyA Lborn about 1896
MoseleyA L Jrborn about 1927
MoseleyAgnes born about 1913
MoseleyAlice born about 1876
MoseleyBennie Rborn about 1938
MoseleyBurton born about 1916
MoseleyCharles born about 1930
MoseleyCharles Fredborn about 1927
MoseleyClark born about 1935
MoseleyClyde born about 1924
MoseleyEulalia born about 1914
MoseleyG Cborn about 1913
MoseleyHazel born about 1908
MoseleyHazel born about 1920
MoseleyHoward born about 1928
MoseleyJ Cborn about 1929
MoseleyJ Lborn about 1872
MoseleyJanice born about 1934
MoseleyJessie born about 1913
MoseleyL Bborn about 1897
MoseleyLois Lborn about 1898
MoseleyMarian born about 1938
MoseleyMary Eborn about 1904
MoseleyOvid born about 1936
MoseleyPaskel Lborn about 1937
MoseleyRetha Maeborn about 1924
MoseleyRobert Gborn about 1934
MoseleyThomas born about 1932
MoseleyTroy born about 1897
MoseleyVanita born about 1922
MyrersAustin Lborn about 1922
MyrersCecil born about 1939
MyrersChristine born about 1925
MyrersDoyle born about 1926
MyrersFredrick born about 1937
MyrersGrachel born about 1923
MyrersHomer born about 1894
MyrersHomer Jr born about 1929
MyrersLena born about 1904
MyrersMildred born about 1931
MyrersNina born about 1932
MyrersVictor born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkerBetty Lborn about 1936
ParkerC Aborn about 1882
ParkerCora born about 1881
ParkerDortha born about 1920
ParkerDortha Maeborn about
ParkerEdward born about 1917
ParkerElbert born about 1923
ParkerGeneva born about 1926
ParkerInez born about 1895
ParkerJack born about 1914
ParkerJohn born about 1881
ParkerJohn Mborn about 1913
ParkerLuellan born about 1919
ParkerRoy Leeborn about 1915
ParkerSyble born about 1923
ParmellJim born about 1870
ParmellMolly born about 1855
ParnellAnnett born about 1925
ParnellEvie born about 1901
ParnellRoy born about 1890
ParrottHoward born about 1908
ParrottJohn born about 1880
ParrottLilih born about 1883
ParrottVernelle born about 1922
ParrottWilliam born about 1915
ParrottZula Belleborn about 1914
PhillipsClifton born about 1940
PhillipsHarden born about 1914
PhillipsSyble born about 1938
PhillipsVnice born about 1917
PickettClemmonts born about 1917
PickettElizabeth born about 1918
PlairGeraldine born about 1920
PlairJames born about 1916
PlairNancy Roseborn about 1940
PullyJack born about 1910
PullyLillian born about 1912
PullyRosy Lborn about 1939

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R Surnames

RayAdolf born about 1869
RayErie born about 1893
RayKattie born about 1872
RayLillie born about 1893
RaymerHarold born about 1925
RaymerM Lborn about 1891
RaymerNorma Rborn about 1935
RaymerRuthie Mborn about 1895
RaymerVerna Aborn about 1937
ReavesAddie Mborn about 1918
ReavesChristine born about 1913
ReavesEinar born about 1939
ReavesHugh born about 1910
ReavesLovet born about 1883
ReavesLoyde born about 1937
ReavesMyre born about 1883
ReavesNorma Fborn about 1940
ReavesRufas born about 1938
ReavesSue Cborn about 1936
ReavesWilton born about 1915
ReepEleen born about 1929
ReepEvelene born about 1917
ReepRay born about 1907
ReynoldsEarl born about 1918
ReynoldsJ Hborn about 1869
ReynoldsMargarrett Bborn about 1875
ReynoldsVester born about 1917
RippyFred born about 1928
RippyJessie born about 1924
RippyJohn born about 1904
RippyLula born about 1904
RippyRaymond born about 1937
RippySidney born about 1921

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S Surnames

SandersCecil born about 1934
SandersCoolige born about 1925
SandersCurtis born about 1932
SandersEmma born about 1891
SandersMaggie born about 1886
SandersNanie Mborn about 1920
SandersR Hborn about 1886
SandersRuby born about 1910
SandersRussell born about 1886
SandersVenice born about 1922
SandersW Eborn about 1910
SercerJack born about 1885
SercerMatt born about 1884
ShawA Lborn about 1871
SimmonsBetty Jeanborn about 1933
SimmonsFletcher born about 1901
SimmonsHoyle born about 1928
SimmonsJackie born about 1925
SimmonsLonnie born about 1905
SimmsAtt Lborn about 1886
SimmsBeaula born about 1902
SimmsElbert born about 1910
SimmsHelen born about 1925
SimmsJimmie Sueborn about 1932
SmithBrit born about 1898
SmithCarter Dborn about 1927
SmithDon born about 1935
SmithJ Mborn about 1920
SmithLilian born about 1902
SmithMolly born about 1860
SmithWesley Rayborn about 1930

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T Surnames

TaylorBeatrice born about 1901
TaylorCharley born about 1883
ThompsonAdrian born about 1898
ThompsonB Fborn about 1886
ThompsonBarber Jborn about 1937
ThompsonBearnice born about 1934
ThompsonBen Fborn about 1870
ThompsonBernice born about 1904
ThompsonBobby Rborn about 1937
ThompsonC Bborn about 1934
ThompsonCharles born about 1931
ThompsonClearence born about 1921
ThompsonCliford born about 1939
ThompsonClyde born about 1933
ThompsonDonald born about 1934
ThompsonDortha born about 1923
ThompsonDortha born about 1931
ThompsonEdward born about 1932
ThompsonEva born about 1913
ThompsonFrank born about 1917
ThompsonGearldine born about 1932
ThompsonHarve born about 1893
ThompsonHelen born about 1938
ThompsonHerman born about 1910
ThompsonIris born about 1906
ThompsonJ Wborn about 1882
ThompsonK Cborn about 1904
ThompsonLathan born about 1938
ThompsonLeroy born about 1918
ThompsonLester born about 1912
ThompsonLewis born about 1910
ThompsonLizzy born about 1884
ThompsonLuellan born about 1917
ThompsonMable born about 1898
ThompsonMaggie born about 1904
ThompsonMartha born about 1924
ThompsonMary born about 1872
ThompsonMizel born about 1925
ThompsonMrs Willie born about 1900
ThompsonNellene born about 1924
ThompsonNorman Jborn about 1936
ThompsonOllie born about 1931
ThompsonOnnie born about 1922
ThompsonOpal born about 1920
ThompsonOrlle born about 1900
ThompsonRodger born about 1925
ThompsonSherman born about 1915
ThompsonTed born about 1929
ThompsonTroy born about 1927
ThompsonVernon born about 1922
ThompsonVictor Hborn about 1936
ThompsonWilbert born about 1924
ThompsonWilliam Aborn about 1933
TodMary born about 1891
TolefreeAnna Maeborn about 1911
TolefreeBobby Hborn about 1937
TolefreeDarman Bborn about
TolefreeHoward born about 1907
TolefreeJames Eborn about 1934
TolefreeJewel Rborn about 1935
TolefreeJohnie born about 1931
TolefreeJosephine born about 1927
TolefreeLonzo born about 1932
TramellFrank born about 1875
TramellMaggie born about 1881
TrammellCarry born about 1903
TrammellCharles born about 1922
TrammellCharles born about 1936
TrammellClyde born about 1913
TrammellCorine born about 1919
TrammellDora born about 1918
TrammellDoris born about 1931
TrammellEd born about 1877
TrammellElla Fayborn about 1933
TrammellElton born about 1938
TrammellEthel born about 1904
TrammellHarrison born about 1880
TrammellHenrey born about 1871
TrammellJessie born about 1900
TrammellLeon born about 1929
TrammellLester born about 1922
TrammellLoddie born about 1932
TrammellLois born about 1928
TrammellLonzo born about 1929
TrammellLora born about 1909
TrammellLouise born about 1920
TrammellMaggie born about 1909
TrammellMarcelle born about 1937
TrammellMargie born about 1922
TrammellMargie born about 1924
TrammellMarshall born about 1919
TrammellNannie Iborn about 1894
TrammellNoel born about 1887
TrammellNora born about 1930
TrammellOla Beaborn about 1919
TrammellRay born about 1924
TrammellRex born about 1940
TrammellRuby Mborn about 1921
TrammellRucker born about 1925
TrammellRufas born about 1912
TrammellRuth born about 1935
TrammellSyble born about 1927
TrammellThomas born about 1939
TrammellTravis born about 1935
TrammellVirgil born about 1876
TuckerJosie born about 1926

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W Surnames

WarnerAlex born about 1880
WarnerAnna born about 1915
WarnerAnnett born about 1872
WarnerBertram born about 1921
WarnerC Vborn about 1930
WarnerDortha born about 1929
WarnerEli born about 1898
WarnerEliza born about 1881
WarnerIra born about 1885
WarnerLeler born about 1882
WarnerMargarrett born about 1874
WarnerMaria born about 1919
WarnerMattie born about 1872
WarnerNiobie born about 1928
WarnerO Wborn about 1892
WarnerRose born about 1892
WarnerRuby Lborn about 1931
WarnerSarah born about 1872
WarnerSilas born about 1886
WarnerSusian born about 1870
WarnerTheadoe born about 1905
WarnerTom born about 1861
WarnerVivian born about 1911
WarnerWillie Hborn about 1938
WhiteEarnest born about 1922
WhiteFlora born about 1920
WhiteShirley Aborn about 1935
WilliamsAnna Belleborn about 1900
WilliamsB Aborn about 1896
WilliamsBurgess born about 1919
WilliamsCora born about 1900
WilliamsD Nborn about 1898
WilliamsG Aborn about 1871
WilliamsJean born about 1935
WilliamsJehue born about 1928
WilliamsLathan born about 1929
WilliamsMarvin born about 1899
WilliamsOllie born about 1908
WilliamsOrie born about 1876
WilliamsRobbie born about 1923
WilliamsT Qborn about 1926
WrightFreddie born about 1936

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