1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lewis, Scott, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Scott County > 1940 Census of Lewis

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyJames Wborn about 1885
AbernathyMinnie Oborn about 1887
AbernathyWendell Lborn about 1927
AkesClifton born about 1916
AkesLouise born about 1917
AlexanderDora Ellaborn about 1872
AlfordChristene Mborn about 1920
AlfordColin Wborn about 1918
AlfordEugene Hborn about 1891
AlfordNina Jborn about 1924
AlfordNona Zborn about 1895
AlfordVera Lborn about 1926
AlfordVeta Eborn about 1929
AllenBobb Edborn about 1929
AllenMildred born about 1923
AllenRobbie born about 1895
AllenW Eborn about 1891
AllisonBuford Eborn about 1909
AllisonClark born about 1925
AllisonDella Fborn about 1886
AllisonLaverne born about 1922
AllisonMittie born about 1919
AllisonWilliam Fborn about 1882
AndersonAnnie born about 1883
AndersonCleo born about 1937
AndersonCurtis Gborn about 1933
AndersonDelia Fborn about 1907
AndersonJohn Hborn about 1880
AndersonNelda Fborn about 1931
AndersonPeggy born about 1935
AndersonPleasant Aborn about 1929
AndersonRobert Eborn about 1897
AndersonRobert E Jrborn about 1927
AndrewsBobby Fborn about 1929
AndrewsGeorgia Lborn about 1927
AndrewsJanie born about 1908
AndrewsJohn Dborn about 1926
AndrewsNewell Eborn about 1895
AndryCarl born about 1925
AndryJerry born about 1939
AndryMartha born about 1936
AndryOpal Iborn about 1923
AndryPearl born about 1897
AndrySuler Mborn about 1882
AndryWayne born about 1927
AndryZane born about 1929
AsendorfEsie born about 1923
AsendorfIda Jborn about 1889
AsendorfOscar Rborn about 1889

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B Surnames

BalentineCleo born about 1938
BalentineJesse Lborn about 1914
BalentineJoseph Eborn about 1905
BalentineLillian born about 1921
BalentineMattie born about 1906
BalentineNell born about 1928
BalentineOmer born about 1925
BarkerBan born about 1913
BarkerBetty Sborn about 1937
BarkerE??? born about 1911
BarkerFlander Cborn about 1905
BarkerHelen Aborn about 1919
BarkerJoe Mborn about 1938
BarkerJohn Cborn about 1876
BarnardCharley Lborn about 1862
BarnardLena born about 1882
BaxterEloise Mborn about 1909
BaxterEvelyn born about 1939
BaxterGeorge Wborn about 1873
BaxterInez born about 1919
BaxterJames Hborn about 1927
BaxterLeora Aborn about 1878
BaxterMurel born about 1917
BaxterRaymond Eborn about 1929
BaxterVernon Aborn about 1903
BaxterVernon A Jrborn about 1926
BerkmanRachel born about 1910
BernelF Gborn about 1892
BernelJerry Louiseborn about 1934
BernelJo Annborn about 1926
BernelSusie born about 1900
BishopNolan born about 1925
BlackAnn Eborn about 1912
BlackDavid Wborn about 1909
BlackDolores Jborn about 1933
BlackDona Lborn about 1935
BlackardDelbert Jr born about 1929
BlackardHazel Dellborn about 1901
BlackardJerry Jborn about 1936
BlackardPaul Eborn about 1922
BlackardVivian Mborn about 1924
BlairBilly Jeanborn about 1928
BlairDale Mborn about 1930
BlairGeo Wborn about 1927
BlairJoe Berryborn about 1912
BlairJoe Henryborn about 1918
BlairJohn Dborn about 1925
BlairJohn Hborn about 1893
BlairLouise Jborn about 1939
BlairMamie Cborn about 1898
BlairManter Cborn about 1892
BlairMozel born about 1914
BlairPauline Dborn about 1900
BlockAaron Sborn about 1915
BlockErma Lborn about 1916
BlytheCharles Hborn about 1938
BlytheGrethel Lborn about 1932
BlytheMargaret Mborn about 1936
BlytheOna?? Lborn about 1910
BlytheRuby Lborn about 1913
BoatrightArvel Lborn about 1890
BoatrightDoyne born about 1916
BoatrightFulton Rborn about 1896
BoatrightGale born about 1913
BoatrightJohnny Frankborn about 1924
BoatrightLora born about 1900
BoatrightMargaret born about 1920
BoatrightVirgie Eborn about 1891
BoundsFaye Karenborn about 1938
BoundsJessie Cborn about 1907
BoundsMinnie Oborn about 1909
BoundsNada Nealborn about 1934
BoydArden Cborn about 1923
BoydAuther born about 1935
BoydC Romeoborn about 1899
BoydFrank born about 1932
BoydIrma born about 1927
BoydLucy Eborn about 1895
BoydPauline born about 1925
BoydRamalee born about 1922
BoyettBetty born about 1869
BoyettNewton Bborn about 1894
BoyettSara born about 1902
BrasherClarence born about 1915
BrasherEugene born about 1937
BrasherGladys born about 1915
BrasherLeona born about 1939
BrasherRuby Mborn about 1935
BrazilL Iborn about 1864
BrazilT Hborn about 1900
BrazilT Jborn about 1863
BrewerCarl born about 1924
BrewerDora born about 1924
BrewerEarl born about 1922
BrewerElmer born about 1912
BrewerPauline born about 1927
BrewerRaymon born about 1916
BrewerRosa born about 1882
BrewerRuby born about 1923
BrewerWilliam born about 1920
BrownBert born about 1892
BrownBetty Lborn about 1930
BrownEdgar born about 1929
BrownEdgar Tborn about 1895
BrownEthel Mborn about 1885
BrownGrover Cborn about 1896
BrownHazel Bborn about 1904
BrownJerry Lborn about 1921
BrownJimmy Lborn about 1921
BrownJohn Wborn about 1921
BrownThelma born about 1923
BrownVerda Gborn about 1897
BrownVirgie Mborn about 1889
BrownWilliam Rborn about 1878

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C Surnames

CaldwellAlma born about 1855
CaldwellR Lattborn about 1883
CaldwellReba born about 1886
CanadaBonnie Aborn about 1912
CanadaCharles born about 1930
CanadaDoris born about 1938
CanadaJ Claudeborn about 1902
CanadaJ Claude Jrborn about 1932
CanadaLester born about 1931
CanadaLloyd born about 1934
CandleBeatrice Eborn about 1920
CandleMary Lborn about 1882
CantrellArminta Rborn about 1931
CantrellEstella born about 1899
CantrellMargarette born about 1924
CantrellOmer Rborn about 1894
CantrellThomas Hborn about 1926
CarpenterLouis Aborn about 1878
CarpenterWillard born about 1923
CaseyCharley Lborn about 1912
CaseyJonathan Lborn about 1870
CaseyMyrtle Bborn about 1874
CaseyReba Bborn about 1904
CatesHelen born about 1879
Cherry born about 1887
CherryT Aborn about 1881
ChitwoodDavid born about 1938
ChitwoodDeane born about 1919
ChitwoodErvel born about 1915
ChitwoodFrank Bborn about 1910
ChitwoodFrankie Dborn about 1936
ChitwoodHayward born about 1932
ChitwoodHenley born about 1910
ChitwoodHiram Jborn about 1882
ChitwoodJames Nborn about 1871
ChitwoodLula Mborn about 1887
ChitwoodMae born about 1917
ChitwoodMattie Cborn about 1887
ChitwoodMildred Mborn about 1914
CockrallAda Nborn about 1934
CockrallEdith Fborn about 1939
CockrallJack Jr born about 1933
CockrallOllie Bborn about 1901
CockrallWilliam Jborn about 1888
CockrellSadie Aborn about 1896
CokerHenry Cborn about 1882
CokerSarah Dborn about 1885
CokerVelma Jborn about 1925
ColeEarl born about 1914
ColeEdian Mborn about 1917
ColeEdna born about 1895
ColeLevis born about 1919
ColeMou?? Eborn about 1895
ColleyC Lborn about 1901
ColleyJ Dborn about 1927
ColleyMarie born about 1925
ColleyPearl born about 1902
ColleyRay Leeborn about 1937
ColliflowerLeora Lborn about 1868
ColliflowerWilliam Hborn about 1863
CondyMarion G Aborn about 1863
CondySilas born about 1900
ConowayBuel born about 1921
ConowayLizzie born about 1888
ConowayMelba born about 1924
ConowayPaul Iborn about 1888
ConowayThurman born about 1926
CookMillie born about 1879
CortrightBethel Lborn about 1926
CortrightBetty Louborn about 1936
CortrightBilly Lborn about 1936
CortrightDorothy born about 1928
CortrightEva Jborn about 1900
CortrightGe??l Lborn about 1900
CortrightHarold Dborn about 1922
CortrightHerbert Cborn about 1929
CortrightJackie Lborn about 1928
CortrightJanet born about 1932
CortrightJesse Zborn about 1903
CortrightJimmy Wborn about 1936
CortrightJoe Bobbyborn about 1939
CortrightLeslie Bborn about 1924
CortrightM Cborn about 1931
CortrightMillie born about 1906
CortrightVirginia born about 1926
CosletJess Cborn about 1892
CosletLorene born about 1929
CosletPatrica born about 1937
CosletSadie Ellenborn about 1899
CossFloyd Eborn about 1917
CossNorma Gborn about 1939
CossVirginia Bborn about 1922
CrossAlsa born about 1896

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D Surnames

DanielsGordon born about 1922
DanielsHattie born about 1894
DanielsHelen Lborn about 1923
DanielsLeroy born about 1928
DanielsLuther Lborn about 1890
DanielsTroy Rborn about 1931
DawdyAlta Lborn about 1913
DawdyTommie Jborn about 1907
DedmanBetty Annborn about 1929
DedmanJ Wborn about 1891
DedmanLetha born about 1898
DedmanMelba Lucilleborn about 1936
DedmanRichard Odenborn about 1934
DedmanWilliam Jeanborn about 1927
DedmanZeta Maeborn about 1925
DennisVida Mborn about 1890
DewittAnna born about 1919
DewittAnna Geanborn about 1939
DewittClyde born about 1916
DewittEarnest born about 1923
DewittEarnest Fborn about 1889
DewittEllen born about 1890
DewittGerldine born about 1925
DewittJay born about 1919
DewittNorma Leeborn about 1921
DicksonBillie born about 1919
DicksonCharles Aborn about 1879
DicksonEula born about 1897
DicksonNora Jborn about 1882
DicksonW Wborn about 1894
DixonCharlie Hborn about 1874
DixonEffie Gborn about 1894
DixonElsie born about 1882
DixonWilliam Iborn about 1885
DossMyrtle Lborn about 1885
DoyleJosie Eborn about 1908
DreweryJoe born about 1917
DreweryJoe Evanborn about 1940
DreweryLouise born about 1918
DrewreyAlma Iborn about 1913
DrewreyBasil born about 1898
DrewreyClarence Lborn about 1922
DrewreyJones Sborn about 1892
DrewreyNellie born about 1896
DrewreyPeggy Nborn about 1931
DrewreyReese born about 1931
DrewreySarah born about 1897
DrewreyWilliam Rborn about 1888
DuncanHarold born about 1928
DuncanMarion Fborn about 1872
DuncanMary Jborn about 1873
DuncanMary Sueborn about 1929
DuncanOthel Lborn about 1924
DurenBoyd born about 1912
DurenRobert Wborn about 1939
DurenVivian Rborn about 1916

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E Surnames

EdwardsAfton born about 1928
EdwardsEvelee born about 1935
EdwardsGeorgia born about 1905
EdwardsLouice born about 1933
EdwardsLuther Eborn about 1896
EdwardsMargie Fborn about 1926
EdwardsNathalie born about 1924
EdwardsRosa Dborn about 1876
EfordAda Bborn about 1898
EfordBobby Jborn about 1930
EfordJohn Cborn about 1892
EfordLois Bborn about 1927
EfordLoyd Jborn about 1918
EfordLoyd Wborn about 1939
EfordMelba born about 1918
EfordOthel born about 1916
EfordOthel Jr born about 1938
EfordR Hborn about 1922
ElbertRachel Pborn about 1923
EllisBilly Duaneborn about 1932
EllisDuane Wborn about 1908
EllisLeo Pre??born about 1937
EllisMarie Ednaborn about 1914
EllisMelba Annborn about 1940
EmeryAgnes born about 1912
EmeryB Jborn about 1902
EmeryCora born about 1935
EmeryEugene born about 1927
EmeryFrancis born about 1914
EmeryGladys born about 1936
EmeryGrady Jborn about 1934
EmeryJunior Sborn about 1933
EmeryKenneth born about 1923
EmeryLawrence born about 1927
EmeryLona born about 1900
EmeryLottie born about 1922
EmeryLouie born about 1920
EmeryMartha born about 1886
EmeryOma Lborn about 1939
EmeryOttie born about 1924
EmerySybel born about 1938
EmeryThomas Jborn about 1902
EskridgeBeulah Mborn about 1880
EskridgeJohn born about 1874
EvansWilliam Cborn about 1857

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F Surnames

Farmer born about 1880
FarmerS Aborn about 1873
FarrBille born about 1924
FarrElmer Aborn about 1899
FarrEtta born about 1901
FarrKenneth born about 1921
FarrRonald born about 1931
FergusonVerna Wborn about 1922
FergusonWade Martinborn about 1922
FitzpatrickFeaster Fborn about 1906
FitzpatrickH Nborn about 1882
FitzpatrickPauline born about 1914
FitzpatrickWilla Eborn about 1889
FlyDorothy born about 1925
FlyLa Verne born about 1927
FreemanAlf born about 1919
FreemanCabieller Eborn about 1888
FreemanIluff Eborn about 1878
FreemanJ Bborn about 1922
FreemanLeta born about 1921
FreemanWeldon born about 1922
FrizzellBilly Jborn about 1928
FrizzellDorothy Jborn about 1935
FrizzellFlora born about 1878
FrizzellH?? born about 1900
FrizzellJames Cborn about 1895
FrizzellJefferson Dborn about 1910
FrizzellLorene born about 1922
FrizzellLoyd Wborn about 1916
FrizzellLula born about 1872
FrizzellWilliam Bborn about 1880

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G Surnames

GalbraithJames Sborn about 1897
GalbraithTempie Rborn about 1899
GardenhireOma Jborn about 1915
GardenhirePeggy Dborn about 1934
GardenhireRonald Wborn about 1938
GardenhireWayne born about 1913
GardnerEmma Graceborn about 1939
GardnerMargaret Lborn about 1908
GardnerRay Lborn about 1898
GardyEdith Hborn about 1870
GardyMartha Eborn about 1880
GardyWallace Bborn about 1877
GarnerJoe Billieborn about 1915
GarnerShirley Jborn about 1938
GibsonHarold Eborn about 1921
GibsonOlah Bborn about 1895
GibsonRoy Bborn about 1918
GibsonWalter Wborn about 1895
GillamEdward born about 1910
GillamGrethel born about 1909
GlassBilly Cborn about 1931
GlassBobby Lborn about 1935
GlassClaud Aborn about 1905
GlassDessie Lborn about 1910
GodwinBillie Bborn about 1907
GodwinBillie Fborn about 1928
GodwinBlanche Fborn about 1910
GodwinBobby Fborn about 1935
GodwinChester Nborn about 1873
GodwinFay Rborn about 1927
GodwinHettie Eborn about 1901
GodwinSallie Jborn about 1875
GodwinSam Jborn about 1934
GodwinTeddy Fborn about 1904
GodwinVera Eborn about 1924
GoinerBetty Jr born about 1930
GoinerEllie Aborn about 1906
GoinerFred born about 1926
GoinerIrma Nborn about 1935
GoinerJohn Lborn about 1928
GoinerMarie born about 1932
GoinerVeston born about 1905
GoldenJames Lborn about 1892
GoldenNora Lborn about 1892
GoldenPaul Eborn about 1927
GoldenR Tborn about 1922
GoldenRay Aborn about 1912
GrahamBradie born about 1899
GrahamErvin born about 1916
GrahamOran Cborn about 1888
GraveIda Maeborn about 1936
GraveTony Hborn about 1904
GravesAmie Aborn about 1874
GravesCharles Lborn about 1909
GravesCharlotte Aborn about 1932
GravesDona Cborn about 1883
GravesGertrude Pborn about 1912
GravesLonnie Rborn about 1936
GravesMytrle Ireneborn about 1914
GravesRebecca Mborn about 1875
GravesRobert Eborn about 1872
GravesThurman Rborn about 1907
GravesWilliam Lborn about 1880
GriffithDella Oborn about 1898
GriffithJ Cliffborn about 1891
GrissettBilly Dborn about 1939
GrissettLouise Bborn about 1918
GrissettRuble Mborn about 1911
GrissomAlice born about 1936
GrissomBobby Jborn about 1935
GrissomErnest born about 1923
GrissomFloyd Lborn about 1927
GrissomJanie born about 1904
GrissomMary Rborn about 1939
GrissomNelzire born about 1925
GrissomParzy born about 1930
GrissomRiley Aborn about 1896
GrissomVirgie born about 1932
GuntherEdris Bborn about 1899
GuntherElizabeth born about 1930
GuntherSylvester Nborn about 1893
GussettFrancis born about 1932
GussettGertie Mborn about 1892
GussettIsabelle born about 1928
GussettLester Eborn about 1889
GussettRueben Lborn about 1934
GuthrieAlan born about 1927
GuthrieAnna Mborn about 1933
GuthrieBernard born about 1924
GuthrieChad Vborn about 1929
GuthrieCurtis Uborn about 1906
GuthrieDella Lborn about 1896
GuthrieLee Wborn about 1921
GuthrieMarlow Jborn about 1918
GuthrieMattie Mborn about 1863
GuthrieNita Jborn about 1931
GuthrieOllie Vborn about 1900
GuthrieWilkin Lborn about 1891

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H Surnames

HagueChester born about 1917
HagueNora Lborn about 1936
HagueRosa Lborn about 1939
HagueRuby Nborn about 1933
HagueWilliam born about 1868
HagueWillie Aborn about 1875
HallAlta Aborn about 1904
HallBillie Jborn about 1936
HallDona Eborn about 1910
HallJames Eborn about 1914
HallJohnnie Wborn about 1922
HallLuther Lborn about 1898
HallMay born about 1899
HallMinnie Pborn about 1871
HallWill Aborn about 1865
HanesCharles Gborn about 1879
HanesLouise Eborn about 1883
HanesLucinda Jborn about 1849
HarpDelia Cborn about 1902
HarpEdgar Jborn about 1927
HarpElmer Bborn about 1894
HarpJames Eborn about 1892
HarpLillian Gborn about 1925
HarpLuneal born about 1940
HarpMaud Lborn about 1898
HarpNaomie Vborn about 1929
HarpNora Lborn about 1932
HarpWanda Vborn about 1933
HarpWayne Eborn about 1922
HarrisD Eborn about 1862
HarrisonAlpha Omegaborn about 1922
HarrisonAndrew Earlborn about 1919
HarrisonAndrew Markborn about 1881
HarrisonLouise born about 1883
HartsellMyrtle Mborn about 1884
HartsellWilliam Aborn about 1874
HartsellWilliam Aborn about 1923
HattaboughAlice born about 1931
HattaboughAnna Mborn about 1900
HattaboughAnnie born about 1924
HattaboughBuck born about 1924
HattaboughCharley born about 1926
HattaboughDella Fborn about 1935
HattaboughFlorence born about 1913
HattaboughHomer born about 1906
HattaboughJames Eborn about 1912
HattaboughJerry born about 1936
HattaboughLoyd born about 1929
HattaboughSherman born about 1932
HattaboughVan D born about 1887
HattaboughVan Jr born about 1939
HattaboughWilliam born about 1933
HattaboughWillie born about 1899
HawthorneBilly Joeborn about 1927
HawthorneJoseph Dborn about 1895
HawthorneLouie Mborn about 1897
HawthorneRuth Eborn about 1924
HayesDessie Nborn about 1906
HayesJerry Gborn about 1935
HayesLincoln Nborn about 1908
HayesLoyd Aborn about 1938
HayesWanda Lborn about 1932
HaysIna Gborn about 1923
HaysMartin Bborn about 1878
HaysOthella born about 1892
HearnCurtis born about 1914
HearnHiram Rborn about 1863
HearnJewel born about 1921
HearnOla born about 1886
HearnRobert born about 1924
HeavenerBenjiman Hborn about 1892
HeavenerBilly Hborn about 1929
HeavenerLibby Iborn about 1920
HeavenerPatsy Rborn about 1929
HeavenerRalph Rborn about 1923
HeavenerZella Iborn about 1893
HeltonJohn Eborn about 1872
HenleyBertha born about 1898
HenleyJames Hborn about 1885
HenleyJohn Mborn about 1875
HenleyJoyce born about 1935
HenleyLoise born about 1895
HenleyLuther Mborn about 1919
HillA Dborn about 1925
HillAdolphus Dborn about 1901
HillEffie born about 1904
HillFrank Rborn about 1926
HillHerman Lborn about 1918
HillJohn Pborn about 1901
HillKatie Pborn about 1900
HillMelbourne born about 1924
HillVesta Fborn about 1896
HillWill Cborn about 1895
HillZella Fborn about 1933
HodgesBesse Mborn about 1890
HodgesLouis Aborn about 1885
HodgesTilda Annborn about 1862
HollandAlonzo J Srborn about 1863
HollandAvery Fborn about 1908
HollandGerald Dborn about 1931
HollandHelen Lborn about 1937
HollandRosa Bborn about 1906
HoodIsa Mborn about 1873
Hunton born about 1877
HuntonEdgar born about 1871
HutchisonLucy Janeborn about 1878

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J Surnames

JohnsonAikin Mborn about 1868
JohnsonBe?? born about 1877
JohnsonBonnie Aborn about 1909
JohnsonDaniel Aborn about 1868
JohnsonDenny Aborn about 1935
JohnsonElmo Wborn about 1911
JohnsonEstelle Mborn about 1937
JohnsonFelix Cborn about 1915
JohnsonGeorge Hborn about 1899
JohnsonGeorge Wborn about 1877
JohnsonHannah Aborn about 1863
JohnsonHarold Lborn about 1911
JohnsonHelen Jborn about 1929
JohnsonJames Aborn about 1901
JohnsonJosie born about 1878
JohnsonLelar born about 1872
JohnsonLotta Mborn about 1876
JohnsonMary Cborn about 1903
JohnsonNaomi Jborn about 1937
JohnsonPatsy Louborn about 1938
JohnsonPauline Lborn about 1916
JohnsonPeggy Sueborn about 1936
JohnsonRobert Mborn about 1870
JohnsonThomas Wborn about 1873
JonesAda Bborn about 1895
JonesBerdell born about 1924
JonesBilly Geanborn about 1930
JonesCecil Deeborn about 1923
JonesDora Vborn about 1880
JonesE Ralphborn about 1904
JonesE Ralph Jrborn about 1934
JonesHarold Bborn about 1902
JonesJohn Fborn about 1895
JonesLaveana born about 1925
JonesLorene Mborn about 1920
JonesLuneal born about 1919
JonesMable Lborn about 1936
JonesMaranda born about 1855
JonesMary Cborn about 1906
JonesMildred born about 1928
JonesMittie Jborn about 1885
JonesOscar Lborn about 1880
JonesRochel born about 1903
JonesSam Eborn about 1893
JonesWilliam Jborn about 1882
JudyArlie Bborn about 1885
JudyDavis Yborn about 1926
JudyMrs Blanche born about 1894
JudySadie Sborn about 1893

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K Surnames

KnoxAlbert born about 1920
KnoxFannie Leeborn about 1940
KnoxMary Anneborn about 1922

L Surnames

LackeyFulva Dborn about 1879
LackeyJohn Hborn about 1860
LangBeulah Lborn about 1909
LangJames Eborn about 1939
LangMargie Lborn about 1931
LangMary Eborn about 1933
LangRichman Lborn about 1911
LantripAvis Lborn about 1910
LasiterBilly Gborn about 1926
LasiterBobby Jborn about 1928
LasiterDorothy Eborn about 1925
LasiterFay Lborn about 1922
LasiterOllie Vborn about 1885
LasiterRoscoe Bborn about 1921
LasiterThomas Aborn about 1880
LawrenceBernice born about 1920
LawrenceJohn Tborn about 1915
LewisJohn Wborn about 1870
LewisLena born about 1894
LewisMahalie Aborn about 1876
LewisMargaret Eborn about 1916
LewisWilliam Jborn about 1894
LewisWilna Mborn about 1909
LikeGeneva Sborn about 1930
LikeGeorge Sborn about 1875
LikeJohn Mborn about 1909
LikeLouise Hborn about 1911
LikeNancy born about 1877
LileCharles Eborn about 1885
LileEarl Cborn about 1912
LileMattie Vborn about 1928
LileRosa Lborn about 1890
LileWalter Lborn about 1922
LileWilliam Aborn about 1916
LittleClade Vborn about 1894
LittleConnie born about 1928
LittleCristopher Cborn about 1891
LittleDale born about 1931
LittleElies born about 1922
LittleJohn Bborn about 1857
LittleJohn Hborn about 1920
LittleMary Jborn about 1859
LittleMiriam Jborn about 1896
LittleMontie born about 1878
LittleSusie Rborn about 1896
LittleWilliam Aborn about 1877
LivingstonLuvany Cborn about 1871
LivingstonRuth Cborn about 1903
LivingstonThomas Fborn about 1868
LivingstonWilliam Wborn about 1895
LooperEdna Cborn about 1907
LooperFarie Fborn about 1920
LooperFrank Rborn about 1900
LooperGarvin Hborn about 1884
LooperHazel Lborn about 1929
LooperJ Warrenborn about 1876
LooperJo Leeborn about 1932
LooperJohana born about 1896
LooperKatie Kborn about 1876
LooperMinie Bborn about 1878
LooperPauline Rborn about 1908
LooperSamuel Rborn about 1870
LooperThelma Jborn about 1923
LooperWalter Lborn about 1907
LynchLovella born about 1877

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M Surnames

ManusBlanche born about 1905
ManusBobby Jborn about 1926
ManusDan Gborn about 1876
ManusEmazelle born about 1919
ManusJessie Mborn about 1877
ManusLillie born about 1872
ManusMartin born about 1890
ManusMyrtle born about 1893
ManusOscar born about 1903
MartinAda born about 1870
MartinBilly Bryanborn about 1935
MartinDeliah born about 1856
MartinDora Deaborn about 1927
MartinElizabeth Annborn about 1939
MartinGrace born about 1908
MartinJames born about 1881
MartinVirgina Leeborn about 1928
MartinW Jborn about 1908
McAlisterLydia Bborn about 1900
McAlisterMeta Beatriceborn about 1923
McAlisterRoscoe Roscoeborn about 1919
McCutchsonCora Eborn about 1893
McCutchsonCorrinne Wborn about 1926
McCutchsonFred Jborn about 1890
McCutchsonJohn Gborn about 1923
McKenzieAda Fborn about 1924
McKenzieEdna born about 1894
McKenzieMelvin Tborn about 1891
McLeonElizabeth born about 1890
McLeonJim born about 1860
MendenhallCharokee born about 1937
MendenhallIneeda born about 1914
MendenhallMarion born about 1913
MerchantMrs Jossie Fborn about 1875
MetcalfAnnie born about 1896
MetcalfAustin Lborn about 1894
MetcalfBilly Eborn about 1924
MetcalfJimmy Rborn about 1926
MetcelfMelba born about 1923
MetcelfWalter Lborn about 1914
MicthellAnna Lborn about 1937
MicthellBonnie born about 1922
MicthellEugene born about 1939
MicthellGeorge born about 1928
MicthellGoldie born about 1923
MicthellJames Wborn about 1899
MicthellJoe born about 1931
MicthellJohnnie born about 1926
MicthellLonzo born about 1934
MicthellRaymon born about 1930
MicthellSarah Eborn about 1907
MillerDavid Lborn about 1895
MillerHomer Sborn about 1891
MillerJessie Aborn about 1905
MillerKatie born about 1896
MillerLorene Jborn about 1928
MillerLottie Jborn about 1937
MillerLouise born about 1924
MillerLucille born about 1934
MillerMargie born about 1904
MillerMonah Aborn about 1896
MillerVernon Lborn about 1926
Mitchell born about 1905
MitchellBernadine Sborn about 1931
MitchellBillie Hborn about 1926
MitchellCharline Sborn about 1924
MitchellDaisy Aborn about 1896
MitchellEmmitt born about 1887
MitchellFredrick born about 1933
MitchellGrace Sborn about 1906
MitchellHarold Lborn about 1927
MitchellHerman Cborn about 1906
MitchellJ Hermanborn about 1895
MitchellJack Eborn about 1914
MitchellLaurance Rborn about 1924
MitchellMarjorie Cborn about 1920
MitchellMary Hborn about 1937
MitchellR Vborn about 1924
MitchellRuby born about 1918
MitchellSidney Tborn about 1928
MooreAnn Allenborn about 1937
MooreArt Cborn about 1933
MooreEarnest born about 1905
MooreErmon Aborn about 1909
MooreErmon Jborn about 1939
MooreEthel Bborn about 1910
MooreGlenn born about 1934
MooreLenard Cborn about 1910
MooreLillian born about 1932
MooreRichard born about 1934
MooreWanda Lborn about 1931
MoreAaron born about 1921
MoreAndrew Pborn about 1894
MoreElnor born about 1897
MorganAlsie born about 1894
MorganFrank born about 1894
MorganFrankie Sueborn about 1928
MorganGeorgie Aborn about 1868
MorganJames Nborn about 1926
MorrisEffie Mborn about 1883
MorrisJoe Bborn about 1869
MusgrawOtis Wborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewlandAnabel born about 1877
NewlandNita Mborn about 1920
NewlandWendell Eborn about 1911
NewlandWilliam Eborn about 1877
NiblettCecil born about 1926
NiblettEdith Lborn about 1920
NiblettElizabeth Rborn about 1931
NiblettJoseph Mborn about 1888
NiblettMamie Rborn about 1935
NiblettRobert Rborn about 1939
NiblettRoy Dborn about 1916
NiblettRuby Eborn about 1892
NorrisBryan Jborn about 1925
NorrisDorthy born about 1937
NorrisEnoch Bborn about 1888
NorrisImogene born about 1939
NorrisJeff Gborn about 1908
NorrisJoe Mborn about 1923
NorrisJune born about 1933
NorrisMarie born about 1909
NorrisMary Eborn about 1868
NorrisRalph Wborn about 1917
NortonCharley born about 1925
NortonClarence born about 1918
NortonElla born about 1926
NortonFred Mborn about 1881
NortonLoraine born about 1933
NortonMartha born about 1925
NortonMary born about 1921
NortonParlee born about 1891
NoyesLeldon Mborn about 1927
NoyesLeo Rborn about 1902
NoyesLeon Cborn about 1924
NoyesLetha born about 1906
NoyesPatsy Nborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdomEula Maeborn about 1916
OdomRossie Mborn about 1933
OdomRuby Sborn about 1931
OdomSam born about 1909
OwensEdna born about 1884
OwensJake born about 1925
OwensRev James Tborn about 1881

P Surnames

ParkhillRoland Hborn about 1898
ParkhillVera Lborn about 1910
PattonJames Lborn about 1924
PattonJane Eborn about 1904
PattonLummie Aborn about 1900
PattonMary Tborn about 1927
PattonNellie Gborn about 1936
PattonSam Tborn about 1930
PelfreyDixie born about 1915
PelfreyMary Louiseborn about 1937
PelfreyWilliam Hborn about 1912
PelfreyWilliam H Jrborn about 1935
PendergrathAllie born about 1886
PendergrathCharley Aborn about 1882
PendergrathHarrell born about 1920
PendergrathRoss born about 1926
PenningtonAndrew Jborn about 1853
PenningtonAnn Bborn about 1901
PenningtonCarol Aborn about 1936
PenningtonElton Jborn about 1930
PenningtonFloyd Bborn about 1933
PenningtonImogene born about 1923
PenningtonJames Sborn about 1888
PenningtonJohn Cborn about 1901
PenningtonKirk born about 1933
PenningtonMary Sueborn about 1928
PenningtonMildred Lborn about 1923
PenningtonMyrtle Aborn about 1887
PenningtonOscar Wborn about 1896
PenningtonStella Lborn about 1905
PenningtonUdene born about 1923
PerkinsFranklin Dborn about 1881
PerkinsLottie Lborn about 1884
PerkinsPeggy Lborn about 1938
PerkinsRhee Mborn about 1913
PerkinsThomas Wborn about 1939
PerkinsTom born about 1912
PerryNan Cborn about 1875
PettusAra Mayborn about 1892
PettusMarviin born about 1889
PhillipsDale born about 1929
PhillipsFrankie born about 1935
PhillipsHenry Lborn about 1902
PhillipsKenneth born about 1933
PhillipsLillie Bborn about 1903
PiersonEloise born about 1939
PiersonHarold Eborn about 1913
PiersonMock Fborn about 1928
PiersonNell Rborn about 1935
PiersonTennie Oborn about 1893
PiersonWillie Eborn about 1916
PiperJohn Bborn about 1926
PiperRose born about 1890
PiperWilliam Gborn about 1882
PiperWilna born about 1918
PledgerEtta Aborn about 1889
PledgerFrancis Jborn about 1892
PledgerJames Wborn about 1887
PledgerLouie born about 1913
PledgerLouise born about 1926
PledgerLovella born about 1926
PledgerMelvin born about 1890
PlummerRosa Bborn about 1885
PlummerWalter Aborn about 1880
PowellAltha born about 1915
PowellAndrew Jborn about 1879
PowellDesteen born about 1920
PowellRosa Rborn about 1889
PressonAmie Lborn about 1925
PressonAnna Mborn about 1927
PressonBilly Clydeborn about 1937
PressonClyde born about 1894
PressonDovie born about 1909
PressonElizabeth born about 1932
PressonElla born about 1866
PressonJesse Wborn about 1873
PressonJunior born about 1928
PressonLaura born about 1870
PressonLloyd Jborn about 1900
PressonLowell Aborn about 1925
PressonLuther Hborn about 1895
PressonMargaret born about 1911
PressonMary Lborn about 1860
PressonNettie born about 1909
PressonOra Lborn about 1899
PressonPatsy Ruthborn about 1939
PressonRuth Eborn about 1932
PressonSedoras Jborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RankinsJohn Cborn about 1925
ReedDrary Prenesieborn about 1864
ReedIsaac Wborn about 1877
ReedMary Lborn about 1868
ReedNaomie born about 1881
ReevesKatie born about 1863
RichardsBeulah Dborn about 1912
RichardsDorothy Jborn about 1934
RichardsNorma Dborn about 1936
RichmanArlie Vborn about 1924
RichmanCharlie Cborn about 1928
RichmanFay Douglasborn about 1931
RichmanMae Mborn about 1895
RichmanSylvester Vborn about 1892
RidgwayBarbara Dborn about 1940
RidgwayDavid Leeborn about 1934
RidgwayDella born about 1905
RidgwayIlez born about 1923
RidgwayVernual born about 1928
RobertsAlice Jborn about 1928
RobertsFreda Iborn about 1922
RobertsLester Jborn about 1894
RobertsLois Mborn about 1905
RobertsPeggy Sborn about 1931
RobinsonJane Cborn about 1880
RobinsonJohn born about 1907
RobinsonMelba born about 1918
RobisonMary Eborn about 1876
RodgersFred Aborn about 1888
RodgersMinnie born about 1890
RupeBilly Joeborn about 1930
RupeChester Bborn about 1899
RupeClara Bborn about 1911
RupeJoe Billborn about 1906
RupeJoseph Rborn about 1871
RupeMary Fborn about 1872
RupeMaude born about 1915
RupeMay Bborn about 1875
RupeOpal Eborn about 1933
RupeRuth born about 1906
RupeWilliam Aborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalleyAnnie Bborn about 1905
SalleyBetty Joeborn about 1936
SalleyBob born about 1938
SalleyLois born about 1930
SalleyLoyd born about 1923
SalleyR Bborn about 1933
SalleyStiles Rborn about 1898
SalleyZella born about 1926
SatterfieldAnna Lborn about 1939
SatterfieldBelle Sborn about 1880
SatterfieldEthel Mborn about 1914
SatterfieldGordon Hborn about 1913
SatterfieldJames Mborn about 1938
SatterfieldLee Dborn about 1916
SatterfieldLester Aborn about 1914
SatterfieldMarie born about 1918
SatterfieldMelvin Cborn about 1873
ScottDonald born about 1934
ScottHarry Lborn about 1898
ScottHarry L Jrborn about 1930
ScottLouise Aborn about 1911
ScottRobert Gborn about 1932
ScottViola Mborn about 1938
SealJack born about 1859
SeemannCharley Eborn about 1875
SeemannEdna born about 1876
SelphDora Lborn about 1904
SelphHoward Leeborn about 1927
SelphLaura Cborn about 1921
SelphLee Bborn about 1901
SelphWade Eborn about 1931
ShatonThomas Hborn about 1900
SimpsonAnna Bborn about 1924
SimpsonCarl Ann Wborn about 1876
SimpsonEula born about 1876
SimpsonJames Cborn about 1935
SimpsonJames Fborn about 1913
SimpsonJerry Wborn about 1939
SimpsonLester Wborn about 1911
SimpsonLoeba Eborn about 1916
SimpsonMallie Eborn about 1888
SimpsonMartha Eborn about 1878
SimpsonMartin Cborn about 1935
SimpsonNoma born about 1916
SkinnerAllen Lborn about 1874
SkinnerOlivia born about 1876
SlankardMarshal Lborn about 1869
SlateAndrew born about 1912
SlateBenjamin Lborn about 1879
SlateBobby born about 1937
SlateCarl born about 1927
SlateCarrie born about 1915
SlateGladys Iborn about 1910
SlateGrady Jborn about 1910
SlateHoward Lborn about 1931
SlateInez born about 1933
SlateJake born about 1929
SlateJoe Lborn about 1936
SlateJohn born about 1881
SlateLaura Aborn about 1938
SlateLawrence Wborn about 1904
SlateLily born about 1884
SlateLois born about 1928
SlateLoyd born about 1925
SlateMary Henryborn about 1922
SlateMary Leeborn about 1940
SlateOnser Oborn about 1911
SlatePauline born about 1900
SlateRufus born about 1916
SlateSylvoness Lborn about 1876
SlateTresdy? Mborn about 1911
SlateViola Eborn about 1926
SmithAlta Mborn about 1898
SmithAndrew Jborn about 1897
SmithArvel born about 1928
SmithBilly born about 1927
SmithDorothy Lborn about 1933
SmithErnest born about 1923
SmithFlora Lborn about 1909
SmithFrank Jborn about 1884
SmithFrankie Mborn about 1931
SmithImojine born about 1928
SmithIrene born about 1907
SmithJ Lborn about 1932
SmithJackson born about 1939
SmithJohnny born about 1926
SmithJoyce Dborn about 1939
SmithLeonard born about 1934
SmithLevi born about 1936
SmithLucy Bborn about 1933
SmithMax born about 1938
SmithMillard born about 1938
SmithNellie Mborn about 1935
SmithOtis born about 1910
SmithStella born about 1898
SmithTommy born about 1928
SmithVirginia born about 1924
SmithWilliam Eborn about 1892
SmithWillie Lborn about 1918
SmootJ D Jrborn about 1933
SmootReby Mborn about 1915
SnyderFrankie Lborn about 1926
SnyderJohn Tborn about 1871
SnyderMinnie Lborn about 1880
SnyderRobbie Nborn about 1928
SorrelsEarl Hborn about 1916
SorrelsGeorge Wborn about 1872
SorrelsGerald born about 1925
SorrelsHayward Iborn about 1926
SorrelsJessie Gborn about 1906
SorrelsLorene Rborn about 1921
SorrelsMaggie Oborn about 1877
SorrelsMelba born about 1930
SorrelsMinnie born about 1884
SorrelsPaul Jborn about 1930
SorrelsPaul Wborn about 1904
SorrelsSam Jborn about 1882
SorrelsSamuel Jborn about 1921
SouthernBetty born about 1923
SouthernCarmen Eborn about 1902
SouthernJessie born about 1925
SouthernJoe Charlesborn about 1932
SouthernRoy born about 1900
StarrWilliam born about 1886
StedhamMary Eborn about 1864
StephensClarrisa born about 1912
StephensT Aborn about 1912
SterleyBilly Mborn about 1924
SterleyCurtis Hborn about 1922
SterleyElia Eborn about 1901
SterleyJerry Lborn about 1937
SterleyJimmie born about 1932
SterleyLouise born about 1921
SterleyR B Jrborn about 1928
StinsonJames Bborn about 1927
StinsonJames Gborn about 1905
StoneBillie Bborn about 1927
StoneClaudie Eborn about 1926
StoneEster Eborn about 1888
StoneTommie Hborn about 1920
StoneVirginia born about 1923
StrandJennie born about 1872
StrandMarrin Cborn about 1915
StricklandMaudie Gborn about 1898
StricklandPreston Rayborn about 1927
StricklandVirgina Maeborn about 1925
StroudOscar born about 1867
StrunksClarence Jborn about 1902
StrunksMerle Rayborn about 1937
StrunksNell born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorBonnie born about 1937
TaylorCecil Jr born about 1915
TaylorDolores Wborn about 1940
TaylorDortch Jeneborn about 1922
TaylorEva Jborn about 1935
TaylorIda Mborn about 1887
TaylorIrvin born about 1887
TaylorJohnnie Mborn about 1893
TaylorJoseph born about 1888
TaylorJoseph Rborn about 1860
TaylorLena born about 1915
TaylorLilly born about 1891
TaylorLois born about 1930
TaylorLommie born about 1908
TaylorLulu born about 1912
TaylorMartin Iborn about 1873
TaylorMary Eborn about 1912
TaylorMaudie born about 1909
TaylorMay born about 1936
TaylorOrville born about 1913
TaylorRobert Dborn about 1909
TaylorRochel born about 1932
TaylorRosa Eborn about 1929
TaylorRoy born about 1936
TaylorShirley Joeborn about 1939
TaylorStarlin born about 1922
ThomasJames Fborn about 1938
ThomasMistie Jborn about 1919
ThomasPaul Fborn about 1911
ThomasPaulina Fborn about 1932
ThomasRichard Lborn about 1936
ThompsonMary Jborn about 1870
ThorntonAzzie born about 1893
ThorntonBilly born about 1932
ThorntonMildred born about 1926
ThorntonT Oborn about 1894
ThorntonWanda born about 1924
TornbullRay Eborn about 1911
TraylorAnna Mborn about 1925
TraylorDoyle Lborn about 1923
TraylorFloyd born about 1932
TraylorM Vborn about 1921
TraylorPauline born about 1894
TraylorWill Cborn about 1891
TrustyCarrie born about 1874
TrustyWilliam Eborn about 1882
TullJames Bborn about 1874
TullLouella born about 1919
TullMattie born about 1897
TunnNorma Leeborn about 1938
TurnerBetty born about 1927
TurnerCharlene born about 1928
TurnerEunice born about 1926
TurnerHomer Eborn about 1902
TurnerImogene Kborn about 1908
TurnerJames Bborn about 1876
TurnerJames Cborn about 1932
TurnerMinnie born about 1890
TurnerR Dborn about 1923
TurnerRachel Eborn about 1880
TurnerRachel Rborn about 1919
TurnerRoscoe Dborn about 1889
TurnerRose born about 1931
TylerEunice Mborn about 1904
TylerJeptha Bborn about 1905
TylerJeptha B Jrborn about 1935
TylerJohn Wborn about 1909
TylerPatricia Deanborn about 1930
TylerSarah Bborn about 1868
TylerWilliam Hborn about 1858
TyresInez Eborn about 1875
TyresWilliam Eborn about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandongeFlossie born about 1902
VandongeJo Allenborn about 1929
VenableDovie Iborn about 1905
VenableIsaac Wborn about 1894
VenableMary Rborn about 1933
VenableMay Rborn about 1935
VenablePlese Jborn about 1927
VestCarl Aborn about 1907
VestJewel born about 1912
VestSue Cborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WallMary Eborn about 1876
WallThomas Jborn about 1873
WallaceMadge born about 1884
WallaceRobert born about 1886
WarrenAlbert Lborn about 1870
WarrenDella born about 1875
WatersElsie born about 1927
WatersFlossie born about 1923
WatersJimmy Sborn about 1929
WatersMay born about 1901
WatersWarren Gborn about 1921
WattsBobby Louiseborn about 1928
WattsByron Wborn about 1903
WattsGeorge Wborn about 1937
WattsGerty born about 1907
WebbAlene born about 1922
WebbAlton born about 1925
WebbBarbara born about 1896
WebbDavid Bborn about 1886
WebbJohnnie born about 1927
WebbLloyd Lborn about 1930
WebbNester born about 1932
WedgeBarbara Rborn about 1939
WedgeDeward Jborn about 1937
WedgeDeward Wborn about 1908
WedgeMearnie Mborn about 1911
WellsJessie Pborn about 1894
WellsJohn Aborn about 1887
WhitakerKenneth Rayborn about 1939
WhitakerLucille born about 1920
WhiteGarland Lborn about 1877
WhiteNora Lborn about 1883
WilkensFrieda Mborn about 1886
WilkensJames Hborn about 1888
WilkersBenjamin Hborn about 1882
WilkersEffie born about 1880
WilkersGeorge Oborn about 1856
WilliamsAmbrone born about 1871
WilliamsBetty Annborn about 1934
WilliamsBlanch Oborn about 1923
WilliamsCharley Aborn about 1917
WilliamsClarice Lborn about 1910
WilliamsCleonus born about 1906
WilliamsDarwin Lborn about 1921
WilliamsDow Vborn about 1907
WilliamsEdna born about 1890
WilliamsElla born about 1875
WilliamsEloise Dborn about 1910
WilliamsGenevieve born about 1928
WilliamsHarley born about 1918
WilliamsHercel born about 1936
WilliamsHermon born about 1938
WilliamsJames born about 1934
WilliamsJames Lborn about 1932
WilliamsJames Vborn about 1909
WilliamsJerry Hborn about 1934
WilliamsJessie Aborn about 1903
WilliamsJoseph born about 1926
WilliamsJuanita born about 1923
WilliamsLena Vborn about 1882
WilliamsLorene born about 1914
WilliamsLouise born about 1931
WilliamsLuther Aborn about 1884
WilliamsMarion born about 1914
WilliamsModene born about 1868
WilliamsRaymon born about 1931
WilliamsRetha born about 1932
WilliamsRufus born about 1912
WilliamsVinita born about 1914
WilsonDelovies Jborn about 1940
WilsonHurley Vborn about 1912
WilsonJessy? Lborn about 1938
WilsonJewel Gborn about 1937
WilsonMerle Jeanborn about 1939
WilsonNellie Kborn about 1916
WilsonViola born about 1918
WimbelyLillie born about 1872
WindhamJ Dborn about 1896
WinkelyGeorge born about 1915
WinkelyVivian Mborn about 1923
WitcherCarl Rborn about 1914
WitcherCarl R Jrborn about 1935
WitcherMary Nellborn about 1915
WitcherSammie Dborn about 1937
WomackCecil Tborn about 1902
WomackEra born about 1909
WomackOttie born about 1878
WoodsDoyle Wborn about 1920
WoodsErvin born about 1919
WoodsEvelyn born about 1921
WoodsPatricia Annborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YowellDon born about 1933
YowellJulia Eborn about 1889
YowellPage Hborn about 1919
YowellRobert Lborn about 1922
YowellScott born about 1924
YowellWilliam Lborn about 1916
YowellWilson Lborn about 1883

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