1940 U.S. Federal Census of Liberty in Independence County, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Liberty in Independence County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottA Gborn about 1926
AbbottChester born about 1899
AbbottFelton born about 1930
AbbottHorace born about 1936
AbbottJames born about 1934
AbbottJune born about 1928
AbbottMarline born about 1932
AbbottRoma born about 1908
AlgoodCecil Aborn about 1915
AlgoodOllie born about 1881
AlgoodSherman Wborn about 1871
AlgoodSula born about 1915
AlgoodVergil born about 1920
AlgoodVirginia Lborn about 1937
AlgoodWilliam Rborn about 1934
AllomDave Hborn about 1871
AllomMary Eborn about 1871
AltomAlfreda born about 1936
AltomAnna Iborn about 1912
AltomCurtis Gborn about 1935
AltomDenver born about 1923
AltomElmer Cborn about 1898
AltomFarris Dborn about 1931
AltomFloy Bborn about 1925
AltomGearline born about 1930
AltomGlenna Fayeborn about 1932
AltomHershel Sborn about 1910
AltomIrene born about 1922
AltomJoetta born about 1937
AltomLena Pborn about 1901
AltomLeota Gborn about 1932
AltomMarvin Wborn about 1909
AltomMary Annborn about 1915
AltomNoel Dborn about 1939
AltomNolan Vborn about 1920
AltomStanely Wborn about 1930
AltomVictor Bborn about 1924
AltomW Tborn about 1927
AltonBonnie Leeborn about 1931
ArnoldCharles Wborn about 1927
ArnoldRoss born about 1895
ArnoldSusie Aborn about 1896
ArnoldWinona Rborn about 1924

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B Surnames

BaileyAlice born about 1857
BaileyAlice born about 1907
BaileyBertha born about 1887
BaileyBillie Wborn about 1939
BaileyFay Oborn about 1930
BaileyGrace born about 1926
BaileyGuila Gborn about 1917
BaileyJames Aborn about 1892
BaileyKatherine born about 1939
BaileyMildred Eborn about 1919
BaileyNoy Wborn about 1902
BaileyOdis born about 1895
BaileyOtho Tborn about 1897
BaileyThomas Hborn about 1929
BaileyThomas Wborn about 1867
BaileyWanda Leeborn about 1929
BaileyWilliam Nborn about 1915
BaileyWoodrow Wborn about 1913
BakerAlbert Gborn about 1870
BakerAugustine born about 1932
BakerDone Lborn about 1936
BakerElmer Nborn about 1911
BakerErnestine born about 1930
BakerEvelen Aborn about 1914
BakerHettinee born about 1934
BakerLeslie Aborn about 1907
BakerLula Rborn about 1936
BakerMary Eborn about 1846
BakerMay born about 1907
BakerMedeline born about 1938
BakerMolly Eborn about 1884
BakerMonnie Nborn about 1938
BartlettMuriel born about 1927
BearsonAline Vborn about 1919
BearsonDeanna Mborn about 1939
BearsonDorothy Fborn about 1939
BearsonErnest Wborn about 1915
BickersElgin Rborn about 1873
BickersHaskel Wborn about 1909
BickersJerry Hborn about 1936
BickersLaura Rborn about 1932
BickersWilma Mborn about 1914
BiramCecil born about 1911
BiramEuna born about 1916
BiramHarold born about 1936
BlankenshipAltie Mborn about 1878
BlankenshipAnnine Bborn about 1930
BlankenshipBeulah Rborn about 1902
BlankenshipBonnie Geneborn about 1936
BlankenshipDalton Dborn about 1923
BlankenshipEmma Mborn about 1872
BlankenshipJennie born about 1887
BlankenshipJimmie born about 1921
BlankenshipJohn Sborn about 1874
BlankenshipMable Eborn about 1915
BlankenshipMatie Oborn about 1894
BlankenshipNancy born about 1865
BlankenshipNoah born about 1904
BlankenshipSherley born about 1926
BlankenshipSherman Gborn about 1870
BlankenshipUriah born about 1882
BlountAlice born about 1902
BlountChristine born about 1923
BlountClive born about 1935
BlountCoy born about 1926
BlountEdward Lborn about 1879
BlountHarold born about 1921
BlountRhoda born about 1887
BlountRoscoe born about 1932
BlountShelby Rborn about 1893
BoswellAuthur born about 1909
BoswellClella born about 1939
BoswellPearl born about 1920
BowrenAdren Gborn about 1925
BowrenArkie born about 1903
BowrenBernice Oborn about 1914
BowrenClara Bborn about 1899
BowrenClois born about 1937
BowrenEugene born about 1888
BowrenGlyn Wborn about 1932
BowrenGretta Gborn about 1935
BowrenIris born about 1916
BowrenLeland born about 1923
BowrenLeroy born about 1926
BowrenLorene born about 1930
BowrenMelvin born about 1928
BowrenRay born about 1911
BowrenVelda born about 1915
BowrenWalter Rborn about 1886
BradleyZoa born about 1876
BrannanAugust born about 1921
BrannanColine born about 1921
BrannanElie Cborn about 1926
BrannanElizabeth Aborn about 1880
BrannanFannie Jborn about 1888
BrannanJames Lborn about 1879
BrannanLeon Mborn about 1916
BrannanWilliam Dborn about 1931
BronnanWilliam Iborn about 1881
BrownAnna Leeborn about 1929
BrownAnna Pborn about 1880
BrownB L Jrborn about 1925
BrownBelas Iborn about 1887
BrownBertha born about 1894
BrownBessie born about 1897
BrownBird Lborn about 1886
BrownCharles Rborn about 1935
BrownCharlie Aborn about 1892
BrownClara born about 1890
BrownClaud Vborn about 1889
BrownDale Cborn about 1936
BrownDorthy Mborn about 1906
BrownEd Tborn about 1885
BrownElizza born about 1872
BrownEmil born about 1919
BrownEmmett Mborn about 1925
BrownErnest Lborn about 1914
BrownEva Gborn about 1881
BrownGean born about 1936
BrownGerald born about 1917
BrownHenry Leeborn about 1918
BrownHugh born about 1933
BrownJack Rborn about 1906
BrownJoe Hborn about 1894
BrownJoyce Cborn about 1938
BrownLaura Iborn about 1894
BrownLewis Lborn about 1879
BrownLouis Dborn about 1936
BrownMajorie Lborn about 1913
BrownMyrle born about 1926
BrownOleta Bborn about 1917
BrownOna Marieborn about 1931
BrownOthal Eborn about 1930
BrownRilla Mborn about 1918
BrownRuby Bborn about 1931
BrownSelpha Leeborn about 1939
BrownTom Wborn about 1874
BrownValetta Mborn about 1920
BrownWaymond Dborn about 1929
BrownWilliam Aborn about 1861
BrownWilton Lborn about 1909

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C Surnames

ClineghamCharles born about 1928
ClineghamMildred born about 1936
ConleyRebecca born about 1852
CousinsBeatrice born about 1911
CousinsBervel Aborn about 1915
CousinsBobbie Hborn about 1938
CousinsBurrell born about 1920
CousinsCarl Wborn about 1914
CousinsCarlon Gborn about 1935
CousinsColleen Iborn about 1890
CousinsDaisy Wborn about 1937
CousinsDone Mborn about 1911
CousinsLynn Mborn about 1939
CousinsVena Mborn about 1925
CowanFannie Nborn about 1857
CoxAdrian Cborn about 1925
CoxGearline Hborn about 1922
CoxHester born about 1891
CoxJohn Cborn about 1886
CoxNorman Jborn about 1918

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D Surnames

DesoachBertha Mborn about 1932
DesoachClara born about 1899
DesoachGeneva Cborn about 1922
DesoachJuanita Fborn about 1928
DesoachThomas Rborn about 1932
DesoachWebster born about 1883
DesoachWendell Lborn about 1924
DossettAva Leeborn about 1934
DossettEdward Gborn about 1922
DossettLora Bborn about 1899
DossettOlito Mayborn about 1926
DossettThomas Wborn about 1876
DossettWilliam Rborn about 1928

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E Surnames

ElembaughGilferd born about 1925

F Surnames

FayClemmie Aborn about 1898
FayDonval Cborn about 1925
FayDudley Jborn about 1903
FayGeraldine born about 1923
FayMary Aborn about 1876
FayMillard Tborn about 1930
FayMona Bborn about 1936
FayVictor Rborn about 1923
FergusonAubrey Bborn about 1897
FergusonBettie Iborn about 1934
FergusonChester Sborn about 1895
FergusonDenzel born about 1938
FergusonEppie born about 1901
FergusonFrank born about 1871
FergusonFred Bborn about 1906
FergusonJoseph Gborn about 1881
FergusonKenneth Dborn about 1929
FergusonLirlie born about 1876
FergusonLonie Lborn about 1884
FergusonOra Iborn about 1907
FergusonPaul Hborn about 1907
FergusonPearl Eborn about 1898
FergusonVelma born about 1911
FergusonVerna Maeborn about 1928
FinleyHattie Mborn about 1923
FinleyRay born about 1918
FloydGoldie Mborn about 1923
FloydOdis Dborn about 1915
FloydViola Jborn about 1882
FloydWilliam Mborn about 1884
FrazierClaud Cborn about 1900
FrazierFarriel Dborn about 1930
FrazierKenith Cborn about 1926
FrazierMyrtle Fborn about 1904
FunkEthel born about 1891
FunkHarold Wborn about 1922
FunkPaul born about 1890

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G Surnames

GayAlbert Fborn about 1927
GayAlfred Mborn about 1925
GayAlictean born about 1927
GayAuther born about 1929
GayBertha born about 1902
GayBilly Jborn about 1936
GayCora Bborn about 1897
GayDella born about 1874
GayDuel Jborn about 1912
GayEarl born about 1921
GayEarl Jborn about 1917
GayElven Oborn about 1907
GayEstelle Eborn about 1891
GayGlendell born about 1935
GayHerbert born about 1899
GayKenneth born about 1923
GayMathew Gborn about 1872
GayMildred Mborn about 1919
GayMonie Joeborn about 1912
GayO Lborn about 1925
GayOran born about 1894
GayPaul Lborn about 1902
GayR Eborn about 1933
GayRay Wborn about 1918
GayRobert Sborn about 1890
GaySrable Lborn about 1935
GayThelma Lborn about 1908
GayVernon Dborn about 1925
GreenEarl Lborn about 1929
GreenGerald Tborn about 1925
GreenMaggie Mborn about 1902
GreenNaaman Lborn about 1933
GreenR L Jrborn about 1927
GreenRaymond Eborn about 1931
GreenRobert Lborn about 1906
GreenSharon Dborn about 1939
GriffinJames Aborn about 1876
GriffinMartha born about 1886
GuthrieBonnie born about 1938
GuthrieEdward Lborn about 1930
GuthrieHomer Lborn about 1896
GuthrieJohn Mborn about 1932
GuthrieRuth Jborn about 1902
GuthrieTeddie born about 1938

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H Surnames

HarperCarrie born about 1922
HarperGenva born about 1927
HarperJohn Lborn about 1880
HarperLoretta born about 1937
HarperMattie Dborn about 1884
HarperPauline born about 1921
HarperRalph Lborn about 1916
HarperRoy born about 1920
HartClara Eborn about 1877
HartPaul Jborn about 1913
HeadAmbrose born about 1903
HeadAudrey born about 1932
HeadHarvy Mborn about 1894
HeadJerry Dborn about 1937
HeadLawrence Cborn about 1931
HeadLuther Fborn about 1926
HeadMamie Mborn about 1896
HeadMary Aborn about 1925
HeadOla born about 1904
HeadRuth Eborn about 1933
HeadTroy Pborn about 1939
HeadVerzeene Mborn about 1935
HesterAddie Sborn about 1902
HesterAlvin Dborn about 1926
HesterDulon Pborn about 1937
HesterLaverne Mborn about 1934
HesterMelvin Dborn about 1928
HesterRobert Dborn about 1900
HouseGeorge Mborn about 1936
HouseHorace Jborn about 1891
HouseJoyce Leeborn about 1938
HouseLeone Aborn about 1913
HouseMary Ettaborn about 1932

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J Surnames

JeffordArnie Lborn about 1921
JeffordBobbie Leaborn about 1927
JeffordBonnie Leeborn about 1931
JeffordNelia Mborn about 1899
JeffordRoberta born about 1895
JeffordV L Juniorborn about 1923
JeffordValeri Lborn about 1891
JeffordYewen born about 1893
JohnstonGladys Eborn about 1924
JohnstonHolley born about 1877
JohnstonJ C Jrborn about 1928
JohnstonJohnie Cborn about 1893
JohnstonLila Lborn about 1933
JohnstonMinnie Sborn about 1900
JohnstonWaymon Wborn about 1930

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K Surnames

KennanMary Eborn about 1889
KennanMike Lborn about 1928
KennanThomas Hborn about 1878

L Surnames

LamonAdalene Dborn about 1928
LamonAddie Mborn about 1892
LamonClennis Gborn about 1930
LamonDockie Eborn about 1934
LamonEmagene Dborn about 1928
LamonLouie Jborn about 1887
LanierEmly born about 1859
LanierJames Eborn about 1891
LanierRena Sborn about 1894
LanierTheo born about 1919

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M Surnames

McCommonKenneth Rborn about 1934
McCommonMary Aborn about 1914
McCommonPaul Gborn about 1937
McCorveyDave Mborn about 1911
McGoughFloyd Oborn about 1937
McGoughJames Eborn about 1935
McGoughJames Vborn about 1910
McGoughNola Eborn about 1918
MillerBill born about 1927
MillerBonnie Lborn about 1938
MillerChristene born about 1901
MillerFrancis born about 1930
MillerFrankie born about 1932
MillerJames Hborn about 1894
MillerRuby Jborn about 1928
MooreAlice Eborn about 1931
MooreBen Fborn about 1882
MooreHarry Eborn about 1926
MooreLoy Fborn about 1936
MooreMay Oborn about 1901
MooreRanzy Wborn about 1924

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N Surnames

NealBillie Wborn about 1936
NealCallie Sborn about 1880
NealIna Lborn about 1914
NealJennevie born about 1922
NealJim Wborn about 1916
NealJohn Wborn about 1872
NealLesteen Aborn about 1938
NealPearl born about 1902
NewtonAva Aborn about 1922
NewtonHelen Bborn about 1924
NewtonSula born about 1898
NewtonThomas Jborn about 1902
NichelsonCara born about 1902
NichelsonLuther Cborn about 1883
NichelsonNamon born about 1936
NichelsonWaymon born about 1939
NickelsonColombus born about 1908
NickelsonHazell Dborn about 1929
NickelsonMyrtle Vborn about 1910
NickelsonOda Gborn about 1938

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O Surnames

OnealRobert Mborn about 1927
OnealStella Aborn about 1891
OnealWalter Bborn about 1885
OsbornAdam born about 1891
OsbornCarl Bborn about 1922
OsbornDorotha born about 1892
OsbornElden Eborn about 1924
OsbornEva Mborn about 1934
OsbornJunior Aborn about 1928
OsbornLarry born about 1936
OsbornOrpha Mborn about 1927
OsbornUllena born about 1932
OsbornVirginia Bborn about 1930
OsmonDavid Eborn about 1895
OsmonInour Bborn about 1894
OsmonRuby Eborn about 1925
OsmonWanda Bborn about 1927
OwensFrank Mborn about 1871
OwensJ W Jrborn about 1927
OwensMary Lborn about 1885

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P Surnames

PasleyDonnie Iborn about 1930
PasleyElmer Mborn about 1893
PasleyEva Fborn about 1892
PayneAlvin Lborn about 1906
PayneBobbie Hborn about 1928
PayneMinnie Mborn about 1905
PayneNorman Aborn about 1935
PearsonAlpha Oborn about 1923
PearsonAnna Mborn about 1903
PearsonAnnett Fborn about 1939
PearsonAra Aborn about 1899
PearsonAvinel born about 1936
PearsonBarney born about 1919
PearsonBerlin born about 1919
PearsonBessie born about 1915
PearsonBettie Gborn about 1940
PearsonCheatum Mborn about 1895
PearsonChristene Gborn about 1917
PearsonCleo Eborn about 1910
PearsonCloyte Jborn about 1902
PearsonDella Geneborn about 1936
PearsonDonnie Fborn about 1935
PearsonElbert Dborn about 1910
PearsonEthel Iborn about 1910
PearsonFannie born about 1889
PearsonFred Oborn about 1909
PearsonGrover Gborn about 1905
PearsonHarold Dborn about 1929
PearsonHazel Lborn about 1895
PearsonHazel Mborn about 1911
PearsonHylas Hborn about 1913
PearsonIdonia born about 1871
PearsonJames Aborn about 1923
PearsonJames Cborn about 1928
PearsonJames Lborn about 1875
PearsonLester Lborn about 1907
PearsonLillian born about 1878
PearsonLinda Louborn about 1939
PearsonLoyd Aborn about 1936
PearsonMarlene Mborn about 1934
PearsonMatha born about 1877
PearsonMinnie Jborn about 1890
PearsonNorma Lborn about 1925
PearsonNorma Leeborn about 1937
PearsonOdie Bellborn about 1936
PearsonOtto Aborn about 1911
PearsonParris Fborn about 1877
PearsonRobert Hborn about 1866
PearsonRoy Lborn about 1906
PearsonRuth Gborn about 1911
PearsonRutha born about 1905
PearsonShelby Sborn about 1901
PearsonThomas Gborn about 1866
PearsonVernon Lborn about 1922
PearsonWilliam Dborn about 1883
PearsonWinnifred born about 1931
PearsonWyane Dborn about 1932
PearsonWynn Eborn about 1934
PerryJohn Aborn about 1897
PerryNancy Mborn about 1899
PierceAddie Mborn about 1893
PierceLois Wborn about 1925
PierceLouis Jborn about 1916
PierceRex born about 1881
PittsDonald Hborn about 1935
PittsDonnie Fborn about 1931
PittsEtna Mborn about 1900
PittsEvelyn Lborn about 1921
PittsGrover Dborn about 1937
PittsHarry Hborn about 1897
PittsJ Dborn about 1927
PittsJoe Aborn about 1929
PittsOpal Mborn about 1925
PittsPerneta born about 1870
PittsVan Bborn about 1867

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R Surnames

RamerElvira born about 1891
RamerLucian Cborn about 1887
RamsyDaissie Dborn about 1932
RamsyDone Lborn about 1934
RamsyLeon born about 1907
RamsyMary Eborn about 1930
RamsyVelda Aborn about 1909
ReevesA Cborn about 1930
ReevesBrad born about 1920
ReevesEthel born about 1937
ReevesHarten born about 1931
ReevesHenry born about 1918
ReevesLeyrand born about 1926
ReevesMattie born about 1892
ReevesNolen born about 1923
ReevesOle Jborn about 1922
ReevesOscar born about 1914
ReevesRufus born about 1884
ReevesTheador born about 1914
ReevesVernie born about 1916
RoachCarl Lborn about 1916
RoachFred born about 1884
RoachHaskell born about 1920
RoachJames Lborn about 1938
RoachMattie Iborn about 1919
RoachNora Pborn about 1893
RobersonBell Aborn about 1882
RobersonCommie born about 1913
RobersonMarion Lborn about 1873
RobersonMyrtle born about 1920
RoyLee born about 1939

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S Surnames

SampleAlvie born about 1914
SampleAlvis born about 1927
SampleBeatrice born about 1872
SampleBert born about 1911
SampleCharley born about 1882
SampleCloise born about 1939
SampleClyde born about 1936
SampleDelpha born about 1929
SampleDonna Mborn about 1931
SampleDoyle born about 1916
SampleElla Cborn about 1911
SampleGadis born about 1904
SampleGene born about 1923
SampleGeorge born about 1918
SampleHester Mborn about 1882
SampleHomer born about 1908
SampleJoe Wborn about 1870
SampleLeola born about 1910
SampleLizzie born about 1880
SampleLooney Wborn about 1919
SampleLouie born about 1908
SampleLucile born about 1920
SampleMattie born about 1903
SampleOla Mborn about 1906
SampleOpel born about 1912
SampleOthenia born about 1908
SampleOtto Gborn about 1934
SampleSam born about 1874
SampleThelma born about 1907
SampleThurman born about 1925
SandersEdward born about 1921
SandersHattie born about 1894
SandersRuby Lborn about 1926
SandersWanda born about 1924
SchmideDelpha Mborn about 1915
SchmideDoris Jborn about 1936
SchmideJohn Jborn about 1916
SharpBertha Eborn about 1900
SharpCleburn Bborn about 1888
SharpCloyd Cborn about 1912
SharpDoyle Aborn about 1916
SharpEdith Gborn about 1919
SharpGeneva Mborn about 1929
SharpGerald Cborn about 1924
SharpGlynn Cborn about 1934
SharpJerry Wborn about 1938
SharpMarie born about 1914
SharpMaxine born about 1932
SharpPearl born about 1890
SharpRolland Dborn about 1936
SharpRube Aborn about 1899
SharpWanda Lborn about 1924
SoutherlandCaroly Cborn about 1937
SoutherlandCleo Cborn about 1903
SoutherlandJerome Kborn about 1904
SoutherlandVirginia Gborn about 1931

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T Surnames

ThompsonElan Dborn about 1924
ThompsonEva Bborn about 1904
ThompsonWoodie Mborn about 1900

V Surnames

VaughanAlice Mborn about 1895
VaughanWilliam Bborn about 1933
VaughanWilliam Wborn about 1898

W Surnames

WalkerAlbert Bborn about 1930
WalkerAlta born about 1901
WalkerBeatrice born about 1933
WalkerCarl Dborn about 1939
WalkerJerry born about 1938
WalkerRoby Lborn about 1932
WalkerTemple Vborn about 1907
WallaceIrene Aborn about 1908
WallaceJackie Lborn about 1930
WallaceMary Eborn about 1926
WatersAby born about 1890
WatersEarnest born about 1932
WatersJ Cborn about 1939
WatersMary born about 1934
WatersOby Gborn about 1936
WatersPearl Sborn about 1899
WatersRuell born about 1927
WatersSethell born about 1929
WattsMarguerite born about 1920
WebbElla Lborn about 1869
WebbMace Lborn about 1896
WebbNewell Vborn about 1922
WebbOna Mborn about 1894
WebbTheo Lborn about 1925
WiggsAlice Mborn about 1935
WiggsCharls Hborn about 1926
WiggsElizabeth born about 1902
WiggsHerbert born about 1905
WiggsJames Lborn about 1927
WiggsMabel Mborn about 1924
WiggsMary Eborn about 1939
WiggsNathan Lborn about 1931
WiggsNelson Jborn about 1937
WilcoxAlbert Aborn about 1890
WilcoxAlvin Wborn about 1916
WilcoxAmos born about 1918
WilcoxBertie Rborn about 1893
WilcoxClems Dborn about 1932
WilcoxDelpha born about 1924
WilcoxErnest Cborn about 1920
WilcoxFaye born about 1923
WilcoxGarner Eborn about 1875
WilcoxLeo Jborn about 1915
WilcoxLeona Cborn about 1903
WilcoxMinerva Cborn about 1906
WilcoxMonnie Lborn about 1937
WilcoxNelda Gborn about 1935
WilcoxOphelia born about 1915
WilcoxRoma Mborn about 1902
WilcoxRosie born about 1883
WilcoxRuby Mborn about 1929
WilfBailey Mattie Hborn about 1872
WilfBelle Fborn about 1867
WilfLeo Pborn about 1908
WilfNaomi Iborn about 1911
WilfNorma Leeborn about 1930
WilkersonReuben Oborn about 1913
WilsonAllen Aborn about 1920
WilsonCleo born about 1928
WilsonEdwin born about 1931
WilsonHester Eborn about 1911
WilsonJaka Hborn about 1916
WilsonLerliet born about 1910
WilsonLouise Eborn about 1930
WilsonLove Nborn about 1935
WilsonRosy Nborn about 1893
WilsonSam Rborn about 1882
WilsonWoodrow Aborn about 1918
WoodAdrian born about 1927
WoodAlvis born about 1921
WoodAvis born about 1931
WoodBeulah Oborn about 1921
WoodCarl Wborn about 1939
WoodCarlon Hborn about 1913
WoodCecil born about 1916
WoodCharles born about 1937
WoodClarence Lborn about 1906
WoodEdgar Mborn about 1908
WoodEllen born about 1888
WoodEvelyn Nborn about 1921
WoodGeraldene born about 1927
WoodInfant born about 1939
WoodJessie Lborn about 1886
WoodLeroy Aborn about 1910
WoodLester born about 1915
WoodLola Gborn about 1933
WoodLowell born about 1935
WoodMaxine born about 1932
WoodMay Lborn about 1906
WoodNorma Geneborn about 1939
WoodOlen Rborn about 1921
WoodPearl Mborn about 1909
WoodUna Dorisborn about 1929
WoodZella born about 1920

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Y Surnames

YountBoye Aborn about 1925
YountGlynn Dborn about 1935
YountLola Jborn about 1906
YountO Dborn about 1902

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