1940 U.S. Federal Census of Liberty in Marion County, Marion, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Marion County > 1940 Census of Liberty in Marion County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndristGail Jeanborn about 1932
AndristHarland born about 1927
AndristMary Louborn about 1935
AndristMrs B Lborn about 1896
AndristWanda Guyborn about 1936
AndristWilmer born about 1925

B Surnames

BaagGeorge born about 1919
BaagRuth born about 1918
BakerAlaine born about 1917
BakerAnna Sueborn about 1938
BakerAudie born about 1911
BakerEllen born about 1873
BakerErmitt Eborn about 1915
BakerErnest Eborn about 1915
BakerEuna born about 1919
BakerFarlin born about 1908
BakerHarley born about 1915
BakerJ Aborn about 1876
BakerJulius born about 1925
BakerL Cborn about 1933
BakerO born about 1887
BakerSarah born about 1886
BarnesMaud born about 1903
BarnesQ Rborn about 1894
BarnesW Jborn about 1921
BoathAfred Cborn about 1908
BoathEthel Cborn about 1885
BogardLaura born about 1897
BogleC Aborn about 1902
BogleMattie born about 1908
BogleNaomi born about 1934
BrightwellB Sborn about 1872
BrightwellFred born about 1923
BrightwellHoward born about 1912
BrightwellLester born about 1900
BrightwellMaudy born about 1873
BurnesAudie born about 1929
BurnesB Fborn about 1869
BurnesCharley born about 1871
BurnesDorothy born about 1910
BurnesElba born about 1872
BurnesEldridge born about 1903
BurnesErma born about 1927
BurnesFaye born about 1928
BurnesHester born about 1908
BurnesRay born about 1932

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C Surnames

CampBobby born about 1923
CampDave Jborn about 1900
CampDon born about 1928
CampDoyle born about 1920
CampElva born about 1901
CampGenevaer born about 1934
CampJohnnie born about 1938
CampJuanita born about 1924
CheckJ Mborn about 1869
CheckLaura born about 1869
CoxJ Lborn about 1862
CoxMartha born about 1880
CromC Jborn about 1868
CromEsther born about 1885
CromMelita born about 1918

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D Surnames

DavenportBonnie Louborn about 1931
DavenportClaude born about 1911
DavenportGrace born about 1912
DavisA Gborn about 1888
DavisBertha born about 1894
DavisBobby Leeborn about 1940
DavisBuell born about 1937
DavisBuey born about 1923
DavisC Rborn about 1890
DavisCarl born about 1939
DavisDaniel born about 1918
DavisEwell born about 1915
DavisFern born about 1922
DavisFrank born about 1924
DavisJosie born about 1887
DavisJulia born about 1895
DavisLizzie born about 1916
DavisLoren born about 1927
DavisNevel born about 1925
DavisOdell born about 1924
DavisT Wborn about 1883
DeanEmily born about 1872
DeanJ Sborn about 1870
DeanK Eborn about 1897
DeanWanda Maeborn about 1927
DoddBertha Gborn about 1926
DoddFlora Nborn about 1932
DoddGladys Eborn about 1928
DoddJohn Wborn about 1889
DoddJoseph Nborn about 1932

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E Surnames

EdensCharley born about 1939
EdensCoy born about 1928
EdensGertrude born about 1909
EdensHarold born about 1935
EdensHerman born about 1932
EdensLorena born about 1933
EdensThurman born about 1909
EdensWilma born about 1930

F Surnames

FaulkenberryArve born about 1914
FaulkenberryBobby Joeborn about 1933
FaulkenberryDale born about 1936
FaulkenberryJ Wborn about 1871
FaulkenberryJuila born about 1874
FaulkenberryRaisha born about 1911
FaulkenberryTroy born about 1908
FaulkenberryVerna born about 1918
FaulkenberryWilladean born about 1929

G Surnames

GoodallBobby born about 1940
GoodallCharles born about 1937
GoodallJim born about 1910
GoodallNellie born about 1922
GoodallSue born about 1938

H Surnames

HamletDale born about 1936
HamletDouglas born about 1914
HamletJimmie Deanborn about 1938
HamletWillie born about 1912

K Surnames

KendrickEdith born about 1901
KendrickW Wborn about 1896
KylesEvenchel born about 1914
KylesL Cborn about 1939
KylesMarie born about 1915
KylesPaul born about 1925
KylesQuinita born about 1917
KylesSarah born about 1884

L Surnames

LayJ Eborn about 1855
LoydHazel born about 1927

M Surnames

McKinneyAndy born about 1858
McKinneyCharley born about 1934
McKinneyCleo born about 1939
McKinneyEverett born about 1939
McKinneyHerbert born about 1932
McKinneyHubert born about 1931
McKinneyJessie born about 1894
McKinneyJoe Dellborn about 1933
McKinneyLidia born about 1868
McKinneyNorna born about 1908
McKinneyRey born about 1924
McKinneyThomas born about 1928
McKinneyTroy born about 1910
McKinneyVena born about 1910
McLaughlinFrancisca born about 1915
MearsLoise Laverdaborn about 1939
MearsLucille born about 1914
MearsShelby born about 1902
MearsWanda Leeborn about 1937
MethurnBobby Leeborn about 1936
MethurnDonnie born about 1914
MethurnJ Cborn about 1934
MethurnJames Rayborn about 1937
MethurnTheron born about 1910
MethurnWillie Joyborn about 1939

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N Surnames

NeereAdam born about 1912
NeereJunita born about 1935
NeereMartha born about 1913
NeereSarah Janeborn about 1871
NeereVinita born about 1935
NicholsClara born about 1929
NicholsEarnest born about 1930
NicholsEarnie born about 1933
NicholsJ Aborn about 1881
NicholsJaney born about 1890

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O Surnames

OwenP Mborn about 1872

P Surnames

PruittGeorge Wborn about 1886
PruittLena Bellborn about 1929
PruittTina born about 1894

R Surnames

ReedBonnie born about 1931
ReedChester born about 1939
ReedCoy born about 1927
ReedEffie born about 1898
ReedEllen Roseborn about 1936
ReedGeorge born about 1924
ReedJerry born about 1933
ReedN Hborn about 1886
RiceClara born about 1901
RiceCleathia Aborn about 1905
RiceE Oborn about 1896
RiceEarnest born about 1936
RiceIvan born about 1926
RiceLavern born about 1924
RiceMary born about 1903
RiceR Cborn about 1896
RiceTwilla born about 1938
RiceVersilla born about 1922
RiceW Fborn about 1868
RiceWarren born about 1922
RichardsonBetty born about 1920
RichardsonH born about 1918
RobertsonAlma born about 1893
RobertsonForest Nborn about 1895
RobertsonJohn born about 1906

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S Surnames

SchneiderJohn born about 1890
ShipmanAkla born about 1908
ShipmanArchie born about 1917
ShipmanBilly Jackborn about 1940
ShipmanCon born about 1920
ShipmanDonald born about 1904
ShipmanEarl born about 1925
ShipmanIbbey born about 1875
ShipmanNellie born about 1919
ShipmanNevel born about 1929
ShipmanObeta born about 1932
SilverCarter born about 1910
SilverDenna Dimpleborn about 1936
SilverDorothy born about 1916
SilverHattie born about 1893
SilverShirley Templeborn about 1939
SilverWalter born about 1888
SmithBertha born about 1902
SmithBetty Louborn about 1930
SmithDewa Ruthborn about 1930
SmithFloyd born about 1899
SmithGerald born about 1926
SmithGertrude born about 1905
SmithIcel born about 1921
SmithNevel born about 1922
SmithSeran born about 1895
StillAlton born about 1931
StillBernice born about 1933
StillCecil born about 1926
StillColleen born about 1939
StillEthel born about 1926
StillEwell born about 1928
StillHansford born about 1924
StillIva Leeborn about 1938
StillJ Bborn about 1936
StillJewell born about 1928
StillLavern born about 1929
StillOttie born about 1905
StillPearl born about 1906
StillRosa Nellborn about 1932
StillRoy born about 1900
StillRoy Geneborn about 1934
StillTramon born about 1905
StillVerl born about 1930
StillsC Aborn about 1897
StillsEdna born about 1918
StillsLucy Aborn about 1883
StillsManie born about 1892
StillsNobe born about 1916
StillsRalph born about 1921
StoneDonald born about 1915
StoneDonna Marieborn about 1939
StoneJ Aborn about 1881
StoneMabel born about 1887
StonePhyllis born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TempleAlta born about 1888
TerrillBonnie born about 1932
TerrillDonald Leeborn about 1938
TerrillEula born about 1913
TerrillJ Bborn about 1935
TerrillRiley born about 1913

W Surnames

WelcherDemei born about 1921
WelcherJ Mborn about 1884
WelcherRex born about 1921
WelcherSusie born about 1888

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