1940 U.S. Federal Census of Liberty in Ouachita County, Ouachita, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ouachita County > 1940 Census of Liberty in Ouachita County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAddiline born about 1922
AdamsAlpha Jborn about 1855
AdamsAnthon Bborn about 1885
AdamsArthur Rborn about 1881
AdamsCharles Cborn about 1889
AdamsCharles Hborn about 1921
AdamsDarnell born about 1882
AdamsEdward Hborn about 1918
AdamsEula Bborn about 1896
AdamsGarland born about 1908
AdamsGeorge Wborn about 1895
AdamsJohn Tborn about 1856
AdamsLewis born about 1894
AdamsLula Jborn about 1887
AdamsMarie Mborn about 1920
AdamsMary Eborn about 1924
AdamsMattie Lborn about 1889
AdamsMaurice born about 1924
AdamsMyrtle Lborn about 1895
AdamsOssie born about 1900
AdamsRiley Vborn about 1909
AdamsSallie Aborn about 1897
AdamsSherrill Lborn about 1916
AdamsVenecia Mborn about 1939
AggierRosie born about 1855
AlexanderAcie born about 1908
AlexanderAnnie born about 1891
AlexanderBenny Jborn about 1938
AlexanderBernice born about 1918
AlexanderClaudie Mborn about 1936
AlexanderEarnest born about 1912
AlexanderEdna Mborn about 1929
AlexanderEli born about 1883
AlexanderEmmogene born about 1940
AlexanderIda Mborn about 1909
AlexanderIdell born about 1933
AlexanderJ Pborn about 1924
AlexanderJunious born about 1895
AlexanderKate born about 1902
AlexanderKatie born about 1926
AlexanderKing born about 1904
AlexanderLee Eborn about 1935
AlexanderLeodis born about 1928
AlexanderLula Mborn about 1926
AlexanderMaggie born about 1915
AlexanderPearl born about 1890
AlexanderPerlie born about 1911
AlexanderRay born about 1924
AlexanderRoosvelt born about 1916
AlexanderSamuel born about 1935
AlexanderTheotis born about 1928
AlexanderTobe born about 1875
AlexanderTommie born about 1908
AndersonCharlie Tborn about 1919
AndersonFloy Iborn about 1927
AndersonHester Jborn about 1930
AndersonHoward Aborn about 1877
AndersonNancy Fborn about 1921
AndersonNannie Mborn about 1887
ArringtonAndrew Nborn about 1924
ArringtonBillie Tborn about 1938
ArringtonClark Dborn about 1935
ArringtonJames Lborn about 1933
ArringtonLaura Lborn about 1882
ArringtonNillie Mborn about 1916
ArringtonStephen Hborn about 1875

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B Surnames

BaileyJessie born about 1882
BaileyMary born about 1900
BalirRetha born about 1931
BeardenAnnie Mborn about 1929
BeardenJasper Rborn about 1887
BeardenJohn Lborn about 1940
BeardenLawrence Eborn about 1938
BeardenNettie Sborn about 1897
BeardenRuby Mborn about 1920
BeardenWalter Eborn about 1918
BlakeAdella born about 1925
BlakeAnnie Bborn about 1907
BlakeBobieree born about 1929
BlakeBurnadine Eborn about 1931
BlakeCastella born about 1934
BlakeClyde born about 1933
BlakeDonnie Lborn about 1921
BlakeDoris Jborn about 1933
BlakeDozzie Mborn about 1928
BlakeElsie born about 1938
BlakeFannie born about 1898
BlakeIdelle born about 1922
BlakeJoseph born about 1928
BlakeLeroy born about 1938
BlakeLoggie born about 1900
BlakeLois born about 1923
BlakeLouis born about 1898
BlakeMarbline born about 1927
BlakeMary born about 1898
BlakeMary Aborn about 1866
BlakeMinnie born about 1905
BlakeMitie born about 1901
BlakeNathaniel born about 1921
BlakeNettie Pborn about 1935
BlakePerry born about 1924
BlakeRaleigh born about 1929
BlakeRoy born about 1927
BlakeRuth born about 1931
BlakeTheressa born about 1925
BlakeUdell born about 1930
BlakeVicie born about 1906
BlakeWalter Dborn about 1905
BlakeWillie born about 1922
BoxArminta born about 1905
BoxBennie Cborn about 1930
BoxBertha born about 1909
BoxCarl Eborn about 1939
BoxCharles Hborn about 1924
BoxCharlie born about 1900
BoxClarance born about 1904
BoxCleotis born about 1926
BoxDorothy Mborn about 1930
BoxEstel born about 1931
BoxGladies born about 1930
BoxHermorlee born about 1939
BoxIda Bborn about 1903
BoxInez born about 1934
BoxJames born about 1898
BoxJames Lborn about 1933
BoxJessie Mborn about 1925
BoxJoe Lborn about 1938
BoxJohn Lborn about 1934
BoxJulious born about 1938
BoxLenieree born about 1931
BoxLenon born about 1905
BoxLeodis born about 1926
BoxMartha born about 1860
BoxMilrea born about 1929
BoxNancy born about 1873
BoxNathaniel born about 1924
BoxOssie Mborn about 1932
BoxPearlie born about 1907
BoxRuby Lborn about 1927
BoxRuthel born about 1931
BoxT Sborn about 1936
BoxVerlia born about 1926
BoxVirgel born about 1928
BoxWillie Lborn about 1928
BoxYnobie born about 1937
BradfordAndrew born about 1924
BrewerEaria born about 1927
BrewerOpal Lborn about 1929
BrewerWilliam Lborn about 1932
BrownRaymond born about 1927

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C Surnames

CaponAlonzo born about 1905
CaponMittie born about 1869
CarterCarrie Mborn about 1902
CarterEdward Aborn about 1927
CarterGurther Gborn about 1896
CarterHomer Jborn about 1903
CarterJeanette Cborn about 1934
CarterJimmy Pborn about 1938
CarterKennie Aborn about 1876
CarterObie Wborn about 1923
CarterVernie born about 1906
ChristopherJoe born about 1935
ChristopherL Tborn about 1915
ChristopherLillie born about 1934
ChristopherLorean born about 1932
ChristopherLouis born about 1906
ChristopherNeomia born about 1928
ChristopherNettie born about 1938
ChristopherQueenie born about 1912
ChristopherVernie born about 1930
ChristopherWill born about 1880
ColemanCat born about 1876
CrainAlta Mborn about 1898
CrainArchie Rborn about 1904
CrainAshley Wborn about 1890
CrainAustin Aborn about 1935
CrainCalvin born about 1924
CrainClivil Lborn about 1890
CrainErby Oborn about 1933
CrainEvelyn Vborn about 1930
CrainInez Gborn about 1908
CrainJackie Pborn about 1938
CrainJames Wborn about 1861
CrainJohn Sborn about 1940
CrainL Mborn about 1927
CrainLavern Hborn about 1925
CrainLeonard Eborn about 1917
CrainMarjorie Mborn about 1928
CrainOrland born about 1920
CrainOsborne Wborn about 1896
CrainWallace born about 1929
CrainWallace Dborn about 1921
CrossBirtha Mborn about 1933
CrossConnie born about 1915
CrossLeenora born about 1915
CrossVinie born about 1869
CurryClara born about 1910
CurtisBennie Hborn about 1927
CurtisBirdie Mborn about 1924
CurtisCasaree born about 1921
CurtisElsie Lborn about 1932
CurtisFredie Jborn about 1939
CurtisJessie Lborn about 1930
CurtisLuevenia born about 1927
CurtisMandie born about 1907
CurtisMattie born about 1902
CurtisMckinley born about 1898
CurtisMinnie Lborn about 1929
CurtisRobert born about 1875
CurtisRoy born about 1900
CurtisWillie Lborn about 1933

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D Surnames

DouglasClara Lborn about 1926
DouglasJames Sborn about 1875
DouglasMatilda born about 1876

E Surnames

EllisEd Pborn about 1872
EmmetH Arringtonborn about 1904

F Surnames

FortConnel born about 1936
FortGentele born about 1914
FosterCarrie born about 1886
FosterEliza Bborn about 1924
FosterLeake Yborn about 1900
FosterRuby Dborn about 1927

G Surnames

GardnerEarl Bborn about 1890
GardnerHelen born about 1912
GreeningGeorge Fborn about 1883
GreeningMary Mborn about 1887
GreeningMay Fborn about 1935
GreeningWilliam born about 1914
GulleyBobbiedell born about 1939
GulleyErdis born about 1924
GulleyHallie born about 1898
GulleyHillis born about 1922
GulleyHoover born about 1930
GulleyIrene born about 1932
GulleyIrie born about 1926
GulleyLouis born about 1916
GulleyNaomi born about 1927
GulleyOphelia born about 1937
GulleyPatrick Hborn about 1919
GulleyTheodis born about 1935
GulleyTroy born about 1921
GulleyWillie Mborn about 1918

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H Surnames

HamiltonCleo born about 1929
HamiltonFlorence born about 1900
HamiltonJames Eborn about 1938
HamiltonJesse born about 1905
HamiltonJessie Fborn about 1936
HamiltonLee Lborn about 1931
HamiltonMae Fborn about 1924
HamiltonMartha Mborn about 1934
HamiltonMildred born about 1927
HodgeAileen born about 1921
HodgeBarney Rborn about 1902
HodgeBelle born about 1900
HodgeBernard Lborn about 1939
HodgeEdgar Jborn about 1893
HodgeEdna Nborn about 1933
HodgeEnid born about 1924
HodgeKennie born about 1919
HodgeLola Aborn about 1911
HodgeLouie born about 1914
HodgeMaryene Mborn about 1937
HodgeMildred Lborn about 1931
HodgeMildred Wborn about 1920
HodgeMinnie born about 1878
HodgeNeal Eborn about 1880
HollimanAlbert born about 1931
HollimanBob born about 1880
HollimanConnie born about 1897
HollimanDeanna born about 1910
HollimanEssie born about 1901
HollimanEzbie born about 1935
HollimanGalvesta born about 1929
HollimanGladys born about 1930
HollimanIciephine born about 1925
HollimanIrene born about 1925
HollimanJessie born about 1897
HollimanLeodis born about 1938
HollimanMabel born about 1896
HollimanMarie born about 1922
HollimanOrene born about 1933
HollimanOtis born about 1921
HollimanTennesee born about 1890
HollimanTessie Lborn about 1935
HollimanTheodis born about 1936
HollimanViola born about 1933
HollimanWillis born about 1927
HopkinsPeggy Jborn about 1935

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J Surnames

JeffersoOctavie born about 1876
JeffersoTempers born about 1902
JeffersonArtice born about 1936
JeffersonBen born about 1900
JeffersonE Wborn about 1930
JeffersonFred born about 1925
JeffersonGurline born about 1935
JeffersonJoseph born about 1931
JeffersonL Cborn about 1928
JeffersonLillie born about 1905
JeffersonLoyd born about 1938
JeffersonLucille born about 1927
JeffersonMerlene born about 1932
JeffersonRobert born about 1924
JeffersonSadie born about 1907
JeffersonVirinie born about 1934
JeffersonWalter born about 1923
JenkinsHazel born about 1927
JenkinsMary Lborn about 1926

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K Surnames

KetchumEstelle Bborn about 1904
KetchumMarcella born about 1933
KetchumRaymon Eborn about 1901
KetchumSamuel Eborn about 1929

L Surnames

LampkinAbbie Dborn about 1911
LampkinArlis Rborn about 1932
LampkinGeorge Lborn about 1868
LampkinMinor born about 1909
LampkinRoana born about 1868
LampkinWillie Rborn about 1935
LangleyElla Vborn about 1866

M Surnames

MarshallCharlie born about 1935
MarshallDarline born about 1933
MarshallDoylene born about 1933
MarshallHannah born about 1881
MarshallJohnie Lborn about 1923
MarshallMattie Lborn about 1926
MarshallNamon born about 1927
MarshallOla Mborn about 1931
MarshallOllie born about 1935
MarshallRobert Lborn about 1929
MarshallRolly born about 1937
MarshallRoy born about 1902
MarshallViola born about 1903
McCreeAda born about 1920
McCreeAron born about 1916
McCreeAron Cborn about 1937
McCreeColumbus born about 1925
McCreeFelix born about 1929
McCreeFines born about 1918
McCreeHerbert Wborn about 1913
McCreeIda born about 1874
McCreeIre Jborn about 1940
McCreeJames born about 1933
McCreeJoanna born about 1927
McCreeLawrence born about 1931
McCreeMandie born about 1910
McCreeMary Eborn about 1884
McCreeMinnie Mborn about 1923
McCreeMontroy born about 1923
McCreeOdessia born about 1930
McCreeOllie born about 1910
McCreeOrlandia born about 1927
McCreeRosye born about 1917
McCreeVella born about 1939
McNeillyMathew born about 1906
McNeillyOsie born about 1931
McNeillyWillie born about 1916
McReeJames born about 1913
McReeMary born about 1914
McReeMaxine born about 1938
MerrittCharley born about 1898
MerrittCharlie Pborn about 1919
MerrittElton Eborn about 1921
MerrittHattie Lborn about 1885
MerrittHershel Hborn about 1924
MerrittJoe Wborn about 1890
MerrittMary Eborn about 1902
MerrittMaud Iborn about 1886
MerrittPaul Lborn about 1879
MillerMary Mborn about 1881
MitchellCallie born about 1889
MitchellDudley born about 1885
MitchellSidney born about 1918
MossCharles Eborn about 1939
MossColleen born about 1924
MossTom born about 1922
MurphyAnnie born about 1887
MurphyBush born about 1885
MurphyElla born about 1921
MurphyIra born about 1925
MurphyJames born about 1930
MurphyThomas born about 1928
MurphyTrudie born about 1924

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N Surnames

NicholsonBertha Aborn about 1911
NicholsonBetty Jborn about 1938
NicholsonBraxton Hborn about 1933
NicholsonDorothy Jborn about 1935
NicholsonPatsy Jborn about 1931
NicholsonPreston Eborn about 1910

P Surnames

PacePolly Annborn about 1937
PemmyAldee born about 1932
PemmyBirdie born about 1917
PemmyBynum born about 1886
PemmyConnie born about 1916
PemmyEssie born about 1895
PemmyMattie Lborn about 1923
PemmyNewjean born about 1929
PemmyTommie born about 1925
PennyEllis born about 1921
PennyFordyce born about 1900
PennyMalvin born about 1922
PennyNellie born about 1897
PennyParalee born about 1924
PennyRobert Lborn about 1940
PoolAnna Mborn about 1931
PoolBetty Jborn about 1930
PoolLoma Lborn about 1911
PoolThomas Eborn about 1894
PoolWilliam born about 1936
PritchardTera born about 1876
PurifoyBessie born about 1922
PurifoyFlorence born about 1879
PurifoyGeorge Pborn about 1879
PurifoyIda Pborn about 1921
PurifoyL Jborn about 1923
PurifoyMinnie Lborn about 1920

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R Surnames

RandallDolas Fborn about 1886
RandallElla born about 1927
RandallGladys born about 1929
RandallGracie born about 1923
RandallGrady born about 1923
RandallLeroy born about 1925
RandallMary born about 1891
RandallMattie born about 1924
RandallNettie born about 1933
RandallThedo born about 1913
RandallTrudie born about 1930
RandallViola born about 1915
RigsbyArneda born about 1904
RigsbyClifton born about 1933
RigsbyEssie Bborn about 1925
RigsbyEugene born about 1932
RigsbyHillard Jborn about 1893
RigsbyHillard Jr born about 1930
RigsbyImmogene born about 1937
RigsbyL Dborn about 1927
RigsbyLeonia born about 1936
RigsbyRuby Lborn about 1929
RigsbySmithton born about 1940
RigsbySylvester born about 1935
RiversEarly born about 1922
RiversFanny born about 1893
RiversJohn born about 1933
RiversLouis born about 1927
RiversOla born about 1931
RiversSterling born about 1925
RobersonAndrew born about 1880
RobersonDave born about 1907
RobersonEarl Eborn about 1936
RobersonEddie born about 1907
RobersonErnestine born about 1921
RobersonEunace born about 1935
RobersonFlossie Mborn about 1936
RobersonFreeman born about 1931
RobersonFriddie Lborn about 1930
RobersonGeneva born about 1908
RobersonGertrude born about 1926
RobersonHershey Lborn about 1933
RobersonLeroy born about 1937
RobersonLouis born about 1903
RobersonLuela born about 1886
RobersonMathew born about 1931
RobersonMattie Lborn about 1910
RobersonMossie born about 1909
RobersonObertha born about 1908
RobersonOdessie born about 1930
RobersonOrlando born about 1939
RobersonSamuel born about 1929
RobersonVernell born about 1933
RobersonWilliam Mborn about 1900
RollinsLela born about 1900

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S Surnames

ScottExie Lborn about 1927
ShermanMartha born about 1882
ShineRollin Lborn about 1897
ShineWillie Lborn about 1907
SlaughterLeola born about 1910
SlaughterWillie born about 1906
SmithBurton born about 1918
SmithClarie Eborn about 1911
SmithEthel Eborn about 1879
SmithLue born about 1868
SmithMaggie Sborn about 1889
SmithThomas Wborn about 1928
SmithWalter Gborn about 1900
SockwellBissie Lborn about 1906
SockwellClayborn born about 1905
SockwellCora born about 1938
SockwellDelcie born about 1888
SockwellEbb born about 1905
SockwellEva born about 1939
SockwellGeorgia born about 1902
SockwellGrady born about 1935
SockwellHurdis Lborn about 1929
SockwellIsabelle born about 1924
SockwellJosephine born about 1935
SockwellL Aborn about 1934
SockwellLarnce Eborn about 1931
SockwellLee Hborn about 1925
SockwellLouis born about 1928
SockwellLurene born about 1933
SockwellNapoleon born about 1927
SockwellObdise born about 1929
SockwellOllie born about 1935
SockwellOllie born about 1938
SockwellPearl born about 1908
SockwellWilliam Mborn about 1876
SpencerDelean born about 1925
SpencerElizabeth Aborn about 1932
SpencerMaulsie born about 1899
SpencerWill Oborn about 1887
StanfieldIcie Lborn about 1933
StanfieldMary Jborn about 1882
StokesAnnie Dborn about 1887

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T Surnames

ThomasGready born about 1925
ThompsonJohn born about 1937
ThornAlberta born about 1896
ThornAlice born about 1918
ThornAmous born about 1870
ThornCharlie born about 1892
ThornClaudie born about 1934
ThornCoolidge Cborn about 1925
ThornDave born about 1887
ThornElizabeth born about 1879
ThornEmma born about 1889
ThornGarland born about 1906
ThornGolden born about 1911
ThornHoover Hborn about 1928
ThornStella born about 1903
ToheyBeadie born about 1914
ToheyCharlie Bborn about 1921
ToheyEtta Pborn about 1927
ToheyJackson born about 1923
ToheyLeslie born about 1889
ToheyLeslie born about 1926
ToheyQuenester born about 1933
ToheyRoedell born about 1938
ToheySavannah born about 1893
ToheySylvester born about 1935
ToheyVester born about 1931
ToneyAbbie born about 1912
ToneyArlee born about 1934
ToneyArlene born about 1927
ToneyBerl born about 1910
ToneyBerlee born about 1939
ToneyBertha Mborn about 1933
ToneyBud born about 1916
ToneyCorene born about 1932
ToneyElbert Bborn about 1882
ToneyElijah born about 1927
ToneyEllis born about 1922
ToneyEtta born about 1887
ToneyFlorene born about 1935
ToneyGallie born about 1916
ToneyGeorgia born about 1923
ToneyGurthan Jr born about 1912
ToneyGurthar born about 1877
ToneyHattie born about 1902
ToneyInez born about 1928
ToneyIsephenie born about 1922
ToneyJames Aborn about 1935
ToneyJanie Bborn about 1931
ToneyJohn Jborn about 1937
ToneyLeadry born about 1912
ToneyLebirdier born about 1939
ToneyLissree born about 1932
ToneyLydia born about 1896
ToneyMarnice born about 1914
ToneyMary Bborn about 1933
ToneyMary Jborn about 1875
ToneyMattie Bborn about 1920
ToneyMilgree born about 1937
ToneyMilrene born about 1930
ToneyMr Kinley born about 1910
ToneyRichard Gborn about 1921
ToneyRichard Lborn about 1891
ToneyRobert born about 1928
ToneyRoxie Aborn about 1901
ToneySadie born about 1924
ToneySavannah born about 1925
ToneyVerndeer born about 1938
TuttGena Fborn about 1924
TuttKenneth Lborn about 1927
TuttViolet born about 1934

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W Surnames

WalkerEffie born about 1895
WalkerHenry born about 1882
WalkerIcie born about 1923
WalkerJohn Eborn about 1936
WashingtonEddie Dborn about 1932
WashingtonElis born about 1933
WashingtonFloyd born about 1934
WashingtonOline born about 1930
WashingtonPerlie born about 1911
WashingtonPerry born about 1911
WashingtonStella Mborn about 1937
WheelerMary Lborn about 1913
WheelerWiley Lborn about 1896
WhiteMolly Jborn about 1852
WilliamsArthur Lborn about 1926
WilliamsBerry Jborn about 1923
WilliamsCarolin Eborn about 1939
WilliamsCharlie born about 1935
WilliamsCharlotte born about 1911
WilliamsClara born about 1914
WilliamsDarnell born about 1932
WilliamsDavid born about 1912
WilliamsEarliae born about 1932
WilliamsGentry born about 1923
WilliamsGeorgia born about 1925
WilliamsHelen born about 1907
WilliamsHenry Lborn about 1933
WilliamsHersel born about 1938
WilliamsJohn Eborn about 1920
WilliamsJunious born about 1928
WilliamsLee Aborn about 1926
WilliamsLee Eborn about 1934
WilliamsMae Gborn about 1928
WilliamsMarilin Lborn about 1939
WilliamsOctavie born about 1884
WilliamsRobert born about 1926
WilliamsRobert born about 1930
WilliamsTom born about 1878
WilliamsUral born about 1924
WilliamsWillie born about 1928
WilsonCallie Eborn about 1918
WilsonClarence Eborn about 1898

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Y Surnames

YoungCalla Eborn about 1919
YoungFronie Mborn about 1937
YoungL Cborn about 1939
YoungOscar born about 1915

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