1940 U.S. Federal Census of Logan in Baxter County, Baxter, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Baxter County > 1940 Census of Logan in Baxter County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsD Lborn about 1907
AdamsJody born about 1933
AdamsLesie born about 1913
AdamsLucile born about 1932
AdamsTrellis born about 1930
AdamsVurlis born about 1938
Akin born about 1862
Akin born about 1869
AkinM Aborn about 1864

B Surnames

BarnettG Dborn about 1930
BarnettH Dborn about 1929
BarnettM Fborn about 1933
BarnettVera born about 1903
BarnettW Eborn about 1904
BellC Hborn about 1934
BellDewey born about 1904
BellDorothy born about 1915
BellE Hborn about 1910
BellG Mborn about 1931
BeltLeslie born about 1935
BeltLettie born about 1932
BlackW Mborn about 1878
BlankenshipJ Wborn about 1873
BoatmanL Jborn about 1894
BoatmanLouis Jborn about 1935
BoatmanOra born about 1892
BoatmanRetta born about 1870
BradleyE Lborn about 1872
BradleySarah born about 1868
BrietenfeldtA Aborn about 1887
BrietenfeldtBertha born about 1902
BrietenfeldtChester born about 1926
BrietenfeldtFaith born about 1930
BryantMargerie born about 1909
BryantRobert born about 1936
ByrdD Mborn about 1884
ByrdEunice born about 1914
ByrdH Tborn about 1912
ByrdHiram born about 1916
ByrdJosephine born about 1929
ByrdLucy born about 1890
ByrdMaye born about 1921
ByrdR Lborn about 1938
ByrdReba born about 1927
ByrdRonnel born about 1935
ByrdVelma born about 1924

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C Surnames

ClarkstonFloyd born about 1891
ClarkstonLloyd Lborn about 1932
ClarkstonRay Bborn about 1938
ClarkstonThelma Bborn about 1934
ClarkstonZena born about 1906
ClingElla born about 1871
CobbBerneace born about 1923
CobbClara born about 1901
CobbN Cborn about 1893
CollinsBetty born about 1928
CollinsJ Vborn about 1893
CollinsR born about 1890
CollinsRay born about 1924
CollinsRichard born about 1927
CollinsVernon born about 1926
CooperBirdie born about 1919
CooperH Lborn about 1911
CooperJ born about 1939
CooperM Lborn about 1937
CooperR Lborn about 1935
CopelandC Bborn about 1904
CopelandDon born about 1906
CoppC Cborn about 1877
CoppLucy born about 1879
CowartPerry born about 1905
CowartRuby born about 1909
CowartWalter born about 1927
CowartWilburn born about 1928
CrabtreeEula born about 1914
CrabtreeR Fborn about 1911
CrawfordEdith Bborn about 1925
CrawfordElsie born about 1909
CrawfordG Bborn about 1886
CrawfordLyron born about 1930
CrawfordNoel born about 1903
CrawfordRobert born about 1921
CrawfordRoxana born about 1890
CreelCecil born about 1906
CriderDaisy Mborn about 1882
CriderDorothy born about 1919
CriderR Mborn about 1878
CriderS Mborn about 1915
CrounoverB Fborn about 1865
CrounoverBessie born about 1904
CrounoverLaura born about 1906
CrounoverPerry born about 1902
CrounoverVelera born about 1939

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D Surnames

DahlkeA born about 1875
DahlkeCecil born about 1919
DahlkeD born about 1940
DahlkeDorothy born about 1917
DahlkeEula Maeborn about 1933
DahlkeFred born about 1901
DahlkeG Rborn about 1938
DahlkeGeorge born about 1913
DahlkeMamie born about 1901
DahlkeMargie born about 1919
DahlkeMary born about 1878
DahlkePattie Lborn about 1939
DeatherageBillie born about 1935
DeatherageBobbie born about 1938
DeatherageEugene born about 1907
DeatherageFannie born about 1914
DeatherageJoe Aborn about 1878
DeatherageM born about 1878
DeatherageMadge born about 1933
DeatherageW Aborn about 1909
DenbarEloise born about 1913
DenbarW Wborn about 1902

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E Surnames

ElcksJoseph born about 1925
ElcksL born about 1905
ElcksL Eborn about 1894
ElledgeC Eborn about 1875
ElledgeClara born about 1876
EndemanClyde born about 1916

F Surnames

FerraraC Cborn about 1895
FerraraMary born about 1909

G Surnames

GarrisonL born about 1890
GarrisonLula born about 1905
GunterPearl born about 1902
GunterR Wborn about 1891
GunterW Mborn about 1867

H Surnames

HallBertha born about 1879
HallL Nborn about 1868
HallPalmer born about 1919
HallRichard born about 1922
HarrellA Sborn about 1872
HarrellNellie born about 1876
HarrisJennie born about 1882
HarrisW Gborn about 1881
HarsteCharlie Wborn about 1920
HarsteEdith born about 1897
HarsteJ Aborn about 1894
HarsteJoseph Aborn about 1916
HarsteRobert Eborn about 1921
HartCharlie born about 1908
HartLila born about 1886
HartiganJ Jborn about 1886
HartiganSallie Eborn about 1890
HatleyKizzie born about 1871
HobbsC Mborn about 1910
HobbsEithel born about 1909
HornbuckleBill born about 1881
HornbuckleW Iborn about 1859
HuddlestonA Wborn about 1899
HuddlestonD Wborn about 1923
HuddlestonE Lborn about 1938
HuddlestonEmma born about 1904
HuddlestonJ Pborn about 1932
HuddlestonJ Rborn about 1926
HuddlestonN Mborn about 1925
HuddlestonO Dborn about 1929

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J Surnames

JohnsonN Aborn about 1878
JohnsonW Uborn about 1874

K Surnames

KellumA Dborn about 1880
KellumDalen born about 1914
KellumDortha born about 1890
KellumDoy born about 1918
KellumGaben* born about 1928
KellumIrene born about 1926
KellumReggie born about 1924

L Surnames

LackeyMary born about 1877
LackeyW Hborn about 1874
LandsdounCordie born about 1889
LandsdounEarl born about 1926
LandsdounJ born about 1905
LandsdounMerl born about 1926
LeeAvoe born about 1921
LeeE Aborn about 1882
LeeJ Lborn about 1917
LeeM Nborn about 1894
LeeMae born about 1929
LeeTruman born about 1926
LeeWilson born about 1922
LewisBetty Louborn about 1935
LewisJodean* born about 1934
LewisJohn Cborn about 1932
LewisLena born about 1931
LewisLezzie born about 1937
LewisOpal born about 1912
LewisRuby born about 1926
LewisThelma born about 1934
LewisV Cborn about 1903

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M Surnames

MagersAlberta born about 1886
MagersH Pborn about 1872
McCilleyFred born about 1875
McCilleyMary Wborn about 1883
McFaddenG Fborn about 1885
McFaddenMinnie Jborn about 1890
McFarlandE Pborn about 1879
McFarlandJordie born about 1880
McGinnis born about 1889
McGinnisJ Rborn about 1887
McGuireA Gborn about 1890
McGuireCoy born about 1892
McLeonN Sborn about 1871
McLeonW born about 1869
MeinskiE Dborn about 1867
MeinskiE Rborn about 1895
MeinskiF Aborn about 1865
MeredithIda born about 1873
MiddletonAllene born about 1924
MiddletonEmma born about 1892
MiddletonG Rborn about 1888
MillerAnna Bborn about 1873
MillerJ Bborn about 1883
MontgomeryB born about 1937
MontgomeryH born about 1920
MontgomeryL born about 1874
MontgomeryL born about 1919
MontgomeryL born about 1939
MooreArthur born about 1920
MooreFrankie born about 1929
MooreJohn born about 1886
MooreJohnie born about 1923
MooreNora born about 1891

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N Surnames

NelsonJ Aborn about 1911
NelsonLula born about 1919

O Surnames

OsburnD Wborn about 1921

P Surnames

PherigoDona born about 1913
PherigoFred born about 1904
PherigoFredia born about 1937
PherigoIva Maeborn about 1931
PherigoIverne born about 1929
PherigoMargie born about 1939
PherigoTomie born about 1933
PhillipsAnna born about 1911
PhillipsEthel born about 1930
PhillipsJoan born about 1935
PhillipsNorma Jborn about 1932
PhillipsPauline born about 1929
PhillipsR Lborn about 1894
PitchfordCloyst* born about 1923
PitchfordFred born about 1890
PitchfordK born about 1931
PitchfordT born about 1888
PoolAnna Leeborn about 1933
PoolDally born about 1935
PoolGoldie born about 1906
PoolHarold born about 1923
PoolIsam born about 1898
PoolIva born about 1916
PoolMonroe born about 1925
PoolW Hborn about 1890

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R Surnames

RandallAlice Mborn about 1892
RandallHomer born about 1917
RandallJoyce Lborn about 1929
RandallOleta born about 1932
RandallOra born about 1890
RhyneAcie born about 1919
RhyneC Pborn about 1890
RhyneElisha born about 1922
RhyneL Mborn about 1891
RhyneMargerie born about 1928
RhyneMildred born about 1925
RiceArool born about 1901
RiceCharollete born about 1925
RiceDean born about 1930
RiceDonald born about 1937
RiceJ Bborn about 1882
RiceLenone born about 1928
RiceLillian born about 1926
RiceLottie born about 1904
RiceSada born about 1935
RiceW Cborn about 1881
RippleJanie born about 1890
RippleLester born about 1920
RippleR Lborn about 1885
RogersA Oborn about 1902
RogersC Aborn about 1924
RogersC Eborn about 1926
RogersD Lborn about 1930
RogersE Wborn about 1934
RogersF Eborn about 1936
RogersJ Eborn about 1928
RogersS Iborn about 1904
RogersW Aborn about 1922
RuleBellie born about 1922
RuleClarence born about 1930
RuleClyde born about 1924
RuleFrancis born about 1938
RuleGeneva born about 1927
RuleMary born about 1932
RuleNancy born about 1895
RuleS Cborn about 1880
RuleSylvia born about 1935

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S Surnames

Sall9ieElza born about 1917
Sall9ieJ Tborn about 1888
Sall9ieJunie born about 1894
SanfordEliza born about 1896
SanfordElvan born about 1932
SanfordK Mborn about 1894
SanfordRuby Nborn about 1924
SanfordSherold born about 1918
SchrollFred born about 1925
SchrollL Wborn about 1898
ScroggieOtto born about 1894
SisneyArchie born about 1920
SisneyEffie born about 1886
SisneyFay born about 1937
SisneyGlenie born about 1924
SisneyHomer born about 1928
SisneyMinnie born about 1930
SisneyOrville born about 1935
SisneyThurman born about 1932
SmithJanella born about 1938
SmithKeneth born about 1932
SmithPansie born about 1913
SmithTomie born about 1935
SmithWelma born about 1936
SmithsA Fborn about 1916
SmithsC Bborn about 1928
SmithsH Bborn about 1922
SmithsL Mborn about 1925
SparksDorothy born about 1924
SparksEdd born about 1896
SparksJaunita born about 1896
SpoonElsie born about 1922
StoutBurl Eborn about 1898
StoutL born about 1906
StoutM born about 1927
StoutN born about 1924

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T Surnames

TaberJ born about 1940
TaberMaxine born about 1925
ToddA Jborn about 1893
ToddBeddie born about 1928
ToddClarence born about 1918
ToddFranklin born about 1933
ToddHomer born about 1930
ToddHorace born about 1926
ToddJewel born about 1939
ToddMary born about 1901
TrammellMartha born about 1888
TrammellRoy born about 1891
TreatClyde born about 1935
TreatDuane born about 1937
TreatJames born about 1912
TreatLillie born about 1911
TreatWayne born about 1937
TurnboJ Wborn about 1922
TurnboS Wborn about 1883
TurnboZella born about 1898

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V Surnames

VanceAlonzo born about 1866
VanceFlorence born about 1875
VandeventerE born about 1887
VandeventerE born about 1926
VandeventerE Eborn about 1923
VandeventerG Cborn about 1891
VandeventerH born about 1930
VandeventerL born about 1921
VandeventerR born about 1927

W Surnames

WatsonD Pborn about 1877
WeatherfordCora born about 1887
WeatherfordDonald born about 1929
WeatherfordIvan born about 1925
WeatherfordJasper born about 1916
WeatherfordLeonard born about 1920
WeatherfordLetha born about 1934
WeatherfordRachel born about 1923
WeatherfordS Wborn about 1878
WeaverA Mborn about 1892
WeaverH born about 1875
WedgeworthAda born about 1883
WedgeworthBill born about 1921
WedgeworthElenor born about 1925
WedgeworthJ Sborn about 1907
WedgeworthL Tborn about 1911
WedgeworthS Rborn about 1909
WhiteB Cborn about 1890
WhiteG Wborn about 1930
WhiteHoward born about 1919
WhiteR Lborn about 1924
WhittenbornAlbert born about 1894
WillardBasil born about 1927
WillardDonald born about 1938
WillardDoye born about 1923
WillardH born about 1918
WillardMargie born about 1936
WillardMary born about 1914
WillardR Mborn about 1898
WndmanBlanche born about 1913
WndmanJohn born about 1869
WndmanStella born about 1911

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Y Surnames

YocumE Eborn about 1881
YocumJoe born about 1929
YocumMargaret born about 1909

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