1940 U.S. Federal Census of Logan in Independence County, Independence, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Independence County > 1940 Census of Logan in Independence County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdelGladys born about 1923

B Surnames

BallouAllie born about 1874
BallouE Lborn about 1908
BallouEdward born about 1934
BallouElla born about 1918
BallouErnest born about 1939
BallouGearldine born about 1937
BallouLila born about 1933
BallouS Wborn about 1902
BallouWalter born about 1931
BarberArnold born about 1913
BarberBetty Joborn about 1928
BarberCharley born about 1892
BarberDee born about 1915
BarberDella born about 1881
BarberDonald born about 1937
BarberDora born about 1894
BarberEarl born about 1890
BarberEnious born about 1919
BarberEugene born about 1920
BarberForrest born about 1922
BarberFrank born about 1899
BarberFrank Jr born about 1933
BarberGeranbia born about 1919
BarberHattie born about 1910
BarberHomer born about 1924
BarberIda Maeborn about 1910
BarberIrma Leeborn about 1929
BarberJ Aborn about 1886
BarberJ Wborn about 1927
BarberJane Harriettborn about 1939
BarberJeff born about 1905
BarberJimmie born about 1931
BarberJohn Aborn about 1912
BarberJohn Howardborn about 1937
BarberKatie born about 1872
BarberLee born about 1902
BarberLouise born about 1926
BarberLynn Rayborn about 1934
BarberMaggie born about 1896
BarberMyrtle born about 1904
BarberNaomie Leeborn about 1931
BarberPatricia Arleneborn about 1937
BarberPauline born about 1918
BarberR Rborn about 1866
BarberRayborn Lborn about 1935
BarberRetheal born about 1938
BarberRobert born about 1924
BarberRobert Leeborn about 1932
BarberVirgie born about 1921
BarberWallace Rayborn about 1935
BarberWillie born about 1896
BoultinghouseBernice born about 1909
BoultinghouseIda born about 1881
BoultinghouseMeaderth Rborn about 1934
BoultinghouseRay born about 1908
BoultinghouseWilliam born about 1876
BradleyCharley born about 1896
BradleyW Mborn about 1858
BrightwellHattie Jeanborn about 1934
BrightwellHubert born about 1901
BrightwellLina born about 1902
BrightwellMartha born about 1930
BrightwellMary Annborn about 1938
BrightwellWillis Rayborn about 1923
BrittianSarah born about 1875
BrownJ Tborn about 1874
BruceBetty Louborn about 1940
BruceErnest born about 1902
BruceErnestine born about 1924
BruceImogene born about 1927
BruceLela born about 1933
BruceRobert born about 1937
BruceSudie born about 1904
ByrdEdmon born about 1910
ByrdEmogene born about 1933
ByrdFannie born about 1880
ByrdGertie born about 1910
ByrdWilliam Bborn about 1936
ByrdWilma Leeborn about 1932

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C Surnames

CarpenterAetna born about 1916
CarpenterClyde Wborn about 1911
CarterKatheryn born about 1928
CarterR Bborn about 1930
CashAnna born about 1909
CashB Fborn about 1868
CashClara born about 1912
CashKendal Wayneborn about 1939
CashL Sborn about 1871
CashMary Jborn about 1874
CashShelby born about 1909
CashVirgil born about 1912
ClarkBetty born about 1877
ClarkHenry born about 1869
ClarkIva born about 1897
ClarkLee born about 1891
ClarkR Aborn about 1871
ClarkWillis born about 1924
CookCharley born about 1871
CookSarah born about 1885
CriglerElla Rayborn about 1930
CriglerKate born about 1897
CriglerMetta Leeborn about 1927
CriglerRay born about 1898
CriglerT Pborn about 1933
CrowderAlma born about 1915
CrowderArthur born about 1889
CrowderBetty Janeborn about 1936
CrowderEva born about 1890
CrowderFrancis born about 1930
CrowderWilliam born about 1925

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D Surnames

DavisD Hborn about 1922
DavisMyrtle born about 1925
DuggerAgnes born about 1907
DuggerAllie Maeborn about 1920
DuggerClay born about 1899
DuggerDon born about 1921
DuggerElbert born about 1938
DuggerErnest born about 1898
DuggerErnestine born about 1923
DuggerEtta born about 1934
DuggerEugene born about 1930
DuggerEunice born about 1900
DuggerFrank born about 1905
DuggerGrace born about 1904
DuggerIda born about 1880
DuggerLillian born about 1929
DuggerOscar born about 1902
DuggerWyane born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EstesBert born about 1937
EstesEdith born about 1897
EstesF Aborn about 1921
EstesGeorgia born about 1930
EstesJ Dborn about 1918
EstesLeroy born about 1935
EstesMarie born about 1926
EstesRutha Belleborn about 1928
EstesW Cborn about 1924
EstesWill born about 1893

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F Surnames

FetzerAlta born about 1890
FetzerClaude born about 1898
FetzerErma born about 1921
FetzerKatherin born about 1928
FosterEmma born about 1884
FosterIda Belleborn about 1925
FosterJames Eborn about 1880
FosterMildred Ruthborn about 1927

H Surnames

HanceClara born about 1873
HanceClyde born about 1902
HanceClyde Orvilleborn about 1929
HanceHerschell born about 1932
HanceLyda born about 1899
HardyJohnnie born about 1925
HatmanLillie born about 1906
HawkinsGeorge Wborn about 1883
HawkinsLillie born about 1917
HawkinsObra born about 1926
HawkinsRosie born about 1894
HeartyJames Wborn about 1913
HeartyLorine born about 1930
HeartyMaxine born about 1918
HughesEvlena born about 1921
HughesLaviana born about 1882
HughesWilliam born about 1870

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K Surnames

KellerA Zborn about 1885
KellerCora born about 1887
KellerRodman born about 1919

L Surnames

LaughbawPauline born about 1921
LaughbawW Pborn about 1917
LindseyDon born about 1924
LindseyIda Maeborn about 1884
LindseyJ Jborn about 1882
LindseyWilma born about 1922
LinebaughAlma born about 1927
LinebaughCora born about 1889
LinebaughJames born about 1922
LinebaughRall born about 1886
LongFannie Maeborn about 1937
LongLee born about 1865
LongLorene born about 1929
LongMae born about 1912
LongWatson born about 1907
LongWillene born about 1931
LovejoyCharles born about 1908
LovejoyJuanita born about 1934
LovejoyL Jborn about 1937
LovejoyLena born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarshallA Cborn about 1882
MarshallAdeline born about 1875
MarshallAlleatha born about 1912
MarshallAllie Roeborn about 1916
MarshallBetty Janeborn about 1934
MarshallBulah born about 1920
MarshallClaude born about 1912
MarshallClyde born about 1921
MarshallDorthy Jborn about 1932
MarshallElizabeth born about 1925
MarshallG Fborn about 1879
MarshallGracie born about 1899
MarshallJames Rborn about 1903
MarshallJerry Lborn about 1938
MarshallRalph born about 1908
MarshallS Jborn about 1860
MarshallVernon born about 1906
McCoyAlfred born about 1901
McCoyAnette born about 1939
McCoyJ E Mrsborn about 1871
McCoyJimmie born about 1936
McCoyLydia Annborn about 1933
McCoyVerna born about 1915
McDanielDora born about 1882
McDanielHenry born about 1876
McDanielJeff born about 1906
MillerBertha born about 1901
MillerJoe Jborn about 1893

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N Surnames

NashGilbert born about 1913
NashJerry Daleborn about 1940
NashMarie born about 1915
NashSammy Louborn about 1936

P Surnames

ParsonEugene born about 1909
ParsonMary born about 1910
PectolAnna born about 1905
PectolEugene born about 1926
PectolR Jborn about 1933
PectolRobert born about 1903
PennyHenry born about 1876
PennyLillie born about 1872

R Surnames

RiddleGifton born about 1910
RiddleLeonar born about 1874
RiddleWilleen born about 1915
RogersEugene born about 1916
RogersLavern born about 1935
RogersMable born about 1917

S Surnames

SchollBoby Neilborn about 1939
SchollJuanita born about 1919
SchollVelmer born about 1914
SligerGertie born about 1881
SligerR Lborn about 1873

T Surnames

TurnerDean born about 1925
TurnerFannie born about 1885
TurnerHenry born about 1881
TurnerWoodrow born about 1919

W Surnames

WalkerEria born about 1929
WalkerEtta born about 1929
WalkerLeona born about 1924
WalkerMyrtle born about 1885
WalkerRufus born about 1886
WatesPleas born about 1888
WattsDoris born about 1922
WattsVan born about 1919
WesterfieldCoy born about 1914
WesterfieldEldwanda born about 1938
WesterfieldJ Cborn about 1939
WesterfieldMargie born about 1916
WherryBlanche born about 1912
WherryC Eborn about 1886
WherryEmogene born about 1919
WherryHale born about 1924
WherryHugh born about 1910
WherryHula Cborn about 1936
WherryMaude born about 1888
WherryPaul born about 1915
WherryPauline born about 1918
WorleyGladys born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YancyGus Wborn about 1901
YancyJewel born about 1907

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