1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lower Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Hot Spring County > 1940 Census of Lower Prairie

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAline born about 1924
AllenBettie born about 1892
AllenGeorge born about 1885
AllenJohn born about 1875
AllenLouella born about 1890
AndersonEuldia born about 1895
AndersonJohn Tborn about 1887
AndrewsDessie born about 1922
AndrewsJessie born about 1891
AndrewsMarion born about 1924
AndrewsMay born about 1899
AshleyArthur Eborn about 1900
AshleyBertha born about 1932
AshleyCoy born about 1930
AshleyDoyle born about 1926
AshleyErmer born about 1923
AshleyEtta born about 1899
AshleyPaul born about 1936
AshleyPauline born about 1936
AultCecil born about 1928
AultClifford born about 1901
AultDoyle born about 1926
AultLaverle born about 1939
AultMaude born about 1905

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B Surnames

BaxtonKing born about 1856
BeisonJohnson born about 1917
BeldsoeDella born about 1883
BeldsoeR Aborn about 1880
BollenClardy Aborn about 1904
BollenDeloris born about 1927
BollenDonald Fborn about 1937
BollenFloella born about 1929
BollenHollie born about 1915
BollenLee born about 1886
BollenLoura born about 1866
BollenLura born about 1906
BollenOneil born about 1935
BollenPauline born about 1926
BollenThelma born about 1931
BollenTravis Jborn about 1933
BollenVera born about 1896

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C Surnames

CarterMattie born about 1865
CashAllie Iborn about 1918
CashBeatrice born about 1933
CashBryant born about 1892
CashDennis born about 1924
CashGlen born about 1938
CashJoan born about 1931
CashLeon born about 1929
CashOwen born about 1921
CashReeby born about 1898
CobbAudie born about 1905
CobbBlanche born about 1928
CobbIrene born about 1927
CobbLoweta born about 1930
CobbU Aborn about 1881

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D Surnames

DixonLewis born about 1900
DuncanMaggie born about 1879
DuncanSmith born about 1875

E Surnames

EzellDuke born about 1924

F Surnames

FisherAminee born about 1919
FisherBettie Sueborn about 1931
FisherBob born about 1882
FisherCecil born about 1926
FisherClarice born about 1922
FisherCleve born about 1915
FisherDora born about 1889
FisherGeorgia born about 1920
FisherHarvey born about 1910
FisherHazel born about 1898
FisherJames born about 1895
FisherJames born about 1920
FisherJoan born about 1935
FisherLeoanrd born about 1913
FisherLou Carolynborn about 1935
FisherMillard born about 1917
FisherRuby born about 1910
FlowlerLelia born about 1886
FlowlerRobert born about 1886
ForeEarl born about 1897
ForeRobert born about 1928
ForeStella born about 1905
ForeSue born about 1926
FowlerAmbrose born about 1910
FowlerBobby born about 1932
FowlerCarl Jborn about 1915
FowlerEdward born about 1919
FowlerEli Mborn about 1903
FowlerFloy born about 1913
FowlerGilbert born about 1916
FowlerGraham born about 1920
FowlerHattie born about 1885
FowlerHazel born about 1906
FowlerHortice born about 1913
FowlerHousten Lborn about 1906
FowlerJanie born about 1934
FowlerJohn Lborn about 1866
FowlerLillian born about 1904
FowlerLloyd born about 1909
FowlerMattie born about 1873
FowlerNaomia born about 1910
FowlerRoberta born about 1922
FowlerWilliam born about 1875
FurrBobby born about 1928
FurrEula born about 1907
FurrHoy born about 1932
FurrJames born about 1902
FurrLeonard born about 1930
FurrRussell born about 1931
FurrVenette born about 1939
FurrWayne born about 1936

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G Surnames

GarrettCharles born about 1882
GarrettEdwin born about 1927
GarrettGarvis born about 1919
GarrettGeraldine born about 1924
GarrettOweda born about 1927
GarrettTessie born about 1892

H Surnames

HamJohn born about 1917
HarperBilly Jborn about 1934
HarperCarl born about 1917
HarperCoy born about 1911
HarperDocia born about 1894
HarperDonald born about 1938
HarperDoyle born about 1920
HarperRob born about 1883
HarperWalter born about 1913
HarperWillie born about 1905
HodgesAlta born about 1908
HodgesClyde born about 1893
HodgesJohn born about 1917
HodgesJohn Hborn about 1886
HolleyAdel born about 1927
HolleyCharles born about 1932
HolleyRoy born about 1930
HoltMurphy born about 1915

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J Surnames

JonesLucille born about 1917
JonesMary born about 1879
JonesMary Annborn about 1934
JonesOscar born about 1876
JonesTenny Jeanborn about 1939
JonesThomas born about 1887
JonesTonciel born about 1935

K Surnames

KizziarAgnes born about 1909
KizziarBonnie born about 1940
KizziarHiram born about 1916
KizziarJames Wborn about 1929
KizziarJasmine born about 1919
KizziarLee born about 1909
KizziarLindall born about 1933
KizziarMarvin born about 1937
KizziarOdie born about 1935
KizziarWanda born about 1931

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L Surnames

LavellHartsell born about 1916
LavellHartsell Jr born about 1938
LavellOveta born about 1923
LeadbetterBilly Joeborn about 1931
LeadbetterBirdie born about 1902
LeadbetterCoy born about 1922
LeadbetterEugene born about 1928
LeadbetterFannie born about 1938
LeadbetterJoan born about 1940
LeadbetterWilliam born about 1896

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M Surnames

McDavittGertie born about 1893
McDavittRalph born about 1890
McDonaldA Colieborn about 1865
McDonaldElizebeth born about 1916
McDonaldGus Fborn about 1873
McDonaldHomer born about 1895
McDonaldMaude born about 1895
McGarittJohn born about 1863
MoreheadBettie Lborn about 1932
MoreheadEarl born about 1907
MoreheadEmma born about 1876
MoreheadHarold born about 1927
MoreheadHettie Lborn about 1934
MoreheadHugh born about 1902
MoreheadLester born about 1925
MoreheadMrs A Wborn about 1882
MoreheadMyrtle born about 1902
MoreheadRuby Maeborn about 1923
MoreheadSallie born about 1871

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N Surnames

NelmsGerome born about 1868
NelmsMollie born about 1874
NelmsThomas born about 1921

P Surnames

PenningtonHenry born about 1914
PenningtonIvan born about 1939
PenningtonJames born about 1933
PenningtonLenora born about 1912

R Surnames

RobertsonCharles Rayborn about 1927
RobertsonMontine born about 1904
RobertsonRaymond born about 1904
RogersGeorgia born about 1880
RogersM Heyborn about 1875
RogersNellie born about 1920
RogersRena born about 1917
RogersVergie born about 1903

S Surnames

SheehyCarel born about 1933
SheehyEarl born about 1907
SheehyHenry born about 1870
SheehyNellie born about 1912
SheehyShirley born about 1939
ShinnArchie born about 1929
ShinnBonnie born about 1935
ShinnClinton born about 1907
ShinnCordia born about 1911
ShinnMaynard born about 1930
ShinnO Jborn about 1927
SmithMartha Aborn about 1924
SmithMary Eborn about 1934
SmithSarah Eborn about 1902
SmithT Oborn about 1900
SovellJeanett born about 1940
SpurlinAlfred born about 1882
SpurlinFloy Sueborn about 1939
SpurlinJosephine born about 1883
SpurlinMinnie born about 1920
SpurlinRoy born about 1913
SuitorDollie born about 1887
SuitorMelvin born about 1914
SuitorWalter born about 1887
SuttonAlgie born about 1932
SuttonClemie born about 1900
SuttonFrank born about 1894
SuttonWanda born about 1930

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T Surnames

Thomason??? born about 1925
ThomasonArvin born about 1921
ThomasonElsie born about 1887
ThomasonEmery born about 1914
ThomasonOenn born about 1918
TidwellBen Fborn about 1886
TidwellDean born about 1934
TidwellMaude born about 1894
TidwellR Jborn about 1929
TidwellThomas born about 1931
TidwellTreida born about 1926
TisdoleEdward born about 1856
TisdoleJennie born about 1889
TisdoleSarah born about 1866
TollesonHarry born about 1912
TownsendE Janeborn about 1867
TownsendElizabeth born about 1904
TownsendMoye Eborn about 1932

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V Surnames

VandanburgMada born about 1906
VandanburgRuth Annborn about 1932

W Surnames

WarrenCherrie Louborn about 1931
WarrenDarell born about 1923
WarrenEdnaw born about 1914
WarrenFloyd born about 1935
WarrenG Wborn about 1865
WarrenHarold born about 1913
WarrenJack born about 1887
WarrenJoe born about 1892
WarrenLloyd born about 1937
WarrenNorma Dborn about 1936
WarrenOrlie born about 1932
WarrenSarah born about 1868
WarrenViola born about 1894
WelchB Loisborn about 1918
WelchE Dborn about 1910
WelchEarnest born about 1922
WelchEarnest born about 1923
WelchEdward born about 1910
WelchJ Maeborn about 1915
WelchJennie Mborn about 1915
WilderJessie Rborn about 1919
WiseMrs Holt born about 1914
WombleJohn Lborn about 1936
WombleLona born about 1912
WombleMaurine born about 1931
WombleWarren born about 1892
WoodEd born about 1892
WoodSophia born about 1898

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