1940 U.S. Federal Census of Madison in Grant County, Grant, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Grant County > 1940 Census of Madison in Grant County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAlice born about 1914
AllenAnnie born about 1914
AllenCharles Richardborn about 1938
AllenEugene born about 1936
AllenGena Leeborn about 1937
AllenJohn born about 1891
AllenJohn Jr born about 1933
AllenJones Elmerborn about 1939
AllenMargaret Annborn about 1934
AllenMorris born about 1928
AllenShirley Gronborn about 1939
AllenTonnie born about 1914
AllynArbutus born about 1931
AllynHugh born about 1935
AllynRobert Cborn about 1920
ApplingBen J Wborn about 1923
ApplingBen Sborn about 1878
ApplingCarl born about 1911
ApplingDinnie Merleborn about 1934
ApplingEarl born about 1913
ApplingF Groveborn about 1877
ApplingFlora born about 1913
ApplingJennie born about 1881
ApplingJerry born about 1939
ApplingJohn Hborn about 1873
ApplingJoseph Franklinborn about 1940
ApplingMilda Joeborn about 1937
ApplingOrville born about 1917
ApplingOtha born about 1918
ApplingRhoda born about 1889
ApplingVernon born about 1916
ApplingZola born about 1914
ApplingsAlva born about 1905
ApplingsAnita Leeborn about 1928
ApplingsAva born about 1904
ApplingsHarry born about 1895
ApplingsLee born about 1864
ArnoldBetty Annborn about 1937
AshcroftErnestine born about 1927
AshcroftHenry born about 1892
AshcroftJennie born about 1903
AshcroftMary born about 1938
AshcroftMaxine born about 1922
AshcroftOthel born about 1923
AshcroftOthie born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BallEva Mborn about 1886
BarnesG Fletchingborn about 1881
BarnesSusie born about 1892
BatisEdward Leeborn about 1934
BatisJames Wborn about 1877
BatisJim born about 1914
BaxterAxon born about 1933
BaxterC Esterborn about 1909
BaxterCharles born about 1930
BaxterGrace Wborn about 1907
BaxterJerry born about 1938
BellJoseph Gborn about 1882
BellMay Nancyborn about 1901
BendonHenry Hborn about 1862
BendonImmer born about 1865
BenfieldAryl born about 1906
BenfieldE Davidborn about 1935
BenfieldHelen born about 1932
BenfieldLucile born about 1918
BenfieldOrville born about 1908
BenfieldOttis born about 1937
BenfieldTheris born about 1929
BenfieldTurner born about 1915
BenfieldWillie Maeborn about 1936
BillinsCarl born about 1932
BillinsLewis born about 1929
BlackeleyErnest born about 1888
BlackeleyEttar born about 1900
BlackeleyLorene born about 1927
BlackerbyBonnie Benborn about 1922
BlackerbyBoyd Frankborn about 1930
BlackerbyJoe Bborn about 1928
BlackerbyJohnny born about 1926
BlackerbyRuthy born about 1894
BlackerbyThomas born about 1914
BlackerbyVen Eborn about 1892
BlackerbyVindel born about 1921
BlackerlyDannie Genborn about 1939
BlackerlyDeddie born about 1928
BlackerlyElla born about 1886
BlackerlyFannie Bellborn about 1913
BlackerlyLawrence born about 1909
BlackerlyVirginia born about 1924
BorgnesBean Rborn about 1886
BridgesLucy born about 1899
BridgesRoy Aborn about 1894
BronFrank born about 1927
BrylesBennie Fborn about 1881
BrylesCollis born about 1912
BrylesHerman born about 1915
BrylesJames Franklinborn about 1939
BrylesMoody born about 1923
BrylesMoud born about 1882
BrylesVula born about 1908

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C Surnames

CalbertDelmar born about 1930
CalbertFrank born about 1924
CalbertLola Maeborn about 1927
CalbertM T Jensonborn about 1931
CalbertM Thomasborn about 1875
CalbertMattie born about 1895
CarleyCharlie born about 1888
CarleyCharlie Mborn about 1924
CarleyFossie born about 1901
CattonClora born about 1913
ClarkLellie born about 1872
ClaryForest born about 1920
ClementCharlie born about 1888
ClementChlore born about 1902
ClementEffie born about 1893
ClementEtta born about 1897
ClementEunice born about 1904
ClementGertrude born about 1909
ClementGorland born about 1898
ClementHarold born about 1927
ClementHattie born about 1890
ClementHerbert born about 1917
ClementHerbert born about 1919
ClementJames born about 1937
ClementJames Brandborn about 1939
ClementLonon born about 1921
ClementLorella born about 1920
ClementMalia born about 1925
ClementMartha Virginiaborn about 1932
ClementMartin born about 1882
ClementMona born about 1917
ClementNathie Vborn about 1902
ClementNoah Hborn about 1934
ClementOnia born about 1909
ClementOscar Aborn about 1896
ClementPatsie Marieborn about 1931
ClementPeck born about 1897
ClementSarah Bethborn about 1935
ClementThomas Carlborn about 1924
ClementWanda Leeborn about 1939
CoffnanAtt born about 1882
ColeyElnore born about 1884
ColeyMattie born about 1885
ComptonCarry born about 1900
ComptonCatherine born about 1935
ComptonDosie Leeborn about 1933
ComptonEdd born about 1890
ComptonEdward born about 1922
ComptonFloyd born about 1921
ComptonHarry born about 1935
ComptonJoe born about 1897
ComptonJoy Hughborn about 1912
ComptonJulian born about 1939
ComptonSarah born about 1870
ComptonSivreen born about 1937
ComptonSully Annborn about 1924
ComptonTellie born about 1884
ComptonVera Tborn about 1927
CortnerCharles Dborn about 1863
CortnerMary Lborn about 1869
CottonLawrence born about 1920
CrowderDorthy born about 1937
CrowderHenry Vborn about 1939
CrowderThomas born about 1915
CrowderTilina born about 1920
CrowdyHenry born about 1880
CrowdyLilian born about 1911
CulpepperElmus born about 1904
CulpepperEvelyn born about 1934
CulpepperRuby born about 1909
CurleyBetty Mellborn about 1929
CurleyHenry Rolandborn about 1937
CurleyMaud Rosandborn about 1931
CurleyMonroe born about 1910
CurleyVestil Annborn about 1936
CurleyWillie born about 1910

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D Surnames

DavisAlbert born about 1934
DavisAlta born about 1900
DavisArva born about 1899
DavisBecky born about 1856
DavisBomoni born about 1933
DavisCharlie born about 1885
DavisDoris born about 1938
DavisEthyl born about 1882
DavisFrank born about 1920
DavisHelen born about 1922
DavisHomer born about 1928
DavisIman born about 1888
DavisJames born about 1923
DavisJoe born about 1888
DavisJoe Fborn about 1923
DavisJoe Jr born about 1882
DavisJohn born about 1921
DavisLura born about 1894
DavisMarguite born about 1936
DavisMary Eborn about 1890
DavisRoy born about 1889
DavisRuby born about 1924
DavisRuth born about 1922
DavisTimon born about 1924
DavisVernon born about 1921
DavisWinford born about 1924
DavisWoodrow born about 1915
DemassDelma born about 1935
DemassGeneva born about 1921
DemassHarry born about 1888
DemassHarry born about 1928
DemassJames born about 1939
DemassJeannie born about 1934
DemassJohnie born about 1926
DemassMary born about 1897
DemassPaul born about 1937
DennardLowell born about 1913
DonellHenry Josephborn about 1862
DonesEmeline born about 1890
DonesLybrand Elmerborn about 1924
DornAda born about 1870
DornBetty Lynnborn about 1938
DornButler born about 1902
DornClemos born about 1925
DornHarris born about 1908
DornHona born about 1907
DornIve born about 1935
DornJessie born about 1895
DornJessie Jborn about 1925
DornKenneth born about 1911
DornMoizell born about 1905
DornOphus born about 1929
DornRoscon born about 1927
DornSusie born about 1870
DornTonnie born about 1870

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E Surnames

EasleyClarence born about 1912
EasleyFannie born about 1916
EasleyRuby born about 1935
ElkinsIvy born about 1880
ElkinsJ Newellborn about 1879
EllisLee Floysborn about 1919
EllisOryne Maieborn about 1921

F Surnames

FallesAndy born about 1914
FallesFannie born about 1918
FallesGeorge Henryborn about 1940
FepesFenis born about 1907
FindleyBessie born about 1892
FindleyNennie born about 1892
FindleyWilson born about 1917
FinleyCeborn born about 1918
FinleyGeorge born about 1851
FosterPorter born about 1925
FunderburyBiddy born about 1932
FunderburyCoy Leeborn about 1927
FunderburyEsma born about 1922
FunderburyLouise born about 1924
FunderburyMargaret born about 1863
FunderburyMurphy born about 1925
FunderburyRegal born about 1918
FunderburyUra born about 1890
FunderburyVernon born about 1921
FunderburyVoys born about 1894
FunderburyWatson born about 1893
FunderburyWilliam born about 1921

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G Surnames

GinnettJene Sborn about 1920
GinnettR Davidborn about 1865
GonesAlton born about 1928
GonesAndy born about 1931
GonesBessie born about 1899
GonesFranky born about 1931
GonesRalph born about 1926
GonesValorie born about 1924
GonesWinnie born about 1922
GoodnonCatherine born about 1933
GoodnonCokrick Kborn about 1922
GoodnonDick born about 1876
GoodnonDrylus born about 1903
GoodnonFlorence born about 1880
GoodnonNedgie born about 1929
GoodnonNelda Jr born about 1938
GoodnonWaysel born about 1905
GraryJames Gordonborn about 1924
GraryJudge Cborn about 1920
GraryLula Gborn about 1887
GraryMary Annaborn about 1926
GraryMeck born about 1930
GraryNellie Ruthborn about 1933
GraryRuth born about 1903
GraryT Gordenborn about 1894
GrayJames Hborn about 1865
GrayRosenna born about 1871
GreenElmer born about 1903
GreenEtta born about 1887
GreenEva born about 1906
GreenNoland born about 1924
GreenPeggy born about 1930
GreenWilliam born about 1935
GreenwoodCatherine born about 1915
GreenwoodDennie born about 1937
GreenwoodEste born about 1894
GreenwoodJessie Wborn about 1939
GreenwoodMurtis born about 1906
GreenwoodOllie born about 1906
GreenwoodReliegh Earlborn about 1937
GreenwoodRoleigh born about 1905
GreenwoodWilliam Pborn about 1868
GriffianCharlie Hborn about 1889
GriffianOdis born about 1921
GriffianRopha born about 1896
GriffianTheaphus born about 1934

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H Surnames

HaleCorbet born about 1923
HaleErnest born about 1912
HaleJoe born about 1917
HaleRosey born about 1888
HaleWilliam Tborn about 1886
HaymsJays born about 1913
HaymsMerril born about 1930
HaymsRoys Jborn about 1918
HeddenAgnes born about 1916
HeddenEdmond born about 1913
HeddenJamie born about 1935
HeddenJane born about 1880
HeddenJohnie born about 1872
HeddenLed born about 1906
HeddenLee born about 1905
HeddenLoyd born about 1909
HeddenMyrie Leeborn about 1930
HeddenOra born about 1908
HeddenRosline born about 1880
HeddenRuby born about 1926
HeddenRuth born about 1906
HeddenSammie born about 1870
HeddenTroy born about 1906
HeddenVund born about 1916
HeddenWillie born about 1896
HicksLocey born about 1874
HiddenJoe born about 1920
HiddenMarshie Janeborn about 1924
HiddenMartha Rayborn about 1939
HughesJim born about 1888
HughesMyrtie born about 1883

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J Surnames

JanisonJames born about 1926
JanisonJoy Cborn about 1920
JanisonNorris born about 1862
JanisonPaul born about 1892
JimmisHerbert Fborn about 1881
JimmisMargaret born about 1893
JohnsonDessie born about 1912
JohnsonFrankie born about 1938
JonesAl born about 1884
JonesBertha born about 1906
JonesCalwood born about 1874
JonesDoley born about 1914
JonesJames born about 1924
JonesJr R born about 1929
JonesLoyd born about 1903
JonesMary born about 1886
JonesMary born about 1898
JonesNeva born about 1888
JonesWilliam born about 1901

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K Surnames

KelleyAlice born about 1940
KelleyEmila Geonborn about 1938
KelleyEmile born about 1912
KelleyGrocylee born about 1921

L Surnames

LawrenceHester born about 1904
LawrenceJohn Cborn about 1936
LawrenceKenneth born about 1923
LawrenceRilbert born about 1892
LeeAnnie born about 1895
LeeCedrie born about 1919
LeeClyde born about 1896
LeeFlorence born about 1878
LeeGlendlee born about 1927
LeeHenry born about 1890
LeeJames born about 1925
LeeJennie born about 1893
LeeOdell born about 1930
LeeRobert born about 1923
LeeShullen born about 1921
LightseyAlice born about 1931
LightseyAline born about 1928
LightseyBoyd born about 1919
LightseyDonald born about 1933
LightseyElbert born about 1921
LightseyEmma Geneborn about 1924
LightseyFalcon born about 1917
LightseyFloyd born about 1899
LightseyJessie Frankborn about 1926
LightseyLillie Faeborn about 1902
LightseyLonon born about 1940
LightseyLula born about 1937
LightseyMargaret born about 1937
LightseySteward born about 1892
LightseyVea born about 1935
LightseyVides born about 1893
LightseyVirgil born about 1922
LindleyArdie born about 1906
LindleyHouston born about 1897
LindleyLea born about 1925
LindleyVera Deanborn about 1929
LitesFloyce born about 1923
LitesMary born about 1901
LitesMathy born about 1879
LitesTommie Aborn about 1877
LomanBertie born about 1873
LomanClyde born about 1905
LomanFlossie Maeborn about 1910
LomanHigh born about 1871
LomanRecie Daleborn about 1936
LominickHorace born about 1925
LominickJ Lutherborn about 1882
LominickPauline born about 1910
LominickStella born about 1921
LoveInez born about 1912
LuteralClarence born about 1919
LuteralJolita born about 1938
LuteralMilton born about 1910
LybrandBonnie Jeanborn about 1923
LybrandCharlie born about 1921
LybrandJack born about 1929
LybrandOlen born about 1889
LybrandOlene born about 1925
LybrandOlive born about 1929
LybrandSallie born about 1889
LybrandVea Fborn about 1919
LyleMourine born about 1904
LymondDewie born about 1920
LymondGommie born about 1911
LymondHixie born about 1917

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M Surnames

MasseyBell born about 1867
MasseyDelphine born about 1936
MasseyEvert born about 1922
MasseyFlorence born about 1907
MasseyHarvey born about 1898
MasseyHenry Fborn about 1865
MasseyJorelin born about 1924
MasseyLenord born about 1918
MasseyLucile born about 1925
MasseyMonroe born about 1928
MasseyNelle born about 1913
MasseyNorman Leeborn about 1939
MasseyOdis born about 1933
MasseySid born about 1898
McBrideJames Fborn about 1892
McIlroyCliff born about 1916
McIlroyEdna born about 1887
McIlroyJoe Nborn about 1913
McIlroyWilliam born about 1922
McKamieAndrew Eborn about 1876
McLamoreAlbert Cborn about 1940
McLamoreCharles Bborn about 1923
McLamoreDavid Rborn about 1938
McLamoreJames born about 1925
McLamoreLeon born about 1927
McLamoreRosa born about 1908
McLamoreUlys born about 1901
McLamoreVirgel born about 1929
McLamoreWynell born about 1932
MerryElly Cborn about 1881
MerryWilliam Henryborn about 1873
MilenMildred born about 1926
MillerBessie born about 1910
MillerGean born about 1931
MillerLonnie born about 1929
MillerThomas born about 1909
MontgomeryDiving born about 1914
MorningAaron born about 1872
MorningLillie born about 1872
MorrisAdas born about 1907
MorrisBoyd born about 1938
MorrisCeff born about 1924
MorrisClara born about 1903
MorrisClarence born about 1936
MorrisDee born about 1892
MorrisDicie born about 1915
MorrisDoland born about 1918
MorrisDon Lborn about 1922
MorrisEarl born about 1912
MorrisEdward born about 1889
MorrisElmer born about 1894
MorrisFlorence born about 1937
MorrisHoward born about 1914
MorrisJanice born about 1922
MorrisJones Rayborn about 1935
MorrisJuey Yvonneborn about 1939
MorrisLeonard born about 1937
MorrisMargaret born about 1925
MorrisMary born about 1871
MorrisMary Elisaborn about 1878
MorrisPatsie born about 1934
MorrisPhil Eborn about 1866
MorrisReba Geanborn about 1938
MorrisRobert Eborn about 1931
MorrisRocherford born about 1904
MorrisRoie born about 1904
MorrisRommie born about 1933
MorrisThuis born about 1923
MorrisVera born about 1890
MorrisVon Hughborn about 1932
MorrisWayne Olisborn about 1936
MorrisWillie Maeborn about 1930
MorrisWilma Leeborn about 1928
MorrisWylie born about 1884
MuksEllena born about 1870
MuksPhinix Kborn about 1860
MurdockCurd Eborn about 1908
MurdockLola born about 1913
MurdockRoy born about 1940
MurryHorris born about 1908
MurryVirginia born about 1916

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O Surnames

OrmanC Hinnesonborn about 1875
OrmanCarry born about 1927
OrmanEva born about 1889
OwensBedford born about 1913
OwensBerta born about 1917
OwensBooth born about 1902
OwensConnie born about 1938
OwensCora born about 1875
OwensDonald born about 1936
OwensJim born about 1871
OwensLezey Deeborn about 1916
OwensOmel born about 1900
OwensPatsie Jhoeborn about 1939
OwensSadie Maeborn about 1940

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P Surnames

PaperMorris born about 1908
PatillaJunior born about 1928
PatillaLeley born about 1936
PatillaLualla born about 1925
PatillaLula born about 1917
PatillaMack born about 1913
PatillaMoses born about 1927
PatillaRatchel born about 1923
PatillaTroy born about 1940
PierceAda Maeborn about 1926
PierceBarbara born about 1904
PierceBell born about 1884
PierceBernie born about 1924
PierceEdward born about 1881
PierceEva born about 1887
PierceFrancis born about 1936
PierceInfant born about 1940
PierceLewis born about 1925
PierceMary born about 1876
PierceMary born about 1906
PierceMilford born about 1925
PierceUlys born about 1910
PierceVernon born about 1929
PierceYvonne born about 1939
PinceGeorge born about 1885
PrewittBobby Leeborn about 1935
PrewittNamora Ruthborn about 1937
PrewittOla born about 1913
PrewittPorter born about 1912
PrewittPorter Jr born about 1939
PuttsHorace Pborn about 1873
PuttsLovona born about 1866

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R Surnames

RassAbb Cborn about 1865
ReedMarguerite born about 1919
ReekJames Mborn about 1917
ReynoldsAlice born about 1905
ReynoldsBernice born about 1911
ReynoldsBetty born about 1938
ReynoldsCanthy born about 1878
ReynoldsCecil born about 1909
ReynoldsCecura born about 1875
ReynoldsCharles born about 1932
ReynoldsClendell born about 1914
ReynoldsDollie Geanborn about 1929
ReynoldsEdwin born about 1939
ReynoldsEmma born about 1889
ReynoldsEula Graceborn about 1927
ReynoldsEva Geneborn about 1930
ReynoldsFonnie born about 1878
ReynoldsFrancis born about 1933
ReynoldsFranky born about 1936
ReynoldsGeorge born about 1916
ReynoldsGilbert born about 1889
ReynoldsGilbert Mborn about 1850
ReynoldsGoland born about 1892
ReynoldsHubert born about 1911
ReynoldsJack born about 1909
ReynoldsKitsey born about 1934
ReynoldsLellie born about 1885
ReynoldsMarvin born about 1887
ReynoldsMary Loeborn about 1939
ReynoldsOpal born about 1918
ReynoldsPaul born about 1924
ReynoldsRalph Cborn about 1937
ReynoldsRatchel born about 1926
ReynoldsRobert born about 1927
ReynoldsTed born about 1924
ReynoldsThomas Gborn about 1920
ReynoldsVirginia born about 1932
ReynoldsWilliam born about 1922
RhodesCorbet born about 1900
RhodesIva born about 1890
RhodesLee Aborn about 1927
RhodesLorene born about 1931
RhodesPearley born about 1907
RhodesThomas born about 1925
RobertsOlar born about 1910
RobertsPatsy Rossborn about 1932
RobertsRoss born about 1908
RobertsYvonda Sueborn about 1936
RodgersClarence born about 1894
RodgersClifton born about 1933
RodgersLewis born about 1926
RodgersMary born about 1892
RodgersOdell born about 1922
RodgersRatchel born about 1938
RogersRosa Medborn about 1917
RomickAlva born about 1922
RomickAnderson born about 1873
RomickAuther born about 1888
RomickBennie Geneborn about 1926
RomickDonia born about 1896
RomickEmmer Leeborn about 1922
RomickEuloe born about 1898
RomickGeneva born about 1907
RomickGeorge born about 1932
RomickLoulla born about 1922
RomickMary Walesborn about 1937
RomickNathan born about 1934
RomickOcie born about 1895
RomickOcie Jr born about 1938
RomickPatsie born about 1934
RomickRoose born about 1903
RomickRubbeta born about 1909
RomickToddie Nellborn about 1932
RomickWillie born about 1877
RossAdanell born about 1936
RossAlbert Carrstborn about 1932
RossCarvin born about 1909
RossClark born about 1903
RossEdith born about 1921
RossEdna born about 1913
RossEllie born about 1908
RossEvel born about 1895
RossIda born about 1892
RossIona born about 1875
RossJack Brooksborn about 1940
RossJerry Deeborn about 1938
RossJohn Jborn about 1876
RossJoyce Evelborn about 1934
RossNeal born about 1922
RossNed born about 1927
RossNoda born about 1895
RossOliver born about 1913
RossQuisley born about 1933
RossRuth born about 1899
RossSallie Lborn about 1873
RossTed born about 1925
RossVirginia Mborn about 1939
RossWilliam Hborn about 1876
RossWillie Rayborn about 1936
RoyClinton born about 1927
RoyJohnny Lynnborn about 1940
RoyLouise born about 1939
RoyMicky born about 1912
RoyOun Tborn about 1902
RuthJamie born about 1913
RuthSelma born about 1914
RuthSommie Leeborn about 1934
RuthWannie Sueborn about 1917
RyburnCompered born about 1923
RyburnFrank born about 1894
RyburnJosephine born about 1896
RyburnLucylee born about 1921
RyburnWilliam Edwardborn about 1934

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S Surnames

ScrogginsWill born about 1860
ScrogginsWore Jborn about 1867
ScroggsGrover born about 1923
SharpBurne born about 1926
SharpOdor born about 1880
SharpOliver Eborn about 1885
SharpWillie born about 1884
ShillEllas born about 1882
ShillSallie Aborn about 1873
ShopAllie Tborn about 1893
ShopMary Eborn about 1904
ShultoGeneva born about 1877
ShultzElise born about 1916
ShultzElmer born about 1934
ShultzHerman Hborn about 1914
ShultzVenita born about 1938
ShultzWayne born about 1936
StevensBera born about 1914
StevensDe Vese born about 1911
StewardRay Lauborn about 1932
StewartAnna born about 1869
SulliventAndrew Jborn about 1858
SulliventAustin born about 1898
SulliventBeed born about 1895
SulliventBert born about 1891
SulliventFlorence born about 1864
SulliventMinnie born about 1895
SulliventNorris born about 1928
SulliventRuby born about 1908
SulliventSidney born about 1931
SulliventVirgel born about 1931
SwillingBobbie born about 1928
SwillingDulucy born about 1890
SwillingEdyls born about 1904
SwillingElisa Mborn about 1858
SwillingGeorge born about 1916
SwillingJohn born about 1887
SwillingJones born about 1922
SwillingJoyce born about 1931
SwillingMary born about 1879
SwillingNellie born about 1889
SwillingNoxine born about 1935
SwillingRudy born about 1900
SwillingThelma Nellborn about 1936
SwillingVernon born about 1924
SwillingVoneda born about 1926

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T Surnames

TaylorAdmie born about 1936
TaylorAline born about 1912
TaylorAnna born about 1904
TaylorAnnie born about 1898
TaylorAuther Hborn about 1895
TaylorAuthor Nellborn about 1927
TaylorBertha born about 1906
TaylorBevel born about 1927
TaylorBillie Elgieborn about 1931
TaylorBobbie Joeborn about 1935
TaylorCalhoon born about 1851
TaylorCarold born about 1936
TaylorCharles born about 1934
TaylorCharlie born about 1887
TaylorCletis born about 1924
TaylorClifford born about 1924
TaylorCoeda born about 1934
TaylorConrad born about 1935
TaylorDavid born about 1939
TaylorDavis born about 1937
TaylorDelmar born about 1914
TaylorDud born about 1920
TaylorDunnie born about 1903
TaylorEarnest born about 1900
TaylorEdith born about 1922
TaylorElbert born about 1926
TaylorElizabeth born about 1902
TaylorElva born about 1922
TaylorErnest born about 1897
TaylorFary Dellborn about 1928
TaylorFreddie Maeborn about 1921
TaylorGeorge born about 1875
TaylorGeorge Wborn about 1874
TaylorHarold born about 1933
TaylorHattie born about 1893
TaylorHelen born about 1897
TaylorHouston born about 1933
TaylorHoward born about 1938
TaylorIvie Leeborn about 1938
TaylorJinnie born about 1939
TaylorJoe born about 1888
TaylorJohn Dborn about 1928
TaylorJohn Sborn about 1890
TaylorJoyce Dyherdborn about 1937
TaylorJullie born about 1886
TaylorJunita born about 1920
TaylorLaura born about 1898
TaylorLee born about 1883
TaylorLeonard born about 1932
TaylorLewis born about 1905
TaylorLillie born about 1882
TaylorLillie born about 1886
TaylorLillie born about 1908
TaylorLois born about 1900
TaylorLue Annborn about 1877
TaylorLuther born about 1901
TaylorMable born about 1912
TaylorMae Deannborn about 1923
TaylorMannie born about 1908
TaylorMarie Hughborn about 1931
TaylorMathire born about 1881
TaylorMaud born about 1893
TaylorMayshy born about 1928
TaylorMildred born about 1925
TaylorMonnie born about 1920
TaylorMorris born about 1917
TaylorMorris Reedborn about 1921
TaylorMyrtle born about 1894
TaylorOdell born about 1914
TaylorOdis Tborn about 1881
TaylorOlap born about 1921
TaylorOrville born about 1922
TaylorOwen born about 1938
TaylorOweta born about 1929
TaylorPhanix born about 1921
TaylorR Joeborn about 1878
TaylorRatchel born about 1904
TaylorRenlzy born about 1909
TaylorRoland born about 1890
TaylorRommie born about 1930
TaylorRuby born about 1928
TaylorSam Pborn about 1881
TaylorShellie born about 1894
TaylorShellie Williamborn about 1918
TaylorSusie born about 1872
TaylorTalbert Tborn about 1884
TaylorThelma born about 1933
TaylorTom born about 1900
TaylorTonnie Lelandborn about 1938
TaylorVerland born about 1926
TaylorVern born about 1931
TaylorVernon born about 1913
TaylorVidima born about 1939
TaylorVina born about 1887
TaylorWallace born about 1916
TaylorWillia Deeborn about 1926
TaylorWoodroe born about 1913
TaylorZeld born about 1909

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W Surnames

WaddleDora born about 1878
WaddleGeorgie born about 1895
WaddleHenry born about 1926
WaddleWalter born about 1885
WaffordBallie born about 1935
WaffordBillie born about 1938
WaffordJ William Iveyborn about 1932
WaffordJim born about 1887
WaffordJunior born about 1928
WaffordThelma born about 1910
WalkerEffie born about 1886
WalkerOvie born about 1893
WalkerPauline born about 1920
WalkerRommie Beanborn about 1939
WalkerSquess born about 1921
WalkerTheresa born about 1929
WalkerTom Aborn about 1888
WalkerWilburn Dborn about 1936
WalkerWilliam born about 1888
WallaceAlie born about 1892
WallaceEdna born about 1903
WallaceEnnis born about 1887
WallaceGean born about 1933
WallaceHilton born about 1931
WallaceLeophilvo born about 1926
WallaceMilton born about 1931
WallaceOelanda born about 1904
WallaceVernon born about 1927
WallaceWilliam born about 1927
WardlowEva born about 1896
WardlowJames born about 1921
WardlowJohn Cborn about 1892
WardlowJones Wborn about 1931
WardlowLoyd born about 1926
WatsonA Robertborn about 1886
WatsonAmanda born about 1914
WatsonDonald born about 1940
WatsonElna born about 1910
WatsonFarril born about 1885
WatsonFred born about 1881
WatsonFred Jerryborn about 1937
WatsonJohnny Vernellborn about 1939
WatsonMack born about 1910
WatsonMelvin born about 1930
WatsonTommie born about 1937
WattsAnnie Ruthborn about 1913
WattsConnie born about 1915
WattsHallis Hborn about 1913
WattsJake Jamesborn about 1883
WattsRellie born about 1886
WattsTonnie born about 1936
WeaverClarence born about 1912
WeaverGeorge born about 1872
WeaverLucy born about 1877
WelchDoris born about 1924
WelchJohn Tborn about 1886
WelchMack born about 1920
WestElan born about 1925
WestElan Gborn about 1893
WestMargaret born about 1903
WestMaurice born about 1925
WhiteJames Edwardborn about 1925
WhiteJohn born about 1878
WhiteJulia born about 1883
WhiteheadAlice born about 1885
WhiteheadElizabeth born about 1904
WhiteheadJames born about 1938
WhiteheadSiles born about 1913
WhiteheadTonie born about 1922
WhiteheadWillie born about 1919
WhitleyAddie born about 1898
WhitleyClene born about 1901
WhitleyHarold born about 1928
WigginsAda born about 1918
WigginsBettie Sueborn about 1932
WigginsBillie born about 1934
WigginsBillie Lborn about 1923
WigginsCatherine born about 1927
WigginsCharles born about 1937
WigginsCorby born about 1907
WigginsDems born about 1862
WigginsDoris born about 1898
WigginsLucille born about 1920
WigginsMary born about 1856
WigginsRaymond born about 1935
WigginsTom born about 1900
WilliamsAddie born about 1901
WilliamsBerl born about 1923
WilliamsChester born about 1928
WilliamsCloud Gborn about 1893
WilliamsEdith born about 1905
WilliamsErnestine born about 1936
WilliamsFlora Maeborn about 1940
WilliamsHune born about 1924
WilliamsLaura born about 1873
WilliamsLois Leeborn about 1935
WilliamsMartha born about 1937
WilliamsMary born about 1937
WilliamsOdessa born about 1919
WilliamsPhelandas born about 1911
WilliamsTom born about 1897
WilliamsUra born about 1892
WilliamsVersie Leeborn about 1938
WilliamsVictor born about 1927
WilliamsVina born about 1900
WilsonEugene born about 1910
WilsonMattie born about 1881
WilsonRosie Leeborn about 1908
WilsonSiles born about 1873
WinfredFern born about 1932
WinfredHenry born about 1926
WistJim born about 1886
WoddellDewie born about 1927
WoddellEarl born about 1926
WoddellGladys born about 1907
WoddellJim born about 1902
WoffordCharndy born about 1903
WoffordHenry Fborn about 1879
WoffordHerman born about 1914
WoffordMary born about 1883
WoffordOscar Cborn about 1884
WoodA Coalborn about 1884
WoodAnna born about 1911
WoodBob born about 1912
WoodBobbie born about 1936
WoodPearl born about 1886
WoodsApp born about 1885
WoodsBelly Janeborn about 1935
WoodsBeverly Annborn about 1932
WoodsBud born about 1897
WoodsEldon born about 1929
WoodsH Jakeborn about 1875
WoodsOllie born about 1893
WoodsTom born about 1889
WoodsVethie born about 1902
WorlyVestel born about 1908
WorthonCarol born about 1937
WorthonGoyles born about 1939
WorthonHazel born about 1905
WorthonHubert born about 1901
WorthonJessie born about 1931
WorthonReta born about 1929
WylesAndrew Dborn about 1931
WylesGladys born about 1912
WylesHomer born about 1929
WylesJinnie born about 1933
WylesMadne born about 1936
WylesWill Aborn about 1901
WylesWorthy born about 1907

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