1940 U.S. Federal Census of Marion in Sebastian County, Sebastian, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Sebastian County > 1940 Census of Marion in Sebastian County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AluaradoMartina Gborn about 1911
AluaradoSalud born about 1888
AntneoliLouis born about 1875

B Surnames

BarlingHarry born about 1937
BarlingHenery born about 1907
BarlingJack born about 1933
BarlingLucy born about 1909
BarlingMargie born about 1939
BartholomewMarie born about 1909
BartholomewRuth born about 1937
BartlettBuns born about 1913
BartlettJohnnie born about 1931
BaysterAmos born about 1925
BaysterBillie Jameborn about 1936
BaysterDan born about 1930
BaysterEmma Janeborn about 1902
BaysterEugene born about 1920
BaysterLouis born about 1888
BaysterLouis Wealeyborn about 1922
BaysterOrval Leeborn about 1933
BaysterOtis Jamesborn about 1919
BaysterRaymond born about 1939
BaysterWalter Thomasborn about 1928
BeamCathrean born about 1926
BeamElizabeth born about 1864
BeamGerald born about 1928
BeamHilton Dborn about 1936
BeamMargrete born about 1933
BeamNillie born about 1902
BeamPatricia born about 1925
BeamPearl born about 1925
BeamRay born about 1895
BeauchampVirginia born about 1920
BlairEluin born about 1928
BlairJoe Annborn about 1937
BlairLetha born about 1919
BlairLuther born about 1916
BooksAddie born about 1897
BooksLulu born about 1872
BooksRay born about 1898
BordenCarroll Rborn about 1938
BordenJohn born about 1886
BordenJohn Dayleborn about 1927
BordenRosa Belleborn about 1887
BordenRoseo born about 1912
BordenRosevella born about 1934
BordenVernon born about 1908
BordenWanda Ruthborn about 1931
BowdenJ Wborn about 1931
BowdenKenneth born about 1926
BowdenMae born about 1898
BowdenVirginia born about 1930
BowdenW Aborn about 1893
BridgesBetty Lueborn about 1927
BridgesBillie Joeborn about 1930
BridgesBobbie born about 1935
BridgesCarl born about 1924
BridgesCharley born about 1925
BridgesFrank born about 1916
BridgesHarry Louissborn about 1939
BridgesJoan born about 1920
BridgesMary Francesborn about 1933
BridgesVictora born about 1891
BrooksBetty Janeborn about 1939
BrooksEldon Leeborn about 1928
BrooksEmma born about 1901
BrooksEuch born about 1920
BrooksHerman born about 1919
BrooksJames Rborn about 1922
BrooksRaymond born about 1900
BrooksWilliam Eugeneborn about 1925
BrookshireClayd Dborn about 1924
BrookshireDeloma born about 1915
BrookshireEd born about 1886
BrookshireFrankie Edwardborn about 1927
BrookshireMargrete Olaborn about 1930
BrookshireMary Ellanborn about 1920
BrookshireMinnie born about 1891
BrookshireOpie Fayborn about 1923
BrookshireRuby born about 1933
BrownGoben born about 1924
BrownLucille born about 1910
BrownWill H Hborn about 1879
BurnsAda Leeborn about 1929
BurnsJohn Cborn about 1877
BurnsOrinca born about 1895
BurshHerman born about 1918
BurshLillie born about 1886
BurshMorris born about 1924
BurshSherman born about 1918
BurshWinfred born about 1927
BushLizzie born about 1877
BushOwen born about 1909
BushS Jborn about 1866
ByrdAmon born about 1919
ByrdAndrew Jacksonborn about 1938
ByrdEulyn born about 1930
ByrdFaye born about 1926
ByrdJ Aborn about 1894
ByrdJohnie born about 1932
ByrdLetha Jeanborn about 1939
ByrdLeuern born about 1933
ByrdMae born about 1900
ByrdOtto born about 1917
ByrdRuby Leeborn about 1923
ByrdSirah born about 1935
ByrdSylvia born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwllJennie born about 1895
CaldwllLeo born about 1892
CantwellBillie Jimborn about 1930
CantwellClifford born about 1904
CantwellDale born about 1928
CantwellNola Jinnieborn about 1931
CantwellVirgina born about 1909
CappsJess born about 1874
CarterAllen born about 1892
CarterVirgina born about 1896
CarterWilliam born about 1920
CateElmer born about 1919
CateGrover born about 1886
CateMary born about 1899
CatesDavid born about 1922
CatesLuddaller born about 1925
CatesSarah born about 1934
ChapmanClair born about 1917
ChapmanEldon born about 1917
ChasteainEthel born about 1872
ChasteainHenry born about 1872
ChildressAuther born about 1937
ChildressBetty Sueborn about 1938
ChildressDaneal born about 1927
ChildressDavid Louisborn about 1939
ChildressDellar born about 1939
ChildressDeloris born about 1932
ChildressElizabeth born about 1936
ChildressEmly born about 1930
ChildressEthel born about 1918
ChildressEula Cborn about 1923
ChildressFaye born about 1921
ChildressFrankie Dborn about 1939
ChildressHarrel born about 1931
ChildressJ Dborn about 1891
ChildressJohnnie born about 1929
ChildressJohnnie Williamborn about 1932
ChildressLellie born about 1896
ChildressLeo born about 1915
ChildressLouis born about 1922
ChildressLoyd born about 1919
ChildressLoyd Geneborn about 1939
ChildressMary born about 1926
ChildressOllie born about 1918
ChildressOra Mayborn about 1928
ChildressPatsy Lueborn about 1936
ChildressPaul born about 1923
ChildressRebecca Pearlborn about 1922
ChildressRena born about 1924
ChildressW Rborn about 1890
ClarkAlbert born about 1889
ClarkAlbert Jr born about 1926
ClarkBessie born about 1900
ClarkCarl Raymondborn about 1934
ClarkGoldie Maeborn about 1931
ClarkIrma Jineborn about 1936
ClarkJ Eborn about 1882
ClarkLillian born about 1900
ClarkMary Janeborn about 1939
ClarkRuby Leoborn about 1933
ClarkSherley born about 1938
ClayJames Eborn about 1905
ClayJames Herbertborn about 1927
ClayPauline born about 1906
CombisAlbert Hborn about 1868
CombsDorris born about 1930
CombsGeorgia born about 1899
CombsNorma born about 1923
CombsRay born about 1896
CombsRay Jr born about 1918
CretrickAmelia born about 1933
CretrickAnna born about 1927
CretrickElla Maeborn about 1940
CretrickJackob born about 1879
CretrickJohn born about 1925
CretrickMary born about 1914
CretrickMary born about 1919
CretrickMildred born about 1932
CretrickWillie born about 1931
CrowseyA Hborn about 1884
CrowseyCarl born about 1920
CrowseyLee born about 1887
CrowseyLornine born about 1920
CrowseyRay born about 1914
CrowseyRuby born about 1923
CurdAlvina born about 1906
CurdGernard born about 1916
CurdWillam Eugeneborn about 1939

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D Surnames

DackerArrie born about 1910
DackerArud born about 1933
DackerBlanche born about 1913
DackerTheodora born about 1936
DalandBen born about 1900
DalandCharles born about 1929
DalandLonie born about 1938
DalandMonroe born about 1856
DalandWillie born about 1901
DaltonNamone born about 1919
DaltonWhitman born about 1915
DancisClent born about 1911
DancisCorine born about 1938
DancisJewell born about 1928
DancisKatty born about 1916
DancisMay born about 1924
DancisNellie born about 1888
DancisOla born about 1909
DancisRoy born about 1918
DancisSue born about 1936
DancisVivin born about 1932
DanilesB Jborn about 1930
DanilesBeatrice born about 1919
DanilesBillie Rayborn about 1927
DanilesCharles born about 1917
DanilesClarence born about 1915
DanilesDorthy born about 1925
DanilesJames born about 1878
DanilesJaunita born about 1922
DanilesJohnnie born about 1921
DanilesKathryn born about
DanilesMargrete born about 1892
DanilesMary Cborn about 1939
DanilesWill Cborn about 1891
DauisJessie born about 1876
Decker born about 1922
DeckerJohnnie born about 1919
DecroceAlphonse born about 1882
DecroceLucas born about 1880
DeleplankBobbie Frankborn about 1939
DeleplankFrank born about 1910
DeleplankPearl born about 1920
DeleplankVerginia Pearborn about 1938
DemeterAlice born about 1915
DemeterCarl born about 1913
DemeterDorothy born about 1935
DemeterJames born about 1937
DickerBob born about 1886
DickerLisel born about 1916
DickerMatilda born about 1888
DickerMerriel born about 1927
DimeDorthy born about 1934
DimeIrene born about 1909
DimeMargie born about 1937
DimeToney born about 1905
DolanClayton born about 1921
DolanDorthy Annborn about 1923
DolanEsther born about 1913
DolanEsther Maeborn about 1939
DolanLuther born about 1910
DolanTommie born about 1935
DouglassAbbie born about 1897
DouglassJ Rborn about 1885
DouglassLucy born about 1928
DouglassMary Ellenborn about 1922
DouglassNell born about 1900
DouglassW Bborn about 1881
DunnA Mborn about 1901
DunnDanielle Juneborn about 1929
DunnPauline born about 1906
DunnRichard Wborn about 1926
DunnRobert Leeborn about 1925

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E Surnames

EuansEtta born about 1875

F Surnames

FarrEarl born about 1884
FarrEd born about 1880
FarrEva born about 1872
FarrMargret born about 1884
FarrRhoda Hamptonborn about 1874
FranklinAlex born about 1889
FranklinCharley born about 1881
FranklinEdgar born about 1877
FranklinFay born about 1894
FranklinMary born about 1883
FranklinRaymond Joeborn about 1920
FranklinSaddie born about 1879
FranklinVirgina born about 1927
FreedmanEtta born about 1877
FreedmanMarion born about 1896
FreemanAnna Ruthborn about 1933
FreemanBirdie born about 1906
FreemanJackie Bertborn about 1940
FreemanKaty born about 1913
FreemanLouise born about 1929
FreemanWillie Earlborn about 1936
FulghamAllice born about 1908
FulghamC Bborn about 1902
FulghamEula born about 1908
FulghamJackie Dborn about 1939
FulghamJane born about 1939
FulghamPhil born about 1937
FulghamReo Rborn about 1911
FulghamRonevna Lborn about 1920
FulghamRose Maryborn about 1938
FulghamStella born about 1876
FulghamUlice born about 1906

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G Surnames

GannNora born about 1888
GardnerAmma born about 1881
GardnerCharley born about 1937
GardnerMorris born about 1906
GardnerRobert born about 1918
GardnerSanford born about 1921
GardnerSybyl born about 1920
GardnerWilliam born about 1871
GarmanCharles born about 1902
GarmanFern born about 1907
GarmanKalsey born about 1935
GarmanRonald born about 1939
GattisImogene born about 1936
GattisJohn Dayleborn about 1938
GattisNemona born about 1933
GattisRay Lborn about 1895
GattisVernia born about 1914
GattisVirgal Daudeborn about 1939
GayskiHazel born about 1900
GayskiJoe born about 1889
GayskiJoe Jr born about 1930
GayskiMary born about 1925
GayskiNamoni born about 1927
GerenE Tborn about 1875
GerenFreda born about 1875
GerenRoss born about 1897
GerenRoss Jr born about 1924
GerenThelma born about 1899
GibbsBetty born about 1926
GibbsBobby Joeborn about 1930
GibbsClaud born about 1903
GibbsClaud Jr born about 1924
GibbsDealiha Annborn about 1939
GibbsDempsey born about 1914
GibbsDenver born about 1920
GibbsEdward Leeborn about 1928
GibbsG B Jrborn about 1924
GibbsGarland born about 1891
GibbsGeorgia born about 1893
GibbsGlende Fayeborn about 1934
GibbsGrace born about 1914
GibbsJohn Tomborn about 1929
GibbsKenneth Fayborn about 1935
GibbsLinda Lueborn about 1939
GibbsLucile born about 1908
GibbsMark born about 1915
GibbsMollie Fborn about 1873
GibbsOpeal born about 1917
GibbsRaymon Kborn about 1937
GibbsW Fborn about 1871
GishBessie born about 1922
GishEmogene born about 1933
GishFrank born about 1920
GishGladys born about 1923
GishJerry born about 1915
GishJoe born about 1892
GishLilliam born about 1927
GishMary born about 1894
GishMary born about 1918
GishPaul born about 1930
GishPlas born about 1926
GreenElmer born about 1893
GreenGeorge born about 1918
GreenJaff born about 1883
GreenJames born about 1914
GreenKathrene born about 1894
GreenStaton born about 1923
GreeneBillie born about 1922
GreeneSahara Bellborn about 1904
GreeneW Eborn about 1903
GriggDavid born about 1938
GriggGeorge born about 1866
GrigsbyMallie born about 1886
GrigsbyOpel born about 1924
GrigsbyVulice born about 1919
GrigsbyWillam born about 1873
GrisolanoLonie born about 1886
GuyAuther born about 1901
GuyBetty Eborn about 1931
GuyHoward born about 1898
GuyPearl born about 1911
GuySue Cborn about 1935

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H Surnames

HaleyBillie born about 1937
HaleyFk Jr born about 1932
HaleyFrank born about 1883
HaleyJim Larmeborn about 1935
HaleyMattie born about 1908
HaleyRuby Maeborn about 1931
HanksGirtie born about 1895
HanksLee born about 1934
HanksRobert born about 1870
HarmonCharles born about 1931
HarmonDoyle born about 1934
HarmonGeardine born about 1927
HarmonNoma born about 1924
HawthorneAnna born about 1904
HawthorneAnnie born about 1903
HawthorneBillie born about 1940
HawthorneBillie Leeborn about 1939
HawthorneDorris Marrieborn about 1938
HawthorneGrace born about 1899
HawthorneHester born about 1901
HawthorneJack born about 1930
HawthorneJimmie born about 1935
HawthorneMargie born about 1926
HawthorneMargie Laborn about 1925
HawthorneMartha Mborn about 1919
HawthorneNelson born about 1926
HawthornePhinos born about 1922
HawthorneRichard born about 1881
HawthorneRichard Allenborn about 1935
HawthorneRoy Leeborn about 1931
HawthorneSarah Aborn about 1937
HawthorneSigsby born about 1899
HawthorneTalmage born about 1923
HawthorneWillam Heneryborn about 1924
HawthorneWilliam Lborn about 1917
HensonBulah born about 1896
HensonEvenora born about 1926
HensonHarold born about 1931
HensonHerbert born about 1927
HensonJames Lborn about 1896
HensonRose Mborn about 1921
HodgeIda born about 1876
HollandAgnes born about 1911
HollandDale born about 1937
HollandEarnest born about 1912
HollandElla born about 1880
HollandFelix born about 1910
HollandHester born about 1908
HollandIra born about 1904
HollandJohn born about 1878
HollandJohn Jr born about 1914
HollandMargie born about 1922
HollandMelvin born about 1916
HollandNancy born about 1857
HollandRuby Leeborn about 1929
HollandThea born about 1917
HollandVirginia born about 1937
HollawayMary born about 1903
HooperAnna Maeborn about 1929
HooperBattie Fayborn about 1935
HooperBillie Rayborn about 1935
HooperCordia ???born about 1907
HooperDaine born about 1928
HooperMary Cborn about 1889
HopkinsClifford born about 1923
HoukAndrew born about 1924
HoukFlorence born about 1902
HoukLouis born about 1892
HowardBillie Joeborn about 1933
HowardClarence born about 1923
HowardEarl born about 1938
HowardEthel born about 1893
HowardEvell born about 1920
HowardFredie born about 1927
HowardJohn born about 1936
HowardLenard born about 1918
HowardLuah born about 1925
HowardLuther born about 1915
HowardRaymond born about 1916
HowardVermell born about 1922
HowardWilma born about 1922
HowardWo born about 1888

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I Surnames

IngramA Iborn about 1876
IngramJosephine born about 1883
IngramRalwley born about 1924
IngramWilma born about 1921
IsbellJohn Lborn about 1894
IsbellNora Ethealborn about 1884
IsrealEdman Rayborn about 1937
IsrealHazel born about 1912
IsrealWilliam Mborn about 1940

J Surnames

JanewayDan Wborn about 1896
JanewayDanl born about 1935
JanewayEarnstine born about 1925
JanewayLois Francesborn about 1932
JanewayMarvin Mborn about 1939
JanewayMyrtle Bborn about 1906
JanewayPablene born about 1929
JeffcoatBillie Juneborn about 1935
JeffcoatLida born about 1916
JeffcoatRobert Leeborn about 1934
JeffcoatSherley Francesborn about 1939
JeffcoatWillie born about 1914
JohnsonMaggie born about 1903
JohnsonOliver Jr born about 1929
JohnsonWilma born about 1924
JonesBessie born about 1876
JonesBorbie Marieborn about 1936
JonesFern born about 1915
JonesJackob born about 1860
JonesJim born about 1874
JonesMarvin Rayborn about 1932
JonesOpeal born about 1938
JonesPaul Edwardborn about 1934
JonesWilliam Jimmysborn about 1898

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K Surnames

KerhlikarFrances born about 1888
KerhlikarThomas Johnnieborn about 1923
KerhlikarTomas born about 1881
KrzisnikFrank born about 1870
KyeDonald born about 1940
KyeGladys born about 1913
KyeHenery Wborn about 1936
KyeSallie born about 1937
KyeSinclair born about 1912

L Surnames

LambAnnie born about 1875
LambTom born about 1865
LawAster born about 1902
LawJim born about 1883
LaweryAnnie born about 1908
LaweryDelton Emryborn about 1903
LaweryLonney born about 1878
LejongBillie born about 1910
LejongElla Maeborn about 1929
LejongEmile born about 1901
LejongEmile Leeborn about 1939
LeonardB Fborn about 1927
LeonardElla born about 1913
LeonardH Hborn about 1899
LeonardJoe Annborn about 1931
LeonardJune born about 1929
LeonardR Aborn about 1938
LeonardWanda Fayborn about 1937
LindsayAnnie born about 1890
LindsayRobt born about 1883
LindsayRuby born about 1923
LogiJessie born about 1872
LogiLouis born about 1916
LogiTony born about 1871
LongBule born about 1915
LongDale born about 1934
LongEarl born about 1912
LongH Mborn about 1876
LongJewell born about 1911
LongJoise born about 1896
LongLouis born about 1907
LongPatricia born about 1939
LottAnna born about 1911
LottBen born about 1883
LoueEffie born about 1891
LoueJames Uborn about 1891
LoueJames Wborn about 1921
LoueJohn born about 1923
LoueJunita born about 1920
LoueMary Ellenborn about 1930
LouePaul Edwardborn about 1933
LoueThelma born about 1918
LoueThomas born about 1927
LoueWilliam born about 1925
LunaBernice born about 1917
LunaRoy Geneborn about 1937
LunaW Eborn about 1916
LunaWanda Maeborn about 1935

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M Surnames

ManningAddie born about 1893
ManningEd born about 1894
ManningLucile born about 1925
MarphewBetty Ruthborn about 1937
MarphewJoe born about 1890
MarphewJoe Edwardborn about 1935
MarphewLenar born about 1928
MarphewRosa born about 1895
MarphewSephrona born about 1926
MartinBessa born about 1888
MartinJohn born about 1876
MartinJohn Heneryborn about 1928
MartindaleL Wborn about 1890
MartindaleOlivia born about 1917
MartindaleRay born about 1917
MaserBonnie Leeborn about 1924
MaserE Cborn about 1878
MaserFred Elmerborn about 1917
MaserThema born about 1927
MaserVern born about 1911
MaserViola Marthaborn about 1921
MaserWinnie born about 1882
MathisFannie born about 1876
MatildeAlbino born about 1902
MatullJohn born about 1877
MaxewellRosa Lborn about 1861
McClainCatherine born about 1930
McClainHarley born about 1901
McClainJessie Leeborn about 1922
McClainLennie born about 1901
McClainRonald born about 1925
McClainRuby Loiseborn about 1935
McMurtreyRoger born about 1894
MeltonAlice born about 1883
MeltonM Aborn about 1880
MicklDoris born about 1923
MicklEtta born about 1908
MicklGewindolyn born about 1939
MicklRoberta born about 1926
MicklRuth born about 1931
MicklSam born about 1894
MicklViola born about 1929
MickleAnn Maryborn about 1937
MickleBertis born about 1915
MickleCarolyn born about 1938
MickleCatherine born about 1940
MickleDennis born about 1935
MickleJimmie Cborn about 1888
MickleVirginia Aborn about 1914
MillerCharlie born about 1877
MillerFrank Eborn about 1879
MillerSarah Annborn about 1928
MillerVerna born about 1889
MintonSona born about 1887
MintonTom born about 1855
MitchelRobert born about 1921
MizellDamon born about 1906
MizellDan born about 1910
MizellHarrel Wborn about 1929
MizellHazel born about 1905
MizellJames born about 1874
MizellJimmie born about 1919
MizellKenneth Dborn about 1932
MizellLucy born about 1877
MizellS Jborn about 1877
MizellSarah born about 1908
MizellSullie born about 1885
MorganBobbie Geneborn about 1939
MorganCatheren born about 1919
MorganIrene born about 1921
MorganJackie born about 1926
MorganLemul born about 1915
MorganO Jborn about 1921
MorganPearl born about 1899
MorganTom born about 1893
MorrisCharles born about 1925
MorrisEarl Heneryborn about 1932
MorrisJennie Maeborn about 1929
MorrisMargie born about 1926
MorrisRay Geneborn about 1927
MorrisVern Dborn about 1930

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N Surnames

NeedhamDavie born about 1932
NeedhamDonia Sueborn about 1940
NeedhamFrank born about 1917
NeedhamFrank Hborn about 1885
NeedhamGoldia born about 1917
NeedhamJwila Geanborn about 1939
NeedhamMae born about 1909
NeedhamMargie born about 1930
NeedhamRichard born about 1909
NeighboursDorthy Jeanborn about 1932
NeighboursErnest born about 1890
NeighboursErnest Jr born about 1922
NeighboursJessie born about 1889
NeighboursLauon born about 1930
NeighboursLeon born about 1930
NeighboursMildred born about 1926
NewmanAllen born about 1890
NewmanBessie Jborn about 1929
NewmanChas Wborn about 1895
NewmanEnnloe born about 1925
NewmanJim Edborn about 1933
NewmanJune Mborn about 1936
NewmanMary Annborn about 1902
NewmanPerry Oborn about 1892
NicksFrances born about 1854
NiselyBillie Harrellborn about 1927
NiselyEddie born about 1934
NiselyHomer born about 1903
NiselyIla born about 1906
NiselyWanda Leeborn about 1930
NudhamVivian Eborn about 1890
NudhamW Hborn about 1881
NylBetty born about 1928
NylGeorgia born about 1926
NylLezzie Bellborn about 1933
NylPauline born about 1923
NylWilliam Tborn about 1883
NylWillie Aborn about 1892

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O Surnames

OwensOllie born about 1894
OwensRuthie born about 1918

P Surnames

PageAnita Cborn about 1933
PageClyde Vborn about 1916
PageJoe Wborn about 1889
PageJoe Jr born about 1923
PageLarl Edwardborn about 1929
PageMary Louiseborn about 1894
PearsonElla born about 1873
PeersonClaud born about 1897
PeersonJo Annborn about 1926
PeersonLena born about 1906
PeersonWilliam born about 1924
PokeyJoe born about 1880
PoseyAthel born about 1914
PoseyCharles born about 1933
PoseyClarence born about 1907
PoseyElcie born about 1912
PoseyImogene born about 1931
PoseyIsaac born about 1879
PoseyJ Cborn about 1929
PoseyMary born about 1912
PoseyOliver born about 1915
PowellLance born about 1930
PowellTommie born about 1924
PowllBill born about 1907
PowllBillie Geoborn about 1932
PowllMartha Annborn about 1936
PowllNellie born about 1908
PryarElizabeth born about 1915
PryarElla Lborn about 1939
PryarFredrick Gborn about 1870
PryarHarman Aborn about 1898
PryarPaul born about 1913
PryarRuth born about 1937
PryarSarah Eborn about 1875
PryerBeulh born about 1912
PryerBobbie Georgeborn about 1936
PryerNorman born about 1909
PryerNorman Eugeneborn about 1932

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R Surnames

RadliffLuther born about 1892
RadliffMarie born about 1889
RadliffUrlal born about 1917
RainwaterBessie born about 1897
RainwaterRoy born about 1892
RandleyMary born about 1882
RashelFlora born about 1910
RashelHarrell Waneborn about 1938
RashelPaggie Sueborn about 1931
RavnikarAnton born about 1884
RavnikarMary born about 1889
RavnikarMildred born about 1930
RawClarence born about 1884
RawMaxine born about 1925
RawMerle born about 1918
RawNadin born about 1922
RawRose born about 1887
ReadHattie Pborn about 1888
ReederDan born about 1869
ReederNannie born about 1877
ReichartEd born about 1878
ReichartEma born about 1882
ReidArtie born about 1908
ReidBill born about 1908
ReidGrace Francisborn about 1935
ReidJessie Cborn about 1931
ResingerJohn born about 1907
RestineCharley born about 1901
RestineChas Eborn about 1865
RestineLorne born about 1907
RestineSophie born about 1874
RichisonGaloris Jeanborn about 1936
RichisonJessie Leeborn about 1914
RichisonJoe born about 1915
RichisonJoe Annborn about 1935
RichisonRonald Rayborn about 1939
RobertsClaud born about 1880
RobertsFred born about 1922
RobertsGeo born about 1908
RobertsGlen born about 1928
RobertsHazel born about 1910
RobertsNora born about 1881
RobertsNora Ellaborn about 1935
RobertsPatrescia born about 1934
RobertsRuth born about 1928
RonkJessie Mborn about 1893
RonkM Wborn about 1881
RoyeAlta born about 1898
RoyeBetty Lueborn about 1930
RoyeCharles born about 1925
RoyeDollie born about 1926
RoyeDouglas born about 1893
RoyeHarrel Douglasborn about 1938
RoyeMary Annborn about 1939
RoyeRobert Leeborn about 1932
RyeLane Laborn about 1863
RyeTom born about 1883

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S Surnames

SandersRobert Leeborn about 1927
ShiplettJohn Jborn about 1900
ShiplettQuah born about 1907
ShiplettSylvia Leeborn about 1927
SmithA Lborn about 1905
SmithDollie born about 1918
SmithElsia born about 1876
SmithGerald born about 1933
SmithJohnnie Joeborn about 1929
SmithKathern born about 1909
SmithKennith born about 1918
SmithLouis born about 1916
SmithMary Kborn about 1936
SmithMelion born about 1926
SmithNillie born about 1907
SmithRandall born about 1931
SmithShirley Juneborn about 1939
StemetzAnnie born about 1900
StemetzThesia born about 1873
StockdaleArdithe born about 1929
StockdaleBilly Geoborn about 1931
StockdaleCarl Ewardborn about 1939
StockdaleGeo born about 1890
StockdaleJimmie Jamesborn about 1933
StockdaleThelma born about 1910

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T Surnames

TaberoFrank born about 1881
ThreetAnna born about 1908
ThreetClarence born about 1907
TregoC W Headborn about 1891
TregoViola born about 1886
TroberF Wborn about 1867
TrutCarl born about 1923

V Surnames

VancelAlbert born about 1894
VancelAnna Maeborn about 1913
VandermillionAndrey born about 1933
VandermillionBessie Jeanborn about 1930
VandermillionClouis born about 1900
VandermillionLucila born about 1909
VandermillionRichard born about 1925
VandermillionStella born about 1904
VandermillionZeda born about 1907
VeazeyJack born about 1916
VeazeyLucille born about 1917
VincentAnna born about 1936
VincentElmer born about 1931
VincentLucile born about 1933
VincentMayo Jr born about 1939
VincentMays born about 1906
VincentMildred born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WallaceBulah born about 1919
WallaceG Wborn about 1901
WallaceJames Willamborn about 1939
WallisHarve born about 1884
WallisStella born about 1895
WeaverClay born about 1878
WeirH Eborn about 1891
WeirJ P Mrsborn about 1862
WeirLourence born about 1920
WeirMitchell born about 1896
WeirMyrtle born about 1884
WeirMyrtle born about 1886
WeirOlive born about 1916
WerschkyCarl born about 1930
WerschkyGeorge born about 1932
WerschkyH Bborn about 1893
WerschkyMarie born about 1927
WerschkyMartha born about 1909
WerschkyMary Annborn about 1929
WerschkyT Cborn about 1865
WhiteAlice Mborn about 1928
WhiteArn born about 1925
WhiteJoe born about 1923
WhiteKate born about 1894
WhiteL Hborn about 1892
WhiteMary born about 1920
WhiteNorman Deanborn about 1931
WillhiteMary Francesborn about 1939
WillhiteOllie born about 1923
WillhitePerry Leeborn about 1917
WilliamsClaud born about 1913
WilliamsEdward born about 1936
WilliamsGeorge born about 1919
WilliamsGeorge Eborn about 1935
WilliamsJohn Bborn about 1913
WilliamsJohn B Jrborn about 1933
WilliamsRoy born about 1922
WilliamsRuby born about 1920
WilliamsViolet born about 1915
WilliamsonEmma born about 1923
WilliamsonFrances born about 1924
WilliamsonMae born about 1885
WilliamsonPaul Mildredborn about 1913
WillieDorthy born about 1927
WillieNorman born about 1922
WillieVirgie born about 1888
WillittIra born about 1918
WillittSusie born about 1920
WintersBettie born about 1934
WintersEunice born about 1904
WintersJ Cborn about 1938
WintersJohn born about 1903
WintersOrnia Bborn about 1931
WintersPaul born about 1923
WiseHellen Loisborn about 1920
WiseLillian born about 1897
WiseMargrete born about 1921
WiseVander born about 1889
WrightBlanch born about 1889
WrightCharles Eborn about 1926
WrightCharley born about 1885
WrightMary born about 1884
WrightOlen Lborn about 1923
WrightWalter born about 1880
WrightWalter Hborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YadonChas born about 1877
YadonClemmie born about 1880

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