1940 U.S. Federal Census of Martin in Conway County, Conway, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Conway County > 1940 Census of Martin in Conway County

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AngelaSr M born about 1891
AshcraftAleen born about 1917
AshcraftDonald born about 1936
AshcraftHerman born about 1914

B Surnames

BarnesDovie born about 1913
BarnesLeo born about 1911
BeckFrank Jr born about 1912
BrownJean Raymondborn about 1938
BrownMargetta born about 1918
BrownW Aborn about 1917
BrownW Hborn about 1937

C Surnames

ChalkEmma born about 1905
ChalkJ Cborn about 1936
ChalkRobert born about 1904
ChalkTruda born about 1932
CharlesBessie Kborn about 1897
CoxJ Dborn about 1918

D Surnames

DandridgeGracie born about 1890
DandridgeH Bborn about 1878
DavisDaniel born about 1939
DavisGarland born about 1905
DavisSally born about 1938
DavisWillie Maeborn about 1911
DechartalSr M born about 1892
DensmanE Aborn about 1870
DensmanHomer born about 1898
DensmanJ Eborn about 1858
DewallBilly Joeborn about 1936
DewallJohnny born about 1938
DewallMaxina born about 1934
DurbinDeaha born about 1893
DurbinHarold born about 1929
DurbinHenry born about 1920
DurbinWghie born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwardsA Lborn about 1893
EdwardsAnna born about 1902
EdwardsRichard born about 1925
EdwardsRuby born about 1927

F Surnames

FaulknerEnloe born about 1893
FaulknerEzra born about 1923
FaulknerIda born about 1894
FaulknerInez born about 1929
FaulknerJohny born about 1920
FaulknerOllis born about 1918
FaulknerOrbra born about 1924
FaulknerThelma born about 1931
FaulknerTressa Leeborn about 1933
FaulknerWilma born about 1926
FisherAlbert born about 1920
FisherC Dborn about 1860
FisherEdd born about 1905
FisherElla born about 1884
FisherGeorge born about 1917
FisherGus born about 1912
FisherJohn born about 1907
FosherD Bborn about 1913
FosherDoyle Burgusborn about 1939
FosherErvin born about 1922
FosherFrances born about 1935
FosherHazel born about 1917
FosherRaymond born about 1927
FosherRintha born about 1896
FosherS Aborn about 1888
FudgeA Jborn about 1881
FudgeAlta born about 1907
FudgeAndrew born about 1918
FudgeClarence born about 1927
FudgeFannie born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GootsponerAlbert born about 1911
GootsponerEddie born about 1939
GootsponerHarold born about 1937
GootsponerJosephine born about 1916
GootsponerRita born about 1936
GreenEdna Maeborn about 1910
GreenFlois Lawrenceborn about 1935
GreenHazel Marieborn about 1934
GreenJohn Edwardborn about 1939
GreenO Eborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallettAlma born about 1897
HallettBilly born about 1927
HallettBoyd born about 1896
HallettNorman born about 1930
HayneBetty born about 1871
HayneW Mborn about 1876
HaynesAnnie born about 1933
HaynesEssie born about 1908
HaynesImo born about 1925
HaynesRuby born about 1937
HaynesWilliam Lborn about 1929
HaynesWillie born about 1901
HaynesWillie Jr born about 1939
HendrixCassie born about 1912
HendrixElla Maeborn about 1929
HendrixMarie born about 1931
HendrixNoma Faeborn about 1933
HensleyAnna Maeborn about 1928
HensleyDewille Roiceborn about 1937
HensleyHelen Louiseborn about 1938
HensleyMary Nellborn about 1931
HensleyMyrtle born about 1901
HensleyNorma Marieborn about 1924
HensleyR Nborn about 1901
HensleyRay born about 1929
HoganEdna born about 1925
HoganLizzie born about 1903
HoganMat born about 1899
HoganNina Maeborn about 1929
HopkinsBertha Gladysborn about 1904
HopkinsBilly Earlborn about 1927
HopkinsCecil Earnestborn about 1925
HopkinsVerlon Leonborn about 1937
HopkinsW Hborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonJames Edwardborn about 1939
JacksonNorvin born about 1931
JacksonOpal born about 1913
JacksonOscar born about 1904
JonesJeff born about 1904
JonesNellie born about 1878
JonesRalph born about 1928
JonesW Tborn about 1861

K Surnames

KaufmanEsther Leeborn about 1921
KaufmanLawson born about 1918
KirbyJennie born about 1899

L Surnames

LagersClarence born about 1920
LagersLuther Rayborn about 1938
LagersMarie born about 1920
LatimerEarl born about 1923
LatimerJohn born about 1882
LatimerLinda born about 1896
LehmCarl born about 1926
LehmElbertine born about 1901
LehmFrank born about 1899
LehmPaul born about 1920
LewisBilly Thomasborn about 1936
LewisGeorgia born about 1913
LewisThomas born about 1912
LewisWilliam born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MahaffeyArley Jeanborn about 1933
MahaffeyBen born about 1925
MahaffeyBoda born about 1929
MahaffeyElizabeth born about 1923
MahaffeyLucy born about 1927
MahaffeyZona born about 1905
MainBarbaria born about 1932
MangesEarl born about 1913
MangesEarlene born about 1935
MangesMary Aliceborn about 1940
MangesPauline born about 1919
ManningBertha born about 1902
ManningBuford born about 1922
ManningH Cborn about 1896
ManningJohn Robertborn about 1934
ManningLovett born about 1929
ManusJesse Catherineborn about 1922
ManusLoren Elmerborn about 1909
ManusNancy Louiseborn about 1939
MartinBettie Sueborn about 1934
MartinGertie born about 1903
MartinJohn Bborn about 1899
MartinLillian born about 1931
MartinLillie born about 1929
MartinLinnie born about 1927
MartinOrva born about 1936
MastersonsAnnie born about 1895
MastersonsArchie born about 1921
MastersonsBilly born about 1930
MastersonsEarnest born about 1918
MastersonsEdna born about 1916
MastersonsFlossie born about 1927
MastersonsW Mborn about 1885
MitchellAlice Wardborn about 1922
MitchellInez born about 1900
MitchellMary Leeborn about 1925
MitchellShelby Hborn about 1900
MooreBetty Reaborn about 1934
MooreBilly Jeraldborn about 1939
MooreBonnie Daleborn about 1936
MooreBud born about 1871
MooreKenneth born about 1909
MooreLeona born about 1916
MorganKenneth born about 1926
MorganLela born about 1916
MorganO Vborn about 1914
MorganOla born about 1895
MorganTheral born about 1935
MorganW Vborn about 1895
MorganYanvon born about 1939
MorrisonJeanette born about 1937
MorrisonLillie born about 1900
MorrisonMelvin born about 1935
MouseLarence born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NagelAnna born about 1893
NagelAnna Marieborn about 1922
NagelIsabel born about 1931
NagelMargaret born about 1919
NagelNick born about 1881
NagelRose Maryborn about 1925
NicholsAlma born about 1904
NicholsBilly Carlborn about 1936
NicholsHarold born about 1931
NicholsImogene born about 1929
NicholsJames Clarkborn about 1902
NicholsMarie born about 1926
NicholsMary Sueborn about 1937

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P Surnames

PattonI Aborn about 1870
PayneBessie born about 1912
PayneEdd born about 1921
PayneJohn born about 1907

R Surnames

RehmsFred born about 1929
RehmsMargaret born about 1906
RehmsPauline born about 1926
RiceFrances born about 1910
RiceJohn born about 1915

S Surnames

ScrogginAnnie born about 1900
ScrogginJ Kborn about 1897
ScrogginJ K Jrborn about 1921
ScrogginMary Bettyborn about 1923
ScrogginMile born about 1924
SharpD Aborn about 1913
SharpEdith born about 1930
SharpElizabeth Annborn about 1934
SharpEunice born about 1913
SharpFlora born about 1910
SharpJuildean born about 1936
SharpLetha Maeborn about 1921
SharpMary Catherineborn about 1939
SharpMelvin born about 1929
SharpNoah born about 1919
SharpSiblue born about 1937
SharpTravis born about 1930
SharpWilliam born about 1940
SharpWillie born about 1905
SkinnerCecil Aliceborn about 1879
SkinnerJ Cborn about 1876
SmithGoldie born about 1912
SmithJoe Lborn about 1902
SmithJoe Vivianborn about 1939
SmithLula Maeborn about 1936
SpenceAda born about 1895
SpenceHarold born about 1931
SpenceHenry born about 1890
SpenceJuanita born about 1921
SpenceNorman born about 1917
SrynceWillie Maeborn about 1922
StokesDelois born about 1920
StokesDoyce born about 1935
StokesFloyd born about 1928
StokesIna Veeborn about 1925
StokesJ Pborn about 1898
StokesLoyd born about 1928
StokesLydia born about 1900
SummersAgnes born about 1910
SummersBernice born about 1939
SummersJoe born about 1905
SummersJoel born about 1936
SummersVernice born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TreadwellFloyd born about 1920
TreadwellGladys born about 1923
TylerCharlie born about 1888

V Surnames

VanAdrian born about 1916
VanChristina born about 1900
VanEliza born about 1914
VanMarion Lenaborn about 1874
VenableElenor born about 1934
VenableEmmett Lborn about 1889
VenableIrene born about 1929
VenableMarie born about 1926
VenableNancy born about 1898
VintEdward born about 1925
VintLoyd born about 1921
VintMattie born about 1899
VintV Eborn about 1899
VintViolet born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WindhamBetty Aliceborn about 1930
WindhamFlola Maeborn about 1924
WindhamGerald born about 1937
WindhamIda born about 1876
WindhamJerald born about 1920
WindhamJunior born about 1928
WindhamOlin born about 1910
WindhamP Rborn about 1878
WindhamRuth born about 1911
WindhamW Kborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungBetty born about 1898
YoungFaye born about 1926
YoungIssac born about 1892
YoungLogan born about 1922

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